Actual literature on research of control systems. Educational-methodical complex of the discipline "research of control systems

  1. Averin, A.V. Personnel management, personnel and social politics in the organization [Text]: textbook / A.V. Averin. - M.: Izd. RAGS, 2013 .-- 224 p. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  2. Adamchuk, V.V. Economics and sociology of labor (Text (: textbook / V.V. Adamchuk, O.V. Romanov et al. - M .: UNITI, 2012. - 407 p. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  3. Alekseev, S.V. Sports management. Regulation of the organization and conduct of physical culture and sporting events: Textbook. / S.V. Alekseev. - M .: Soviet sport, 2015 .-- 687 p.
  4. Alekseev, S.V. Sports management. Regulation of the organization and conduct of physical culture and sports events: Textbook. / S.V. Alekseev. - M .: UNITI, 2016 .-- 687 p.
  5. Alekseev, S.V. Sports management. Regulation of the organization and conduct of physical culture and sports events. Textbook. / S.V. Alekseev. - M .: Soviet sport, 2015 .-- 687 p.
  6. Analysis of the effectiveness of use work force/ Analysis economic activity enterprises [Text]: textbook / Under total. Ed. L.L. Ermolovich Mn. - 2014 .-- 465 p. - ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  7. Ansoff, I. Strategic management [Text]: textbook Abbr. lane from English. / I. Ansoff - M.: Economics, 2013 .-- 519 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  8. Antsupov, A. Ya. Socio-psychological assessment of personnel: Tutorial for university students studying in the specialties "Personnel Management", "Organization Management", "Psychology" / A.Ya. Antsupov. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2013 .-- 391 p.
  9. Arutyunov, Yu.A. Crisis management: A textbook for students studying in the specialty "Organization management" / Yu.A. Arutyunov. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2013 .-- 416 p.
  10. Bazarov, T.Yu. Personnel Management. Workshop: Textbook for university students studying in the specialties "Personnel Management", "Organization Management" / T.Yu. Bazarov. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2012 .-- 239 p.
  11. Bakirova, G.Kh. Psychology of development and motivation of personnel: a textbook for university students enrolled in the specialties "Psychology", "Organization management", "Personnel management" / G.Kh. Bakirova. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2013 .-- 439 p.
  12. Basovsky, L. E. Complex economic analysis economic activity [Text]: tutorial / L. Ye. Basovsky, E. N. Basovskaya. - M .: INFRA-M, 2014 .-- 366 p. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  13. Belozerova, S. Social aspects of transformation labor relations in industry [Text] / S. Belozerova // Man and labor, 2012.- No. 9.- P.65-68. - ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  14. Belyaev, A.A. Anti-crisis management .: A textbook for university students studying in the specialty "Organization management" / А.А. Belyaev, E.M. Korotkov. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2013 .-- 319 p.
  15. Blank, I.A. Management [Text]: training course / I.А. Form. Kiev: Nika-Center Elga, 2013 .-- 680 p. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  16. Bogatko, A.N. Enterprise development management system
  17. Borisova, E. Personnel planning is easy in theory, difficult in practice [Text] / E. Borisova // Personnel Service, 2014 - No. 5.- P.21-25 - ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  18. Vdovin, S.M. The quality management system of the organization: Textbook / S.M. Vdovin, T.A. Salimova, L.I. Biryukova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2012 .-- 299 p.
  19. Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of management. - M .: Prospect, 2016 .-- 320 p.
  20. Vinogradova, M.V. Basics of graduation design: Teaching aid for students of the specialty "Organization Management" / M.V. Vinogradov. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2013 .-- 272 p.
  21. Volgin, A.P. Personnel management in a market economy (Text (: textbook / A.P. Volgin, V.I. Matirko et al. - M .: Delo, 2013.-356 p. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3 ...
  22. Volgin, N.A. Stimulation of production labor [Text]: textbook / N.А. Volgin. - Bryansk, 2013. - 264 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  23. Volovskaya, N.M. Economics and sociology of labor [Text]: textbook / N.М. Volovskaya. - M .: INFRA-M, 2014.- 204 p. - ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  24. Genkin, B.M. Economics and sociology of labor [Text]: textbook for universities / B.М. Genkin. - 3rd ed., Add. - M .: Publishing house NORMA, 2014 .-- 448 p. - ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  25. Gluboky, S.V. The distribution network of the enterprise: effective solutions on organization, marketing and management / S.V. Deep. - Minsk: Grevtsov Publishing House, 2008 .-- 376 p.
  26. Gordeeva, E.S. Personnel reserve as an effective system [Text] / ES Gordeeva // Handbook on personnel management. - No. 11. - 2014. - S. 55-56. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  27. Daft, R.L. Organization theory: A textbook for university students studying in the specialty "Organization management" / R.L. Daft; Per. from English EM. Korotkov. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2012 .-- 736 p.
  28. Dessler, Gary. Personnel management [Text]: textbook / ed. R.I. Shlenova. - M .: Publishing house "BINOM", 2014. - 432 p.
  29. Dubova, E.A. Personnel management in fast-growing companies [Text]: textbook.- Е.А. Dubova, S.P. Khamaganova // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 2. - 2015. - P. 15. - ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  30. Dyakova O.V. Development of a system of indicators for assessing management efficiency // Scientific Review. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 284 - 291.
  31. Evgrafova L.E. Factors affecting the efficiency of company management // Actual problems of economic sciences. - 2013. - No. 35. - P. 153 - 158.
  32. Egorshin, A.P. Personnel management [Text]: textbook / A.P. Egorshin. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2014 .-- 720 p. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  33. Ermasova, N.B. Risk management of the organization: Study guide / N.B. Ermasov. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2013 .-- 380 p.
  34. Ermasova, N.B. Risk management of the organization: Study guide / N.B. Ermasov. - M .: ITK Dashkov and K, 2014 .-- 380 p.
  35. Zaitsev, N. L. Economics of the organization [Text]: textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. / N. L. Zaitsev. - M .: Publishing house "Examination", 2014. - 624 p. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  36. Ibragimova, N.A. Organization of the process of preparation and adoption of personnel decisions [Text] / N.А. Ibragimova // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 10.- 2013. - P.21-30. - ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  37. Kandash, M.N. It is necessary to calculate the number of employees in a new way [Text] / M.N. Kandash // Chief accountant. 2014.- No. 18.- S. 23-24– ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  38. Kolosova, R.P., Roshchin S.Yu. Labor economics: from NOT to the theory of social and labor relations [Text] / R.P. Kolosov, S.Yu. Roshchin // VMU: Ser. 6. Economics. - 2014.- No. 6.- S. 12-14 - ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  39. Komlev M.Kh. System key indicators efficiency as a tool for improving the organization's management // Theory and practice of social development. - 2015. - No. 20. - P. 107 - 109.
