Profession marketer description. Marketer - who is he and what does he do? What you have to do at work and specialization

Marketer(From the English marketing - sale, trade in the market.) - a specialist in the study of the market, the needs and preferences of consumers. In more broad sense a marketer is any professional who works in the field of marketing. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, psychology and social studies (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Marketing- management of the creation of goods and services, and the mechanisms for their implementation, as a single complex process.

Features of the profession

The marketer assesses whether a particular product will be in demand and why, suggests ways to promote the product, assesses the actions of competitors (features of their products, pricing policy), organizes the work of the research team, monitors the industry and analyzes the results, finds out the preferences of buyers, and makes recommendations to the manufacturer / seller.

This profession appeared in Russia relatively recently, after perestroika, when the saturation of the domestic market with goods was combined with a decline in welfare. Successful trading required a thoughtful professional approach.

But even now the profession of a marketer does not lose its relevance, tk. competition in the market among manufacturers of goods and services is getting tougher every year. The marketer's job begins long before the product goes on sale. Even before the start of production (in trading companies - long before the purchase decision), the marketer must determine who the product will be designed for, what is the potential market capacity, analyze the activities of competitors, etc.

The marketer, as already mentioned, is involved in organizing and managing the advertising and PR activities of the company, both outside and inside. However, in large companies this work is too much for one specialist - it can be performed by a whole department, which includes: analyst, marketing economist, product manager, event manager, BTL manager, brand manager, marketing director.

Analyst- is engaged in data collection and analysis.

Marketer-economist- deals with pricing issues. At the same time, it takes into account data on cost, demand, competitors' policies, etc.

Product manager usually conducts market analysis, is engaged in activities to promote the company's product, analysis of competitors' products. He must understand the intricacies of the product, and even better - have the appropriate education. For example, when developing and selling clothes, the product manager is required to know the basics of clothing design, garment production, etc.

Event manager is engaged in planning, preparing and conducting events to promote the company's products, exhibitions and promotions, press conferences and other corporate events.

BTL manager- organizes company promotions, for example, tastings.

Brand manager- the highest position in the marketing department. He manages the marketing department, coordinates the work of all its specialists, plans the organization of advertising campaigns, analyzes the market and the competitive environment, determines sales plans and monitors their implementation, develops strategies aimed at making a profit, conquering and retaining markets.

The merchandiser and the promoter are also related to marketing.

Merchandiser- is responsible for activities to promote goods directly in retail outlets (puts goods on shelves in a certain way, places advertising materials, etc.). At the same time, he takes into account the typical behavior of a person who came to shop, the peculiarities of the distribution of consumer attention, etc.

Promoters- attract the attention of potential customers to a product or service by handing over flyers, samples for tasting, etc.

Marketing training

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our list.

In addition to basic education useful courses, trainings and programs on standards for the implementation of reports, presentations, etc. You can take them in one of the universities that conduct additional education programs.

If a marketer is applying for managerial positions, then an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree is preferable to certificates of numerous courses, seminars and trainings.

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On this course, you can get the profession of a marketer in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
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B&D - recruits on. The program is aimed at professional training of marketers, Brand managers, Product managers, sales managers. A marketer can work for any company, start a business, or be an invited expert. The training is aimed at the formation of professional skills and competencies, the development of a non-standard creative approach to solving problems. 3 minutes walk from the metro station Prospekt Mira.


Marketers work in the marketing departments of production and trade enterprises- both in medium-sized businesses and in transnational corporations.

Also, a marketer can work with a marketing agency that provides services to businesses that do not have their own marketing department.


Salary for 08/05/2019

Russia 20,000-80000 ₽

Moscow 50,000—120000 ₽

Important qualities

Needed analytical warehouse mind, ability to work with a large amount of information, good intelligence, tenacious memory, activity.

Leadership is required to lead a department.

Knowledge and skills

For analytical work, a marketer requires knowledge and skills in the field of building models, forecasts, working in specialized programs, deep knowledge and experience in using Excel, various methods such as WACC, ROIC, EVA, DCF, CVA.

Knowledge is almost always necessary of English language... This is also justified by the fact that most of the necessary literature has not been translated into Russian.

