Elena Shinkaruk: We make receiving services comfortable. Elena Shinkaruk: We make receiving services comfortable. Shinkaruk Elena Vyacheslavovna personal life

"Svyaz / Partners"

Elena Shinkaruk, Head of the Control Department of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, spoke about the draft methodology for assessing the activities of the administrations. According to her, the rating is planned to take into account five main areas of activity of the administrations: improvement and maintenance of courtyards, trade and services, housing management, construction and interaction with the population. In this case, the consolidated rating will be compiled by the department territorial bodies the executive branch of Moscow. “Those who are evaluating and those who are being evaluated will have to be distant. In the assessment, we will pay key attention to the opinion of residents, obtained through social polls and through our Internet portals, ”said E. Shinkaruk.
link: http://www.interfax.ru/txt. asp? id = 291923

Moscow City Hall seeks feedback

Elena Shinkaruk, Head of the Control Department of the Mayor and Personnel of the Moscow Government, spoke about two main issues facing the developers of the new approach. The first question is who to evaluate. “It is necessary to evaluate first of all the council itself, and not its head,” Shinkaruk noted. The second question is what exactly should be assessed. According to Shinkaruk, it is necessary to divide into spheres, such as housing and communal services, local trade, housing management and construction.
link: http://www.ng.ru/regions/2013-02-22 / 6_msk.html

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Moscow administrations

The debates were attended by: Alexandra Alexandrova (Head of the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Moscow Government), Elena Shinkaruk (Head of the Control Department of the Mayor and Government of Moscow), Vyacheslav Shulenin (Head of the Department of Territorial Executive Bodies of Moscow), Vladislav Bazanchuk (Prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow) ), Vladimir Goverdovsky (Prefect of the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow), Pavel Avekov (Head of the Filyovsky Park District Administration of Moscow), Boris Andreev (Head of the Administration of the Alekseevsky District of Moscow), Alexander Zakondirin (Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Voikovskoye Municipal District in Moscow, Alliance of the Greens - People's Party "); Andrey Klychkov (deputy of the Moscow City Duma, head of the Communist Party faction in Mogordum), Alexey Shaposhnikov (chairman of the council municipalities Moscow), Alexander Bragin (executive director of the Forum Analytical Center non-profit foundation), Sergei Vorobyov (member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights), Yuri Kotler (co-chairman of the Human Resource Development subgroup in the Big Government ), Victoria Petrova (deputy general director the company "Basic Element"), and Ilya Sviridov (deputy of the Tagansky district of Moscow, "A JUST RUSSIA").
link: http://msk.spravedlivo.ru/5_ 46823.html

District councils put on the meter
“We tried to make the new assessment system as independent as possible,” explained Elena Shinkaruk, head of the control department of the mayor and government of Moscow. - One of the sources of information was made the opinion of residents, which comes to the portals "Our City", "House of Moscow" and "Roads of Moscow" or is revealed based on the results of sociological surveys. Another source of information is the reports of the sectoral authorities that monitor and assess the situation in a particular territory and act without regard to the council.
link: http://www.mk.ru/moscow/ article / 2013/02/27 / 819176- rayonnyie-upravyi-postavili- na-schetchik.html

Control system: where to complain about Moscow officials

“The proposed rating system is structured in such a way that each government can become the best and should strive to improve its performance,” Elena Shinkaruk, head of the control department of the mayor and the Moscow Government, was optimistic.
link: http://www.aif.ru/realty_city/ trend / 40923

Order of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government dated December 22, 2010 N 820-KPR "About Shinkaruk E.V."

Shinkaruk Elena Vyacheslavovna to be admitted to the state civil service of the city of Moscow by way of transfer and to appoint from December 22, 2010 to the post of first deputy head of the Control Department of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow (senior position) with a salary in accordance with staffing table(attachment), a monthly surcharge for special conditions of the state civil service in the amount of 200% of the official salary and the conclusion of a service contract for four years.
link: http://bazazakonov.ru/doc/?ID= 2744096