  40. Korobko, V.I. Labor protection: A textbook for university students studying in the specialties "Economics and management at the enterprise", "Organization management", "State and municipal management" / V.I. Korobko ... - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 239 p.
  41. Korobko, V.I. Management theory: Textbook for university students enrolled in the specialty "State and municipal management", "Organization management" / V.I. Korobko ... - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 383 p.
  42. Kosolapov, A.B. Workshop on the organization and management of tourism and hotel industry: Textbook / A.B. Kosolapov, T.I. Eliseeva. - M .: KnoRus, 2011 .-- 200 p.
  43. Kosmin A.D., Svintitskiy N.V., Kosmina E.A. Management. - M .: Academy, 2014 .-- 208 p.
  44. Latfullin G, A., Nikitin A.S., Serebryannikov S.S. Management theory. - SPb .: Peter, 2016 .-- 464 p.
  45. Lipatov, V.S. Personnel management of the organization [Text]: textbook / V.S. Lipatov. - M .: Lux-art, 2014 .-- 356 p. - ISBN 950-4-450-00157-2.
  46. Lukicheva, L.I. Organization management: theory and practice: Textbook for bachelors / L.I. Lukicheva, E.V. Egorycheva; Ed. Yu.P. Aniskin. - M .: Omega-L, 2012 .-- 488 p.
  47. Lukicheva, L.I. Management decisions: Textbook on the specialty "Management of the organization" / L.I. Lukicheva, D.N. Egorychev; Ed. Yu.P. Aniskin. - M .: Omega-L, 2011 .-- 384 p.
  48. Mamaeva, L.N. Organisation management. Introduction to the specialty / L.N. Mamaev. - M .: KnoRus, 2013 .-- 232 p.
  49. Martynenko, D.S. Changes in the personnel assessment procedure due to changes in the client strategy [Text] / D.S. Martynenko // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 10. - 2013. - P.90-93. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  50. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management [Text]: textbook / ed. P.V. Shemetova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2014 .-- 312 p. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  51. Makhmutova, A. Continuing education and quality working life youth [Text] / A. Makhmutova // Man and labor. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 53-55 - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  52. Organization management: textbook / Ed. Z.M. Rumyantseva. - M .: INFRA-M, 2005 .-- 432 p.
  53. Mordovin, S.K. Human resource management: modular program for managers "Management of the development of the organization." Module 16 [Text]: tutorial / S. K. Mordovin. - M .: INFRA-M, 2013 .-- 360 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  54. Moskovskaya, P.M. Take personnel management into your own hands [Text] / P.М. Moscow // Personnel management. - No. 3. - 2014.- P.42-43. - ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  55. V.V. Nazarova, D.S. Biryukova Cost Methods for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Company Management // Scientific Journal of NRU ITMO. Series: Economics and Environmental Management. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 393 - 414.
  56. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management organizations. Theory and Practice: Textbook / N.N. Nikulina, D.V. Sukhodoev, Eriashvili. - M .: UNITI, 2013 .-- 511 p.
  57. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management of the organization. Theory and practice. Textbook. allowance. UMC stamp "Professional textbook". / N.N. Nikulina, D.V. Sukhodoev, Eriashvili. - M .: UNITI, 2013 .-- 511 p.
  58. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management of an insurance organization: A textbook for university students studying in the specialties (080105) "Finance and credit", (080109) "Accounting, analysis and audit" / N.N. Nikulina, S.V. Berezina. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2013 .-- 431 p.
  59. Pereverzin, I.I. Sports organization management. Tutorial. Grif UMO. / I.I. Pereverzin. - M .: Soviet sport, 2006 .-- 464 p.
  60. Pilcher, T. Benchmarking as a means of increasing the company's competitiveness [Text] / T. Pilcher // European quality. Digest. - 2015. - No. 1. - P.41-45. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  61. Piradova, N. Assessment of the competitiveness of products [Text] / N. Piradova, E. Tabachny // Marketing. - 2014. - No. 1. - P.133-141. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  62. Salimova, T.A. Quality management: Textbook on the specialty "Management of the organization" / T.А. Salimov. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 376 p.
  63. Samygin, S.I. Personnel management [Text]: textbook / SISamygin, L.D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house "Phoenix", 2014. - 480 p. - ISBN 955-5-230-00677-5.
  64. Sergeev, I. V. Enterprise Economics [Text]: textbook / I.V. Sergeev. - 2nd ed. Revised and add. M .: Finance and statistics, 2012 .-- 304 p. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  65. Spivak, V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management [Text]: textbook / V.А. Spivak. - SPb .: Peter, 2014 .-- 416 p. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  66. Tarasenko, V.I. Methodological guidelines for the implementation of a quality management system in a gas distribution organization in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008: Textbook / V.I. Tarasenko. - M .: ASV, 2012 .-- 90 p.
  67. Tebekin, A.V. Organization management .: Textbook / A.V. Tebekin, B.S. Kasaev. - M .: KnoRus, 2011 .-- 424 p.
  68. Tikhomirova, O. G. Organization management: theory, history, practice: textbook / O.G. Tikhomirova, B.A. Varlamov. - M .: NITs INFRA-M, 2013 .-- 256 p.
  69. Travin, V.V. Enterprise personnel management [Text]: textbook / VV Travin, V.А. Dyatlov. - M .: Delo, 2013 .-- 272 p. - ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  70. Travin, V.V., Dyatlov, V.A. The basics personnel management[Text]: study guide / V.V. Travin, V.A. Dyatlov- M .: 2013 .-- 288 p. - ISBN 462-5-480-01112-2.
  71. Ugryumova N.V., Blinov A.O. Organization theory and organizational behavior. - SPb .: Peter, 2015 .-- 288 p.
  72. Personnel management [Text]: textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - M .: UNITI, 2013 .-- 423 p. - ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  73. Freidina, E.V. Research of control systems: Textbook for the specialty "Management of the organization" / E.V. Freidin; Ed. Yu.V. Gusev. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 368 p.
  74. Shapiro, V.D. Project Management: A textbook for students studying in the specialty "Organization Management" / I.I. Mazur, V.D. Shapiro, N.G. Olderogge; Under total. ed. I.I. Mazur. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 960 p.
  75. Shekshnya, S.V. Personnel Management modern organization[Text]: study guide / S.V. Shekshnya. - M .: UNITI, 2013 .-- 560 p. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  76. Shemetov, P.V. Management decisions: technology, methods and tools: Textbook for the specialty "Management of the organization" / P.V. Shemetov, V.V. Radionov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Petukhova. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 398 p.
  77. Shemetov, P.V. Management decisions: technology, methods and tools: Textbook for the specialty "Management of the organization" / P.V. Shemetov, V.V. Radionov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Petukhova. - M .: Omega-L, 2011 .-- 398 p.
  78. Shemetov, P.V. Management decisions: technology, methods and tools: Textbook for the specialty "Management of the organization" / P.V. Shemetov, V.V. Radionov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Petukhova. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 398 p.
  79. Shiryaeva, L. The stake on in-house training [Text] / L. Shiryaev // Man and labor No. 5, 2014.- P. 22 - 23. - ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.


