Scenarios on the theme student spring. "Spring Has Come" is a musical entertainment disc program for high school students. Scenario. A story known without words

Scenario of the festival "Student Spring"

Yes, spring is the most beautiful time of the year. I want to freeze in delight from the awakening of nature and bright sunlight. Love - don't fall in love! Good afternoon dear friends! Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, bewitching, unpredictable Mrs. Spring.
Today we will go on an extraordinary journey - to a beautiful fairy-tale land, to the Student Spring Festival. So, we begin: "One, two, three! Open the door of spring to us!"

Music Intro No. ____

(Music sounds, Queen Spring enters the stage and sits on the throne)


Oh, how difficult it is to be a queen, and even what kind of “Queen of Spring”. How tired of this snow, frost, darkness, lousy mood


Your Highness Queen Spring, what is surprising about this, because Winter is leaving, and spring is the time for nature to wake up.
Queen: -

Oh, this weather breaks all my bones, I want to sleep.


Your Highness, because who else but you knows how to create a spring mood and paint everything around with such bright and warm colors.


Oh, I don't know, I don't know. Yes, apparently people really say that there is a time for everything.

So my time has apparently come to make life brighter and warmer.


You are our beloved Queen, there is no more beautiful you in our kingdom .

Do not flatter me, I am sure that you already have candidates for the royal throne in reserve. So listen to my Royal Decree everyone.

(Reads the decree)

I am announcing the Student Spring Festival, where my royal majesty will choose the most creative personalities among the students of the technical school, who will decorate the spring with their talents and skills and receive the title of "Miss and Mister of the technical school 2014".

In choosing the winners, I will be assisted by our royal jury consisting of: a charming guest of our festival: the methodologist of the MCC - Ekaterina Bogdanova, , a woman who knows everything about students and even more; , the most attractive woman of our technical school, teacher of our student security -

A prerequisite will be to have fun, sing and dance at the festival until you drop!

And whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will - oh, do not take off his head!

Queen Spring (gets up from her throne and announces).
- I command that our royal festival be considered open!
Let's have some fun today!
And then someone came up with the idea that spring is a boring time! Yes, and look, no longer be patient with your applicants. So, we welcome our participants with a friendly applause.

(Music plays and they take turns leaving)

The facilitator calls the participants:

The queen goes to the host

Here, Queen, you see what contenders I have, everything is like a selection!


The first competition of our program is called - "Business card".

In any business card, we find all the necessary information about its owner. And in order for us to get to know our contestants better, and to them each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. the participants will tell about themselves or show us their talents.

All participants submit the first task

And now we move on to the next contest -

Presenter: Everyone knows that the most beautiful posture and graceful gait of the girls of the East. We believe that our girls are no worse and now we will see for ourselves. Participants must walk around the stage with a book on their heads without dropping it, then turn around and return to their place. ( beautiful posture- book on head

And all the young men are handsome and athletic, so we give them kettlebells and they will show us a master class to the music: several different exercises with kettlebells. (young men stand in a row and show exercises with kettlebells)

Queen Spring: And yes, they all did the job. I probably know what I have no equal.

Presenter: What, Mother Queen?

Queen: Am I the Queen of Spring? (leader agrees)

Queen Spring: You! Madam host, nevertheless, do not convince me that one of today's beauties can outdo me in culinary skills. After all, spring is the flowering of nature, the enchanting spring aromas of fresh greenery. A bright sun peeps into every house and you want to cook something spring and beautiful, or do you disagree with me?

presenter: How can I disagree with you Queen! And there is . And what will our young men do - handsome?

Queen: And young men meet spring with their creative skills as designers. Every man wants to make his house better, especially in spring. Well, then announce the next contest!

Presenter: The 3rd competition is announced, in which each of the girls can prove that she is worthy of becoming the "Queen of the Kitchen", and the boys can show creativity in preparing the design layout of their house.

(So, each participant comes to his table and you will be given 5 minutes to complete the task)

presenter: Dear queen, our girls are excellent housewives, today they have prepared original spring dishes and now they will present their outlandish treats to the jury and the audience. And the young men - the real owners - golden hands and how lucky their chosen ones will be

Queen Autumn: Well, I can't understand, is that all they can do?

Presenter: Mother, I warned you that these are the best of the best, you can see for yourself. Worthy replacement, isn't it the Queen? And our participants are preparing for the next competition for you there will be a musical gift - " Student mix»

Here, the ability to present oneself in a favorable light, to present one's candidacy for the title of "Miss and Mister College" under musical accompaniment, you can dance or just show movements, you can show your outfit again, walk around the stage or around the hall, silently appear before the jury, but not overact, otherwise .... they will sue.

We invite the participants of the festival one by one, and they show their skills to be the best.

All participants present the task in turn


We celebrated well today. Yes, I am different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, for my beauty, for the nice warm days. I think that in the future you will also enjoy the spring days.

Presenter: Thank you for coming today to our wonderful holiday in the fabulous spring kingdom. And while the jury is summing up, we will listen to a song from our beautiful Queen of Spring. (Spring sings a song)

And now we will give the floor to a fair jury and find out the names of our winners.

Jury's word

State educational state-financed organization middle vocational education"Liskinsky
agrarian-technological college "

I approve the Deputy Director for educational work ___________ S.V. Vishnyakova
"_____" _______ 2014


review - competition of creativity of students of secondary specialized educational institutions


Shamrina I.V.
Bugakova A.N.

Liski 2014

Introduction. 3
Preparatory stage.5
Event methodology..6
List of used literature..11


Students' extracurricular time should be filled with interesting and exciting content. Our students are not only students, but, above all, individuals with multifaceted interests, requests, and aspirations.
What will the student be like as a person when he grows up?
This is not an idle question - it is a matter of life. To educate a citizen who is purposeful, convinced, creatively thinking, kind and sympathetic is the duty of every teacher - class teacher.
A well-thought-out system of work with students during extracurricular time will help to solve this problem.
I would like our students' first steps outside the classroom to be steps into the world of beauty: it is necessary to educate in them as early as possible the traits of a fighter, the traits of an internally beautiful and courageous person.
In the city of Rossosh, it has become a tradition every spring to hold a zonal tour of the regional review - a competition for students of institutions of secondary vocational education "Student Spring", - "Forward, romance!" where students of regional educational institutions always take an active part and present interesting and exciting performances of student creativity: musical, choreographic, theatrical, original genre.


For a successful event, the preparatory phase must begin at the beginning of the school year. When conducting intratechnical events, a creative group of teachers and lecturers additional education choose the best rooms amateur performances.
The practice of organizing and holding reviews - competitions suggests that it should be interesting to name it, not to clutter up the script with unnecessary things, choose presenters, think over the design of the stage (the design should not be cumbersome), prepare costumes in accordance with the numbers of performances.
Experience shows that undoubted success can only be expected when as many students as possible are involved in the preparation of the event. For this purpose, three creative groups were created.
The first group, together with the teacher, was responsible for writing the script. The second group is the design of the screensaver on the stage and the necessary attributes for performances. The third group was responsible for costumes and organizational issues, for the quality of the phonogram, the performance of musical and dance numbers.
In the preparation and holding of the "Student Spring" students took part in the specialties "Veterinary", "Mechanization Agriculture”, “Economics and accounting in the agro-industrial complex” from the 1st to the 4th year of the Liskinsky Agrarian and Technological College.
In preparing the competition program, we were guided by the regulation on holding a regional review - a competition of creativity for students of secondary specialized educational institutions "Student Spring 2014".
The creativity of students is evaluated in six nominations: musical direction - pop vocal, folk vocal (folk), author's song and poetry (bards), musical groups; dance direction - pop dance, folklore dance, ballroom dance, break dance, sports dance; theatrical direction - directing, male role, female role, pop miniature, artistic word; direction "Original genre" - pantomime, circus, parody genre, variety show and others; direction "Genre KVN" - in this nomination, the team presents a performance lasting no more than 4 minutes; direction "Genre entertainer" - the best entertainer.
Evaluation criteria: general and artistic level of the program (directing, stage culture - appearance, the aesthetics of costumes, the ability to stay on stage, the created image as a whole), the level of presentation of the repertoire (performing skills), the quality of phonograms in (-1) sound and arrangements, authorship, creatively justified mass character, diversity of the entire competitive program.
The methodological development contains an annotation, an introduction, a preparatory stage, a plan for the event, a methodology for conducting it, a scenario, a conclusion, a list of references, and an appendix.
The purpose of writing a methodological development extracurricular activities"Student Spring 2014" is to assist class teacher m, teachers of hostels, teachers of additional education of educational institutions in the preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities.


