Who is in demand in the labor market. What profession to choose so that it remains in demand in the future

School graduates choosing a direction vocational training, you need to take into account not only your own preferences, but also trends in the labor market in Russia. Rating agencies and research centers publish statistics annually. It contains information about what specialties are in demand and allow you to receive a high income. To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the list, which presents the most promising professions in 2018.

List of in-demand specialties in 2018

Skilled worker

In Russia, the number of people with higher education increased in 2018. At the same time, large cities, including Moscow, are experiencing a shortage of workers. Locksmiths, electricians, construction workers - all of these specialists have good career opportunities and receive high wages. The state is interested in representatives of the younger generation entering technical schools and colleges.

IT specialist

Modern technology is one of the most dynamically developing areas. It is no coincidence that the rating, which presents the professions in demand in 2018, includes programmers and system administrators.

A promising direction is the web development industry. This market offers good opportunities for professional growth. Employees of large web design companies receive decent wages.

The main advantage of the IT sphere is the ability to work remotely. A programmer can be employed in an organization and additionally engage in projects privately via the Internet.


This specialty requires a solid theoretical background and extensive practice. Experienced lawyers make good money. They also great opportunities in terms of employment. Employees who know very well legislative framework and those with practical experience in conducting civil and criminal cases are needed in all organizations. Employers, in turn, are ready to pay decently for their work.

Law graduates get a job as police officers. The specialty can also be included in the list, where the highest paid professions in Russia are indicated. The state is reforming the internal affairs bodies and encouraging workers in this area by raising wages and providing profitable terms labor.


The flow of applicants to pedagogical universities has recently diminished. Many people mistakenly believe that a teacher is not a prestigious profession with a low salary level. but career growth depends solely on a person's abilities, his motivation, professional competencies and the desire for development. Schools are interested in qualified teachers who will help children master the general education program at a decent level.


The demand for narrow-profile physicians is constantly growing. Dietetics, ophthalmology, speech therapy - all of these topical areas have recently been very popular with clients. Government agencies and private clinics are constantly opening vacancies and looking for employees. For those who are going to connect their lives with medicine, the best option in 2018 in terms of income is dentistry.


In a market economy, the role of the sale of goods and services increases, the number of producers increases and competition between them intensifies. Companies strive to stand out, and an important condition for this is competent product promotion. Job responsibilities marketer suggest forecasting demand, organizing advertising campaign, tracking the level of sales, working with product display and distribution.

Personnel specialist

HR manager is a promising and the right profession... Companies are constantly on the lookout for new staff, and this work is performed by a HR specialist. A mandatory skill for him is the ability to identify people among candidates who are suitable for vacant post... For an HR manager, experience is important: theoretical knowledge is ineffective without the practice of interviewing.

Beauty Industry Specialist

It is not necessary to get a higher education to master the most popular professions. Make-up artist, hairdresser, nail technician - all these specialists start working after completing short-term courses. The popularity of such services is explained by the fact that, despite the economic crisis, people strive to look good.

A vocational school or courses will be an excellent option for school graduates who could not enter a university, and there is no opportunity to study for a fee. Working in the beauty industry creates high income and opportunities for growth. Leading stylists begin their careers as ordinary craftsmen, and then become the owners of their own salons.


The planet's environment is poor. Humanity is concerned about the need to preserve flora and fauna, so the need for ecologists has grown. They are studying the climate, flora and fauna in Russia 2018. Ecologists propose measures to protect the environment. The profession can hardly be called highly paid, so it does not enjoy much success among university entrants.


Most of the school graduates apply to the humanities faculties of the institute. This is largely why there is a shortage of specialists with technical training in Russia. Their main advantage is that learning is easy. Engineering students have more workload, much more serious requirements, however, the income after graduation is higher.

The highest paying professions require serious training. Studying at a university is more difficult than enrolling in it. The passing score for engineering is lower than for economics, and the number of applicants is less.