Roundtable at Interfax: Evaluating the efficiency of Moscow administrations

On February 21, I took part in a debate at Interfax, the topic is new approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the administrations of Moscow districts.
It was hot. In addition to me, the debates were also attended by - Alexandra Alexandrova (head of the department of civil service and personnel of the Moscow government), Elena Shinkaruk (head of the control department of the mayor and government of Moscow), Vyacheslav Shulenin (head of the department of territorial executive bodies of Moscow), Vladislav Bazanchuk (prefect of Northern Administrative District of Moscow), Vladimir Goverdovsky (Prefect of the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow), Pavel Avekov (Head of the Filyovsky Park District Board of Moscow), Boris Andreev (Head of the Board of the Alekseevsky District of Moscow), Alexander Zakondirin (Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Voikovskoye Municipal District in Moscow, Green Alliance - People's Party); Andrey Klychkov (deputy of the Moscow City Duma, head of the Communist Party faction in Mogordum), Alexey Shaposhnikov (chairman of the council of municipalities in Moscow), Alexander Bragin (executive director of the Forum Analytical Center non-profit foundation), Sergei Vorobyov (member of the presidential council on development civil society and human rights), Yuri Kotler (co-chairman of the subgroup “Development of human resources” in the “Big Government”), Victoria Petrova (deputy general director of the company “Basic Element”).

How did the Russian capital manage to get on a par with Singapore in terms of the prevalence of electronic services? When will Muscovites not only be able to attach themselves to the clinic, but also sign up for a medical examination without getting up from the computer? Why is it important to develop communication between businessmen and officials via the Internet? This and many other things were discussed in the editorial office " Russian newspaper"at the" Business Breakfast "with the Chairperson of the Moscow State Services Committee Elena Shinkaruk.

Elena Vyacheslavovna, literally this week, a new service has appeared on the mos.ru portal of the mayor and government of Moscow - issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy (MHI). What does it give Muscovites?

Elena Shinkaruk: Before the appearance of this service, in order to issue a policy, it was necessary to come twice to the center of public services "My Documents" or directly to the insurance company - first write a statement, and then pick up the document. Now, right on the portal, you can choose an insurance company and order a policy. It will be ready in 30 days. And you only have to come to the office once to pick up finished document.

11 million Muscovites made an appointment with a doctor online at least once - this is almost all the residents of the city. Does a visit to a polyclinic really start with a computer today?

Elena Shinkaruk: There are a lot of channels for making an appointment with a doctor in Moscow now, and most of them are electronic. Terminals in polyclinics, the website and applications of the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS), the mos.ru medical section ... The vast majority of citizens get to the doctor through these resources. Nowadays, they are least likely to make an appointment by phone. In general, we have 250 electronic services and services. They are used by about 75% of city dwellers, and this figure is constantly growing.

And what is the most popular online service?

Elena Shinkaruk: In healthcare, of course, appointment with a doctor is in the lead. The service of attaching to the clinic is also very popular. By the end of the year, we expect to connect dental clinics here as well. In a pilot mode, in several polyclinics, we are working on the possibility of separately registering for a medical examination or receiving a certain medical certificate... So that people in such cases do not need to first go to a therapist, but they can immediately get to the right specialist and get what they need. In education, the electronic diary is most in demand - it is used by students, teachers and parents alike. The functionality of the service is constantly expanding. You can even write a notice to the teacher. Or, conversely, receive a letter from the teacher.

In the year before last, when the stage of filing applications for preferential vouchers for children's recreation began, the electronic service could not cope with the number of requests. Are you considering the issue of system sustainability if the number of users and services provided is constantly growing?

Elena Shinkaruk: Children's rest was probably one of the most difficult stories, because there are a lot of people willing. But we have solved this problem. Previously, the application campaign took place in the spring, and since last year it has been held in the fall. This expands the time frame for filing applications and reduces the excitement a little.

Note that a few years ago, such problems were not only with vouchers for children's holidays. Now we divide our services into regular and seasonal. First class enrollment, for example, a seasonal service that is in demand from December 15th, usually until January 1st. We have already learned how to prepare the infrastructure so that it can withstand the load. And before the start of seasonal services, they began to conduct tests with loads comparable to those of previous years. This happens in a few weeks in order to understand whether the system can withstand and if suddenly any failures arise, they are eliminated in advance.

Are you interested in how convenient it is for Muscovites to use existing electronic resources?