Theme: Student spring.
Objectives: developing - the development of cognitive needs,
development of collective mental activity;
educational - instilling the skills of conducting mass events, education of patriotic and aesthetic feelings, education of a citizen, purposeful, convinced, creatively thinking, kind and sympathetic.
increasing the creative activity of students of secondary specialized educational institutions;
creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of student youth;
identification of talented performers, assistance in raising their professional level;
improvement of leisure conditions for students;
popularization of student creativity, strengthening of versatile ties between secondary specialized educational institutions.
Form of carrying out: literary and musical composition.
Conducting methods: dialogue, conversation, dances, songs, skits, poems.
Visual aids: costumes, musical instruments, performance program.
Venue: Rossoshansky Youth Center.
Time: 30 minutes

To the sounds of the waltz "Autumn Dream", seven girls in dance costumes come out from behind the curtains. They depict a walk in the city garden, then three young men will join them, and to the song “Where the eyes look” performed by the soloists,
girls dance an incendiary dance.
After the end of this performance, festively dressed presenters come out with a greeting and a story about student life.
To the tune of old songs about dudes, three girls in bright dance dresses perform the Dudes dance with records and a gramophone.
To create a romantic mood, the presenters come out to the evening sounds of nature: a young man and a girl, walking across the stage, portray a couple in love.
In continuation of the theme of romance and love, the song "She and He" sounds. As if supplementing and developing the theme of "Student Spring" - "Forward romance!", after the words of the presenters about music, to the sounds of a romance performed on the guitar, an excerpt from Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" sounds - "Premonition of Love". In a white dress, a girl and a black suit, a young man symbolizes love and separation between young people.
The presenters come out to cheerful music, they have fun and say that the time for children has already passed, thereby announcing the next number of the performance - the modern dance "Non-Children's Time".
The last sounds of the dance music turn into the first notes of the final song "Race with the Wind". All the participants of the concert come out to the music and, with the last words of the presenters, “give” their smiles to everyone present in the hall.


1. The song “Where the eyes look” (gr. Roots) sounds with a dancer.
1 lead .: Good afternoon!
2 leads: Spring! Youth! Love! Romance! How many moods, emotions in these words!
3 Vedas: After all, we are students! This is the happiest time in everyone's life.
4th Veda: Many student years associated with the first declaration of love, the first date, the first kiss, and also with the first disappointments
Veda 1: A smile will appear on the face of any person who remembers this period of his life.
2 led.: Always student years were distinguished by their unforgettableness and a certain spontaneity,
3 Vedas: Students, as you know, are cheerful people. They have a huge number of holidays, but among them there is one that is recognized by all,
Together: Student Spring
Veda 1: I even composed poems on this occasion.
Spring in the soul and outside the window Student, stormy, crazy She is everywhere. We live in it, Falling in love and creating masterpieces!
Lead 2: We study in different groups, master different specialties, but we are all united
Together: STUDENTS
4 Vedas: Quite a bit of time will pass, and we will remember with a smile how we came to the technical school for the first time, how we met the guys,
Lead 2: First scholarship, first session
2 Vedas: (standing thoughtfully)
Part 1: What are you dreaming about?
Vedas 2: I dream when I finish my studies and get a diploma.
3 led.: Dreams, dreams
Chapter 1: Do you remember how it all began? How did you come to the first year, how did you pass the session for the first time?
Lead 2: Of course, I remember.
4 Vedas: And what are we all about studying and about studying. Students live happily from session to session
Part 1: How do you spend your free time?
Lead 2: I'm going to the library, getting ready for classes! (phonogram Silence in the library!!!).
4 Vedas: (plays on the phone) And I hang out on the internet, (Play games). Great!
Lead 1: So that’s why you still have a tail in mathematics from the last semester (looks from behind)
4 Vedas: (offended, becomes sideways)
Veda 1: Do you know what will happen if you don’t give up your tail? (phonogram sounds: “Hello sky in the clouds, hello youth in boots, my longing is gone, here I am, hello troops !!!”)
4 Vedas: Come on, you!
1 lead .: And I love to sing.
Vedas 2: And you, Alina, what do you like?
3 leading: (spinning in front of the mirror) Dance! Boys, discos, it's so cool!
2 led.: Discos, discos. All you girls dancing on your mind. No serious thought.
Veda 3: Dancing is very serious!
2. (Stilyagi dance)
1 and 3 Vedas come out to the sounds of evening music, talking to each other, she has a jacket on her shoulders), they approach the microphone
Unit 1: Do you remember?
Unit 3: Do you remember?
3. (song "She and he")
1 lead .: Oh, Alina !!! What people, and even with a guitar!
3 ved.: No, well, what's wrong with that? All the guys say that there must be some mystery in the girl. Here's a tricky one for you.
2 Vedas: How long have you been learning to play?
Lead 3: I just found a guitar behind the scenes, ran it along the strings, it's so cool!
4 Vedas: (runs out) What have you done, everyone is looking for a guitar, our number is on fire !!!
3 Vedas: Okay, I'll go, return the guitar, then I'll play some more.
Lead 1: Yes. Mystery.
4. (an excerpt from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" Premonition of Love "literary and musical composition)
Alina comes out with a lollipop to the music of la-la-la)
The boys look surprised!
1 lead: And what about Alina this time ???
Episode 2: What's wrong with you???
4 Vedas: Alina, how old are you?
3 Vedas: I am already 16 years old.
1 lead.: And you behave like a child !!!
2 Vedas: Now is not children's time !!!
5. Dance "Non-childish time"
6. The song "Race with the wind"
(the final words are spoken on the last loss)
Vedas 1: The time has come to say goodbye, How sad to part, Vedas 2: But exactly, exactly in a year, this holiday awaits us again! Vedas 3: Peace to you! Eternal youth! Eternal spring! 4 Vedas: We do not say goodbye to you! And we say ... (together) - Goodbye! See you soon!

Currently, today's youth is under the influence of drugs, alcohol, nicotine and other bad habits.
In order to show that you can spend your free time fun and interesting, this event was held.
The event showed that creative, talented young people are studying in our technical school, capable of igniting the souls of children, involving them in work, amateur art circles. Many students learned a lot of interesting, useful things, expanded their horizons and knowledge in the field of art. This form of the event "Student Spring" activates the creativity of students, develops their design and organizational skills, stage culture, aesthetic taste, collective mental activity, a sense of responsibility to each other and success in the review - competition.
The teachers achieved their goals thanks to careful, pre-planned preparation, a favorable atmosphere in communicating with students, and the responsible and creative approach of teachers of additional education.
We believe that participation in such events has a beneficial effect in career guidance GOBU SPO VO "Liskinsky Agrarian and Technological College".

Extracurricular activity for senior students school age on the topic: spring. Scenario.

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

"Lighting up in the spring" - a musical entertainment disc program for high school students

Targets and goals:
- creation cheerful mood, festive atmosphere,
- receiving positive emotions from communication with each other.
Purpose of material: this scenario will be useful for head teachers for extracurricular activities, methodologists of children's creativity centers, class teachers when writing various scenarios for spring-themed events in an entertaining, disco form (Women's Day - March 8, April Fool's Day - April 1, International Dance Day - April 29, World Day blondes - May 31, birthdays of spring birthdays, etc.)

Event progress:
In the hall where the disco program will take place, chairs have been taken out.
Before the start, high school students are located in a semicircle near the stage.
Leaders take the stage.

Presenter 1
Good evening!
Lead 2
Presenter 1
Spring has come. And this means that the time has come for the awakening of nature, the time for love and tender romantic mood.
Lead 2
Let the bright rays of the sun
Spring warms everyone's heart
May joy, happiness and good luck
She will bring with her.
Presenter 1
Let on this spring March day, songs only about spring sound everywhere.
"Light it up, in the spring"- performs vocal group soloist and break dance team.
Lead 2
If there was no spring, there would be no love, there would be no beautiful poems, films, songs, paintings.
Presenter 1
And how many proverbs and sayings about love are composed. Let's remember them. We call the first part of the proverb, and you continue:
- Love is not a fire, but it will catch fire ………… (you can’t put it out)
- Forcibly cute …………………….. (you won’t)
- From love to hate one step)
- Unlucky in luck……………(lucky in love)
- Darlings scold…………….(only amuse)
- Out of sight, out of mind)
- With a sweetheart and paradise ……………… .. (in a hut)
Lead 2
People believe in love, they want to love no matter what. And no one knows where this love came from.
Presenter 1
Every person wants to love and be loved. Tell me where you can meet your love? (answer)
Lead 2
You can also meet love at our party. Therefore, be careful, do not miss your chance. Let one of you have personal sympathies at our disco.
Presenter 1
We hope that our creative teams will help you with this. Dance with us, with the dance group. (perform dance "Bonita")
Presenter 1
In the spring, birds choose a mate, and people need to hurry to do the same.
Lead 2
We offer 4 boys and 4 girls to find a mate.
(select players)
Presenter 1
You need everyone to write their name on a note and put it in a special box.
(the players write their names and put notes - the boys in one box, the girls in another).
Lead 2
And now, we take out one note from different boxes. Let's see what pairs we have formed.
(hosts determine pairs)
Presenter 1
Especially for newly formed couples, we are starting a dance competition entitled "Spring Exclusive"
Lead 2
Each couple chooses a card that says which dance they will perform.
Task cards for dance couples:
1. "Dance of hot oriental temperament",
2. "Fatal tango",
3. "Ukrainian incendiary hopak",
4. "Dance of gypsy passion."

