Naturprodukt - we are opening a farm products store. Do you need permission to open. Decoration and equipment

Quality products in the modern technologically advanced world, unfortunately, are worth their weight in gold. An environmentally friendly product grown in natural conditions is more difficult and more expensive to produce, but the demand for it is growing every day. People want to eat natural, fresh food and get from it all the trace elements, vitamins and nutrients necessary for an active and healthy life. All this makes eco-friendly products a great idea for a successful business.

Market analysis and relevance

The sale of organic products is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The essence of the business is that an agreement is concluded between an entrepreneur and peasant farms for the supply of natural home products for subsequent sale through a retail chain of stores.

Before studying the market for goods, you need to clearly understand which foods are organic. This group of products on the packaging must necessarily have a license mark "Organic", confirming its compliance with all the indicated parameters:

  1. Semi-finished products of animal or vegetable origin, grown in natural conditions (in beds in the light of sunlight, or in a stable on a farm).
  2. Non-GMO, food colors, preservatives and flavor enhancers.
  3. Ripened without the use of artificial fertilizers, growth accelerators, nitrates and other chemicals.

The market situation has developed in such a way that the demand for eco-products is much higher than the supply.

This is the starting point to get started. Yes, the process of growing such food products requires some investment and patience, but the cost of the final product is much higher than its “chemical” counterpart.

Business registration and organization

To conduct lawful activities, you must register with the tax service, obtain the status individual entrepreneur and choose a tax payment system. Usually for large cities this is a simplified taxation system, for regions - a single imputed tax.

When planning a large grocery store with a varied assortment of goods and a large staff of employees, it is recommended to register a "Company with limited liability". This will require financial investments, time and preparation of certain documents:

  • charter;
  • rent contract;
  • conclusion of the SES and the fire service;
  • opening a bank account and so on.

Alternatively, you can consider selling online.

The product will be displayed on a personal website, the consumer will be able to choose, order and receive it at home. The costs in this case are minimal, and an operator is required from the staff, which can be the owner and the courier himself.

Required Documentation

The list of documents is similar to the list of any other food store and includes:

  1. Lease agreement or confirmation of the ownership of the premises.
  2. Certificate of entry of the company into the Commercial Register.
  3. Waste and garbage collection agreement.
  4. Product quality certificates.
  5. Staff medical records.
  6. Cash register documents.
  7. Book of complaints and suggestions.
  8. A copy of the Consumer Rights Law.

Location and premises

It is obvious that the location of the store affects the level of sales and the number of customers. The store should be located in a well-accessible public place, away from competitors.

The area of ​​premises for a store depends on the scale of the enterprise.

It can be a small vegetable stall, or a large grocery store with a wide range of products of natural origin. A large store requires a convenient driveway and parking lot.

Decoration and equipment

Eco-products must be sold and stored in the right conditions, for which it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment:

  • racks, shelves, showcases;
  • industrial refrigerators and counters;
  • table, counter or counter of the seller.

To improve aesthetics, it is necessary to provide for the option of packaging goods - paper bags, rolls. For packing meat, if it is supposed to be sold, trays, food foam and so on are needed.

An organic store must demonstrate its focus - walls can be painted in natural colors, and items of natural origin (paper) can be used as packaging.

Assortment and suppliers

All goods must have an appropriate certificate and a sticker confirming that the goods are environmentally friendly and completely natural. Products in an organic store can be very different, for example:

  • vegetables and fruits grown in natural conditions;
  • meat and meat products without preservatives;
  • dairy products;
  • flour and its derivatives;
  • honey and dried fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • soy products;
  • natural cosmetic;
  • juices, syrups and drinks.

The supply contracts must necessarily specify the conditions for natural cultivation or production of food. To control the quality of products, you should open your own laboratory, or conclude an agreement for the provision of relevant services.


According to the principle of operation, an eco-store is not much different from an ordinary grocery store, sellers and consultants serve customers, loaders carry fresh goods, an administrator leads, an accountant calculates income. In addition, if your own laboratory is envisaged to verify the quality of products, it is imperative to add a laboratory assistant to the staff. An accountant can be a visiting accountant, and the owner himself can act as a manager.


  1. Your own trademark, which will accompany each purchased product. Over time, he will be recognized and associated with this particular store and its high-quality goods.
  2. Billboards in health food restaurants, transportation and supermarkets.
  3. Distribution of leaflets.
  4. Creation of an official website.
  5. Discount coupons and free tastings, such as freshly made juices 1-2 times a week.

