What are the forms of distribution. Merchandising: the concept and principles of organization. Vologda - Dairy

Bringing goods from production to the sphere of consumption will be one of the important functions of trade and therefore occupies a certain place in the commercial work of trade enterprises and the service sector.

Choice of the shortest paths assumes that goods sent from the places of production to the trade network travel the shortest distances without having counter flows of goods of a similar assortment. In addition to counter transport, which should be avoided, unnecessarily long and repeated transport is also among the irrational ᴏᴛʜᴏϲᴙ.

When it is possible to ship goods from areas closer to a particular destination, shipments outside the areas established by normal traffic flow patterns are considered to be excessively long.

Bringing goods consists in the rational organization of the processes of commodity circulation and supply, which will be one of the important functions of trade.

Organization of goods distribution processes

The process of bringing goods from manufacturers through wholesalers and retail to consumers is called commodity circulation. It contains not only the physical movement of goods from places of production to places of consumption, but also operations related to their storage, sorting and preparation for sale at trade enterprises.

For this purpose, the most favorable flows and directions of movement of goods, more economical modes of transport for the transport of goods from places of production to places of consumption should be determined, and a network of warehouses and bases should be created. The level of trade service population, as well as the time of turnover of inventory items.

The processes of commodity circulation and supply consist in the spatial movement of goods, including a complex of organizational, economic and commercial operations.

Therefore, the distribution of goods involves the creation of a technological chain capable of constantly and uninterruptedly bringing goods from production to consumers in the required quantity, wide range, High Quality, at the minimum cost of labor, material resources and time.

It includes the formation of consignments of goods, their shipment, transportation various types transport, the passage of the commodity mass through certain warehouse links and the delivery of goods to the retail network. As can be seen from their content, the processes of commodity circulation constitute partly commercial work, and partly the continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation.

The processes of commodity circulation and supply of goods have common goals and objectives, but differ in a certain scope of its distribution.

Commodity supply retail trade covers a system of activities, which is a complex set of commercial and technological operations to bring goods to retailers. It is worth noting that it contains the following processes: purchase, delivery, acceptance and storage, preparation and sale. Such a distinction between these processes makes the content of their organizational, economic and commercial operations different.

The processes of commodity circulation and supply of goods should be rationally organized, which implies:

  • ensuring the shortest routes for the movement of goods;
  • application of the most expedient forms of movement and delivery of goods;
  • definition of rational links of commodity circulation;
  • the use of the most convenient and economical modes of transport.

Factors of influence and principles of product distribution

The organization of the distribution process is influenced by a number of factors, which can be combined into the following groups:

  • production;
  • transport;
  • social;
  • trading.

Production factors

Factors of production include the following:

  • location of production;
  • specialization of manufacturing enterprises;
  • seasonality in the production of individual goods.

significant impact on the distribution process placement of goods production. The approach of manufacturing enterprises to sources of raw materials often leads to their uneven distribution throughout the country, their removal from consumption areas, and ϶ᴛᴏ, in turn, complicates the process of commodity circulation, as it necessitates the transportation of goods over long distances, slows down their delivery from production to consumers .

No less important influence on the organization of commodity circulation is exerted by specialization of manufacturing enterprises on the production of a relatively narrow range of goods. This is especially true for goods with a complex assortment, since small shops are not able to receive them without preliminary sorting at wholesale trade enterprises. This leads to the fact that most goods, before entering the retail commercial enterprise, passes first through one or more wholesale trade links.

The production of certain consumer goods has a pronounced seasonal nature, which, in turn, is associated with the seasonality of the production of raw materials for their manufacture, as well as the seasonality of the acquisition and consumption of individual goods. In connection with this, the range of goods involved in the process of commodity circulation changes significantly throughout the year, and ϶ᴛᴏ makes it necessary to make ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ adjustments to the organization of the technological process of commodity circulation.

Transport factors

Transport factors include:

  • state of transport routes;
  • modes of transport used to transport goods.

Today, not all regions have good developed transport network, therefore, the delivery of goods to some of them is associated with certain difficulties (it is seasonal, actively forces the use of irrational modes of transport, etc.) The structure of the park Vehicle must also meet the requirements of a rational organization of the process of goods distribution, for which it is extremely important to have a specialized transport, vehicles of various cargo capacities, etc.

When organizing the movement of goods, the correct choice of vehicles and their effective use are of great importance. When ϶ᴛᴏm, the distance of transportation, the type and physical and chemical properties of goods are taken into account. The maximum load of transport should be ensured, its downtime should be reduced, and empty runs should be excluded.

Widespread use of container-equipment in the process of goods distribution allows not only to eliminate heavy manual processes, significantly increase labor productivity and trade culture, but also achieve a significant economic effect from its implementation.

So, when using container-equipment, the costs of delivery and sale of 1 g of cargo are reduced by 40-45%, the productivity of vehicles is increased by 1.8 times, 8 technological operations in trade and 13 in transport and supplier enterprises are reduced, as well as time for loading and unloading of vehicles - 5 times.

Means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations should be widely used in all links of the technological chain of commodity circulation. Their use allows more efficient use of vehicles and labor force significantly speed up the distribution process.

Social factors

It is important to know that the product distribution process is greatly influenced by social factors, the main ones will be:

  • resettlement of the population;
  • the level of income of the population.

Thus, it is more difficult to organize the delivery of goods to consumers in areas with a low population density than in areas with a high population density: they have to be transported over long distances and traditionally they go through a larger number of links. The intensity of the process of commodity circulation is also influenced by the level of monetary income of the population.

Trading Factors

The following trading factors influence the process of product distribution:

  • size, specialization and location of trade enterprises;
  • the degree of complexity of the range of goods and their properties;
  • the level of organization of the supply of goods to the retail trade network.

The high efficiency of goods distribution is ensured by continuous improvement and optimization of its entire technological chain. This is achieved by the unity of the technological chain, meeting all the requirements of in-line cargo handling, with which each previous operation will simultaneously be a preparation for the next one.
It is worth noting that operations related to the preparation of goods for sale (their packaging, packaging, picking the necessary assortment, etc.) are of particular importance here. We note the fact that in modern conditions these operations are carried out in large volumes both at wholesale and retail enterprises.

To a large extent, the distribution process depends on assortment And properties of goods. So, goods of a complex assortment, before entering the retail trade network, are sorted in the wholesale link. Creation of special conditions in the process of commodity circulation requires perishable products.

The process of commodity circulation will proceed differently depending on the form of supplying the retail trade network with goods. The nature of the process of commodity circulation is greatly influenced by its the form And links.

The rational organization of the process of goods distribution should be based on the observance of the following basic principles:

  • the use of the shortest routes for the movement of goods;
  • the establishment of the optimal form and links of the movement of goods with the widespread use of centralized delivery of goods to the retail trade network;
  • choice of rational vehicles and their efficient use;
  • wide use of containers - equipment and means of mechanization of loading and unloading and storage operations;
  • continuous improvement and optimization of the technological chain of distribution.

The organization of the technological chain of commodity distribution in compliance with the above-mentioned basic principles makes it possible to ensure high efficiency of the entire process of commodity circulation.

Forms of distribution

An equally important condition for the rational organization of commodity circulation will be the use of economically viable forms of movement of goods.
It should be noted that the main links in the technological chain of commodity circulation will be industrial and agricultural enterprises producing consumer goods, wholesale depots, shops and other points. retail goods.