Globalization processes penetrate into all spheres of activity and remote regions. The company concludes international contracts, cooperates with foreign partners. Many organizations use the services of translators. Linguists participate in negotiations, conduct business correspondence, translate documents.

Before choosing a specialty, young people should familiarize themselves with the list of professions most in demand in 2018. It is necessary to consider not only the current trends in the labor market, but also take into account the long-term forecasts of analysts. In the next few years, the demand for specialists with technical education will increase.

However, the applicant must think for himself what final choice to make when going to enter the university. A specialty may be in demand, but a person may not like it. In this case, it is difficult to achieve much success. Fast career growth is observed among those specialists who love their work, are ready to acquire new skills and constantly improve.

High-level professionals are in demand in all companies. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of a specialty, get an education or study courses, and then practice theoretical knowledge in practice.

Despite the fact that the unemployment rate in Russia has slightly decreased over the past few years, large-scale optimizations in the state and industrial sectors create prerequisites for an increase in the indicator. Therefore, the question: what professions in 2018 will be most in demand now is relevant. Graduates of schools who choose their specialty study the ratings especially scrupulously.

Ministry of Labor statistics

Those for whom formal employment is important, the payment of all compensations and the provision of benefits prescribed by law should pay attention to the statistics of state employment centers. Depending on the region, the first places may change, but in general, the list of specialties with the largest number of open vacancies is rather monotonous and will not undergo significant changes in 2018.

Most of all in Russia in 2018 is lacking:

  • builders;
  • drivers;
  • doctors of various fields;
  • teachers;
  • engineers
  • qualified locksmiths and mechanics.

Most often, employers are looking for unskilled workers: security guards, lifters, cleaners, watchmen. That is, if desired, even people who do not have a specialty can earn money.

But still, the most demanded professions in 2018 require graduation from an institute, or at least a technical school. You can safely get a doctor's or teacher's diploma, since these areas will allow you to receive a stable (albeit small) income for many years.

Advice! If it is not possible to graduate from the institute, then you can get a specialized secondary education. The labor market lacks nurses and builders with a specific specialization (roofers, fitters, concrete workers).

It should be borne in mind that trends in the labor market are constantly changing. The popularity of certain specialties can suddenly increase and just as quickly, in 3-5 years, lose its relevance. Before making a decision, we advise you to analyze not only the labor market, but also the general trends in the development of the economy.

What specialists will be in demand according to the largest job aggregators?

Due to the fact that state-owned enterprises mostly do not use private sites to find employees, and private employers are less likely to post vacancies for low-skilled workers, the unofficial list of in-demand professions in 2018 is slightly different.

The following categories are leading in terms of the number of open vacancies:

  1. Sales (requires sales managers, distributors and sales representatives);
  2. IT-technologies (enterprises are especially in need of programmers);
  3. Accounting and accounting (looking for both simple accountants and financial analysts).

Recruiters note the high demand for engineers and technologists. And technical specialists are required in literally all areas: from Agriculture and ending with pharmaceuticals. The builders also got into the rating. But if through employment centers they are looking for workers for construction, then on the sites, requests for management personnel prevail. Employers are looking for managers with a construction profession.

As for blue-collar occupations, on the sites you can find current vacancies with a level wages ten times higher than the supply of state employment centers. The fact is that employers put forward high demands on job seekers. To earn 60-70 thousand rubles (as opposed to 15-20 thousand offered by state-owned enterprises), an ordinary worker must find an approach to customers, independently communicate with suppliers and contractors, and be able to read drawings. And this is not counting the practical skills of working with specialized tools and equipment.

What professions are recognized as the highest paid in 2018?

No matter how popular the specialty of builders is, everyone knows that the biggest money can be earned in other areas. The highest paid professions are concentrated in the IT industry. Reading the list, you need to take into account that the proposed fixed salaries are indicated, otherwise, sales managers would be in the lead (with a small rate, employers promise stunning percentages from each transaction).

