How to start a children's clothing business. Business plan for a children's clothing store. Sales proceeds

How to organize a business on children's goods?

Sale baby goods- a business that will always develop. Regardless of the political and economic situation in the country, parents are always engaged in raising children, investing a lot of time and effort into it. In order for a child to grow up in a comfortable environment, he needs a wide variety of products.
That is why there will always be demand for baby products, which means it is profitable to sell them.

Features of the business selling children's goods

The children's goods market is one of the most dynamically developing today. This is evidenced by companies operating in completely different formats. These can be hypermarkets, departments in large shopping centers, shops in residential areas, chain stores, fairs and even shops that operate only via the Internet. Typically, each type has its own customers.

Chain stores and hypermarkets cater to the needs of middle and high-income shoppers. Small shops and specialty fairs are more economical retail outlets.
You can also highlight universal outlets and stores specializing in selected groups goods (toys, goods for newborns, clothing, stores for expectant mothers).

We open a children's store

To open a children's goods store, it is necessary to analyze the market and decide on the type of point - will it be a department store or a highly specialized one. Further documents are registered. This process can take several months; in parallel, you can look after the premises for a store.

Ideally, this should be a detached building or a room with a separate entrance from the street. You can consider renting an area in the walkable mall... Since parents with children will partly come to the store, it is worth considering the possibility of lifting a baby carriage into the trading floor. This will significantly increase the number of visitors, and therefore buyers.

An equally important factor is transport accessibility. It should be convenient to get to the store by public transport (here important factor is the presence of a nearby stop) or park the car in a convenient place.

If necessary, the premises should be repaired. It is better to choose bright colors, forcing children to stop and stay in the store longer. In addition, the store can be divided into zones using color. The more zones, the more interesting. In addition, if space permits, a small play area can be allocated where the kids can spend time while their parents shop.

Personnel should be selected taking into account the specifics of the store. Very important quality for the seller - the ability and desire to communicate with children.

An equally important stage when opening children's store- advertising policy. First of all, the store should have a bright, memorable sign. At the entrance, you can place several pillars, if possible, regularly change information there. Advertising on the Internet, on television, as well as in specialized institutions is excellent for children's stores. Do not forget that the best advertisement there was and remains word of mouth.

When planning the opening hours of the store, you should consider the fact that many visitors will make purchases in the evening or on weekends. The optimal working time is up to 9 pm on weekdays. On weekends, you can close a little earlier. The longer the store is open, the more potential buyers will be able to get there.

Which baby products are the best to sell?

If opportunities do not allow opening a hypermarket, you can limit yourself to a small assortment of children's goods. In order to determine the specifics of a retail outlet, you should study the range of stores operating in the district. So, in a residential area it is not advisable to open a second store selling goods of the same orientation in the same price range. And next to a hypermarket, you should not open small shop chick - profit will be significantly less than expected.

For example, it is best to open shops with goods for newborns near the maternity hospital. They can sell cribs, strollers, walkers, diapers, clothes for the little ones, as well as toys, cosmetic and hygiene items and various related products - dishes, bottles, nipples. If space permits, you can allocate space for water, juices and baby food. Such an area is advisable in a forehead store, regardless of location.

Stores in dormitory areas can make a wide range of clothing or toys. They also sell well stationery or art kits.

Shops selling everything for expectant mothers are very popular. There may be not only clothes for pregnant women, but also goods that will be required in the first year of a baby's life.

Specialized shops for creativity will attract parents of curious children, and shops with active games will appeal to parents whose children lead an active lifestyle.

How to organize the sale of children's products?

It's no secret that lately the Internet has taken up the entire large part of our life. And if earlier the purchase of goods through the global network was perceived as something risky, today this is not unusual. You can order food, furniture, household appliances, clothing, sporting goods. Baby products are no exception.

The bulk of buyers- young parents aged 25 to 40 with average income. Surely, many of them are fluent in a computer and can arrange the delivery of the necessary goods.

Selling baby products through an online store significantly reduces the seller's costs. There is no need to rent space or hire a large staff. In addition, storage costs are significantly reduced.