Elena Shinkaruk: We constantly conduct surveys and initiate changes ourselves. For example, the service of viewing the results of the Unified State Exam will soon become relevant. Last year we asked people how they would like to change it - the vote was launched in the "Active Citizen". As a result, taking into account the opinion of the townspeople, it became possible to subscribe to notifications. So that each parent or student does not check 15 times within an hour whether there are results or not, but receives a message that everything is ready and can be watched. In general, opinion polls show that more than 95% of city dwellers are satisfied with the quality of the provision of public services in Moscow. And the same number of people know about the possibility of receiving them electronically.

About 17% of mos.ru portal users are over 55 years old. And if you take the age of 45 and older, then there are already 30% of them.

About a year ago, an independent portal of city services moved to the unified website of the Moscow government mos.ru. For what purpose?

Elena Shinkaruk: Everything is very simple. For example, Muscovites are already accustomed to the fact that you can come to an ordinary center of public services with any questions - from obtaining a parking permit to replacing driving license... The so-called principle of one window operates. The same thing happens in the online environment - we combine services and services on one portal of public services. Already today, mos.ru residents have access not only to electronic services and services, but also background information about the authorities and a calendar of cultural events. And it works, because mos.ru is growing in popularity. Last year, for example, more than 250 million services were provided through it, which is almost a third more than in 2016. In addition, we have made it so that the old links leading to the old portal, users will automatically get to the new address.

Does the older generation have problems getting electronic government services? After all, it is sometimes difficult for pensioners to work with a computer, and they need the services of the state no less than young people.

Elena Shinkaruk: In fact, there are a lot of active Internet users among pensioners today and you can see an elderly person not only at a computer, but also with a smartphone everywhere. About 17% of mos.ru portal users are over 55 years old. And if you take the age of 45 and older, then there are already 30% of such users. I can even say from the "Active Citizen" that we have elderly and very energetic people there. In addition, no one cancels the possibilities of obtaining public services offline - and the centers social service, and the centers of public services continue to operate as before.

How are things going with the electronic registration of benefits, allowances and others? social services? For example, a Muscovite Elena Bulakhtina sent a question to the editorial office about housing subsidies - she says that to get them you have to walk a lot and do nothing via the Internet.

Elena Shinkaruk: Electronic services related social protection population, quite a lot. Starting from the registration of parking permits for large families, disabled people and ending with all kinds of payments. Some children's payments in electronic form 17. As for subsidies for housing and communal services, now we are revising this service in order to understand how it can be technologically provided online and to minimize the walking of people through the authorities. There are many interested parties and departments, a lot of approvals, but we are closely working on this topic.

Entrepreneurs, companies, all kinds of legal entities are also switching over to communicating with the authorities through the Internet?

Elena Shinkaruk: Yes, we have registered 22.3 thousand personal accounts legal entities on the portal. For example, the construction industry has been almost entirely transferred to electronic interaction. This is not only a matter of convenience, but also of the fight against corruption, the less personal contacts between officials and business, the less abuse. In addition, all services in the construction sector are interconnected and follow a chain - first a building permit, then the installation of fences, the commissioning of facilities, their registration. And these are services, in fact, of one life cycle... It all started with a transfer to electronic view permits for construction and commissioning of facilities, and now 22 services in the construction sector are available online with us. In other areas of business, there are also many electronic opportunities - obtaining a license for taxi activities, permission to enter heavy vehicles, lease of land and all kinds of auctions. A total of 81 services for legal entities, which are available in electronic form.

How does Moscow compare to other megacities in the world in terms of transferring public services online?

Elena Shinkaruk: Moscow has something to be proud of: only we have a variety of services focused on one portal. In the USA, Great Britain, many European countries on one site you can often see only a set of links to other resources, somewhere they provide a specific service, or simply provide information. We, in principle, are on a par with Singapore in terms of the number of government services converted into electronic form. But to put things this way, Moscow took half the time than Singapore.

But, of course, there are countries, whose experience we should strive for, but there is not always such an opportunity. For example, Estonia is considered the benchmark for the whole world, where 98% of the population receives services electronically. But they have such an opportunity, because all citizens have electronic passports.

On Tuesday, March 10, at a meeting of the Moscow government presidium, the capital's mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced personnel changes in a number of Moscow departments. In particular, Alexei Stepanov, head of the public services committee, is dismissed from his post. Elena Shinkaruk has been appointed to the post of Stepanov, according to the website of the information center of the Moscow government.

“He [Stepanov] did a good job, more than a hundred MFCs were created in Moscow to provide public services. Millions of people use these services, ”the Moscow Mayor emphasized.

