Sales manager job description. Profession Sales Manager: features, advantages and disadvantages. What is the job of a manager

We are all used to the fact that today you can easily buy any product or service, there would be only desire and money. At the same time, the choice is so great that manufacturers have to make titanic efforts so that the end consumer prefers their products or services. Non-standard advertising solutions are being used, innovative technologies and the skill of sales managers who know where and what products are needed most here and now.

We are all used to the fact that today you can easily buy any product or service, there would be only desire and money. At the same time, the choice is so great that manufacturers have to make titanic efforts so that the end consumer prefers their products or services. Non-standard advertising solutions, innovative technologies and craftsmanship are used sales managers who know where and what goods are most needed here and now.

The sales manager plays the role of a company representative who seeks potential buyers, explores possible areas for product sales and takes an active part in the organization promotions, exhibitions and presentations. In other words, the area of ​​management aimed at the sale of goods and services can be called not just a profession, but a real science of managing human consciousness. It is so multifaceted that it requires a specialist to display enormous creative potential and remarkable mental abilities, so the profession of a sales manager is available only to people with a certain set of personal qualities that you can learn about today.

Who is a sales manager?

A sales manager is a specialist who professionally deals with trading activities and is an intermediary between trade organizations, manufacturing enterprises and buyers of this product or service. The activity of this specialist is aimed exclusively at the person and the material factors of production.

The name of the profession comes from the English word manage (manage), which in turn comes from the Latin manus - hand. Oddly enough, but initially managers were called those who were involved in managing horses or teaching horseback riding. By the way, this is where the French word manege comes from. In the 19th century, when the need arose for a more progressive approach to the development of various branches of trade, there was a need for managers, but only specializing in managing not horses, but economic processes. So there was sales manager profession(trade distributor), which has become an indispensable phenomenon in the functioning of any enterprise aimed at developing and increasing profits from sales.

A modern sales manager is not only a sales agent who seeks to understand the hidden needs of the client and offer him exactly what is needed at the moment, but also the "face" of the company. Therefore it official duties have long gone beyond the usual trading operations on the basis of the "buy-sell" principle.

The activities of a sales manager include the main tasks of managing sales, fulfilling certain plan, control of accounts payable and receivable and customer relationship management. If we consider the position of a manager in more detail and constructively, then the list professional duties such a specialist would look like this:

  • development and establishment of channels for the sale of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer;
  • development of dealer relations;
  • carrying out contractual work, determining the methods / forms of fulfilling obligations, developing, analyzing and maintaining documentation, concluding contracts;
  • creating and updating information bases consumers;
  • analysis of sales volumes and generation of reports for a superior person.

What personal qualities should a sales manager have?

Despite the incredible popularity of this profession, based on the misconception about the ease and ease of trade, sales manager job pretty difficult. And without the presence of certain personal qualities, it is almost impossible to become a good specialist. The list of such personal qualities, first of all, includes:

  • activity,
  • initiative,
  • sociability,
  • Analytical mind,
  • a responsibility,
  • self confidence,
  • creativity,
  • persistence,
  • stress resistance.

In addition, a good specialist should know the basics of advertising, economics and psychology, the features of the production of a particular product (or service sold), as well as market trends and competitive advantages not only the subject of sales, but also similar offers from other manufacturers.

Benefits of being a sales manager

Undeniable advantage of being a sales manager is its relevance in modern world. And this means that it is very much in demand in almost all spheres of human life. In addition, you can highlight such advantages of this profession, such as:

  • no problems with employment - there are as many as six vacant vacancies for one who wants to master management;
  • short-term training - you can get a profession both in universities and in courses in a short period of time;
  • accessibility - the profession of a sales manager has no age restrictions, while higher education in the specialty is optional, but welcome;
  • opportunity career development- thanks to the stability and dynamics of sales, promotion up to the position of the head of the department is possible.

Well, and most importantly, good specialists who do their job well can expect a decent salary. According to statistics, the average salary of a sales manager in Russia today is about 40 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of being a Sales Manager

Speaking about the shortcomings of the profession of a sales manager, first of all, it is necessary to note the difficulties of work associated with the universal availability of the Internet. In other words, since today almost everyone has free access to the Internet and various interactive whiteboards ads, the consumer has great opportunities to cooperate with manufacturers directly, without the services of a trade distributor. And this means that sales managers have to make extra efforts in order to convince the consumer of the need for their services.

