What is a demanded profession. Actual professions. Smart Measuring Systems Tester

UAV stands for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. These devices - drones - carry enormous potential, and we are going to use them in all spheres of life, from military to household. Mark Zuckerberg, for example, wants to transmit the Internet using drones, and some online stores are testing the delivery of goods by air. Be that as it may, the profession of a UAV operator is becoming more and more in demand. So, if you know how to perfectly manage such a device, prepare a resume.

3D printed clothing designer

If earlier it was called a "fashion experiment", today we already normally perceive clothes printed on a 3D printer. She has appeared on all the catwalks from Milan to New York, and jewelry created in this way has become commonplace for fashionistas. The more accessible technology becomes, the more needed are designers who can work with 3D printers.

Augmented Reality Architect

Virtual and augmented reality are terms used by filmmakers, video game creators, medical professionals, and psychotherapists. An augmented reality architect essentially builds new world full of possibilities and emotions. This profession will become in demand very soon, because augmented and virtual reality technologies are used not only for entertainment, but also for treating people.

Personal analyst of indicators

Every day we count everything we can. The number of calories, steps taken, liters of water drunk. We get information about our own health: heart rate, sleep quality, activity phases ... It's still not enough. It is important not only to know the indicators, but also to understand what they mean. To do this, you need a personal analyst - a person who can interpret the data received and build an individual plan for maintaining a healthy lifestyle for you. And judging by how popular fitness trackers and smartwatches are, all of us will soon need such a specialist.

Smart city planner

It's time for architects to start working on taking into account the development of smart technologies when planning a city, to implement them directly into buildings, streets and parking lots. Accordingly, the infrastructure of the city should be created. More and more vacancies with this name appear on the leading job search sites, which means that this world needs city planners of a radically new level.

Smart Measuring Systems Tester

As our apartments are becoming smart, we need a new measurement system that ties together digital technologies and housing and communal services. So, it is necessary to combine the work of the corresponding devices and, for example, water supply, and for this you need to teach them to "communicate". In England, such a measuring system has already been created and presented this fall.

Smart Network Architect

Smart networks are a concept that is becoming more and more popular with architects. The idea is to combine the most efficient resources, modern eco-technologies and scientific knowledge to create clean green cities. A person equally versed in engineering and city design will be able to take the place of a smart grid architect.

Database Architect

The data analysis process is changing. The amount of information required for normal operation has become much, much larger. Therefore, those who can interpret and organize large-scale data sets will become one of the most demanded workers.

Alternative Currency Specialist

Bankers may start to worry: their services will soon be less in demand than they are now. Perhaps for some time the dollar rate will interest us more than anything else. But that won't last long as alternative currencies like bitcoin are becoming more powerful. An appropriate specialist would help to understand fluctuations, learn to predict the course behavior and, most importantly, make a profit with the help of alternative money. And his services are becoming more and more needed.

E-commerce managers

Increasingly, retail stores are leaving their premises and completely switching over to working online. There is a reason for this: the variety of sales platforms and the incredible number of tools to attract customers outperform traditional business methods. These stores need an expert and manager who can adequately manage their online business. And although this niche was not taken seriously before, today it has become clear to everyone: the future belongs to e-commerce.

One has only to guess about what awaits humanity in the future. But futurists in their forecasts assume what lies ahead and which professions will be the most in demand, and which ones will disappear into oblivion. Professions of the future - in this article.

What professions will be in demand in the future?

First of all, technical, because humanity is on the verge of the era of robots and electronic devices that help with the household and control cars are no longer surprising. The demanded professions of the future are also social specializations. Working with people will continue to be one of the leading. Humanity's striving for beauty will open up great prospects for designers, and the ability to create masterpieces on 3D printers will improve this direction.

