Materials for vocational guidance at school. Career guidance and self-determination of schoolchildren and adults. navigatum. Tasks of school vocational guidance work

"Professional orientation of students" - Books, TV shows, radio influence the choice of profession. The profession is romantic. Economic. Three directions. Sales Manager. Test "Motives for choosing a profession." Mistakes and difficulties in choosing a profession. Outdated ideas about professions. modern professions. Professional orientation of students.

"Professional orientation of schoolchildren" - Choice of profession. Professional advice. Management of professional orientation of students. Step by step career guidance. Stages of professional orientation of schoolchildren. Efficiency mark. Information for graduates. Career guidance corner. Career guidance plan. Work model.

"Professional orientation" - Auditor. Artonomic professions. Manager. A bank employee. socionomic professions. Programmer. Negotiation. social process. Mental ailments. Areas of use. What influences the choice of profession. bionomic professions. Technological professions. selection errors. Occupation rating.

"Vocational guidance in elementary school" - Games and exercises. Why do we need cars. What is the economy. Lively interest in the world of different professions. Police station. Workers and employees. Organization of work of clubs and circles. Railway. Organization of information work in the classroom. Carrying out months of career guidance, competitions, conferences, games.

Career Guidance Plan - Editor. Artistic image. sign system. Profession and temperament. Educator. Please check with your teachers about your choice. conditions for optimal choice. Man-nature. Engineer. Professions. Path success. People. Job. Questions for drawing up a plan. Laboratory works. Career guidance. Ideas about the near and distant future.

"Online Career Guidance" - The average age of engineering and technical personnel. Young professionals. Information about the leader-initiator. System of mass online vocational guidance. Project cost and expected results. Detailed promotion plan 2 of 5. LOGO. Main page layout. SWOT analysis of the project. existing problems. Inner page layout.

There are 15 presentations in total in the topic

Bachelor or Master In 2000, our country signed the Bologna Agreement, thereby committing itself by 2010 to switch to the education system adopted in Europe. level; (postgraduate) The reform is aimed at ensuring that we eventually enter the single European educational space and Russian diplomas become recognized in the world. According to the agreement will accelerate the intergovernmental forecasts of ministry officials, an agreement on the mutual recognition of diplomas. So far, such agreements have been signed only with France, Great Britain and Germany. The Bologna principles presuppose, first of all, the transition to a two-level system of education "bachelor - master", quality assessment according to the pan-European scale, and the issuance of international diplomas. In accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process in modern Europe, a bachelor is considered from four positions, and types are distinguished accordingly: bachelor by profession (specialty); a bachelor with a broad basic training, which makes it possible to realize oneself in many fields of activity; bachelor with a broad basic training, which involves continuing education at the master's degree bachelor as a scientific (academic) degree, allowing its holder to master educational programs in the relevant areas of specialization. It would seem that the words new to our education - bachelor and master - actually denote the realities of education characteristic of many countries, including pre-revolutionary Russia, where a number of famous figures had these degrees. The word "bachelor" (from Latin - Baccalaureus laureatus) had a romantic beautiful meaning and meant "crowned with a laurel wreath." The word "master" is also of Latin origin (from magister), but its meaning is more prosaic, although more significant - boss, mentor. In addition, it had another meaning. The head of a medieval monastic or knightly order was called a master. The modern interpretation of the word depends on the country in question and what educational system the word refers to. As for modern Russia, the words “bachelor” and “master” are experiencing a rebirth in our country. But now this birth is much more painful, because for many decades the place of the words in question was occupied by the word "specialist", which was called a person who received a higher education. Now the difference between the concepts put into words and people receiving higher education at different levels is manifested not only in the amount of time allotted for training, but also in the content of education and in the final results of training - competencies. A future bachelor studies for four years, a specialist for at least five years, and a master for six to seven years. A bachelor in the field of engineering and technology must possess production and technological, experimental research and operational skills and abilities, and a master must be able to perform design, design, technology, research tasks. There are far more questions about the true meaning of the word "bachelor" than real answers. Until the final answers to many questions are found, the word "bachelor" will not be filled with a sufficiently transparent and understandable content. And while, unfortunately, settlement and design,