It is also necessary to note such shortcomings as:

  • frequent stressful situations, the number of which decreases only with work experience;
  • the obligatory presence of communication character traits, most of which can be acquired only in the learning process.

It is worth considering that the above points are disadvantages of almost all professions. They are not binding provisions, but only make it clear that any kind of work often encounters difficulties and obstacles in its path.

Where Can You Get a Job as a Sales Manager?

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Become a sales manager pretty simple. For example, you can get a basic secondary vocational or higher education at a college, technical school or university (and not necessarily a specialized one, that is, related to management and trade), and complete special management courses. By the way, the courses are offered in two versions: for those who are completely unfamiliar with the profession, and for those who already have experience as a manager and want to improve their skills.

True, there is one small nuance, employers give more preference to specialists with higher education. Because of this, it will be much more difficult for young sales professionals with great promise, but with only a diploma of secondary special education in their pocket, to get a job in a promising company than for a person without sales talent, but with a diploma of higher education.

Another option for obtaining the profession of a sales manager can be training in one of best trade and economic universities in Russia which today include:

  • Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov;
  • Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation;
  • Russian University of Friendship of Peoples Patrice Lumumba;
  • Ural State Economic University;
  • Ural Federal University B.N. Yeltsin.

In the field of sales, as in any other field, there are myths and prejudices. But if in any other area mistakes can be gotten away with, in sales their price is monetary losses. These mistakes are not new, but we encounter them again and again when working with clients. And this means that these myths are still believed.

This time we will limit ourselves to the sales department and the myths that are directly related to the work of sales managers. Make sure they are not related to your sales team.

Myth #4

The more calls and meetings, the better

If you simply challenge the manager to make at least 50 calls a day, he will focus on that, and not on the number of deals closed. There will be less time for preliminary collection of information about the client, for thinking over a strategy for working with him. And this means that with a large number of calls, their quality will be lower.

How to avoid it:

  • Estimate the number of closed deals, not the number of calls and meetings.
  • Assign bonuses for exceeding the sales target.
  • Train managers to analyze the causes of failed deals.

Myth #5

The ability to find new customers is the most important indicator of a manager's professionalism.

Another mistake is focusing only on finding new customers. Attracting a new client is much more difficult than working with existing ones. Has your company developed a loyalty system? What else can be done to make this system work better?

In addition to working with new and existing customers, the return of departed customers can be useful for the company. To do this, you need to understand the reasons why customers go to competitors, and take appropriate measures. Ideally, the client who left should feel that it was better to work with you. He must realize that he will lose something valuable if he does not return.

Myth #6

Everything a manager needs to know about his product - its properties and characteristics

Of course, knowing the characteristics of the product is important so that the manager can correctly answer the client's questions. But still, this knowledge will be incomplete if the client does not realize why certain properties of the product are so important, and why he should purchase this product from you.

This, of course, is about knowing the advantages of the product and the company as a whole. And these benefits should be clearly articulated to managers. It is also clearly necessary to set before them the task of conveying information about the benefits to the client.

Myth #7

Always demand more from managers

It happens that in an effort to increase sales, managers tighten the requirements for managers so much that they burn out very quickly. A turnover is formed, the costs of training newly attracted employees increase.

Therefore, the requirements must be reasonable. It is necessary to adhere to the golden mean between control and encouragement. There is another myth about this.

Myth #8

A good manager does not need control and motivation

Suppose you hired such a good manager in the sales department that he already showed good results for the first time. Does this mean that you can leave it alone, and that the results will be the same? Probably not.

Interaction with clients for a manager, work with objections is always overcoming oneself. Few of them will say that this is a pleasant job. Therefore, consciously or subconsciously, each of the managers wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. And if such an opportunity presents itself, be sure that they will take advantage of it.

In the case of a newly hired good manager, the fruits of his work are most likely the result of the efforts of the previous manager. And without constant control and motivation, he will soon relax and stop acting as effectively.

This profession is relatively young, very popular and highly paid. The truth is that sales should be primarily for pleasure, not money. In addition, experts say, it would be nice to have innate abilities for this.

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Applicants for this position must have the following competencies:

  1. High communication skills for communicating with clients, negotiating, persuading and finding the right arguments when building a dialogue.
  2. Special education. It carries advantageous advantages as it presupposes good professional knowledge. The desire to learn new forms and technologies is always welcome.
  3. Skills and abilities in the field of active, profitable sales in any industry.
  4. Knowledge of sales markets and sales schemes. It happens that a manager has proven methods, which is welcome and is a big plus for future career growth.
  5. Ability to analyze and plan sales, as well as actively use the working day to analyze the situation in different segments.
  6. Ownership foreign languages is a definite plus, especially in firms working with other countries.
  7. The ability to resist any stressful situation when a person is able to quickly recover psychologically after difficult or unsuccessful negotiations. Nervous stresses in sales are caused by liability, communication and other various factors.