1. Proceedings of ISA RAS: Control systems and modeling. Dynamical systems. Risk and security management. Methods and models in economics. Applied Aspects of Informatics / Ed. S.V. Emelyanova. - M .: Krasand, 2014 .-- 124 p.
2. Information Systems and control technologies: Textbook / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M .: Unity, 2013 .-- 591 p.
3. Fundamentals of radio frequency spectrum management. Volume 1: International and National RFS Management Systems. Radio control and radio surveillance / Ed. M.A. Bykhovsky. - M .: Krasand, 2012 .-- 340 p.
4. Agrawal, G.P. Systems automatic control: theory, application, modeling in MATLAB: Textbook / G.P. Agrawal. - SPb .: Lan, 2013 .-- 208 p.
5. Aksenova, P.V. Electronic systems control of autotractor engines: Textbook / P.V. Aksenova, A.M. Ermakov. - SPb .: Lan, 2016 .-- 200 p.
6. Alexandrov, V.A. Electronic and microprocessor control systems for cars: Uch. Manual / V.A. Alexandrov, S.F. Kozmin, N.R. Shol and others - SPb .: Lan, 2012 .-- 624 p.
7. Ambler, T. Fundamentals of information and telecommunication technologies. Part 5. Database management systems. Study guide / T. Ambler. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 112 p.
8. Anokhin, V.V. Control systems. Quality engineering / V.V. Anokhin, A.A. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Varzhapetyan et al. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 320 p.
9. Antamoshin, A.N. Intelligent systems management of organizational and technical systems / A.N. Antamoshin, O. V. Bliznova, A.V. Bobov, Bolshak. - M .: RiS, 2016 .-- 160 p.
10. Antamoshin, A.N. Intellectual control systems of organizational and technical systems / A.N. Antamoshin, O. V. Bliznova, A.V. Bobov and others - M .: GLT, 2016 .-- 160 p.
11. Anuchin, A.S. Electric drive control systems / A.S. Anuchin. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2015 .-- 373 p.
12. Afanasyev, V.N. Dynamic control systems with incomplete information: Algorithmic design / V.N. Afanasyev. - M .: Lenand, 2018 .-- 216 p.
13. Bai, T.V. Integrated quality management systems in the travel industry. study guide for the direction of training "tourism" / T.V. Bai. - M .: Rusays, 2017 .-- 352 p.
14. Bakhanov, L.E. Weapon control systems for fighters. Fundamentals of intelligence of a multifunctional aircraft / L.E. Bakhanov. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 2005 .-- 400 p.
15. Side, A.E. Motivation is the basis of human resource management (theory and practice of forming a motivating organizational environment and creating unified system company motivation): Monograph / A.E. Sidewall. - M .: NITs Infra-M, 2013 .-- 144 p.
16. Borodin, I.F. Automation of technological processes and automatic control systems (SSUZ) / I.F. Borodin. - M .: KolosS, 2006 .-- 352 p.
17. Bortakovsky, A.S. Nonlinear control systems: description, analysis and synthesis / A.S. Bortakovsky, A.V. Panteleev, E.A. Rudenko. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2008 .-- 312 p.
18. Botuz, S. Intelligent interactive systems and technologies for managing remote access: Textbook / S. Botuz. - M .: Solon-press, 2014 .-- 340 p.
19. Braginsk, L.S. Public debt: analysis of the management system and assessment of its effectiveness / L.S. Braginsk. - M .: University book, 2007 .-- 128 p.
20. Brown, M.G. Beyond the Balanced Scorecard. How analytical indicators increase the efficiency of company management / M.G. Brown; Per. from English I.G. Ilyin. - M .: Olymp-Business, 2012 .-- 248 p.
21. Brown, M.G. Beyond the Balanced Scorecard. How analytical indicators increase the efficiency of company management / M.G. Brown. - M .: Olymp-Business, 2012 .-- 248 p.
22. Buresh, O. V. Intellectual information systems for managing socio-economic objects / O.V. Buresh, M.A. Bug. - M .: Krasand, 2010 .-- 192 p.
23. Buresh, O.V. Intellectual information systems for managing socio-economic objects / O.V. Buresh, M.A. Bug. - M .: Krasand, 2012 .-- 192 p.
24. Valkov, V. B. Automated control systems for technological processes / V.B. Valkov. - L .: Polytechnic, 1991 .-- 269 p.
25. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Control systems: research and computer design / A.G. Varzhapetyan, V.V. Glushchenko. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 328 p.
26. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Control systems: research and computer design / A.G. Varzhapetyan. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 328 p.
27. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Control systems: Research and computer design: Textbook / A.G. Varzhapetyan, V.V. Glushchenko. - M .: University. book, 2012. - 328 p.
28. Varzhapetyana, A.G. Control systems. Quality engineering / A.G. Varzhapetyan. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 320 p.
29. Veledinsky, V.G. Electronic control systems for gasoline engines / V.G. Veledinsky. - M .: KnoRus, 2011 .-- 96 p.
30. Crow, V.A. Access control and management systems / V.A. Vorona, V.A. Tikhonov. - M .: GLT, 2011 .-- 272 p.
31. Crow, V.A. Access control and management systems / V.A. Crow. - M .: GLT, 2011 .-- 272 p.
32. Galinovsky, A.L. Quality management information systems in automated and automatic production: Textbook / A.L. Galinovsky, V.M. Korneev, S.V. Bochkarev. - M .: Infra-M, 2016 .-- 32 p.
33. Golov, R.S. Management systems for innovation and investment activities of industrial organizations and preparation of machine-building production: monograph / R.S. Golov, A.V. Rozhdestvensky and others - M .: Dashkov and K, 2016 .-- 448 p.
34. Goncharov, V.I. Institutionalization of the system of local self-government in the Russian Federation. Constitutional and legal research: Monograph / V.I. Goncharov. - M .: Prospect, 2015 .-- 272 p.
35. Goncharov, V.I. Institutionalization of the system of local self-government in the Russian Federation. Constitutional and legal research: Monograph / V.I. Goncharov. - M .: Prospect, 2016 .-- 272 p.
36. Gornakov, S.G. Mastering popular content management systems (CMS) / S.G. Gornakov. - M .: DMK, 2009 .-- 336 p.
37. Gulkov, G.I. Systems automated control electric drives / G.I. Gulkov. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2007. - 394 p.
38. Danov, B. Ignition control systems for automobile engines / B. Danov. - M .: GLT, 2005 .-- 184 p.
39. Danov, B. Electronic control systems of foreign cars / B. Danov. - M .: GLT, 2007 .-- 224 p.
40. Danov, B.A. Electronic control systems of foreign cars / B.A. Danov. - M .: GLT, 2007 .-- 224 p.
41. Danov, B.A. Ignition control systems for automobile engines. / B.A. Danov. - M .: GLT, 2005 .-- 184 p.
42. Danko, T.P. Business performance management systems: Textbook / S.N. Bruskin, T.P. Danko; Under scientific. ed. N.M. Abdikeev, O. V. Kitova. - M .: Infra-M, 2012 .-- 282 p.
43. Danko, T.P. Business performance management systems: Textbook / T.P. Danko, S.N. Bruskin. - M .: Infra-M, 2017 .-- 16 p.
44. Evmenov, V.P. Intelligent control systems: superiority of artificial intelligence over natural intelligence? / V.P. Evmenov. - M .: KD Librokom, 2016 .-- 304 p.
