Forecast and development prospects of the hairdressing services market. Business plan for a hairdressing salon with calculations Hairdresser as a service company

Approximate data:

  • The monthly income is 240,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 64,175 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 415,000 rubles.
  • Payback - from 7 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will compose detailed business plan hairdresser with calculations.

Market analysis

If we talk about the market of hairdressing services, then it should be noted that there is a crisis and various economic changes they react, of course, but not critically. A person cannot do without a haircut for a long time. And if a woman has dyed hair, then she will definitely run to the salon as soon as her roots grow back. And here the price will no longer have such a strong significance as the quality.

In total, there are more than 35 thousand different beauty salons in Russia. By the way, almost 15% goes to the Moscow region.

It is noteworthy that the share of chain stores does not exceed 3%. Almost the entire market is based on the work of individual hairdressing salons. Each of them has its own consumer.

It is quite easy for a new service provider to enter the market - it has no financial or competitive barriers. All competitors have a very small market share. In fact, they are not direct competitors. Is that the salons that are very close. It turns out that each hairdressing salon serves its own market segment, most often geographically determined.

Almost 85% of the market are middle or economy class salons. When determining the cost of services, one should be guided by the prices of this particular market segment. VIP and luxury hairdressing salons can be ignored. They serve a separate stratum of society.

Thus, the main competitor is small providers of hairdressing services with the average market price or below the market price. Their individual influence on the sphere is not significant.

Of course, the most frequent consumers of the service are women. Men and children have a smaller share of consumption.

Potential buyer portrait: women with an average level of income who actively take care of themselves (age 18-55), as well as men with average or above average income at the age of 20-45. Children are also potential consumers, but, as a rule, parents bring them to have their hair cut in the same place where they use hairdressing services themselves.

SWOT analysis

When drawing up a business plan, you need to take into account external factors that can positively or negatively affect the business. They cannot be changed, but it is quite possible to minimize the threat. External opportunities include:

  • Hiring more qualified personnel.
  • Increasing external investment in the project.
  • Development of relations with suppliers of raw materials and equipment, the emergence of permanent suppliers.
  • The emergence of new technologies, the possibility of their implementation.

If we talk about external threats, then the following factors should be noted:

  • An increase in the level of competition and, as a result, a decrease in the average market price.
  • Changing tastes and preferences of consumers.
  • Complications associated with the legislative side of the project, the emergence of new requirements, the need to comply with them.

In addition, the hairdresser has its own strengths and weak sides, with which you will need to work throughout the entire time. So, to strengths can be attributed:

  • Convenient location.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • High quality equipment.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Quality service.

Weaknesses will be:

  • Lack of experience in this area.
  • Lack of customer base.
  • Zero image of the organization, they do not know about it.
  • A narrow range of services.

Opportunity assessment

Number of working days per week: 7.

Working hours:

In total, the hairdresser will work 80 straight hours a week. Recall that the maximum weekly hourly output, according to the law, should be no more than 40 hours. Thus, the organization must employ at least 2 hairdressers.

At first, there will be plenty of 2 masters per shift. When high demand and a large number of clients, an additional work unit can be hired. The room must be equipped in such a way that there is room for one more worker.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Official registration. SP or LLC. You will only need to pay the registration fee, which is equal to 800 rubles. the leader can independently, if needed. Additionally, you can order a print and a printed version or USRIP, respectively. Remember that the type of activity must be indicated there. To do this, you need to find a suitable code for OKVED. In the case of a hairdresser, it will be - 93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons. It includes not only hairdressing services, but also manicure, pedicure, and facial massage services. If you are additionally involved in the sale of wigs or cosmetics, it is imperative to include this activity in the register with the appropriate code.
  2. The tax regime can be chosen either UTII or STS. Here the choice depends on the specific case.
  3. Remember that the lease must be formal! No verbal agreements. If the premises are owned, this fact must be confirmed by the presence of the appropriate paper.
  4. You do not need to apply for a license to provide hairdressing services. However, if you will provide cosmetic services in it, then the license must be required.
  5. It is necessary to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax authorities. This is provided that you are not applying UTII.
  6. Before you first use cash register, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work. This can be done at the city administration. You need to have: a passport, an application, a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, a lease agreement, documents confirming the presence of a cash register.
  7. There are sanitary standards for hairdressing salons. They are clearly spelled out in SanPiNe, just dedicated to hairdressing.
  8. It is worth coordinating the opening of the salon with the SES and firefighters. Each of these instances is likely to put forward their own demands. So, for SES it will be necessary to submit documents such as:
  • Garbage collection and disposal agreement.
  • An agreement with a dry cleaner for the washing of the necessary linen.
  • Agreement for carrying out measures for the treatment of the premises, including for deratization, pest control and disinfection.
  • An agreement that confirms that fluorescent lamps are removed and disposed of properly.