Anyone can easily sell: a student, a teacher with a scientific degree, an accountant or a former military man. The profession of a manager has become uneasy popular and accessible to many people, it is prestigious.

True, not everyone achieves real success in it. But if a person likes to sell, communicates easily and has certain personal qualities, then he should take a risk and get a high result.

Where do they work as a manager

The profession of a sales manager is universal. This main feature allows it to remain in demand in many organizations and companies of almost all forms of ownership and fields of activity.

Moreover, the demand for a profession is consistently high, even during economic crises. Specialists of this profile are needed everywhere: in financial, construction, transport, agricultural and other areas. A professional has the right to choose what he wants to sell to customers. After all, there are plenty of vacancies in this profile.

Features of the profession

In this profession, the Pareto law applies: 20% of the company's sales specialists make 80% of the volumes.

The most valuable thing in sales is customers. There are customers - there will be profit. And the more their number, the higher the income.

Access to customers - the main driving force behind the growth of modern business - is firmly held in his hands by a true professional. Sales managers work in the service, industrial, and consumer goods industries. They do not simply sell a product or service to customers, but create the prerequisites for further cooperation with them.

To make the work efficient, managers conduct constant analytics:

  1. Comparing your product with a competitor's product in terms of quality, properties, price.
  2. To expand and study the customer base.
  3. Tracks changes in sales, their ups and downs.

Main responsibilities of a manager

  1. Sales management, study of competitors, sales markets, demand for goods and services.
  2. Strict implementation of the sales plan.
  3. Organization of relationships with suppliers and customers, their search. Convincing the client that this particular offer is the most profitable and tempting.
  4. Sales analysis, reporting.
  5. Consulting dealers and distributors.
  6. Formation of prices, discounts.
  7. Development and correction of documentation.
  8. Contractual and negotiation activities and fulfillment of obligations.
  9. Creating and conducting presentations on goods and services.
  10. Work on advertising strategy companies.
  11. Replenishment of the client base to increase the turnover.
  12. Developing long-term relationships with clients to generate interest and maintain smooth sales.
  13. Continuous communication with customers through promotions, sweepstakes, etc.

By this list only one conclusion suggests itself: the work of a manager is interesting and multifaceted.

Personal qualities

Personality traits that make you a good salesperson can be confusing for newbies. Therefore, it is worth listening to sales professionals.

They highlight certain qualities of a person by which one can distinguish an excellent sales manager:

  1. One of the main qualities is to inspire confidence. It is based on reliability and honesty. V modern business long-term relationships are built on it and repeat deals are concluded.
  2. The most important character trait of a sales guru is conscientiousness, in other words, a serious attitude to any work, focus and worries about its final result.
  3. Focus on the client and a clear understanding of what he needs. More than 80% think so top sellers.
  4. Humility and tact. According to statistics, more than 90% of the best sellers are humble people. Assertive self-confident fellows, as practice shows, more often scare away customers.
  5. Curiosity or inquisitiveness help the professional gain more knowledge and answers to uncomfortable questions.
  6. Activity and the effort expended directly affect the result of sales.
  7. Ability to build positive friendships and business relationships, thanks to which they grow into many years of friendship with different people.
  8. Desire to learn and develop to constantly update techniques and methods. It is not easy to be successful in sales, but to be truly modern. Everything that worked yesterday is sometimes outdated today or needs to be adjusted.
  9. Motivation for success makes you constantly act and create.
  10. Success is in the head. Therefore, one person achieves a lot, another fails. Although both have equal abilities and opportunities.
  11. Relevant is the ability to work with information, highlighting what is needed from it and discarding rubbish.

But the excessive sociability of the one who sells, it turns out, interferes with good sales!

Filled with excessive friendliness to the client, sellers are not able to influence him and dictate their terms.

Good salespeople are not characterized by the so-called emotional pessimism, they do not know disappointment, sadness and despondency. They have no sense of embarrassment and fear. In any negotiations, they are easy and comfortable. It is also always important for them to understand why the failure happened so as not to repeat the mistake again.