45. Evmenov, V.P. Intelligent control systems: superiority of artificial intelligence over natural intelligence? / V.P. Evmenov. - M .: KD Librokom, 2017 .-- 304 p.
46. ​​Emelyanov, S.V. Information technology and computing systems: Internet technologies. Mathematical modeling. Control systems. Computer graphics/ S.V. Emelyanov. - M .: Lenand, 2012 .-- 96 p.
47. Emelyanov, S.V. Proceedings of ISA RAS: Control systems and modeling. Dynamical systems. Risk and security management. Methods and models in economics. Applied a / S.V. Emelyanov. - M .: Krasand, 2014 .-- 124 p.
48. Emelyanov, S.G. Adaptive fuzzy-logical control systems: Monograph / S.G. Emelyanov. - M .: ARGAMAK-MEDIA, 2013 .-- 184 p.
49. Emelyanov, S.G. Automated fuzzy-logical control systems: Monograph / S.G. Emelyanov, V.S. Titov, M.V. Bobyr. - M .: Infra-M, 2017 .-- 120 p.
50. Emelyanov, S.G. Automated odd-logic control systems. / S.G. Emelyanov. - M .: Infra-M, 2016 .-- 176 p.
51. Zuev, D.S. Development of the regional debt management system: Monograph / D.S. Zuev .. - M .: Master, Infra-M, 2011. - 160 p.
52. Zuev, D.S. Development of the regional debt management system: Monograph / D.S. Zuev. - M .: Magister, 2016 .-- 349 p.
53. Izrailovich, M. Ya. Elements of the theory of optimal control of periodic modes of vibroimpact systems: Systems linear in the intervals between collisions / M.Ya. Izrailovich. - M .: KD Librokom, 2010 .-- 104 p.
54. Kaganov, V.I. Electronic automatic control systems. Computerized course / V.I. Kaganov. - M .: RiS, 2015 .-- 432 p.
55. Kaganov, V.I. Electronic automatic control systems. Computerized course / V.I. Kaganov, V.K. Bityukov. - M .: GLT, 2009 .-- 432 p.
56. Karelina, M.Yu. Electronic control systems for the operation of diesel engines: Textbook / M.Yu. Karelina, I.N. Kravchenko, A.V. Kolomeichenko. - M .: Infra-M, 2017 .-- 512 p.
57. Kachkova, O.E. Scientific substantiation and development of a risk management system for the implementation of internal financial audit in state (municipal) institutions / O.E. Kachkova, T.I. Krishtaleva, I. D. Demina. - M .: Rusays, 2018 .-- 61 p.
58. Kim, D.P. Collection of problems on the theory of automatic control. vol. 1 Linear systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 168 p.
59. Kim, D.P. Collection of problems on the theory of automatic control. Multidimensional, nonlinear, optim. and adaptive systems.T.2 / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2008 .-- 328 p.
60. Kim, D.P. Automatic control theory. Volume 1. Linear systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 312 p.
61. Kim, D.P. Collection of problems on the theory of automatic control. Volume 2. Multidimensional, nonlinear, optimal and adaptive systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2008 .-- 328 p.
62. Kim, D.P. Automatic control theory. Volume 2. Multidimensional, nonlinear, optimal and adaptive systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 440 p.
63. Kim, D.P. Sat. tasks on the theory of automatic control. Volume 1. Linear systems / D.P. Kim, N. D. Dmitrieva. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 168 p.
64. Kim, D.P. Automatic control theory. T. 2. Multidimensional, nonlinear, optimal and adaptive systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 440 p.
65. Kim, D.P. Collection of problems on the theory of automatic control. Multidimensional, nonlinear, optimal and adaptive systems / D.P. Kim, N. D. Dmitrieva. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2008 .-- 328 p.
66. Kim, D.P. Automatic control theory. T. 1. Linear systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2010 .-- 312 p.
67. Kim, D.P. Collection of problems on the theory of automatic control. Volume 1. Linear systems / D.P. Kim, N. D. Dmitrieva. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 168 p.
68. Kim, D.P. Collection of problems on the theory of automatic control. Linear systems / D.P. Kim, N. D. Dmitrieva. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2007 .-- 168 p.
69. Kim, D.P. Sat. tasks on the theory of automatic control. Volume 2. Multidimensional, nonlinear, optimal and adaptive systems / D.P. Kim. - M .: Fizmatlit, 2008 .-- 328 p.
70. Klyachko, L.M. Systems of automatic control of ship movement: Methods of creation and control laws / L.M. Klyachko, G.E. Ostretsov. - M .: Lenand, 2017 .-- 272 p.
71. Kovalevsky, V.P. Systems with a hierarchical structure of management: development of economic-mathematical and instrumental methods / V.P. Kovalevsky. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2009. - 270 p.
72. Kozhevina, O. V. Economic programming of the development of the regional system vocational education as a tool strategic management social sphere / O.V. Kozhevin, R.T. Adarina, A.A. Tonzherakova. - M .: Rusays, 2017 .-- 416 p.
73. Kozhiev, Kh.Kh. Mine management systems for the quality of mineral raw materials / Kh.Kh. Kozhiev, G.G. Lomonosov. - M .: MGGU, 2008 .-- 292 p.
74. Kolesnikov, A.A. Synergetic methods for managing complex systems: Energy systems / A.A. Kolesnikov. - M .: KD Librokom, 2013 .-- 248 p.
75. Kolesnikov, A.A. Synergetic methods for managing complex systems: Energy systems / A.A. Kolesnikov, G.E. Veselov, A.N. Popov and others - M .: KD Librokom, 2019 .-- 248 p.
76. Kolesnikov, A.A. Synergetic methods for managing complex systems: Mechanical and electromechanical systems / A.A. Kolesnikov, G.E. Veselov, A.N. Popov and others - M .: KD Librokom, 2019 .-- 300 p.
77. Kolesnikov, A.A. Synergetic methods for managing complex systems: Mechanical and electromechanical systems / A.A. Kolesnikov, G.E. Veselov, A.N. Popov. - M .: KD Librokom, 2013 .-- 304 p.
78. Kolesnikov, A.A. Synergetic methods for managing complex systems: Energy systems / A.A. Kolesnikov, G.E. Veselov, A.N. Popov. - M .: KD Librokom, 2013 .-- 248 p.
79. Krasnov, A.E. Digital control systems in the food industry: a textbook for university students / A.E. Krasnov, D.L. Zlobin. - M .: Higher school, 2007 .-- 671 p.
80. Kudinov, Yu.I. Fuzzy models and control systems / Yu.I. Kudinov, A. Yu. Kelina, I. Yu. Kudinov and others - M .: Lenand, 2017 .-- 328 p.
81. Kuzin, V.I. Organizational and legal foundations of the system of state and municipal government: Textbook / V.I. Kuzin. - M .: Delo ANKh, 2011 .-- 120 p.
82. Kuzin, V.I. Organizational and legal foundations of the system of state and municipal administration: Textbook / V.I. Kuzin, S.E. Zuev. - M .: Delo ANKh, 2014 .-- 120 p.
83. Malafeev, S.I. Fundamentals of automation and automatic control systems / S.I. Malafeev, A.A. Malafeeva. - M .: Academia, 2017 .-- 240 p.
84. Malafeev, S.I. Fundamentals of automation and automatic control systems / S.I. Malafeev, A.A. Malafeeva. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2010 .-- 384 p.
85. Malafeev, S.I. Fundamentals of Automation and Automatic Control Systems: A Textbook for Higher Students educational institutions/ S.I. Malafeev, A.A. Malafeeva. - M .: ITs Academy, 2010 .-- 384 p.