IT specialist

Dozens of new devices developed domestically will enter the Russian market in 2018. In connection with the rejection of foreign experience, employers are already actively looking for their own, "full-time" programmers. Key skills: JavaScript, CSS, JMS, and XML, will allow you to receive 80-100 thousand rubles a month. But the ability to develop multi-threaded and highload applications, independently analyze and correct mistakes (yours and others'), coordinate a team of specialists will bring you up to 300,000 rubles a month.


Despite the fact that the market is already oversaturated with representatives of legal specialties, the level of the offered salary does not decrease from year to year. Jurisprudence offers hundreds of career options: from an ordinary legal adviser to a representative in international courts. The final salary level depends on the geographical location of the employer, the experience of the applicant, and even the presence of connections. Chief lawyers and heads of departments dealing with legal issues... The formula is simple: the larger the corporation, the higher the salary. In Moscow, the average monthly salary of a senior executive can reach 300,000 rubles.


Previously, the work of a cook belonged to the category of work directions and was poorly paid. But along with the development of the leisure and entertainment industry, I had to admit that the cook is a promising profession. In order to take the position of a chef in a prestigious restaurant and receive 200-250 thousand rubles, in addition to cooking gourmet cuisine, you need to be able to:

  • to establish and support the normal work of the team;
  • calculate the cost of dishes:
  • develop technological maps;
  • control the quality of dishes;
  • work with customer complaints.

Besides the high pay, nice bonus such a profession is the ability to eat right at work, as well as constantly improve their qualifications at the expense of the employer.

Aircraft commander

The demand for this profession is not too high. There are many more flight school graduates than vacancies. To become an aircraft commander and earn about 250,000 rubles, you have to graduate from a university, spend about 10 years flying 3000-4000 hours and get all the necessary permits, certificates and certificates. The advantage of the profession is the opportunity to see literally the whole world. And if you wish, you can try to find a job outside of Russia, with a minimum wage of 400-450 thousand rubles.


The highest paid design professionals work in the oil and gas industry. Despite the precipitous drop in oil prices, the demand for people with design skills is projected to rise in 2018. Heads of design departments earn the most (about 200,000 rubles). At the start of their careers, graduates of technical universities are offered 40-50 thousand rubles. Moreover, most orders can be fulfilled at home.

It should be remembered that highly paid professions in Russia are not always the most in demand. When entering a university, it is better to be guided by your own preferences and interests.

A lot of people use their higher education degrees for other purposes: at best, instead of a mouse pad or coffee holder, at worst, they leave them collecting dust on the shelves. The reason for this is simple - the professions for which they were trained have become unclaimed in the labor market. The constant development of the surrounding world has led to the emergence of new professions in 2018. Young economists, managers, lawyers, psychologists do not find work in their specialty.

This article highlights the professions in demand in 2018 - 2025, it will help you navigate the choice of a specialty before graduation and admission to a university. You will be able to understand which subjects to pay more attention to, what to study additionally to facilitate mastering future profession and get decent pay.

In-demand professions 2018

When choosing a specialty, you need to pay attention not only to the most demanded professions of 2018, but also to your inclinations to their components. Study the demand for all professions and their future prospects.

Especially current professions In 2018, workers remain - a seller, a loader, a driver, a builder, a cook, etc. Studying or acquiring skills for this specialty is guaranteed to help you find a job in the future.

Professions in Russia 2018

Each country needs different workers. Tourism destinations need entertainment workers hospitality etc. The professions in demand in 2018 in Russia are electricians, plumbers, drivers, welders, auxiliary workers, salesmen, workers of communication centers.

The main professions, which professions are in demand in 2018, are associated with manual labor. To apply for such vacancies, a diploma is not needed - there are enough skills and abilities.

Wizard for installing windows, setting up the Internet, painters, tile pavers, agricultural workers will quickly find a job.