Following from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption, goods can pass through one or more storage links. The rational organization of the process of commodity circulation provides for the passage of goods through the minimum number of links.

In the practice of organizing goods movement, two of its forms are used:

  • transit;
  • warehouse.

Transit form of goods movement

The transit form consists in the shipment or delivery of goods to the retail trade network directly from manufacturing plants bypassing warehouses. It is worth noting that it is used mainly for goods of a simple assortment, which do not require subsorting.

Many foodstuffs(bread and bakery products, sausages, meat and fish semi-finished products, dairy products, beer, soft drinks) are imported into the trade network in transit.

Large trade enterprises and certain non-food products (clothing and knitwear, fabrics, shoes, televisions, refrigerators, furniture) are received in transit, mainly from local industrial enterprises.

The development of the transit form of movement of goods is favorably influenced by the appearance in the areas of consumption of new enterprises of light and Food Industry, consolidation of trade enterprises, the introduction of direct links between retail trade and production, the development of road and container transportation and other factors.

Warehouse form of distribution

And, nevertheless, for the movement of many goods, the warehouse form of goods movement will be the most rational. The warehouse form of goods movement is used mainly when delivery to the retail network of goods of a complex assortment. With ϶ᴛᴏm, goods for the purpose of their subsorting follow through warehouse links.

There are single-link, two-link and more warehouse forms of commodity circulation. It is worth saying that to determine the warehouse link, a coefficient is used, which is calculated by the ratio of wholesale and warehouse turnover to retail turnover.

The need to separate large lots of goods coming from the industry, to sort goods of a complex assortment, to create stable carry-over stocks in the wholesale link, guaranteeing the regularity and uninterrupted supply retail network, - all ϶ᴛᴏ causes the need for intermediate storage links that arise on the way of movement of goods.

Under links of goods movement, as already noted, warehouses of wholesale and retail trade organizations and enterprises that receive, store, sort, pick and issue or ship goods to stores are understood.

Rationalization of commodity circulation is on the way to eliminate unnecessary links between production and retail trade. When using the warehouse form of commodity circulation, they strive to ensure that there would be no more than one warehouse link geographically close to the supply points on the way of the movement of goods from production to the retail network.

It is important to note that one-link commodity circulation characteristic of a number of major cities in our country. The construction of large zonal warehouses in the near future will make it possible to spread this form of commodity circulation more widely.

Two-tier merchandising is still quite widespread in supplying the trading network small towns or rural communities.

To establish the rationality of commodity circulation, it is calculated coefficient of product distribution links - an indicator of the average number of warehouses through which goods from manufacturing enterprise to the store.

The link ratio is defined as the ratio of gross (the sum of warehouse and retail) turnover to retail turnover minus one:

Warehouse turnover is calculated by the receipt of goods at the warehouses of wholesale and retail enterprises, and retail - in stores. The exclusion of a unit is due to the fact that the turnover does not take into account the passage by them of the storerooms of the store. In the case of transit goods movement, the coefficient of warehouse links is equal to zero.

The choice of the form of movement of goods is determined by economic feasibility, identified by specific calculations of the costs of goods movement.

Merchandise channels

It is important to note that one of the requirements for the rational organization of goods movement will be to ensure the shortest paths for the movement of goods. Taking into account the forms and links, commodity circulation channels are formed, the choice of which determines the rational and shortest path for the movement of goods.

Under distribution channel refers to the links (organizations and individuals) through which the goods pass when moving (or reselling) from the producer to the consumer.

Distribution channels perform various functions. It is worth noting that they provide information about the characteristics and needs of consumers, existing and new products, establish contacts with potential buyers, influence pricing decisions, find and use financial resources but to cover the costs of promoting goods.

There are direct and indirect channels.

Direct distribution channels involve the movement of goods and services directly from the producer to the consumer, bypassing independent intermediaries, i.e. straight to the shops. It is this system that allows you to control the entire process, provides close contact with the consumer, and therefore more complete information about his tastes and habits, but requires an extensive management system and high costs.

Indirect distribution channels associated with the use of independent intermediaries, to whom the goods are mixed from the manufacturer, and who then sell it to consumers. The following diagram shows the most common variants of distribution channels.

Figure No. 10.1. Possible options commodity circulation

It should be noted that they may simple based on an oral agreement between the manufacturer and the local retailer, and complex based on contractual agreements, which stipulate price policy, terms of sale, commission rate, service structure and liability, duration and terms of termination of the contract, etc.

The advantages of the ϶ᴛᴏ system are related to detailed knowledge of the market. Intermediaries (wholesale depots, warehouses) take on the functions of storing goods, reduce the risk due to the lack of goods on sale.

The distribution channels are characterized by length and width. Distribution channel length is determined by the number of independent intermediaries consistently promoting the product. Most often there are one-level (one intermediary - a retail link), two-level (two intermediaries - wholesale and retail links), three-level (three intermediaries - a large wholesaler, a small wholesaler, a retail link) channels.

Distribution channel width characterized by the number of independent participants at each level.

There are three possible approaches for a manufacturer to address the issue of the number of intermediaries.

At intensive distribution seeks to ensure that the greatest possible number of enterprises have stocks of their goods. This approach ensures the widest distribution of goods and convenience for customers.

Exclusive distribution (exclusive) means deliberately drastically limiting the number of intermediaries at each level of the channel and their exclusive rights to sell the company's goods.

Selective (selective) distribution and marketing - something in between the above approaches. The manufacturer uses an average number of wholesale and retail intermediaries, which will give him the opportunity to combine a prestigious image of the product with good sales volume and control over the movement of goods.

Channel selection depends on:

  • characteristics of the product (in which market it is sold, what behavior is typical for its buyers, what services are required when selling it, etc.);
  • the scale of production, its competitiveness, the current and future policies of the company, the stability of its position in the industry;
  • the characteristics of the distribution channels themselves (the amount of trading costs, the degree of coverage of the distribution network, the estimated volume and sales area, financial position and technical level of the reseller)

The main costs of merchandising consist of the costs of transportation, subsequent warehousing of goods, maintaining inventories, receiving, shipping and packaging goods, administrative costs and order processing costs. For ϶ᴛᴏmu modern process distribution of goods should be based on the ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙpreparation of goods for sale by packing, packing and completing the necessary assortment. It is expedient to carry out these operations in production or wholesale depots, in order to maximally free stores from functions that are unusual for them.

4.2. Technological process of goods distribution

The continuous movement of goods from production to consumers is an objectively necessary process of reproduction. In its content, it is a material and material process of movement in time and space of ready-to-consume products of labor (goods). The number of goods moved is measured by natural and cost indicators, which express information about the movement of goods. The main indicators are cargo turnover and commodity turnover. Physical indicators reflect information about the actual movement of goods (kilograms, tons, meters, pieces, pairs, tens, etc.). Cost indicators (rubles, kopecks) reflect the movement of the cost of goods. The entire system of movement of goods is continuous flows, the speed of which depends both on the capacity of production, the rhythm of deliveries, the size of commodity stocks, and on the speed of sale and consumption. The rhythm of production and the volume of goods entering trade must correspond to the rhythm and volume of their sale for a certain period of time, that is, equilibrium must be achieved. With insufficiently coordinated rhythm in the volumes of receipt and sale of goods, negative consequences occur. Or the stocks of goods fall below the established limits, beyond which interruptions in trade begin. Or, on the contrary, excess stocks of goods are formed, which require excessive costs of living labor and slow down the process of commodity circulation. The production of goods will be meaningless if they are not delivered to the place of consumption, where, through the sale, the production costs of producing these goods will be reimbursed.