At the same time, to promote a web page, you will need to invest a certain amount of money so that the site stands out favorably from competitors. It will be necessary to resolve the issue of payment and delivery. If self-pickup is possible, it will be necessary to rent a small office space. If the client will arrange the delivery of the order, the courier's assistance will be required.

Ideally, you can combine the sale at a stationary point and through an online store. Thus, you can significantly increase the number of potential customers.

Children's goods rental

A relatively new service that has already become in demand is the rental of goods.

For this type of activity, both goods that are in seasonal demand and goods that are suitable only for a certain age are suitable.

Enough profitable business- rental of New Year's and festive costumes. As a rule, the baby can wear it only once, so the item remains in good condition. To organize rental services, you will need to purchase costumes for different ages. Great place to find potential clients - schools as well as institutions additional education where the New Year trees and festive events are held. As a rule, clients of such companies become permanent and recommend the company to their friends.

Another product that will be in demand for rental is car seats. Such an accessory is useful for a trip for several days. In addition, some car seat models are suitable for short-term use (a month or two). Therefore, it is more advisable to rent them than to buy new ones.

In addition, you can rent sports goods, toys, clothing and even books.

In order to draw up the correct assortment of the future rental point, you should study the assortment of nearby stores. Ideally, you should go there as a buyer and find out what is in high demand, what the target audience is missing.

A very important service that should be provided to your customers is the option of a redemption. If the child really likes the toy, the parents should be able to buy it. This will bring in most of the income from the business.

Another interesting service- the opportunity for clients to donate their belongings. Perhaps this service will not bring a lot of profit, but in this way it is possible to significantly increase customer loyalty.

Another idea for a baby products business

If you have a teacher training or hiring such staff, you can organize a center for leisure with children. This can be a small space with a play area where customers can leave the child under the supervision of a caregiver for several hours. The service can be used regularly or as needed. The main thing is that adults feel confident in this center and can safely leave the kids there.

You can start your own business on your own or with support under a franchise agreement. In the first case, you will have to rely on yourself, in the second, you can share responsibility, but at the same time take on new obligations (location, area, design of the trading floor, etc.).

In connection with the improvement in the quality of life and the demographic situation, the children's clothing store is becoming one of their promising business areas. But this case has many specific features.

Is there a demand?

In the early 1990s, the birth rate in Russia began to decline, and the death rate began to rise. The demographic crisis of this period was named "Russian Cross".

However, by 2010 the situation had improved, and now the population is growing in the country as a whole.

Thus, the environment for business is favorable, against the background of state support under the "Maternity Capital" program, the birth rate is increasing.

Market in numbers

Some statistics:

In 2015, there is a significant increase in prices for children's clothing, the reason is that most companies settle in dollars. This affects the cost of goods.

In 2014, the share of clothing in the structure of the children's goods market was 32%. The choice of places to buy from parents is now great (from an online store to a hypermarket).

Prospects & risks

A promising sphere, choosing it, it is worth taking into account that:

  • the dynamics of fertility is generally positive, but specific data depend on the region and settlement;
  • children grow up quickly, they need to buy things at least once a season, or even more often;
  • parents are less likely to save on the quality of clothing for their child than for themselves.

There are also pitfalls:

  • children's clothing is a seasonal product; at the end of the season, the value of things decreases;
  • more paperwork (revaluation of goods according to seasonality);
  • if you sell goods remotely in parallel, there are risks of frequent returns and non-receipt of parcels;
  • damage to goods during fitting is possible.

Who is your buyer

The main clients are parents. Most often, women are engaged in shopping for the child. Newborns and young children do not participate in the selection. Senior kindergarteners and schoolchildren are already expressing preferences. It is important to understand this when forming an assortment and decorating a sales area.

Opening stages

Opening a store is a time-consuming process. From the emergence of an idea to its implementation, it can take from several days to several months. It all depends on how clearly you understand what exactly, where and how you will be doing. And from where you will have to transport the goods. Where to start when opening a children's clothing store?