bachelor's graduates in real life face the phenomenon when some officials do not hire them, motivating their refusal by the fact that bachelors "have no higher education." What about the word "specialist"? In Russian, this word has two main meanings. Firstly, this is someone who professionally owns a specialty and works with special knowledge in any field of science, technology, art. Secondly, in colloquial speech, someone who is especially knowledgeable, skilled in something is called a specialist; master of his craft. There is also a colloquial version of the word - special. In the early years of Soviet power, a specialist was called a specialist who, by his origin, came from a proletarian environment (do not confuse with the abbreviation used in complex words in the meaning of “special”: special department, special clothing, special school). The word "specialist" is in danger of moving into the passive composition of the language. The fate of the word is in the hands of officials who determine the strategy for the development of education in Russia. But back to the “bachelors” and “masters”. Probably, in order for words to take root in the language and find their place, a clear social and educational policy is needed. In addition, one cannot do without a certain breaking of stereotypes of thinking. It is necessary to get used to the realities of the new time, to the fact that the system of higher education can be multi-stage, and masters. And what level of education to choose is up to you! and find a place in it for bachelors, How to choose a profession - for beginners

If you have dreamed of becoming a doctor or an astronaut since childhood, and still do not doubt the correctness of your choice, you have no problems. No matter what your mother and grandmother say, you study textbooks in chemistry or biology with the tenacity of a fanatic, or you attend a "young physicist" circle and have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you will do after graduation. If so, then you are lucky. Because many guys have absolutely no idea of ​​"who to be" and where to go and whether to go at all when the long-awaited last school bell rings. Difficulties in professional self-determination usually arise in two categories of children. The first have not yet found anything interesting in this life. It so happened that the teachers failed to create in them a love for any subjects, and talents are still buried in the ground. Such guys can study well, but they are not fond of anything, their life is rather boring or just monotonous. So they can’t decide what they would like to do, because from what surrounds them in the world, nothing particularly attracts. And what to choose from? As a rule, they do not know who their dad works for, who an ichthyologist is, and in general they are little oriented in the world of professions. The second category of children is very active both in studies and in various other forms of activity. They are interested in everything, they attend three circles, five electives and ten sports sections at the same time. Moreover, they succeed. As they say, if a person is talented, he is talented in everything. Whatever this miracle child undertakes, he succeeds in everything. However ... he also cannot determine what he likes more, with what he would like to connect his life. How to understand yourself? Psychologists believe that when choosing a profession, the correspondence between the psychological characteristics of a person and the corresponding characteristics of the profession is very important. The profession must be INTERESTING. If you like animals, plants, then it will be interesting for you to encounter objects of wildlife in your professional activity. If you love technology, interest in it will support you in the activities of a design engineer or a theoretical physicist. Any profession requires a person to have so-called "professionally important qualities", for example, attention is important for a corrector, imaginative thinking is important for an artist, etc. Therefore, when choosing a certain profession, do you have ABILITIES that correspond to professionally important qualities. In a situation of doubt, choose the profession where your abilities will be most realized, in this activity you will achieve the greatest success. It is important to realize that, finally, the type of professional activity being implemented must match your PERSONAL, characterological type. For example, if you are sociable, professions associated with numerous contacts are more suitable for you, and if you are emotionally unstable, you will not be able to perform routine activities that require concentration for a long time.