The game is being played.
Presenter 1
We continue our spring program. And we hasten to announce to everyone that there is a birthday girl at our disco. This is Ivanova Xenia. Come to us, Ksyusha. In your honor, we specially wrote poetry entitled "Fantasy Girl, Spring" and today we read them in your honor...
Lead 2
Girl - fantasy, spring -
Undoubtedly, all this is her.
All these words are almost synonymous.
Therefore, yours, Ksyusha, we remember your birthday.
Spring gave fantasy a charge,
To create a unique outfit,
That Couturier others will not be able to.
Therefore, all the guys here are shy from your beauty!
And be sure to remember that the girls are spring
All life subject to flowering,
And if you were born, moreover, in March -
In life, a happy card fell out to them.
So smile as often as you can.
And win many hearts here.
We wish you cloudless happiness
All classmates, the whole school, the whole palace!
Presenter 1
Our gift to you will be a performance on this stage Breakdance teams.
Team performance.
Lead 2
What could be more beautiful than spring, when it dominates the world.
Presenter 1
When she celebrates her holiday, the spring holiday is her whole life.
Lead 2
The holiday of spring and love continues. We open a disco!

Scenario of extra-curricular activities for senior classes "Knights and Ladies"extracurricular activity at English language for high school students, dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the birth

Scenario of the performance of the Bogucharsky branch of "VGPK"
"Through the pages of student life"
1. You are welcomed by the students of the Bogucharsky branch of "VGPK"
We are 280 students of the Boguchar branch of VGPK.
We are 21 tractor drivers of agricultural production.
We are 69 people. lawyers
We are 69 managers
23 people - Automechanics
98 - technician of computer networks and complexes
We are the young generation of Russia, the labor reserves of the country.
Dawn called us on the road today,
Our time is running fast
A new day has risen over the country.
We have to work on this earth,
(song) The world is not simple, not simple at all,
It is impossible to hide in it from storms and thunderstorms.
You can not hide in it from the winter blizzards
And from separation, from bitter separation.
But among troubles, uninvited troubles, there are stars and sunlight in the world,
There is a native home and the warmth of fire
And I have - I have Russia.
Everything in my life I have.
All that is the joy of every day.
Everything I call my destiny
Connected, connected to college with you.
Let's be honest: we have talent!
Both singers and musicians
Poetics, comedians.
All as there are some artists.
Ready to perform in any program
Now you will see for yourself!
(sketch Fur coat)
Vladimir Years fly by at a crazy speed. Years that we will remember later. As the most fun, interesting and original years of our lives
Tatyana And let's leaf through our wonderful album of student life
Vladimir: Let's see the episodes of our events and adventures, successes and failures, which were filmed by the ubiquitous camera.
Tatyana Studentship is the most fun time in the life of every person. A smile appears on the face of any person who recalls this period of his life. Everything will come and go: the second year, and the third, and the diploma. Look, and we have a page "Vocal performance"!
(Golubov S song "SHAPES")
Tatyana: The next page of our album "Dance" Wonderful group "Cascade", which has repeatedly been the winner of district and regional competitions
Dance ("Lady")
Vladimir: Who said that student life is only study and that's it. Nonsense! Students are the people of spring, and where there is spring there is love. And where there is love, there is fun!
("Battery" Lysova A, Golubov S.)
Tatyana: Our next shots are of extraordinary value, one might even say. Historical.
Vladimir: Yes, these are our athletes. Cups, certificates, medals. How many of them! Thousands of achievements! On the basis of our college, a sports club for kettlebell lifting was formed.
(Sports dance "220 volts")
Tatyana: Our happy student years, cheerful smiles of friends, beautiful memories, love for college. All the most tender, kind, pure, bright ...
Vladimir And then we will work for the good of our wonderful country
Russia is our home, and we are all Russians, We are the brotherhood of the peoples of a great country. In the victorious days and in the hours of trials in Russia, we will be forever faithful.
(Tishchenko V. Flag of the State)

The script for the annual festival "Student Spring" is presented for you, the name of which is "Time to Love". This script is written for students of the direction of ONZ and IVF (mechanics and economists). Here are presented various kinds of numbers, both from classics and to the modern genre. The guys at this festival showed and revealed their talents, musical abilities, creativity and skills!




Track No.

Cheerful Christmas music sounds. Fanfares are heard. Everyone is invited to the hall Track

There are 2 heralds on stage.Fanfares are heard. track

Words: Guests of the Winter Forest !!,

Hey, guests of the Winter Forest!!

We tell you this - the fabulous heralds of Her Majesty WINTER (fanfare)

We invite you to a fairy tale that was born many centuries ago, and since then everything lives and lives ... Fanfare Track

Song: We live in a beautiful fairy tale... Track

Track Storyteller: - Friends, do you know the amazing feeling of EXPECTATION OF THE NEW YEAR? Yes, yes, it is it that gives our face a slight smile, joyful languor, revives the best memories and dreams.

New Year's Eve is a special time. It seems that at this time an INVISIBLE GATE opens before a person, and it is enough for him to take just one step to become happy.

Oh, how difficult it is to take advantage of an amazing New Year's Eve gift! Here we need the help of wizards and fairy-tale heroes. Where can you find them, you ask? And here is where! In this magical book. let's read it together. WINTER TALE

I am a storyteller. My fairy tale begins...

Track# opens with a wand, fabulous music)The storyteller comes out:

Funny Snowflake was born in the sky: all snowflakes from time immemorial are born in the sky. Barely born, Funny Snowflake began to dance and

fall: all snowflakes dance and fall from time immemorial - and this is their life.

Track# Storyteller: Hey funny snowflake - our Christmas tree ballerina

Raise your girlfriends! start a round dance to hear how winter is already coming to us with a blizzard.

Track No. background

EXIT OF WINTER (Winter's song with the dance of snowflakes)

Storyteller. ( referring to winter)Welcome to our fairy forest.(children) Welcome to Her Majesty Zimushka winter.

(music of Winter)

Zimushka: Hello guys. I am very pleased to see you at my place... How you all have changed this year!

I see that Nastya has grown up, Slavik has become taller

And I see smiles on their faces.

Are you happy about winter?

We love snow and we love ice

we are skiing,

Waiting for gifts New Year

Winter: So let's start the New Year's holiday(a knock sounds, thinks, looks around, approaches the book) Track#

track number Clown and Doll:(leaning out of the book, interrupting) Hello, Zimushka-winter, Finally a new year! We are so glad! We've been waiting for so long! what a beautiful tree!

Zimushka: Hello, hello nerds. Guys, this is the clown Kuzya and the doll Masha, my friends from the magic book.(addressing them ) Would you like to meet our guests? (47 sec)

Clown: We can do it, look. Guys, now all the boys in the hall at my command will loudly shout their names. Three four...

Doll: And now all the girls are screaming their names on the count of three. One two Three...

All friends sound in the background in our hall (07 - 00.30 sec)

Track number Zimushka: - You met the guys, well done! Do you guys want to make friends with Kuzey and Masha? The song will help us make friends. We listen carefully and perform all the movements that Masha and Kuzya will show you.

Track No. SONG "All friends are in our hall"

Zimushka: Well done, well done. Santa Claus will be glad that you are so friendly!

Come on, Masha, start. as we rehearsed with you.

Track No. Doll: Hello New Year's holiday!

Fir-tree and winter holiday!

All my friends today

We have invited you!

Clown: A guest came to us today

In the winter New Year's holiday.

We dressed her up

Warmed up, revived.

Doll : Our Christmas tree is all in toys,

And the balls are on fire.

Clown: Our Tree Happy New Year

Congratulations to all guys!

Winter: Hold hands tighter

Let's say: "Christmas tree, light up!"

All together shouting "Christmas tree light up" Track#

Doll: And now we stand in a circle

Let's take hands Track#

And in a cheerful round dance

Let's go with a song!

The song-round dance "Little Christmas Tree" sounds

Track No. Doll: The holiday has begun, but where is Santa Claus, Zimushka?

Clown: Yes. Where are Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden? Without them, there will be no holiday.

Zimushka: They won't get to us. The blizzard then covered all the tracks. I would help them, but how am I going to leave our guests?

Clown: Yes, don't worry. Masha and I will entertain them.

Zimushka: Can you do it?

Doll: Yes Yes. We have prepared.

Zimushka: OK then. I believe you. Just try not to mess around.

The clown and the doll nod. From the chest there is a knock and a rustle.

The clown and the doll run to the chest and want to open it.

Zimushka: Stop! In no case do not open this chest, otherwise there will be trouble! Well, it's time to go. Have fun, wait for us with Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.The noise stops, Zimushka leaves.

Clown: We started our holiday, and greeted and got to know each other, I propose to play until Winter returns, and prepare for a meeting with Santa Claus.

Doll: Yes. I know one game. This is an attention game. It's called 4 steps. We will walk to the music, clap our hands and stomp our feet, and each time faster and faster.

Clown: So let's see how attentive and diligent you are. Track#

GAME "4 steps" (music of the game)

Again, a rumble is heard from the chest. Track No. The clown with the doll runs up to the chest. They knock on him.

Clown: Who's there?

Doll: And Zimushka told us that the chest must not be opened.

Doll : Kuzya, we must help them.

Clown: But suddenly something terrible happens. Winter said...

Doll: Well, we'll quickly release it, and that's it.