You will also have to acquire a journal indicating that the organization keeps records of the consumption of disinfectants.

All workers must be sure to familiarize themselves with the safety rules. This is recorded in the appropriate accounting journal.

Take care of the presence of bars on the windows (if necessary), an evacuation plan, ventilation system, countermeasures fire safety.

Please note that there is no need to obtain a permit. However, non-observance of the rules in the future may lead to the imposition of a fine or the closure of your hairdresser!

  1. All hairdressers must have not only a sanitary book, but also the corresponding certificates of completion of courses in their specialty. In addition, they must undergo a medical examination every year.

Remember that certificates are required to provide the following services:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • makeup;
  • body, face and hair.

Drawing up a marketing plan

When developing a strategy, it is very important to decide on the name of the organization. The style of the barber shop should be in tune with the name. Pay attention to the details of the interior. It is better to choose a name that is memorable, catchy. It is good if it is immediately associated with the corresponding type of activity.

At first, clients will come, learning about your hairdressing salon exclusively from advertising companies. Then the word of mouth system will start working.

The following types of advertising should be used:

  • Bright and catchy sign.
  • Distribution of leaflets and flyers on the street, as well as their distribution to nearby houses.
  • Carrying out promotions v shopping centers with the distribution of discount coupons.
  • Advertising in newspapers, on television.
  • Online advertising (including contextual advertising, creation and promotion of your own group on social networks).
  • Entering information about the organization in all available catalogs of the city.

As you go along, you might want to create your own website. Remember that it should not only be beautiful and informative, but also easy to use.

Income calculation

Due to the fact that the initial Money we do not have many, and the main competitors will be small hairdressing salons of the middle and economy class, the price must be set at the level of the market average. It is very important that employees are sufficiently qualified. The quality of service should not be inferior to competitors. Average bill in a hairdressing salon 400 rub. A men's haircut can cost 150-250 rubles, but women's haircuts can go up to 800 rubles, and if with coloring, for example, it will turn out much more.

The average price of the service is 400 rubles. Average permeability - 10 people per day for 1 master. In total, 2 masters, 4000 rubles each. will make 8000 p. revenue per day.

Total monthly revenue: 240,000 rubles.

Drawing up a production plan

The work can be carried out in an ordinary one-room apartment. The main thing is that it should be transferred to commercial real estate.

Remember that one hairdresser should have at least 7-8 m 2. We have 2 hairdressers. If we take into account that the area of ​​a one-room apartment is approximately equal to 40-50 m 2, then there will just be an additional reserve space that can be used to attract another hairdresser to work.

It is better to choose a room with already made repairs. In any case, some improvements will be needed. Especially if the fire safety rules are not observed in the apartment (there is no ventilation, there is no evacuation plan). This also includes the installation of special sinks for work.

Of course, the most important component of any hairdressing salon is the equipment. This includes chairs, tables, necessary tools(curling irons, hair dryers, etc.), racks, mirrors, cabinets, boxes, urns, shelves, racks. In a word, everything that is connected with the work of hairdressers.

Furniture includes a chair and an administrator's table, hangers, armchairs for waiting visitors.

From technology, you need a laptop for work, a telephone to receive calls, and you can also install a music center to create an appropriate or relaxing environment.

Particular attention should be paid to the clothing of the staff. Better to order a uniform from a special firm. Have them make clothes in a specific color scheme, with a logo or name of the organization. Such a move will instill confidence in customers. They will understand that the establishment cares about its own reputation and pays attention to even the smallest details.