So, in order to choose a profession, you must first know yourself. You probably often ask yourself questions: "What am I?", "Who am I in this world?", "Why do I live?". To help you get to know yourself better and partially answer these questions (you will never answer them completely) a simple exercise will help: look at yourself through the eyes of another person. A specific person whom you know well, say, a friend or a roommate, mother or girlfriend. Try to explain your actions in the way that another person would do without knowing the true motives. You will understand how other people see you, but, on the other hand, you will get rid of subjectivity, because, as you know, you cannot see even a beam in your own eye. Your character is still being formed, so don't stick a label on yourself and give up the profession of an artist just because you are supposedly "shy". Fight, work on yourself, know yourself. And remember that the mental properties of a person (be it abilities, interests or character traits) are exceptionally flexible, changing qualities. There are many cases when a person who does not have the ability to music, but passionately wants to do it, managed to develop an ear for music. Main interest; remember: abilities are formed in activity. Get used to work, work. Skills alone won't get you far. On the other hand, interest is also not a very stable thing. A lot of kids think they love a certain subject, when in fact they really like the teacher. In addition, it is difficult to understand whether you will like psychology or the same economics, because you did not study anything like that at school .... In order not to make a mistake, you need to expand your horizons in relation to the world of professions. Ask adults questions about their professional activities, as a rule, people are happy to talk about their real work and student years. Then you can consciously decide whether you are interested in this area, or all you know about the specialty for which you are applying is its name ... So, having understood your abilities, interests and personality traits, you start choosing not a profession, but a university or faculty. Find out which specialties and specializations correspond to the type of activity you are interested in. This is not always a one-to-one correspondence (for example, to repair computers, you need to get a specialty "radio electronics"). The decision should be based on many factors that are no longer psychological: the reputation of the university and the competition, the opinion of friends, parents, the cost of education. Do not be lazy and write down on a separate piece of paper the pros and cons of each of the options. Analyze the data together with friends and family. And always remember: the final choice is yours alone, because choosing a profession, you choose your destiny. The profession should bring pleasure (positive emotions to you) and ensure the maximum realization of your capabilities (benefit to society).

Career guidance materials for specialists: video films, cartoons for schoolchildren and adults.

For developing classes about professions and work with preschoolers cartoons are offered" IN THE WORLD OF PROFESSIONS ".

Colorful cartoon poems about a variety of professions for toddlers and preschoolers. For the convenience of the teacher conducting developmental classes, a detailed scenario of the lesson with questions, riddles, and thematic games is provided.

For career guidance with primary and secondary school students - animated series " NAVIGATUM Kaleidoscope of Professions ".

Each episode lasts about 6.5 minutes and is a capacious story about a specific profession. What does this professional do, what kind of workplace does he have, what personal qualities are required, where you can get a profession and how much to study, what are the material and career prospects - and much more. Each cartoon has a game plot, which makes it interesting for schoolchildren, and career guidance is an exciting activity. For the convenience of teachers, for each cartoon, a detailed description of the entire course of the lesson is offered, divided by level of complexity (age), useful additional information, questions for discussion, and a small game are attached.

For work with high school students recommend videos about professions and life choices.

Modern video films on behalf of the same schoolchildren, reflecting on the choice of their future profession and place of study, on the development of an individual trajectory of their educational, professional and personal path.

For help unemployed adults to navigate in popular professions and help correlate your personal qualities with the professionally important qualities of professions, we offer a career guidance series " EVERYTHING ".

Each episode lasts 6 minutes and tells about the profession from the perspective of an adult.

These products provide concrete assistance in overcoming fear due to changing the type of activity, finding a new job. Provides a detailed up-to-date overview of in-demand workers and engineering professions. After watching the series, an adult can take an express questionnaire that allows him to get an answer to the question of whether this profession suits him or not. This test allows you to determine the correspondence of personal qualities and professionally important qualities of the profession.

For psychological support and motivation unemployed citizens, we recommend that you pay attention to specialized products for psychologists .

This is a unique and effective tool for conducting group and individual sessions with a psychologist. If you need to remove fears, overcome stress or insecurity, give motivation for personal growth and problem solving - materials with parables and exercises will help you. It is convenient to use, it is easy to select the desired fragment, the presence of video and audio versions - this material will become an indispensable assistant in your work!

For informing the unemployed self-employment We offer a selection of videos I'M A BUSINESSMAN ".

To identify the ability and degree of readiness of the unemployed for entrepreneurial activity, to visually inform about the procedure and conditions for providing financial assistance from the Employment Centers; provide concise and understandable information and recommendations on preparing a business plan, on the necessary entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, on the basics of entrepreneurial activity and much more.

