How long do smoothie bars last? Choosing a shopping area. Opening and maintaining costs

A fresh bar is a bar whose assortment consists of juices and drinks based on them. The idea was born in the United States in the wake of popularizing a healthy lifestyle. Instead of alcohol, coffee or tea, visitors are offered fresh natural juices. In America, this business generates multimillion-dollar income, while in Russia the undertaking is only taking root. The yield is, of course, lower. But already today the level of profitability reaches 300%. Moreover, this still new business idea has not been implemented in every region of the country. Moreover, the implementation of the plan does not imply any complex bureaucracy associated with permits government agencies, no large investment capital, no search for qualified personnel who could be entrusted with the business.

Let's take a look at the business plan of a fresh bar, drawn up for the city of Lipetsk.


The aim of the project is to open a bar selling fresh juice and other drinks made from it. The investment requirement is only 760 thousand rubles. Planned income - 600 thousand rubles. in year. The payback period is 16-18 months if the pessimistic scenario is realized.

Before you start registering a company, you need to understand how to open a fresh bar and how much money will be required for this. On average, the initial investment is 350-450 thousand rubles. The amount of monthly costs depends on which premises are used (owned or rented) and whether hired personnel are involved.

The fresh bar menu will include:

  • juices;
  • smoothies (cocktail made from berries, milk, soda, etc.);
  • confectionery (cakes, muffins, cookies);
  • ice cream.

Business environment

There are no fresh bars in the city yet, but several shops have equipment for getting fresh juice. In them, just like in the bar, the seller prepares the juice just before the sale. Leisure in the store, of course, is not provided. It is also impossible to drink fresh juice right away. At the same time, the survey shows that an institution where one could sit and drink fresh juice or a cocktail based on it instead of traditional tea or alcohol will be in demand. At the same time, as shown by the survey, most of the townspeople are ready to enter the bar along the way, as a result, the establishment should be opened in the city center, or in places where there is often a mass gathering of people, for example, in large shopping centers.

Since there is no similar enterprise in the city, we will estimate the potential income based on the results of the study. It is also impossible to rely on the experience of fresh bars operating in Moscow, since it is a larger city with a higher standard of living. The population of Lipetsk is relatively small. It makes up a little more than half a million inhabitants, although the standard of living in the region is high. So, for example, in comparison with neighboring Voronezh (a city with a million inhabitants), the income level of Lipetsk residents is at least 25% higher. At the same time, 50% of the respondents showed that they are ready to regularly visit the institution if the prices in the fresh bar are moderate. The average bill is usually 155 rubles, while the cost of 1 liter is 245 rubles. This amount also includes the order of pastries. If at least 10 people visit the fresh bar per day, you can earn 600 thousand rubles a year. Of course, in reality there should be more visitors. Based on the survey data, we can count on 20 people, but we will make the calculation based on a pessimistic scenario.

The emphasis in an advertising campaign should be on a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, one must not forget to monitor the quality of purchased products from this point of view. It is best to conclude an agreement with a small confectionery shop for the purchase of products. If you buy cakes and muffins at wholesale warehouse, then there is a high probability of stumbling upon products with a large amount of preservatives, which is unacceptable. In the future, when the number of points increases to at least 3, it will be possible to open your own workshop.

Operational plan

For work, we need a very small room. For a start, 8-10 m2 is enough. As the experience of Moscow enterprises shows, you can get by even 4-6 m2. We chose a small department (7 m2) in the shopping center. Renting such an area will cost only 30 thousand rubles. a year together with utilities... In addition, it is necessary to purchase furniture and equipment for the production of juices and cocktails. The cost of a professional kit is 280 thousand rubles. Also, you need to buy confectionery products every day and fruits once a week. Fruit consumption per day is about 10 kg.