Will it be a self-service store in which all the presented models are displayed in the sales area, or will it be selling through the counter? Or maybe you want to open a specialty store for newborns? You can even go deeper into one product group: sell street overalls for newly appeared babies.


The store can sell clothes for children from birth to 15 years old. There is no need to strive to cover all ages of children and from the first days to try to expand the range. It is important to find and occupy your niche.

Inspection bodies pay more attention to the quality of the product and the availability of certificates.

Specialization may depend on age:

  • a one-stop shop that presents clothes for all ages and all directions;
  • for newborns;
  • for kids preschool age;
  • for schoolchildren;
  • for teenagers.

Or cases:

  • casual wear;
  • school uniform;
  • sports uniform;
  • carnival costumes.

Traditionally, clothes are presented as collections. This stimulates cross-selling, since it is easier to combine items from the same collection with each other. Subsorting will allow you to increase the average bill. Hang the trousers along with the belts and the customer is more likely to choose the set.

Finding a place

Children's clothing can be sold:

  • in shopping centers (boutiques);
  • in the market (own pavilion);
  • in a detached building.

It is advisable to locate the store in a well-accessible place. A good option is sleeping areas, not far from kindergartens, schools, parks.

There are no specific requirements for the premises. It must meet the requirements fire safety and the norms of Rospotrebnadzor.

What should be the area? Small as a rule. Enough and 20 sq. m. But it all depends on the range and the size of the investment.

Supplier search

At this stage, you need to find suppliers who are ready to cooperate, get acquainted with their applications, prices and conditions. This information will be required to draw up a business plan. You cannot open a children's clothing store without it.

The options may be different:

Drawing up a business plan

This must be done as soon as you have a clear idea of ​​what and where you will sell, where to bring from. The document reflects all items of income and expenses, calculated economic indicators activities, return on investment, general prospects.


You can draw up documents just before starting work, but it is better to do this before the first expenses and attracting investments (required for a loan).

Investment search

If own funds not enough, borrowed money should be attracted. An affordable solution for an entrepreneur: a bank loan for business development. In this case, the start of payments will be delayed for a certain time.

Purchase of premises / lease agreement

There are funds, it's time to draw up documents for the premises.

Equipment purchase

For a children's clothing store, you need to equip a trading floor, a warehouse, a fitting room, a checkout area, and a place to rest (optional). A children's corner will not be superfluous. You will definitely need racks, hangers, mannequins, mirrors, stands, cash register, ottomans, fitting booths. In the same item, you can include the purchase of a sign.

Contracts with suppliers, purchase of products

There are suppliers in mind, now it is worth concluding an agreement with them and taking products for sale.


You can also sell yourself. However, at least one salesperson is needed at the beginning of the activity. It is advisable to exclude yourself from the sale process from the very beginning, to do this if necessary or in your free time.


To attract the attention of buyers, you can arrange children's party(example in the video:

At this stage, it is important to declare yourself, your store, and your products. And it is desirable to do it publicly, word of mouth has not been canceled.

Children's clothing store formats

Store formats are established by the GOST R 51773-2009 standard dated 12/15/2009.

Tab. 1. Popular formats of children's clothing stores


Area, sq. m


Service form



Self service, sample service

Special shop

According to the specialization group

Self service, over the counter, by samples

Trading house

Goods for wardrobe

Products for children

Combined assortment for a specific contingent

Self service, by samples, over the counter, by order

Manufactured goods

Narrow assortment, incl. clothes

Through the counter

Commission shop

A narrow range of goods sold under a commission agreement

Self service, through the counter

Second Hand

Narrow assortment

Self service

Outlet store

A narrow range of obsolete goods

Self service

Limited assortment

Self service

Personalized service


Limited range of clothing with high markups

Personalized service

* The department store offers a wide range of non-food items, including children's clothing.

Popular formats:

  • special shop;
  • Products for children;
  • boutique;
  • stock store.

Specialized store - it only sells clothes for children. It is located in a free-standing building or outside a shopping center. You can limit yourself to one product group, then it will be a highly specialized store.