Professions of the future in the field of IT

Information technology related to the operation of computers is ahead of the rest. All kinds of programmers, system administrators and webmasters have the opportunity to do what they love without leaving home, and their services are incredibly popular. The IT professions of the future are:

  1. Neural interface designer... This person develops programs to control computers. With the help of a special neuro-helmet, you can move the character in online games.
  2. Smart environments cyber tech... This specialist works with the lower levels of the information infrastructure, ensuring the security of the segments attached to these levels.

Professions of the future - nanotechnology

Developments in this area have been going on for more than one year and talk about immortality is no longer perceived as a fairy tale, but is becoming a reality. Science and professions of the future are inextricably linked, and in order to keep up with rapidly developing technologies, you will have to change 8-10 specialties in your life. The professions of the future include:

  1. Nanotechnologist... He is engaged in the study of materials at the molecular and atomic level, developing and creating electronic circuits and robots the size of an elementary particle.
  2. Feature Selection Consultant... Currently, it is already possible to eliminate certain mutations and diseases, and in the future people will be created to order with the necessary traits and abilities.

Robotics is the profession of the future

Electronic devices will replace people where they had to perform routine, repetitive work, often hard and not enjoyable. The professions of the future in this area include:

  1. Home Robot Designer... There will be devices that will take care of the sick, plants in the garden, etc.
  2. The technical professions of the future include and medical robot designer... The hour is not long when the patient will be diagnosed, given recommendations and performed operations by an electronic device.

Professions of the future in agriculture

It is no longer possible to see a plowman plowing in the field or sowers walking behind. All this can be observed only in films of past years, and in the future there will be such specialists as:

  1. GMO agronomist... Despite the controversy over the introduction of biotechnology advances in this sector, the volume of artificial additives used is constantly growing.
  2. City farmer- the profession of the future, because in large cities, where there is practically no free land left, the development of roofs and buildings of skyscrapers as land plots is not so exotic, and farmers will equip and serve agro-industrial farms.

Environmental professions of the future

Due to the increasing needs of people and climate change large enterprises forced to react and look for alternative sources of raw materials. There will be such professions as:

  1. Water footprint manager... He will monitor water consumption in production and look for more efficient production methods.
  2. Ecologist- the profession of the future, because intervention in the natural environment has already led to global negative consequences... A further challenge is to prevent violations of statutory norms.

Biotechnologist - the profession of the present and the future

Breakthroughs in medicine Food Industry and other areas the world owes to biotechnology. The most important result of her activity is cloning, which gives a chance for recovery to many terminally ill people. Professions in demand in the future include:

  1. Living Systems Architect... This specialist will plan, design and create closed-loop technologies using genetically modified microorganisms. It is difficult to overestimate his work in autonomous cities, because he will create a project for an urban farm, having thought out both the sources of resources and methods of waste disposal.
  2. Biotechnologist- the profession of the future, because such a specialist develops the composition of drugs and dietary supplements, introduces new equipment and technologies, improves the existing ones.
  3. Bioethics... This specialist will monitor compliance with the legal and ethical framework for medical, bioengineering and diagnostic centers providing transplantation and genetic modeling services.

Economic professions of the future

Reorganizations are also expected in the field of finance. With the proliferation of alternative currencies, innovative professions of the future will emerge, including:

  1. Trend watcher... They will be modern strategic analysts who calculate possible risks and threats, study political, economic and social trends and, on the basis of these data, build a company's development strategy.
  2. Crowdfunding specialist... Professions of the future related to economics include this. Such people develop projects that require money or resources to implement, and put them on crowdfunding platforms. In the future, they supervise their activities, advise investors on financing this kind of company.
  3. Financial engineer... An ordinary financier will develop programs using advanced technologies and devices.

What professions will appear in the future?

The world is getting to know a lot of non-traditional specialists, about whom one could only dream of before. New professions of the future include augmented reality architect. Some of the skills in this area have already been mastered by directors, creators of video games, but new technologies of virtual reality are planned to be used to treat people. In the field of tourism, an architect of territories will appear, creating "information landscapes", taking into account the realities of the region, consumer demands, trends in this industry, etc.

