How to motivate your child to study at school. How to motivate your child to study. Development of motivation to learn in primary school children

This topic worries every parent. All families in one way or another face the problem of motivation to study. As part of our project "Teenager: Instructions for Use", we decided to learn firsthand how to solve this issue.

A little about motivation to study - why I want to talk about it

Often parents do not know how to motivate their child to study? And when

it does not work to interest, the question arises of how to get the child to go to school.

When I told my mother that I was writing this article, my mother asked me to give it to her to read when I finished. She has long been interested in how to get my brother to study. Mom read a bunch of articles on how to increase motivation to study in teens, but there was not one that gave effective advice on how to increase motivation to study. Therefore, I will try to write just such an article. Now, on behalf of this very teenager who needs to be interested in studying, I will tell you what I think about it.

Force and motivate

Sometimes parents ask when is it better to send a child to school? At 5, as many busy and modern mothers do; at 6, according to the standard; or at 7, as before? The reason for this question is often that parents are afraid of responsibility, and not their own. Psychologists answer that you need to do this only when he is ready. One of my classmates went to school at the age of 8. When she went to school, she was not ready. And even now, after 9 years, I don’t think she’s ready. What do I mean by ready? Interested and motivated. Before entering school, it is very important to explain to your son (daughter) why it is needed, what he / she will get from it, why it is interesting, etc. When this is not the case, then there is no desire to learn either. And then you have to force. I always studied with joy, I was an excellent student, it was me who was sent to all the Olympiads. So when my brother went to school 3 years after the start of my studies, everyone was just shocked that he was extremely disinterested. Of course, the questions about how to interest a child in grade 2 and how to interest a child in grade 3 are completely different. And the answers to these questions are very different.

But now, analyzing, I would like to make some general rules about how to treat a child's unwillingness to learn.

  1. Help your child find a hobby - I think you have already understood that in school he is completely 0. But pay attention to his strong qualities. Perhaps the only subject in which he has good grades is work? Or does your child know how to cook? What if he has hearing? To make him successful, you must develop him from all sides and pay your attention to what he has the ability to.
  2. Don’t set limits for him in his studies - Do you often tell him that he should have a grade of at least 4 (5) in a certain subject? You know perfectly well that the highest grade he received in this lesson is 3. He will feel guilty, no more.
  3. Believe in yours - Just try to buy your child supporting literature on a subject that he does not understand. Never opens a physics textbook? So explain to him that 5 minutes a day - and after a while he will have completely different results.

Motivation for going to school is a choice between “forcing” and “motivating”

It's up to you to choose.

Should I force my child to learn?

If you still chose to force, then think about whether it is so useful and will it bear fruit?

Anyone, especially a teenager, will perceive this compulsion as imprisonment, and, as you know, freedom is included in the list of the main values ​​of a person. Very often, the words "C grade", "excellent", "good" are not the efforts of children, but themselves. It hurts, but it does.

It is not worth forcing, definitely. You need to help, listen, think about the problem.

If motivated, how?

If you have chosen to motivate and do not know how to do it correctly, then this part is for you.

When I started writing this one, I asked my friend what he thinks about this. He replied that efforts should be encouraged, i.e. give gifts for success. I would like to argue with him about this, because there is not enough money for a gift for every good mark, but often for parents this method seems to be the simplest and most reliable.

My vision is that you need to teach the little man to learn on his own, without gifts and promises, because the best reward will always be the result and, very possibly, success.

In the new 21st century, everything changes literally every minute, and if earlier it was enough to unlearn 10 years at school and 4 years at the university for success, now you have to study constantly. The professions of the new century - programmer and copywriter - require constant acquisition of new knowledge.

Do you want success for your child? You will have to try first of all. There is a lot of writing on this topic, I studied the advice of experts, and here are the conclusions I can draw:

  • when doing homework with him, try not to scream
  • accept any of his hobbies
  • teach him technical literacy
  • answer any of his questions
  • teach him to read, it may very well be that he simply hasn’t found a suitable book yet
  • do not tell, but show (home experiments, for example, are a very cool thing)

A student's motivation to study is a subtle thing. It is important to interest, make you look from the other side, show the advantages of this or that occupation.

Exercises to motivate younger students to study:

  1. Letter - offer to send a letter to someone from your family (grandmother, godmother, etc.). Let him write it himself, decorate it and put it in an envelope.
  2. Book - go to the library and take a book that interests your kid.
  3. Poems - learn a verse with him, timed to coincide with the next holiday.
  4. Presentation - Teach him how to make PowerPoint presentations and ask him to do a presentation, for example, about the thing he wants for his birthday.
  5. Interview - Help him put together a list of questions, and interview Dad in the evening.
  6. Storytelling - ask to write a story about something close to him, for example, about a thread and a needle.
  7. Phys. minute - in between homework, show some exercise. Still, you can't sit and sit all the time.
  8. Video motivation to study - watch a video with your child about how, for example, to decorate your kick or about the student life that awaits him. That is, it is important to understand what else learning gives.

All of these exercises will help you develop creativity and instill an interest in learning.

How to get your child to learn and do homework

I read Nesterova's autobiography a couple of years ago, and there were several pages about how in high school she did not do her homework at all. That is, she studied at school and remembered everything, but at home she did nothing. Involuntarily, I remembered myself. How I crossed my fingers, just not to check my homework, how I got bad marks, how I got out, but, nevertheless, I did not do my homework. What's this? Definitely lazy.