The process of moving goods from producers to consumers is called distribution. The process of commodity circulation is the main process of trade, since the conditions of reproduction depend on it. There are several definitions of merchandising.

Product distribution is the process of physical movement of goods from the manufacturer to the place of sale or consumption.

Merchandising is the process of actually bringing goods to the consumer.

Merchandising is the process of bringing goods from manufacturers through wholesalers and retailers to consumers.

To bring goods from production to the consumer means to organize its movement in the shortest way, at minimal cost, at the right time for the consumer, in a given quantity and quality suitable for retail sale and consumption. Therefore, the movement of goods should not be equated with transport process. Merchandising includes the process of transportation, but unlike the latter, it has a more complex content. The movement of goods includes not only the physical movement of goods from places of production to places of consumption, but also operations related to their storage, sorting and preparation for sale at trade enterprises. In stores, the process of circulation of funds invested in manufactured consumer goods is completed. There is a transformation of the commodity form of value into a monetary one and a economic basis to restart the production of goods. This merchandising process will only make sense if there is an economic benefit for each participant. Therefore, the rational organization of commodity circulation is one of the most important functions of trade. The time of turnover of goods and the level of trade services for the population depend on how rationally this process is organized. The following operations form the basis of the merchandising process:

■ transportation of goods;

■ loading and unloading operations;

■ storage of goods;

■ acquisition of trade assortment;

■ sorting, packaging, preparation for sale. The process of movement of goods from production to consumer includes several stages and links. The number of links depends on the characteristics of specific goods, the remoteness of their production points from consumption points, transport conditions, the composition and structure of the material and technical base, links and other factors. The main links in the distribution of goods are: industrial and agricultural enterprises, wholesalers, small wholesalers, retailers and other points of retail sale of goods.

The process of product distribution includes several successive stages:

1) the movement of goods from the warehouses of commodity producers to the warehouses of wholesale enterprises;

2) intra-warehouse operations with goods;

3) commodity supply of the retail trade network;

4) intra-store operations with goods to bring them to the consumer.

All these stages are interconnected and represent a single technological chain of commodity circulation. Following from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption, the goods pass through one or more warehouse links. The rational organization of the process of product distribution provides for the passage of goods through the minimum number of links:

■ commodity flows;

■ transport bridges.

The most important task of commodity circulation is the creation of such a technological chain that would ensure the uninterrupted supply of retail trade networks with goods in quantity, assortment and quality that correspond to consumer demand with minimal labor, time and material costs.

Principles of rationalization of commodity circulation:

■ use of the shortest routes for the movement of goods;

■ establishment of optimal links in the distribution of goods;

■ correct choice of vehicles and their efficient use;

■ application progressive system supply of goods with the use of packaging equipment and means of mechanization of loading and unloading and storage operations.

The movement of goods is carried out through certain channels. Distribution channel- is a collection independent organizations involved in the distribution process. These are manufacturers of goods, wholesale trade organizations. Choosing a distribution channel is a difficult problem. The more links in the process of commodity circulation, the more expensive this process. In this regard, the main task of commodity circulation will be to identify the path of movement of goods. The movement of goods from production areas to consumption areas should be carried out by the shortest routes. This ensures that the goods pass the shortest path from the producer to the consumer. In addition, the reproduction process is accelerated and the lowest costs for the movement of goods are provided. Both commodity producers and trading enterprises should be interested in this.

Consider the process of promoting goods in the wholesale trade enterprise CJSC Rostovkombytopttorg.

The technological chain of goods distribution is shown in the diagram.

When deciding to improve any of the links in the distribution system, it is necessary to ensure that this does not negatively affect the overall effect, especially if the event is aimed at minimizing the cost of promoting goods.

CJSC "Rostovkombytopttorg" also created a technological chain. It has a three-tier system.

Merchandise channels

Each manufacturer seeks to create or form its own distribution channel by direct contact with the consumer, which is preferable, or through an intermediary.

Channels of commodity distribution is a set of firms or individuals, gr; waiting-links of commodity circulation, which accept n; themselves or transfer to someone the ownership of a specific product along the entire path of commodity circulation.

Primary sound! ohm of the chain of commodity circulation is a commodity producer. The development of market relations contributed to the emergence of various manufacturers on the commodity market and the formation of a competitive environment. This forced the company to look for new ways to improve work efficiency. For the rational organization of the process of product distribution, the manufacturer must:

■ choose a sales authority;

■ determine the number of intermediaries;

■ select intermediary partners.

Recently, the role of commodity producers in the marketing of their products has increased significantly. But, nevertheless, many of them resort to the services of intermediaries. As intermediaries between manufacturers of goods and retailers are:

■ wholesale trade enterprises;

■ trade and purchasing cooperatives, associations;

■ sales agents, brokers;

individual entrepreneurs. Consider the types of distribution channels in a single

technological chain on the example of the wholesale base "Rostov-kombytopttorg", the department "Marketing and sales of PPE and manufactured goods".

I link. Manufacturers and suppliers

1st channel. Producers - all enterprises of light, heavy, food industry and Agriculture regions, regions of the country.

For example: manufacturers cooperating with the wholesale base of Rostovkombytopttorg CJSC produce products light industry: overalls, footwear and manufactured goods (robes, blanket).

1. The manufacturer LLC "Orso" (a company in Rostov-on-Don), has been cooperating with the base of CJSC "Rostovkombytopttorg" for five years. She specializes in the production of safety shoes.

2. The manufacturer CJSC Nevskaya Manufactory (a company in St. Petersburg) has been cooperating with the base for two years. It specializes in the production of the Neva blanket.

2nd channel. Suppliers are manufacturers or wholesalers.

Rostovkombytopttorg CJSC (the company) itself is a wholesale base of suppliers and cooperates with many well-known bases, such as:

■ CJSC "Opttorg" - a company in Moscow, has been cooperating with the base for more than twenty-five years - this is the largest base in Moscow. She specializes in the production of safety shoes.

■ Grantek EM is a Moscow-based firm specializing in overalls that has been cooperating with the base for one year.

The volume of deliveries to "Rostovkombytopttorg" of the department "Marketing and sales of PPE and manufactured goods" - one-time, 300-400 thousand pieces.

For example:

The volume of deliveries for 2005 amounted to 2,346,250 thousand pieces.

Consider specifically the volume of deliveries for 2002:

Monthly total - 1250:

1st month - 390;

2nd month - 860;

Total quarter - 2,345,000:

1st quarter - 1,000,000;

2nd quarter - 1,345,000.

The annual volume of deliveries amounted to 2,346,250 thousand pieces.

II link. Wholesale and small wholesale trade

1st channel. Wholesale.

Wholesale trade is the sale of large consignments of goods (from 20 to 100 tons) through a system of wholesale warehouses or wholesale markets. Sale is carried out to wholesale buyers, that is, shops, small firms for subsequent sale / Wholesale trade is engaged in the supply of retail trade - shops.