86. Markov, N.G. Intelligent navigation and telecommunication systems for controlling mobile objects using cloud computing technology / N.G. Markov, D.M. Sonkin, A.S. Fadeev et al. - M .: RiS, 2014 .-- 158 p.
87. Mikheev, A.G. Business process management systems and administrative regulations on the example of the free program RunaWFE. / A.G. Mikheev. - M .: DMK, 2016 .-- 336 p.
88. Molochkov, V.Ya. Microprocessor control systems for technical means of fishing vessels / V.Ya. Molochkov. - M .: MORKNIGA, 2013 .-- 362 p.
89. Moskalenko, V.V. Automated control systems for electric drives / V.V. Moskalenko. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2016 .-- 208 p.
90. Moskalenko, V.V. Automated control systems for electric drives: Textbook / V.V. Moskalenko. - M .: Infra-M, 2012 .-- 208 p.
91. Muzipov, Kh.N. Integrated design and management systems. SCADA: Study Guide / H.N. Muzipov, O. N. Kuzyakov, S.A. Khokhrin and others - SPb .: Lan, 2018 .-- 408 p.
92. Nikolaev, A.B. Automated control systems for road transport: textbook / A.B. Nikolaev. - M .: Academia, 2018 .-- 288 p.
93. Nikolaev, N.S. Personnel management quality systems / N.S. Nikolaev. - M .: Rusays, 2019 .-- 384 p.
94. Odintsov, B.Ye. Information systems for managing business performance: Textbook and workshop / B.E. Odintsov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015 .-- 206 p.
95. Odintsov, B.E. Information systems for managing business performance: Textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate programs / B.E. Odintsov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016 .-- 206 p.
96. Oshchepkov, A.Yu. Automatic control systems: theory, application, modeling in MATLAB: Textbook / A.Yu. Oshchepkov. - SPb .: Lan, 2013 .-- 208 p.
97. Palaguta, K.A. Integrated design and management systems / K.A. Palagut, A.S. Semyonov. - M .: MGIU, 2008 .-- 204 p.
98. Panov, M.M. Setting up a budget management system or three. / MM. Panov. - M .: Infra-M, 2018 .-- 383 p.
99. Panteleev, A.V. Nonlinear control systems: descriptions, analysis and synthesis / A.V. Panteleev. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2008 .-- 312 p.
100. Panteleev, A.V. Optimal nonlinear control systems. Synthesis with incomplete information / A.V. Panteleev. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2008 .-- 192 p.
101. Panteleev, A.V. Optimal nonlinear control systems: synthesis with incomplete information / A.V. Panteleev. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2008 .-- 192 p.
102. Perepelitsa, V.A. Systems with a hierarchical structure of management: development of economic-mathematical and instrumental methods / V.A. Perepelitsa. - M .: FiS, 2009 .-- 270 p.
103. Povalyaev, A.A. Global satellite systems for synchronization and traffic control in near-earth space / A.A. Povalyaev, A.V. Weizel, R.B. Mazepa. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 188 p.
104. Polivaev, O.I. Electronic control systems of automotive engines: Textbook / O.I. Polivaev, O. M. Kostikov, O.S. Vedrinsky. - SPb .: Lan, 2017 .-- 200 p.
105. Polivaev, O.I. Electronic control systems for gasoline engines: Textbook / O.I. Polivaev, O. M. Kostikov, O.S. Vedrinsky. - M .: KnoRus, 2011 .-- 96 p.
106. Polivaev, O.I. Electronic control systems for gasoline engines: Textbook / O.I. Polivaev, O. M. Kostikov, O.S. Vedrinsky. - M .: KnoRus, 2018 .-- 480 p.
107. Popov, R.A. Modern activity management systems: Textbook / R.A. Popov. - M .: Infra-M, 2017 .-- 384 p.
108. Prokhorenkov, A. Control systems for ship technological processes: Textbook / A. Prokhorenkov. - M .: Morkniga, 2017 .-- 276 p.
109. Prokhorenkov, A. Control systems for ship energy processes / A. Prokhorenkov. - M .: Morkniga, 2017 .-- 443 p.
110. Pukhova, M.M. Development of a management system for the property complex of university campuses: the best Russian and foreign practices / M.M. Pukhova, M.A. Fedotova, O. V. Losev. - M .: Rusays, 2018 .-- 206 p.
111. Reshmin, B.I. Simulation modeling and control systems / B.I. Reshmin. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2016 .-- 74 p.
112. Ruban, A.I. Adaptive control systems with identification: Monograph / A.I. Ruban. - M .: Infra-M, 2018 .-- 144 p.
113. Rustamova, I.T. Theoretical and methodological aspects of ensuring the sustainability of the development of enterprises in the service sector on the basis of the formation of an effective management system for it / I.T. Rustamov. - M .: Rusays, 2018 .-- 352 p.
114. Ryzhko, A. L. Management Information Systems for a Manufacturing Company: A Textbook for Academic Bachelor's Degree / A.L. Ryzhko, A.I. Rybnikov, N.A. Ryzhko. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016 .-- 354 p.
115. Semenov, A.B. SCS interactive control systems / A.B. Semyonov. - M .: Eco-Trends, 2011 .-- 224 p.
116. Smirnov, Yu.A. Electronic and microprocessor control systems for cars / Yu.A. Smirnov, A.V. Mukhanov. - SPb .: Lan, 2012 .-- 624 p.
117. Smirnov, Yu.A. Electronic and microprocessor control systems for cars: Textbook / Yu.A. Smirnov, A.V. Mukhanov. - SPb .: Lan, 2012 .-- 624 p.
118. Smirnov, Yu.A. Electronic and microprocessor control systems for cars: Textbook / Yu.A. Smirnov, A.V. Mukhanov, M.A. Pipenko. - SPb .: Lan, 2012 .-- 624 p.
119. Sosonkin, V.L. Numerical control systems / V.L. Sosonkin, G.M. Martinov. - M .: Logos, 2005 .-- 296 p.
120. Suleimanova, D.Yu. Management information systems innovative processes/ D.Yu. Suleimanov. - M .: Rusays, 2018 .-- 224 p.
121. Suematsu, E. Microcomputer control systems. First acquaintance / E. Suematsu. - M .: Dodeka XXI, 2008 .-- 256 p.
122. Skhirtladze, A.G. Integrated design and management systems / A.G. Skhirtladze. - M .: Academia, 2018 .-- 201 p.
123. Skhirtladze, A.G. Integrated design and management systems: Textbook / A.G. Skhirtladze. - M .: Academy, 2017 .-- 176 p.
124. Uraev, N.N. Development of a methodology for strategic management of realizing the potential of the production system of a vertically integrated company / N.N. Uraev. - M .: Rusays, 2016 .-- 152 p.
125. Fomin, E.V. General systems approach and socio-economic systems (from management to self-organization): General systems approach / E.V. Fomin, Yu.A. Fomin. - M .: Lenand, 2014 .-- 160 p.
126. Fomin, E.V. General systems approach and socio-economic systems (from management to self-organization): housing and communal services and local government / E.V. Fomin, Yu.A. Fomin. - M .: Lenand, 2014 .-- 168 p.
127. Kharazov, V.G. Integrated control systems for technological processes / V.G. Kharazov. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2013 .-- 550 p.
128. Kharazov, V.G. Integrated control systems for technological processes / V.G. Kharazov. - M .: Profession, 2013 .-- 656 p.
129. Shumilov V. Control systems for aircraft rudders / V. Shumilov. - M .: MGTU, 2009 .-- 469 p.
130. Jutt, V.E. Electronic control systems of internal combustion engines and methods of their diagnostics / V.E. Jutt. - M .: GLT, 2007 .-- 104 p.
131. Jutt, V.E. Electronic control systems for internal combustion engines and methods for diagnosing them: Textbook for universities. / V.E. Jutt, G.E. Ruzavin. - M .: Hot line-Telecom, 2007 .-- 104 p.