The financial component of the business

Starting a business selling organic food is a rather expensive undertaking. Along with investments in the transformation of the interior decoration of the store, there are issues such as the purchase of farm products, and the prices for eco-products are much higher than their usual counterparts.

At the same time, eco-food products will also be sold at high prices, and the demand for them is high.

Opening and maintaining costs

Initial costs are:

  • rent, repair and decoration of premises - from 300,000 rubles;
  • cash register and scales - 70,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - about 500,000 rubles.

Total: 870,000 rubles.

Monthly constant ones will be added to these costs:

  • salary for employees - 100,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 15-20,000 rubles.

Total: 120,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The profit from the store of environmentally friendly products is predicted to be high, so with an average check of 800 rubles and a 10-hour work schedule, at least 12,000 rubles will be earned (based on 15 buyers per day). Then the amount of earnings per month without deductions will be 360,000 rubles. This is the minimum income that an organic quality store will provide.

Payback period

Even the most modest calculation allows us to conclude that the company will pay off within 6-12 months of active trading.

So, the advantages of selling eco-products include:

  1. High safety and usefulness of goods.
  2. Growing demand.

Having a large number of advantages, this activity also has a number of disadvantages:

  • high cost, due to the large share of manual labor;
  • limited shelf life - products cannot be purchased for future use and stored for a long time in a warehouse;

Selling organic products is something that needs to be done. On the one hand, they give health to consumers, on the other, they bring income to the entrepreneur. People are ready to spend money on the purchase of real pure products for themselves and their children. Low competition and high demand it is a signal to act for a businessman who is designing a profitable and honest business.

        • Related business ideas:

Today, business in the field retail food products are becoming less profitable. Network hypermarkets have almost completely captured this market, leaving the small entrepreneur only "bits" of the yard trade in the form of shops within walking distance. And those who bring less and less profit every year. Practically the only option for building a successful business in this industry for a small and medium-sized businessman is specialization. That is, opening a grocery store, with its own idea, with a specific meaning, with a specific assortment of goods. One of these businesses can be considered a farm goods store - trade point for sale natural products!

What do these stores sell? First of all, this is all that is grown in conditions farms and private household plots: carcasses of chickens, geese, ducks, rabbits, quails, meat (pork, beef), chicken and quail eggs, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, butter and sunflower oil, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sausages, seasonings and spices, as well as locally produced fruits and vegetables depending on the season. At the same time, the main emphasis is placed on the products of local producers, familiar to many residents of the city. It is the idea of ​​"sustainability" and naturalness that makes such stores popular among consumers.

Which taxation system to choose

Projects for stores of products of local producers are now starting to open in some regions of Russia. For example, in the Belgorod Region, a chain of stores called "Farmer" is actively developing. The project was organized with the support of the regional authorities and implies the creation of a certain sales market for local farmers and households. The trading area of ​​such stores is no more than 150 sq. meters, which allows the use of the taxation system in the form of UTII. Vmenenka is a very convenient tax regime, primarily for suppliers - farmers who are not VAT payers.

A significant drawback of such outlets is the high price of products. At least higher than in many chain stores. This is explained primarily by the high wholesale price at which farmers import food. And the high price is due to several reasons, including because of small consignments and the distance of transportation of goods. In addition, it is known that producing a sustainable product is much more expensive than any supplemented product.

In addition, it is often impossible to replenish the entire assortment matrix with local products. Let's say fruit is a very popular commodity in any grocery store, but in winter no local producer will bring you apples, pears, and certainly bananas and kiwi.

Natural food store assortment

Therefore, in the assortment of goods, in addition to natural local products, there are also "industrial" goods from a variety of suppliers. In the same “Farmer” chain, the share of natural products is only 30%, the remaining 70% are industrial goods.

How much can you earn by opening a natural food store

Natural food stores are opening in settlements and districts with a population of over 20 thousand people and are positioning themselves as “walking distance” stores. The average mark-up on goods is only 20%. According to the general director of the Farmer chain, the outlet becomes self-sufficient with daily earnings of 90-100 thousand rubles a day. The average bill is about 140 rubles.