Highly paid professions 2018

We present to you the top professions of 2018 according to employers:

  • IT workers - developers of ICOs, applications and sites, web designers, engineers who are proficient in 3D modeling, and others. Technologies are part of our world, those who can supplement or customize them will always be in demand in the labor market. So far, there is nothing that could diminish the popularity of this profession.
  • Sales agents or distributors. As they say, who invented - to the one dollar, who made - to 10, who sold - to 100. You can look for direct suppliers and sell through the Internet or a store with a profit for yourself.
  • Marketers - the main task of such specialists is psychological impact on the subconscious of people in order to create an incentive to buy. A good marketer can save a bad idea or product. Skills - the ability to talk with clients, knowledge of psychology, persuasiveness.
  • Engineer - they create three-dimensional projects of future houses, taking into account all communications (water supply, electricity, gas). It is not easy to do this for a one-story private house, let alone projects of apartment buildings. But the salary of engineers starts at $ 1,000 / month.
  • A civil servant is not only officials, ministers, etc. It is also doctors, medical workers, sociologists, ecologists and others. The current economic situation in Russia, the steady aging of the population explain the demand for this profession.
  • Copywriter - a subspecies of the profession "marketer", means writing sales texts, composing slogans, creating logos. In more broad sense copywriters are people who write something for money (articles, comments, answers to questions, descriptions of goods).
  • Translator - the expansion of intercultural ties leads to the demand for this profession. At the same time, the demand for English-speaking specialists is falling. Connoisseurs of Arabic and Chinese languages ​​are more in demand. It is difficult to predict the demand for this profession in the future - applications for instant translation of any languages ​​are already being developed. As soon as they become available to the mass user, the need for translators will disappear by itself.

These are not all the popular professions of 2018 - new ones may appear tomorrow, keep monitoring the labor market.

Professions 2018 for girls

The peculiarity of the search for work by women is that they do not apply for prestigious professions in 2018, the main thing for them is the opportunity social interaction to create a family. Of course, there are girls, programmers, engineers and even builders, but there are very few of them.

For girls, promising professions in 2018 are a nurse, teacher, school psychologist, worker social service, salesman, dentist. These vacancies are most often filled by the fair sex. Often only women have enough patience to work in these areas for a long time. Plus, most of these jobs are flexible, which means more time for yourself or your family.

The desire to receive high wages for their work is perfectly logical for any employee. First of all, the question of who earns how much worries young people who have not yet made the most important decision in their life. Considering that building a career takes an average of ten to fifteen years, one can only imagine what a huge impact on a person's life the choice of specialization has.

When compiling a list of the highest paid professions in Moscow in 2020, it is necessary first of all to determine what kind of salary is considered high. It is known that specialists in the capital earn significantly more than in other cities: at present, the average amount of their monthly remuneration is 85% higher than similar indicators in the country and amounts to more than 71,000 rubles. Moreover, in the provinces, employees in identical positions sometimes receive three times less than their metropolitan colleagues, which fully explains the desire, widespread among young people, to move to Moscow in search of a job with decent pay.

Top manager

The rating of the highest paid professions is traditionally headed by top managers - heads of enterprises and their branches, assistants and deputy managers, heads of departments and other specialists holding positions with high responsibility. They can earn per month:

  • Real estate agency manager - up to RUB 500,000;
  • Director retail network- up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Head of department in an IT company - up to 480,000 rubles;
  • Commercial Director - up to 450,000 rubles;
  • Technical director - from 350,000 rubles;
  • Bank branch director - from 350,000 rubles;
  • Director of pharmaceutical production - up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Regional head at FMCG - up to 270,000 rubles.

The requirements for representatives of these highest-paid professions in Russia are impressive: applicants must have two higher educations (one of them is economics), an MBA degree, work experience of at least ten years, and also know at least one foreign language (preferably English).