Workforce plan

At first, the investor will work on his own. This is justified, since entrusting all the work to a hired employee at the very beginning means losing control over the course of affairs immediately. After the work has been debugged, you can transfer cases, but not on the first day. Of course, the enterprise should operate in 2 shifts, and not just 8 hours, besides, the weekend is not supposed in such a business, therefore 1 hired worker will still be needed.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


The usefulness of freshly squeezed juices has long been recognized worldwide. However, many people do not have time to prepare vitamin drinks every day due to lack of time. Well, that's what fresh bars are doing well, providing customers with an extensive range of nutritious juices to choose from. And the visitors love it. That is why aspiring entrepreneurs can consider such an establishment as a profitable business activity.

Opening a fresh bar from scratch: documents required to register and open a bar of freshly squeezed juices

The official activity of a businessman is confirmed by the relevant documentation:

  1. Certificate of. For a fresh bar, similar legal form is the best option.
  2. Paper where the selected types of activity are recorded (OKVED). Usually they make a choice in favor of the production of fruit and vegetable juices and the serving of drinks.
  3. Certificate confirming the order of the individual identification number payer of taxes. Experts recommend a simplified taxation system.
  4. Permission from the SES to conduct activities - trade in products.
  5. A permit from the Fire Service is also in the list of required documents.
  6. Premises lease agreement.

Where is the best place to open a fresh bar in a shopping or fitness center?

A few words about the area of ​​the fresh bar. Enough from 4 to 10 "squares" for the full-fledged work of the point. An indispensable condition is a crowded place, or rather, a high level of traffic. Ideal options include large shopping malls or fitness centers.

However, do not discount other places as well.

There are a lot of potential customers of fresh bars in such public places as:

  • Airports and train stations.
  • Large beauty salons and water parks.
  • Cinemas and city parks.

It is better for a novice entrepreneur to settle in a shopping center, choosing one of the walkways, or rather, in the very center of the alley. The open space allows passers-by to see the entire process of fresh juice production. This nuance significantly increases the number of clients.

Sports clubs cannot boast of this level of human flow. The assortment of the bar in such an establishment should be wider and more refined, with a wide variety of fruit and vegetable list, exotic fresh cocktails, juices with herbal infusions, and so on. This option is good at the stage of business expansion.

How interesting it is to design a fresh bar: design ideas for a freshly squeezed juice bar

Customers visit the fresh bar spontaneously. According to the principle I saw, I wanted and bought. A purposeful visit is rare. Therefore, there are only two requirements for design: bright colors and memorability. For example, it is difficult to pass by a bar counter made in the shape of an orange or other fruit. It is bright, effective and understandable for the consumer.

Entrepreneurs working in this segment do not bother with design research at the initial stage.

They are limited to:

  1. Pasting the bar counter with photographs of fruit.
  2. Displaying fruit assortment on showcases.
  3. Filling transparent vessels with various fruits and placing them on the shelves.
  4. By ordering a bright sign such as "Vitamins from the Garden", "Vitamin moisture", "Invigorating drinks for the whole family."

The design will be required when opening a bar network. Then you certainly cannot do without additional costs for the services of a designer to develop your own style. In this aspect, franchising of such bars is good - a businessman is provided with a ready-made design of a retail outlet.

Which juice is more profitable to sell in a fresh bar: assortment of freshly squeezed juice bar

It is more profitable to sell juices from popular fruits.

In this aspect, buyers prefer the following fresh juices:

  • Grapefruit.
  • Orange.
  • Yablochny.

Vegetable juices also have a high rating, selling well:

  1. Beetroot and carrot.
  2. Celery and tomato.

Here, perhaps, is the entire list of the main assortment. However, with such a limited list of drinks, it is difficult to promote a business. Consumers are attracted by the variety of offerings. Therefore, the assortment range is supplemented with fruit smoothies (cocktails with berry and fruit puree, milk and other ingredients), mineral water, fruit ice cream, tea or coffee, and desserts.

What equipment is required to operate a fresh bar?

When buying equipment, the working areas of the bar and the menu are taken into account. In fact, any bar is divided into two zones: in one the raw materials are washed, in the other drinks are prepared.