Step-by-step plan for opening a store selling farm products

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Search for suppliers, farms.
  4. Premises for rent.
  5. Purchase of equipment, inventory, cash register.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Retail outlet launch.

How much can you earn on the store

Farm products are hugely popular. That is why such points of sale are very profitable. At the initial stage of activity, it may not be possible to get large profits. But over time, the popularity of the store will grow, and accordingly, the profit will increase. Income from organic products can exceed 500 thousand rubles. per month. The payback of the business comes within 6-9 months.

How much money is needed to start

The cost of starting a business depends on several factors:

  • Do you have your own premises or will you have to rent a store;
  • Purchase of new or used equipment, racks;
  • Are there any concluded contracts for wholesale supply from farmers.

In total, you will need 500-700 thousand rubles to open a store.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • 11 - retail food products;
  • 19 - retail trade with a wide range of products.

What documents are needed to open a business

To open a store, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. For registration, it is necessary to submit an application to the tax service in the prescribed form, a photocopy of the passport and pay the mandatory state fee.

Do I need permission to open

  • SES permission for the compliance of the store and the products in it with the standards;
  • Permission from the fire inspection for the safety of the point of sale;
  • Household waste disposal agreement;

When opening a retail outlet in a supermarket, such permits are not required. It is important that food products must have quality certificates.

When writing the article, the materials of the site were used:

The founder of the Eish Derevenskoye company, Ilya Elpanov, failed to become a successful farmer, but instead attracted about 19 million rubles. investment and created a community villagers from which Muscovites buy food for 8 million rubles a month.

Following Tesla Elon Musk, a meteorological balloon with a set of village products went into space to "feed the electric car driver." This marketing campaign was invented by the team of Ilya Elpanov, the founder of the Eat Derevenskoe company. “So we showed that among us, the villagers, there are Ilona Masks, there are many of them,” the businessman says with a serious face.

Residents of Moscow and neighboring villages are not separated by space, but finding products from small rural producers in the capital's markets and in stores is not easy. Farmers are rarely able to provide the volumes and prices that are required of them. retail chains and wholesale bases. 26-year-old Elpanov decided to fix this by creating a marketplace for farm products on the Internet.

How it works

Eat Village is not a traditional online store. The prices here are set by the suppliers, and the platform adds its commission of 25-35%. Each product page has a story about the farmer who grows and supplies it, as well as customer reviews. Farmers control demand: in personal account the website indicates how many units can be prepared this week. They help promote the product: they take photos and videos for social networks. According to Elpanov, the company sells not only products, but also the history of each farmer. Suppliers are responsible for labeling and delivering products to the company's distribution center in Dubna, from where Elpanov's drivers deliver parcels across Moscow and the region twice a week - on Thursdays and Sundays. When ordering up to 3.5 thousand rubles. delivery costs 249 rubles, from 5 thousand rubles. - is free.

Foxes and schoolchildren

In the summer of 2013, after the third year of economics at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazeva, Ilya Elpanov with fellow students went to the Kaluga region. The organizers of the Nikola-Lenivets art park then allocated land plots to six people wishing to engage in agriculture and about 1 million rubles for the purchase of animals and feed. But things did not go as smoothly as the enthusiasts expected: Elpanov's geese were eaten by foxes, the pigs of friends-partners ran into the forest. After spending several months and fixing 500 thousand rubles. losses, the students abandoned the venture. Elpanov decided that you need to be born a farmer or spend 10-15 years to become a professional in this area.

Elpanov was a member of the Russian Economy Foundation community, where he was mentored by serial entrepreneur Oskar Hartmann. After the first failure, the mentor advised him to try his hand at IT. Together with a friend, Elpanov began to develop an application for preparing schoolchildren for the exam in a playful form, Smart Fox. In 2014, the startup received about $ 25 thousand in investments from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, but quickly went bankrupt. Monetization was based on the concept of freemium, when the main service is provided free of charge, and you have to pay for additional features - 1.5 thousand rubles. It turned out that schoolchildren are actively using the free functionality, but are not going to pay. When the startups realized this, the money ran out, and the exam preparation season was over.

Then Elpanov decided to work for hire - he got a job at the Elementaree company, which delivers food by subscription. Over time, he took the position of head of the logistics department. It was here that he figured out how to combine agriculture and IT.

