An example of a business plan for the wholesale supply of auto accessories. How to open an auto parts store? How to open a shop with spare parts for commercial vehicles

The auto parts business has high profitability up to 25% and the payback period of the initial investment within 1 year. The number of cars in Russia and the CIS is increasing annually by 10-15%, and the auto parts market is growing accordingly. First of all, the number of foreign cars is increasing. The number of sales of parts through online stores is also growing. In the article, we will analyze how to open an auto parts store from scratch and minimal investment and give an example of a business plan with calculations.

Analysis of the auto parts market in the Russian Federation and the CIS

Subdivide the secondary and primary market of auto parts. The primary market is the sale of parts for the direct production of the car, the secondary market is the sale of parts through services and shops.

In Russia, according to the analytical agency AUTOSTAT, the share of the primary market is 24%, the secondary market is 76%. In the secondary market, auto parts for domestic cars are in the lead... So spare parts for a domestic car make up 58%, and for foreign cars - 42%.

One of the factors in increasing competition in this market is the unification of parts, when the same elements are used for different brands. There are mergers and acquisitions of smaller companies by larger ones. One of the negative market trends is the increase in the number of counterfeit parts (from 30 to 50%). In addition, there is a large share of gray imports of original parts.

According to the marketing agency DISCOVERY Research Group, the share of buyers (aged 20-50) of auto parts through online stores is 15%, while in the UK - 70%. The growth rate of annual sales of auto parts via the Internet is ~ 25%. It does promising development Internet commerce for the Russian Federation and the CIS. The picture below shows the top 10 global automotive component manufacturers.

According to PwC analysis

Advantages and Disadvantages of Auto Parts Business

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of an auto parts store.

Advantages disadvantages
A large number of potential customers, stable growth of cars (foreign cars) in big cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk Complex warehouse and commodity accounting of a large number of small parts. Additional costs for storage facilities
High profit margin on auto parts ensures high profitability A high proportion of defective parts, can lead to high costs and a decrease in the reputation of the store
Minimum initial investment A large number of large stores

How to open an auto parts store: a business plan

Business form

Auto parts store taxation

When an entrepreneur switches to special taxation regimes, all other types of taxes are not paid. To switch to preferential taxation regimes, the annual income of an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 60 million rubles.

Retail sale of auto parts refers to the types of activities covered by UTII (unified tax on imputed income). It should be noted that an individual entrepreneur is obliged to switch to UTII if a law on the use of UTII is adopted in the region. The tax period is a quarter. The declaration by the owner is submitted quarterly by the 20th after the end of the quarter, until the 25th it is paid. The tax rate is 15%. If there are more than 50 employees, then it is necessary to report via the Internet. It should also be noted that if the activity of an entrepreneur also implies a type of activity using the simplified tax system, then he must keep separate records! In case of further expansion of activities and an increase in sales, it will be necessary to become a VAT payer. The reporting form will be - 3 personal income tax.

Store opening stages

First of all, you need:

  • search for contacts of suppliers of the required brand;
  • purchase or rent premises;
  • register as a private entrepreneur;
  • hire workers.

Before opening an auto parts store, it is important to familiarize yourself with some legal issues. It is not necessary to register as a legal entity.

Choosing a place and premises for the store

Site selection is the key to success in this business ... Consider the main aspects of choosing a place and premises:

Supplier selection

Usually auto shops conclude an agreement with two or three large suppliers, mainly with official representatives. The necessary information for finding a dealer is available on the Internet. All vendor-specific reviews should be consulted. In case of frequent complaints about defects or low-quality products of a particular supplier, it is better to look for another. Substandard goods spoil your store's reputation.

After choosing the main suppliers, you should decide on specific products that will allow you to favorably distinguish yourself from your competitors. It can be original high quality accessories or rare oil. Usually the highest markup is on accessories, so this item is worthy of attention. It is important to expand, if possible, the range of auto parts to attract more buyers.

Some suppliers deliver goods free of charge when ordering for a certain amount. This is important for you at first. additional bonus, because transportation costs add 2-5% to the cost of goods. Agree on the possibility of returning defective products, because defects are found even with trusted manufacturers.

Staff recruitment

You need to prepare for the first time to be in the store every day, playing the roles of a purchasing manager and a salesperson. Control and training of new personnel in the standards of your business is necessary. Often a customer, coming to a store with a certain spare part, does not know its purpose and name. The seller must learn to quickly navigate and select either an analogue or the same spare part. Therefore, the staff must be experienced and have a strong desire to work.

With the acquisition of experience, sales personnel are able to resort to various tricks, how to bypass the checkout, using the “left” product. You need to prevent this immediately and decisively. A surveillance camera can help here to keep track of shopping areas, as well as rewarding employees with decent wages, depending on the proceeds received by the store. Create a comfortable working environment to make it more profitable to work honestly. In the event of repeated theft, it is best to fire one or two guilty workers.

Calculation of costs for a shop with an area of ​​50 m²

Before, how to open an auto parts store area of ​​50 m², you need to take into account the following costs:

  1. Documents when applying for legal assistance - 4000-10000 rubles. There is no need to save on this, save your health and time.
  2. Commercial equipment - for 1 m² of the total area, including the warehouse - 1000 rubles. In our case - not less than 50,000 rubles. Possible savings of 20-30% when using used furniture (for example, for a warehouse that is inaccessible to the eye of the visitor).
  3. The initial purchase of goods is at least 2,000,000 rubles.
  4. Repair of the premises - about 50,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising at the opening (flyers, bigboards) - 50,000 rubles.
  6. Sign - 50,000 rubles.

Total 2,210,000 rubles. This is the required starting amount for opening a store.

Let's calculate the required amount of expenses to support the business, regardless of profit:

  1. The salary of employees (4 people) is 80,000 rubles. The amount depends on the region and is taken conditionally.
  2. Premises rental - at least 50,000 rubles. If the premises are in Moscow or in the center of a metropolis, then the amount will increase significantly.
  3. Taxes - 10,000 rubles.
  4. Utility bills - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 160,000 rubles per month.

Calculation of income

The size of the mark-up for accessories is up to 100%, and for expensive spare parts - from 30%, the average mark-up is 50%. Having goods worth 2,000,000 rubles in a 50 m² store in a busy place, you can save more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the income of the auto parts store:

  • Revenue - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Cost price - 660,000 rubles;
  • Monthly expenses - 160,000 rubles;
  • Net profit - 180,000 rubles / month.

So, the profitability of the business is 18% ( net profit / revenue).