4 hairdressers will work in the organization. 2 people per shift. Work 2 through 2. There will also be 2 administrators who carry out wet cleaning several times during the day.

To attract professional hairdressers, it is worth considering working conditions that are favorable for them (possibly a larger percentage of the cost of services, bonuses). The quality of services will directly affect the number of customers.

Initial costs

Financial plan

Monthly income: 240,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

Net profit before tax: RUB 75,500

The amount of tax (simplified taxation system, 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 75,500 * 0.15 = 11,325 rubles

Net profit: 64,175 rubles.

Payback: 415,000 / 64,175 = 6.46. Consequently, the business will pay off in about 7 months, at least. But the first 1-3 months there will be a promotion period and there may not be many clients. Therefore, on average, you can take 10 months of payback.


When starting a business, it is very important to take into account all possible risks and try to minimize them. When opening a hairdresser, pay attention to the following risks:

  1. Economic risks ... These include:
  • Potential insolvency of the business owner.
  • Decreased demand.
  • Price reduction.
  • Inflation.
  • As a result, a decrease in income.

To combat them, a more flexible pricing policy should be developed, high quality services should be provided, work with clients, and promotions should be carried out.

  1. Production risks ... They lead to a decrease in income.

To avoid these risks, it is necessary to timely replace and repair equipment, have a clear schedule for these works.

  1. Financial risks.

It is worth thinking about attracting investments, considering the option of taking a loan. If possible, you can insure not only property, but also specific risks. It is very important to develop a competent and very detailed strategy that will help the organization get into the zone of profitable operation.

  1. Natural risks.

You can avoid them by insuring your own property.

I would like to give some more tips:

If you feel that customers are not coming to you, run an ad. The most effective in today's technology age is advertising on the Internet. Order contextual advertising, for example.

Don't try to save money on hardware. This will reduce the quality of the service provided. In addition, low-quality equipment can break down. Pay attention to finding a reliable supplier. Be sure to read all the certifications. And when buying, do not throw away guarantees, checks.

It is also better to buy raw materials in bulk. Find a regional supplier or work with a professional cosmetics company directly. It not only saves money, but also ensures the reliability and quality of your products.

In the future, you can also retail beauty products. Just do not forget to include the corresponding OKVED code in the extract from the USRIP or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Take the time to search professional craftsmen... Half of the success of your business depends on them. Be sure to work with them, send them to new courses.

If you cannot find qualified professionals, contact special schools that train future hairdressers. Choose the most promising and offer them a job.

In order to cut costs and increase control over the business, some entrepreneurs act as an administrator on their own in shifts. Thus, the consumption is reduced by the amount wages one administrator and goes to you in net profit.

Together with hairdressing salons, you can provide manicure services. To do this, check out.

Important: Remember that you can draw up a business plan yourself just for your business. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge harshly if this business plan or others in the section seemed incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity, or if you saw a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! This is the only way we can work together to make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for the attention!

Hairdressing services belong to the sphere personal services and are among the most popular in everyday life of people, and, therefore, are the most massive in Russia. This service sector occupies the largest volume in the consumer services market and is currently represented by hairdressers, salons, beauty parlors and other non-state enterprises, accounting for 1/6 of the total number of service enterprises.

The number of people employed in this area is also the maximum among all subsectors of consumer services for the population. In addition, hairdressing services are provided by individual hairdressers and cosmetologists who practice in private without following the mandatory registration procedure. government bodies... This increases the actual volume of hairdressing and cosmetic services sold to the population, according to experts, by 25-35%.

The growth rates of the volume of sold hairdressing services did not change significantly, and at the moment the sub-industry confidently ranks 6th in the consumer services market, representing 3.7% of the total volume of personal services. Experts consider the market of hairdressing services to be one of the most stable, promising and rapidly developing ones.

The average data from the statistics of European countries and the United States show that hairdressing salons (basic level of services) are located across the house, middle-class salons (a wide range of services) one per quarter, and luxury salons (exclusive services) are located in the center of the city, in large shopping malls... The numerical ratio looks like 10/3/1.