For example: the sale of goods of the department "Marketing and sales of personal protective equipment and manufactured goods" is mainly carried out by wholesale, small wholesale and retail.

At the base, large quantities are sold through wholesale warehouse systems: acceptance by quantity (instruction P-6), acceptance by quality (instruction P-7), according to primary documents (waybill, invoice, check). Further, the primary documents are submitted to the accounting department. They are assigned their own code, entered into the computer - a credit note. Then the buyer goes to the warehouse with all the documents (invoice, waybill, check, receipt order, etc.) and receives the goods he bought.

2nd channel. Small wholesale trade. Small-scale wholesale trade is the sale of significant lots to wholesale buyers to supply small-scale retail trade (pavilions, kiosks, tents) or for personal non-commercial consumption (hospitals, schools, kindergartens).

The wholesale base of Rostovkombyttorg CJSC is also engaged in the sale of non-commercial consumption goods. It sells its products to TsOB (central regional hospitals) of Rostov-on-Don, children's hospitals of the Azov region in a wide range: medical gowns (women's and men's); caps, bed linen, surgical gowns with a surgical cap, a blanket, rubber (sterile) gloves and other goods.

Separate wholesale bases organize, through post offices, sending parcels with various types of non-food products to the population or shops. This form of trade is carried out according to special catalogs, which give a description (description) of the goods sent by parcels, as well as the conditions for their payment and ordering. Sending parcels of goods directly to the public is called individual or retail parcel trade.

The base of CJSC Rostovkombytopttorg of the Department of Marketing and Sales of PPE and Manufactured Goods is engaged in distribution by mail: according to catalogs, brochures, price lists, according to which the buyer can order goods for a certain fee. This includes a range of products: overalls, safety shoes, protective gear and manufactured goods (knitwear).

4th channel. Specialized industry stores (confectionery, shoe, clothing factories), that is, manufacturers that produce their goods, have their own retail sales network.

Rostovkombytopttorg CJSC has its own sewing factories (Oblivskaya Seamstress and Hats), sells goods to its own retail chain of stores: Smak grocery store, Promtovary, Cafe-Buffet.

5th channel. Service station.

The wholesale base has a huge transport workshop with a fleet of vehicles. Here, the main function of the service is the delivery of goods to suppliers (buyers).

6th channel. Wholesalers (shuttle traders).

Wholesalers are individuals or enterprises that purchase a significant amount of goods from manufacturers and organize either their movement to the retail network or direct sale to consumers. Wholesalers serve as a link between manufacturers and consumers in different areas of the market and help to penetrate new markets.

For example: Stavropol Territory (Vladikavkaz, Istok Steklo Plant), Krasnodar Territory (Armavirsky Experimental Mechanical Plant), Rostov Region, all regions (Azov, Volgodonsk, etc.).

7th channel. Commercial agents of various levels.

For example: A broker is a person who sells a product without owning it. He only brings the seller and the buyer together, receiving commission rewards from the transaction (in% payment). The broker is well informed about market conditions. Market conjuncture - actually existing different prices for the currently available range of goods. It varies depending on the season of the year, on the amount of imported goods from other regions of the country, and so on.

At the wholesale base of ZAO Rostovkombytopttorg, commercial agents are managers whose functions are the same. They bring the manufacturer to the buyer. Have the authority to negotiate prices, delivery method, credit. They also do not take ownership of the goods (that is, they work on the invoice without buying the goods). They do not receive a commission, but they receive a salary.

The final link in the distribution of goods is retail trade. Retail functions include:

■ formation of a trade assortment;

■ implementation of technological operations with goods;

■ sale of goods to the final consumer;

■ provision of services.

III link. Retail and small retail trade

1st channel. Retail.

Retail trade is the sale of food and non-food products by the piece or in small quantities to the population for personal consumption through a chain of stores.

To purchase goods at a wholesale base (for example: overalls and manufactured goods), the buyer comes to the Marketing and Sales of Personal Protective Equipment and Manufactured Goods department. He is issued a receipt. Then, with primary documents and a receipt order, he goes to the warehouse for goods - this is called cash payment. Cashless payment: when a customer writes a check for a certain item. The base also uses the bill of exchange form of payment, that is, the purchase of a certain product is carried out through a bank.

2nd channel. Small retail businesses.

Small retail trade is the sale of food and non-food products that do not require fitting, and non-perishable goods through stationary and mobile retail trade network systems.

Stationary retail network - a system of lightweight structures (stalls, kiosks, pavilions).

Mobile small-scale retail network - trade in a cart and peddling with the help of special devices.

This retail trade channel is not used at the wholesale base.

3rd channel. Retailers.

A retailer is a person or businesses that sell a relatively large quantity of a product directly to the end consumer. He purchases goods directly from the wholesaler or from the manufacturer.

There are no such retailers at ZAO Rostovkombytopttorg.

IV link. Buyers and consumers

The nature of the process of commodity circulation is greatly influenced by the link and the form of organization of commodity circulation. The process of product distribution will proceed differently depending on the form of supplying the retail trade network with goods. In the practice of organizing goods movement, two forms are used:

1) transit;

2) warehouse.

The transit form consists in the delivery of goods to the retail trade network directly from manufacturing enterprises. It is used mainly for goods of a simple assortment that do not require subsorting. According to the direct transit scheme, perishable food products are sent to the retail trade network. An example of a transit (direct) form is the movement of bakery products according to the scheme: a bakery - a store.

Warehouse form of commodity circulation is used mainly for the delivery of goods of a complex assortment to a retail trade network. At the same time, goods for the purpose of their subsorting follow through warehouse links. There are single-link and multi-link, warehouse forms of commodity circulation.

Merchandise distribution schemes involving intermediary wholesalers are complex. With a significant remoteness of suppliers from the points of retail sale of goods, the distribution scheme with two or even three intermediary wholesale links prevails. To determine the warehouse links, a coefficient is used, which is calculated by the ratio of wholesale and warehouse turnover to retail.

Transport plays an important role in the distribution process. Of great importance are the correct choice of vehicles and their efficient use. The distance of transportation, the type and physical and chemical properties of the goods are also taken into account. The maximum load of transport should be ensured, its downtime should be reduced, and empty runs should be excluded. Transport enterprises and organizations must ensure:

■ cargo safety;

■ timely delivery of goods;

■ compliance with the rules of loading and transportation;

■ application of advanced transportation technologies;

■ mechanization of loading and unloading facilities.

Means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations should be widely used in all parts of the technological goal of commodity circulation. Their use allows more efficient use of vehicles and labor, significantly speeding up the process of goods distribution. The rationalization of commodity circulation is achieved not only by reducing manual labor in loading and unloading operations. There is also the elimination of repeated work on preparing goods for release to customers, reducing product losses, facilitating work on accounting and control, and reducing the cost of packaging goods. Irrational transportations are opened and eliminated - oncoming, excessively distant, repeated.

Counter transportation is the transportation of homogeneous goods along the same section of the road in opposite directions. Unnecessarily long-distance transport occurs when a point is supplied with goods from a distant source when it is possible to supply from a closer one. Retransportation refers to the transportation of cargo to a destination where the same product is produced and exported to another destination. The widespread use of packaging equipment in the process of goods distribution allows not only to eliminate heavy manual processes. The productivity of labor and the culture of trade are growing significantly. Significant economic effect from the introduction of packaging equipment. Thus, the cost of loading and unloading cars is reduced by 5 times.