We calculate the payback period for long-term investments: we divide 2,210,000 rubles by 180,000 rubles, we get a little more than 12 months.

Due to the low threshold for entering the business and its high profitability, the auto parts market is characterized by very tough competition. Therefore, it is important to choose your own specialized niche, in which you will need to be distinguished by high quality of service. Examples of such niches:

  • right-hand drive Japanese cars (rare parts, you can bring them on order);
  • foreign and domestic trucks (heavy wear due to commercial use);
  • domestic passenger cars (often break down).

The most popular products, regardless of niche:

  • engines;
  • bumper;
  • side doors;
  • brake lights;
  • headlights;
  • side mirrors;
  • hubs;
  • racks;
  • pendants.

To simplify the work of a sales manager, you can use special programs. The manager will have access to information from a single source. Saving his working time will be 30-50 hours per month. The payback period for such a program is 1-2 months. One of the good options for such a program is Auto Business Assistant.

For a motorist, the most valuable qualities in a seller are competence and the ability to help in the selection of the necessary part, to adequately assess its quality. The client will become more loyal with the possibility of returning a defective part. When selling, it is important to give him a guarantee, which is provided by law. It is important to create in the client the feeling that he bought the best at the best price, and in which case the money will be returned to him.

Not the best option is to entice cheap discounts or low prices. This will alienate those clients who believe good things never come cheap. In addition, your credibility, which has accumulated over the years, may suffer.

So, after assessing all the risks and costs, you can start your own interesting but challenging auto parts business. Income will gradually increase over the years if done correctly.

The auto parts trade in Russia is a highly profitable business, the success of which is associated with several factors. The number of car owners is growing from year to year, it is always necessary to keep the "iron horse" in good technical condition, wear and tear of various parts and mechanisms are constantly occurring.

The stable income of the owner of an auto parts store is facilitated by the love of our motorists for their brainchild, which goes beyond all boundaries. They are ready for crazy money to get the necessary parts, if only the "swallow" runs like new and is in no way inferior to the neighbor.

Such observations are pushing many businessmen to the idea of ​​coming to grips with the sale of auto parts. The question immediately arises before them: how to open an auto parts store? What are the nuances to take into account so that the business does not go bankrupt? Let's figure it out.

Where to begin?

Conduct marketing research

Explore the car market in your area

It is important to know the brands of cars that are in demand in a particular city or area. Find out which cars are preferred by the locals: domestic or imported. Research data says: in large cities, premium-class foreign cars prevail, in the provinces the share of imported and domestic cars is practically the same. Among foreign cars, budget options of Chinese and Korean cars, used cars of European manufacturers are in demand.

Assess the solvency of future customers

A metropolis and a provincial town with a population of 150-200 thousand inhabitants, as a rule, have different income levels. Give priority to dynamically developing regions with developed infrastructure and good indicators of growth in gross income per capita.

Estimate the market capacity

It is known that one-fifth of the population of the Russian Federation has their own car. When a town has a population of 150-200 thousand, the number of cars will be about 30 thousand. Given that the population density decreases with distance from the capital, this figure will still be real: the niche is filled by residents of neighboring villages who come to the city for spare parts for their cars. There is where to develop.

Rate your competitors

Take the time to get to know your competitors' stores. Evaluate their location, assortment, niche that each of them occupies in the market, price level and bonus system, if any, facade design, interior, types of advertising they use. Of course, in a large city, this project is quite difficult to implement. But, in medium and small cities, it is possible to carry out a visual inspection of retail outlets in 1-2 days. Autoshop addresses are easy to find on the Web. After analyzing the work of competitors, you will understand what to focus on.

Choosing a location for an auto parts store

In large cities, it is advisable to locate a store in the center, where there are always many owners of expensive foreign cars. Convenient access roads are required.

On the periphery, the options for locating the future trade enterprise are different. If you decide to open a store of auto parts for foreign cars, the central part of the city, where the offices of large companies, banks, government agencies are located, where the public gathers with money, will be a suitable place. The "Red Line" with a dense traffic flow is always attractive for the location of business facilities.

Another option is to create a similar business project on the outskirts, next to which there is a busy highway. Your showcase should be noticed by every motorist passing by. Only in this case will you have clients.

Business plan

After researching the market for a given region, compile detailed business plan to open an auto parts store. Contact an intelligent economist who will develop a detailed business plan based on your opinion and the specifics of a particular city, district or region. If you have at the time of preparation for the opening shopping complex lacks own funds, contact the credit department of the bank. Credit funds without a clear action plan and detailed calculations will not be provided to you.

Important: such a detailed description of the preparatory process is necessary in order for a businessman to take possible risks seriously and to realistically assess the prospects for opening another auto parts store in his chosen region. It is no secret that some businesses are going down. The main reason is neglect of market size research and overconfidence.

Yes, this is a troublesome occupation. Be prepared to work around the clock at first. The better you feel the waters, the better your decisions will be. It's not enough just to say: I want to open an auto parts store. You need to make an effort, show interest - and the costs will pay off.


You conducted a preliminary analysis of the market and decided that there is a free niche. What does the auto parts business promise?

This is a profitable business. The gross margin ratio is between 25% and 75%. What does it mean? After deducting all costs from the proceeds, you still have a decent profit. Having invested about 1.5 million rubles in your business, with a well-organized trade process and a sufficient number of buyers, you can receive up to 300 thousand rubles every month. arrived. The invested funds will pay off in a year.

Are these numbers real? Of course! The trade margin is often 20–100%. Remember how much the parts cost. Their owners spend up to 15 thousand rubles a year on the maintenance of a car. Spare parts make up a significant share of the costs. Multiply 30 thousand motorists in a provincial city by 15 thousand rubles. Get about 400 million. It is possible to grab several million from the total pie.

Preparation of documentation

What documents are needed to open an auto parts store? The package is standard.

Your steps:

  1. Register your business. Get a certificate of state registration legal entity... If you do not plan to carry out large wholesale deliveries of parts and components, (IP).
  2. Get codes from Goskomstat. First of all, "Spare parts".
  3. Contact the tax office and get a certificate for tax registration.
  4. Conclude contracts: on the lease of the selected premises and for garbage collection.
  5. Get an opinion from the fire department that your store complies with fire safety requirements.
  6. Pay for a patent to open an auto parts store.