To work with unemployed citizens are offered SOCIAL ADAPTATION materials .

Visual and easy-to-use materials with recommendations on finding a job, rules for writing a resume, preparing for self-presentation and conducting an interview.

We will promptly prepare an offer for you and contact you in a convenient way (by e-mail, skype or phone).

Municipal educational institution

secondary school №50 with in-depth

the study of individual subjects g.o. Samara.

Methodological development for career guidance:

In the world of professions.

Samara 2010-2011 academic year Goals:
- to acquaint students with the diverse world of the profession;
- to identify students already have knowledge about professions;
- expand knowledge, horizons, vocabulary of students;
- to form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions;
- to cultivate respect for people of different professions.

1. Introduction.

Choice of profession. What a huge meaning is filled, it would seem, the usual phrase, how many emotions, anxieties, expectations, problems are hidden in it!

After all, this is not just a decision made successfully or unsuccessfully in youth, but often an established or broken fate, an active, creative, joyful life or a passive, indifferent existence, and finally, this is one of the most important terms and conditions for human happiness, the consciousness of one's need for people or a feeling " little man." Who to become?

A person chooses a business. But the matter chooses the person. How to make their interests coincide? What do you need to know to make the right, conscious choice?

Firstly, to know yourself, to know what you want, what you can do best. You can learn this only in activity, in communication with others. It is necessary to offer the student a variety of types of labor, including in which he can try them on for himself, test himself.

Secondly, you need to know which professions related to the field of interest will be exactly “his”, i.e. will allow the best realization of internal potential.

Thirdly, the student wants to find a profession that people need, opening up scope for creativity, initiative, and independence. So, it is necessary to show the social importance of each profession.

Fourth, you need to know the requirements that the profession imposes on a person (including the state of health, physical development), as well as what qualities of character, level of culture and education ensure the achievement of professional heights.

2. Main body

Each teenager develops his own idea of ​​​​professional work. It is necessary to identify the range of professions that are most significant for a particular student.

A few days before the event, students are given the task: - it is better to learn about the professions of parents, to prepare messages about this.

Answer the question: do I want to continue doing what my parents do (pros and cons).


The day will come when school will end and you will face the question “what should I become?”. Your future life path largely depends on how correctly you choose your future profession, how much you like it. And in order to choose the right profession for yourself, you need to know what people in this profession do, its features.


If we turn to the dictionary of the Russian language, we will read that a profession is a kind of labor activity, an occupation that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Speciality- a separate branch of science, technology, craftsmanship or art; the same as a profession.

Qualification - the degree of preparation for any type of work, the level of preparedness.

3 Leader.

Is it possible to know the world of professions? He is practically invisible. We will try to find out only a small part of it.

Some of the most interesting reports of students about the professions of parents are read out.

4 Leader.

When the problem of choosing a profession arose before our ancestors, how did they solve it?

Student 1. The choice of a profession in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

After the abolition of serfdom (1861), especially in the 90s of the 19th century, a labor market developed in Russia, large machine factories grew at a rapid pace. The network of professional educational institutions has expanded. School teachers began to understand that it is not enough to give children knowledge, it is important to prepare them for an independent adult life. Assistance in choosing a profession has become an urgent problem.

In large cities, offices appeared in which one could find out about vacancies in factories and factories. However, the organizers of this kind of service demanded high fees, and often clients became addicted; people who came for help were exploited and humiliated. At the end of the 19th century city ​​intermediary bureaus have been established - in them information about the work is already provided free of charge. In Moscow, such bureaus began to work in 1897, and later similar services arose in other industrial centers. At first, the bureaus acted as public organizations, but during the First World War they became de facto labor exchanges and received the status of state institutions.

There was an organizational basis for the work of teachers, doctors, economists and psychologists to support people in choosing a profession, "finding a job" for teenagers.

The scientific foundation in this area was the work of hygienists who studied occupational diseases. So, at the expense of the Moscow Zemstvo, the book by S.M. Bogoslovsky “The System of Professional Classification” (1913) was published, which was used in career guidance by many teachers and psychologists.