Career options

You can enter marketing from several starting positions:

  • through any of the main components of marketing (research, analytics, product, brand, trade);
  • through sales, finance, advertising, PR, logistics.

"Subcontractors" are in high demand - specialists with experience in two or more areas.

Medium in scale Russian companies specialist generalists are required. They are more consistent with the concept of "marketer" in the minds of the leaders of such companies. In this case, you need to be able to independently conduct research, participate in the development of new products, engage in branding, sales analysis, develop a strategy, marketing programs and promotions, order and control advertising.

Have you ever wondered on what principle stores purchase goods for subsequent sale? Maybe their assortment is replenished with everything that is offered by the manufacturer, or do they select the product only according to their taste? No! Before the store shelves are filled with this or that product, serious marketing research is carried out. Its purpose is to study the existing demand in the consumer market. If the company is interested in increasing the volume of sales, then it cannot do without such a specialist as a marketer, who conducts such research.

Main functions

There is no single answer to the question of who a marketer is. The fact is that the functions of this specialist in different companies may differ significantly. So, one firm pays more attention to the organization of advertising of its goods, while the other focuses on the research of competitors and consumers.

In this regard, it is impossible to briefly answer the question of who is a marketer. But this position is very responsible. In general, the functions of this specialist are to ensure maximum effective work the company and in increasing the return on its activities. In this case, the whole range of marketing techniques must be applied.

Main responsibilities

Marketers must do:

Market capacity assessment;
- industry analysis;
- demand forecast;
- comparative analysis;
- development

As you can see, the duties of this specialist are very extensive. It is very problematic to cope with such a volume of work alone. In this regard, at large enterprises whole departments for the promotion of goods are created. In small firms, there is the position of "manager-marketer". This employee, in parallel with his main duties, is engaged in sales and

A successful specialist has a perspective career growth... Over time, he may be appointed as the marketing director or commercial director of the company.

Required knowledge

Who is a marketer? This is, first of all, a specialist with a good theoretical base. Someone who does not fully possess knowledge of the principles of marketing will not be able to conduct research and develop the necessary concept promotions... For such a position, in addition to higher specialized education, knowledge of psychology, sociology and the legal framework will be needed.

A good marketer, among other things, must have an analytical and at the same time creative thinking... He should easily establish contacts with different people, be sociable, have emotional stability and diplomacy.
A marketer needs to be and also know the basic package, which includes office and special programs. Mathematical abilities will allow a specialist to master this volume. Knowledge of the basics of programming will not hurt him either.

Requirements for compulsory foreign language proficiency are put forward for almost all marketers. This is especially important if the company operates in the international market.

Internet marketer

Some experts study sales markets and promote advertising on the Internet. They are called somewhat differently. These are internet marketers. In addition to all of the above, their responsibilities include:

Attracting visitors to the corporation website;
- development of Internet projects.

As a result, it must be ensured high profitability monetary investments in the World Wide Web. An Internet marketer is a specialist who knows more than just the basics of marketing. He must have knowledge in the field of network technologies, as well as web design and have practical skills that allow him to quickly find the information he needs on the World Wide Web.

An internet marketer is an ad image and copywriter who is well versed in electronic payment technologies and knows how to communicate with customers. As you can see, this position obliges to a lot. Internet marketing is hard work to collect the necessary information, which in the future needs to be systematized and analyzed. Further, on the basis of the data obtained, the specialist develops a specific strategy for promoting the goods.

Analyst Marketer

The task of this specialist is to analyze the market structure and assess the possibilities of promoting newly created insurance products. The analyst marketer must be proficient in all the tools of his profession. This will allow the company to constantly develop and work successfully.

What is a Marketing Analyst? This is a specialist who monitors all newly emerging market trends and knows how to navigate in conditions of uncertainty.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer analyst? This list includes:

Conducting field research focus groups;
- where competitors are present;
- research of consumer preferences;
- formation of assortment policy;
- reporting, etc.

A marketer on the staff of a large company is also involved in regional sales market research. This is a specialist who is able to generate ideas, find the necessary information, manage events and people.

At the moment it is in the lists of the most promising and prestigious. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the employer makes increased demands on applicants for this position. As a rule, the candidate is tested for knowledge of sociology and economics, jurisprudence and statistics, current legislation and the history of the development of production and trade.