Clown: You're right. Someone is in trouble. And in trouble you need to help, right, guys? We open.

The clown and the doll open the chest. Track# Baba Yaga, Kikimora jump out of the chest. They put the clown and the doll in the chest and close the lid. Track#

Kikimora: Yeah! Gotcha!

Baba Yaga: We cleverly deceived them.

Kikimora: Whoo. Cursed chest (kicks the chest). A harmful winter planted us there, they wanted to spend a fairy tale without us!

Baba Yaga: And fuck you! In Russia, not a single fairy tale could do without evil spirits!

Kikimora: Look - ka, Yagishna, how many children are in the hall! And everyone is so clean, smart, it's even disgusting to look at!

Baba Yaga: FAQ are you gathered here, or what holiday do you have?

Children: New Year!

Baba Yaga: So you're celebrating New Years? With songs?

Children: Yes!

Kikimora: With dancing?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: With gifts?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: There will be no gifts for you! We'll find them now and take them with us!

Kikimora: Do you know where the gifts are?

Baba Yaga: Let's look! (start looking around the room) Music: Track#

Kikimora: (wailing) Where do we get them now? While we were sitting in the chest, we completely lost our heads.

(the song of Little Red Riding Hood is heard)

Baba Yaga: Do not scream. Look, someone is coming. Now we'll find out everything.

(Baba Yaga and Kikimora are hiding. Little Red Riding Hood comes out and sings a song.)

The Little Red Riding Hood song"If it's a long time" Track No.

At the end of the song, Kr.shapka is surrounded by B. Yaga and Kikimora.

Baba Yaga: Hello Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you heading?

Red cap: I hasten to convey to the guys greetings from Santa Claus. They are already in a magical meadow with Winter. They will come to us soon. And to make it easier for them to find us, we need to sing songs louder, and laugh more fun,

Baba Yaga: And what are you commanding here: We are in charge here! Where are our gifts?

Kr.Sh. : Grandma I don't know!

BYA and KIKA: What kind of grandmother are we? We are the hosts of the holiday. We want - we will disperse you all! If we want, we will extinguish the Christmas tree!! (Conjure) Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms! One, two, three - Do not burn the Christmas tree! That's it! And in general, now we will cut down your Christmas tree! And you will not have a holiday! Everyone, go for the saw!(The tree goes out, they run awayBaba Yaga and Kikimora hide behind a Christmas tree

Kr.Sh: (shouting after them) Grandmothers, grandmothers, but what about the new year? How is the holiday? Where are you? How is the tree? What to do? Who can help us?


Music sounds, dance of snowflakes - the Snow Maiden appears

Greetings from the Snow Maiden ...............................

The Snow Maiden notices the crying Kr. cap

Snow Maiden: what happened guys? Why is the Christmas tree not lit and Little Red Riding Hood is crying?

Children: Harmful b. I and Kika extinguished our Christmas tree and promised that there would be no holiday!

Snow Maiden.: Oh, where is Santa Claus? If he were with us, this would not have happened.

Snow Maiden: Do not cry, I will help you and the holiday will continue.


To and the kids have fun, let's play a game."Mitten"

  • Your task, guys, while the music is playing, is to pass each other a mitten.
  • And when the music ends, the one who has the mitten left comes closer to us.
  • And oh yeah ... you'll see what will happen

Track# Game "Mitten" Ivan Vas. Changes Profession.

  • Now guys, we won't let you go just like that. You must complete our tasks (for example, crow, dance, meow, Happy New Year, solve riddles)

Red cap: Wonderful. Thank you, Snow Maiden, Thank you, friends.

Track# Knocking (rumble and flashing light).background

Crishap : surprised.. What is it?

Snegur : The sound seems to be coming from there, pointing to the chest

Clown Kuzya and doll Masha- help us, let us out!

Opening the chest!

Red cap: We need to release them soon.

(opens the chest. Masha and Kuzya get out)

Snow Maiden - How did you get here? Who locked you up!

Doll : Baba Yaga with Kikimora.

Red cap: Ah, they are villains!Deceivers. They want to ruin our holiday.

Snow Maiden: We need to call Santa Claus for help! I will call my girlfriends - snowflakes. They will fly to Grandpa and bring him here

You, girlfriends - snowflakes fly faster,

Call Santa Claus to the Christmas tree to us.

Snowflakes are flying out. Track#

Guys, so that the snowflakes get to Santa Claus as soon as possible, let's help them. Let's play the game "We went for a walk in the forest"

Play with me guys

Repeat the movements together!

We went to the forest to play (they walk on the spot)

Full of fabulous wonders.

We walk through the snowdrifts

Raise your legs higher. (walk with feet high)

We'll pick up snow in our hands,

And we’ll start making snowballs (they bend over and make snowballs).

Let's move them forward,

We will frighten all the animals (throw the right hand forward).

We need to warm up now.

Let's rub our palms together (rub their palms).

Now cheeks, ears, nose (touch ears, cheeks, nose)

And we are not afraid of frost!

We will help the neighbor on the left,

We'll rub his ear too. (turn left, touch neighbor's ear)

And now the neighbor on the right (touches the ear of the neighbor)

Well done boys! Bravo!

Snow: Well done guys helped Santa Claus now it will be easier for him to get to us.

Track# (Music from the movie Gent is heard from afar. Good luck) Baba Yaga and Kikimora (On skis) come out.

B.Ya .Oh, you can't leave for five minutes! Look how many of them gathered around the Christmas tree.

Doll Masha: What are you doing here, shame on you, and so we ruined the whole holiday.

Kiki: Come on, we ruined your holiday, we didn’t do anything like that.

B.I: And in general, we brought you a note from Santa Claus.

Kika: It contains magic words that must be said to everyone together, and Santa Claus will immediately appear.

B.Ya. Well, listen, I read, although I don’t know much about reading and writing.

B.Ya. (is reading) Santa Claus, hurry up - Yes, bring gifts,

And now all together.

Music sounds (Koshchei's exit) Track No.

Koschey: Hello kids - kids, I'm Santa Claus, Did you recognize me?

Snow Maiden: Guys, does our guest look like Santa Claus? Where is your beard?

Koschey: Oops, I forgot to paste!

K.Sh.: And you don't have gloves?

Koschey: Oops, I forgot to put it on.

K.M.: And instead of a staff, a stick, some kind! (Takes off his hat)

Yes, you cat!

Kikimora: We told you, it's better to put on make-up! And you: "They won't know, they won't know."

Koschey: Yes, bitch, so what? Does that mean I don't need to be called? My friends and I also want to receive gifts.

Snow: So the gifts must be earned.

B.Ya: Oh, we can do that.

Kiki: We are top class talents!

We will sing ditties for you!

Ditties sound. Track No.

1 hour B.Ya. We hurried to the tree to you,

Everyone was afraid of being late

What would be more fun

We decided to call Koshchei.

Koschey: I am the strongest in the world

The most agile and dashing.

The most cunning, the cutest

You can't compare to me.

Kika: would you stop boasting

no more beautiful than me

After all, swamp water

I always wash.

Koschey: I'm tired of listening to you

didn't come for that

I would eat gifts

but have not found them yet.

Kuzya: Why are you running, what have you lost?

Kika: don't bother!

K.Sh: Are you looking for gifts?

Cats: Of course, we deserved them, we sang and danced.

B.I: We'll take everything, leave nothing.

Cats: We are strong, that's what.

K.Sh : Yes, do they behave like that, you came to the holiday, but you yourself are outrageous.

B.Ya; Yes, you have not yet seen how we are outrageous. Now I’ll get my super-weapon, you’ll be afraid right away. (Pulls out a slingshot.) Battery, fire!

Track No. (Clink of broken glass)

Kiki: And they promised to cut down your Christmas tree, and we will cut it down! Koschey, help me!

(Sawing a Christmas tree) Track number

(Music of Musorgsky)

Snow: What to do? How to be? how to stop them? Track No.

(letter falls) Everyone froze.

Clown : Oh look! What's this? (raise the letter) Oh, Snow Maiden, you!

Snow Maiden : (opens the envelope) Guys, this is a letter from Santa Claus

Santa Claus writes:

Hello my friends!

I'm hurrying to the Christmas tree to you!

To get to you faster, you call me "(Koschey grabs the letter, runs and freezes)

Kiki: (wailing)Oh, they killed you, Koshcheyushka!Frozen, dear! Track#

Snow: I will defrost the koshchei so that he becomes kinder,

And at our holiday, he amused you, kids

(flashes his hands, throws snow on him)

Reads the letter and says:

Guys, you need to say: "Santa Claus - Santa Claus, Santa Claus!"

Track# The music “Jingle Bells” sounds, the doors open and Santa Claus and Zimushka drive in on a sleigh with the words:


Ege-gay, rush the sled you faster,

To get to the kids.

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

I walked for eight whole days

I drove through the forest

Christmas trees dressed up in beads!

On this New Year's Eve night

It will bring surprises to everyone!

Santa Claus: Hello my friends! Hello my granddaughter. How are you celebrating the holiday without me? Why do you have such frightened faces? Who offended you?

Snow: Yes, these are harmful B.I and kikimora ruined the whole holiday for us!

