Introducing specialists to nostroy and nopriz throughout russia. Nostroy attestation Instructional testing and nostroy attestation

“Unified system of certification of managers and specialists construction industry“- a unique project of the National Association of Builders (NOSTROY). NOSTROY includes 236 construction self-regulatory organizations, uniting more than 90,000 construction companies the total number of employees is more than 4,500,000 people. At least 500,000 employees of construction companies are responsible for the performance of work that affects the safety of capital construction projects. The types of such works are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 624 dated 12/30/2009. In accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation persons performing such work are obliged to undergo advanced training and certification at least once every five years. The organization of certification is assigned by the Federal Law "On Self-Regulatory Organizations" to self-regulatory organizations. In accordance with the results of the questionnaire survey of self-regulatory organizations conducted by the National Association of Builders, 10% of SROs organize certification based on qualification and official certification in accordance with labor legislation, in 12% - on the final certification of persons who have undergone advanced training in accordance with the legislation on education, in 7 , 5% implemented their own certification system. 65% of self-regulatory organizations announced their accession to the Unified Attestation System or their intention to join.

The Unified Attestation System is based on a clear normative base, defined by the documents of the National Association of Builders. Therefore, the Unified Certification System is often referred to as “NOSTROY Certification”.

The main principles of the Unified Attestation System are:

  • certification is carried out by type construction works according to their grouping by tests for attestation purposes;
  • certification is carried out by uniform requirements and the criteria for making attestation decisions;
  • knowledge assessment of certified persons is carried out in the form of computer testing;
  • certificates issued within the framework of the Unified Attestation System are recognized by all self-regulatory organizations - members of the Unified System;
  • monopolization of certification is not allowed. An applicant for certification must have the opportunity to select Testing Centers sufficient to form a competitive environment;
  • certification should be as simple as possible for applicants for certification through the passage procedure. Servicing of applicants for certification shall be carried out by Testing Centers. Knowledge assessment sites should cover the territory of the Russian Federation in such a way that their transport accessibility does not constitute a significant burden for applicants for certification;
  • control over the activities of Testing Centers is provided by self-regulatory organizations and the National Association of Builders. A fictitious assessment of the level of knowledge of applicants for certification must inevitably lead to the cancellation of the accreditation of Testing Centers.

Taking into account the all-Russian scale of assessing the level of knowledge of applicants in the form of computer testing and subsequent certification, the National Association of Builders decided to use modern Internet technologies that provide access to the Unified Certification System from anywhere in the Russian Federation. All operations in the Unified Attestation System performed by Testing Centers and Certification commissions SROs are carried out through the Internet portal using publicly available Internet browsers (Mozilla Firefox; IE and others). The use of Internet technologies allows online maintenance of an up-to-date centralized database of the Unified Attestation System.

To provide effective work software The National Association of Builders uses the modern server equipment located on a specialized technical site of the unified certification system. The technical site is equipped with systems for maintaining the required level of temperature, humidity, stability of power supply, gas fire extinguishing, high-speed Internet, etc. This is required for reliable and quality performance. technical support Unified certification system. To process the database of the Unified Attestation System, the Database Management System "Oracle" is used, which is characterized not only by increased reliability, but also high speed processing of electronic data. In combination with good server equipment and high-speed Internet, this allows you to avoid delays in processing data on remote requests from Testing Centers and SRO Attestation Commissions. In order to avoid the loss of the database of the Unified Attestation System due to force majeure circumstances, a backup copy of this database is generated daily.

The assessment of the level of knowledge in the Unified Attestation System is carried out in the form of computer testing. Therefore, an important role is given to the quality of questions and answers for computer testing, which is ensured by the following:

  • developers of questions and answers and terms of reference for their development are approved by the sectoral committees of the National Association of Builders, which ensures collegial discussion and adoption of such decisions by the professional community;
  • developed questions-answers are subject to independent expertise for compliance terms of reference, accuracy and correctness of wording, correctness of answers;
  • acceptance of questions and answers is carried out by the branch Committees of the National Association of Builders;
  • 20% of the total number of questions and answers are subject to quarterly updating;
  • The developers of questions and answers are obliged to correct all identified deficiencies in the developed questions and answers at their own expense during the warranty period.