In addition, the use of container-equipment for the delivery and sale of goods makes it possible to reduce eight technological operations in trade and thirteen - in transport and enterprises from suppliers. The use of packaging equipment - special small-sized containers as a carrier is most effective when delivering small batches of goods to stores. Packaging equipment performs the functions of food transport packaging and non-mechanical equipment. In the field of production or in the wholesale link, goods are packaged in consumer packaging, placed in containers-equipment and delivered directly to the sales floor of the store, where they are sold using the self-service method.

This system of product distribution, if it operates all the way from the shop of the enterprise (wholesale warehouse) to the trading floor of the store, radically changes the nature of work. It gives the trade sector an industrial character, releases commodity resources. For mechanization of loading and unloading operations with container-equipment, stores must be equipped with hydraulic or mechanical trolleys with lifting forks. Also equip the receiving ramp with special unloading devices, devices for loading and unloading containers, use lifting tables and other means of mechanization.

The high efficiency of goods distribution is ensured by continuous improvement and optimization of its entire technological chain. The technological chain of commodity circulation is a sequence of technological processes and operations at all stages of the movement of goods. The efficiency of commodity circulation is achieved by the unity of the technological chain, its compliance with the requirements of in-line cargo handling. With it, each previous operation is simultaneously a preparation for the next one. Of particular importance here are operations related to the preparation of goods for sale - their packing, packaging, picking the necessary assortment, etc. In modern conditions, these operations are carried out in large volumes both at wholesale and retail enterprises. The organization of the technological chain of product distribution in compliance with the basic principles allows to ensure high efficiency of the entire process of product distribution.

A number of factors influence the organization of the distribution process. Factors affecting the movement of goods are grouped into four groups:

1) production;

2) transport;

3) trading;

4) social.

Production factors include such as: location of production, specialization of production, seasonality of production of goods. A significant impact on the process of commodity circulation indicates the location of the production of goods. The approach of manufacturing enterprises to raw material sources often leads to uneven distribution of them across the country, remoteness from places of consumption and, consequently, complicating the process of product distribution. Bringing goods from production to consumer slows down. There is a need to transport goods over long distances. The specialization of production leads to the release of a narrower range of goods, which enhances the process of product distribution. The number of links is increasing. With optimal links in the distribution of goods, the goods on their way from production to the retail trade network pass through the minimum number of intermediate wholesale and warehouse links. Each new link entails additional costs for loading and unloading operations, acceptance, storage, release, accounting of goods. Centralized delivery of goods from suppliers to retailers, bypassing wholesale warehouses, reduces the delivery of goods to stores. It applies to simple products. Goods of a complex assortment (confectionery, groceries, flavoring goods, garments, knitwear, etc.) require a warehouse form of merchandise circulation (for sorting, packaging, stocking to uninterruptedly meet consumer demand). Small shops are not able to receive goods of a complex assortment without preliminary sorting at wholesale trade enterprises. This leads to the fact that most goods, before entering the retail trade enterprise, first pass through one or more wholesale trade links. Warehouse form of commodity circulation, depending on the number of warehouses through which the goods passed, can be one-, two- and multi-link.

The production of some goods is strongly seasonal. This is due to the seasonality of the production of raw materials for the manufacture of products and the seasonality of the acquisition and consumption of individual goods. Therefore, the assortment of goods changes significantly during the year and it is necessary to make adjustments to the organization of product distribution.

Transport factors include: the state of transport routes, modes of transport, the availability of vehicles, etc. At present, not all regions have a well-developed transport network. Delivery of goods is difficult. A significant role is played by the factor of the technical condition of vehicles and their number. The structure of the transport fleet must also meet the requirements of a rational organization of goods distribution. There should be specialized transport, transport of various cargo capacities, good condition of transport routes, etc.

Trade factors include: assortment and properties of goods; size, specialization and location of trade enterprises; the level of organization of the supply of goods to the retail trade network. For example, perishable products require the creation of special conditions in the process of distribution. Goods of a complex assortment, before entering the retail trade network, are sorted in the wholesale link. The process of product distribution will proceed differently depending on the form of supply of the retail trade network used.

Social factors have an important influence on the process of product distribution. The main ones are: population density, population distribution, national composition, the level of monetary income of the population, etc. With a low population density, it is more difficult to organize the delivery of goods to consumers than in areas with a high population density. In these cases, it is necessary to transport goods over long distances. Goods also pass through a large number of links.

The process of spatial movement of goods forms the so-called goods movement, including the transportation of goods by various modes of transport, the passage of the commodity mass through certain warehouse links and the delivery of goods to the retail trade network - the final point of goods movement.
Merchandising is a very complex technological process; its organization is influenced by many factors.
One of the main factors that have a significant impact on the process of commodity circulation is the location of the production of goods.
A significant influence on the process of commodity circulation is exerted by such a factor as the development of transport links between production points and consumption areas. Great attention has always been and is being paid to the development of transport links between individual regions of the country. The rapid development of all types of transport, the introduction of modern means of transportation, the increase in the speed of transport provide good conditions for the rational organization of commodity circulation. When choosing transport links, they proceed from the fact that the costs of transporting goods are minimal, and delivery times are minimally short.
Important factors influencing the process of goods movement are its form and links.
There are two forms of commodity circulation: transit and warehouse. The simplest form is transit, which provides for the delivery of goods to the retail trade network directly from manufacturing enterprises. The transit form of commodity circulation is used, as a rule, for goods of a simple assortment that do not require subsorting. For goods with a complex assortment, the transit form is used less frequently, as it can lead to a narrowing of the assortment, an increase in
niyu stocks of goods, slowing down their turnover and increasing distribution costs. For goods of a complex assortment, as a rule, a warehouse form of goods movement is used. Goods of a simple and complex assortment on their way of movement can pass one, two or more warehouse links. There are two types of links:
trade and organizational (the number of wholesale trade organizations and enterprises participating in wholesale purchases);
warehouse (the number of warehouse links through which the goods pass on the way from production to the retail trade network).
Reducing the links in the distribution of goods is important for improving wholesale trade, the process of commodity circulation, the size of stocks of goods, the availability of a product range in the retail trade network, and saving costs associated with bringing goods from production to the consumer.
Warehouse links of commodity circulation is measured by a coefficient showing the ratio of gross (wholesale and warehouse and retail) turnover to net (retail) or wholesale and warehouse to retail. This indicator can be expressed in units or percentages.
Rational is considered such a movement of goods of a complex assortment, which is organized according to the scheme: factory - wholesale company- shop. To establish the rationality of the distribution of goods, the coefficient of the links of the distribution of goods is calculated - an indicator of the average number of warehouses through which goods pass from the manufacturing enterprise to the store. The link coefficient is defined as the ratio of gross (warehouse and retail) turnover to retail aa minus one:
where Oskl - warehouse turnover;
Omag - retail turnover.
Warehouse turnover is calculated on the receipt of goods at the warehouses of wholesale and retail organizations, and retail - in shops. The exclusion of a unit is due to the fact that the turnover does not take into account the passage of warehouses by them. In the case of transit goods movement, the coefficient of warehouse links is equal to zero.
The choice of the form of movement of goods is determined by economic expediency, which is revealed by specific calculations of the costs of goods movement.
The rational organization of commodity circulation presupposes:
ensuring the shortest routes for the movement of goods from points of production to areas of consumption;
application of the most expedient forms of movement of goods;
use of the most convenient and economical modes of transport.
The choice of the shortest paths of movement means that the goods sent from the places of production to the trade network travel the shortest distances without having oncoming flows of goods of a similar assortment. Along with reciprocal transportations, which should be avoided, excessively long and repeated transportations also belong to the number of irrational ones. Excessively long distances are considered to be transportations that go beyond the zones, ! established by the schemes of the normal directions of cargo flows in transport, provided that it is possible to ship goods from areas closer to a particular destination.
An equally important condition for the rational organization of commodity circulation is the use of economically viable forms of movement of goods.