If the question is: "How to get a child to do homework?", Then the answer is: "Very simple." Coercion, constant testing and so on come into play here. Unfortunately, from my own bitter experience, I will say that nothing else will help you. The child needs to want to learn. Because motivating a child to go to school is not everything. The main desire. You need to teach him to be independent, explain what and why is needed. It's good if the child goes through the special ones and is able to do his homework himself.

Teaching a child to learn is easier and more enjoyable than forcing!

How to get your child to study well?

It is hard to make you study, and it is doubly difficult to make you study well. In theory, absolutely everyone can study, and even study well. In practice, this is not always the case. It all depends on the load, the quality of the presentation of the material, the amount of time that is spent on classes. There is no one correct answer to the question of how to help your child do well. Remember that not all talented and smart children study well, and not all excellent students are talented and smart.

What to do?

  1. First of all, find out the reasons for bad ratings and try to get rid of this reason.
  2. Interact with your child as a friend. Try to understand him and find out for yourself why you need him, so that he studies only excellently.
  3. Ask what plans your child has for the future and teach him to set long-term goals.

How to get a teenager interested?

If it is still easy to interest a child of 2-3 grades in learning, then motivation for adolescents to study is a more complicated thing.

Keep in mind that a teenager knows that he needs a higher education, that he wants to pass exams well in order to work later. But sometimes there is laziness. The number of subjects that need to be taught is often confusing, despite the fact that, as teenagers like to say, "this will not be useful to me in my life." These are already problems of the educational system, but nevertheless.

Questions like, “What are you thinking about in class?” Are rhetorical. Think about what you thought in high school. To instill in a teenager that it is necessary to study is generally very difficult. And how many times you would not repeat that without study there will be no work, without work - money, he will think so only if he understands it himself.

Here are some ideas to motivate your teenager to study:

  • Read / watch news with a teenager. Don't force, just offer. It must be something about his hobbies. Discuss this with him later.
  • Print or write motivation quotes to study. They can be both in Russian and in English, for example. Stick them in prominent places.
  • Pick up a beautiful stationery / notebooks so that using these things is comfortable and pleasant for him.
  • Don't overpraise. Be very careful here. It seems that it will never be superfluous to praise, in fact, you will tell the teenager that he is already too good.

Also, the problem may be due to the fact that it is difficult for a teenager to study. Here, too, one should not resort to violence, but help. You can go through, teach to learn, see goals, not be afraid of tests, quickly memorize information. Because learning can be really difficult!

Motivation to learn from students

When a yesterday's schoolboy becomes a student, parents no longer follow their studies so seriously. Like "your life, if you want - learn, if you don't want - work." The ability to skip lectures dissolves students who are happy to take a break from school but have not yet learned self-discipline. Lack of motivation for students to study is a common thing, because now everyone knows that a diploma is just a document. Nobody goes to work by profession, and you need to study at a university only so that parents do not worry.

  1. The student should try to find contact with the teacher.
    The teacher and student should be friends.
  2. The university is an important place for expanding opportunities, circle of acquaintances and finding oneself.
  3. At the university, it is important to enjoy learning, go to university interest clubs, and meet new people.
  4. It is important for the student to understand that discipline is the most important thing. I came to class in the first half of the day - you walk all the second. I didn’t come once, I didn’t come twice, and I don’t have to come to the third one.
  5. At the university, you can enroll in an initiative group. Then authority appears, and new knowledge, and you want to get out of bed in the morning.

I think it's great when a teenager and a child are helped to see their goal, to understand why he needs to study and make efforts. It's good when a teenager is conscious and understands everything himself. But this is not always the case. And listening to parents can be difficult too ... Therefore, courses on. Because when you are in the company of other guys, together with them you think about your goals and the future you do not want to resist. You really want to get better!


Motivation is a thing without which it is impossible either in school or in adulthood. How to find motivation to study if he himself does not want to do anything? It is important to teach to look for it, for the sake of his own success in the future.

Today, primary school teachers are increasingly complaining that schoolchildren have a reduced or completely lack of motivation to learn. Children do not want to learn, show indifference to knowledge, assessments, do not strive to learn new things. Following the teachers, such a negative attitude towards learning worries parents, especially those whose children are going to enter the first grade. Adults understand that for successful learning, in addition to the ability to count and read, children must have a desire to learn. But how to instill such a desire in your child? Psychologists say that the child, first of all, must be formed educational motives. Therefore, it is not enough just to teach a preschooler practical skills and think that he is ready for school. We must not forget about motivational readiness and form it long before the child goes to first grade. Science has long proven that the desire for new knowledge (motivation) is inherent in people genetically: even in ancient times, a person, discovering something new, felt joy, elation. Such a desire is also characteristic of small children, therefore, in the conditions of home education, it is quite simple to form motivation if you follow the recommendations of psychologists.

What you need to know about motivating parents

Where to start for parents who want to promptly motivate their child to study? According to psychologists, this requires the development of such educational motives in the future student as:

  • desire to learn and acquire knowledge;
  • enjoy the learning process;
  • motivation for independent discoveries in the classroom;
  • striving for academic success in school;
  • desire to receive high marks for their knowledge;
  • striving for correct and diligent fulfillment of tasks;
  • striving for positive communication with classmates and teachers;
  • the ability to obey school requirements;
  • self-control skills.