The Russian market has about 30,000 beauty and hairdressing salons, of which about 13% is in the capital region. The market for hairdressing and beauty salons in Russia is acquiring a phase of maturity, and entry into the market is hampered by strong competition from other market participants.

The main share of hairdressing and beauty salons in the capital, about 50%, is medium and medium-high level enterprises. The share of economy class hairdressing salons is 30% and 15% are hairdressing salons and luxury beauty salons. The remaining 5% is occupied by VIP lounges (see figure).

The composition of the hairdressing services market

Of the total number of hairdressers and beauty salons in Russia, 7% are chain. Most of the population - more than 40% visit hairdressing salons several times a year and about 24% - approximately once a month, using the services of hairdressing salons 2 or 3 times a month - about 8%. The rest either do not use hairdressing services at all, or visit a hairdresser once or twice a year.

Speaking about the Russian market, it should be noted that there is an oversupply of luxury salons in the city today. Many of whom are not able to provide the exclusive level of service to which their prices oblige. And there are too many studios that are open today in the city, there are not enough clients for all. And, therefore, they are either forced to lower the bar or create a mixed type of service (which is not comparable to the luxury class).

In general, the Russian market is quite saturated in general, however, a misunderstanding of the business tasks facing the salon and, at the same time, the seeming ease of earning, led to a very high turnover among hairdressers. Salons open and close every day in different parts of the city. Some succeed, others go broke.

Hairdressing salons usually occupy small areas. Most of the hairdressing salons are located on areas from 100 sq. meters and more, as a rule, on the first floors of residential buildings (built-in and attached premises), at bath and laundry plants, hotels, hostels, train stations, large enterprises... Most of the premises occupied by hairdressing and beauty parlors are in good condition. And only elite and expensive salons can afford to be located in a separate building.

V Soviet times in the hairdressing market, there was a clear division of hairdressing salons into two unequal groups. The first was the Soviet barbershop - cheap, but with a very low level of service. The second - elite salons - with a high level of service and rendered services, available only to a small proportion of the population due to their high cost.

Therefore, the majority of the population was served by low-level hairdressing salons. Thus, among the clients, the opinion is firmly established that this is the only way modern hairdressing salons can work.

Recently, a tendency has emerged that it is necessary to change the client's stereotypes regarding hairdressing salons. Attention is focused on the fact that now he can not only receive a high-quality service, but also pay a reasonable price for it.

It was mid-level hairdressing salons that began to satisfy such conditions, which at that time were a free niche for entrepreneurs in terms of organizing a business. Many have realized that mid-range salons sometimes generate even more stable income than elite ones.

Therefore, among those who are engaged in the hairdressing business, special preference is given to mid-level salons. This is due to two reasons at once.

Firstly, according to the assurances of hairdressers, salons of this level will make up the majority in the near future.

Secondly, the bulk of people who wish to have their hair cut will come to these particular hairdressing salons. According to experts, the future of the Russian hairdressing business lies precisely in small (no more than 100 sq. M.) Salons with quite reasonable (men's and women's haircuts from 150 rubles) prices. This is also explained by the fact that, according to the laws of the market, most in demand the goods are of the highest quality and at the same time the cheapest.

At the moment in Russia, the most popular are hairdressing services provided by small hairdressing salons. The modern hairdressing market is very dynamic and is constantly influenced by various factors such as fashion, art, social norms. Currently, the Russian market of hairdressing services is represented in almost all its diversity.

Hairdressing enterprises such as a luxury beauty salon are very famous in our city: "Aphrodite", "Butterfly", "Queen", etc.

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    The nature of employment and the requirements for personnel associated with the provision of services are largely determined by the characteristics of certain types of activity, types of service products, and the specifics of the market for a particular service.

    All this is analogous to the situation in material production. But, as already noted, the service sector differs from material production in that the direct objects of influence are a person and the satisfaction of his needs. Moreover, the object often becomes a participant in the creation of a service, which leaves an imprint on the training and work of the personnel of service companies. This staff, in addition to special professional knowledge must have the skills of positive contact with clients. It is because of this that the characteristics of high-contact service and the nature of the relationship in the service sector can form cycles of failure, mediocrity and success in the activities of service firms.