Fresh bar is completed with:

  • Juicers professional level... There should be two of them - for the production of juices from citrus fruits (pomegranates) and for other fruit and vegetable drinks.
  • Sink and refrigerator.
  • Refrigerated display case and icemaker.
  • A device designed for cleaning raw materials.
  • Blender and mixer.
  • Bar counter.
  • Cabinets in which inventory will be stored.
  • Disposable dishes, bottles.

The sale of ice cream, coffee and other products involves the purchase of additional equipment.

Attention . Required condition when choosing a supplier of equipment - provision of warranty (free) repair. The increased load on the devices is often accompanied by their breakdown, and the costs of repairs turn out to be considerable sums.

Recruiting personnel to work in a fresh bar?

As you know, the main role is assigned to the personnel. No special skills are required during work. The equipment is not complicated, it takes a day to master it.

When selecting candidates, special emphasis is placed on individual qualities:

  1. Decency ... It is better to exclude the fact of theft in advance, otherwise you will have to install a hidden surveillance camera.
  2. Accuracy ... Juices are prepared in the presence of the customer.
  3. Communication skills ... An employee who knows how to find an approach to any customer is able to significantly increase the point's profit.

As a rule, such work is optimal for women under 40-45 years old or for young people. There are 2-3 people working in shifts in the bar, receiving a flat rate plus a percentage of the total sales. Usually its size is no more than 10%.

Fresh Bar Advertising and Marketing: How to Promote a Fresh Juice Bar?

  • Development of a logo and its application to the bar counter (its side parts) and napkins.
  • Installation of a sign. Preferably bright - visible from a distance.
  • Distribution of business cards and bouquets with a list of fresh menu and brief information about the useful properties of each.
  1. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle closely follow the "novelties" in this area, study useful recipes for vitamin cocktails (mainly via the Internet). Therefore, it is appropriate to offer special items - freshly squeezed juices for active people, for those who want to lose weight, for children or expectant mothers.
  2. It is necessary to supplement the juice menu with some kind of seasonal "zest". Let's say that ordinary apple juice is unlikely to interest a person, but a drink with the addition of ginger juice and honey will definitely attract attention in winter - during the "binge" of colds.
  3. Holding various promotions also increases profits. For example, a substantial discount on every third cocktail.

The assortment of the fresh bar must be constantly updated in accordance with the season and the needs of the customers.

A ready-made business plan for a fresh bar from scratch: calculations of expenses, income and payback periods

Consider a business plan for a bar located on the territory of a shopping center:

  • The area of ​​the establishment is 8m².
  • Number of employees - 1 person (the bar owner performs the functions of the second seller).
  • Up to 11 kg of fruit and vegetable raw materials are consumed daily for the production of juice.

The amount of start-up costs plus the amount of expenses for the first year:

Income calculation:

Idea and implementation

I came to Russia in 2005, before that I lived in London. And there I always drank smoothies for breakfast. In Europe, England, everyone drinks smoothies - either they buy them in bottles in a store, or order them in a cafe. All in all, this has always been part of my breakfast or snack. Arriving here, I did not find anything like it. Nothing useful at all in the morning. All juices were from concentrates, nothing was directly squeezed. And nobody knew what a smoothie was. Not in supermarkets or cafes. I was asked: “What is this? Hand cream, or what? " I had to explain.

As we had to explain later, when we had already launched production. We had a lot of sampling, tastings. People just didn't know what it was. We spent a lot of time just explaining. Why, for example, is it healthier than juices from concentrates, why is it more expensive, why is the shelf life short.

It was necessary to explain everything - if we want to produce a fresh product that will not deteriorate for a certain time, then special production methods are needed. It took 5-6 years and a large share of the budget. In principle, when we started all this, we were supported by the people around us, friends, acquaintances. Foreigners, for example, also agreed that there was nothing like this here.

It took 5-6 years to explain our idea and position and the lion's share of the budget!

And at first we thought to open an ordinary cafe where they would cook all this, then we realized that it was not so profitable.