The identification of shortcomings of questions and answers is also carried out due to the functioning automated system quality control of questions and answers. In the section "Educational tests" of the Internet portal of the Unified Attestation System, anyone can write comments on questions and answers, which are subject to mandatory consideration by the developer of questions and answers. As a result of such consideration, some of the questions and answers are updated. Also, all questions are subject to mandatory updating, to which more than 90% answered correctly (too simple questions) or 70% answered incorrectly (too difficult questions).

According to the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all companies and individual entrepreneurs when joining a self-regulatory organization (SRO) and obtaining a permit for construction work, must comply the organization's requirements for:

  • number of employees
  • their education,
  • vocational training,
  • work experience,
  • professional certification.

Those. the company will not be able to get admission to work without passing certification by specialists.

A prerequisite for the activities of the management and construction sector specialists is the passage of attestation at ESA NOSTROY once every 5 years. NOSTROY standards today include 84 documents, 50 standards are under discussion at the stage of adoption. In the absence of a certificate of the Unified Attestation System, the workers of the construction complex are considered inappropriate to the requirements for SRO participants. Refusal of certification may result in the exclusion of SRO participants, suspension of the admission right.

In April 2011. Nostroy approved the Regulation on the Unified Attestation System (ECA) for managers and specialists of various profiles in the construction sector. 230 types of work from the Order of the Ministry regional development RF No. 624 were identified as the basis for computer testing. 14,000 question-and-answer tests and criteria for assessing the level of knowledge of the certification participants have been developed. More than three hundred Testing Acceptance Centers have been accredited.

Today, certification is carried out by the Certification Commissions of self-regulatory organizations accredited by the National Association of Builders according to the standards of the Unified Certification System (ESA NOSTROY) and is carried out by accredited testing centers.

"Unified system of certification of managers and specialists construction complex" - a unique project of the National Association of Builders (NOSTROY). NOSTROY includes 236 self-regulatory construction organizations, uniting more than 90,000 construction companies with a total number of employees of more than 4,500,000 people. At least 500 thousand employees of construction companies are responsible for the performance of work that affects the safety of capital construction projects. In accordance with the requirements of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, persons performing such work are required to undergo advanced training and certification at least once every five years. The organization of certification is assigned by the Federal Law "On Self-Regulatory Organizations" to self-regulatory organizations.

The main principles of the Unified Attestation System are:

  • certification is carried out by type of construction work in accordance with their grouping by tests for certification purposes;
  • certification is carried out according to uniform requirements and criteria for making decisions on certification;
  • knowledge assessment of certified persons is carried out in the form of computer testing;
  • certificates issued within the framework of the Unified Attestation System are recognized by all self-regulatory organizations - members of the Unified System;
  • monopolization of certification is not allowed. An applicant for certification must have the opportunity to select Testing Centers sufficient to form a competitive environment;
  • certification should be as simple as possible for applicants for certification through the passage procedure. Servicing of applicants for certification shall be carried out by Testing Centers. Knowledge assessment sites should cover the territory of the Russian Federation in such a way that their transport accessibility does not constitute a significant burden for applicants for certification;
  • control over the activities of Testing Centers is provided by self-regulatory organizations and the National Association of Builders. A fictitious assessment of the level of knowledge of applicants for certification must inevitably lead to the cancellation of the accreditation of Testing Centers.

An effective way to obtain an ECA certificate is to undergo pre-certification training and testing at the Mosstroykadry Training Center. The training center "Mosstroykadry" is accredited National Association of Builders testing center and can conduct pre-certification training and computer testing at ESA NOSTROY. For this we:

  • we accept documents for certification;
  • we carry out pre-certification training and testing;
  • we provide test results to the relevant certification commissions;
  • we issue extracts from the unified register of information on certification in accordance with the approved form.

You'll get profitable terms and make employee testing an effective investment if you decide to take certification in ESA NOSTROY in our Learning Center. We offer comprehensive pre-certification training of specialists and optimal conditions for passing certification.

Certificate No. 6 on assignment of the status of a basic resource center

The training programs are designed for managers and professionals in the construction industry in accordance with Methodical recommendations on the formation of standard training programs for advanced training in the interests of admission to work that affects the safety of capital construction facilities (construction, reconstruction and overhaul).

Name of the training program

Cost of education


(extramural studies)

Pricing and budgeting in construction

6500 rub.

Building regulations

RUB 6500

Construction control and quality management in construction

RUB 6500

Technologies and equipment in construction

RUB 6500

Monolithic housing technology

RUB 6500

Construction of buildings and structures. Works on anti-corrosion protection of building structures and equipment

RUB 6500

Construction of buildings, structures and highways

RUB 6500

NOSTROY certification is a certification verification of the qualifications of workers working in the construction industry. This procedure is carried out in order to verify the qualifications of employees of an organization applying for admission to work at especially dangerous facilities.