Products for children - a place where cribs, strollers, toys, and more are sold along with baby clothes. The minimum area is 650 sq. m.

The boutique is located in a shopping center.

Outlet store - sale of clothes from past seasons, vintage items. This group also includes enterprises trading network, to which the residues from other points are brought.

By franchise

Opening a children's clothing store from scratch is possible through a franchise. It is easier. The conditions are different for all companies, but despite this, it is easy to highlight the general advantages and disadvantages of this way of working.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of franchises (goods for children)

Franchise benefits

Disadvantages of a franchise

Help in organizing a business

The room must meet the requirements


There is a minimum investment threshold

Ready assortment

Less flexibility in the formation of the product range

In most cases, there is no down payment or royalty

Significant (and sometimes minor) changes require approval

Fast start

Obligation to promote the brand in your region

Brand awareness, less effort and money for promotion

The contract is concluded for a specified period

It is necessary to choose franchising not only for investments, but also for the offered range of products.


VITACCI Kids offers to open a boutique of fashionable children's clothing and footwear. It can be located both in a shopping center and in a free-standing room. ... The place must be walkable, accessible. To start, you need to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, as well as the required amount of investment.

  • The volume of investments - from 1,000 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum area is 50 sq. m
  • Royalty - no

Jerry joy

Under the Jerry Joy brand, you can open a clothing store from scratch for children 2-12 years old. Distinctive feature products - the use of popular cartoon characters Tom and Jerry. Collections are updated according to seasonality. The clothes are made from natural fabrics. Can be opened in a shopping center or in a freestanding building.

  • Investment volume - from 500 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum area is 50 sq. m
  • Royalty - no


5.10.15. - a boutique of children's clothing from 0 to 12 years old. Franchisees receive a 10% discount on wholesale prices. The contract is concluded for 2 years. Trade enterprise should be located in a walkable place and decorated in a conceptual style, the design project is developed by the company free of charge.

  • The volume of investments - from 2,500 thousand rubles.
  • The minimum area is 70 sq. m
  • Royalty - no

JS Kids

JS Kids proposes to open a store of fashionable children's clothing for boys and girls from 1 month to 18 years old. The company provides assistance in opening - the development of a design project, staff training, drawing up a business plan.

  • Investment volume - no general requirements
  • The minimum area is 25 sq. m
  • Royalty - no


Gulliver is a multi-brand children's clothing store. Designed for the price segment above the average. When using a franchise, assistance is provided in drawing up a business plan and staff training is provided. Shopping room is formed in a single brand concept. The place must be crowded, far from competitors.

  • The volume of investments - from 3,000 thousand rubles.
  • Minimum area - no strict criteria
  • Royalty - no

Addition: Get acquainted with the terms of another franchise for a children's store -"Stilnyashka" (designer clothes for children from 2 to 12 years old).


Opening a children's clothing store is a completely feasible task for an entrepreneur if there is the necessary level of investment. The hardest part begins after launch: you need to attract buyers. You can do it different ways... One of the directions is holding children's parties, seasonal promotions, giving gifts to customers in the form of discounts and discount cards.

  • Children's clothing store format
  • Assortment of children's clothing store
  • Store registration, OKVED, taxation
  • Choosing a room for the sale of children's things
  • Design and store of children's things
  • Advertising
  • Kids Clothing Suppliers
  • Children's clothing store staff

Selling clothes for children is a demanded business, because children's clothes are always in demand. Business is suitable not only for megalopolises, but also for small towns.

In the article we will give step by step instructions on how to start this business, what difficulties and pitfalls can be.

Children's clothing store format

First of all, you need to decide on the format - an online store or a regular store. In this article, we will analyze the plan for opening an offline store.

You can sell things for children from 0 to 16 years old or stay at a certain age and direction:

  • things for newborns and children under 3 years old;
  • clothes for preschool and primary school age;
  • school uniform;
  • smart things, carnival costumes;
  • sports things for children;
  • things only for girls / only for boys;
  • teenagers clothes.

You can also sell baby shoes, food, toys, stationery and some other accessories for toddlers. The assortment can be very different.