Then they just wanted to buy from someone, but then there were no small manufacturers, nothing like that. Although we approached several companies, we offered to release what we needed. They said, “Why? It will be expensive! ” We answered: "Yes, it will be more expensive, but we want to release just such a product." And they: “It’s not profitable, we will not do it”.

Let's go to others, they suggest at least adding a preservative. Everyone else said about the same thing. Plus the minimum volume is 35,000-50,000 bottles per shift. Well, where do we go so much ?! We are New Product!

And then they began to look for the premises themselves. It was not easy, we traveled all over Moscow and the Moscow region, looked a lot and found. We are now on the territory of a former dairy plant. There was absolutely nothing here, and that was completely fine with us. We knew that we would do everything according to the rules and high standards, let's start everything from scratch.


Before BeTrue I worked at a bank in London. Such a cardinal change in my activity happened spontaneously. We were a successful team, but internal political intrigues began, and I got tired of it. I wanted something different. And then the opportunity arose to leave. In Russia.

Why here? My mom has an events agency. They organized Haute Couture Weeks in Moscow, brought in French designers. And I came with them. I liked it, so when I realized that I needed something new, I decided to come to Russia. In the worst case, if I didn't like it here, I would return in a year. And I would continue to do what I can. But, as you can see, I stayed.

Relationship of loved ones

Relatives have always supported me. And we traveled a lot, lived in Hong Kong for 4 years, then the whole family moved to Germany, then to France. Then I went to England to study, from there - to Germany. And again he returned to France. Etc. Our family is already accustomed to such moves, so my departure was not something new and unusual for them.


Networking was not easy. I didn't understand Russian very well. It wasn't easy. Everything was in stages for me. The first years - you start talking, but no one understands you. Then you talk about some elementary everyday topics. Over time, you can talk about more serious topics.

In general, everything was hard. Take a construction site, for example. When you don’t understand Russian, this is one thing, but building Russian is a completely different language! Incomprehensible words, slang. Moreover, the builders say: “We need this, this and this”. And you do not understand what it is and whether it is really necessary.

The relationship with the networks was uneasy. In general, this is a problem for all manufacturers - to enter the network under normal conditions. But we managed to do it quite smoothly. We were the only smoothies - a new product, buyers were interested. We explained that such products are very popular in Europe, and many supermarkets want to follow European trends, so it was somewhat easier for us.

And then another problem arose - no one knew where to put us. There are juice sections - these are ordinary shelves, without refrigeration. There are drinks, but there are soda, beer and so on. We were offered to deliver our products to the dairy department, although we are not a dairy product at all.


We never wanted to have any kind of premium status. Moreover, even now, when all prices are increasing two or three times, we have raised the cost by only 10-12%. We took on more because we don't want our product to be exclusive. Our goal is to produce delicious and healthy drinks for everyone so that people can consume them every day, not just once a year on holidays. In the end, this is useful.


It is said that fruits lose their usefulness after some time after juicing. This happens if you squeeze this juice at home. They will lose, because all this is done in the air, and therefore, oxidation occurs and vitamin C is lost. We immediately cool our smoothies and keep them closed. Accordingly, they do not come into contact with oxygen and remain as beneficial. Moreover, we make part of the smoothies from ready-made high-quality purees, which also did not come into contact with air.

So, we buy most of the products frozen. Except for some items, for example, banana puree. It is stored in a dry workshop, as it changes color when frozen.

Frozen juices and purees have a higher vitamin content. In fact, the farmer removed the ripe fruit from the bush and immediately shocked it.

In a fresh product, we are not 100% sure about the taste. It can be sour or sweeter. We even once conducted a study - we compared the taste qualities of a fresh banana and our frozen one. The frozen one turned out to be much tastier. Because fresh, in fact, was not the freshest - it was transported, it ripened not under the sun, but under lamps in warehouses. Then we compared the amount of vitamins. And it turned out that there are many more of them in ours.

In addition to smoothies, we also have freshly squeezed orange juice. We do not use concentrate, but buy frozen juice of direct extraction, and since it is not heat-treated, it needs to be processed quickly. And send it through pipes to a nearby workshop, where it will be poured into bottles.