Village community

Elpanov spied the idea for a new business in Slovakia, where farmers sold food through an online store. In April 2015, he moved to the Tver region, to the city of Kimry, began collecting sets of village products from the local market and selling them to relatives and friends in the capital.

The entrepreneur had 50 thousand rubles to start the business. This money was spent on the purchase of a website template in the Joomla constructor, a refrigerator and two thermoboxes for transporting products. At the start, he was joined by Dmitry Zavyalov, the husband of Elpanov's sister. The rest of the friends were perplexed: how can you quit Good work in the capital and move to the provinces for the sake of an incomprehensible undertaking?

It quickly became clear that reselling goods from the market would not make much money, and the partners began to look for suppliers among farmers - they managed to find several manufacturers of dairy products, poultry, vegetables and herbs. The assortment was limited, so at first Eat Derevenskoye sold food sets for 2 thousand and 3 thousand rubles. The partners spent 10 thousand rubles. for advertising on social networks and received eight orders. Their day began at 4 am when they collected packages and personally delivered them to customers. Elpanov decided that the goods should be delivered from the farmer to the buyer's home within 24 hours, which means that stocks cannot be created and delivery times must be limited - the products were delivered once a week, on Sunday.

The first parcels were collected in the kitchen in the apartment of Elpanov's mother. For six months, the number of orders increased to 40 per week, and the entrepreneur rented a distribution center closer to the capital - in Dubna (they pay 75 thousand rubles per month for 140 sq. M.). Among the main buyers were women 25-35 years old with small children, people who monitor proper nutrition, and those to whom village parcels resemble childhood. “The taste qualities of the products differ significantly from what we buy in stores,” one of the customers, Dinara Mikhailova, told RBC.

It soon became clear that the standard premise business model was failing. Some of the buyers do not eat certain products and want to order something else. Therefore, in the spring of 2017, the entrepreneur decided to open also a marketplace with a wide range of goods (now it brings 60% of the revenue).

It was more difficult to work in this format. Once one of the dairy suppliers did not make an already ordered strawberry-flavored yoghurt. Only 20 bottles were needed, but the farmer did not have time. Elpanov somehow begged him to finish the game, and then personally came to him at 4 in the morning, spending 2.5 hours on the road. “The cost of these cans was enormous. But still, reputation is at stake, ”explains the entrepreneur. Then Elpanov moved to truck and went to deliver parcels around Moscow.

There were difficulties in connecting suppliers from the Krasnodar Territory. For example, an entrepreneur sent a Gazelle truck for Peking cabbage, but due to heavy rains they could not collect it. The car returned empty, Elpanov lost about 40 thousand rubles. Another time, on the way back, the motor broke down, the refrigerator stopped working - half the batch had to be thrown away. Therefore, now the majority of Eat Derevenskoye suppliers are from Tver, Moscow and Kaluga regions.

In his distribution center, the entrepreneur created a quality control system, which was helped by specialists from Azbuka Vkusa - they were recommended to Yelpanov by Vladimir Sadovin, an acquaintance of the entrepreneur and general director of Azbuka Vkusa. Now unscrupulous suppliers are fined from 1 thousand rubles. up to 50% of the cost of the batch. But due to the large number of different suppliers, mistakes still happen: on average, 15 orders out of 400. Company representatives personally visit the farms: they ask for receipts to find out where and when the feed was purchased, conduct laboratory tests and tasting commissions.

New farmers

For two and a half years, Yelpanov toured 300 farms. The founder of Eat Dereveskoye divides suppliers into three types: people who were born in the countryside and have been engaged in agriculture since childhood; entrepreneurs who are tired of the city and decided to make money on farming; and amateurs who turned their summer cottage hobby into additional source income. More successful than others, according to the statistics "Eat the village", are precisely the townspeople who decided to become farmers.

Dmitry Slavyansky is one of the first suppliers of Eat Village. Agriculture he took up in 2014. Before that I tried myself in restaurant business, has gone from a cook to a manager. But Slavyansky was drawn to the ground: “It was always interesting to poke around in the garden. Probably it's genes. "

He started in 2014 with growing mushrooms. But I did not calculate the expenses, the cost of the products turned out to be higher than the market one. Then I decided to "get my hands on" the greenery: put the first greenhouse. Six months later, he grew 12 tons of onions a month, kept 28 people in the state. But by 2016, there was an overstocking in the onion market - the entrepreneur received 1.5 million losses. “So much effort and money was invested, it would not be in my rules to say“ everything, I didn’t do it ”,” recalls Slavyansky. The farmer rented 12 hectares 20 km from Tver and switched to growing lettuce, zucchini, radish and seasonal greens. I sold it to local restaurants. This business has proven to be profitable.