The organization of product distribution is the activity of planning and controlling the movement of products from the places of its creation to the places of sale in order to meet the needs of consumers and for the benefit of the enterprise.

Goods distribution in marketing means a system for ensuring the delivery of products to the place of sale or operation (installation) at exactly the right time and with the highest possible level of service. At the same time, this is a more or less developed chain of commercial intermediaries of various links.

Merchandise planning is the systematic decision making regarding the physical movement and transfer of ownership of a product or service from producer to consumer, including transportation, storage, and transaction.

The product distribution system is designed to turn the product as a result of the thoughts and activities of engineers, designers, technologists, designers into a product, that is, to ensure the transfer (sale) of the product to those who will consume it. Thus, the distribution system as a subfunction of marketing and sales covers a significant area of ​​the enterprise, starting from the warehouse finished products and ending with the place of sale of manufactured goods.

The most difficult and important thing for an enterprise is to create good relationships with distribution channels. This takes a long time and a lot of effort. If the participants in the distribution channels are influential, then the marketing opportunities of manufacturers also increase significantly. Through well-established channels, it is easier to organize the sale of products. At the same time, difficulties are created for the penetration of new enterprises into the channels.

For some goods, distribution channels are traditional, well-established. For example, bread, milk, and many types of vegetable products are sold by producers directly through retailers, bypassing wholesalers.

The level of costs and the nature of the profits of enterprises are influenced by: the location of the participants in the distribution channels, their number and geographical penetration, the quantity and quality of the services they provide.

The strategic objectives of commodity circulation should include the creation or development of its own distribution network, possible cooperation with existing intermediaries to ensure effective marketing of products. The most important strategic objectives include:

  • 1) development of a strategy for the distribution of goods in conjunction with the global marketing strategy of the company;
  • 2) forecasting the depth (number of intermediaries) and width (number of intermediaries at the same level) of distribution channels that are able to ensure the sale of products, taking into account the prospects for the development of production;
  • 3) determination of the optimal structure of channels for the distribution of goods and the solution of issues that ensure their cooperation, as well as the dominant role.

The tactical tasks of commodity circulation are connected with daily activities aimed at the successful sale of manufactured products by the forces of their distribution network and ensuring rational cooperation with all possible intermediaries. Tactical tasks should be determined by strategic tasks, but at the same time reflect all the requirements that the consumer immediately imposes on distribution channels.

The distribution process consists of:

  • 1) from the definition of the objectives of the movement of goods;
  • 2) order system processing;
  • 3) creation of storage facilities;
  • 4) regulation of stocks;
  • 5) choice of transportation method;
  • 6) evaluation and control of the distribution system.

The goals of product distribution can be considered from two positions: the degree of customer satisfaction and cost reduction. The method of achieving the goals of the first group can be to minimize the cases of out of stock and timely fulfillment of orders by creating an efficient transportation system. It is also important to minimize the number of cases of damage to goods during transportation.

When minimizing the costs of organizing goods distribution, in no case should we forget about the level of service, which is determined by the following factors:

  • 1) the speed of order fulfillment and the possibility of urgent delivery;
  • 2) willingness to accept returned products if a defect is found in it and in the shortest time replace it or compensate for the loss incurred by the consumer;
  • 3) a well-organized own warehouse network and a sufficient level of stocks of products throughout the range;
  • 4) highly efficient service or maintenance;
  • 5) competitive price level for product delivery.

None of these factors by themselves is decisive. All these factors affect the distribution system to one degree or another, and neglecting one of them can disrupt its normal functioning and adversely affect the image of the enterprise.

There are two types of distribution channels: direct and indirect. In the case of the use of channels of the first type, the supplier directly contacts the retailer himself, without resorting to the services of independent intermediaries. This is a one-act form of sale.

Indirect distribution channels occur when intermediary operations are performed by independent traders. Manufacturers are willing to lose some profits in the channels in order to increase sales and achieve even greater profits. Moreover, if in the distribution channels the product is sold once to an independent intermediary, who, in turn, sells it retailer, then here we are dealing with two acts of sale and the emergence of one link in the turnover.

Goods pass through the channels according to the oral agreement of the parties or contractual agreements. Under contractual agreements, all conditions for each of the parties are clearly stipulated in writing.

In the economic literature on marketing, it is customary to distinguish between the "length" and "width" of the distribution channel. The value of the "length" of the channel can be determined by the number of independent intermediaries between producers and consumers. The shortest channel is formed when the producer goes directly to the consumer (Fig. 30).

Rice. thirty.

A long distribution channel is formed when the manufacturer reaches the consumer through a ladder of intermediaries of one length or another (Fig. 31).

Firms that produce goods use channels of varying intensity of distribution. For example, with exclusive distribution and marketing, the firm drastically reduces the number of wholesalers and retailers, limiting itself to one or two retail stores. With selective distribution and marketing, the firm uses an average number of wholesalers and retailers, and with intensive distribution and marketing, a large number of intermediaries.

Rice. 31.

It can be stated that the current level of development of retail trade is characterized by a multi-link system of commodity supply, and three main strategies for product distribution are possible here:

1) alternate supply by the central warehouse of lower links, in which each replenishment is sent to only one link, regardless of its hierarchy in the distribution system (this can be a store or a small wholesale warehouse):

2) distribution of supplies between the links of the system depending on orders (this is a two-stage system, in which there are no intermediate small-scale wholesale warehouses):

3) downward supply with each replenishment of the group of lower links (this is a classic scheme for the movement of goods through distribution channels):

Distribution networks that have wholesale intermediate bases are more progressive. Small-scale wholesale warehouses store commodity stocks with a high share in the turnover.

There are also two forms of commodity deliveries: transit and warehouse. The transit form of supply involves direct deliveries of goods from manufacturers to customers (for example, retail stores). There is competition between transit and storage forms of supply. Both systems have their own advantages.

In the transit form, the customer, in direct contact with the manufacturer, affects the quality level of the products.

In the warehouse form, larger purchase lots allow to reduce manufacturers' selling prices; the total insurance stock is reduced, i.e., the guarantee stock, which is created in case of a delay in the receipt of the next batch of goods against the delivery time provided for by the plan.

From an organizational point of view, distribution channels are also subdivided.

A typical distribution channel consists of one or more manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers, each of which seeks to maximize profits without considering the possibility of maximizing profits for the channel as a whole.

Vertical marketing system (VMS) - a distribution channel structure in which manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers act as one system. One of the channel members either owns the others or has contracts with them (Fig. 32).