Parents should instill such an attitude towards future studies in their child from early childhood, when he is just beginning to learn about the world. But what if the child has already become a schoolboy, but the desire to learn has not appeared? Parents of first graders need to take this problem seriously and try to understand the extent to which it exists in the child. A simple psychological test, which can be carried out at home, will help determine the level of motivation and the degree of adaptation in school for a young student.

Test - questionnaire

An adult in a confidential conversation asks the child and records his answers:

  1. Do you like school or not? (not really; like; dislike)
  2. In the morning, when you wake up, do you always go to school with joy or do you want to stay at home? (more often I want to stay at home; it happens in different ways; I go with joy)
  3. If the teacher said that tomorrow it is not necessary for all students to come to school, those who wish can stay at home, would you go to school or stay at home? (I don't know; I would stay at home; I would go to school)
  4. Do you like it when lessons are canceled? (I don't like it; it happens in different ways; I like it)
  5. Would you like not to be asked homework? (would like; would not like; do not know)
  6. Would you like it to be a change at school? (I don’t know; I don’t want to; I would like to)
  7. Would you like to have a less strict teacher? (I don’t know for sure; I would like to; I would not like to)
  8. Do you have many friends in your class? (many; few; no friends)
  9. Do you like your classmates? (like; not really; don't like)
  10. (Question for parents) Does your child often tell you about school? (Often; rarely; do not tell)

A positive attitude towards school is estimated at 3 points; neutral answer (I don’t know, it happens in different ways, etc.) - 1 point; negative attitude towards school - 0 points.

25 - 30 points- a high level of educational motivation. Students are characterized by high cognitive motives, the desire to successfully fulfill all the requirements. They very clearly follow all the instructions of the teacher, they are conscientious and responsible, they worry if they receive unsatisfactory marks or comments from the teacher.

20 - 24 points- good school motivation. The majority of primary school students who successfully cope with educational activities have similar indicators.

15 - 19 points- a positive attitude towards school, but extra-curricular situations are attractive. Schoolchildren feel safe in the school environment, but they strive to communicate more with friends, with teachers. They like to feel like students, to have beautiful school supplies (briefcase, pens, notebooks).

10 - 14 points- low educational motivation. Schoolchildren are reluctant to attend school, preferring to skip classes. In the classroom, they often do extraneous matters. Experiencing serious learning difficulties. Are in a state of unstable adaptation to school.

Below 10 points- negative attitude towards school, school maladjustment. Such children experience serious difficulties at school, as they cannot cope with their studies, have problems communicating with classmates, with teachers. School is often perceived by them as a hostile environment, they can cry, ask to go home. Often, students can show aggression, refuse to complete tasks, follow the rules. Often these students have mental health problems.

Why there is a lack of motivation to learn: 10 mistakes parents make

Educators say that in kindergarten and school, a lot is done for children to develop their cognitive motives and educational motivation. Meanwhile, the parents themselves unknowingly make mistakes in the upbringing of their children, leading to the loss of their desire to learn. The most typical ones are:

  1. Misconceptions of adults that a child is ready to learn successfully if he has accumulated a large amount of knowledge and skills. Parents teach their child to read and write, encourage them to memorize long poems, learn foreign languages, and solve logical problems. Sometimes they forget that intellectual readiness does not replace psychological readiness, which includes learning motivation. Often such intensive classes are at the expense of the main activity of young children - play, which leads to the appearance of a persistent aversion to learning in them.
  2. Another common mistake is the desire of parents to send the baby to school as early as possible , not taking into account the level of his psychological and physical readiness. They believe that if a preschooler knows a lot, then it's time for him to learn. Meanwhile, psychologists remind that in addition to the developed intellect, the level of mental and physical maturation of the future schoolchild is no less important. To an untrained child, he gets tired quickly, fine motor skills are not sufficiently developed. All the difficulties that a young student has to overcome lead to an unwillingness to learn, the motivation for learning decreases.
  3. Psychologists believe that it is a gross mistake of family education overestimation of requirements for the baby without taking into account his age characteristics and individual capabilities, reproaches for laziness, unwillingness to follow the instructions of adults. As a result, low self-esteem may develop, which prevents the child from assessing himself correctly and building relationships with peers. Both unreasonable praise and belittling of the student's dignity are categorically unacceptable, since it negatively affects the development of educational motivation in younger students.
  4. In a family where there is no clear organization of life for a small student , for example, the regime of the day is not observed, there is no physical activity, classes are chaotic, there are few walks in the fresh air; the student will also not have an educational motivation. At school, it is difficult for such a student to fulfill the requirements of the teacher, to obey school rules and norms of behavior.
  5. Psychologists consider one of the unacceptable violations of family education when there are no uniform requirements for the child by all adults in the family. If the requirements of one contradict the requirements of the other, the child will always find an opportunity to dodge homework, pretend to be sick in order to miss lessons, and make unreasonable complaints about the teacher and other students. This behavior does not give a full-fledged development of educational motivation.
  6. Misbehaving adults in relation to a student, for example, comparing his achievements with the successes of other children, ridiculing failures at school (for example, a poor grade "poor student", difficulties in writing "you write like a chicken with a paw", slow reading "fall asleep while you read") , incorrect remarks in the presence of other guys ("other guys are great, and you ..."). Whereas only the sensitive attitude of adults to the student's school problems and help in overcoming them will help the development of motivation.
  7. Use of threats and physical punishment , if the child gets bad grades, does not have time to complete his homework, instead of figuring out the reasons, ask how the student studied today, what worked out, and what is worth working with.
  8. Dysfunctional family relationships , discord between loved ones negatively affects the emotional state of the child. The younger student, who is in constant stress, cannot adequately relate to his studies, receive good grades, and rejoice at his successes. Parents should take care of the psychological climate in the family in order to influence the increase in motivation.
  9. Schoolchildren who did not attend kindergarten , do not master the ability of conflict-free communication with peers, have a low level of self-control, lack of formation of voluntary behavior. All this interferes with the development of educational motivation for younger students.
  10. Parents projecting their unfulfilled hopes on the child. Often, adults who did not realize their interests in childhood shift them to children, disregarding the opinion of the child. For example, they want to see him as an excellent student, a talented musician, a class leader, and they pin great hopes on him. The student himself has his own interests, which are different from those of his parents; therefore, unjustified aspirations of adults do not at all motivate him to study. It is more useful to think about how to motivate the child to study based on his wishes and aspirations.