“We ourselves also had thoughts about delivering farm products to Moscow, we simply could not realize it,” says Slavyansky. At first, "Eat Dereveskoe" received five to eight orders a week, now the bill goes to dozens. The company pays invoices once a week, and other wholesalers usually delay payments for a month. The farmer loves that he knows customers by sight: every week he looks at the page with reviews of his products. Slavyansky's revenue for 2017 amounted to about 10 million rubles. He does not disclose the profit.

Another supplier, Vadim Roshka, received a higher religious education, in the 1990s he worked as a lawyer and then as a traffic police inspector. All this time he was running a subsidiary farm. Gradually, the income from it began to exceed the salary. In 2007, he quit his job and switched to farming in the Tver Region - raising cattle (his farm has 150 cows) and producing dairy products. According to Rosca, the modern farmer has a tough time. Electricity bills rise, fuel prices rise, and milk prices remain unchanged. “So much has been done that there is no turning back. We survive on enthusiasm, ”says the farmer.

To stay afloat, he is developing his online store, selling products through groups on social networks and looking for new distribution channels. “For Eat Derevenskoe, we have become the main supplier of dairy products - production volumes increased tenfold last year. We grow together, ”explains the farmer. Revenue for 2017 amounted to more than RUB 10 million. He reinvests all profits in business development.

Along with the groceries, Eat Derevenskoe customers receive a letter about how things are going in the village. Ilya Elpanov also plans to install cameras with online broadcasting on farms so that buyers can check the origin of products.

5 billion for farmers

In Moscow, there are both farm products delivery services and offline stores where such food can be purchased. The main competitors of Eat Derevenskoe are LavkaLavka, Seasonmarket, MoscowFresh, Fresh, Two Sisters, and others. expert assessments, the largest player is the LavkaLavka cooperative with a chain of stores and online delivery. According to LavkaLavka, the chain occupies about 10% of the capital's market for farmers' products, annual turnover which is 5 billion rubles. However, according to Elpanov, the more retail players there are on the market, the more farmers will be able to supply their products to the megalopolis and the cheaper their products will be.

Money on the table

The founder of "Eat dereveskoe" attracted the first investments in the summer of 2016 - 1 million rubles. in exchange for 8% of the company from business angels Grigory Rudanov and Vladimir Batishchev. According to Rudanov, Ilya impressed investors with his dedication and dedication. “The market has great potential because more and more people want to eat healthy. We see that farm products are in great demand. Ilya made a very humane service, ”explains Rudanov.

In 2017, the company received another $ 300 thousand for about 20% from the founder of the LiveTex company Vladimir Bakuteev and the Some Random VC fund. This money helped the company grow rapidly. The assortment has significantly replenished: there were 150 product names, now 800. The number of suppliers has grown almost four times - up to 150. If at the beginning of 2016 the project's revenue was about 400 thousand rubles. per month, then by the beginning of 2017 - 1.8 million rubles, now - about 8 million rubles. According to Elpanov, the company has reached an operational payback, but he spends all the profit on the development of the project.

In 2018, Eat Dereveskoye has a new sales channel: now the company supplies products to hotels, restaurants and offices. “The guys are promoting values ​​similar to ours. They take the product seriously and work on bugs, ”Anastasia Efimova, co-owner of Brick Design Hotel, explains the choice of a supplier.

According to Elpanov, 4.5 million residents of the capital prefer farm products, but in reality no more than 1% of potential buyers make online purchases. “Now farm products are quite expensive, but with the right business approaches and automation of work with suppliers, they will become available,” Elpanov is sure.

View from the outside

"The phrase" farm product "no longer causes wild enthusiasm"

Alexander Goncharov, founder of the farm cooperative "Mark and Lev"

“There is nothing revolutionary in the idea of ​​delivery, but supporting the villagers is right. True, I see "Eat Village" has a random set of suppliers. It is necessary to develop the territory where farmers live, as, for example, our Tula agrohub is doing. The phrase “farm product” no longer arouses wild enthusiasm among consumers, stratification occurs - some are looking to make it look like a farm product, but cheaper, others are interested in the origin of the product, environmental friendliness needs proof. "

"The main problem now is the heterogeneity of raw materials."