    In those service sectors where contacts with customers are negligible, the greatest role is played by the technical qualifications of personnel, for example, this occurs during the repair and maintenance of complex household appliances... There are types of services that require high professional qualifications of workers: medical, audit and legal services... In this service sector, the benefits of the electronicization of production and communications have not devalued human qualities and efforts. So, in medicine, due to the limited expediency of computer monitoring of patients, there remains a need for personalized work of both doctors and service personnel.

    Retention of employment in the service sector is to a greater or lesser extent related to the level of contact between the client and the employee; the irreparability of many mistakes requires the employee to be especially attentive, responsible and “close” to the client.

    Direct focus on the client ¾ the consumer of the service, the client's participation in the creation of the service allows us to single out a number of provisions that determine the characteristics of labor in the service sector and affect the selection, training and employment of personnel.

    The first is the client's involvement in operational processes. The object of influence and participant in the creation of a product in the service sector is a person ¾ a client who acts not only as a consumer of a service, but also as a creator of problems for a service organization. Clients often violate established policies, may ignore service offerings, or exhibit high expectations that require some response from employees.

    The specificity of customer behavior is determined by the characteristics of what the relationship between the service personnel and the customer is about, that is, the characteristics of the service.

    As noted, key indicator which distinguishes the service process from production process, ¾ participation of the client in operational processes. There are many opportunities for the client to interact with the service personnel: during the presentation of the final result, as well as during the preparation of invoices, making payments, etc. Thus, the client's contact with the staff occurs on two levels: the first level ¾ delivery of the final result; the second level ¾ provision of an additional service that facilitates the purchase of the main service or increases the cost of the main service.

    Some experts highlight the following list additional services: information and consulting services, order acceptance, hospitality, service, special services, billing, payment for services. In large service firms, final services, as well as certain additional services, can be provided by different employees, the degree of contact with the client is not the same. Moreover, the main responsibility for the service may lie with the service personnel, whose contact with the client is limited. This situation is typical, for example, for hospitality... The client can receive the necessary information and advice before arriving at the hotel, parking the car and delivery of luggage are carried out without direct contact, when the client registers and comes into contact with another employee, a doorman can provide a special kind of service. Responsibility for the condition of the room lies with the service personnel, who practically does not come into contact with the client.

    In a small business, the delivery of the final result and the provision of additional services, as a rule, are carried out by one person, but even in this case, the degree of contact with the client can be different at different levels.

    In the conditions of freedom of choice of services and the absence of subordination of the client to the service company, the latter is forced to study the client and develop special methods of influencing the consumer of the service. These techniques depend on the degree of contact between the client and the employee. According to the degree of customer involvement in operational processes, services range from high-contact to low-contact. Previously, most of the contacts took place in a "live" mode, now contacts are mediated by new technical means, although, changing, the role of direct contacts remains.

    The second provision that determines the characteristics of labor in the service sector is the presence of high-contact service, which is characterized by three features.

    The first feature of high-contact service is due to the role of the human factor.

    The personnel in contact with customers are not only involved in the maintenance, that is, the production of the service, but are also responsible for the management of this production.

    The person serving has a threefold role, being the service technician, the salesperson, and part of the service product itself. The elusiveness and intangibility of the service puts the buyer in a difficult position, since it is difficult for him to assess what is being sold before purchasing the service, and sometimes even after receiving it. The seller of the service acts as a kind of expert on whose knowledge the client relies. The service personnel must be able to tell about the service, convince the client of the need to purchase it.

    Customers appreciate appearance employees, communication skills, and special (technical) skills. These properties are considered as part of the service product itself, as a result of which there is a need for special training of personnel, as well as the development of measures to induce employees to take appropriate action. For employees in contact with clients, interpersonal communication, the ability to dress, the ability to work with the client, to create the desired service, etc. are important. The presence of these characteristics is one of the conditions for keeping employees of their employment in the service sector. As noted by D. Ogilvy, a prominent American advertising entrepreneur, "if you become indispensable to the client, you will never be fired."

    The second feature of high-contact service is determined by its similarity to the theater.