Most parents mistakenly believe that they are unable to motivate a student to study and that only teachers can do this. However, without the active help of the family, motivation for learning activities does not always develop, even at school. Much faster and more efficiently the motivation of younger students will be formed by the joint efforts of teachers and parents. What methods and techniques should be used to develop learning motivation at home? Here's what psychologists advise to motivate students to learn:

  • Be an example to your child. It is often possible to notice that a younger student's unwillingness to learn is manifested in an hostile attitude towards some academic subject. For example, some schoolchildren do not like to read, therefore they find it difficult to perceive reading lessons, others have difficulties in solving problems, etc. To overcome such situations, the example of parents will be useful. Do you want to instill a love for literature lessons? Read out loud more often, arrange family readings, evenings of riddles, poetry contests with incentive prizes. Any interesting methods will play on the development of motivation.
  • Create common interests. When parents are well aware of their child's interests, it is much easier to learn new things together. For example, a junior schoolchild's enthusiasm for animals will help form a love for natural history lessons, relying on the artistry of a first-grader, you can encourage him to read by roles, a love of drawing can manifest itself in an interest in sketching nature, drawing up geometric patterns, good logic will help to fall in love with mathematics. A lot depends on attentive parents who, knowing their child well, can easily influence such an important moment as motivation to study.
  • Organize useful peer interactions. The family should always know who your child's friend is. To benefit from the child's communication with peers, you can choose a good environment for him, for example, in circles, sections, clubs of interest. In such an environment that meets the needs of the student, he will always strive to keep up with other children, either in school, or in sports, etc.
  • Distribute the student's life correctly. In their desire to optimally load the child with useful activities so that he does not sit idle, parents sometimes go beyond the possible. It must be understood that the correct daily routine is important for a younger student, when physical and intellectual stress alternates with rest, hobbies, games, walks. At the elementary school age, when the formation of arbitrary actions is just underway, the child is not able to control the time and actions by himself. During this period, it is important to control adults, who will tell the student how to allocate their time, what lessons to do in the first place, how to combine rest and activities.
  • No comparisons! Nothing hinders a student in the development of educational motivation more than comparing him with other children. Loving parents accept the child with all his merits and demerits, realizing that all the defects of the child are the gaps in their upbringing. It is useful to learn how to evaluate the student's homework, class work. For this, it is advisable to contact the teacher more often, discussing the child's successes or failures at school.
  • Eureka (Greek heureka - I found)! Make your child a pioneer, create an emotional mood when learning new things. It is good when the parent learns something new with the child, expresses joy, satisfaction from the original solution of any problem, the emergence of an idea, while it is necessary to emphasize the availability of knowledge to find solutions. For the student - the discoverer, learning is always a pleasure.

  • Create a reward system for good performance. Correct encouragement is used to motivate students to learn. It is useful to agree with the young student how his learning progress will be encouraged. There are families where material incentives are the norm. As practice shows, this works for the time being, as the child grows older, he begins to get good grades by any means. It is much more important when the encouragement becomes a continuation of the child's emotional uplift. Communication with parents is always valuable for junior schoolchildren, so family trips, travels, excursions, walks with interesting events (to the circus, theater, bowling, sports competitions) can be an encouragement. The choice of rewards depends on the interests of the child. Combine business with pleasure, the whole family will have fun!

Hello dear readers, guests, friends. Today I invite you to talk about younger students. Very often I hear from kids 6 years old: "I will soon become big and go to school!" The little one says it proudly, he smiles and is happy! Where does the happiness on his face come from? It's just that he thinks that the school will give him "adulthood" a little independence and a new mysterious life. Here comes the first of September and a joyful toddler with a bouquet of flowers (and girls also with bows) to the sounds of our dear songs enters a new life. And then he comes home and ... everything happens, as in that joke

Parents took Vovochka to school in the first grade ... they are waiting ... Vovochka comes home.

Parents: Ny, how is it at school? Liked? what teacher?

Little Johnny: Why didn't you say that this bagpipe is for ten years ?!

So what happens to our children in the early years of school. Why do they turn from such inquisitive and cute little ones to lazy, indifferent and muddleheads?

Unfortunately, this happens to many children. And the point here is not that they are stupid and incapable, but in the absence of motivation to study. It's not enough to be smart to do well in school.

Academic success = skill + desire.

Students who are lagging behind are not primarily interested in learning for various reasons.