NOSTROY certification procedure through an accredited testing center Accreditation of STE LLC (CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION No. 397).

This certification is carried out at the NOSTROY computer access centers, which can be either at the SROs themselves or at the centers for advanced training.

The possibility of choosing a testing center is assigned to the employee - the applicant for testing (i.e. where it is more convenient for you to pass the tests).

The certification procedure is as follows:

You contact a specialist at a computer access center. Educational testing can be accessed on the NOSTROYA website, which displays the test results in real time. If the test is passed successfully (it is necessary to answer 40 questions for each type of work, without exceeding the maximum permissible error limit), then the employee's data is entered into the NOSTROYa register and he receives certificates of passing the test. An average of 60 minutes is given to take the test. Based on the acts in the SRO, where the organization is located, employees are required to issue a certificate.

If you use our services, the testing procedure will look like this:

The cost of certification through our organization is 2,500 rubles, the term for receiving scans of certificates of passing the test is 1 day.

You need to contact our specialists and prepare documents according to the list for each employee:

  • application for attestation with attachment (1,2) ( download )
  • scan - a copy of a diploma, passport (1 page and registration) and a certificate of advanced training + photo (if any).

In the application, you must indicate your full name, date of birth (required), position (required), city of residence. Detailed information must be given about the employer (INN, PSRN, Legal address). The application does not need to indicate the passport details of the employee and paste a photo.

In the attachment to the application, you must indicate the number of the test that the employee will take. The test can be selected from the list ("Appendix to accreditation" download application ) i.e. you can see which test closes the necessary types of work for admission from this organization)

The employee's consent to the processing of personal data is in the attached files. The top line simply indicates the full name and date of birth. The application and consent must be signed by the employee at the bottom.

Photo - you need to attach a photo (small size) to the letter. You don't need to paste it into your application. Just attach it to the letter.

A diploma and a certificate of advanced training must be scanned and also invested in email... If there are employees who have not yet passed 5 years from the date of graduation from the university, then they can be tested without advanced training (like young specialists).

Using our services in passing tests, in a few days you will receive certificates of passing testing (certification by NOSTROY)

In case of a positive test passing on the NOSTROYA website in personal account the organization creates an account that the employee has successfully passed the test and, on the basis of the issued acts in the SRO, where the organization is located, employees are required to issue certificates.

  • Reception of the President
  • FAQ

Vocational education and certification

1) What does it take to become a testing center?

1. Prepare a set of documents in accordance with the list specified in clause 7 and send to the address: Moscow, st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 3.

2. The decision on accreditation is made by the vocational education committee. In case of a positive decision, the organization becomes a testing center.

3. To gain access to the Unified Certification System (ECA), you will need to conclude an Agreement with ANO DPO "Academy of the National Association of Builders" (hereinafter - the Academy), under which you pay 25,000 rubles to the Academy and 100 rubles for each completed testing , according to the quarterly report.

4. After sending a payment order with a bank mark and an application for the issuance of a login and password to the Academy, confirmation that cash have been credited to the account, you will be given a login and password.

2) Does NOSTROY maintain a register of educational institutions recommended for advanced training?

There is no such register. Previously, NOSTROY worked in this direction, but the work was stopped by order of the Management. On this issue, a letter from Vice-President A.V. Ishin is posted on our website. "On the need to suspend the implementation of the regulation" On entering in the register of the National Association of Builders, information about educational institutions implementing programs of additional vocational education in the field of construction "".

3) Where can I get advanced training and testing? Is it legitimate for an SRO to require advanced training and testing only in an organization recommended by the SRO itself?

Employees can upgrade their qualifications in any educational institution, which has the appropriate license to conduct educational activities... The SRO has the right to establish requirements for the certification of employees included in the SRO of construction organizations. An SRO must have an internal document, a regulation governing the requirements for attestation. If the SRO works in the ECA, then the requirement for a specific place of testing is not legitimate, since it is not permissible to monopolize the certification of specialists, in accordance with the regulation on the "Unified certification system for managers and specialists of the construction industry." If the SRO does not work in the ECA, it is legitimate, since it can carry out certification of its employees on its own.