Manufacturing process

Since the directly squeezed juice is delivered to us frozen, we use special apparatus- crusher. It works like this: a whole two-hundred-kilogram block is loaded, and the crusher makes a thawed mixture out of it in 5 minutes. It is important to defrost it as quickly as possible - the longer everything melts, the more vitamins disappear and more microbes can appear.

It is important to defrost the raw materials as quickly as possible - the longer everything melts, the more vitamins disappear and more microbes can appear.

Then all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and pasteurized. We have it easy - pasteurization for a few seconds at temperatures up to 76 degrees. This is enough to kill everything unnecessary, while leaving everything you need: taste, color, smell, vitamins.

Immediately after pasteurization, we cool the product to 4-5 degrees. At this temperature, we pour it. Why is it important? Because there is no additional heat treatment. The product is cold and sterile. Many juices are bottled at hot temperatures - most often 90 degrees. And imagine, the product is spilled, its temperature is 90 degrees. And in bottles it continues to boil, so the color and taste are not the same, for this, additives are added to the juices.

After filling, there is labeling and packaging. Expiration dates are applied to the covers.

We have a water purification system in our production. This water is used for cleaning equipment and other needs. You can drink water from these taps. By the way, I'll tell you a secret, we are planning to make lemonade as well. So our clean water will also go into production.

Our air is sterile. There are special filters. To prevent any germs from leaking out. All equipment is washed in three stages - special detergents, hot water, cold water.

There are additional UV lamps at the filling station for sterilization.


As for the suppliers, they, of course, change periodically. True, there are some who are with us from the very beginning. These are the mango vendors. After all, there are more than 200 types of mangoes. And we like one - the Alfonso variety. It only grows in the jungle near Mumbai, because it has volcanic soil and a favorable climate. He is considered the king of mango and fruit in general, because the jungle in May smells only of him. And then what to do? It grows only there, so we order them there.

Plus, there are fruits that were not available to us at the first stages - we were too small or we needed small batches. In general, now everything is different. We can buy whatever we want.

It is always tastier and better. And it all depends on the season. For example, we had Sicilian oranges, which we really liked. But for two years in a row they had a terrible harvest. Bad weather, the quantity has decreased, and accordingly, they have risen in price. And the product itself has become incredibly sour. I had to abandon them and look for others.

Again, because we are working with direct pressing. If we were working with concentrate, it would be much easier. After all, all the water is removed, a brown paste is obtained. And you can make this “orange” any taste - sweeter, sour. And when the spin is straight, then none of this can be done.

Solution and tastes

More and more people are switching to a healthy diet. What does it mean? For cafes, bars and restaurants, this is primarily a tendency to change the concept. For example, instead of a standard cafe, you can open a nutritional restaurant or a cafe for vegetarians. Or, say, instead of a beer bar - a smoothie bar. This is a relatively new area that is rapidly gaining popularity.

Business specifics

The main advantage of this idea is that you don't need a large area to open a smoothie bar. It is enough to rent an islet of 5 square meters in a shopping center.

Another advantage of such a business is the relatively uncomplicated advertising campaign... You can come up with quite a few interesting phrases on the topic of smoothies - benefits, health, juicy colors, vitamins, fruits and vegetables, summer. And all these "tasty" words attract a large number of people, especially young people and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. So how do you open a smoothie bar? Read about it in our article.

What is a smoothie?

This is a cocktail of fruits and vegetables with the addition of yogurt or milk, which is whipped in a mixer on high speed... This is an extremely popular drink in America, which is gaining momentum in our country. And at a fairly fast pace. For example, in the United States, such a business is already generating income with six zeros. Definitely worth paying attention to this idea.
See what rich and bright colors!

Business pros:

  • High profitability
  • Relative novelty that piques consumer interest
  • Small investment
  • Ease of organization
  • The simple principle of creating a cocktail
  • Fashion for a healthy lifestyle
  • The demand for the drink is all year round.