What professions will disappear in the future?

As already mentioned, robots will successfully replace nurses, drivers and concierges. For those who are interested in what professions will soon disappear, it is worth answering that they are journalists, artists, proofreaders and literary editors, because machines will also come in their place. Professions without a future - conductors, miners, turners, carvers and other construction specialties. The teachers will remain, but most likely they will broadcast the lessons online, so that some other guests will be settled in the school buildings.

In the next 10 years, representatives of the following professions will be in demand on the labor market:

1. Engineers- this no longer sounds paradoxical: there is an acute shortage of qualified technicians now. Electrical engineers, process engineers will be required even more in 5-10 years - according to forecasts, in 7-8 years about 70% of engineers will retire, and only 5-10% of the required number of specialists will be replaced.

Interesting in this context is the direction of working with energy-saving technologies - there are very few specialists in this niche, and the demand is growing at a high rate.

2. Medics- demand for nurses and gerontologists is predicted, this is associated with an increase in life expectancy and, consequently, an increase in the number of elderly people. You will also need qualified narrow-profile specialists (ophthalmologists, dentists, allergists), really valuable from a professional point of view, personnel will receive highly paid jobs in medical centers.

3. Hard-to-reach oil production specialist- There are a lot of explored deposits on the planet, but there is a problem in the extraction of "black gold". Oil workers of the future will have to deal with offshore deposits, oil sands and other unusual situations.

4. IT specialists- in the next decade, the Internet and everything connected with it will actively develop. Not only programmers-coders will find a job without problems, but also representatives of a narrow field of activity, for example, SMM specialists (people who promote goods on social networks).

Professions that will be in demand in the next 10 years

5. Risk manager- the economic crisis has shown that significant losses were incurred by companies that were not spent on full-time specialists in assessing problem assets. In other words, people will be required who can analyze the activities of the enterprise and organization and indicate to management high risk certain transactions and operations.

6. Breeders, genetic engineers. The planet's population is growing steadily, more and more food is required. The price will be for professionals who can develop fundamentally new plant varieties that can quickly solve the food problem in developing countries.

7. Urbanists, specialists in the development of new territories - an increase in the number of inhabitants of the world will require the development of new lands, the construction of infrastructure, transport interchanges, etc.

8. Alternative energy development experts- the decreasing proven reserves of oil and gas will push humanity to search for and active use of unconventional energy. Many developments already exist, the problem is how to achieve a high level of efficiency in their use.

Interesting: - about technologies in 10, 100 years.

9. Ecologists- along with the growing population, the number of industrial enterprises and most of them significantly harm the environment. This means that a good ecologist will not be left without work in the coming decades, as caring for the environment will become a priority task for many states.

10. Experts on national and religious conflicts- This exotic profession may gain popularity and government funding due to the increase in the number of confrontations due to religious, national and political views. It is quite possible that entire corporations with state funding will be created, which will be engaged in researching the causes of strife and prepare delegates for constructive resolution of disputes between people.

Continuing the topic: - a survey, real data from readers.

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People, and especially those who are just entering life, have always been interested in the question of which professions will become especially necessary by the time they, after graduating from an educational institution, begin their professional activities. And getting an answer to it in our incredibly dynamically changing world is not at all easy.

To understand what professions are in demand in the next 10 years, the analysis of those trends that have the most significant impact on the labor market will allow. The main one among them is that the size of the share of labor, conventionally called manual, is steadily decreasing, while intellectual is increasing. And this is not contradicted by the fact that the rating of professions for the next 10 years, for example, in our country, includes many so-called blue-collar specialties - the same turners, millers, etc. The fact is that it is rather difficult to call the labor of a person working on a CNC machine manual. So the concept " working profession"is by no means synonymous with the concept of" unskilled labor ".