4) How to determine whether the SRO, of which our organization is a member, has joined the Unified Attestation System (ECA) for managers and specialists of the construction industry?

Only citizens of the Russian Federation, aged 18 years and older, who are the work of construction organizations of SRO members, can participate in the competition, this requirement is determined by the regulation on the National Competition of Professional Skills Stroymaster, which you can see on our website in the Vocational Education Department section.

8) Is there a document regulating the mandatory application of professional standards?

According to the provisions of article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Code), the characteristics of qualifications that are contained in professional standards and the mandatory application of which is not established by the Code, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts Of the Russian Federation, are used by employers as a basis for determining the requirements for the qualifications of employees, taking into account the characteristics of the employees performed labor functions due to the technologies used and the adopted organization of production and labor.

Article 4 of Federal Law No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" establishes the right of the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Trilateral Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, to establish the specifics of the application of professional standards in terms of requirements mandatory for application by state extra-budgetary funds Of the Russian Federation, state or municipal institutions, state or municipal unitary enterprises, as well as state corporations, state companies and business companies, more than fifty percent of shares (stakes) in the authorized capital of which are in state property or municipal property.

In accordance with paragraph 25 of the Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 N 23 (as amended on September 23, 2014 N 970), professional standards are applied by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, when organizing training and certification of employees, developing job descriptions, tariffication of work, assignment of tariff categories to employees and the establishment of wage systems, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management.

Thus, for personnel services and employers of other organizations, except for the above, in relation to which the features of the application of professional standards can be determined, when establishing qualification and professional requirements for applicants and employees, professional standards are guidelines and can be applied in terms of the names of positions, professions and specialties, definition of labor functions, requirements to education and work experience, taking into account the peculiarities due to the technology and organization of production and labor at a given employer.

Please note that in accordance with Part 2 of Article 57 of the Code, the name in employment contracts positions, professions or specialties and qualification requirements for them must comply with the names and requirements specified in qualification reference books, or professional standards, if Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, other federal laws provide for the right of employees to provide them with compensation, benefits or any restrictions when working in such positions (in professions, specialties).

Thus, in this case, when compiling staffing table, when filling work book employee, as well as when changing the tariff category in terms of the name of the employee's position, one should be guided by the currently valid Unified tariff qualification handbook works and professions of workers, the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees and professional standards.

9) What is the Vocational Qualifications Council?

The Council for Professional Qualifications in Construction is a permanent body, the powers of which are vested in NOSTROY

The National Association of Builders approved a regulation on unified system certification (ESA system) in 2011, in other words, certification by NOSTROY. ESA NOSTROY is a training test for heads of construction organizations and specialists of various profiles in the construction industry.

The certification of builders is carried out in the form of computer testing, which is based on 230 types of work from the order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624. Evaluation criteria for computer testing have been developed to assess professional knowledge builders. NOSTROY certification is carried out in accredited training centers.

NOSTROY standards are separate editions, they are approved by the National Building Council and contain recommendations:

  • rules for development, approval, updating and cancellation;
  • rules of construction, content, presentation, design and designation;
  • the procedure for development, registration, designation and cancellation.

Certification of builders consists in passing testing. Before computer testing, it is necessary to undergo advanced training. CPPK offers training in various areas of the construction industry.

During the construction of facilities and capital construction, the knowledge of specialists must comply with the standards of new technologies and take into account changes in legislation. For this, it is necessary to take refresher courses.

The heads of construction companies and construction specialists undergo advanced training on the basis of the Professional Training Center or remotely. After educational testing, when the knowledge of construction companies' employees meets the NOSTROY standards, they receive admission to the NOSTROY certification.

Members of self-regulatory organizations (SRO members) have the right to establish requirements for attestation of employees belonging to SROs of construction companies.

If the SRO works in the ECA, then the requirement for the place of testing is not legitimate, since it is not permissible to monopolize the certification of specialists. If the SRO does not work in the ECA, it is legitimate, since it can carry out certification of its employees on its own. There is a unified register of SROs that have joined the ENA.

Testing of professional knowledge can be carried out at certification centers. Leaders of construction companies and ordinary specialists can go for qualification certification. The test is carried out electronically.

The SRO Commission and members of the national organization of builders, according to the developed evaluation criteria, identify the level of knowledge of candidates for obtaining certificates. Upon successful completion of the testing stages, certificates are issued for a period of five years.

Qualification certification can be passed on the job. Scroll required documents and full cost with and without training, you can find out on the CPPK website in the appropriate section.