The Corporate Vertical Marketing System (CVMS) integrates production and distribution under common management through a single owner channel. For example, associations of retailers grocery stores may have facilities for the production of ice cream and ice, bottling lines for various soft drinks, bakeries; All these products are supplied to the stores of this company. For example, JSC "Makhachkala Gorpischetorg" has its own production facilities: a lemonade shop, a confectionery shop, an ice cream shop supply lemonade, cakes and ice cream to their stores.

The contractual vertical marketing system consists of independent production and distribution organizations at various levels, bound by contractual relationships in order to obtain greater savings than could be obtained by acting alone. These systems are generally of three types: voluntary chains run by wholesalers, retailer cooperatives, or franchise organizations.

Wholesaler-led voluntary chain - A voluntary vertical marketing system (VMS) in which a wholesaler organizes voluntary chains of independent retailers to help them compete with large distribution networks.

Figure 32.

Establishing mutually beneficial relationships with market entities is facilitated by the right choice of channels. All channel participants have common goals: profitability, customer loyalty, etc. However, they strive to achieve the goals in different ways and by different methods. Therefore, conflicts between competing firms are possible. And conflicts must be resolved long before they escalate into confrontation.

Another an important factor, which increases the level of competitiveness of the sales system, is marketing logistics. There are two types of marketing logistics:

  • 1) the strategy of "pulling" (pull-strategy) commodity flows from distribution channels (channels of commodity circulation and distribution);
  • 2) the strategy of "pushing" (push-strategy) commodity flows into distribution channels - the structure of agents, dealers, wholesalers, retailers through which the goods are delivered to the consumer.

In the first case active advertising campaigns create a high level of demand for certain categories of goods and, as a result, retailers make urgent orders to wholesalers, who, in turn, turn to manufacturers. Thus, goods are drawn from distribution channels.

In the second case, the goods come from manufacturers to wholesalers, then to the retail network. And in order to increase the turnover in all parts of the distribution of goods, there is an increase in advertising (most often at the expense of manufacturers), which leads to an increase in sales.

Comparison of presented marketing strategies shows that in the first case, the level of inventory in the links of product distribution is lower, but the requirements for accurate and timely transportation of goods are high, since the level of retail turnover in specific stores depends on this under the conditions of a pull strategy.

In the second case, high demands are placed on reducing the costs of storing and managing inventory in distribution channels, since the level of inventory with a push strategy is significant and, accordingly, the funds frozen in inventory are large.

In pursuit of material wealth, a person has come up with ways to earn income not only from production itself, but also from the proper organization of production, providing it with raw materials, transporting goods, etc. As a result, the science of inventory management, warehousing, transportation of raw materials and semi-finished products arose, bringing this raw material to the manufacturer, in-plant processing of raw materials, bringing the finished product to the consumer in accordance with his interests. And this science is called logistics.

IN last years Significant transformations took place in the sphere of commodity circulation in a number of countries. In economic practice, new methods and technologies for the delivery of goods began to be used. Logistics, known until recently only to a narrow circle of specialists, is now becoming widespread. The beginning of the widespread use of logistics in the economy falls on the 1960s and 1970s and is associated with advances in the field of communication technologies. The emerging possibility of end-to-end monitoring of all stages of the movement of goods, raw materials, parts made it possible to clearly see the huge losses allowed in traditional material flow management schemes. The clear economic benefit derived from the use of logistics in the economy contributed to the orientation towards cooperation in the field of promotion of goods.

Basically, logistics is considered as a direction economic activity, which is the management of material flows in the areas of production and circulation. Material flow management consists of two parts: decision making and implementation of the decision.

The main purpose of logistics is to deliver the right product in the right condition at the right time, to the right place and at the lowest cost.

The main goal of logistics is to meet the needs of production in materials with the highest possible economic efficiency. However, its achievement depends on the solution of a number of tasks. In a generalized form, these tasks can be grouped as follows:

  • 1) maintaining reasonable terms for the purchase of raw materials and components (materials purchased earlier than the scheduled date place an additional burden on the working capital of enterprises, and a delay in purchases can disrupt the production program or lead to its change);
  • 2) ensuring an exact correspondence between the number of supplies and the needs for them (an excess or insufficient amount of supplied inventory and material resources also negatively affects the balance of working capital and the stability of output, and, in addition, may cause additional costs when restoring the balance optimum);
  • 3) compliance with production requirements for the quality of raw materials and components.

We propose to consider two aspects of logistics: purchasing logistics as a marketing tool and inventory management as a function of logistics.

basis economic efficiency purchasing logistics are the search and purchase of the necessary materials of satisfactory quality at the lowest prices. In market research, which is carried out by the relevant departments of firms, the issue of prices is the main one, but an analysis of other factors, including possible logistics costs and delivery times, also plays a significant role. The stages of procurement logistics implementation are presented below:

  • o stage 1 - analysis and determination of needs, calculation of the quantity of ordered materials and the time when they will be needed;
  • o stage 2 - determination of the procurement method;
  • o stage 3 - analysis of the procurement market and selection of a supplier;
  • o stage 4 - negotiation process and conclusion of the contract;
  • o stage 5 - establishing monitoring of quantity, quality and delivery time, organization of acceptance control;
  • o stage 6 - organizing the placement of goods in the warehouse.

For a wholesale buyer, this state of affairs requires an accurate calculation of costs. Although the degree of influence of supply costs on the level of general production costs in labor-intensive and capital-intensive industries is not so great in comparison with other sectors of the economy, especially material-intensive ones, the calculation of the cost of acquiring raw materials and materials largely determines the further strategy for the production and marketing of final products.

To provide the enterprise with all of the above, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: what to buy, how much to buy, from whom to buy, on what conditions to buy.

In Russia, their solution is complicated by the fact that in the recent past, enterprises also did not solve problems at all, since resources were distributed. This also explains the lack of highly qualified specialists in the field of procurement. Nevertheless, the management of many companies has long realized that the planning of supply market relations is as important for successful operation as the planning of the sales market. In a saturated market, the purchases made by the firm can have a significant impact on the growth of its profits along with the sale of products.

A practically new attitude to the supply function is realized through the development of a plan or the main provisions of the procurement strategy. The supply policy is developed on the basis of an analysis of two aspects: the importance of the proposed purchase and the characteristics of the supply market.

In the Western practice of procurement activities, a number of "general rules" or recommendations have been developed that not only significantly facilitate relations with suppliers, but also strengthen the position of production. This peculiar code characterizes the ethical norms of partnership. It can be summarized as follows: the basis for the successful preparation and production of products, ceteris paribus, is a good relationship between the entrepreneur, on the one hand, and suppliers, on the other. And in this regard, it is recommended to adhere to several principles:

  • 1) treat suppliers in the same way as clients of the firm;
  • 2) do not forget to demonstrate in practice the community of interests;
  • 3) familiarize the supplier with its tasks and keep abreast of its business operations;
  • 4) to be ready to help in case of problems with the supplier;
  • 5) comply with the obligations assumed;
  • 6) take into account the interests of the supplier in business practice;
  • 7) to maintain, as far as possible, stable business contacts.

Successful procurement requires extensive knowledge of the markets in which it is made. As for the tasks of researching the procurement market, they consist in the regular collection and evaluation of detailed information in order to determine the market capacity and create prerequisites for optimizing procurement.