Sales manager average salary

For better or worse, the market situation is still developing in such a way that in any field of activity, sellers of goods and services receive wages 2-3 times more than those specialists who produce goods.

The initial income of an ordinary manager, of course, is small. It consists of the sum of interest from the transactions concluded during the month. Newbie earns client base, his income is gradually growing and ranges from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. For the head of the sales department, it is higher - from 30 to 90 thousand rubles.

As a rule, a novice specialist studies for free, receives a good percentage of sales and good bonuses. He may have the opportunity to work part-time. Many companies additionally provide corporate holidays, study abroad, and career growth.

In developing companies, the salary can be 50 thousand rubles. plus bonus, social package, purchase of products from catalogs and other benefits.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 9 minutes


The term "sales manager" today refers to a manager who is responsible for the process of trading in a single section of the company or in general - throughout the company. An employee in this position today is consistently in demand, and his work is well paid. But leadership position the manager is by no means always busy, and the burden of worries is very solid.

Is it worth going into this profession? We understand the nuances!

Where and how does a sales manager work - job responsibilities

This profession cannot be ranked among the oldest - the field of activity is very young, but actively and steadily developing.

The prerequisite for the emergence of the profession was the need to develop companies at a new, higher quality level, it is on sales managers that the company's success in selling solid volumes of goods depends.

Where does a sales manager work?

Naturally, in trade. Moreover, in all its areas - from retail and wholesale to the sale of services, studios, online stores (remote managers), and so on.

And, given the rapid pace of development of trade in Russia, this profession is more relevant today than ever, and will remain so for a long time to come.

Today, such specialists are in demand in almost every area of ​​​​sales.

What are the responsibilities of managers?

  • Organization and follow-up of sales.
  • Optimization of the company's activities.
  • Analysis of sales volumes, identification of errors and search for methods to correct them.
  • Conducting settlements with clients.
  • Development and organization of events involving the creation of a client base.
  • Building ways to promote products to consumers.
  • Cooperation with logisticians, enterprises and intermediaries.
  • Selection of types of contracts, development of pre-contractual papers.
  • Smoothing out disagreements and "sharp corners" in contracts.
  • Compilation of statistical tables.
  • Maintaining reports for your management.
  • And so on.

Job benefits:

  1. High demand for the profession.
  2. Active and interesting work.
  3. Prospects for career growth.
  4. Opportunity to continuously increase earnings.
  5. The absence of a mandatory requirement "higher education".


  1. Frequent emotional overload.
  2. Revenue is directly related to sales volume.
  3. Irregular work schedule.
  4. The need for constant traveling (meetings with clients is the main job of the manager).

Skills, skills, personal and business qualities to work as a sales manager - who is the profession suitable for?

First of all, the profession is suitable for young active people who are distinguished by high communication skills, activity, stress resistance and business growth abilities.

The working day of such a specialist lasts longer than the classic 8 hours, and communication with clients is not always a pleasure.

In addition, it is worth noting frequent conflict situations, as well as liability.

Therefore, the main qualities inherent in a sales manager include:

  • activity and friendliness.
  • The ability to respond appropriately to a variety of people.
  • Communication skills and ability to learn quickly.
  • Desire to grow and develop.
  • High level of stress resistance.
  • Broad outlook.
  • Inner charm - the ability to instantly make acquaintances and strengthen business ties.
  • Organizational skills.
  • The ability to instantly analyze all the information received and quickly respond to market changes.

Required knowledge:

  1. technical literacy . Product analysis skills. The specialist must be able to convince the client, make him such an offer that the client cannot resist. Accordingly, the manager must constantly develop and improve his skills, regularly undergo certification.
  2. Positive and effective communication. Important point, on which the success of sales depends on customers who may differ not only in status and interests, but also in age, social level, and so on. Individual approach - 50% success. The manager must know about his client still before meeting with him. The nuances of successful trading are taught at special trainings.
  3. Office work. Creating business letters, responding to inquiries and registering them, collecting receivables and a competent approach to preparing business proposals - this all applies to the work of a manager who, among other things, must be able to work with a computer at the advanced user level, own all the necessary programs, etc. .
  4. Legal literacy. Clients often make changes to contracts, and the manager's task is to promptly respond to them, rejecting or accepting them. And even in the case of agreement with the management, the manager is obliged to control the signing of contracts, as well as the implementation of each item. Of course, the manager does not need the entire volume of our legislation, but the basic laws, the knowledge of which is indispensable in the work, should “bounce off the teeth”.
  5. Accounting documentation. A top-level manager doesn't need an accountant to execute his trades. He is able to independently issue invoices, issue invoices and sales receipts, etc. Of course, an amateur can cope with unified accounting programs, but with a serious workflow, skills in working with such documents are extremely important.
  6. The manager also needs knowledge of their sphere of economics and management .