Financial expenses

The initial capital is at least 1.6 million rubles. Components:

  • payment for the lease of the premises - 40 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • stocks in the warehouse and in the trading floor - 1 million rubles.
  • purchase shop equipment(racks, shelves, showcases), computer equipment, Internet connection, arrangement of premises and its repair - up to 500 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries (two salespeople, accountant). Monthly from 40 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - up to 15 thousand rubles;
  • other costs (advertising, promotions, office supplies, unforeseen expenses) - up to 100 thousand rubles.

The size of the trade margin is set by the owner based on a comparison of this value with competitors. By lowering prices a little, you will increase your sales. The minimum markup is 25%. Sellers often increase the margin to 40-50% or more.

Staff recruitment

Get ready for the fact that at first you will perform the duties of the director, purchasing manager (supplier) yourself. There is a positive point in this. You will not only save on the fund wages, but you will also delve into all the intricacies of the business.

Required state:

  • sales assistant (2 people). Salary level - from 15 thousand rubles. per month. Improves the quality of work and interest in the piece-rate type of remuneration: rate (from 5 thousand rubles) + percentage of sales;
  • accountant. Until the sales volume reaches the planned level, use the services of an invited specialist. Salary - from 5-6 thousand rubles. per month.

Requirements for sellers:

  • knowledge of the entire range of spare parts offered for sale;
  • it is desirable to have your own car so that the consultant can give good advice on replacing parts (if the buyer hesitates when choosing) or offer an alternative;
  • grammatically correct speech. If the seller is well versed in the device of the car, he can advise the client "from and to", then at first you can close your eyes to the vernacular or insufficient knowledge of terminology. But, a specialist who does not want to increase the level of literacy, after a while, will begin to annoy some clients. The culture of speech must be developed without fail.

Auto parts suppliers

Reliable suppliers - a guarantee successful work enterprises. If you have friends who supply auto parts, great. If not, look for supplier addresses on the Internet. Read reviews about them, collect more information.


  • details of supplies;
  • settlement procedure;
  • guarantees;
  • availability of bonuses and discounts.

Where to buy auto parts?

The options are:

  • from intermediaries;
  • directly at the manufacturing plant.

The second option assumes more low prices... At the same time, intermediaries for regular customers establish a system of discounts and offer bonuses for the volume and number of orders. When purchasing large quantities of goods, the benefits can be significant.

  • after studying the market, decide: you will open a company store selling spare parts of one car brand or offer customers parts for cars of various brands;
  • perhaps you will occupy a niche of spare parts for foreign cars or domestic cars, Japanese, European or American cars;
  • dumping is not a bad option. But, don't overdo it with price cuts. Competitors will get angry, and buyers will start to doubt the quality of the supplied products. Better - small discounts, but with every purchase. An accumulative bonus card for regular customers is a rational solution;
  • place information about the store on billboards, banners along the roads so that the eye of the car owner will catch the eye while traveling. Distribute brochures and flyers. Newspaper - not the best way... Over time, reviews from satisfied customers will be your best (and free) ad.
  • do not spare money to buy or rent a car for the delivery of spare parts to the garage or home to the client. Gazelka is an acceptable option. Fast delivery is a definite plus in your piggy bank.
  • ensure the availability of popular, demanded spare parts in the warehouse;
  • organize work according to the catalog;
  • create a website for your store on the Internet. Sales volumes will increase. Remember you will need additional attachments... In this case, fast delivery of goods is an important condition for a positive image of your company.

Consider the guidelines that will help you start an auto parts store from scratch. A competent strategy, perseverance, flair, quick response to fluctuations in demand will help bring your trading company to the list of the best in the region.

Analyzing modern market sales and thinking about where to invest money, you can turn your attention to the business related to auto parts. This project can be successful and bring a good profit if marketing and financial plan... In this article, we will provide a detailed business plan for auto parts, which will show the level of costs for opening, calculation of profitability and payback period.

The relevance of the idea determines the economic crisis, which forced many Russian citizens to repair and repair cars, instead of buying new vehicles.

Relevance of business ideas

The unstable economic situation not only did not affect this type of business, but also largely contributed to its development. Due to the sharply increased exchange rate, many Russians were forced to postpone the decision to buy a new car. Instead, people are more likely to order auto parts for car repairs.

This example of a business plan will help to correctly calculate the costs at the stage of launching a project, form an assortment of goods, choose the appropriate taxation system and select personnel.

Taking this plan as a basis, you can easily implement your own business and open an auto parts store for domestic and foreign cars. To implement the idea, a small room of 40-50 square meters will be enough. It is advisable to locate the store next to a large auto repair shop, service station, car wash, etc. This will ensure the flow of customers.

Having decided to open an auto parts store, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of this project in order to correctly assess the risks and opportunities for business development.

  • High demand. Today, many citizens prefer to repair cars, respectively, the demand for parts for domestic cars or foreign cars is growing.
  • Regular customers. Despite the high competition, the efficiency of order fulfillment and quality will help to create a base of regular customers.
  • High profitability. With a well-built marketing strategy and a professional staff of employees, you can quickly reach payback and good profitability.


Market analysis

This type of business has its own specifics. The project is influenced by many internal and external factors.

Therefore for successful implementation project, it is important to constantly monitor changes in the market, monitor the variety of assortment, monitor prices and range of services of competitors.

It is imperative to take into account not only the assortment, but also the quality of the goods, the efficiency of the productions.

To maintain a competitive position, it is necessary to develop a permanent customer base. Various partnership programs, cooperation with workshops, service stations, car washes, etc. will help with this.

The target audience of this business is ordinary motorists, so it will be important here to focus on the price and range of services.

Given the rather severe competition in this business, it is necessary to carefully consider the marketing strategy of the project, sales channels and customer search.

We must not forget not only about the range of products, but also the quality of service. Sellers should be well versed in the specifics of the product, be sociable and polite.

By developing a list competitive advantages, pay attention to the opening hours of the store. It is advisable to do it before 21-22 hours. For many car enthusiasts, especially in big cities, this time is the only opportunity after work to look for parts for the car.

To expand distribution channels, you need to pay great attention to advertising. Don't rely on word of mouth. This effect, at best, will only work 1-2 years after opening.

Participate in events as sponsors, attend car exhibitions, develop a loyalty program and an affiliate program.

Business plan: step by step guide

To open a business from scratch, you must immediately determine the format and direction. What will the store's activities be specialized on: selling spare parts for domestic cars or foreign cars.

In order to make a decision, it is necessary to perform a thorough analysis of the competitive environment, analyze the city's market and determine which cars are larger.

It is advisable to create a department store, but the purchase of equipment will require considerable investment.

Having chosen the direction of sale to domestic cars, it is important to conclude contracts for direct deliveries from the manufacturer.