Pavel Paskar, CEO of Grow Food food delivery service

“I think the idea of ​​home delivery of groceries is very promising. Now the market is divided into a number of models: delivery of cut ingredients, in which a person cooks himself according to a recipe, for example, Chefmarket, cooking in the retail itself, like Azbuka Vkusa, subscription models when food arrives ready-made, for example, Grow Food. This market is changing for the better and growing. Leaders show good results, competitors are catching up with them. Technologies come into our lives, in large cities where people do not have enough time, they outsource more and more processes. The market will continue to grow for another three to five years.

The main problem now is the heterogeneity of raw materials. Large companies are forced to cook not the best products. This affects the quality of the food. If you manage to create as few layers as possible between consumers and farmers, the better from an economic point of view: both the goods will become cheaper and the companies will become more profitable. Delivering farm products is an interesting idea. "

The fashion for all natural has appeared relatively recently - in the last 7-8 years. In the wake of popularity, dozens of stores with eco-products have opened. The site observer reviewed several examples of doing eco-business in Russia.

Season market

In April 2013, Sergey Melnik, together with a partner, opened the Season Market online store of farm products. The businessman invested 3 million rubles in the launch of the project, and in the first year the revenue amounted to 8 million. The main idea was to become an intermediary between Russian farmers and consumers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

“A year ago, we planned to increase sales by the fall of 2015 by three or four times, but in fact, we have increased by six or seven. By the end of this year, we forecast revenues of 60-70 million rubles, "Melnik said in September 2015.

The service for the delivery of farm products existed before the Season Market, therefore, to stand out, the creators added to the project additional service- all goods received from farmers are sorted, cut, packaged, packaged in a distribution center. Thus, the client receives not only a natural product, but also an already processed one.

In 2013, the average check was less than 3,000 rubles, after two years it reached 4,000 rubles. According to Melnik, farmers regularly contact them with offers of cooperation. In case of a positive decision, the products of potential suppliers are sent for examination to Rospotrebnadzor. After that, a decision is made to sign the contract.

In 2014, Season Market won a joint competition between Kommersant and VTB24 “Niche for a Billion” - the startup received a special prize from the bank for the best business model. In December 2015, the Season Market brand went offline and opened its first store in Moscow.

"Milk culture"

In 2006, businessman Andrei Ionov acquired a dairy farm in Leningrad region... It took the entrepreneur eight years to start the production of milk, kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk. In 2011, about 700 million rubles were invested in the construction of the plant. At the same time, the technologists started developing the recipe, and the invited agency Depot WPF - the brand concept and packaging design.

In 2014, half-liter cups with a spout appeared on store shelves. “This form reinforced the idea that these are products for demanding but busy citizens,” said Andrey Ionov, outlining target audience product. In addition, on the lids of the cups, you can find various information about the product: production time, the name of the foreman or, for example, the weather during milking. In the same year, Milk Culture appeared in 14 Russian cities.

At first, the brand was promoted only through social networks... In 2015, an advertisement for Dairy Culture appeared in publications of famous bloggers Ilya Varlamov and Anton Nosik. An interview with businessman Andrei Ionov was published in Forbes and Snob magazines (the businessman was interviewed by Ksenia Sobchak).

In 2015, the company's revenue amounted to 250 million rubles, and Molochnaya Kultura was included in the Forbes rating of the most successful Russian brands - new consumer goods.

Eco-farm "Konovalovo"

In the fall of 2009, an entrepreneur and former business partner of Vladimir Dovgan, Alexander Konovalov, invested 32 million rubles in a family business - opening an eco-farm (the project paid off in five and a half years). The first six months new business demanded additional injections, then came to self-sufficiency. In 2011, the revenue of "Konovalovo" amounted to one million rubles a month.

Interest in the products, according to the entrepreneur, appeared immediately, but the businessman earns not only on the goods from the farm. Konovalov receives about 30% of profits from ecotourism. On the territory of the farm there is a small hotel, the guests of which can communicate with animals, go fishing, take a steam bath, and live the village life.

The first clients of the eco-farm were residents of cottage settlements between Novaya Riga and Rublevskoe highway. From the very beginning, Konovalov relied on family business, he attracted his daughters to the case, who became involved in the website and processing orders on the Internet, and sons-in-law, who delivered groceries. Despite the growing demand, the entrepreneur did not expand the farm.