Recall that there are now 104 centers of public services in the capital. They are open to visitors from Monday to Sunday from 8.00 to 20.00 without lunch and weekends.

In May 2014, the Ministry of Economic Development officially presented a single brand for the MFC system. The brand book for the MFC was developed to bring the numerous and diverse in quality ways of designing public service centers to a single, recognizable style. The new brand removes the very term "MFC". It will be renamed to My Documents. According to the ministry, the design elements and the “My Documents” brand itself should convey openness, friendliness of service, and a personal approach. The positioning slogan of the new institutions is “For all occasions”.


Elena Vyacheslavovna Shinkaruk was born in 1981 in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region.

Graduated from the Finance Academy under the Government in 2004 Russian Federation with a degree in finance and credit. PhD in Economics.

From October 2003 to December 2007 - specialist of the first category of the financial reporting department and management accounting department corporate governance and new economy, leading specialist, chief specialist, consultant, deputy head of the development department public finance Department of Budgeting by Results and Consolidated Financial Balance of the Ministry economic development and trade of the Russian Federation.

From December 2007 to November 2009 - Head of the Department of Methodology for Financial Support of Expenditure Obligations of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the Department for Development of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry regional development Russian Federation.

Since December 2009 - head of the department for monitoring the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies of the Department of State Management of Regional Development and Local Self-Government of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In December 2010, she was appointed First Deputy Head of the Control Directorate of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Since October 2013 she was the head of the department.

Moscow took first place in the UN rating on the indices of the provision of electronic services. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the capital on the victory in the rating. Indeed, today almost every Muscovite, regardless of age, is a consumer of government services. The translation of most of them into electronic form greatly simplified the life of the townspeople, made it possible to save time and spend it on family and personal affairs.

Receiving services without leaving home is the dream of any person. Several years ago, millions of Muscovites had such an opportunity. Elena Shinkaruk, Chairperson of the Moscow State Services Committee, spoke on the air of the network broadcasting "VM" about how the system of rendering services in electronic form is now developing.

Elena Vyacheslavovna, what results have you achieved in the field of electronic services?

Moscow is far ahead compared to others Russian regions, and we have something to brag about in the foreign arena. Our system of public services is truly unique. On the one hand, there are a lot of them, on the other hand, we try our best to make the receipt of these services convenient and comfortable, first of all, for both Muscovites and legal entities who work in the capital. This is our main task: to see how it is possible to shorten the list of documents that are required when receiving a service, how to make receiving a service faster. More than 250 services and services are already available on the official website of the Moscow Mayor in the Services and Services section. And if we count the procedures that are carried out within the framework of the provision of these services, for example, registration, renewal, cancellation, then there will be about 400 of them.

It was the dream of any city dweller!

We are constantly analyzing and improving the service catalog. For example, if you want to enroll a child in first grade or see his school grades, then you need to select the "Education" section. And so on in each direction. It is very comfortable.

What are the most popular services?

It depends on the season. And the top services can vary. If this is a study period, then an electronic diary is always in the top, and if it is summer, services with advance payments for housing and communal services are often provided in the top. In December, for example, enrollment in the 1st grade opens. If we single out it in the sphere of life, then in the housing and communal services - the transmission of meter readings, in education - the "Passage and Nutrition" system, in health care - making an appointment with a doctor. In total, this year, from January to June alone, they have already applied for services more than 140 million times. For the entire last year, there were about 260 million calls, and this figure is growing every year.

Do you yourself use the services electronically?

Certainly! Like any Muscovite, I transfer the readings of metering devices, make an appointment with a doctor, pay for the EPD.

Have you faced any problems?

In the part of housing and communal services, no. Sometimes there are problems with electronic diary and a student's magazine - either in the family or friends periodically tell. At such moments, I understand that there is feedback, and I know in which direction we need to work. This is always a reason to analyze what has already been done and work on improving the service.

Is it convenient for older people to use services electronically?

I believe that it has long been a myth that it is difficult for older people to deal with electronic services. Of course, when there is a lot of information, it is more difficult to understand it. On the other hand, the fewer services there are, the fewer opportunities Muscovites have. In my experience, the older generation does an excellent job with paying for housing and communal services and making an appointment with a doctor on the portal. Several years ago, at the clinic, I witnessed how two grandmothers talked to each other. And one was unaware of e-services, and the other was a progressive user. So, she told me that she helps herself, a neighbor, a friend and someone else find payment documents and pay for everything online. This became a key moment for me when I stopped worrying about the availability of electronic services for the older generation.