Do not think that a smoothie bar implies a paucity of menu due to the fact that the main ingredients are only fruits and vegetables. There can be so many combinations that sometimes the menu of a smoothie bar is much richer than a regular cafe.

We list only a fraction of the cocktails that can be prepared:

  • Milk-based smoothie with mango and orange, strawberry and banana, blueberry and pineapple, apple, banana and spinach.
  • Banana pear yoghurt smoothie with oatmeal, apple, carrot and ginger, banana and strawberry.
  • The same variations, but with the addition of coconut milk.
  • Freshly squeezed apple, orange, banana and pear juice with orange, watermelon, etc.
  • Toppings (syrups for smoothies or ice cream) made from nuts, dried fruits, chia seeds.
  • Tea and coffee
  • Salads
  • Desserts based on fruits, chocolate, nuts, caramel (mousses, cookies, fruit salads).

Smoothies are very fond of healthy lifestyle fans

Sales and advertising

In order for the business to quickly pay off and bring a good profit, it is necessary to locate the bar in the place where the target audience... Therefore, a good option would be to open a bar in a shopping center, in a fitness club or a large health complex, swimming pool, gym, in sanatoriums, health resorts, rest homes.

First of all, you need to come up with an interesting name and logo for the bar. Success of undertakings depends on 50% of what is well-created. Since this is a fairly new format of the establishment Catering, it is worth spending more energy on informing the population about what a smoothie is and why it is good.

The following advertising media work well to promote a bar:

  • Distribution of leaflets and flyers with menus
  • Advertising signs and billboards
  • in the Internet
  • Social networks
  • Participation in exhibitions and fairs
  • Promotions and loyalty programs
  • Practical jokes
  • TV and radio advertising.

The choice of options depends primarily on your budget. The more points are sold, the faster you will receive a large flow of customers.

But really the best option to promote a smoothie bar - just place it in a place with a huge traffic of people (target audience).

Some people are interested in such an institution, but hesitate to try. For them, it is worth coming up with various actions, which will speed up the decision in your favor. This could be:

  • Promotion "happy hours" - on weekdays after 20:00 cocktails are 50% cheaper
  • Lunchtime discounts on smoothies when buying salad
  • Discount coupons 10%
  • Offer "bring a friend" and get 50% off cocktails for two.

Of course, advertising works well in social network... For example, various raffles, where the winner gets the opportunity to order any cocktail for free. To participate in the drawing, you need to place an advertisement of the institution on your page. This will significantly increase not only your group's subscribers, but also direct visitors to the bar.

You don't need a large room to open a smoothie bar

We count income and expenses

To open a smoothie bar, you will need about 500,000 rubles. This money will be used to purchase equipment and products, advertise and rent a point for the first month. The payback period will be about 9 months. If we assume that about 30 people will place an order per day with an average check of 250 rubles, then soon you will have a revenue of 225 thousand rubles per month.

How interesting would you as a consumer be to a smoothie bar? Do you think this idea would take root in your city? Looking forward to your comments!

The text was prepared based on the materials portal It "s My City. A joint project of IMC and the bank for entrepreneurs« Point» (included in FG« Opening» )

The market for organic products does not fall even during a crisis. In 2015, Russians bought about 11 thousand tons of organic products. On a global scale - ridiculous standards: the entire planet consumes 6.8 million tons of such food per year. In the United States, the health food market is estimated at $ 80 billion annually.

Clean warehouse

In April 2014, a Yekaterinburg woman was vacationing in Bali. She went to Indonesia alone for a month to reboot and reflect on life. She had fourteen years of business selling CDs under her belt and a not very successful experience of opening an online store. In the era of iTunes, CDs were selling worse and worse, and the store in Nizhnevartovsk, which Valentina opened with money borrowed from her husband (by then ex-husband), was rapidly losing momentum.

In Bali, she settled in Seminyak, which is known for its vibrant gastronomic life. Once she went to the farmers' market and among the baskets with pyramids of tropical fruits she saw a counter with bottles filled with multi-colored liquids. The Balinese seller explained that these are cold-pressed juices: they need a special squeezer to make them, which makes one portion very slowly, over 15 minutes. But many times more nutrients are stored in the liquid. Valya tried several mixtures and was amazed at their taste: she had never drunk anything like it before. She thought that she would like to buy such juices in Yekaterinburg.