A good manager must be able to organize his own work time and a work plan on his own: he is able to work "without a pointer and a stick." The main guideline of a specialist is the end result.

And, of course, it is important to be convincing and original, to be different from other specialists.

Where to study as a sales manager - specialties, universities, required education

A good manager does not have to be a specialist with "crusts". Often among managers there are real masters of their craft, but with an education that is not even close to the field of work.

But still, an appropriate education is your bonus in the treasury of benefits when applying for a job.

This profession is usually taught in the specialties "management", as well as "trading business".

Where to go to study?

Today, there are probably no problems with training in the specialty that a future manager needs, probably in any city.

Managers are needed, important and the demand for them is high, so the right faculty is sure to be found in every university.

Don't forget about courses and trainings!

You can visit them to improve your skills in order to fully understand the theory of sales, as well as work out this very theory in practice, "on the spot".

At the trainings, you can study the psychology of buyers, master the methods of attracting future customers and their active and rapid transformation into your regular customers.

In the same place, the future manager will get rid of stiffness in communication, improve existing skills and qualities, and expand the knowledge base.

Sales manager salary and career - how much do sales managers make today?

Is a manager in demand today?

Yes, yes and yes again!

This is the most demanded and popular profession today. There is a similar position in every sales company.

As for the salary, it usually consists of a percentage of sales, therefore it directly depends on their volume and the professionalism of the specialist.

A good manager in a large city working for a large company can earn up to several thousand dollars a month.

What about a career?

Career opportunities are definitely there!

And success depends on creativity, successful work, will and desire, initiative.

  • Take the initiative in own hands(although it is punishable by execution, it brings experience and money).
  • Always be one step ahead - keep your finger on the pulse, study trends, learn to analyze and adapt to market changes.
  • Study the product (service) you offer and practice your sales technique.

Where to look for a sales manager job - and how to get it exactly

Finding a vacancy for a sales manager today is not difficult - there are enough of them in printed publications, on special exchanges offering similar work, on Internet sites with relevant topics, on freelance exchanges.

In addition, you can simply pay a visit to any company, car dealership or store - and offer them your services.

- fundamental rules:

  1. Structure information about yourself and present it exclusively competently.
  2. All your features and talents need to fit on a maximum of 2 pages.
  3. We provide only the most important information, the details can be disclosed during the interview.
  4. Focus on your strengths.
  5. There should be no errors in the resume! Mistakes are a sign of your haste, negligence and illiteracy.
  6. Having a photo on your resume suggests your openness and self-confidence.
  7. Readiness for business trips, youth, knowledge of languages, personal car are your pluses.
  8. The amount of the expected salary should not be indicated. A potential employer should see in you, first of all, a focus on results.

What can be asked at the interview - prepare for the meeting in advance

  • Where do you see yourself in 3 years (5 years)? Here your fantasies will be superfluous. Be realistic and formulate those plans that can actually be implemented. Do not think too long, the answer should be clear, fast and as honest as possible.
  • What are your worst and best sides? Here crystal honesty to anything. Excessive bragging - too. Be humble but confident. Don't try to make yourself look better or worse than you are.
  • Are you capable of exchange? In this answer, experts recommend avoiding the question with a joke.
  • What's your best deal? If there hasn’t been one yet, or there is no work experience, come up with this deal. If your conscience does not allow you, look for another job. For a sales manager, embellishing is part of the job.
  • How stress resistant are you? Here, too, it is recommended to answer with a joke, but answer in such a way that the employer understands that you are stress-resistant.
  • What do you like about work? This is where it's best to get creative. Don't be like everyone else when answering this question. Individuality is extremely important!

You may also be asked why this position you need to give you exactly why you left the previous company, as well as give you an “exam” on knowledge of your duties.

And - believe in yourself. positive attitude- half the battle.

Treat the interview as your most important deal in life, and you'll be fine.

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Sales Manager is an employee of the company engaged in the sale of goods and services. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The sales manager has other names: sales manager, sales manager, wholesale manager, etc.