Assortment of children's clothing store

Whichever direction you choose to start a business from scratch, it is important to ensure that all sizes in that category are available. One of the most promising options is a store with clothes for newborns and children under one year old. The assortment of goods for the little ones has remained practically unchanged for many years.

Natural fabrics, high-quality tailoring, pleasant design and adequate price are the main requirements. As a rule, in addition to clothing, such stores also sell diapers, bedding, baby food, toys, etc.

As for children's clothing for preschool and primary school age, here the parent will give preference to durable and high-quality things that will survive more than one fall or bathing in a puddle.

The hardest thing is to choose an assortment of things for teens. At this age, parental opinion loses its authority, children try to be independent and want to imitate adults.

You can also open a thrift store, second-hand store, or stock for kids' clothes - places where you can find very cheap but high quality used and new clothes for kids whose parents can't afford too much. Such a business idea is also quite interesting, especially in a crisis.

Store registration, OKVED, taxation

The owners of small retail establishments most often choose an individual entrepreneur (Individual Entrepreneurship) for registration. You can open an IP in a week, the cost is within 1000 rubles.

OKVED code 47.71.1 - Retail trade in men's, women's and children's clothing in specialized stores

The taxation system is simplified. Possible different options - STS income (15% of net profit), STS income minus expenses (6% of total revenue), UTII (a fixed amount of tax does not depend on actual profit). V tax authorities You will also need to register the cash register. In addition, the opening must be coordinated with the city administration, as well as obtain a trade permit from SES, Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters.

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If you are going to open a business on the territory of a shopping center, then the landlords will take on some of the worries.

Choosing a room for the sale of children's things

You can open a small children's clothing store with an area of ​​about 20 sq.m., but it is better to rent a room from 50 sq.m. There should be enough space for all merchandise, fitting rooms, display cases, shelving and a salesperson's department.

The choice of location depends on which target audience you are guided. A budget store with popular goods can also be opened in a residential area. It is advisable to open a store of a more expensive price category in the central area of ​​the city, in a place with good traffic. A good option is considered starting a business in a popular shopping mall. If you want to rent a space in a residential building, it is possible on the basement or ground floor.

A good idea for a children's clothing business is to open a store close to schools, kindergartens and other institutions dedicated to children.

It is important to evaluate your competitors. There is no point in starting a business if there are already several similar stores nearby. See what competitors are selling, analyze them pricing policy, look how many clients they have. Do not copy their assortment, but try to occupy an empty niche.

Design and store of children's things

When the premises are selected, you need to make repairs there and buy equipment. Come up with a catchy sign with a catchy name, buy accessories and equip a small corner for children with "coloring pages", books and crayons.

Hang pictures or posters on the walls. Any clothing store should have mirrors, display cases and shelves for goods, fitting rooms. Their number and specific models depend on your assortment. Furniture should also be bright, comfortable and soft. Remember that, after all, your institution is designed for children and their parents, so the design of the premises plays a very important role. You can see an example of the original design of the premises in the photo:


To open a successful children's clothing store and make your first customers regular, you need to take care of advertising. Most buyers are attracted by discount cards, various promotions and sales. Be sure to develop a system of discounts and holiday offers.

In addition, do not forget about standard advertising - hand out flyers, arrange a festive opening, think about publications in the media, about outdoor advertising- on transport, billboards.

Kids Clothing Suppliers

In Russia, China remains the main supplier of children's clothes - these goods have good quality combined with a low price and a huge assortment. In addition to the well-known Aliexpress, there are TaoBao and stores.

Nowadays, more and more young entrepreneurs order clothes from China in bulk in online stores and then resell them at a large mark-up. These are convenient and popular options for starting and growing a business. The downside is that you have to wait a long time for delivery.

You can also cooperate with domestic suppliers, especially since all their products are made in accordance with GOST. The advantages of Russian manufacturers include an adequate price and fast delivery. More expensive options are Turkey, Italy. Clothes from these countries are more expensive, so you need to immediately assess whether there is effective demand.