“Most juicers are centrifugal juicers in which fast rotating blades grind fruits and vegetables while exposing them to oxygen and heat. But oxygen and heat reduce the content of vitamins and phytochemicals in the final product - that is, the very substances that you are trying to consume. And cold-pressed juicers crush and squeeze fruits, preventing excess oxygen and heat from interacting with them. But the secret is not only in making healthy juice: it is important to find the right combination of flavors to get an original author's mix " (Wired magazine)

Returning to the Urals, Valentina began to immerse herself in the topic. Instagram has become the main research tool. She flipped through the accounts of American organic food enthusiasts who dabbled in cold-pressed juices, smoothies and other healthy foods. It turned out that in the United States it is already a fairly large industry, and for some it is a whole way of life.

Fresh start

The first juicer for Valentina came from Korea and cost 80 thousand rubles. The blender was at home. Valya began experimenting with vegetables, fruits and herbs, made her own mixtures and treated friends. In parallel, I came up with my own brand.

She drew the logo herself in CorelDraw - a minimalistic circle in which the words are inscribed. This translates into Russian as "Clean barn" or "Clean warehouse". The word barn came up in association with Bali - there was a place in Ubud called YogaBarn. Besides, "barn" is a bit like "bar". Following the name, a philosophy was born: the human body is a warehouse in which we can add both good and bad. Sometimes the warehouse becomes clogged with debris and needs to be cleaned. You need to strive to keep your barn clean.

Before starting to offer juices to customers, Valentina Moreva decided to arrange a trial tasting at the street market "", which took place in. She asked her friend Dmitry Dengolts to work with her behind the counter, found two canvas coffee bags in the Luckmousse coffee shop, made a picturesque counter with them, and prepared to introduce Yekaterinburg to the new food trend. The problem was the price: a small bottle cost 200 rubles, while a glass of ordinary fresh could be bought for 70-100 rubles. Would anyone buy juice for that kind of money?

While Dmitry Dengolts lured visitors, Valentina rushed from the juicer to the blenders, pouring smoothies and juices. A crowd gathered around the counter. Already several times new consignments of vegetables and fruits were brought: the day's supply ran out in the first hours. They were no less eager to buy cucumber "detox water" rolled up in jars for 100 rubles. for a can and a new product for Yekaterinburg - crispy granola. To cook it, Valentina herself baked oatmeal with nuts in the oven and rolled the mixture into half-liter jars.

The success of that day was inspiring. The ClearBarn Instagram account, which Valentina set up ahead of time, began to quickly gain followers. Detox kits were in great demand: a few days on juices, and the body begins to work in a new way.

Soon, the owner of the Luckmousse coffee shop, from whom Valya asked for coffee bags to decorate the bar counter, offered to open a small ClearBarn department in his establishment. You had to buy a couple of freezers, a bar fridge, and you could start selling. Valya took a risk: she bought freezers, ordered a new batch of plastic juice bottles and announced on Instagram that she was opening her first bar with juices and smoothies.

On September 13, 2014, a crowd gathered at Luckmousse, drinking juices and smoothies, sampling granola, and exploring detox programs. It was not for nothing that Valentina several times a day published pictures of new cocktails and products in a photoblog: ClearBarn had not yet opened, but for customers it had already become a habit.

For two months Valentina Moreva lived in time trouble. She woke up early in the morning and went for fresh vegetables and fruits - she took something from suppliers, and just bought something at the Botanical Market. Then she came to Luckmousse and got up at the counter. In the evening, having counted the proceeds and processed the orders, I wrote myself a task: how much and what kind of juices should be prepared for tomorrow. In addition, it was necessary to find time to negotiate with suppliers, select new products and maintain Instagram, which became more and more subscribers.