And what does the term for receiving the service depend on?

First of all, on the specifics of the service itself. After you submit your application, a certain number of actions take place. We try to minimize the package of documents for receiving a service, and sometimes we need to confirm whether a person is really a Muscovite or whether he has a compulsory medical insurance policy. In order not to require these documents from a person, a system of interdepartmental interaction is included. If confirmation is needed, then five days are added to the service. If not, the service is faster. By the way, in most cases we do not ask you to attach a scan of your passport, because this information is available in city systems.

That is, what once got into the database does not need to be provided again?

Yes, but there are some exceptions. For example, we never ask for a scan of a birth certificate if it is issued in Moscow. If in another subject of the country, then, of course, we do not have access to this data yet.

How is the decision made that the service should be converted to electronic form?

In 2010, only 10 services were available. Over the past six to seven years, this number has increased almost 23 times. Now 98 percent of those services that could be made electronic have already been transferred to this format. Our current job is to find the remaining two percent of the services. Decisions to transfer to electronic form are made jointly with other city structures. We assess the feasibility and relevance. There are services that are conventionally used by 20 people, and there are those that are popular among hundreds of thousands, and even every month. Then we look at what the service delivery process is like. For example, the issuance of a child's birth certificate when one of the parents comes to the registry office or the MFC, shows his documents and a certificate of the child's birth, and the service is provided at the time of contact. 10 minutes - and you have a ready-made certificate in your hands. If we started converting the service into electronic form, then the process of its provision would be stretched. In this case, there would be no benefit or convenience.

You mentioned the registry office. Is it already possible to register a marriage online? Are the stories about the queue to the Griboyedovsky registry office a thing of the past?

There is no registration yet, but it is really possible to apply for registration from home and even from anywhere in the world.

What services will be available on the mayor's website in the near future?

We prefer not to make premature promises. I can say that our dream is to make the licensing process completely electronic. We are already far ahead, for all types of licensing, we can apply online. First, it's convenient. Secondly, it minimizes corruption risks, because direct contact does not happen to the official. The whole process becomes transparent. But for now, you need to come for a paper license, because by virtue of the law, the license is handed out. If we talk about what has appeared quite recently, then we have added the ability to attach to a children's clinic. Previously, online you could only attach to an adult. We also made it possible to apply for a compulsory health insurance policy. Before that, it was necessary to go to the office of the insurance company or to the center of public services. Now you just need to come and pick up a ready-made document. This is a unique opportunity for Russia!

By the way, you said that you can make an appointment with a doctor through mobile app... Is there an application for the website of the Mayor of Moscow?

Not yet. But there is an application "Moscow State Services". The difference from the site is that the list of services there is still less. But we are also working on this. I would like to note that, in my opinion, it is more convenient to use an electronic diary through an application than on a website.

We talked about electronic services. Now let's move on to an equally important project of the State Services Committee - the Active Citizen project. How many users are there now?

For quite some time there are more than two million of them, and the number of active citizens is constantly growing. And recently we celebrated a mini-anniversary - we collected more than 100 million opinions. We sometimes compare our indicators, and two million is already almost the population of Slovenia, and we compared the opinions of Muscovites with appeals to the Moscow government, and we got the volume in about 70 years. We have collected so many opinions in just four years.

In your opinion, how did this project change the relationship between government and society?

At the very least, we now have a platform for an open dialogue. The authorities have the opportunity to ask a question and get a constructive answer. For example, townspeople can choose which tree will be planted in their yard - an oak or a birch. An interesting observation: we summed up the results of the first month of voting on the mowing of grass, and the statistics is such that women prefer to mow the grass, and men prefer not to touch the grass.

And do they really listen to the opinion of the townspeople?

Certainly! One of the main principles of the project is that the decision made at the "Active Citizen" should be implemented by the authority that initiated the vote.

District voting is available only to those who have indicated their address in their account profile. Thus, we exclude the possibility of residents, for example, of the Presnensky District, to decide what will be done in the Sokolinaya Gora area. But citywide voting is available to everyone, but more global issues are discussed there.