In our class there was a kind and cheerful boy who doesn’t care. When we wrote the dictation, he drew faces on the margins of the notebook and always answered the teacher's requests to start writing the dictation: “I still won't have time, I’ll make a bunch of mistakes and you’ll put two. Why should I waste my nerves, I will hand over an empty notebook and get two. But you do not waste your time on me for checking, and now I will do what I like. " No persuasion worked on him. Never! He knew that at the end of the quarter he would have a C, and until the 9th grade they would finish teaching him, and then they would cross themselves into adulthood. And I'll tell you his plan worked! He still finished 9 classes. What happened to him then? I will definitely tell you 😉

Now let's get back to the motivation of younger students. I am deeply convinced that if in elementary school the teacher and parents are able to instill in the child a love of learning, then he will study easily until the end of grade 11 and there will never be problems with either lessons or grades.

Educators and psychologists say that the right motivation is the key to success in school (and I will also add that not only in school, but also in life and in work, even for an adult). But the problem is that motivation is the biggest problem, and not only for younger students.

The motivation for learning at the initial stage is formed incorrectly for various reasons. One of the reasons is parents' wrong approach to motivation. Another reason is the wrong approach of teachers. And I often see a picture where parents blame teachers and teachers blame parents. The result is a vicious circle in which only the child suffers.

Therefore, the very first and most important on the path to the right motivation is a good teacher, whom you will love and respect, with whom you will act at the same time, helping and supporting your child.

If you are not happy with the teacher, his order, his way of working, change the school! It's not so scary 🙂 I changed school 4 times (for reasons beyond my control and the teachers, it happened) and there was nothing wrong with that.

If you like the teacher, he likes you, then this is already 50% of success, so let's deal directly with motivation.

What could be extrinsic motivation? I want to be praised by teachers, parents, I want to meet their expectations, I will receive a reward for a good grade (a long-awaited subject). I do not want to be punished, deprived of something, etc. This is also an extrinsic motivation - avoidance of failure. It is short-lived and very ineffective.

There is also a kind of false "internal motivation" when a child seeks to learn in order to be the best, the first. Not to be confused with motivation to achieve success! It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, but if the child goes to the goal of becoming the best in the head, neglecting his classmates, then nothing good will come of it.

The motivation for achieving success, which I remembered, is the child's desire to achieve results for the sake of the result, the completeness of the process, and the acquisition of knowledge. This is one of the most valuable motivations! More important only cognitive motivation... Its content and focus entirely lies in the field of educational activities.

Remember the age of your baby's "why". He was interested in everything, he wanted to know everything. He was ready to listen to your answers to all his questions, delve into all the explanations, clarify, ask again. And if we, as parents, manage to maintain such an interest in the child in elementary school, and even more so to extend it until the end of grade 11, then the child most likely will not have problems with motivation!

Thus, the main task of parents and teachers is to awaken a craving for knowledge in a child.

The basis of any motivation is the people around us.

Tender, good relationships in the family and at school, in which children feel comfortable and protected, are an essential basis for healthy brain development and, in particular, the motivational system.

You can see how the structure of motivation of a younger student is formed in the diagram below.

At the end of the article, I want to say this. Creating motivation for a younger student to study is a complex, multifaceted process that requires painstaking work from both parents and a teacher. Therefore, first of all, parents need to establish contact with the child's first teacher and act together. Never belittle the authority of the teacher in front of the child, even if you do not consider him to be right in some matters. If the child does not succeed in something, discuss the possible reasons with the teacher, try to develop a general line of behavior in which the child will feel your support, positive attitude and love. You can find a way out of any difficult situation, with the result of which the teacher, parents and child will be happy!

Most importantly, you must remember that no matter what grade the child brings from school, the main thing is that he is healthy! And the child should know that even if something bad appears in his diary, you will not love him less. You may not like his actions, his assessments, but whatever happens, you love him! And you are always at the same time with him and never against him!

P / S / remember the story about the boy at the beginning of the article? He grew up to be an excellent car mechanic who saw through any car and could fix it with his eyes closed. With this story I am not trying to say that you do not need to go to school. I want to say that everyone has their own path and their own motivation. Getting deuces at school, the hero of my story did not become a parasite or a bandit, he became an excellent specialist in his field. Not everyone is destined to be excellent students. I am writing this and I understand that I myself would be very worried about the bad grades of my child. I am glad that Dasha does not give me a reason to be upset, but even if she brought me a deuce, I would not love her less and she knows it! That's what's really important !!!

How do you motivate your child to study?

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P.S. This article is copyrighted and entirely intended solely for private use, publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

How to keep children motivated (interested) to study with their parents in primary school.

We very often hear from our children such words as: “I hate mathematics”, “I don’t want to do my homework”, “I don’t like going to school”. What is it like to hear such things for parents who are so interested in their children’s learning, put a lot of effort and time for this, and still cannot achieve a positive attitude of their child towards learning.

“Why is my child not interested in learning?”, “What makes my child resist going to school? Why does he say that studying is very boring "," Why does he show high results in some subjects, and low results in other subjects? " These are just a few of the questions worried parents have when their children show a lack of interest in learning, both at home and at school. Some parents choose home schooling for their children, others enroll in sports clubs or extracurricular activities after school - all this to increase the level of children's thinking and stimulate their interest in learning.