D.m: Wow, what rascals! Where are they? ( looking for them)


Grandfather: Oh, where are you pranksters?

B, I: DM, please excuse us! We won't do that again! We decided to improve, we want to celebrate the new year with you, honestly!

D.m: Guys, can we forgive them?

Children: yes!

D.M. To earn forgiveness, play a New Year's game with the guys.

  • B.Ya. Grandfather Frost, I, I know a very provocative and fun game Which is called after me BABA - YAGATrack number SONG - GAME "Baba Yaga" (snakes drive)

B.Ya. Well done!

D.M: Elka is a beauty, I really like you

Let's join hands together, let's stand together in a round dance

And with our cheerful song we will celebrate the New Year holiday Track No.

Round dance: A Christmas tree was born in the forest

Santa Claus (children):
Well, your wishes, children,
I'm ready to perform if
Will you play with me -
Remove hands quickly.
Come on, stretch out your hands,
Show me your palms
And when I come
I'll stretch out my mittens
You remove your palms
Quick, quick, don't yawn
Because on the run
I can freeze you!

Father Frost: I'm tired, guys! I'll sit on the stage and look at the holiday.

And whoever learned the rhyme, come to me, my friend!

Snow: Children who have prepared for the holiday can tell poems to D.M. (a chair on the stage).

Music sounds, all other characters entertain other children, a stream, etc.


B.Ya. Oh, the soul of the dance asks! Reach out, people, grandmother - the hedgehog is dancing!

(dancing to folk music) Track#

Kiki: Are you, girlfriend, completely behind the times? Now other dances are in vogue. Do you want to show the movement, teach you, uneducated?

B.Ya. Guys, can you help me?

Kiki: Repeat the movements after me! We move our hips. Let's jump. We wave our hands. We nod our heads.

Kiki: And now meet us, the honored dancer of Russia, the artist of small and very small theaters KOSHCHEI IMMORTAL, has arrived!

Koschey: Hello everyone! Track#

Song-game dance teacher.

New Year's flash mob Track#

Track # Winter: Here on a merry holiday

No wonder we spent time

They played, they sang, they danced,

And they could visit the fairy tale!

Snow Maiden: Time is running at full speed

Under the frosty sound of winter!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

We talk to each other!

D.M. So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday,

We wish you many joys today, children,(Spends the staffs and pours serpentine)

Koschey: Happy New Year to you

And with all our hearts we wish

Kuzya and Masha: do only good deeds.

I WOULD: So that luck comes to your house

Kika: so that there is no illness, bad weather

Together: to be happy always.

D.M. And having shot up straight up - a holiday gift APPEAR

Track No. Music "New Year" sounds, everyone goes into the book.

The storyteller and the girl remain: Track number closes the book

Track number Storyteller: We will believe in miracles,

And make a wish

Let the fairy tale live in the hearts

And Good - Evil wins!

The music stops, the lights dim, the children disperse.

Track No.


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New Year's performance - the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"


Little Red Riding Hood - Polina Amodanova

Father Frost-Latyshev Dinis

Snow Maiden - Shefarina Anastasia

Koschey - Sergey Kuznetsov

Baba Yaga - Regan Natalya

Goblin - Chernova Vera

Kikimora - Ksenia Gudyreva

Ivanushka 1 - Andrei Soldatov

Ivanushka 2- Sergey Zaionchevsky

Robber 1 - Mironov Leonid

Robber 2-Lazareva Victoria

Robber 3 - Korzhina Maria

Robber 4 - Alexandrov Danil

Grandmother - Alena Kislitsina

Storyteller - Shcherbukhina Anastasia

The curtain is open. Grandmother sits downstage in the corner and sews, singing a song:

Grandmother: Song of fairy tales. Song story.

Heading text is known.

Forgotten, perhaps.

Take a look, from all sides

Fairy tales live in the city.

They sing songs!

Eh, New Year is coming soon, Gifts, Summing up the old outgoing year. You won't get bored in our fabulous city. Someone behaves badly, and someone behaves well. And depending on their actions, everyone gets what they deserve for the year.

(Here Little Red Riding Hood runs onto the stage with a letter in her hands)

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, Grandmother, we received an urgent letter from Santa Claus! They, together with the Snow Maiden, are coming to us to get acquainted with the inhabitants of our city, to congratulate new year holidays and give us real gifts!

(Grandmother gets up, approaches Little Red Riding Hood and says): Oh, how great it is, granddaughter! We definitely need to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You also need to make a Good Deeds List.

Little Red Riding Hood: Why, Grandma?

Grandmother: And then, granddaughter, that nothing just happens. We must show Santa Claus that our city is really worthy of the gifts that he will bring. And then the inhabitants of our city will do only good deeds, and maybe next New Year, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to us again.

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, grandmother, I urgently run to the Storyteller, he knows all the inhabitants of our city and he will help make a list (she goes to the Storyteller, grandmother screams after her)

Grandmother: Run, granddaughter! (curtain closes)

(The scenery changes. The screens of the winter city are located on the stage, the curtain opens. Spectators and heroes enter the fairy forest. The music of the storyteller sounds, Little Red Riding Hood notices the storyteller)

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, Storyteller.

Storyteller: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm coming to you important business. Santa Claus is coming to us with the Snow Maiden and we need ...

Storyteller: Wait, Riding Hood, chatter. The storyteller has known everything for a long time. I have already prepared the very List of Good Deeds of the inhabitants of our city.

Little Red Riding Hood: How did you know everything? Did your grandmother tell you?

Storyteller: No, Little Red Riding Hood. That's why I and the Storyteller, in order to know something, to find out what others do not yet know. So I can prepare something unusual. And I also prepared something for you in addition to the List of Good Deeds, here is your musical repertoire, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will immediately recognize you from these songs. (Storyteller holds out the List and Music Cassette)

Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you, Storyteller!

Storyteller: meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden kindly, so that they like it with us! (The storyteller goes backstage, the theme “If long, long, long ...” sounds, watch the application, Little Red Riding Hood walks around the Fairytale City and sings gradually The phonogram becomes quieter)

Little Red Riding Hood: Hey? So where? No one is visible! Yes, this song is as old as Santa Claus himself. He and the Snow Maiden will never recognize me by her! But if you change the arrangement, then it will be a completely different matter! (Little Red Riding Hood performs the same song, but in a different arrangement, see the application) After the performance of the composition, the lights on the stage suddenly go out

(Little Red Riding Hood, frightened): I dreamed ....

The robbers perform a composition to watch in the application "Song of the Robbers" with plastic dance elements.

Robber 1: Stop, be afraid!

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm standing, I'm not afraid!

Rogue 2: Brave one... tell me, where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood: I have a very responsible task. I am going to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to give them the Big List of Good Deeds of the inhabitants of our city. And then Santa Claus will see how kind our city is and will present us with New Year's gifts! So, please, do not interfere with me and let me continue my path.

Robber 1: Little Red Riding Hood, and who's stopping you? Go! (Little Red Riding Hood tries to pass, but the robbers sharply block her way)

Rogue 2: But you have to pay to get through!

Little Red Riding Hood: How so - to pay?! Since when are the roads in the fairy forest toll?

Robber 3: Did we sing a song for you? (Little Red Riding Hood nods)

Rogue 2: Did we talk? (Little Red Riding Hood nods)

Robber 4: Service received - pay!

Little Red Riding Hood (surprised): Wow! (Little Red Riding Hood examines her pockets and realizes that she only has a List with her)

Little Red Riding Hood (bewildered): But I have nothing but the List of Good Deeds. Then, take my hat (takes off the hat and hands it to the robbers).

Robber 3 (examining the hat and sniffing): It doesn’t even smell of mothballs from old age (sneezes)! Leave it to yourself! (Little Red Riding Hood snatches her cap and tries to run away again, but the robbers block her way)

Robber 1: You'll have to stay with us! And when your grandmother starts to worry about why you've been away for so long, she'll come here.

Robber 2: And if she pays us well, then maybe we'll let you go.

Little Red Riding Hood: And let's, so that you don't get bored of waiting, I'll sing you a song?

Robber 4: Sing, you're still of no use, maybe you can at least cheer us up. The soundtrack of the song “Clap, clap, crackers” sounds, watch the application. During the performance of the song, the robbers begin to dance and, starting to dance, do not notice how Little Red Riding Hood quietly runs away. The theme of Koshchei sounds to look into the application. Koschey appears on the stage. The robbers notice that Little Red Riding Hood has escaped.

Koschei (angrily): What do I see? Dancing done! Did you miss the girl? Lost a girl! Nothing can be assigned. Why did I hire you? Dance or work? In our city, everyone is just talking about an incredible event - Santa Claus himself and the Snow Maiden are coming to us! And do you think they bring us gifts? (The robbers exchange glances with each other and nod to Koshchei in response)

Koshey (chuckling sarcastically): Ha, well, you dummies! Gifts will be given to those who have done good deeds. So we will have to intercept Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, otherwise we will not receive any New Year's gifts! (Koschei performs the song soundtrack “My house is completed” watch the application) While Koschey is distracted during the song, the robbers run backstage.