Olena Shinkaruk, Chair of the Public Services Committee, notes that the popularity of services depends on the season

PHOTO: From personal archive.

Receiving services without leaving home is the dream of any person. Several years ago, millions of Muscovites had such an opportunity. Elena Shinkaruk, Chairperson of the Moscow State Services Committee, spoke on the air of the network broadcasting "VM" about how the system of rendering services in electronic form is now developing.

Elena Vyacheslavovna, what results have you achieved in the field of electronic services?

Moscow is far ahead in comparison with other Russian regions, and we have something to boast about in the foreign arena. Our system of public services is truly unique. On the one hand, there are a lot of them, on the other hand, we are trying our best to make the receipt of these services convenient and comfortable, first of all, for Muscovites and legal entities who work in the capital. This is our main task: to see how it is possible to shorten the list of documents that are required when receiving a service, how to make receiving a service faster. More than 250 services and services are already available on the official website of the Moscow Mayor in the Services and Services section. And if we count the procedures that are carried out within the framework of the provision of these services, for example, registration, renewal, cancellation, then there will be about 400 of them.

It was the dream of any city dweller!

We are constantly analyzing and improving the service catalog. For example, if you want to enroll a child in first grade or see his school grades, then you need to select the "Education" section. And so on in each direction. It is very comfortable.

What are the most popular services?

It depends on the season. And the top services can vary. If this is a study period, then an electronic diary is always in the top, and if it is summer, services with advance payments for housing and communal services are often provided in the top. In December, for example, enrollment in the 1st grade opens. If we single out it in the sphere of life, then in the housing and communal services - the transmission of meter readings, in education - the "Passage and Nutrition" system, in health care - making an appointment with a doctor. In total, this year, from January to June alone, they have already applied for services more than 140 million times. For the entire last year, there were about 260 million calls, and this figure is growing every year.

Do you yourself use the services electronically?

Certainly! Like any Muscovite, I transfer the readings of metering devices, make an appointment with a doctor, pay for the EPD.

Have you faced any problems?

In the part of housing and communal services, no. Sometimes there are problems with the student's electronic diary and journal - either in the family or friends periodically tell. At such moments, I understand that there is feedback, and I know in which direction we need to work. This is always a reason to analyze what has already been done and work on improving the service.

Is it convenient for older people to use services electronically?

I believe that it has long been a myth that it is difficult for older people to deal with electronic services. Of course, when there is a lot of information, it is more difficult to understand it. On the other hand, the fewer services there are, the fewer opportunities Muscovites have. In my experience, the older generation does an excellent job with paying for housing and communal services and making an appointment with a doctor on the portal. Several years ago, at the clinic, I witnessed how two grandmothers talked to each other. And one was unaware of e-services, and the other was a progressive user. So, she told me that she helps herself, a neighbor, a friend and someone else find payment documents and pay for everything online. This became a key moment for me when I stopped worrying about the availability of electronic services for the older generation.

And what does the term for receiving the service depend on?

First of all, on the specifics of the service itself. After you submit your application, a certain number of actions take place. We try to minimize the package of documents for receiving a service, and sometimes we need to confirm whether a person is really a Muscovite or whether he has a compulsory medical insurance policy. In order not to require these documents from a person, a system of interdepartmental interaction is included. If confirmation is needed, then five days are added to the service. If not, the service is faster. By the way, in most cases we do not ask you to attach a scan of your passport, because this information is available in city systems.

That is, what once got into the database does not need to be provided again?

Yes, but there are some exceptions. For example, we never ask for a scan of a birth certificate if it is issued in Moscow. If in another subject of the country, then, of course, we do not have access to this data yet.

How is the decision made that the service should be converted to electronic form?

In 2010, only 10 services were available. Over the past six to seven years, this number has increased almost 23 times. Now 98 percent of those services that could be made electronic have already been transferred to this format. Our current job is to find the remaining two percent of the services. Decisions to transfer to electronic form are made jointly with other city structures. We assess the feasibility and relevance. There are services that are conventionally used by 20 people, and there are those that are popular among hundreds of thousands, and even every month. Then we look at what the service delivery process is like. For example, the issuance of a child's birth certificate when one of the parents comes to the registry office or the MFC, shows his documents and a certificate of the child's birth, and the service is provided at the time of contact. 10 minutes - and you have a ready-made certificate in your hands. If we started converting the service into electronic form, then the process of its provision would be stretched. In this case, there would be no benefit or convenience.