Children are not responsible for their actions, so be patient with them. They differ from each other in terms of intelligence and perception. For some, a simple stern look is enough to understand, while others need to be scolded. But you should never stop following the hadith of the Sultan of the Prophets, who said: “He who does not show mercy to young people cannot be one of us” (Tirmidhi, Birr). Therefore, a child can only be conquered with love, tenderness and gentleness.

Let's try to understand the reasons why many children show a lack of interest in learning. Sometimes the reasons can be the most obvious: perhaps the parents do not have time to help the child with homework, or the child is surrounded by a lot of entertainment, because of which he cannot provide the proper concentration in his studies. There may also be less obvious reasons: perhaps the child does not like a particular subject, perhaps his understanding is given to him with great difficulty, for example, he may not like writing or mathematics. Sometimes a change in the learning environment or the arrival of a new teacher can affect the child from a negative side, and peer pressure or lack of trust from adults can cause a lack of interest in learning. An important question is how much we, as parents and educational workers, pay attention to whether the child gets joy and pleasure from the learning process.

The first years in a child's life are of paramount importance and play an essential role in establishing the character of the child and his possible actions in the future.

Research shows that the experiences children experience in the first five years of their lives form life connections in the brain. It is these connections that are the basis for the child's predisposition to learning, his social and emotional development. Each child develops individually, so the difference in the formation of children is expected.

Educators encounter children from a wide variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Basically, this applies to children learning languages ​​other than their own. Therefore, new curricula offer complementary activities to meet the needs of these children.

Boys perform worse than girls on average, and the UK's Education Standards Authority has produced a report on how schools can improve performance for boys based on research. They found that peer pressure is the main reason boys lag behind girls in almost every subject except math and science.

Also, some children with short periods of concentration cannot engage in one activity for more than 5-10 minutes. Their requirements differ from their peers.

Spending time with your child while playing or doing homework is one of the key opportunities for interaction and builds trust and motivates the child to learn. We must not forget that children receive knowledge constantly and everywhere, not only at school.

1 - Nurturing interest in your child by giving him the opportunity to explore and learn about his interests, be it dinosaurs, stars, animals, flowers, or more.

2- Contribute to the birth of new ideas in your child, participating not only in school, but also in all kinds of other social events.

3 - Try to set short-term goals for the children, as sometimes children become overwhelmed with complex tasks. This does not mean that these tasks are difficult to complete, it is just that children may feel nervous that it takes a long time to solve or understand the problem. Sometimes children can immediately refuse to solve a problem, so it is advisable to divide such problems into several smaller parts.

4 - Help your child to learn how to organize his time, as after starting school, he will have to devote more time to some subjects, some less. Therefore, a child from an early age must learn to value his time. Over time, he himself will have to learn how to properly manage his time.

5 - Praise your child for their efforts. Some children may have trouble translating their efforts into an end result. In order to help your child succeed, every achievement should be measured. Instead of saying, “You could have done it better,” it’s worth saying, “You tried very hard and were able to achieve a good result.”

6 - Help your child to take control of their results: children who are lagging behind believe that the achievement of a result is beyond their control, so it seems to them that all their efforts are pointless. The child must learn to understand the role of personal responsibility for achieving the result.

7 - Show a positive attitude towards school, as children should see that parents value the role of education highly. You must be careful in what you say to educators.

8 - Help your child find the connection between school and his interests. Often the reason for the lack of motivation is that the child does not find any connection between learning and their interests and goals. For example, a teenager who wants to study astronomy should know that for this he needs to study mathematics and physics.

9 - Do your homework in the form of a game, as most children love it, so sometimes boring homework can be turned into a fun game. Also, checking the children's work shows that you care for them. Link your child's homework to their interests, or let them do it themselves.

10 - Parents should keep in mind that the child's motivation for learning should be related not only to school. It is important to know that some children are also highly motivated to achieve their non-school goals. Remember that achievement is not motivation. Therefore, you need to know that as long as you force your child to do homework, this does not mean that he is motivated to do them. So what is the difference between the two? Motivation is temporary and changeable. Motivation is the desire and willingness to do something. A motivated person can set long-term goals, such as becoming a professional writer, or short-term goals, such as learning one foreign word.

We have given just a few examples through which we can stimulate the desire in children to learn. Some parents think that they are not able to awaken a child's desire to learn at home with the same joy and passion as at school. Therefore, parents may be worried about this, although in fact all this is very simple, for example, it is enough to go with the child to the park or the library, or some useful activity, such as cooking dinner together, caring for house plants will always be fun and a pleasant pastime, as well as a creative part of the learning process. Communication with the child's teachers, parents of other children, adopting their experience in similar situations can also serve as an impetus for an even greater understanding of the process of teaching and upbringing of your child. We are fortunate that there is now a lot of information in the public domain, including websites that can help parents better understand this topic. In addition, now the curriculum in schools is constantly being reviewed and updated in order to make the learning process more interesting and fun for children, with active interaction between teacher and students.

Low motivation of younger students

1. With low motivation, it should be borne in mind that for children, communication with adults and with other children is usually an independent and most important value. Therefore, the main line of recommendation is a variety of techniques for joint activities of children and adults, including cognitive elements.

2. If a child's examination reveals a complete absence of a cognitive orientation, then it can be assumed that adults have never had joint cognitive activities with this child, and this often hides a lack of cognitive values ​​in the family.