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1. Besekersky VA, Popov EP Theory of automatic control systems. Third edition, revised. Moscow, publishing house "Science", Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1975

2. Besekersky V. A. Digital automatic systems. Moscow, publishing house "Science", Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1976

3. Gostev VI Control systems with digital regulators: Handbook. Kiev, Tehnika publishing house, 1990

4. Zaitsev GF Theory of automatic control and regulation .- 2nd ed., Revised. and add. Kiev, Vyshcha School Publishing House Head Publishing House, 1989

5. A. S. Klyuev, B. V. Glazov, A. Kh. Dubrovsky, A. A. Klyuev. Design of automation systems for technological processes: Reference book. 2nd ed., Revised and enlarged. Moscow, Energoatomizdat publishing house, 1990

6. Kuo B. Theory and design of digital control systems. Translation from English. Moscow, publishing house Mashinostroenie, 1986

7. Lazarev VG, Piil EI Synthesis of control automata. - 3rd ed., Revised. and augmented. Moscow, Energoatomizdat publishing house, 1989

8. A. A. Sazonov, R. V. Kornilov, N. P. Kokhan and others. Microprocessor control of technological equipment in microelectronics: a textbook. Ed. A. A. Sazonova. Moscow, publishing house Radio and communication, 1988

9. V. V. Solodovnikov, V. G. Konkov, V. A. Sukhanov, O. V. Shevyakov. Microprocessor-based automatic control systems. Fundamentals of theory and elements: textbook. Ed. V.V. Solodovnikov. Moscow, publishing house Vysshaya Shkola, 1991

10. V. A. Besekersky and others. Microprocessor automatic control systems. Under the general editorship of V. A. Besekersky. Leningrad, Mechanical Engineering Publishing House, Leningrad Branch, 1988

11. Mikhailov VS Control theory. Kiev, Publishing house "Vyshcha shkola" Head publishing house, 1988

12. Ed. A. S. Klyueva. Adjustment of automation equipment and automatic control systems: Reference manual. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publishing House, 1989

13. Edited by A. S. Klyuev. Adjustment of measuring instruments and technological control systems: Reference manual. Moscow, Energoatomizdat publishing house, 1990

14. Naumov VN, Pyatov LI Automation and automation of production processes in light industry: Textbook. Moscow, publishing house Legkaya and food industry, 1981

15. Popov EP Theory of linear systems of automatic regulation and control: a textbook for technical colleges. - Second edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow, publishing house Nauka, Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1989

16. Popov EP Theory of nonlinear systems of automatic regulation and control: Textbook. - Second edition. Moscow, publishing house Nauka, Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1988

17. Rastorguev AK Systems of automatic control of machines when finishing fabric. Moscow, Publishing House "Light Industry", 1977

18. Chinaev P.I., Chumakov N.M., Zhdanov A.P., Panov V.I., Sivov N.S., Sudlochevsky A.I., Chugunov I.I. systems (reference manual). Kiev, Publishing house "Technika", 1971

19. Rosenwasser E. N. Periodically non-stationary control systems. The main editorial office of physical and mathematical literature of the publishing house "Nauka", Moscow, 1973

20. Besekersky V.A., Gerasimov A.N., Porfiryev L.F., Fabrikant E.A., Fedorov S.M., Tsvetkov V.I. A. Besekersky, fourth edition, stereotyped, Moscow, publishing house "Nauka", Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1972

21. Edited by A. A. Krasovsky. Handbook on the theory of automatic control. Moscow, Publishing house "Science", Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1987

22.D. Xue, A. Meyer. Modern theory of automatic control and its application. Translation from English. Edited by Professor Yu. I. Topcheev, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Moscow, "Mechanical Engineering", 1972

23. Edited by A. A. Voronov. Theory of automatic control: A textbook for technical requirements of universities in the specialty "Automation and telemechanics". In two parts. Part I. Theory of linear automatic control systems. Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1986

24. VM Trokhin, VM Perelmuter, VI Entina and others. Digital-analogue automatic control systems. Kiev, Publishing house "Technika", 1979

25. Tsypkin Ya. 3. Foundations of the theory of automatic systems. The main editorial office of physical and mathematical literature of the publishing house "Nauka", Moscow, 1977

26. Tsypkin Ya. 3. Relay automatic systems. Main editorial office of physical and mathematical literature, publishing house "Nauka", Moscow, 1974

27. F. Chucky. Modern control theory. Non-linear, optimal and adaptive systems. Mir Publishing House, Moscow, 1975

28. Andreev Yu. N. Control of finite-dimensional linear objects. The main editorial office of physical and mathematical literature of the publishing house "Nauka", 1976

29. Shandrov BV Technical means of automation: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Moscow, Publishing Center "Academy", 2007

30. Lomukhin Yu. L., Klimov NN Lines of automation of telemechanics and communication on railway transport. Tutorial. Irkutsk, JSC "Russian Railways", Irkutsk State University of Ways of Communication, 2005

31. Kungs Ya. A. Automation of electric lighting control. Book from the series Fuel and Electricity Saving. Moscow. Energoatomizdat Publishing House, 1989.