An applicant for the position of analyst marketer must be sociable, have analytical and structural thinking, constantly strive for self-improvement and have an excellent memory, organizational and analytical skills.


Nowadays, it is difficult to find a company that does not have a marketing position on its staff. The main advantages of this profession, in addition to great popularity, is that it is highly paid. At the very start of his career, a university graduate who has no experience yet has an income of thirty thousand rubles. After his earnings grow to fifty to sixty thousand rubles a month. But this amount is not the limit either. However, it should be borne in mind that only attentive and hardworking employees make a rapid career.

The choice of a marketing profession can be influenced by its relevance not only by manufacturing companies. The services of this specialist are also required by specialized consulting firms.

Where to go to study?

So, you already know who a marketer is and are determined to pursue this specialty. The skills of this profession are successfully mastered by people who have received a degree in sociology or In addition, many universities have already introduced such a direction for training students as "Marketing". Such specializations are available in almost every university in the country. However, marketers in Moscow, as a rule, are people who graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the National Research Institute "Higher School of Economics" or the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation. These universities are especially quoted among employers in the capital. The doors of the most prestigious consulting companies that specialize in marketing open before a person with a diploma from such an institution.

How to write a resume and get a job?

In order to fill an existing vacancy in your chosen company, you will need to write a resume. A marketer will be hired only by one who, in terms of his education and personal characteristics, will be suitable for the employer. This will need to be taken into account when compiling your biography.

First of all, demonstrate your own knowledge of the company you are applying to. This will characterize your Focus on your experience and knowledge. This will allow the employer to understand what you can do and whether you meet their expectations. Indicate your achievements in previous jobs. Don't hide any information.

Pay particular attention to the section that contains additional information. Here it is necessary to note the knowledge of one or more foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license (if any), the level of proficiency in various PC programs. If you have a hobby, it is also worth mentioning on your resume. A marketer whose life hobbies are in some way related to the corporate culture or the vacancy in question will be hired faster.

Next, you will have to go through one or two interviews. If there are a large number of applicants for a vacancy, a stress test is possible. The staff of the company will hire the most motivated, uninhibited and ready to be active.

The next stage is testing and final interviews. It is at this moment that the selection of the best of the best takes place.

Career building

With the successful passage of all stages of the interview, you find yourself at the starting position of the profession. University graduates who have no practical experience are hired for the position of "marketing assistant". You will have to carry out small assignments and bear the brunt of routine work.

The next stage of career growth is the position of a marketer. At the same time, your salary increases. In this position, you should prove yourself a creative person. This will help create the foundation for further professional growth.

The first serious step in your career will be the position of the head of the marketing department. The responsibilities of this specialist include the management of an entire staff of specialists and overseeing their work. However, this is far from the limit. Many companies appoint highly qualified marketers as CFOs or offer them a senior management position.

Right choice

The profession of a marketer is one of the most promising. By choosing it, you will receive a large number of opportunities that allow you to work both in simple positions and in the management of the company.

An important advantage of this profession is the need to acquire a huge amount of skills, abilities and knowledge. This will allow, if you wish, to find yourself in a number of other specialties.

A marketer is a specialist who studies market demand and offers for certain goods and services, and also organizes the sale of the company's products. No company that produces any goods or services can do without a specialist in consumer tastes research and product promotion, if, of course, it is interested in increasing sales. Therefore, the profession of a marketer is promising both in terms of career growth and in terms of wages.

Places of work

Today, the position of a marketer is in every company, even the smallest one, which is actively promoting and selling its products - be it a bank, an industrial holding or an ice cream company. With the development of the Internet and, accordingly, the expansion of the consumer audience, a marketing analyst who professionally evaluates the tastes of this audience and market trends has become an almost irreplaceable employee of the sales department. In addition, an internet marketer is a highly sought-after specialist in consulting companies conducting online marketing research for their clients.

History of the profession

The need for such specialists arose around the middle of the last century, and in Russia the first marketers appeared only in the 90s of the 20th century. But those who consider the profession of a marketer to be young are mistaken - the first marketers were known in Europe back in the 17-18 centuries. The clerks of the trading companies traveled "through the cities and villages", inquiring which goods were more popular with the inhabitants of this or that area - some Lyons velvet, and some English cloth. This was done so that the goods did not stale in warehouses and merchants did not incur losses if they brought in unsuitable products.