Professions in demand in the next 10 years

It seems that such professions should be distinguished by certain characteristic features, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • a fairly high degree of intelligence;
  • high level of labor automation;
  • increased specialization at the expense of universalism;
  • the constant need for advanced training and even retraining;
  • great informatization;
  • the need for the constant growth of all professional characteristics of their self-improvement.

Promising professions for the next 10 years

Consider the professions in demand in the next 10 years, the list of areas in which they carry out their activities includes several positions:

  • Professions technical profile: engineers, mechanics, electricians, adjusters, technologists, etc.
  • IT professions: programmers, Internet technologists, system administrators, etc.
  • Biotechnologists, bioengineers, breeders, etc.
  • Architects, builders, designers, infrastructure specialists, etc.
  • Specialists working with minerals, i.e. those who carry out their exploration, production and processing.
  • Professionals from the field of atomic physics: nuclear scientists, nuclear engineers, etc.
  • Specialists in working with such energy sources, which today are commonly called renewable and alternative ones.
  • Professionals working in the field of chemistry and related fields: chemical technologists, biochemists, pharmacists, cosmochemists, etc.
  • Nanotechnologists.
  • Professions related to space, as well as to the world's oceans.

The most promising professions in the next 10 years do not negate the relevance of those that are in demand today.

Topical professions for the next 10 years

It seems that in the coming years, not only will not cease to be relevant, but will also increase the degree of their demand for such professions as:

  • Doctors for whom the rapid development of all types of technologies provides everything from year to year great opportunities, however, while requiring constant professional development and self-improvement. The most important reason for the relevance of this profession in the future is the serious health problems of people noted all over the world: the appearance of previously unknown diseases, an increase in the degree of psycho-emotional stress, a decrease in the quality of nutrition, various wars and conflicts, etc.
  • Teachers, the significance of their profession should finally be understood by our state, as it happened long ago in the most economically powerful states of the East. At the same time, the role of teachers in society should invariably increase, allowing them to directly influence the choice of vectors of social development.
  • Military professionals, especially those associated with high-tech military equipment, without which no state, except perhaps dwarf ones, can exist. Already, the armed forces have become so high-tech that they require the highest level of specialists.
  • Sports professions: athletes, coaches, sports doctors, managers, etc., as well as specialists related to physical development and a healthy lifestyle. The role of these professionals will also grow in importance, fueled by people's understanding that good health and physical development are the most important factor a fulfilling and successful life.
  • Highly qualified executives. In our country, this is actually a stumbling block, so the state needs to radically change the approach to training such specialists, focusing on both their professional and moral qualities.

Thus, the most demanded professions for the next 10 years will mostly come from our days, but their content can be greatly transformed, become more and more complex and constantly changing. And those who are going to work in these years need to be ready for this.

Perhaps you will be interested.

In recent years, the labor market has undergone global changes, many professions have disappeared. For example, a telephone operator. Remember Vysotsky: “Girl, dear! I ask you to extend it! " Why is Vysotsky there - back in 2000, a telegraph was working on Pushkin Street in Kazan (and not only there, of course), where it was possible even within the city to contact through a telephone operator. Now this profession does not exist, as well as landline telephones in most apartments. What about paging operators? Remember? We dictated our first text messages to them.

Futurologists, specialists in predicting the future, have compiled a list of professions that are living out their days and will disappear in 20 years.

Accountant, estimator

Only highly qualified specialists will remain in demand. Regular accountants will be replaced computer programs accounting and auditing. They still exist, but in the future they will be significantly improved, so even beginners can cope with them. It's the same with estimators: in the next five to seven years, the number of specialists needed will drop sharply. At the same time, their tasks will be reduced to the operational maintenance of intelligent programs and systems that calculate estimates.

Stenographer, transcript

The defense of dissertations in universities or a court hearing is still unthinkable without stenographers. Girls with notebooks (and now more often with laptops) record what is happening in the hall. However, by 2017 this work will be transferred to the computer. Already now, speech recognition programs are widely used, they are being improved every day.