32. Shumilovsky N.N., Meltzer L.V. Application of nuclear radiation in devices for automatic control of technological processes. Automation library. Moscow - Leningrad. State Energy Publishing House, 1958

33. Dolgov VA, Gonestas E. Yu. Switching devices of automatic control systems. Automation library. Moscow, Energiya publishing house, 1969

34. Galiev AL, Galieva RG Elements and devices of automated control systems. Tutorial. Publisher: Sterlitamak Pedagogical Academy, 2008

35. Chizhov A.A., Fedorovsky L.M., Chernetsky V.D. Automatic control and regulators in the food industry. Moscow, publishing house "Light and food industry", 1984

36. Kharazov KI Switches with magnetically controlled contacts. Moscow, publishing house "Energy", 1978

37. Rozentsvit Ts. I., Eigenbrot VM Setting devices. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1971

38. Bukhgolts VP, Tisevich EG Capacitive converters in automatic control and management systems. Moscow, publishing house "Energy", 1972

39. Kurakin KI, Kurakin LK Frequency analysis of tracking systems with amplitude modulation. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1976

40. Doganovsky SA Parametric automatic control systems. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1973

41. Shaporov OM Technique of work on electronic simulating installations. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1968

42. Tverdin LM Automatic devices with magnetoelastic converters. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1974

43. Razumny VM, Tolchenoe OV Assessment of the performance of automation devices. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1977

44. Tulupov L. Automated control systems for transportation processes on railways. Moscow, publishing house "Transport", 1991

44. Perekrestov A. V. Construction of relay circuits of hydroautomatics. Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1965

45. Donskoy N. V., Ivanov A. G., Nikitin V. M., Pozdeev A. D. Controlled rectifier in automatic control systems. Moscow, publishing house "Energoatomizdat", 1984

46. ​​Klyuchev V. I. Automation of reversible electric drives (lifting and transport machines). Moscow, publishing house "Energia", 1966

47. Shcherbina Yu. V. Technical means of automation and control. Moscow, Moscow State University of Printing Arts, 2002

48. Baranov LA et al. Capacitor converters in automation and control systems. Moscow, Energiya publishing house, 1969

49. Amromin SD, Nekrasov LP Information-measuring systems with frequency sweeping transformation. Moscow, Energoatomizdat publishing house, 1983

50. Pirozhnikov V.E., Kablukovsky A.R. Automation of control and management of electric steel-making plants. Moscow, publishing house Metallurgy, 1974

51. Bobnev MP Generation of random signals and measurement of their parameters. Moscow, Energiya publishing house, 1966

52. Boychenko EV Methods of circuit design of distributed information and computing microprocessor systems. Moscow, Energoatomizdat publishing house, 1988

53. Sandler A.S., Sarbatov R.S. Automatic frequency control of asynchronous motors. Moscow, Energiya publishing house, 1974

54. Zharkovsky BI Devices of automatic control and regulation (device and repair). Moscow, publishing house Vysshaya Shkola, 1989

55. Pelpor D.S. Gyroscopic orientation and stabilization systems. Moscow, publishing house Mashinostroenie, 1982

56. Kangin V. V., Kozlov V. N. Hardware and software of control systems. Moscow, publishing house Binom. Knowledge laboratory, 2010

57. Bervinov VI Electronics, microelectronics, automation in railway transport. Moscow, publishing house Transport, 1987

58. Ivanov A.A., Moskvichev A.A., Kvartalov A.R. Design of non-standard automatic equipment. Nizhny Novgorod, NSTU publishing house, 2004


Today, enterprise management without a computer is simply unthinkable. Computers have long and firmly entered the areas of management such as accounting, warehouse management, assortment and purchasing. but modern business requires a much wider application of information technology in enterprise management. The viability and development of information technology is explained by the fact that modern business is extremely sensitive to errors in management. Intuition, personal experience the leader and the amount of capital are already not enough to be the first.

For the acceptance of any literate management decision in conditions of uncertainty and risk, it is necessary to constantly keep under control various aspects of financial and economic activities, be it trade, production or the provision of any services. So modern approach to management involves investing in Information Technology... And what larger enterprise, the more serious such investments should be. They are a vital necessity - in a tough competitive struggle, only those who are better equipped and most effectively organized can win.


1. GOST 34.601-90 Automated systems. Stages of creation.

2.GOST 34.602-89 Technical task to create an automated system.

3. GOST 34.603-92 Types of tests automated systems.

4. Automated information technologies in economics / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M .: Computer, UNITI, 2008.

5. Automated enterprise management systems of the ERP class: ideas, solutions, problems // Computer news. - 2009. - No. 44.

6. Automation of enterprise management systems of the ERP-MRPII standard / Obukhov I.A., Gaifullin B.N .. - M: Interface-press, 2001

7. Ankhimyuk V.L., Oleiko OF, Mikheev N.N. "Theory of automatic control". - M .: Design PRO, 2002. - 352 p .: ill.

8. Berman B., Evans J. Retail: a strategic approach. M .: SPb .; Kiev: Williams, 2003.

9. Besekersky V.A., Popov E.P. Theory of automatic control systems. - 4th ed., Rev. and add. - SPb .: Professiya, 2003 .-- 747 p.

10. Hamilton S. Supply chain management with Microsoft Axapta. M .: Alpina Business Books, 2005.

11. Goodwin G.K., S.F. Grebe, M.E. Saldago "Design of control systems"; per. from English - M.: BINOM, Laboratory of Knowledge, 2004. - 911 p.

12. Drucker, P. Tasks of management in the XXI century / Per. from English - M., 2004.

13. Quentin, A.S. The most effective methods of implementing control systems // Accountant and computer. - 2009. - No. 4.

14. Case No. 4. M .: KORUS Consulting, 2006.

15. Integrated document management system "Delo". - Mn., 2004.

16. Complex automation system of enterprise management "Galaktika". - M., 2007.

17. Miroshnik I.V. Automatic control theory. Linear systems. M .: Business literature. 2005 333 s.

18. O'Leary D. ERP systems. Modern planning and management of enterprise resources. SPb .: 2009

19. Polyansky A.M. Automation in management environments: Guidelines on the implementation of control works. - Vologda: VOSTU, 2007.

20. Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G. Process approach to management. Modeling business processes... Moscow: Standards and Quality, 2006.

21. Retail retail chains: strategy, economics and management. Textbook / ed. A.A. Esyutin and E.V. Karpova. M .: KNORUS, 2007.

22. "Theory of automatic control": Textbook. for mechanical engineering. specialist. universities / V.N. Bryukhanov, M.G. Kosov, S.P. Protopopov and others; Ed. Yu.M. Solomentsev. - 3rd ed., Erased. - M .: Higher. school; 2005 .-- 268 p .: ill.

23. Titorenko G.A. Automated information technologies in the economy. M .: VLADOS. 2006

24. Just in time for Russia. The practice of using ERP systems / Piterkin S.V. et al., M .: Alpina. business beech, 2002

25. Hammer M., Champy J. Corporation reengineering. Manifesto for a revolution in business. M .: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2006.