Responsibilities of a marketer

The list of what a marketer does is not very extensive, but nevertheless, job duties marketers are serious and responsible enough. Its functions include:

  • Monitoring and analysis of the current market situation. Making forecasts of market development;
  • Drawing up recommendations to increase sales and brand awareness:
    • recommendations on pricing;
    • coordination of effective advertising creation and use;
    • recommendations to merchandisers on the layout of goods;
    • Development and subsequent implementation of sales strategies.

In addition to the above duties, a specialist is sometimes required:

  • Retail audit retail outlets(usually in large consumer goods companies);
  • Writing articles, press releases and publishing them in specialized media;
  • Participation in exhibitions and conferences;
  • Support and development of Internet sites (usually of an advisory nature).

Requirements for a marketer

Typically, employers have the following requirements for what a marketer needs to know:

  • Knowledge of the features of the market under study;
  • Ability to do analytical work, collect and process statistical data, draw up reports;
  • Confident possession of PCs and office equipment;
  • Ability to correctly express your thoughts in oral and written form;
  • Specialized higher education.

In addition to these basic ones, some employers put forward additional requirements:

  • Readiness for business trips (travel to conferences and exhibitions);
  • Knowledge of English (upper-intermediate level);
  • The presence of a driving license of category B.

Marketer Resume Sample

How to become a marketer

Marketing skills are successfully mastered by people with higher economic or sociological education. In addition, many universities have already introduced the direction of training "Marketing", whose graduates can become full-fledged marketers.

Another path to marketing is through advertising. It is enough to get a job in any advertising agency and start participating in projects, helping advertisers to promote their goods and services. At first, no one will allow you to make decisions, but after 1-2 years you will become proficient in marketing and advertising.

Marketer salary

As a rule, the salary of a marketer, like any other specialist, depends on the region of his residence and the specifics of the employing company. The numbers here range from 20 to 120 thousand rubles, and the average salary of a marketer is about 40 thousand rubles.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education there are a number of short-term training courses on the market, usually from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Civil Engineering and industrial complex and her courses of direction "".

Institute of Professional Education "IPO" invites you to take distance courses in the direction "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with obtaining a diploma or certificate state standard... We have trained over 8,000 graduates from nearly 200 cities. You can undergo training as an external student, get an interest-free installment plan.

To begin with, you should ask the following question - what does he do?

If you look into the history of this word, then from English it is translated as "studying the market."

A marketer is a person who analyzes the demand for a product, and also conducts a study of the sales market.

Very often, many people confuse and relate marketing to advertising, but this is something else.

The responsibilities of any marketer also include promotion. outdoor advertising on the Internet, radio or television.

If a marketer correctly identifies consumer needs, intelligently prioritizes, then the services of the company he represents will be very successful.

What are the types of activities related to marketing?

  • market research, product research;
  • analyzing and conducting customer surveys;
  • making report;
  • forecasting preliminary data.

Marketing profession - where to study

In order to work in this field, you must at least graduate educational institution with a degree in Marketing. It is at this faculty that the future specialist will learn about the basics of economics, the history of the development of production and much more that will be so important for him to know.

h2> Is the profession of a marketer in demand?

Each firm needs the services of this profession, whether it is a trade and production company, advertising agencies, various large companies that have their own advertising departments or consulting firms.

A person who decides to connect his life with this profession must possess the following skills:

  • knowledge in the field of marketing,
  • knowledge of the market,
  • ability to work with special computer programs,
  • maintenance and preparation of reports in Excel,
  • literate Russian and English.

Marketing profession - pros and cons

Very often, marketers are faced with the following problem - to find out and explain what exactly attracts buyers of a particular product. As you know, the main factor for the development of any business is a high demand for goods or services.

Any marketer should suggest how best to present a company so that it will be successful.

The entire success of the company depends on the professionalism of the marketer.

So, you should immediately set yourself up for an interesting, varied and not boring job.

The only drawback is the analysis and study of a large volume of documents.

But as the saying goes folk wisdomif the work is to your liking, then everything will be necessary and interesting.

According to preliminary data, the average wage leading marketer can be approximately 35. 000 rubles.