Soon Valya hired her first bartender. And after a while, the owner, Alexander Sizov, reluctantly told her that she would no longer be able to work in his coffee shop. It entered into force new order inspections of catering establishments, and now the inspection could appear not according to a pre-approved plan, but at any moment. The coffee shop didn't want to be held responsible for someone else's business. Fortunately, Valentina Moreva had a plan B.

Vali's strength

In February 2015 Valentina moved to shopping center on Karl Liebknecht. The owners of the center, planning to focus on sports and health products, themselves invited ClearBarn to take the best place on the ground floor. It was no longer a small counter, but a whole bar with tables. In addition, the shopping center was ready to provide preferential rent for the first two months of operation.

On February 13, the new ClearBarn went live. Valentina was standing behind the counter again, but now she had assistants. Showcases were filled with a new assortment - cakes and sweets without sugar, a menu and a coffee machine appeared.

The traffic was increasing every day. People from all over the city began to come here for detox kits, granola and Brazilian coconut water. Nine out of ten buyers were women.

A couple of months ago, Valentina opened a second ClearBarn outlet - a bar in the trendy Big New Market store on Radishcheva.

Bartender Nastya makes WhatsApp messages to regular guests before each shift

There are only eight people on the Clear Barn team, all girls. Most came to Valentina Moreva not because of money, but because they liked her business. Many vegetarians. Valentina does not hire students: the age threshold is 23-24 years.

In the year and a half that have passed since the opening of a small counter at Luckmousse, the ClearBarn assortment has expanded. Now you can buy cereals under the “Breakfast wakes up!” Brand, cakes and pastries from the BezMuki company, wheatgrass juice under the “Greens for Life” brand, sugar-free coconut milk ice cream, healthy Bite snacks, and, of course, 25 types juices and 21 varieties of smoothies. And five more types of granola, marshmallow, syrups and carob chocolate bars.

During the season, two bars sell organic food for 1.5-1.7 million rubles, churning out about 180 checks a day. Business traditionally goes worse in winter, better in summer. But in February, they sold 350 liters of smoothies.

Much has changed since the start of the business, and some have not been for the better. For example, the prices of ingredients have gone up. Almonds, from which almond milk is made here, cost 400 rubles, and now it is 1100 rubles. A kilogram of pineapple cost 70 rubles, and now 200. At the same time, Valentina is afraid to raise prices for juices and smoothies: yes, there are wealthy women among the clients, but there are also many students who cannot afford smoothies for 400-500 rubles. Therefore, Valentina reduces the margin, getting less and less of her own profit from each sale. Although the business is successful, there is no extra money in it, everything is spent on new equipment.

Now Valentina is thinking about how to supply hot dishes to ClearBarn. She also started hosting outdoor buffets with healthy snacks, juices and smoothies. Demand for the latter service suddenly exceeded supply: ClearBarn recently had to abandon an order for 200 people, which was too large for existing production.

Last summer, entrepreneurs from Chelyabinsk came to ClearBarn - they liked the concept of the establishment, and they would like to open the same in their city. This was not the first such proposal - before that, people came from Kazan with a similar question. The interest of nonresident entrepreneurs prompted Valentina to think about a franchise business. Now she is preparing documentation in which the principle of operation will be detailed. The franchise will concern not only bars, but also an online store, detox programs and buffets. Perhaps the ClearBarn franchises will appear even in remote areas of Yekaterinburg.

Valentina wants to turn ClearBarn into a full-cycle production: not only process vegetables and fruits, but also grow them herself. She studies biovegetaries - high-tech greenhouses where you can get an environmentally friendly crop many times faster than outdoors. Valentina has already figured out that such a greenhouse could be placed on the roof of the Sila Voli, so that the ingredients for juices and smoothies would go down to the detox bar right from the garden. Neither transportation nor packaging is an entrepreneur's dream. Actually, the shopping center was going to hold parties on the roof, but since healthy lifestyle wins the parties, why not arrange a kingdom of tomatoes there?

Photo: Igor Grom, Valentina Moreva

Adaptation to DK.RU- Olga Selezneva