If I had been told 20 years ago that the Internet would be at my fingertips 24 hours a day, I would not have believed it. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether this profession will disappear completely or not. Even the clerks of court sessions began to use audio recordings relatively recently - ten years ago, now they sit with headphones, transcribe, and before that they stenographed them, '' says Natalya Loseva, head of the media relations department of the Supreme Court of Tatarstan.

Copywriter, build editor, journalist, proofreader

These functions will be performed by computer programs. For example, Bloomberg has replaced some of its news staff with a program that writes stock news faster than human journalists. Authors' journalism, close to fiction or cinema, will be able to resist artificial intelligence. It's the same with proofreaders. Even now, ordinary Word is good at checking texts for literacy, and search programs are looking for pictures no worse than a build editor.

We probably hear that journalism is dying recent years hundred. However, this will not happen, because journalism is a hobby, the meaning of life, but by no means a profession in its classical understanding. And the technologies that appear are more likely a blessing for the journalist, because they simplify the process of creating a media product, help to get rid of routine and focus on creating great, good stories, ”says Kirill Shlykov, editor-in-chief of the Sobytiya website (sntat.ru).

Librarians, archivists, document experts

The book will never die, some will argue now. We do not argue, but the profession of a librarian will die out, say futurists. Firstly, the book can now be downloaded on the Internet, and secondly, even if you prefer “paper”, a robot can give it to you. However, at the Kazan State University of Culture and Art, librarians are still trained and do not believe in the disappearance of the profession.

The librarian's activity goes into information sphere... On the one hand, this is a rejection of traditional catalogs in favor of electronic ones. On the other hand, the librarian is now performing social functions- reading promotion, patriotic education. The library becomes not a book depository, but a platform for meetings with writers, artists, scientists, - says Aisylu Abdulkhakova, dean of the faculty information service and media technologies, under which the Department of Library Science, Bibliography and Document Science operates.

Travel agent, loan manager, bank teller

Almost all banking transactions can be performed online, and money can be received from an ATM. Even today, bank employees are needed only to serve people who have not been able to adapt to new technologies. It's the same with travel agents. You can buy a ticket, tickets, book a hotel room on your own. Over time, travel agents will only serve elite customers, where an individual approach is of particular value. Already today, you can apply for a loan online, and in the future, you can instantly receive a bank decision, while the computer will check the computer against databases for the reliability of the client.


Today you can buy medicine online or at a pharmacy without consulting a pharmacist. After 2020, the demand for these specialists will be very low. They will only be needed to provide people with medicine in an emergency or to help people who cannot take care of themselves.

The list of endangered professions is a legal adviser and a notary, because consulting on legal issues can be obtained on the Internet. One person can advise online clients from anywhere in the world, what are hundreds of notary offices for? And you can check documents in databases.

The number of translators will be reduced - only highly qualified specialists dealing with complex or literary translations will remain. There will be no place for museum keepers and guides - they will be replaced by applications that allow you to navigate the area and find out all the necessary information about the object. Watchmen and guards will be replaced electronic systems passes. Oddly enough, system administrators are among the professions unnecessary in the future. Artificial intelligence will be able to eliminate system failures quickly and invisibly to the user. The sysadmins we are accustomed to will be replaced by programs and specialists in their configuration.

Who decided which professions are needed and which are not?

This is not a whim of a dreamer, but the opinion of an expert council. For each industry, representatives of companies and educational institutions and expressed their vision of the future. Based on this, the "Atlas of new professions" and professions that are no longer worth learning were compiled.

If now the leading companies create self-driving cars, it is clear that in the future the taxi driver profession will die. But people will be needed who develop unmanned systems, robots. But this is a long process. For example, in some villages there are still blacksmiths, but the demand for their services is minimal, and it is clear that studying to be a blacksmith is a dubious prospect, ”says Dmitry Sudakov, lead expert of the project for the development of a methodology for forecasting the need for labor, author of the Atlas of New professions ".