In 2011, he created the Ecocluster association of organic food producers.

Under one trademark, Konovalov gathered partners that produce goods according to uniform standards. It includes both small Russian farms and producers of olive oil from Greece or household chemicals from Belgium. Partners pay monthly fees. In 2014, Ecocluster's turnover amounted to 60 million rubles.

By 2014, the businessman opened three retail freshmarkets, in which he presented the products of all Ecocluster partners. The amount of investments in stores amounted to nine million rubles - three million for each outlet.

In 2015, the average check in a store was 2,500 rubles. Konovalov describes his target audience as follows: “These are people from 25 to 55 years old who live in prestigious places in Moscow or suburban cottage villages, have children, lead a fairly active and healthy lifestyle and who are not indifferent to environmental protection. That is, a person is ready to spend 24-28 thousand rubles a month ”.

Izbenka and VkusVill

In 2009, businessman Andrei Krivenko with a start-up capital of one million rubles opened the first Izbenka outlet in Moscow on the Troitsky market. The main idea of ​​the entrepreneur was the promotion of environmentally friendly dairy products with a minimum shelf life.

Having concluded an agreement with a supplier, the businessman opened the first store, which cost 50 thousand rubles, the assortment consisted of six items. Over the year, the Izbenka network has grown to fifteen outlets. Now there are about three hundred of them and the entrepreneur is still faithful to the principle of not buying premises, but renting them.

In 2011, Izbenka's turnover amounted to about $ 20 million, Krivenko continued to open stores of natural products, only now under the VkusVill brand. “We saw that there is a stable, growing demand for products without additives and preservatives,” he said. “Therefore, we decided to expand the assortment with chilled meat, sausages, eggs, vegetables and fruits.”

Unlike Izbenki outlets, the area of ​​the premises of which is 10-15 square meters, VkusVill stores are premises with an area of ​​100-120 square meters. According to the businessman, 150-200 thousand rubles are spent to open one Izbenka outlet, and about 4 million rubles to open one VkusVill store. On average, a customer visits a chain store three times a week, and his check is about 500 rubles.

Krivenko explains his success by the vacancy of the niche - “the target audience, which, according to various estimates, is about 10% of the population, in Moscow has several Internet projects, such as LavkaLavka and Ecofood, with rather high prices”. In 2015, the revenue of the Krivenko chains exceeded 12 billion rubles.


If Izbenka and VkusVill position themselves as stores of natural products with average prices, then LavkaLavka is a retail outlet for premium eco-products.

In 2009, journalist Boris Akimov, together with partners, launched the Internet resource for village food LavkaLavka, which was the first to offer residents of megalopolises to purchase farm products first-hand.

Any farmer could register on the site, but before his products appeared on the site, the project participants carried out a thorough check and certification of the farm. The main idea was to bring together honest farmers and consumers willing to pay for healthy food. The buyer received all the information not only about the product, but also about the supplier, right down to photographs of the farm where the product was grown.

In the first year, the project's turnover amounted to 900 thousand rubles. In 2013, the brand brought Akimov and partners 10 million rubles a month. Akimov described his target audience as follows: “It definitely includes restaurant visitors. The main audience (more than 80%) is mothers with children. Another part of the buyers are those who want to eat quality food or "as in childhood." Among them there are grandmothers. They buy from us and famous people- but we do not advertise their names ”.

In 2011, LavkaLavka branded restaurants of Russian cuisine, using natural products, were opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In 2014, the LavkaLavka brand brought the owners a revenue of 250 million rubles.

A feature of the LavkaLavka project was the refusal of brand owners to take loans for business development. When entrepreneurs realized that they were ready to go offline, they began to collect money to open a store among farmers and buyers. Crowdinvesting is a fundraising method in which, in the case of LavkaLavka, an LLC is created, a controlling stake belongs to Lavka, 49% - to individuals - project investors.

For the opening of the store on Chayanov Street, Boris Akimov announced a collection of 5 million rubles. Farmers invested 2 million, buyers gave another 2.5 million rubles. Farmers put food on loan, and buyers put money into a special account and make purchases with a 20% discount.