Koschei (furiously): Idlers and cowards! They missed the Hat, and now I have to come up with a new plan. It is absolutely impossible for this girl to bring Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the holiday. We'll have to call the servants of the faithful. (Koschei whistles. Kikimora and Leshy run into the stage)

Koschey (angrily): What did my faithful servants not recognize?

Kikimora and Goblin rush to Koshchei's feet.

Kikimora: Don't order them to be executed!

Koschey: Okay, okay. Well, get up! There is a case.

Goblin and Kikimora get up.

Koschey: So it is! You need to listen to my team-girl..

Kikimora: Bewitch!

Koschey: Oh, ignoramus!

Goblin: Slander!

Koschey: Hey, boobies! I repeat! The girl must be overtaken, bypassed! Be the first to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Do you understand?

Kikimora and Goblin together: We obey!

Koschey: Perform!

Kikimora and Goblin run away.

Koschey: Stupid, stupid, greedy! And who is raising them? Who taught them at school? No, they cannot be trusted. It's impossible. (Baba Yaga appears on the stage, clearing her way with a broom, music sounds, watch the application)

Koschey (thoughtfully): We need to strengthen the team. But just by whom? We need to think (notices Baba Yaga). Oh, the old one, there is a thing!

Baba Yaga: Whom did you call an old woman, rotten stump? You look at yourself - an unfortunate icicle?

Koschey: Excuse me, lady! I was wrong!

Baba Yaga: And don't come near me, I'm offended! (Baba Yaga performs the song “I was offended” watch the application)

Koschey: You are our most beautiful! You are our wisest! Our oldest!

Baba Yaga: Again?

Koschey: I won't, I won't! Broke! (gets down on one knee and gives a flower)

Baba Yaga: What did you want?

Koschey: A holiday for us. It is necessary that you help Kikimore and Leshy and neutralize Little Red Riding Hood. And then she will bring Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the holiday and we will not get gifts!

Baba Yaga: Okay, Koschey, I’ll help you, otherwise I really want a present for the new year. I think for a good deed - to help you, I will receive a great gift.

Koschei: Go, go (Baba Yaga leaves)

Koschey (takes out a New Year's hat and puts it on): In the meantime, I'll get ready for the holiday (Koschey leaves to watch the application to the music, Little Red Riding Hood appears on the stage)

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, tired. I go, I go, but Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are not visible (Ivanushki appear)

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, who is this?

Ivanushka 1 and Ivanushka 2 together: we are Ivanushki!

Little Red Riding Hood: How? Both?

Ivanushka 1: Yes. From the beginning, I really was alone. And then he drank from the well, it’s good that at least he didn’t become a kid.

Little Red Riding Hood: But he could easily become.

Ivanushka 2: And now we would like to get acquainted with the guys (Ivanushki perform the song “All friends are in this hall” to the soundtrack, watch the application)

Little Red Riding Hood: I see you guys are capable. And let's go together to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? After all, I have a very responsible task - to transfer the List of Good Deeds to Santa Claus. Will you help me with this?

Ivanushka 1: Of course, we will help. Where should you go?

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, I myself have already lost my way. Let's sit down and discuss our further search plan (Little Red Riding Hood and Ivanushki sit down in the back of the stage on a stump, Kikimora and Leshy enter the stage)

Kikimora: Since I am 2 minutes older, you will obey me.

Leshy: I won't!

Kikimora: What, do you want Koschey to no longer hire us? What to live on?

Leshy: Okay, okay. State your plan.

Kikimora: Little Red Riding Hood is coming (shows), and here we are behind her with a bag on her head, cracking and that's it. Great?

Goblin: No, that won't work.

Kikimora: Why is that?

Leshy: Because! Little Red Riding Hood doesn't walk like that!

Kikimora: But how does she walk?

Leshy: And like this (Leshy shows how Little Red Riding Hood walks)

Leshy: Got it?

Kikimora: This is how a duck walks. And the hat walks like this (Kikimora shows how Little Red Riding Hood walks)

Leshy: And I say this (Leshy again shows how Little Red Riding Hood walks)

Kikimora: Okay, okay ... Oh, let's ask the guys how the Hat walks (Further, Leshy and Kikimora ask the audience who is more like Little Red Riding Hood, then Little Red Riding Hood intervenes)

Little Red Riding Hood: Don't you want to ask me who I look more like?

Goblin: Oh, and we are preparing for the competition here.

Little Red Riding Hood: I didn’t hear anything about the competition, but you said something about a bag on your head.

Kikimora: Oh, so, this is ... we are talking about the competition. We were just about to start a competition.

Goblin (turning to the audience): Hey, listen to everyone here. Put your hands up, be brave.

Kikimora: Cross them over your heads and make surprised faces.

Goblin: So, attention.

Kikimora: Do you know who it is?

Goblin: This is the first time the deer saw the New Year tree.

Kikimora (laughs): Is it really fun?

Ivanushka 1: Well, get away from here, otherwise Santa Claus will see you and think that unkind jokers live in our city.

Goblin: Well, let's go, we don't really need your Santa Claus.

Kikimora (quietly addressing the audience): We need his gifts! That's what! (Kikimora and Leshy leave)

Little Red Riding Hood: They just spent time on them. But we have very little of it left. On the way, Ivanushka (Here Baba Yaga appears on the stage to the music, watch the application and she falls)

Baba Yaga: Oh, she broke her leg (Little Red Riding Hood and Ivanushka rush to her aid)

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, pick up my whisk quickly (Ivanushka picks up and gives the broom to Yaga)

Little Red Riding Hood: Baba Yaga, why do you need a broom in a fairy forest now?

Baba Yaga (straightening her back): But why ... (music sounds to watch the application, Baba Yaga sweeps Ivanushka and Little Red Riding Hood with a broom)

Baba Yaga: Hey Leshy, disguise them quickly.

Goblin enters the stage and covers Ivanushka and Little Red Riding Hood with a white rag.

Baba Yaga: Finally, the task is completed. Guard. And I will go after Koshchei (Baba Yaga leaves, the music sounds to watch the application, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage)

Santa Claus: We got lost, Snow Maiden. I told you let's wait for the guide. But you still don’t, we’ll be late to congratulate the residents of the city and give gifts (Snow Maiden notices Leshy with a whisk)

Snow Maiden: Oh, look Grandfather, man. Let him have his way.

Santa Claus: Hello, kind person.

Goblin (hiding the captives, pretends to sweep): Hello.

Snow Maiden: You are probably a guide?

Goblin: Yes, yes, I am a conductor!

Dense forests,

Boiling along the rivers

According to scary tales

On dangerous roads.

How do I get it, get it out,

Nobody will know,

Nobody will find! Ouch! What is me? That's what habit does to a man!

Ivanushka 1 (from the snowdrift): How does he do it?

Little Red Riding Hood: But where?

Snow Maiden (looks around): Where do these voices come from?

Baba Yaga: And ... the captives started talking.

Santa Claus: Captives?

Koschey: Yes, prisoners. Santa Claus, but they say about you - you are the kindest.

Snow Maiden: Yes. And there is.

Koschei: Then I'll exchange your bag with gifts for prisoners.

Santa Claus: I agree.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, what about the inhabitants of the fairy-tale city? They will then be left without well-deserved gifts?

Santa Claus: don’t worry, granddaughter, everything will be fine (Father Frost hands Koshchei a bag with gifts, Baba Yaga frees the captives with a wave of a broom. After that, Baba Yaga and Koschey fight for the bag and pull dust out of it)

Koschey (disappointed): Grandfather, what did you slip? And they say that you are fair! He received prisoners, and how did he repay?

Santa Claus: With what they deserve. My bag is not simple, but magical. Each of him gets what he deserves with good deeds and deeds in the outgoing year. And you, Koschey, only do evil!

Snow Maiden: But you have a wonderful city, which we want to congratulate on the New Year. Red Riding Hood. Get yourself a gift from the bag. (Little Red Riding Hood takes out a gift, a soft toy of a gray wolf).

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandfather, thank you! One can only dream of such a gift! But it has become a reality today!

Snow Maiden: because today is a magical day!

Santa Claus: Please, Little Red Riding Hood. You deserve it. You just help those who need help. After all, the most important thing is to give something without thinking about your own benefit. And just donate. And then you will be kind and a good man- and this is the best gift that you can think of (referring to Koshchei). And you, Koschey, at this New Year's minute, would you like to give us something?

Koschey (embarrassed): Me? Probably... Only, I don’t know how at all.

Snow Maiden: This must be learned from childhood.

Koschei (upset): Well, that means I'm definitely too late to be good!

Santa Claus: Learn this, it's never too late!

Koschey: Really, grandfather? Well then .. I will give ... I will give ...

Baba Yaga: What can you give?

Koschey: I will give you a Christmas tree that I dressed up for myself. But I want her to please everyone! (The lights go out on the stage, the screens are moved apart, and the Christmas tree lights up)

Santa Claus: This is really the best gift! I think you deserve a present. Try again to get it out of the bag (Koschei puts his hand into the bag and takes out a gift - a casket).