Having chosen foreign cars as the basis for sales, make a rating of the most popular cars in your region:

  1. Mitsubishi;
  2. Chevrolet;
  3. Audi;
  4. Toyota;
  5. Suzuki.

For a good start, make a list, make a table that will allow you to analyze and identify the risks, weaknesses and opportunities of the project.

Study the factors of competitiveness according to the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • range of services;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • store location;
  • professionalism of the team;
  • range.

Analyzing financial risks, it is advisable to include in the calculation scheme data on the loan repayment, the funds raised from the investor, if the company was opened not at the expense of its own initial capital.

Organizational plan

A well-written business plan is the key to successful project implementation. The document will become a daily guide and will help you to organize your efforts to achieve success at all stages.

The store's business plan will help to reveal the following questions:

  • market analysis and capacity;
  • the composition of the main competitors;
  • approval of a range of services;
  • planned number of clients;
  • terms of reaching profitability;
  • calculations for labor resources.

Business registration

To open a store selling auto parts, an individual entrepreneur will be enough. Registration of LLC and other forms of legal ownership may require a business related to the sale of spare parts for motor depots or large freight companies. For the implementation of large lots of wholesales, there is a need to open a CJSC or LLC.

To open a store, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • IP registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • medical books employees;
  • permission of the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

To open an LLC, a more complex procedure is required:

  • Payment of 50% of the authorized capital upon registration (at least 10 thousand rubles). In this case, the second part of the capital must be paid during the first year of the project launch.
  • Payment of the state fee in the amount of 6,500 rubles.

As for the type of taxation, many entrepreneurs choose the STS tax of 6% of income for this type of business.

The issue of paperwork also includes the moments of working with personnel. Do not forget that everyone must have medical records. To save time and effort in processing all these documents, you can seek professional help from lawyers.

The minimum area for an auto parts store should be at least 60-70 square meters. At the same time, take into account the transport interchange, parking space and storage facilities (about 10-15 sq. M.).

The ideal location for the store would be a location near car repair shops, garage cooperatives, and car washes.

Analyze the density of the neighborhood and how future shoppers will get to the store. Considering the fact that many customers have their car out of order, it is important to consider having a bus stop nearby.

Purchase of equipment and goods

After you have decided on the premises and performed cosmetic repairs in it, it is time to purchase equipment.

The minimum set, without which it will not be possible to open a store:

  • racks and racks,
  • showcases,
  • checkout counters,
  • terminal for cashless payment;
  • computers, printer;
  • the Internet.

The most important stage in this business is choosing a supplier. Today there are about 5 thousand trade marks on the market, 500 of which work only with wholesale players.

Therefore, it will not be difficult to find a supplier. What criteria should be put forward when searching?

  • price;
  • reputation;
  • delivery time;
  • pickup or delivery by a transport company;
  • terms and conditions of return;
  • the possibility of deferred payment;
  • advising managers on issues of interest.

At the beginning of implementation entrepreneurial activity, stop the choice on 2-3 main suppliers, agree on the supply of goods and conclude an agreement.

In the process of doing business, you will understand who is more profitable for you to work with and will work with 1-2 suppliers. But never stop analyzing the prices of other sellers, studying the competitive environment, looking for better deals.

Successful companies work simultaneously with dozens or even hundreds of suppliers. This approach allows you to reduce risks, minimize delivery times, offering the buyer the widest range of parts and accessories at the best prices.

Depending on the scale and format of the store, the staff will vary in size and composition.

We provide below the minimum set of employees that will allow for a successful start:

  • director;
  • accountant. If the volume of work is small, then you can find a part-time specialist.
  • sales consultants. To increase sales, be sure to consider a motivation program. In addition to salaries, sellers should be interested in sales volumes, so it is advisable to introduce a bonus system.
  • purchasing manager. At small volumes sales, these responsibilities may be assigned to the director.

A qualified customer service manager should be well versed in technology, be familiar with spare parts, the possibility of replacing them with others.

If necessary, he must be able to find the necessary information on the Internet in order to offer the client an alternative.

Marketing plan

By developing marketing plan, it is worth focusing on its main components:

  • An integrated approach to the provision of services.
  • Individual approach to the client.
  • Orientation of work to the middle price segment.

Now it is important to think over in what directions the promotion of services will be implemented.

  1. Creation of your own website.
  2. Promotion of the company through social networks.
  3. Sending commercial offers to companies.
  4. Radio and TV advertising.
  5. Outdoor advertising.
  6. Partnership programs.

If you are planning to open a small shopping pavilion, then perhaps at the first stage there will be quite a bright signboard, a billboard and distribution of leaflets.

With the development of the store, it will be necessary to pay attention to the creation of a loyalty program, the introduction of promotions, bonus programs, etc.

Costs and return on investment

Before you start purchasing equipment and investing in renovating the premises, assess your financial capabilities and analyze all costs.

Even after a complete miscalculation of all costs, experts advise increasing the amount received by 0%, since there are always unforeseen costs during the implementation of the project.

Below we provide an approximate list of costs required to launch a store with an area of ​​50 square meters:

  • registration and execution of all documents - 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 50 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods (first batch) - from 2 million rubles;
  • registration advertising sign- 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 2,195,000 rubles must be invested to open a store.

Fixed costs:

Also, don't forget about the monthly fixed costs:

  • salary (4 people) - from 80 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the approximate calculations, to support the normal functioning of the store, at least 170 thousand rubles are needed per month. regardless of the volume of sales.


As a rule, the mark-up for a product in this group is 30%. For a group of accessories, this mark-up can be 90-100%.

Practice shows that a store with a good location and a set of goods worth 2 million rubles can help out up to 1 million rubles a month.

In this case, the profit forecast will be:

  • revenue - 900,000 rubles;
  • production cost - 600,000 rubles;
  • monthly costs - 160,000 rubles;

Net profit - 140 thousand rubles.

As you can see, you will be able to recoup your initial investment in 1.5 years.

Video. How to open an auto parts store

The number of cars is constantly growing, and this happens regardless of the economic situation. Therefore, auto parts are always needed, and this need grows along with the number of vehicles.

So there is a prospect for this business, especially if our roads will continue to be adapted only for tractors.

Auto parts store: is it profitable

One of the best sources of information is the experience of competitors, albeit potential ones.

Moreover, it is necessary to study it exactly where it is planned to start your own business.

It should be remembered that the personal enterprise itself will be a little further - where the number of car service points is less. This will make it possible not to get lost right away, at the very first stage.