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You can experiment and combine different vendors. Some time after the opening, you yourself will evaluate what is more profitable to sell and with which suppliers it is better to cooperate.

You can open a branded children's clothing store through the franchise program. This option is especially popular with newbie entrepreneurs. The risks in this case are much less, but there are many restrictions (special design, a ban on the sale of things from other brands). The franchise is offered by Zara, Gulliver and other companies

Children's clothing store staff

To open good store children's clothing from scratch, you need to hire 2-4 sellers who will work in shifts. They should be experienced professionals, and the ability to communicate with children is also important. This is a very important rule to keep in mind when looking for employees. In addition, the salesperson should always be polite, neat, smiling and sociable. Make sure he communicates correctly with clients and is not annoying in any way. You can hire a store manager or act on your own. You will also need an outsourced accountant and a cleaning lady.

Professional business plans

Trade in baby clothes- a profitable business with a constant turnover. Children grow up quickly and need to replenish their wardrobe regularly. Most parents try to dress up their baby in new clothes, so it is extremely beneficial to provide the buyer with this type of product. The main feature of the children's manufactured goods industry is the price level.

The correct choice of a benchmark in terms of cost allows you to gain a foothold in a certain niche in the market, have a constant flow of buyers and successfully fight competitors. So, the first thing to do when deciding to sell children's clothing is to determine what target audience you will provide with the product. There are 3 options:

  1. Cheap clothes.
  2. Clothing for the middle class.
  3. Luxury goods.

Each of these categories has its customers and can be profitable, since the incomes and interests of the population are different. Someone is trying to save money by choosing cheap clothes, others are financially secure and prefer to buy expensive things for the baby, not thinking that in six months or a year the child will grow out of them. Experts suggest that beginners take a closer look at the middle class. With this category of products, there is least of all the risk of "burnout". People with an average income are quite stable in acquiring new good quality things for their children at an average price. In addition, according to statistics, they make such purchases more often than others.

You should familiarize yourself with children's fashion, make a list of the most popular products, study the size table. In clothes, not only growth is important, but also fullness, since children are different. The store needs to provide variety not only in models, but also in sizes. This will allow you to have things for kids with different physical characteristics, that is, to reach a larger number of interested buyers. Information about actual goods can be searched in magazines, on internet sites, in retail outlets with similar products.

The assortment should be varied, including not only clothes, but also underwear.

Subsequently, it will be possible to add shoes, accessories, children's gadgets, toys. Having come to the store for a dress or shirt for a child, parents, looking at the rest of the goods, will definitely remember about tights, panties or socks that should be bribed. Seasonality should also be taken into account and part of the proceeds should be left for the purchase of new consignments of goods, in accordance with seasonal demand.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Your store should be located next to a public transport stop and convenient parking for cars. The location near children's institutions will give an additional advantage in the struggle for attendance, but these should not be entertainment establishments (circus, children's theater, Entertainment Center). People go to these places to have fun, and in most cases they are paid. The money already spent there will stop parents thinking about buying clothes. They will think that they have already spent enough on their child today.

With detached buildings rented for a store, it is advisable to break flower beds, install benches, put a large cartoon figure at the entrance, that is, create comfortable conditions and aesthetic appeal. Do not forget about the ramp or the concrete entrance at the entrance, as many parents will come with strollers.

If you decide to rent a boutique in a mall, try to choose a shopping center that is already familiar to the buyer, otherwise there is a risk that this trade object will not be promoted and the buyer will not come. A shopping center that sells mainly clothes for adults and children is ideal. People will go there to buy clothes. For a children's clothing store, the right place is of great importance, since these products, although they are very popular, do not belong to the category of essential goods.

It is very important to correctly design the store front. The sign and color scheme of the decoration should be bright enough and correspond to the theme of childhood. They are designed to form in adults associations associated with children, causing affection, responsibility, care, love - the feelings that they have for their babies. Wherein interior design should be in soothing colors so as not to distract the attention of buyers from the goods.