There are professions that cannot be practiced until old age. Nature imposes its limitations on human activity. What are these professions?

- associated with sports, ballet ...

When choosing a “short” profession, you need to be prepared for the fact that sooner or later you will have to decide what to do next.

There is such a thing as "rare professions".
Students name: glass blower, make-up artist, remuer, mosaicist, ...
Student. Profession: astronaut.

It is unique not only in the sense that over the more than forty years of the history of cosmonautics around the globe it has been mastered by a few people, but also in a number of its inherent features and circumstances accompanying its development. It is unique in terms of training, a set of requirements. The most difficult task is to control the ship, work in open space. At its core, the profession is close to the profession of an operator: an astronaut deals with a large amount of equipment and information.


Mosaicist. Today it is a rare profession. You need to have artistic abilities, to subtly feel color, shades, texture, to be able to see a particle of the whole image in a tiny fragment. And it is also important to be very patient, hardworking and persistent. You can learn a profession in a specialized art educational institution - for example, in the department of monumental painting of the Stroganov Moscow State Art Pedagogical University. You can become an apprentice of a mosaic artist.

Glass blower. There are few professional glassblowers. This is harmful work.The whole day on my feet, my hands are always on weight, working with fire. But when watching the work of a glass blower, one gets the feeling that he breathes life into his creations. That is why handmade products are so valued. When you take such a thing in your hands, it conveys the warmth of the master's soul.

We have reminded you of only a small fraction of what exists in the world of professions.

We suggest testing what suits you best.

Conclusion based on test results.

While summing up the results of testing, you can conduct a career guidance game.

Career guidance game "Traps-traps".

The purpose of the game is to increase the level of awareness of possible obstacles on the way to professional goals and ideas about ways to overcome these obstacles.

This game exercise is carried out in a circle, the number of participants is 6-8 or 12-15. Time 20-30 min.

Stages of the game.

Stage 1. Together with the group, a specific professional goal is determined (admission to a specific educational institution; graduation from this institution; registration for a specific job or specific professional achievement, including building a career and receiving awards, bonuses ...)

Stage 2. The group chooses a volunteer who will "represent" the hero or himself.

Stage 3. General instructions: “Now everyone, already knowing what goals our main character is striving for, will have to determine for him some difficulties on the way to a professional goal.

We pay special attention to the fact that difficulties can be both external, coming from other people or from some circumstances, and internal, contained in the person himself.

These difficulties are often forgotten by many. It is desirable to identify two or three such difficulties. Highlighting the difficulties, everyone must definitely think about how to overcome them.

The main player is given time to identify several of the most likely difficulties on the way to his goal and prepare to answer how he is going to overcome them.

After that, in turn, everyone will name one difficulty - a trap, and the main player must immediately say how this difficulty could be overcome. The player who named this difficulty will also have to say how it could be overcome.

With the help of the group, the facilitator will determine whose overcoming option turned out to be the most optimal.

The winner will be given +. If by the end of the game the main player has more pluses, then he has managed to overcome the main difficulties on the way to his goal.

Stage 4. Further, the players, including the main character, highlight on their sheets the main difficulties on the way to the intended goal.Stage 5 Everyone takes turns naming their difficulty. If it turns out that the difficulty is far-fetched, then the group itself must decide whether to discuss or not.
Stage 6 Immediately the main player says how he is going to overcome it.Stage 7. After him, the player who named this difficulty speaks about his variation.

Stage 8. The host, with the help of the other players, determines whose version is more interesting.

Stage 9 Summing up.


There are a lot of professions. So it's hard to choose.

And the power with which you can overcome this difficulty is awareness, awareness of a person. Useful information about the world of professions, about the ways of vocational education - that's what you need when thinking about your future professional path.

This development will help students find out what they want and what they can do best, test themselves in activities where they can best realize their inner potential, opening up space for creativity, initiative, and, therefore, make the right, conscious choice of profession.


1. V.P. Bondarev "Choice of profession".
2. Encyclopedia for children. Avanta. Moscow 2006 "Choice of profession".