That is, the area of ​​study should be large enough, and the conclusions should be somewhat generalized, with a tendency to formulate patterns.

You can immediately notice that there will be many competitors. This is good for collecting information, but not very good for running a business.

Having more or less decided on the area of ​​the proposed location of the future source of mega-income, the demand market should be studied. You need to see what the assortment is in the available stores, what products are few, which manufacturers are best bought.

In general, this should be dealt with closely, you need to be interested in everything: from suppliers to staff salaries. Particular attention should be paid to ways of promoting their services and advertising campaigns.

When analyzing the experience of already established businessmen, one should also pay attention to how a prosperous or at least just a successful store is located. Surely there is a parking lot or a gas station or garages nearby.

Even if there is no obvious source of buyers, you should try to figure out what kind of contingent mainly buys in the store, perhaps the assortment will help to understand what kind of cars and what kind of people. This is necessary in order to relatively clearly understand exactly where and how to ensure the flow of consumers into your store.

  1. Prices are noticeably lower (because a lot of time was spent looking for suppliers, profitable contracts were concluded with them).
  2. The advertising of the store is delivered at the highest level available at this stage.
    There are billboards wherever there are car enthusiasts: in parking lots, near garages, at gas stations, somewhere near a competitor's point.

    And also in stores, whose products can be of interest to motorists of all levels.
    And on each billboard, on each sticker, there is a detailed indication of how to find the store.

  3. Attractive discounts, accumulative cards (but such that you can really save something), promotions and sales.
  4. Helpful and competent staff.
  5. Convenient not only entrances to the store, but also the approaches.

Every car needs repair and maintenance... Even the best cars periodically fail, in addition, they need to change oil, brake fluid, brake pads and much more.

Most car enthusiasts are constantly improving and modernizing their cars, so the demand for modernized technical parts, advanced audio systems, air conditioning systems, alarms, and video recorders will stop only with the disappearance of the last car.

How much does it cost to open an auto parts store

If you just dryly calculate the costs that a novice entrepreneur will have to incur, then the amount will not be fantastic, no more than 1.5 - 2 million rubles. However, it must be remembered that a stable profit will be only in a year or two, so you must count on a fairly long period of stay in cramped circumstances.

The main costs are as follows:

  1. Premises for rent. (depends on the location of the store)

    It cannot be cheap, since the store must be located in a profitable location.

  2. Repair of the premises.

    The premises itself must be prepared for trade and be sufficiently presentable and attractive.

    In addition, it should provide for the minimum comfort for staff who will be at work all day or even day and night.

  3. Shop equipment, furniture.
  4. Purchase of the spare parts themselves.
  5. Staff salary.
  6. Payment utilities and the Internet.
  7. Marketing and advertising costs.
  8. Payment for parking spaces for customers.

In stock, it is worth having an amount equal to at least half of the funds spent on the tasks listed above - just in case of emergency!

Auto parts for Russian cars or foreign cars

At the initial stage, the easiest way out to a buyer is to organize a sale of spare parts with a specialization in car brands. These can be domestic "Volga", "Zhiguli" or "Gazelle".

Our cars are in need of repair and quality spare parts, and here you can look at India. There, people are happy and proud to buy and use their Makhindras and Maruti, they are cheaply and easily repaired (this opportunity is provided by manufacturers), and as a result, the domestic auto industry is flourishing.

And in our country so far we are contributing to the prosperity and strengthening of only other people's brands.

It is important that the sale of domestic spare parts requires less money to start, while the purchase of parts for foreign cars will require significant investments.

Learn how to open an auto parts store from scratch from the video.

What parts are in great demand

First of all, these are body parts. This is the part of the car that most of all suffers from the aggressive environment and gets damaged as a result of collisions and accidents.

The most vulnerable are doors, mirrors, bumpers. Then, they have an expiration date, after which they should be changed.

Windshields, headlights, trunk lids also periodically require replacement, and this is only from the outside.

As long as there are bad roads, the demand for repair services will not diminish. From potholes, suspension and chassis elements are most often damaged.

Engine parts are also in demand, and are also in great demand electronic components- cars are becoming more "intelligent".

One of the most important spare parts is the brake pad, it is not even changed in the event of a breakdown, but at the slightest sign of a malfunction, it is this detail that sometimes depends not only on the degree of traffic safety, but also on the life of its owner.

The demand for air and oil filters will never fall - engine operation depends on them.

In addition, auto tuning elements are in great demand.

How to open an auto parts store (registration)

Having decided to start working for yourself, it follows that this is a standard business start from scratch and easier in terms of interaction with legislation (including the Tax Code).

To begin with, documents are submitted to the tax office:

  • application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  • passport and its photocopy.
  • TIN and a photocopy from it. If the TIN has not yet been assigned, then you should write a statement about the assignment of the TIN.
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee.

It is not worth wasting time and filing documents for citizens who were declared bankrupt less than a year ago, there are other restrictions on filing such a petition to government agencies.

In general, in this matter, you can contact a law office, they will help you collect and arrange everything Required documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur, as well as advise on the issue of opening an account, printing and other organizational and legal issues.

This will take about a week.

Where should your store be located (selection of premises)

Gradually deciding on the specialization of the future store, one should not forget about the selection of suitable premises for trade. For a start, you should count on a long-term lease.

If the business is successful enough, the premises can subsequently be redeemed (this condition must be provided for in the lease agreement).

Standard advice: to locate a retail outlet in a place where there is a lot of traffic, not only automobile traffic, but also pedestrian traffic. You should immediately enable the possibility of parking customers, if not nearby, then at least close to the store - some spare parts are very oversized.

The cost of premises in places that are optimal for trade is high, so you do not need to strive to rent a huge room, but you should pay attention to the condition of the electrical wiring and the water supply system, whether there is ventilation and how much it is possible to carry it out if it is not.

First, the selected location should be carefully examined for any nearby competitors. If they exist, and other accommodation options do not stand up to comparison, then it must be borne in mind that the neighborhood with point of sale close focus will have an impact on the business, on the assortment.

The location on the ground floor is better, although this is not the main condition. Sometimes people are reluctant to go up to the second floor.

And if you manage to open a point near the car service, then you can consider it a success.

The store should have shopping room not less than 20 sq. m., the warehouse is much larger. Some parts and components take up a lot of space, so in any case, there should be more sales area.

So, if there is a desire to save money, then this is not worth it, but you can completely do without a management office and an accountant's office.