You mentioned the registry office. Is it already possible to register a marriage online? Are the stories about the queue to the Griboyedovsky registry office a thing of the past?

There is no registration yet, but it is really possible to apply for registration from home and even from anywhere in the world.

What services will be available on the mayor's website in the near future?

We prefer not to make premature promises. I can say that our dream is to make the licensing process completely electronic. We are already far ahead, for all types of licensing, we can apply online. First, it's convenient. Secondly, it minimizes corruption risks, because there is no direct contact with an official. The whole process becomes transparent. But for now, you need to come for a paper license, because by virtue of the law, the license is handed out. If we talk about what has appeared quite recently, then we have added the ability to attach to a children's clinic. Previously, online could only be attached to an adult. We also made it possible to apply for a compulsory health insurance policy. Before that, it was necessary to go to the office of the insurance company or to the center of public services. Now you just need to come and pick up a ready-made document. This is a unique opportunity for Russia!

By the way, you said that you can also make an appointment with a doctor through a mobile application. Is there an application for the website of the Mayor of Moscow?

Not yet. But there is an application "Moscow State Services". The difference from the site is that the list of services there is still less. But we are also working on this. I would like to note that, in my opinion, it is more convenient to use an electronic diary through an application than on a website.

We talked about electronic services. Now let's move on to an equally important project of the State Services Committee - the Active Citizen project. How many users are there now?

For quite some time there are more than two million of them, and the number of active citizens is constantly growing. And recently we celebrated a mini-anniversary - we collected more than 100 million opinions. We sometimes compare our indicators, and two million is already almost the population of Slovenia, and we compared the opinions of Muscovites with appeals to the Moscow government, and we got the volume in about 70 years. We have collected so many opinions in just four years.

In your opinion, how did this project change the relationship between government and society?

At the very least, we now have a platform for an open dialogue. The authorities have the opportunity to ask a question and get a constructive answer. For example, townspeople can choose which tree will be planted in their yard - an oak or a birch. An interesting observation: we summed up the results of the first month of voting on the mowing of grass, and the statistics is such that women prefer to mow the grass, and men prefer not to touch the grass.

And do they really listen to the opinion of the townspeople?

Certainly! One of the main principles of the project is that the decision made at the "Active Citizen" should be implemented by the authority that initiated the vote.

District voting is available only to those who have indicated their address in their account profile. Thus, we exclude the possibility of residents, for example, of the Presnensky District, to decide what will be done in the Sokolinaya Gora area. But citywide voting is available to everyone, but more global issues are discussed there.

Last year we held an unprecedented vote on the renovation program. Not only was it very large-scale, it was also very important for Muscovites. We have implemented a functionality in which we were able to legally identify the voter and personalize the opinion of each Muscovite. By the way, it was thanks to this vote that we realized that we could expand the project's capabilities. And in February of this year, we launched the service “ Electronic house», Which allows you to conduct online voting of residents of one particular house. For example, I have already tried to use it myself and conducted a survey among neighbors about replacing the elevator.

Visiting the editorial office of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva" Elena Vyacheslavovna SHINKARUK - Chairman of the Moscow City Public Services Committee / Vechernyaya Moscow

Visiting the editorial office of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva" Elena Vyacheslavovna SHINKARUK - Chairman of the Committee for Public Services of the city of Moscow

, "Evening Moscow"


Electronic diary

91.5 million calls from Muscovites

Passes and meals in schools

More than 3.5 million hits

GIA / USE results

More than 5 million hits

Water meter readings

More than 18 million hits

Electricity meter readings

More than 2 million hits


Elena Vyacheslavovna Shinkaruk was born in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region.

In 2004 she graduated from the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in finance and credit, candidate of economic sciences. On the public service since October 2003.

On March 6, 2015, she was appointed chairman of the Moscow State Services Committee, which coordinates the translation and provision of services to citizens and businesses in electronic form.

He is also responsible for improving the convenience and shortening the time it takes to receive public services and oversees the Active Citizen project.


For example, in the summer, most are interested in the results of exams, in the fall - the design of a student's and student's social card. In winter - an application campaign to enroll children in the first grade. In the spring they begin to take electronic applications to grant the right to trade at weekend fairs.


140 million hits for government services received from residents of the capital from January to June this year.