    The seller of the service must take care not only of what to produce, but also how to produce. Employees can be thought of as actors playing a role in a play called "service." Everything that is offered to the client is a kind of game around some process, which is clearly manifested in the relationship between the visitor and the waiter in the restaurant.

    Rules (scenario) of behavior are written for all employees in contact with clients. The staff, like theatrical actors, is included in the "troupe". Personnel need to dress in theatrical costumes ¾ uniforms or have their clothing conform to certain standards. Employees must not only look neat, but also know their lines when talking on the phone, accepting an order, greeting, etc. For this they are specially trained in public speaking, they are given a voice if public messages are required. Good facial expressions are also important. The rules prohibit smoking, drinking, chewing during performance official duties... Much importance is attached to the movements of employees "on the stage", as well as "decorations".

    What happens “behind the scenes” is of the least interest to the “public”. Clients evaluate the quality of the service at the time of receiving it. If there are disruptions in the work “behind the scenes”, then the clients immediately feel it.

    In view of the above, one of the main criteria for hiring a person is the special personal qualities of a person. For example, Walt Disney, a public entertainment company, assigns roles (employees) according to their ability to perform stage or backstage work. This distribution depends on the appearance and personal aptitude of the employees.

    Great “performances” in the service industry are made by managers who emphasize the similarity of the process to the theater.

    The third feature of high-contact service is associated with the emotionality of work.

    Service appointments entail more than just doing the right thing. technical implementation tasks, since they require a certain demeanor, politeness, sympathy for clients, which is united by the concept of “emotionality of work”. For example, in the list personality traits sales managers who help him achieve a high level of professionalism in his work, a special place is occupied by sociability and orientation to the interests of another person. As a rule, the sellers who trade most effectively are those who enjoy the communication process itself. Many purchases are made under the influence of emotions, not logic, so a more effective salesperson who does not just respond to a customer's request, but also uses the "emotional factor". Many employees have to go through a serious psychological test, expressing the feelings the client needs, but not actually experiencing them. Feigned feelings can be expressed verbally and non-verbally (facial expressions, body movements, etc.). The ability to express feelings can be innate or acquired. But the feelings of service providers are not always feigned, they are sincere. For example, a nurse almost always has genuine sympathy for a sick child.

    Due to the emotionality of work, the manager needs to monitor the performance of work that can be stressful for employees who are trying to demonstrate to the client emotions that they are not experiencing. It is advisable, taking into account the wishes of the clients, to properly educate and train employees so that they do not harm the company with their inappropriate behavior. For example, British Airways, when hiring employees, attracts them with work as such, and not with the opportunity to travel, since passengers during the flight primarily want a warm and friendly attitude, the company hires charming people who are able to find a way out of difficult situations in the process. communication with passengers.

    Western service firms spend significant funds to train their employees, and if there is a high-contact service, then training in interpersonal relations is mandatory.

    The third provision, which determines the characteristics of labor in the service sector, reflects the presence of relationships in the service process.

    Successful relationships between clients and service providers are built on mutual satisfaction from the results obtained; only in this case the number of transactions increases, which affects the preservation of employment.

    Employment in a service firm is highly dependent on the likelihood of a repeat of the service. Poorly developed service generates a high rate of customer abandonment of services. Research by Jacques Horowitz, a professor at the International Institute of Management (Switzerland), has shown that four out of 100 customers who express their dissatisfaction with the service can lead almost 3 times more potential customers with them by reporting poor service against those customers who report about quality service 1. If customers are satisfied with the quality of the services provided, employee layoffs are minimal. It is not prestigious to work in an area where customers are unhappy with the service. Therefore, an increase in staff turnover is observed where there are low-paid jobs, the work is boring and monotonous, and the level of training is minimal. Regular employees need to know not only the job as such, but also be able to maintain good relationships with clients.

    At State Farm Insurase (SFI) (USA), where employee turnover is minimal, the number of regular customers exceeds 90% of all clients available to the company. In SFI, more than 80% of agents have been working for more than four years, while in other similar companies the share of agents with such length of service is at the level of 20-40%. The main reason for this strong relationship at SFI is long-term customer relationships, especially as it is easier for employees to work with repeat customers whose needs, lifestyles and risk attitudes are familiar to them.