3. The reason for the lack of cognitive interests in a child is also the opposite: when parents, too concerned about his development, too early and in inappropriate forms begin to "stuff" him with knowledge, teach him to read, write and count. Pedagogical illiterate learning can permanently discourage a child from doing any such thing. The way out in this case is the same: joint lessons with a cognitive orientation, and not one-sided teaching from the position of a teacher, hammering knowledge into a negligent student. The simplest options for joint cognitive activities with a child of primary school age are observing germinating plants (a very convenient and accessible object for such observations is beans); or fixing changes in nature, when, from early spring to late autumn, a child with his parents, walking in the nearest forest, determines plants using the simplest school guide and writes down what new types of flowers appear every week.

4. Any circle with a cognitive focus can help adults compensate for the deficit in cognitive values ​​at home. It is especially successful if one of the older children, already keen on astronomy, computers, history or insects, introduces the child to the circle. But joint cognitive activities should be in the nature of involving one child in the sphere of interests of another, and not the usual "pull-up" of the lagging behind, say, in mathematics. The importance of communication with an older child may be a condition for the "launch" of cognitive motives. The place for joint activities of children does not have to be a circle; at home, parents can arrange for their children something like a "hobby club" in which they themselves can take part.

MOU "Volosovskaya elementary comprehensive school"

Speech at the Methodological Council

Teacher T.V. Karp



In modern school, the issue of motivation for learning can be called central without exaggeration, since the motive is the source of activity and performs the function of motivation and meaning formation. Younger school age is favorable to lay the foundation for the ability, the desire to learn, because Scientists believe that the results of human activity are 20-30% dependent on intelligence, and 70-80% - on motives.

What is motivation? What does it depend on? Why does one child learn with joy and the other with indifference?

Motivation - This is an internal psychological characteristic of a person, which finds expression in external manifestations, in a person's attitude to the world around him, in various types of activity. Activity without motive or with a weak motive is either not carried out at all, or turns out to be extremely unstable. The amount of effort that he puts into his studies depends on how the student feels in a certain situation. Therefore, it is important that the entire learning process evokes in the child an intense and inner urge to knowledge, intense mental work.

The development of the student will be more intensive and effective if he is included in the activity corresponding to the zone of his proximal development, if the learning will cause positive emotions, and the pedagogical interaction of the participants in the educational process will be trusting and reinforcing the role of emotions.

One of the main conditions for the implementation of activities, the achievement of certain goals in any area is motivation. And the basis of motivation is, as psychologists say, the needs and interests of the individual. Therefore, in order to achieve good academic success in schoolchildren, it is necessary to make learning a desirable process.

Numerous studies show that in order to form a full-fledged educational motivation in schoolchildren, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work. Educational and cognitive motives, which occupy a special place among the groups represented, are formed only in the course of active development of educational activity (LE).

Educational activities.

Motives Purpose Actions Control Assessment

teachings and goal setting(educational)

UD has a certain structure (see diagram), which contributes to an emotionally positive perception of learning, provides the student with the opportunity to freely express emotions, makes him a true subject of UD

Motivation types:

1. The motivation behind learning activities

"Negative" Are motives schoolboy caused uncomfortable consciousness and troubles that may arise if he will not learn.

Positive in two forms:

Determined social aspirations (feeling civic duty before the country, before close)

Defined by narrow-minded motives: approval others, the path to personal well-being, etc.

2. The motivation behind the learning activity itself

Bound directly for learning purposes (satisfaction curiosity, acquisition certain knowledge, expansion horizons)

Laid in the very educational processactivities, (overcoming obstacles, intellectualactivity implementationtheir abilities)

Motivational basis for educational activities student consists of the following elements:

  • focusing on the learning situation
  • awareness of the meaning of the upcoming activity
  • deliberate choice of motive
  • goal setting
  • striving for a goal (implementation of educational activities)
  • striving to achieve success (awareness of confidence in the correctness of their actions)
  • self-assessment of the process and results of activity (emotional attitude to activity).

Knowing the type of motivation, the teacher can to make a conditions for reinforcement the corresponding positive motivation. Education will be successful if internally accepted by the child, if it relies on his needs, motives, interests, i.e. has a personal meaning for him.

Need to understandgeneral structure of motivation to learn in this age:

a) Cognitive motivation

A deep interest in learning a subject in elementary grades is rare, but successful children are attracted to a variety of subjects, including the most challenging subjects.

If a child in the learning process begins to rejoice that he has learned something, understood, learned something, it means that he develops a motivation corresponding to the structure of educational activity. Unfortunately, even among the well-performing students, there are very few children with educational and cognitive motives.
A number of modern researchers directly believe that the reasons explaining why some children have cognitive interests, while others do not, should be sought, first of all, at the very beginning of school education.
A person is enriched with knowledge only when this knowledge means something to him. One of the tasks of the school is to teach subjects in such an interesting and lively way that the child himself wants to study and remember them. Learning from books and conversations is quite limited. The subject is comprehended much deeper and faster if it is studied in a real environment.

Most often, cognitive interests are formed purely spontaneously. In rare cases, some have a dad, a book, an uncle nearby, while others have a talented teacher. However, the problem of the natural formation of cognitive interest in the majority of children remains unresolved.

B) Motivation to achieve success.

Children with high academic performance have a pronounced motivation for achieving success - the desire to do a good job, to complete the task correctly, to get the desired result. In primary school, this motivation often becomes dominant. Success motivation, along with cognitive interests, is the most valuable motive and should be distinguished from prestigious motivation.

c) Prestigious motivation

Prestigious motivation is characteristic of children with high self-esteem and leadership inclinations. She encourages the student to learn better than classmates, to stand out among them, to be the first.