Sales Manager

The professional activity of a sales manager is the key to the success of any enterprise, since it is this employee who is engaged in the search and support of buyers, expands customer base company, concludes new cooperation agreements, accepts orders and monitors their execution.

When choosing where to go to work in Moscow, you should know that the sale of certain types of products requires appropriate education. This requirement is especially true for companies selling medical equipment and drugs, industrial equipment, fertilizers and herbicides, banking products.

To get a high-paying job, a sales manager must:

  • Have your own customer base;
  • Have at least three years of work experience;
  • Be able to sell, persuade, overcome objections;
  • Be sociable, responsible, punctual;
  • Have experience in making cold calls and negotiating.

The remuneration of managers is calculated based on the amount of closed transactions, so specialists in Moscow can earn from 70,000 to 575,000 rubles a month.


Nine out of ten people have various dental problems, and therefore a good dentist is never left without work: the time of a qualified specialist is sometimes scheduled for several weeks in advance. However, it is not easy to become a demanded doctor: it is necessary not only to graduate from a specialized university, but also to constantly attend various conferences, study new trends in the field of dentistry, and regularly attend relevant courses.

Where to get a job in Moscow? For professionals who want to receive decent remuneration, there is simply no alternative to private clinics. To qualify for a place in such an institution, a representative of this most sought-after and highly paid profession in the field of medicine must:

  • Have higher specialized education and work experience of at least five years;
  • Possess modern methods of treatment;
  • Know about the latest developments in branch;
  • Have relevant certificates and portfolio of work.

The highest salaries are for orthopedists dealing with dental prosthetics and implantation. A qualified doctor of this specialization can count on 150,000-300,000 rubles a month.

Chief Accountant

Controlling everything cash flows Chief Accountant in fact, he is the second person in any enterprise. He is in charge of accounting for the movement of funds for all belonging to the company legal entities, preparation of final reporting, control over tax and commercial payments, coordination of the work of ordinary employees. A representative of this highest paid profession in Russia in 2020 applying for the position of chief accountant must:
  • Have higher education in economics and work experience of at least five years;
  • Perfectly know tax legislation, by-laws and regulations;
  • Know the rules of paperwork;
  • Be aware of all changes in the Tax Code;
  • Have managerial experience.

When choosing where to go to work in Moscow with a higher education, it should be borne in mind that above all, the work of the chief accountant is rated at industrial and manufacturing enterprises... The average salary of a good specialist in this area is 100,000 rubles, a commercial director - up to 300,000 rubles per month.

IT specialist

The IT market has entered an era of narrow specialization, and today employers are no longer looking for system administrators of a wide profile, but for professionals who understand certain areas of the corporate segment - for example, in information security, database management, platform-specific application development. The tasks of a qualified specialist include design, preparation of technical documentation, introduction of new functions into programs, maintenance and consultation of users.

Where is it better to go to work in Moscow? The best conditions for programmers are offered by foreign developers or domestic firms that carry out orders from foreign partners. To get a place in such a company, a specialist who owns this highly paid profession in Moscow must:

  • Have higher education and work experience in the industry for at least eight years;
  • Know the software platform perfectly;
  • Have experience in the development of project documentation, technical specifications;
  • Be able to implement software systems and support their work;
  • Be able to organize the activities of the team;
  • Know the programming languages ​​required for the implementation of the project;
  • Have relevant international certificates;
  • Know English.

The average salary of an ordinary programmer in Moscow is from 70,000 rubles, the head of an international project is from 250,000 rubles per month.


The profession of a lawyer is extremely popular among young people, and therefore there is currently a certain surplus of unemployed holders of relevant diplomas. However, despite the fact that the offer exceeds the needs of employers, the level of salaries in this area is growing every year: today it is not so simple.