In 2015, the LavkaLavka brand had about 5 thousand regular customers every month. The average check was 5 thousand rubles in an online store, 1.5 thousand in a regular store, and 1.8 thousand in a restaurant.

Farm products are usually understood to mean those products that have natural origin and were obtained in vivo: meat, milk, vegetables, berries. The cost of such goods is higher than in regular stores, since the products from the village are considered environmentally friendly and healthy.

Is it profitable to open a store with food delivery from the farm to your home?

The demand for farm products is usually concentrated in large cities. Not every resident can afford to spend time searching natural products... Time in megacities is the most valuable resource.

Moreover, many residents are concerned about environmental issues and they constantly have to deal with information about the benefits of healthy food... The lack of trust in a number of manufacturers and periodic mentions in the media about the sanitary inspections that have been carried out add fuel to the fire of demand.

Amid all this negative slice, farm products are perceived as a light at the end of the consumer tunnel.

Let's outline the psychological profile of the target customer:

  • Woman from 30 years old
  • A housewife
  • Mother of one or more children
  • Family income is above average
  • Monitors family health

Let's take note of this description, but we will not elevate it to an absolute. Now it is worth paying attention to the business that is associated with farm products.

Online store of farm products

The formulation of the idea is simple: “ you deliver farm products to your home". Let's say you've got everything organized and ready to go to market.

Have you already calculated how many orders you need to serve in order for your business to bring a certain profit?

According to several owners of such firms, the bulk of the income is concluded in regular customers, but not in single orders.

The more regular customers, all the better. Their number should be proportional to the initial investment. The average is 50 people.

You can not only sell natural farm products with home delivery, but create a service with a subscription to this service. For example, fresh milk at home every Monday or a set of vegetables on Wednesdays. Get creative and of course ask your clients what they want.

Because the value of farm products is higher than the average retail market price for similar products, your customers will be people with above average incomes. A regular customers- rich people. Thus, it is necessary to think over the main advertising platforms in order to ensure high conversions.

Selection of goods and suppliers

Decide on a specific product niche. It all depends on the size of the initial capital. It is extremely unprofitable at first to trade all groups if the initial investment is not too large.

Suppliers can be found in two ways:

  1. Conclude contracts with farms
  2. Enter into partnership agreements with private suppliers

The first method is relevant in the presence of regular customers, and the second when starting work commercial organization... Why? Because such a model will minimize the risk of being left penniless.

In a partnership agreement for farms, you prescribe the commission that the supplier will receive when selling the goods, the volume of products, the wholesale price per unit.

Private providers do not require such serious legal nuances. It is more important for them to find a point of sale, as for many of them it is a chance to make good money with their usual business. You simply assign a cost, for example, to one liter of cow's milk and start cooperating.

Organization of delivery

Wholesale orders for farm products are extremely rare, as rightly your client is a private person. Therefore, at the initial stage, there is no point in wasting financial resources for large vehicles.

You can use a courier service - perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs. A partnership agreement is concluded with a shipping company. And when you have an order, you, using the couriers of the company, deliver the goods to the customers.

Another option is to organize its delivery service... While the number of orders is small, you can even deliver the goods yourself. Or immediately hire couriers and drivers. Depending on the initial investment, drivers can drive either their own cars or yours.

For any business related to home delivery, couriers are the face of the company, so the issue of delivery must be approached responsibly.

Just remember that some farm products, such as eggs, meat or milk, needs to be transported in the refrigerator... Therefore, you may need refrigerated vans.

Freshness of products

You have already selected a specific product, suppliers. Now you need to get acquainted with how to keep food fresh.

We will not go into technical details, but you just need a storage room with refrigeration equipment. You also need to make it a rule mark the date of manufacture on the packages.

An alternative option, so as not to store the goods, is the delivery of products directly from farmers to customers, if you manage to think over the logistics. In addition, the shelf life of farm products is short, since no preservatives are used.

Internet site and advertising

Based on the portrait of the target consumer, it is better to advertise in health food restaurants, in expensive supermarkets. In addition, no one forbids you to hire several promoters for the day, give them your flyers and send them to a wealthy area of ​​the city.

Depending on the quantity of goods and the general organization of business processes, you can get by with a simple website or create a whole online store of organic products. Use contextual advertising to find clients.

Video about creating a farm products store

Such a business must be constantly developed, supported and promoted. You should not immediately chase profit, it is better to work for quality and regular customers, and then for quantity.