Opening a children's clothing store, you can act as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. We are talking about a retail store, that is, interacting with individuals... In this case, the registration of individual entrepreneurship is more profitable, since you can switch to a simplified option for paying taxes. This will help reduce tax collection and reduce the amount of paperwork required. Having issued an individual entrepreneur, you need to think about the type of tax regime under which your company will operate. For retail 3 types of clothes are suitable for children:

  • UTII - a single tax is perfect for a small area up to 30 sq. meters, where no more than 2 sellers work. The cash register is optional, you can limit yourself to issuing sales receipts.
  • PSN - buying a patent will be appropriate for a store up to 50 sq. meters. A cash register is not required now, an NIM is enough, however, by 2018, an online cash register may be required.
  • USN (6% of profit) - used for large retail space with a large staff.

Acquiring will give an additional plus in the eyes of buyers, that is, acceptance for payment bank cards... However, in this case, you will need a cash register that prints out the nomenclature of goods with the price, discount and cost of each item separately. Product certification is required. However, if you are not a manufacturer of goods, certificates must be required from suppliers. Availability from sellers medical books also needed.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

The cheat for a children's assortment is much higher than for an adult: 100-200%. The demand for clothes for children is determined by the fact that babies grow up quickly, and the wardrobe has to be updated. This contributes to a profitability of 15% of the store's turnover. Such a profit corresponds to the average level of profitability, therefore, a business based on trade in children's clothing can be called profitable and stable.

The children's goods market has always been a very attractive sector in trade for many entrepreneurs, but what can I say, it is still the most profitable and remains very profitable even in times of crisis. All this is based on the principle of the mentality of our people, namely, they do not save on children. So it is, and if, for example, adults can refuse to buy some thing, then they try to buy the best for the child. It is this factor that makes the children's clothing trade a competitive business, and at the same time, a large number of manufacturers allows many entrepreneurs to work and take their "place in the sun" in this area of ​​activity.

In this article, we will talk about how to open a small store selling children's clothing and what you need to do for this. We will go through all the main steps of starting this business and you will decide for yourself whether you should work in this niche or not.

Business format

Before you start looking for premises and buying equipment, you need to clearly define the format in which you will work. In fact, the business idea of ​​a children's clothing store should have been put into several subcategories, but we decided to do a more general overview in one article. So, the most popular options are:

- purchase ready business for the sale of children's clothing. This is a very good solution, especially if the point is untwisted and there is already a list regular customers... This is a great start for newbies, but actually find a good option a ready-made business in this area is very difficult. Really profitable outlets are seldom sold.

- opening a retail outlet for the sale of children's clothing from scratch. In this format, you will need to go through all the steps, starting from the selection of premises and ending with the development customer base... A difficult and very costly path, but often it is with this option that beginners start, launching a small store of children's clothing and accessories in their city, after which it often grows over time into fairly large boutiques.

- a thrift store for children's clothing. Opening such a business option is especially beneficial during an economic crisis. There are a number of points in this area, namely, this is working with used things, but on the other hand, the price tag in such a store is much lower and you can find your customers.

- franchise sale of children's clothing. The least attractive option for starting a business, especially in small towns. There are many different options for franchises with children's clothing, but with this format you will have a number of restrictions, this is the range of goods and work only with certain manufacturers, which may not help to increase sales.

As you can see, there are many formats and they all have their own nuances. The choice is solely yours.

Selection of premises and equipment

First, you need to note for yourself a list of the most profitable places where you can open a children's clothing store. Firstly, these are shopping centers. Young mothers love to go shopping with their children and they often visit shopping centers. Renting a good place in a shopping center is already half of the success of this business, especially this will affect the savings in the advertising budget.

Secondly, these are free-standing stores. In such stores, they usually sell some specific product and attract customers with their uniqueness. For instance, good quality children's clothing at low prices, or the availability of programs for discounts and other things.

Thirdly, these are clothing markets. At this time, it is profitable to work in this format in small towns. Prices are usually low in such outlets, and there will always be customers.

Fourthly, you can open an online children's clothing store and rent only a warehouse for a low price and sell all products using the Internet and online advertising. With the advent of social networks, this option has taken a significant share of sales in this segment.