Where is it better to get a job in Moscow? Experienced lawyers are especially valued in construction holdings, banking and manufacturing. A representative of this highest-paid profession in the field of jurisprudence applying for a place in a capital development company must:

  • Have a relevant higher education and work experience of at least seven years;
  • Have experience in corporate and financial law;
  • Know land, administrative, international legislation;
  • Be able to negotiate;
  • Be fluent in English.

Even a novice lawyer in Moscow earns from 70,000 rubles a month, while the remuneration of the head of a department reaches 220,000 rubles.


A company that cannot attract and retain a customer in a highly competitive environment is unlikely to expect success. Therefore, in modern business the work of a marketer is especially appreciated - a specialist who knows how to assess the situation on the market, promote the goods and services of the enterprise, conduct promotions and analyze their effectiveness.

Where to work well in Moscow? The highest salaries are for B2B and FMCG marketers. In addition to positive recommendations and work experience of at least three years, large companies require applicants to:

  • Availability higher education;
  • Ability to analyze the effectiveness of advertising strategies;
  • Experience in conducting negotiations;
  • Experience in promoting goods in foreign markets;
  • Knowledge of English;
  • Knowledge of marketing technologies used on the Internet.

A qualified representative of this interesting profession in Moscow earns up to 120,000 rubles, and the head of the department - up to 200,000 rubles a month.

Logistics Manager

Timely delivery of goods and raw materials is one of the most important conditions for the smooth functioning of enterprises. To quickly solve this problem with minimal losses, a logistics manager must be able to find a suitable transport, check the reliability of the carrier, send goods on a voyage and track them along the way, and control the document flow associated with the transportation process.

The professional requirements of employers for professionals applying for this position include:

  • Activity, ability to work with a large amount of information;
  • Analytical skills;
  • Work experience of at least three years;
  • Skills availability business communication, experience in negotiations;
  • Knowledge of special software for organizing logistics.

The salary of an ordinary specialist in this area is 70,000 rubles, the head of a department - up to 200,000 rubles per month.


Representatives of this highly paid profession are engaged in the assessment and analysis of the financial performance of the enterprise, study various accounting documents for violations of the law, advise management on tax optimization issues. During their work, they have to draw up a lot of reports, ensure effective interaction of the entire team, and conduct various negotiations with customers.

Auditing companies operating in the capital have rather strict requirements for applicants. Thus, the applicant must:

  1. Have a university degree and an auditor's certificate;
  2. Have at least three years of work experience;
  3. Perfectly know tax, civil and labor legislation;
  4. Know IFRS, reporting standards of organizations;
  5. Have experience in preparing and analyzing reports;
  6. Be fluent in English.

The auditor's salary allows this type of activity to be included in the list of the highest paid professions: a qualified specialist in Moscow receives 120,000–150,000 rubles a month.

Purchasing Manager

Rounding out the top 10 highest paid professions are purchasing managers. the main task these specialists - providing companies with material and technical resources. As part of his duties, the procurement manager is obliged to constantly analyze the market for the appearance of new suppliers, changes in prices or delivery conditions, control the warehouse stock of the enterprise, and ensure the timely delivery of ordered goods and raw materials.

In addition to higher or secondary specialized education, young people wishing to work as purchasing managers must:

  1. Have at least two years of work experience;
  2. Be able to establish contacts and conduct negotiations;
  3. Know the specifics of the market;
  4. Understand the legal intricacies of drafting contracts;
  5. Know the specifics of customs legislation and logistics.

As representatives of one of the highest paid professions in Moscow, purchasing managers earn up to 140,000 rubles a month.

High-paying job for men

Employers at the present time are almost not interested in the sex of the applicant, but in some cases the work requires the presence of qualities inherent mainly in the strong half of humanity. What is the highest paid profession suitable for men:

Specialist in the oil and gas industry. Due to its scale and huge profits, this area is considered one of the richest in the country. Accordingly, the work of specialists engaged in the extraction and processing of minerals is also well paid. However, it should be remembered that any profession in the oil and gas industry implies a narrow specialization.