According to experts, half of all existing professions are under the threat of "extinction" in the next 20 - 25 years. Even, it would seem, such eternal ones as a lecturer. Well, where without him at the university? But no. Lectures can also be listened to via the Internet; now universities offer many online courses. Only those who have unique knowledge and experience, who are charismatic, know how to communicate with the audience and present information artistically will not lose their jobs.

Computer "things" are becoming the new literacy. A textbook example: 20 years ago it was customary to indicate “knowledge of Microsoft Office” on your resume, and this gave you a huge advantage in finding a job. Now who would think of pointing this out? The implication is that we must understand how the devices work, technological solutions around us. On the one hand, pure humanities will disappear - if you want to have a job, you will master high technologies, as in the 90s everyone rushed to computer literacy courses. On the other hand, pure techies will disappear, because people will need to be able to work in a team, negotiate with specialists from other countries, cultures, and this is already humanitarian skills. But the most important thing is that any person will have to train in themselves creative competencies. If you are able to think creatively, outside the box, then you are one step ahead of the car, - says Dmitry Sudakov.

Who to study for?

See what professions will be in demand in 20 years. Instead of an agronomist - a city farmer, a specialist in equipping agro-industrial farms on the roofs of skyscrapers. Together, a dental technician is a developer of cyber prostheses and implants. Instead of a fashion designer, there is a technologist, a specialist working at the intersection of design and IT, who complements clothes with gadgets. But universities are still living in the present, not the future.

The world is complex, and in the future it will be even more difficult, so there is no magic pill "I will enter the Faculty of Cybernetics, and this will permanently solve my problems." You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly learn, change professions. The most popular thing is to be at the intersection of industries, to have an idea of ​​how, for example, biology and history are combined, to strive for multidisciplinarity, - says the author of the Atlas of New Professions. - The education system is still a conservative clumsy thing and it is very difficult to make changes. Often people think in a formulaic way - they look out the window and see that managers get the most money. As a result, we get an incredible number of managers - we train whoever is required. When people begin to demand the profession of the future, universities will appear that will prepare the profession of the future.

If you are only thinking about what profession to get, futurists advise you to think economically. Not like: "I will learn something, and someone will pay me a salary," but "why should people buy what I do." Well, follow the call of the soul. It is clear that robotics will be the most in demand. But it's better to be a first-class philosopher than a lousy programmer, and there is always something to speculate about.

According to forecasts recruiting agencies in the next 10 - 20 years, professions related to human health and preservation of working capacity will also be in demand: doctors, pharmacists, geneticists, bioengineers, biochemists. There will be a growing demand for specialists dealing with the health and development of children - from reproductive medicine to private education, as well as representatives of professions related to the organization of the urban environment: urbanists, ecologists, architects.

Expert opinion

Natalya Parfenova, head of the press service of the Kazan branch of HeadHunter:

Signs of the disappearance of such professions as the watchman, librarian, lift operator, are indeed observed. So, for example, over the past six months on our portal in Tatarstan not a single job of a watchman has been published. In those areas where automated systems and technological solutions can replace an employee, there is a crowding out of a person. However, the list of futurists also includes such professions that will be in demand for a long time, for example, an accountant, an estimator, a call center operator, a loan specialist and others. There are a lot of such requests from employers in Tatarstan, and companies in these positions still need not robots, but real people. As for new and promising professions, then the bulk of them now appear in the IT field. The development of new technologies, the market of electronic devices, the growing need for knowledge in the field of computer technology, business and analytics, the emergence of new objects for research, for example, virtual worlds, big data, cloud technologies, the emergence of new programming languages, the growing importance of the user as the main consumer of company websites leads to the emergence of new professions in the IT industry. Among them are a specialist in the creation of virtual reality, an engineer for RFID tags, a programmer in the field of quantum computing, a specialist in interaction with robots.