Koschey: Oh… I did it! It turned out to be good! (Grandma and the Storyteller appear on the stage. Grandmother rushes to Little Red Riding Hood)

Grandmother: Granddaughter, why did you take so long, I was so worried. And then the Storyteller showed me the way and led me to this big fairy forest.

Snow Maiden: Grandmother, on the way to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, I met good and interesting people, and also, I met Koshchei, who gave us the most beautiful and bright Christmas tree!

Storyteller: Well, Little Red Riding Hood, it's time to tell Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden about the inhabitants of our city.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandfather Frost, very good and kind people live in our city. And as proof that our city is full of kindness, Grandfather, I give you the List of Good Deeds of the inhabitants of our fabulous city.

Little Red Riding Hood hands out the List to Santa Claus. Santa Claus reads the List (Inhabitants of a fabulous city enter the stage)

Santa Claus: So, let's see how .. Pinocchio. Opened the door to the Theater with a key! Good deal. Come on, Pinocchio, go out for a gift (Pinocchio pulls out a gift from a bag - a book)

Santa Claus: read Pinocchio, comprehend the secrets of truth and knowledge. And in the new year, write and compose good kind fairy tales!

Pinocchio: Thank you! Now I'll be smart, prudent!

Santa Claus: Ugly Duckling, you have become a Beautiful Swan, for this you need a gift (The Ugly Duckling pulls out of the Bag - Mirror)

Ugly Duckling: Thank you, Santa Claus.

Santa Claus (addressing the audience): And now, I want to give gifts to you! And before that, I wanted to say - Happy New Year to you, adults! Happy new year, kids! Happy New Year, residents of the fabulous city! And always remember - real good deeds will always be rewarded! Welcome to your homes!!

All together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!! (The song "It's snowing" is performed)


Performed by: Elena Turkova

Rock opera "Juno and Avos"

Topic: Tragic fate and love in the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

Target: to show the relationship between traditions and innovation in the genre of modern national rock opera.


  • to acquaint with the work of the modern Russian composer A. Rybnikov;
  • introduce the genre of rock opera;
  • develop the skills of comprehending heterogeneous style elements in the context of a single piece of music;
  • educate listening and performing culture;
  • to instill an aesthetic taste for modern musical art, beautiful, sublime.

Music material:

A.Rybnikov, A.Voznesensky rock opera "'Juno' and 'Avos'":

  1. Prologue. Prayer "Lord, call to you!"
  2. Conchita's song "White Rosehip"
  3. Romance "I'll Never Forget You"
  4. Epilogue. Hallelujah.

Video recordings: Prologue, funeral service, romance of naval officers, song of sailors "Avos", love theme "White Rosehip", "Cry Lord ...", Romance "I will never forget you", epilogue "Hallelujah".

W: Good afternoon! Guys, what kind of music sounds today in modern culture? (classical, pop, folk, rock music) (fig.1)

W: Today we will try to penetrate the world of such a modern genre as rock opera , the content of which embodied one of the eternal themes - the theme of love and the tragic fate of two people.

W: As you can already understand from the name, rock opera genre synthetic . It arose in the 1970s as a result of VIA's creative searches. The first rock operas were"Jesus Christ Superstar"E.L. Webber, and here in Russia -"Orpheus and Eurydice"A. Zhurbina. The rock opera genre is a mixcenturies-old artistic tradition and culture today.

The musical style is mixing various sources and components (rock, folk art, academic music).

W: So, rock opera is a modern genre with its own characteristics, and today we will try to identify them in modern Russianrock opera 'Juno' and 'Avos',created by the author of the librettopoet Andrei Voznesensky (Fig. 2) andcomposer Alexei Rybnikov(Fig. 3).

Composer Alexey Lvovich Rybnikov -People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Known to the widest circles of music lovers. Primarily: children - he is the author of the famous music for the films Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, theater-goers - rock operas "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta" and "Juno and Avos". Of particular interest are the principles of the composer's work with musical electronic technologies..

Acquaintance with Andrei Voznesensky and his poem "Avos" marked the beginningwork on a newopera - or rather, rock opera,which was called "Juno and Avos". Premiere opera took placeJuly 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Lenin Komsomol, starringwere involvedsuch "stars" as Alexander Abdulov, (Fig. 4, 5) Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina.

Plot the poem Avos and the rock opera is based onreal eventsand is dedicated to the journey of the Russian countNikolai Petrovich Rezanov(fig.6) to California in 1806 and his meetings e with the 16-year-old daughter of the Spanish governor of San FranciscoConchitta (Fig. 7). Fate these heroes sublime and tragic - not having time to bloom, their love is separated.(fig.5)

L: So, we will go the same way from Russia to America and back together with the heroes who lived almost 200 years ago, but whose feelings and thoughts are stillarouse admiration.

W: Composition rock opera is built from a Prologue and two parts. Do you know what Prologue is?

D: This introductory part to anything.

T: In the prologue we hear harbinger of future events. What are these events , you will understand by looking at the snippet. But also try to determine which musical intonations the scene is developing, what you will hear here from the modern sound.(Video 1. PROLOGUE FRAGMENT)

W: What sounded in the Prologue scene? What did you hear?

D: The sound of a bell!

T: well, what does the sound of a bell mean, because the sound can be different?


Q: What else have you heard and seen new, unusual?

D: choral singing.

W: And what do these sounds symbolize, what events?

D: The tragic outcome of the lives of the heroes, as if it were a funeral service, compassion.

W: Right. It soundedfuneral belldenoting the stateloneliness, the tragedy of the fate of Conchita and Rezanov. You also probably heard the prayer of a man who dreamed of giving happiness to Russia, a prayer for good luck, for the business he had conceived.

First part of the opera happening in Russia . Count Rezanov, having lost his first wife Anna,ready to give his life to his native land, he asks Tsar Alexander I to allow an expedition to the shores America , having built two ships "Yunona" and "Avos" on own funds . (Video 2)

The count's monologue and lyrical-tragicromance of naval officersanticipating their fate "You will wake me up at dawn" ( Video 3 ). The music of the romance of naval officers is probably familiar to you. Let me remind you that romance - this is a lyrical work of vocal music, the term comes from the expression "singing in the Romance language". We will return to this romance later.

Count Rezanov seems to have a premonition of his fate, he is tormented despair : “It's ridiculous to fight the world's stupidity. Freedom has lost its birthright. Or she is neither here nor there. Where to swim? I don't know captain... A feeling of despair spills over into the count's earnest prayer in which there is unity with the entire Russian people. ( Video 4. PRAYER Lord, call to you, hear me).

W: Tell me, do these thoughts arise in people of our time? Are there really people like Count Rezanov who are capable of selflessly serving the Motherland in our time?

D: There are very few of them. like then. Therefore, much in the future of our Russia envy from us.

W: And so the count set off on the ships Juno and Avos on a difficult and dangerous journey. Unshakable faith and the Russian “maybe” help to swim.(Video 5. "Maybe").

W: Tell me, what is the style of this music? Could it be played at a rock concert?

D: Yes!

U: The second part of the opera happening in America, San Francisco, California. Rezanov, on behalf of Russia, welcomes California, the governor of San Francisco invites him, as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, to a ball in honor of the 16th birthday of his daughter. Rezanov invites Conchita to the ball to the dance flashes between them love , light, painful, beautiful and tragic. And this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico, Conchita's future fiancé. Special musical themethe birth of love is the song "White Rosehip". it song - a story in the ballad genrewhere the real meets the fantastic. When you watch the fragment, say why the song is called “White Rosehip”, what is this symbol. (Video 6. "White rosehip").

D: White rosehip - love symbol.

W: And why not some other flower, but a white rosehip?

D: Rosehip wild, freeflower, but at the same time gentle, beautiful.

W: The musical style of the song is close to the Russian romance of the early 19th century. How would you characterize its melody?

D: melodious, smooth, lyrical.

W: That's right, you heard everything right.

W: But due to circumstances, Russian ships have to return to their homeland. Conchita's fiancé, Federico, begs Count Rezanov not to leave Conchita. Rezanov firmly decided, having gone back to Russia and received permission to marry a girl of a different faith, to return to Conchita again.. But a serious illness will kill the count in his homeland. He would never see Conchita again. IN THE FAREWELL SCENE sounds again romance "I will never forget you."Death will prevent the count from seeing his beloved, she will wait for him for 35 years, after which she will take a vow of silence and go to the monastery. (Video 7. ROMANCE in the farewell scene)

W: What feelings do the characters experience, do they suffer?

D: Yes and no. There is both hope and faith.

U: Both he and she, saying goodbye feel that they will never see each other again, but still -hope and believein a miracle, they believe that they will find each other again. At first it's completely timid , quiet sounding, but soonfeelings are gaining momentum, there is energy, confidence.

W: This is how the life of these two people went.Meeting and parting. Not having time to connect them with each other, fate breeds them to different parts of the world. From the chaos of sounds, as if from the chaos of our life, a wonderful finale of the opera is born - love anthem . All the participants of the performance come on stage and sing it, addressing us, "inhabitants of the 20th century." (Video 8. "Hallelujah")


The rock opera "'Juno' and 'Avos'" is an appeal to eternal plot relevant in the modern era.musical styleits motley and at the same time united - you heard today in music:

Weeping intonations

Russian church choral singing

Songs in the style of Russian lyrical romance

- performance of compositions in a rock manner

-various instrumental timbres: bells, electro and symphonic instruments.

at the rock operafeatures of two genre origins are reflected in their own way. But both rock style and opera also have a variety of incarnations. And what features of rock opera, which are combined from rock and opera, would you name now?