If sufficiently developed abilities correspond to prestigious motivation, it becomes a powerful engine for the development of an excellent student, who will, at the limit of his working capacity and hard work, achieve the best educational results. Individualism, constant rivalry with capable peers and a disdainful attitude towards others distort the moral orientation of the personality of such children.

If the prestigious motivation is combined with average abilities, deep self-doubt, usually not realized by the child, along with an overestimated level of aspirations, lead to violent reactions in situations of failure.

d) Motivation to avoid failure.

Low-performing students do not develop prestigious motivation. The motivation for achieving success, as well as the motive for getting a high mark, are characteristic of starting school. But even at this time, the second tendency is clearly manifested - the motivation to avoid failure. Children try to avoid the "two" and the consequences that a low grade entails - teacher discontent, parental sanctions.

By the end of primary school, students who are lagging behind are most often deprived of the motive for achieving success and the motive for getting a high grade (although they continue to count on praise), and the motive for avoiding failure acquires significant force. Anxiety, fear of getting a bad grade gives educational activity a negative emotional coloring. Almost a quarter of unsuccessful third graders have a negative attitude towards learning because this motive prevails in them.

e) Compensatory motivation.

By this time, unsuccessful children develop a special compensatory motivation. These are secondary motives in relation to educational activities, allowing to establish themselves in another area - in sports, music, drawing, in caring for the younger family members, etc. When the need for self-affirmation is satisfied in some area of ​​activity, low academic performance does not become a source of difficult feelings for the child.

In the course of individual and age-related development, the structure of motives changes.
Usually a child comes to school with a positive motivation. So that his positive attitude towards school does not fade away, the teacher's efforts should be aimed at forming a stable motivation for achieving success, on the one hand, and developing educational interests, on the other.

The formation of a stable motivation for achieving success is necessary in order to blur the "position of the unsuccessful", to increase the self-esteem and psychological stability of the student. High self-esteem by unsuccessful students of their individual qualities and abilities, their lack of an inferiority complex and lack of self-confidence play a positive role, helping such students to establish themselves in the activities that are feasible for them, are the basis for the development of educational motivation.

How to develop a student's interest in the subject?

An interesting lesson can be created due to the following conditions:

  • the personality of the teacher (very often even boring material explained by a beloved teacher is well absorbed);
  • the content of the educational material (when the child just likes the content of the given subject);
  • methods and techniques of teaching.

If the first two points are not always in our power, then the last one is a field for the creative activity of any teacher.

Let's remember some requirements for modern lesson.

From the standpoint of modern pedagogical science, attention should be paid to the following:

  • If possible, try to address each student not once, but not less than 3-5 times during the lesson, that is, to carry out constant “feedback” - to correct the incomprehensible or misunderstood.
  • To give a grade to a student not for a separate answer, but for several (at different stages of the lesson) - to introduce the forgotten concept of a lesson point.
  • Constantly and purposefully engage in the development of the qualities that underlie the development of cognitive abilities: reaction speed, all types of memory, attention, imagination, etc. The main task of each teacher is not only to teach, but to develop the child's thinking by means of his subject.
  • Whenever possible, try to integrate knowledge, linking topics of one subject with related and other academic disciplines, enriching knowledge, expanding the horizons of students.

What are the ways to increase operability atlesson need to use?

However, it is importantteach the child to set goals for himself... At different lessons, in the course of analyzing new material, when checking homework, it is advisable to first lead the child to an understanding of the teacher's goal, and then to independently formulate his own goals that have a personal meaning for him. We must strive consistently, work out with him the setting of different goals - close, promising, simple, complex, etc. An important condition for this is that they must be realistically achievable. When structuring interaction, it is necessary not only to predict special situations, but to develop special tasks that reflect the components of educational activity.

The approximate content of such tasks:

Define your own goals for the session (stage);

Think about why you want to work in class today;

Determine the importance, significance of the material being studied;

Analyze your thoughts, if you have any additional suggestions for studying the educational material;

Formulate your learning objectives (or choose from the proposed ones);

Determine the way to solve your learning problem;

Answer yourself if you managed to solve your educational problem;

Identify your difficulties during the session;

Imagine yourself in the teacher's place: what would you suggest to get answers to your questions, unsolved problems, etc..

Motivation has the greatest impact on the productivity of the educational process and determines the success of educational activities. The lack of motives for learning inevitably leads to a decrease in academic performance, personality degradation, and ultimately to the commission of offenses by adolescents.

The following conclusions can be drawn:

1) motivation is a particularly important and specific component of educational activity;

2) through motivation, pedagogical goals are quickly transformed into mental goals of students;

3) through motivation, a certain attitude of students to the subject is formed and its value in terms of personal development is realized;

4) through the formation of positive motivation, you can significantly improve the quality indicators of cognitive processes.

The formation of motivation for learning at school age, without exaggeration, can be called one of the central problems of the modern school, a matter of social importance. Its relevance is due to the renewal of the content of education, the formulation of the tasks of forming in schoolchildren the methods of independent acquisition of knowledge and cognitive interests, the formation of an active life position in them.

The process of increasing educational motivation in younger schoolchildren will be more effective if teachers and psychologists in their work use a variety of forms, techniques and methods and take into account the following factors affecting the formation of educational motivation (see diagram):