The size of the premises for a small store can be found from 30 sq.m. and higher. You need to keep in mind that most of the product is a set of all sizes, so this entire assortment will need to be stored somewhere.

Now let's look at what kind of equipment you need to trade in children's clothing:

  • racks with shelves;
  • showcases on wheels, for the demonstration of sweaters, outerwear, suits and other things.
  • shopping baskets in which socks, panties and other rubbish are usually laid out.
  • racks with hooks, on which a large amount of outerwear is placed with the help of hangers.
  • storage cabinets for other assortment.

Also, do not forget about the workplace for the seller and provide a small play area for children, with a few toys. This will help distract them while mommy chooses clothes for her baby.

Children's clothing trade rules

One of the frequently asked questions on the Internet is what kind of documents does the trade in children's clothing need? It is quite logical, and we will try to answer it.

  • choose the organizational and legal form, types of activities and taxation system
  • conclude a lease agreement
  • if the landlord has not provided you with all the permitting documents for the premises, you will need to go through all the checks for SES and fire safety on your own
  • placement of a trade patent, license in accordance with the requirements established by law
  • that you, as a seller, have quality certificates for the goods
  • organization of a buyer's corner in your department

After fulfilling all these requirements, you will be able to obtain a permit to trade in children's clothing. When starting a business, it is best to consult with a lawyer, since the rules of work in Russia and Ukraine are slightly different and an experienced lawyer will tell you all these points.

Assortment and suppliers

The next step on the way to opening a department for the sale of children's clothing, as in any business, is the selection of an assortment. We will indicate only the main categories of goods that should be presented in such a store.

Separation by gender:

  • for boys
  • for girls

By age:

  • for newborns
  • from 1 year
  • from 3 years old, etc.

By product groups:

  • outerwear: jackets, coats, vests
  • hats, scarves, mittens
  • overalls, envelopes
  • jeans, trousers, pants
  • sweaters, shirts, blouses
  • tracksuits
  • bodysuits, sliders, bibs, tights, socks, underwear and much more.

Your assortment will depend on the start-up capital and perhaps at first, when starting a small business selling children's clothing, you will choose a narrower segment of goods with a subsequent expansion of the assortment.

To find suppliers of products, you can either cooperate with sellers in wholesale clothing markets, or look for factories in your country and order goods directly.

Also, now there are a huge number of representatives of various manufacturers of children's clothing who are ready to cooperate even with small stores. There is a huge choice and you need to choose the most profitable and cost-effective product. Of course, you should not include in the assortment not high-quality children's clothing from China, unless the seller will provide you with all the certificates for this product.


Nowadays, with a huge competition in the market for children's clothes, it is not enough to say that I want to open a children's clothing store in my city. To promote it, you need investments in advertising.

Here is a list of the main sources of clients:

  • media announcements
  • distribution of leaflets with promotions and discounts on goods
  • discount program in your store
  • advertising on the Internet, namely contextual advertising to your online store and its search engine promotion in various product categories
  • advertising on social networks. In fact, promoted groups on social networks can bring the lion's share of customers, while often on hot goods queues line up there.

Don't forget about an interesting name for your store and a bright sign.

How much does it cost to open a children's clothing store?

Investments in this business in everyone a separate case will be different. It all depends on the price range of goods, assortment, store location and other factors. We will provide a basic list of expenses.

  • Premises rental - $ 250 - $ 300
  • Taxes - $ 150
  • Seller's Salary - $ 220
  • Initial purchase of goods - $ 15,000 - $ 20,000
  • Purchase of equipment - $ 1500 - $ 2500
  • Advertising - $ 550 (+ online advertising).

How much can you earn?

You can earn a lot, especially if you connect social networks, but promotion of a business selling children's clothes will take time and money, you need to be ready for this.

The average mark-up for children's clothing ranges from 50% to 110%. But at the same time, there are a number of product groups where the margin can be up to 130%.

Based on these figures, you can roughly estimate the volume required sales for business payback.