Unlike the seller in the store, the sales manager most often works with wholesale buyers. In other words, he helps his company - a manufacturer or a large wholesaler - to sell goods to other organizations: retail stores, factories, restaurants, clinics, etc. However, a salesperson who works with expensive goods or goods that require individual packaging and calculations is also called a sales manager . For example, in companies specializing in the installation plastic windows, managers work with clients who want to glaze windows in their homes (i.e. retail buyers).

Salespeople sell consumer goods, various services, and industrial products. When selling consumer goods, a manager usually deals with stores. They make wholesale purchases products, clothing, etc., in order to then sell the product at a retail price. Industrial products are purchased by enterprises. For example, working in a plastic pellet factory, a salesperson is looking for buyers among companies that need such pellets for the manufacture of plastic basins, chairs, etc. Managers selling services work in the tourism, entertainment, medicine, advertising, recruitment, etc.

Forms of attracting customers can also be different. Typically, managers are active sales, i.e. themselves are looking for potential buyers or consumers of services. They call purchasing managers, offer them the goods or services of their firm, send out proposals by mail or email. The process is not limited to correspondence and telephone conversations. In addition to the price, an interested client needs other details: the quality of the product, its properties, the availability of certificates, appearance etc. And the manager gives all the necessary information, and if necessary, demonstrates the goods. In some companies, the salesperson does not search for customers, but works with those who come through advertising.

No matter how clients are attracted and no matter what the manager trades, for successful work he must know everything about the product or service. It is impossible to sell a batch of air conditioners if you do not know what their power is, what rooms they are designed for, what their shortcomings are and why they are better than air conditioners from other companies. To successfully promote a product, a manager has to thoroughly study his profile market: are there any competitors, who is a potential buyer, what requirements does this buyer have for the product.

When the client is ready for a deal, the manager draws up a contract that details all the conditions and mutual obligations.

Then carefully monitors the implementation of the contract. If, say, a customer in a nearby city ordered a ton of bricks by March 15, the sales manager sees to it that on March 14 the brick is loaded onto a truck and delivered to the designated location at the designated hour.

All the time the manager keeps in touch with the client, in case of any dissatisfaction on his part, corrects the shortcomings. Everything is done to ensure that the client contacted the company again. Communicating with customers, the manager also finds out in detail their attitude to the product, their new requests. He is interested in new trends, new technologies that appear on the market every now and then and change it rapidly. These processes take place most quickly in the world of fashion and in the world of electronic technologies. But other industries do not allow the specialist to relax - so the sales manager is always on the alert. He not only studies marketing and sales techniques, a real salesman reads industry magazines, goes to industry exhibitions and is keenly interested in all the new products. And if he notices a drop in demand for some product, he finds out the reasons. The better the manager knows the industry for which he works, the easier it is for him to navigate changes in demand.

For the client, the sales manager is the personification of the company. And if it works well, customers get used to it. It happens that a manager, for some reason, leaves for another firm of the same profile, and his clients follow him. This is a professional success, and it is possible only if the clients trust the manager, if they do not have to be nervous about delivery times, order picking, etc.

But the sales manager himself, accurate work can cost a lot of nerves. First, the initial search for clients requires effort and even some courage. The salary of a manager depends on the number of deals, but before closing one deal, you have to get several rejections, and this is always unpleasant. Working on the execution of the contract can also be a real test for an impressionable person. The more people involved in the process, the harder it is to avoid overlaps. For example, the already mentioned car with bricks can break down on the way. Or the brick may load the wrong grade. Or the carrying capacity of the car is less than the manager expected. Or... In such work there is always a reason for worry. However, a good sales manager is extremely valuable and is needed in almost any company - from a pulp mill to a web design firm. Because it is not enough to produce a product, you need to buy it. The profit of the company, as well as his own income, depends on the skills of the sales manager.


A sales manager can work in a sales department or in a sales department at an enterprise of absolutely any profile. In a small company, the sales department may consist of one manager. In large companies, there may be several such specialists. They work under the direction of the head of the sales department. His position is the next step in the career of an ordinary manager.


Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 50000—180000 ₽

Moscow 60000—200000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a sales manager involves organizational skills, erudition, analytical thinking, the ability to train and retrain, communication skills, the ability to build friendly business relationships, competent speech, self-confidence, responsibility and organization.

Knowledge and skills

The main skill that a sales manager should have is the ability to sell. He must know his profile market well, his competitors and potential customers, know the market trends. Some products and services require knowledge of industry technologies. For example, to trade advertising space, you need to know the technology and laws of the advertising market. For trade in spare parts of cars - to understand cars.