If the warehouse is located in another place, then you will have to organize courier delivery, or provide the buyer with the opportunity to call in and pick up his purchase on his own.

Naturally, the premises must comply with fire safety standards, about which you will have to obtain the conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations inspector, you will also have to obtain the opinion of Rospotrebnadzor (previously it was called SES).

Along the way, you will immediately need to find out how garbage is removed in the rented premises and take care of the question of where and how much to pay for this service.

Shop equipment for auto parts store

Such a question as the correct placement of goods, the overall attractiveness of the store's appearance, although it seems secondary, but has an impact on the success of the trade in general.

Shelves, counters and showcases can help with this, which can be found in many in the corresponding stores or on the network.

Products can be large:

  • doors;
  • bumpers;
  • wheels;
  • engines, etc .;

and small:

  • gears;
  • components for the brake system, ignition system;
  • various gaskets;
  • wheel arch liners, etc.

There are also a number of goods that are required:

  • various tools;
  • oils;
  • antifreeze;
  • car care products.

For a large assortment, racks must be strong enough, and small items must be visible and attract attention. Having walked through the store, the buyer should get an idea of ​​the offered range of spare parts and related products.

Do not forget about hinged systems, this will save space and show the product in the best possible way.

Glazed showcases on an aluminum frame have sufficient strength and provide good overview offered goods. Small counters from a profile or chipboard will help to properly group the goods and prevent the buyer from getting lost in the assortment.

For premises with a specific layout or, if desired, create an individual store design. Equipment on request.

If there is a desire to save money, then you can find a sufficient number of offers of used equipment, in any case, you need to consider such categories of goods as:

  • counters for small parts;
  • racks for small parts and related products;
  • hinged elements;.
  • demonstration cabinets;
  • durable shelving.

Where to get goods for an auto parts store

To start solving the problem with the choice of assortment, one should study the supply market. What exactly is in constant demand among car owners, goods that advise each other, means for car maintenance that are sold out immediately - this information should be accumulated and used in planning your own business.

In addition, there are goods that the owner of the car always needs, which means that these goods should be in the store and in various configurations, in different price categories, in the form of sets and separately.

Of course, the selection of products on offer will only really adjust when the store is open. It will be immediately clear what exactly goes away immediately, and what lies on the shelves.

Constant updating and expansion of the assortment, constant change in supply will allow step by step to bring the list of goods in line with demand in these conditions (and for specific own store). A flexible assortment, constantly adjusting to fluctuations in customer interest, in which you can find both familiar and favorite products, as well as new ones, will surely start to make a profit.

You should carefully study the list of suppliers and not only in terms of price. High-quality goods, the ability to deliver them on time are the components of the success of cooperation with the supplier of the goods.

And the source of the goods should not be one, it is better to have several suppliers in stock, this will ensure the flow of goods to the store under any conditions and fluctuations in the country's economy. It is better to pay attention to suppliers with a rather narrow specialization, and even better - to dealers who have official relations with the manufacturer of the goods.

Trade in certified goods from the manufacturer is always better selling through third parties, even if the cost of the original unit is slightly higher. But the possibility of obtaining a fake is reduced.

The best option is to find an opportunity to establish relations with manufacturers of spare parts and other goods for cars, including European ones. This incredibly raises the prestige of the trading enterprise.

You can also create in the store a narrow specialization industry for a specific car brand, if available direct contact with the manufacturer, the store's sign will also be decorated with the logo of this car.

Before entering into negotiations with suppliers, you should collect information about it, check, if possible, how reliable and obligatory it is. The profit and reputation of the store and the success of the enterprise as a whole depend on the correct choice of partners.

Staff recruitment

There is no way to run a business alone, so you will have to deal with the selection of people who, in theory, will have to grow and get rich together with the enterprise.

So, absolutely necessary:

  • manager (conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods, work with personnel, organization of the work process);
  • if the manager or owner has sufficient knowledge and can keep the bookkeeping of the store, this is great, otherwise, an accountant is simply necessary;
  • sellers (or seller).
    These should be not just people for the audience, but professionals.

    They are well versed in the device of a car, because sometimes buyers do not even know the name of this or that part;

  • if the purchase is to be delivered to the client, a driver is needed;
  • room cleaner.

Auto parts store marketing and advertising

Promotional work should be done in such a way that the goods are sold on their own, without additional efforts on the part of the staff. The term "marketing" itself means actions as a result of which there is a recognition and immediate satisfaction of demand and needs in the chosen direction.

Accordingly, it is necessary to be aware of all existing and potential needs for the product, the sale of which is the purpose of the enterprise.

There must be a notification about the existence of a store in the maximum accessible radius. You should also place information boards wherever this need may arise.

This can be a parking lot, a transport company (here you generally need to try to attract attention, this is very promising), an exhibition, a gas station.

Constant advertising in the first positions in newspapers, especially with a thematic focus, as well as on radio, television, exhibitions and wherever a motorist's gaze may fall. Putting flyers in letterboxes will also be beneficial.

A good result is the sale of goods at a discount for regular customers or gifts - necessary for a car - when buying 2 or more units of goods.

An attractive arrangement of goods on display windows is also important. This is a trifle, but it is worth paying a little attention to it, because the effectiveness of this has already been proven.

How to open an online auto parts store

Actually, you can start selling auto parts without a sales floor and staff. This refers to the creation of a trading site with a virtual trading floor.

Savings can be estimated by asking about the cost of renting retail space in the most advantageous locations, as well as the cost of parking spaces, staff salaries and many other points.

Having registered as an individual entrepreneur, or as an LLC, you should start developing an attractive website, visiting which, you can pick up any detail, any product for your car.

If you have the skills to work on the Internet, you can try to make a website yourself, but it is better to immediately contact the masters of their craft and order from a web studio. It is better to be placed on paid sites, it is much more impressive, although there are free resources.

Immediately you need to find out how taxes are charged on Internet income, and expand your knowledge of Internet money and existing payment systems.

It is necessary to consider how exactly the buyer will be able to receive the ordered goods. It can be sent by mail or by courier delivery.

While the volume of sales is small, the owner of an online store can personally deliver the goods, this will save money.

But only the trading floor will be virtual. All the same, you will have to search for premises, however, only for a warehouse.

Also, the issue of the supply of goods and accounting remains relevant.

In addition, an online store can be nicely combined with a real trading establishment, or the creation can be considered as a promising task.

Although, observing the increasing popularity of online shopping, it can be assumed that, perhaps, this will soon become less relevant.

You can learn how to open an online auto parts store from the video.