Most often, businesses need:

  • Site foremen - from 150,000 rubles per month;
  • Maintenance personnel of drilling rigs - from 120,000 rubles per month;
  • Engineers and technicians - from 200,000 rubles per month.

Civil aviation pilot. Aircraft management is a risky and extremely demanding job, and therefore pilots are deservedly included in the top 10 highest paid professions in Russia. To become the commander of a modern airliner, earning about 340,000 rubles a month, you need to get a higher education, fly at least 4,000 hours on smaller planes, and obtain many certificates and permits.

Chef. Of course, one should not compare a chef working in an ordinary dining room and a master in charge of a kitchen in a prestigious establishment. The best places are received by specialists who not only constantly improve their skills, but also practice in countries with a rich culinary culture. To receive about 150,000 rubles a month, a representative of this highly paid creative profession must:

  • Organize team work effectively;
  • Develop recipes for dishes and calculate their cost;
  • Create technological maps;
  • Control the quality of products;
  • Deal with customer complaints.

Metallurgist. In terms of profitability, the metallurgical industry is in second place after the oil and gas industry. Of course, the list of professions associated with it is quite wide - some specialists smelt ore, others cast metal into molds, and still others are engaged in the development of alloy formulations. A graduate of a specialized university may well count on a salary of 70,000 rubles, while a foreman with three to five years of experience already receives up to 120,000 rubles a month.

Highly paid jobs for women

By analogy with work for men, one can single out the highest paid professions in Moscow for girls, which imply the presence of such qualities characteristic of the fair sex as attentiveness, empathy, accuracy, and the ability to perform delicate operations:

  1. Human Resources Specialist. Given that specialists rarely work in one place for more than three to five years, it can be assumed that companies are constantly in need of new employees. However, it is not easy for a HR specialist to find a suitable candidate, but also to assess his adequacy, the ability to quickly adapt at the enterprise, and compatibility with the rest of the team. Ordinary HR managers earn on average up to 70,000 rubles, and heads of HR departments - up to 150,000 rubles per month;
  2. Confectioner. There is a lot of creativity in the work of a pastry chef: it is impossible to develop and implement an interesting recipe for a cake, sweets or chocolate based on standard templates. At the same time, the work of the master is well paid: even a specialist without much experience receives about 50,000 rubles a month, while chief technologist confectionery production - at least 100,000 rubles;
  3. Beauty industry worker. Finding out what business is relevant in Moscow, you can pay attention to the active development of the beauty industry: new beauty salons and hairdressing salons are regularly opening in the capital. It is logical to assume that all these establishments need specialists with their own client base. To attract experienced stylists, masters of manicure and visage, the owners of the salons offer them a decent salary - up to 150,000 rubles a month;
  4. PR manager. When listing the high-paying female professions, one cannot fail to mention the public relations manager. In such work, it is very important to build friendly relations with partners, which is best done by girls. However, to earn up to 150,000 rubles a month, you need not only to have connections in the media, but also to be well versed in Internet technologies.

High-paying professions without higher education

Not all of the most paid professions in Russia in 2020 require a higher education: in some cases, job seekers are required to acquire skills that do not require spending five to six years to study at a university. So, without a diploma, they may well find a job:

  1. Waiter in an elite restaurant. Choosing where to go to work in Moscow without experience, you can try your hand at being a waiter in a prestigious restaurant. However, accuracy, quickness and good memory are not enough for a candidate: to earn up to 90 thousand rubles a month, you need to take additional training courses on the rules of etiquette and serving;
  2. Personal driver. At first glance, such work only requires a license and driving experience. However, in reality, the candidate must also be accurate, attentive, punctual and responsible: sometimes a delay of several minutes can disrupt important negotiations and lead to the dismissal of an employee. In Moscow, personal drivers earn up to 80,000 rubles a month. In addition, some employers do not mind the use of a car for part-time work in Moscow for men, which allows workers to receive a fairly significant additional income;
  3. Flight attendant. Of course, such a romantic and interesting profession requires some knowledge and skills, but it is quite possible to get them in special courses. The qualities necessary for applicants are the ability to remain calm, sociable, orderliness, good health and certain physical parameters: for example, Aeroflot does not recruit employees with height over 175 cm and clothing sizes over 48. The salary of a flight attendant in state-owned companies is 80,000 rubles, in private - up to 130,000 rubles per month;
  4. Nanny or housekeeper. Finding out what services are in demand in Moscow, you can see that many owners of the above professions and businessmen do not have time to do household chores, and therefore have to invite housekeepers who are ready to do cooking, washing, cleaning and ironing. The need for nannies is also caused by the constant employment of parents, which interferes with the full-fledged upbringing of the child. Qualified specialists working in this area highly appreciate their services: a governess with education, recommendations and knowledge foreign languages receives up to 120,000 rubles a month.

According to a survey of parents and graduates, the top professions in 2018-2019 have changed significantly. If earlier economic and legal specialties were the most popular, today applicants choose humanitarian sciences... This inaugural campaign has seen a surge in interest in medicine.

The most popular professions for women and men in Russia

The middle of summer is over, which means that the hottest time for applicants is in full swing in Russia - the entrance exams. Thousands of applicants have made their choice of their future profession and this year, according to the survey, the trend has changed. If earlier the overwhelming majority of yesterday's schoolchildren strove to enter economics and law faculties, this year the most popular specialties are in the field of medicine and health care.

This season, lawyers and economists are listed among applicants on a par with programmers and, for the first time in the last quarter of a century, with the military. As for advertising and marketing, the survey has shown that these specialties are the least in demand among applicants.

Important! According to the results of the Unified State Exam-2018, more than 6 thousand students scored 100 points. In 2017, there were 5,062 people.

If we talk about the medical field, then the following areas stand out: dentistry and oncology. In the first case, future students believe that the profession will be in demand at any time, and at the same time, dental treatment has always been well paid. As for oncology, here applicants see the opportunity to develop not only as specialists, but also to search for new methods of treating diseases, which, of course, can lead to a certain breakthrough in the field.

The least demanded specialties are political scientists, priests, sociologists, advertisers and marketers. Also, according to the Public Opinion Foundation, about 12% of respondents attributed the profession of police officers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB to the anti-rating. About five percent are lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

Well, the list of the most in-demand professions is headed by:

  • medicine - 20%;
  • military service - 14%;
  • financial sector and banking services - 10%;
  • sports professions, Ministry of Emergency Situations - 9%.

Also recently, the trend of differentiation of specialties by gender has changed. Today, professions are not chosen according to the principle “for women” or “for men”, since both a girl and a young man, as well as a demanded surgeon, can become a successful rescuer.

Rating: 10 most demanded professions

While there is a surge of interest in health care professions across the country as a whole, the priorities for a single university are completely different. So, at the St. Petersburg State University, there is a recorded demand for creative specialties. According to the press service of the university, the growth was 13.5% compared to last year. More than one and a half thousand applications were submitted for 62 budget places, thus the competition amounted to 26.4 people per place.

The most popular specialties at St. Petersburg State University in 2018

Also in the top of the increased interest of applicants included the following directions: "Environment Design", "Restoration" and "Film and Television Designer".

Also, applicants are advised to familiarize themselves with the list of the best universities in the country, compiled by the RAEX agency (Expert RA). The rating was compiled taking into account statistical data, for example, the 10 most demanded professions, as well as on the basis of surveys of respondents: students and graduates, employers, representatives of scientific and academic circles.

Traditionally, the top three include MIPT and MEPhI. This is followed by: Higher School of Economics, Tomsk Polytechnic, MGIMO, MSTU im. Bauman, St. Petersburg Polytechnic and others.