26. Khetagurov Ya.A. Design of automated information processing and control systems (ASOIU). M .: OLMA-press. 2006 223s.

27. SAP R / 3 System. Function in detail. Material Management / Production Planning, SAP. 1994 / Materials Management. Translation into Russian. lang. 1996 year

28. ERP-systems: selection, implementation, operation. Modern planning and resource management of the enterprise / Daniel O "Leary - M .: Vershina, 2004


1. Baranov, V.V. Research of control systems: Textbook / V.V. Baranov, A.V. Zaitsev and others - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2013 .-- 216 p.
2. Baranov, V.V. Research of control systems: Textbook / V.V. Baranov, A.V. Zaitsev, S.N. Sokolov. - M .: Alpina Pabl., 2013 .-- 216 p.
3. Blinov, A.O. Research of control systems: polls for managers / А.О. Blinov, I.V. Zakharov, V. Ya. Zakharov and others - M .: Elit-2000, 2008 .-- 248 p.
4. Bondarenko, V.V. Research of control systems: (transport industry): Textbook for universities / V.V. Bondarenko, V.A. Yudina, O Alekhina. - M .: KnoRus, 2010 .-- 356 p.
5. Borodakiy, Yu.V. Foundations of the theory of control systems. Research and design. / Yu.V. Borodakiy, Yu.G. Lobodinsky. - M .: GLT, 2004 .-- 256 p.
6. Borodakiy, Yu.V. Fundamentals of the theory of control systems Research and design / Yu.V. Borodakiy. - M .: Radio and Communication, 2004 .-- 256 p.
7. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Control systems: Research and computer design: Textbook / A.G. Varzhapetyan, V.V. Glushchenko. - M .: University. book, 2012. - 328 p.
8. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Control systems: research and computer design / A.G. Varzhapetyan. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 328 p.
9. Varzhapetyan, A.G. Control systems: research and computer design / A.G. Varzhapetyan, V.V. Glushchenko. - M .: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2012 .-- 328 p.
10. Goncharov, V.I. Institutionalization of the system of local self-government in the Russian Federation. Constitutional and legal research: Monograph / V.I. Goncharov. - M .: Prospect, 2015 .-- 272 p.
11. Goncharov, V.I. Institutionalization of the system of local self-government in the Russian Federation. Constitutional and legal research: Monograph / V.I. Goncharov. - M .: Prospect, 2016 .-- 272 p.
12. Demidova, A.V. UPU: A Study of Control Systems. Lecture notes / A.V. Demidov. - M .: Prior, 2005 .-- 96 p.
13. Dudin, M.N. Research of control systems (third generation-bachelor's degree): textbook / M.N. Dudin. - M .: Elite, 2014 .-- 276 p.
14. Zhukov, B.M. Research of control systems: Textbook / B.M. Zhukov, E.N. Tkacheva. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2016 .-- 208 p.
15. Ignatieva, A.V. Research of control systems: Textbook for university students / A.V. Ignatieva, M.M. Maksimtsov. - M .: Unity-Dana, Law and Law, 2011 .-- 167 p.
16. Korotkov, E.M. Research of control systems: Textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / E.M. Korotkov. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2015 .-- 226 p.
17. Maksimtsov, M.M. Research of control systems: Textbook / M.M. A. V. Maksimtsov Ignatiev. - M .: Unity, 2017 .-- 64 p.
18. Maksimtsov, M.M. Research of control systems: Textbook / M.M. A. V. Maksimtsov Ignatiev. - M .: Unity, 2011 .-- 167 p.
19. Maksimtsov, M.M. Research of control systems: Textbook / M.M. A. V. Maksimtsov Ignatiev. - M .: Unity, 2014 .-- 167 p.
20. Melnikov, V.P. Research of control systems: Textbook for academic bachelor's degree / V.P. Melnikov, A.G. Skhirtladze. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt, 2016 .-- 447 p.
21. Melnikov, V.P. Research of control systems. Textbook / V.P. Melnikov. - M .: Academia, 2011 .-- 160 p.
22. Melnikov, V.P. Research of control systems: Textbook / V.P. Melnikov. - M .: Academy, 2014 .-- 112 p.
23. Melnikov, V.P. Research of control systems: Textbook Academic course / V.P. Melnikov, A.G. Skhirtladze. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt-Izdat, 2014 .-- 447 p.
24. Mishin, V.M. Research of control systems: Textbook / V.M. Mishin. - M .: Unity, 2012 .-- 527 p.
25. Moskvitin, G.I. Research of integration processes in the enterprise management system based on the concept of controlling / G.I. Moskvitin. - M .: Rusays, 2012 .-- 224 p.
26. Mylnik, V.V. Research of control systems / V.V. Soapy. - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect, 2006 .-- 352 p.
27. Mylnik, V.V. Research of control systems / V.V. Mylnik, B.P. Titarenko, V.A. Volochienko. - M .: Academic project, 2006 .-- 352 p.
28. Mylnik, V.V. Research of control systems: Textbook / V.V. Mylnik, B.P. Titarenko. - M .: Rior, 2014 .-- 238 p.
29. Mylnik, V.V. Research of control systems: Textbook / V.V. Mylnik, B.P. Titarenko. - M .: Rior, 2014 .-- 304 p.
30. Pokrovsky, A.K. Research of control systems (transport industry). Study guide / A.K. Pokrovsky. - M .: KnoRus, 2018 .-- 592 p.
31. Pokrovsky, A.K. Research of control systems (transport industry): Textbook / A.K. Pokrovsky. - M .: KnoRus, 2013 .-- 366 p.
32. Polzunova, NN Research of control systems (diagnostics) / NN Polzunova. - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect, 2006 .-- 240 p.
33. Polzunova, NN Research of control systems / NN Polzunova. - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect, 2005 .-- 176 p.
34. Rogulenko, T.M. Research of control systems (transport industry) / T.M. Rogulenko, S.V. Ponomarev. - M .: KnoRus, 2013 .-- 368 p.
35. Fedorov, S.E. Computer modelling and research of automatic control systems: teaching aid for universities / S.E. Fedorov. - M .: Rusays, 2018 .-- 256 p.
36. Fomichev, AN Research of control systems: Textbook for bachelors / AN Fomichev. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2015 .-- 348 p.
37. Fomichev, A.N. Research of control systems: Textbook / A.N. Fomichev. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2013 .-- 348 p.
38. Freidina, E.V. Research of control systems. Tutorial. / E.V. Freidin. - M .: Omega-L, 2017 .-- 480 p.
39. Freidina, E.V. Research of control systems: Textbook / E.V. Freidin. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 368 p.
40. Freidina, E.V. Research of control systems: Textbook / E.V. Freidin; Ed. Yu.V. Gusev. - M .: Omega-L, 2013 .-- 368 p.
41. Shirokov, L.A. Research of control systems / L.A. Shirokov. - M .: MGIU, 2010 .-- 168 p.