- Manner of singing (there is both "romance-ariose" and "rock style")

- Instrument Voices (…)

W:I think that now you will take a fresh look at familiar genres, at opera, at modern musical art. Thank you all for your hard work, bye!


The story of eternal love

Background music sounds, a guy and a girl with a bouquet of daisies come out on stage. Behind the scenes, the epigraph is read:

“Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, does not pride itself, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love will never end…"

The girl and the guy are hugging.

Leading out:

1 presenter: In the beginning was the word

And I proclaim again:

Everything starts

With love (Chorus)

2 host:Good afternoon dear friends,

1 host:hello dear guests

1 host:Everyone knows about Valentine's Day - Love Day on February 14th. And the fact that in Russia, in the Orthodox world, the Day of love and fidelity is considered July 8 - the Day of Remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia - few know besides believers.

2 leading: They lived happily ever after and died on the same day "- a phrase well known to us from children's fairy tales. Did you know that there is not a drop of fiction in it? The story of the life and love of a pious married couple who lived in the city of Murom almost eight centuries ago , not only has not been lost for centuries, but also laid the foundation for a bright holiday, which has been celebrated since 2008 in Russia as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

1 host:The history of this holiday goes deep into the past….

The balalaika sounds on the stage, a buffoon dances and says: “Hello, good people, hello handsome guests!

Today in this hall we have gathered not in vain,

Today we learn how important family is to us.

Let's talk about family friendship

And we will dedicate our holiday to friendship in our families

This day is dedicated to true love!
The beautiful story of Peter and Fevronia
I want to tell you, listen people!!!
May she always have a place in your hearts!

Russian folk music sounds on the stage, girls come out:

buffoon:Beautiful girls, have you heard what a miracle happened in Russia?

Girls:no, buffoon, you haven’t heard, haven’t seen, tell us your story.

buffoon:I begin my story

Listen to me friends!

Music sounds:in the city of Murom, the right-believing Pavel now rules, and the prince has a younger brother, kind and sincere Reverend Peter. Trouble struck in Paul's family. Began to fly a kite to his wife. Peter decided to stand up for his brother and his wife and began to fight in an unequal battle and defeated the snake. But now his body is covered with scabs and ulcers, and no one can heal Peter.

The girls stand up and sing "Yes, mend"

The girls go backstage to the cartoon scene of Peter's healing and their return to Murom.

After that, the choir "Hail to the Mother of God" or "Many Years" comes out and sits down again on the bench.


  1. However, the boyars disliked the new princess, because she became a princess not by birth. They asked Peter to take a real princess as his wife, and let the peasant woman go in peace, rewarding her with riches.
  2. Hearing the request of the boyars to leave the city, Fevronia said that she did not need anything, except for her husband.

Blessed Peter, having learned that they wanted to separate him from his beloved wife, chose to voluntarily give up power and wealth and go into exile with her.

  1. The couple sailed down the river in two boats. In everything they supported and protected each other. After some time, ambassadors arrived from Murom, begging Peter to return to reign.
  2. The boyars quarreled over power, shed blood, and now they were again looking for peace and tranquility.(Rogue Prudent)Blessed Peter and Fevronia with humility returned to their city and ruled happily ever after, doing alms with prayer in their hearts.(bell ringing)


What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house

Here they are always waiting for you with love

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all

And five of them are interesting.

Kid for elders, like a pet

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious than a family?

In this fabulous land!

Leading out:

1 host:the ideal life of this married couple and wise management have earned the love of the people. They showed a model of Christian marriage not only in life, but also in death.

2 host:years, centuries pass, people's lives, laws, rules change, but these wonderful words: family, loyalty and love remain the same values ​​​​of life at all times

A guy and a girl come out, music sounds:True love is like a candle flame. No matter how many other candles are lit, the first flame remains intact. It doesn't change at all. And any new candle has as much flame as the others.

1 host:Our holiday program is coming to an end, but the holiday continues. Today, when you come home, do not forget to congratulate your parents, wish them love, health and happiness.

2 host:Years will pass, and you will also meet each of your love, your soul mate, a person who will walk with you through life next to you, sharing joy and sorrow. I want to wish you that your joint path be sanctified by the light of the grace-filled love of the great saints Peter and Fevronia.

final song



1) Here comes the starry evening again.
Wake up, now, not in a dream.
This hall is where we meet
On the "student spring".

2) Again and again on our good stage
We are full of talented ideas.
Heart-filling inspiration
We acknowledge our loyalty.

1) Day after day - finds and losses
Jokes, laughter and first love.
The festival will open these doors soon.
Here we will see our friends again

2) Songs sounds - the viewer is fascinated.
The hall fell silent, as if in a dream.
You are the winner on this stage
In student spring.

1) Good afternoon, dear connoisseurs of art!

2) We are glad to see you at the festival “Student Spring”

1) And like every real sporting event, we also have a jury. Let's get to know them:

1.1) Teacher-organizer - Igoshina Daria Andreevna

1.2) Teacher of additional education - Borkova Elena Dmitrievna


2) You are facing the direction of ONZ and IVF with competitive program"Time to love"

1) Well, all the pre-launch formalities have been met, you can start.


2) Spring comes swiftly, quickly, awakening everything around with the chime of drops and millions of bright smells, the singing of birds and the warmth of the sun.

1) For young, energetic, cheerful and self-confident people, this is a time of change and new achievements. They call this spring - student spring.

2) It seems to me that given time year is associated with tenderness, beauty, harmony, and of course with love!

1) Love-love, where without it, it was, is and will be. Since we're talking about her, tell us your preferences.

2) Oh, in vain you started about it. How to say, yes, in short: (lists everything he wants), and most of all I love pets, especially cats, they are so fluffy, cute.

1) I have a question, animal lover, tell me a secret why everyone dislikes black cats so much?

2) What are you? I think it's all the fault of a sign that came to us from ancient times.

Never mind, let's better listen to a song, just about her.Song Black kt

1) It's time to finish with these cats. Our theme is “Time to love”, and not “In the animal world” with Drozdov. If it is love, then we need to talk about love for the Motherland.

As Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin said, “Homeland is where you feel free.”

2) You can’t argue here, but he didn’t dedicate his poems to her alone. Yes, Yesenin loved his Motherland, praised it, the poet wrote about women just as passionately. He was in great demand among them, they literally adored him, they went crazy for the seductive "hooligan".

1) For example, in a poem“I have never been so tired” love is shown not only to a woman, but also to nature.


2) Oh, how tired I am from this study, session. One stress, how you want to relax.

1) What are your plans for the summer?

2) Well, I don’t know, maybe I’ll go to the village, to my grandmother

1) And I just have a surprise for you

And so the first picture (I lower my head, I leave the stage)Scene, Quadrille


2)This yeardedicatedthe first Russian film, it was the picture "Ponizovaya freemen or Stenka Razin". On October 15, 1908, this film was shown to a wide audience.

It was a small (224 m), primitive in dramaturgy and direction, a pantomime based on the plot of a popular song about Stepan Razin "From behind the island to the rod ...". It was only 10 minutes long.

The film consisted of seven not very literate inscriptions and six not very intelligible scenes-frames.

1) More than 100 years have passed since the first film was released. How many pictures were taken during this time.

2) The other day, I was just reviewing the film “Girls”. What kind of talented actors we had in our country. It is a pity that they are out of life so early, but leaving behind a bright mark in the art of cinema.

1) Let's remember the departed actors from our lives. (DEAD ACTORS)

1) Enough about sad things, we have a holiday! You remember what a wonderful dance "Quadrille". It’s a pity that I don’t have a couple, so I would have started dancing.

2) Yes, how can you not dance here, the technical school has an anniversary, 55 years! How much time has passed, so many changes. For all the time the institution has been operating, a large number of groups have been released, and how many experienced specialists! A few years ago, with the addition of primary vocational education, applicants had a large selection of professions to study.

2) Let's all watch a video about the Kstovo Oil College named after B.I. Kornilov together. Attention to the screen



1) So, Nastya, what else are we waiting for? So big, so big!

2) Of course, May 9th. Not so long ago, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the end of V.O.V. Do not forget about the losses at the front, the exploits of courageous soldiers. During the war, soldiers could spend their leisure time, have fun, in between the fighting.

1) How could you have fun at such a time? Distract, because it was very dangerous. After all, at any moment the enemy could attack.

2) Where without songs, because she, as a guide, gave strength, hope. Even at that time people loved, albeit at a distance. They were waiting to return to their families.GYPSY SONG

1) I want something original, unusual, fun.

2) I heard that our students can play spoons.
1) Seriously? I thought this kind of tool was outdated.

Conclusion: In conclusion, I would like to say

Hurry to love under the breath of spring,
Hurry up to give a spring flower.
There is no higher good - spring song,
There is no better dream than soaring in the sky.