    Service relationships reflect the variability of service performance. The quality of a service rather strongly depends not only on where and when it is provided, but also on who provides it. For example, inside the same hotel, one employee may be polite and executive, the other arrogant and even rude. In addition, the same employee may provide services in different ways throughout the day.

    Most often, the variability of the quality of services is associated with the qualifications of the employee, his training and education. The variability of services can be due to inappropriate personal characteristics of the employee, which are very difficult to identify at the stage of employee selection.

    To reduce the variability of services, service standards are created, that is, complexes of mandatory rules for customer service are created, which are designed to guarantee the established level of quality of all operations carried out. Service standards establish formal criteria by which the level of customer service and the performance of any employee of the firm is assessed. Firms need to conduct systematic training and staff training so that all employees fully understand the service standards: speed of customer service, the system for handling complaints, payment rules, etc. of his work, understands the importance of optimal relationships with clients.

    The specificity of work in the service sector has given rise to a debate about the difference between the natural personality traits of the people employed and the technical skills acquired during education and training. An unequivocal answer about these differences has not been received, which makes it difficult to work with personnel, especially if the company does not intend to invest in personnel development.

    The relationship between customers and employees reflects the relationship within the firm, and in the aggregate, the nature of these relationships can contribute to the formation of a cycle of failure, mediocrity or success in the service business.

    The cycle of failure. This cycle is associated with the hiring of a cheap work force, which should perform repetitive tasks that do not require any preparation.

    There are two aspects of the failure cycle: with employees and with customers. The cycle of failure with employees begins with a narrow specialization of jobs without the use of employee quality control programs. The low pay strategy is accompanied by a weak focus on training and selection of personnel. As a result, many employees are unable to cope with customer issues and problems on their own. As a result, the firm is characterized by a low level of service and high staff turnover. The cycle can be repeated several times.

    The cycle of failure with clients consists of dissatisfaction with the diligence of employees, constant staff turnover, which leads to a churn of clients. The firm is constantly in the process of finding new clientele. The personal setbacks of low-paid and ill-trained employees are the cause of the loss of clientele.

    The overhaul of the low pay strategy should be accompanied by changes in the recruitment, training and staffing system. Only in this case does the firm not get involved in a cycle of failure, the exit from which is very difficult. The firm will have to return customers who have started using the services of competitors, as well as attract potential customers who did not use the services of the firm because of its bad image.

    The cycle of mediocrity can manifest itself primarily in a large bureaucratic firm, where there is little incentive to increase productivity, and problems with trade unions limit the use of progressive methods of labor organization. In such an environment, the services provided are defined by rigid guidelines focused on standardizing the service rather than improving relationships with customers and colleagues.

    Salary increases and promotions are based on successful and accurate adherence to instructions, not high productivity and extraordinary customer service.

    The employees of such a company are focused on receiving, albeit small, but stable wages.

    Customer service is characterized by bureaucratic bickering, customer frustration as employees are reluctant to improve service. If there is no way to get a service from another company, then dissatisfied clients show hostility towards employees who, due to the inability to go beyond the instructions, begin to respond rudely to rudeness.

    Customers are dissatisfied with the poor quality of service, and employees do not have the desire and ability to improve it. Consumers of services lose interest in cooperation with this company, which has limited, and then disappears, growth prospects.

    The cycle of success is observed in firms that invest in people, choosing the long-term path financial activities... Like the cycle of failure or mediocrity, the cycle of success applies to both employees and customers. Provision of employees High Quality service is based on intensive training, reasonable distribution of powers, and wage growth. Clients value the consistency of the high level of service that results from low employee turnover. The strategy of retaining loyal customers turns out to be more profitable for the company than the strategy of attracting new customers.

    British Airways is an example of a successful transition from mediocrity to success. As a result of a major reorganization, the use of intensive training, the retention of more "mobile" employees, organizations began to work in a more competitive environment.

    Developed relationships in the service sector directly affect the nature of the service company and its development opportunities, which leads to an increase in the number of employees, and also requires high-quality personnel changes.

    1 Papiryan G.A. Management in the hospitality industry: hotels and restaurants. M .: Economics, 2000.

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