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If you are thinking about opening an online auto parts store, you cannot do without a business plan containing marketing research market and financial calculations. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, calculate the budget, study competitors in order to minimize the risks. Let's talk about how to open an online auto parts store from scratch with minimal investment and give an example of economic calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of an online spare parts store

Like any business, an online parts store has its pros and cons.

  • Convenience = business relevance. Strengths online sales of auto parts are obvious - it is often more convenient for car owners to order the necessary part on the Internet than to go to the market for it, spend time choosing and take it to the garage on their own. When buying from an online store, such problems do not arise. A car enthusiast can ask the price without getting up from his chair, compare the options and decide without haste what to take.
  • Savings and great choice. Especially relevant for small towns... Car services are not always able to replace components on the day of contact due to the lack of the necessary parts. They are simply not in any store in the city. In the workshops, they can offer to order spare parts through them, then the repairmen will choose the components themselves. As a result, the car owner does not see what parts are put into his car, and does not know if he is overpaying for them. To avoid such situations, the best option is to order in the online store. Many have already appreciated the convenience of online car markets, so there will be no shortage of customers for such a business, but do not forget about the pitfalls.

  • Not all products are profitable. Trade in some spare parts is unprofitable, but they must be in stock. For example, heavy parts with a relatively low price, which is often the case for the domestic auto industry. For example, a spare part for a Russian Lada car costs about 500 rubles and at the same time weighs quite a lot. To transport it, you will have to hire a gazelle, which will significantly increase the cost of delivery. Here you will need to make a decision - to keep a courier with his own car in the state at a constant salary or to contact private traders. In both cases, significant costs are inevitable. They should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.
  • A rapidly changing market. Manufacturers release new parts, update models. You must always keep your finger on the pulse and monitor the assortment. The required parts must always be in stock. Car sellers usually learn about new products from each other or from buyers. Online store owners have to rely only on themselves.

Market analysis and competitor assessment

It is impossible to build your own without competitor analysis. successful business... Yandex.Wordstat will help you find out what components are in demand. In the search by region, it is enough to enter the word "auto parts" and the system will display the most frequent queries. Study the market in more detail. Find out the prices of the main competitors, their terms of order and delivery, based on this information, form your own assortment and prices. Expert research will give a more complete picture of the prospects of a niche.

According to the marketing agency DISCOVERY Research Group, the share of buyers of auto parts through online stores in Russia is 15% with a projected annual growth rate of ~ 25%. This makes the development of Internet commerce promising for the Russian Federation and the CIS. There are many online auto parts stores on the Russian market, but worthy of the unit. The ten most popular online markets are as follows:


The rating is based on the opinions of users. At the same time, car owners note that the level of service in online spare parts stores in the CIS is quite low. That is, those who like to place orders via the Internet are attracted by the cost of the goods without the retailer's extra charge and by the comfort - they do not need to go anywhere. But if an alternative appeared in the form of a customer-oriented Internet market, they would easily leave their usual platform there.

A striking example is the large Exist store, founded in the early 2000s. A well-known store among motorists, where many have ordered for years, is now losing ground and customer confidence due to poor service. In the reviews, users note delays in delivery, the lack of goods in warehouses, although the site says "in stock", the discrepancy between prices in the catalog and when ordering and replacement of parts for cheaper counterparts. The advantages are the convenience of the interface, a wide range of products and attractive prices.

Another major player in the car market is Emex. With a huge assortment and prices lower than its competitors, the store received a 42 out of 100 rating in a direct survey. Customer dissatisfaction is caused by the service below average - product substitution, lack of support after ordering and reluctance of the support service to solve customer problems. In a disputable situation, a refund is extremely unlikely.

Stores 4 points and GM-city stand out against the general background with 82 and 89 points from users. Customers report excellent service and are willing to re-order from these sellers. In addition to fast delivery, customers like the professionalism of the staff, ready to provide expert advice. Both stores have a common problem that prevents them from competing in terms of turnover with giants that are inferior in quality of service. This is a small assortment and a narrow focus. 4 points specializes in wheels and tires, and GM-city - in the sale of spare parts for General motors cars, or more precisely, for 26 models of Cadillacs and Chevrolets.

As you can see from the analysis of competitors, market leaders have their weak points, which should be taken into account by beginners. The low customer focus of large stores allows newcomers to occupy a narrow niche and compete with well-known auto markets in the struggle for customers.

In addition to hits and hot news, the assortment should have a base - goods that can be found in any auto parts store. After the launch, the owner of a new online store will be able to independently form purchases based on data on sold parts. It is necessary to carefully sit behind the assortment and note which goods are scattered in an instant and which ones are dead weight.

You should maintain contact with customers, because at the initial stage, each of the customers is especially valuable. A satisfied customer will recommend the store to his friends and will come back for shopping more than once. It's good if the store has a group in social networks or a feedback form on the site, where you can find out what customers would like to see in stock. It must be remembered that there is no universal set for all times, the market is constantly changing, and therefore the assortment will have to be regularly updated.

When you have a vision of the assortment, it's time to start choosing suppliers. Careful screening of partners is one of the key tasks, the solution of which will allow maintaining high margins while increasing sales. First of all, it is worth deciding on the criteria for choosing a supplier. there are several important points to consider.

Supplier selection criteria:

  1. Supplier reputation;
  2. Competitive pricing for entry-level partners. The supplier must be ready to offer mutually beneficial terms, even for small bulk deliveries;
  3. Delivery speed and availability of commodity group "A" in our own warehouses. These include parts with high turnover, which are in stable demand;
  4. Terms of delivery to the region of the entrepreneur. Some companies organize regular free intercity transportation for partners;
  5. Adequate terms for return (usually not all groups of goods are accepted back) and consideration of applications;
  6. Maximum limits on deferred payment and loans. Usually they are not offered immediately, but after several weeks of cooperation, the companies go to meet reliable partners;
  7. Availability of expert support, consultations of managers on the formation of their assortment in warehouses, the principles of reordering already sold goods and warehouse accounting;

Even if you can find a supplier that fully meets all the criteria, it is better to work with several at once. This strategy eliminates price risks, reduces delivery times, and expands the range. In the event of a supply disruption from one partner, you can always place an order from another and avoid customer dissatisfaction.

Most entrepreneurs who open an online auto parts store face certain challenges. Most often, newcomers have difficulty choosing partners and organizing supplies. It is necessary to resolve the issues of warehouse lease, bulk purchases, assortment formation. For an inexperienced businessman, this will not be easy and will require a lot of effort. Most of the questions will disappear if you sell auto parts through dropshipping.