The starting point for market research should be a well-formulated problem statement. Considerations of the relative size of costs, changes in one's own marketing program, the use of technological progress, an increase in the share of the company in the market, competition, unreliable suppliers, uncertainty about the size of the supply in the future, and much more can become the impetus for conducting research.

The purpose of conducting a study of the procurement market, raw materials and materials determines at the same time the type of markets that should be investigated:

  • o immediate markets (providing the current demand for raw materials and materials);
  • o indirect markets (markets used by suppliers);
  • o markets for substitutes (fully or partially replaced products);
  • o new markets.

Based on the information received, as a rule, the following questions are answered:

  • o what is the structure of the studied market? (what form of the market takes place?);
  • o How is the researched market organized? (how is the balancing of supply and demand proceeding?);
  • o how will the structure and organization of the market develop?

In order to better understand the meaning of these questions and get reliable answers to them, information is often presented in three aspects:

  • 1) modern market analysis ("snapshot");
  • 2) the dynamics of changes in market conditions;
  • 3) forecasts of market changes.

The quantity of materials, the date of commencement of deliveries and the duration of the period of their receipt depend on the production programs of the company, which, in turn, are determined by the results of market research. For most companies, the following dilemma is an important one: to implement the production program through a strong, but not always cost-effective supply of materials, or by delaying the release of products due to the additional time spent on purchasing cost-effective materials?

Having studied the market and settled on any specific suppliers, the purchasing department must determine the needs of the enterprise or firm for specific supplies.

If the requirements based on orders cannot be determined, then the method of determining the requirements based on costs or past experience is used.

Methods of delivery of purchased materials are very diverse. Goods, the need for which arises unexpectedly and which do not require long-term storage, are usually purchased at a time close to their consumption. Materials for one-time and permanent consumption, required by a certain moment, are purchased on the terms of a contractual supply, stipulating exact time delivery. With this method of supply, the volume of stocks of materials in the company decreases, and the costs associated with it are reduced. Contribute to a sharp decrease in inventories by regular deliveries of such materials that are delivered to the consumer at certain intervals in accordance with the schedule of production requirements for them. Firms also carry out opportunistic and speculative purchases of goods.

In addition to transport costs significant costs causes storage of materials. Procurement activities have an unequivocal goal - to ensure the effective implementation of the production task by minimizing the amount of stocks, if possible. However, it would be wrong to assume that there are no incentives to build up excess stocks. Market and seasonal fluctuations in prices, inflation, changes in the political and economic situation in the regions of the world producing raw materials and other factors can be such incentives.

Procurement logistics is the process of movement of raw materials, materials, components and spare parts from the procurement market to the warehouses of the enterprise.

For the effective functioning of procurement logistics, it is necessary to draw up a procurement plan that ensures the coordination of actions of all departments and officials enterprises in solving the following supply problems:

  • o analysis of needs, calculation of the quantity of ordered materials;
  • o definition of the procurement method;
  • o price negotiation and contract conclusion;
  • o establishing monitoring of the quantity, quality and timing of deliveries;
  • o organizing the placement of goods in the warehouse.

High-quality planning and information support of logistics of supply help to solve the problem of balancing the contradiction between the need for uninterrupted supply of production and minimization of stocks, and without a skillful strategy and tactics of warehousing, it is impossible to ensure 100% fulfillment of the assumed obligations for deliveries.

In the procurement planning process, it is necessary to determine:

  • o what materials are required;
  • o the amount of material that will be needed to produce the product;
  • o when they are needed;
  • o the possibilities of suppliers from which goods can be purchased;
  • o required areas of storage facilities;
  • o procurement costs;
  • o the possibility of organizing the production of some parts at your enterprise.

The choice of procurement method depends on the complexity of the final product, on the composition of components and materials. The main procurement methods are:

  • o wholesale purchase;
  • o regular purchases in small lots;
  • o Procurement as needed and various combinations of these methods.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be considered in order to save time and reduce costs.

The process of bringing goods to consumers (retail trade) can be carried out in two organizational and economic forms: transit and warehouse. The choice of one or another form of commodity supply depends on the specific conditions of the buyer and supplier - the volume of trade, transit shipping rates, inventory standards, the state of the warehouse, etc.

Under in transit This form of commodity supply is understood when goods from a manufacturing enterprise are sent to stores, bypassing wholesale and retail warehouses.

The transit form of commodity supply has a number of advantages. It excludes repeated transportations and loading and unloading operations, eliminates warehouse operations for the receipt, storage and release of goods, accelerates the turnover of goods, reduces commodity losses and the volume of forwarding operations, reduces the need for warehouses, reduces distribution costs, ensures the safety of goods.

At the same time, an excessive expansion of transit can lead to a slowdown in the circulation of goods, improper formation of the assortment in stores, the formation of excess inventories and their uneven placement in retail and wholesale trade. Therefore, the choice of a transit form of commodity supply must be carefully justified economically. It is widely used for out-of-town deliveries of perishable goods, it is more difficult for out-of-town deliveries of bulky goods, porcelain and faience and glassware, building materials and others, but this is also possible and in many cases advisable.

The transit shipping rate is understood as the minimum allowable amount of goods shipped at a time by the supplier to the buyer (wagon, container, etc.). These norms are regulated in supply contracts.

The required volume of trade (T) for the implementation of transit shipments of goods of a simple assortment can be determined by the formula

T \u003d 365 N / H, where H is the shipping rate, thousand rubles; H - frequency of delivery, days.

For goods of a complex assortment, the number of suppliers is taken into account:

T \u003d (365 ■ N P) / H, where II is the number of suppliers. \

Warehouse form of supply is not associated with the obligatory receipt of a transit norm. It allows retailers to order products in the right quantity based on demand and inventory. In the warehouse form of commodity supply, goods are first delivered to the warehouses of the wholesale base, and then to retail trade. Warehouses carry out sorting and picking of goods.

This form is usually used for goods of a complex assortment and mainly for retailers who buy goods in small quantities. Goods of a simple assortment can also be sold through warehouses, when buyers cannot receive the minimum transit rate due to the size of the turnover, as well as goods of seasonal production and consumption.

Stages of planning the development of a retail trade network in cities.

The development and placement plan is developed on the basis of the general plans for the development of the city as a whole or its separate district. The development of this plan is carried out by the management of trade in the region. and the City Executive Committee, taking into account the applications of the auction-x pr-th.

When planning the development and placement of RTS, they decide tasks: providing favorable conditions for servicing us, improving the working conditions of a slave in a store, increasing the level of technical equipment of stores, ensuring the rational use of trade x S, creating conditions for the profitability of the work of sellers.

The planning process includes stages:

analysis of the state of the retail network, define and analyze the following indicators:

1. density coefficient of the trade network (Kp) / (N (P)), where K is the number of retail. bargain. pr-th, H- num. us., P-area of ​​territory;

2. show-l provide us with a retail trade network, expressed in show-le bargaining. area, per 1000 inhabitants;

3. Level of specialization rozn. trading network; 4. The average range of the magician.

an-s economic conditions for the development of the city allows you to determine the development and location of industrial or agricultural production, the demographic composition of us and the size of its growth, the growth rate of income in us, places of construction of sports and cultural complexes.