Dropshipping (from the English drop shipping - drop shipping) is a kind trading activities, in which the owner of the online store sells the partner's product, and the purchase is delivered directly from the supplier. The online service's profit is the difference between the supplier's wholesale price and the retail selling price.

The main advantages of such cooperation:

  • Minimum investment at the start. There is no need to invest in bulk purchases and risk money. You can start a business from scratch, negotiate with suppliers and invest only in website promotion .;
  • Savings on the rental of warehouse space - the entire range is kept by the supplier, who packs and dispatches the goods to the buyer himself;
  • There is no need to hire additional staff. There is no need for a security guard, courier, managers, storekeepers;
  • Spare parts can be delivered from anywhere in the world;
  • The seller himself regulates the mark-up on the goods. The optimal markup is considered to be 20% of the supplier's price.

Cons of dropshipping:

  • The owner of the online store is personally responsible to the buyer for the actions of the supplier. If the shipment of the goods was delayed or the order arrived poorly packaged and damaged, the client will submit all claims to the place where he made the purchase;
  • The margin of 20% is small by the standards of the auto parts business, and if you put it higher, the prices will be uncompetitive;
  • Situations are possible when the buyer orders spare parts from different suppliers. It will not be possible to send them in one package. He is unlikely to be ready to overpay for delivery and will most likely go to competitors.;

Registration of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC?

There is no single correct answer, here everyone decides for himself. Let's dwell on key features both business registration options, their pros and cons.

It is much easier and faster to register an individual entrepreneur. You can go through the procedure online and go straight to doing business. For trading with individuals through an online store, this is quite enough. Registration of an LLC is much more difficult, since you need to have a legal address and authorized capital... One cannot do without the help of specialists, but this form of business has more prospects - if in the future expansion and active cooperation with investors are planned, an individual entrepreneur will not be suitable.

You should also consider how many owners the online store will have. If an entrepreneur plans to share a share with a friend or relative, it is easier to arrange everything with an LLC. Then the obligations of the parties will be documented, which will eliminate misunderstandings. Individual entrepreneur cannot transfer interest or share in the business to anyone, since he is the sole owner of the business.

An individual entrepreneur is liable to the law with his property, which can be arrested by attacks to pay off debts. An LLC risks only the capital recorded on it, therefore nothing threatens the property of the founders. With fines, the situation is the opposite - for LLCs, the Oin is always larger. The maximum administrative liability for an individual entrepreneur is the recovery of 50,000, for an LLC the amount is much more - up to a million.

It is more convenient to dispose of profits for individual entrepreneurs. He can withdraw money from the current account at his discretion, while the LLC is obliged to report. You can only cash out dividends and funds for specific needs. There is no big difference in taxation, a simplified system is available for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

The site is the business card of an online store. It is important to form a recognizable brand and create a comfortable environment for buyers, therefore it is better to entrust the development of a professional studio, and not be content with a simple catalog on a free site or a designer. Consider:

  1. Site structure. We need a powerful engine and a mobile version so that the client does not leave, waiting for a long download. The product must be sorted and provided with descriptions. Including up-to-date information about price and availability.
  2. Personal Area. Helps to track orders, which is convenient for customers.
  3. Product recommendations. A selection of similar products and an offer of related products will help buyers to make a purchase.
  4. Design. Laconic and functional. Most of the clients are men, so nothing superfluous and maximum convenience.
  5. Content. On the main page, a description of the services, the product cards contain specifications and photos are posted. Raises the conversion of a blog with new products from the automotive industry, thematic reviews and expert opinions.
  6. Feedback form. It is better to make both an online chat and a call of your choice. Many people are interested in delivery times, promotions.
  7. Reviews. An important point often neglected. Customers are more willing to go to trusted places, so the recommendations of satisfied customers will significantly increase the chances of ordering.

Advertising and marketing

A win-win option at the start - promotions and discounts for spare parts. Attractive prices will secure the first buyers. if they are satisfied with the assortment and service, it is quite possible that they will return for a purchase already at regular price... The giveaway competition will increase audience loyalty and brand awareness. Pranks on social networks with parallel advertising in the media show themselves well. Promotions, timed to coincide with the holidays, including automobile ones, will support interest and help sell goods that are in abundance. Of the regular promotion channels, you should pay attention to the following:

Automobiles love to chat and talk about their cars, which is worth taking advantage of. A group in social networks with notes and open discussions will attract potential customers. Cheering with your followers will create a friendly atmosphere and win over the brand. Competitions for best photo with car, draws gift certificates and others nice bonuses will provide the store to loyal fans and regular customers.

For an online store, this is the best way to promote. Users who are ready to buy will go to the store using search queries and are more likely to place an order if they are satisfied with the price and like the site. Here you cannot do without the help of a SEO promotion and contextual advertising specialist.

Don't forget about regular advertising. Billboards on the tracks, at the requesting offices and car services will definitely receive applications. It is worth choosing a popular product with an attractive price. A car enthusiast will compare prices with service prices and would rather buy in a store than overpay.

Staff recruitment

It all depends on which scheme the entrepreneur has chosen - dropshipping or self-shipment of goods. In the first case, most of the tasks can be solved independently; in the second, an entire staff will be required. You will need couriers (permanent or hired), a security guard at the warehouse (or rent an already guarded room), managers to process orders and consultations, and an accountant. The owner can take over some of the functions and cut costs, but it will be difficult to do without help. In addition to store employees, people are needed to promote the brand - advertisers and SMS managers to maintain an account on social networks. Specialists should understand the topic of auto parts and have their own workplace so as not to rent an office.

Financial plan: investments, expenses, income, profit

To launch an online store, certain investments are required.

  • Registration and execution of all documents - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods (first batch) - from 2 million rubles.
  • Development of an independent website - from 80 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

It is also worth adding to the salaries of employees depending on the state and rental costs. With dropshipping, you only need a website and PR. At this level of spending, an online auto parts store starts making a profit in about a year.

Profitability and return on investment

A well-organized auto parts store will bring the owner an annual income of about 1 million rubles. The average payback time is from 8 to 16 months. For 2019, the profitability of such a business is on average 20-25%, which is higher than the percentage on bank deposits.

The opening of an auto parts store attracts with good prospects: the popularity of the niche, high and quick payback, stable demand. However, to start a business, significant investments are required for the purchase of wholesale consignments of goods, rental of premises, creation and promotion of the site. But this is also solvable. Indicators of profitability and payback allow you to attract investors and lending to the business.

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