What is a sanitary doctor. Profession - Sanitary doctor, hygienist. Who checks and how

Orderly carries out maintenance and cleaning honey. premises, performs tool processing, takes care of patients. It belongs to the junior medical staff, it does not require specialized education for work. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description

The orderly is a difficult, tedious and not too prestigious profession, involving physical labor. The orderlies, like nurses, are subordinate to doctors, following all their instructions and requirements. It is the orderlies who clean the premises, handle and sterilize medical instruments.

The responsibilities of this employee depend on the department in which he works. The most difficult work is in the surgical and oncological departments. The orderlies should not be physically and morally weak, squeamish, because they often have to work with dirty bed linen, blood stains, and capricious patients.

To work in this area, you do not need a higher medical education, because it is enough to listen to a short training course and get a certificate. The work of an orderly (nurse) becomes the first step of the career ladder, because in the future you can get an average professional education, having retrained as a nurse (nurse).

Features of the profession

Nurses working in government and commercial clinics have very low wages faced with challenging work on a daily basis. But this profession is very important, because it is the orderlies who are responsible for the cleanliness of the offices and wards: they take out ducks, help bedridden patients, perform wet cleaning, performing the work without which functioning medical departments would be impossible.

Consider job description orderlies:

  • sanitary and hygienic service of medical premises: wards, doctors' offices, procedural, nursing, physiotherapy rooms, restrooms and others;
  • airing and quartzing rooms, cleaning urine bags;
  • cleaning of medical waste;
  • caring for patients (taking out urine bags, performing hygiene procedures, changing underwear, delivering food from the dining room, etc.);
  • changing bed linen, sending it to the laundry;
  • taking care of the bodies of deceased patients (morgue orderly);
  • supervision of patients suffering from mental disorders (orderly in a neuropsychiatric dispensary);
  • management of special vehicles, car care (driver-orderly);
  • performing or providing assistance during disinfection;
  • evacuation of patients in case of emergency;
  • assistance to nurses (preparation of urine bags, instrument for procedures, etc.).

Often, it is the orderlies who perform the procedures necessary for critically ill patients: bathing, carrying and transporting, feeding, preventing pressure sores, and others. When hiring an orderly for work, a personnel officer often assesses his physical condition, because for neuropsychiatric dispensaries, clinics where the elderly and seriously ill people are kept, hardy and very strong guys are needed who can easily lift or turn the patient over.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. The opportunity to take the first step up the career ladder, because the orderly in the future may become a nurse (nurse) or even a doctor.
  2. The profession may not be the main one; often people who want to get an increase in their scholarship or salary work as orderlies.
  3. Constant assistance to people who really need it.
  4. Convenient schedule, because the orderly can be employed part-time, working 3-4 hours a day, both day and night.
  5. Medical students and college students can gain invaluable experience by earning money in their free time.
  6. There are a lot of vacancies due to staff turnover.


  1. A huge number of responsibilities.
  2. It is necessary to work a lot with your hands (cleaning, taking out the trash, etc.).
  3. Not a prestigious profession.
  4. Difficult work that can have a negative impact on a person's morale.
  5. Harmful working conditions, because the orderly is in daily contact with household chemicals, disinfectants, and is faced with unpleasant odors.
  6. Capricious patients and their relatives, who are often dissatisfied with the work of the nursing staff.
  7. Underestimation of the profession, because only those people who work in the field of medicine can understand its complexity.
  8. The orderly constantly works with biofluids, so there is a great danger of contracting tuberculosis and other diseases.

Important personal qualities

The orderly is a morally stable person who realizes what kind of work he will have to deal with. The vacancy is often occupied by future doctors who are studying at the university. This work allows them to temper their character, learn the specifics of medical practice, and learn to communicate with patients.

The main character traits of the orderly are diligence, responsibility, negligence, good physical development, endurance, accuracy and communication skills will be a plus.

Place of work

Nurses are required in all institutions that deal with the treatment, rehabilitation and maintenance of patients. These are nursing homes, medical boarding schools, dental clinics and general clinics, research and surgical centers.

An orderly, having a good base of knowledge, experience and a desire to work in this area, can privately care for patients. In this case, he performs the simplest manipulations: bathing the patient and other hygiene procedures, controlling the diet, turning and moving patients suffering from pressure ulcers, cleaning.


The salaries of nurses are very low, but if a specialist is officially employed, then he receives a full social package: sick leave payment, vacation corresponding to the Labor Code Russian Federation, surcharge for harmful conditions labor, etc.

Salary as of 12/11/2019

Russia 12 500-70000 ₽

Moscow RUB 20,000-65,000


For orderlies who do not want to receive specialized education, career growth no. But if the orderly begins to study, attend various courses, then he will soon be able to get the vacancy of a nurse and even a doctor, which depends on the chosen direction of training.

Professional knowledge

  1. Rules for the care of bedridden patients.
  2. Rules for working with the bodies of deceased patients.
  3. Rules for working with honey. waste.
  4. Driver's license (required for a driver-orderly).
  5. Human anatomy and physiology.
  6. Safety precautions when working with household chemicals and means for disinfection, sterilization.
  7. Knowledge of SanPiN 2.1 3.2630 10.
  8. Skills of working with medical equipment for sterilization, cleaning of premises, cleaning dishes.
  9. Experience in working with laundries (sending and receiving linen, quality control of washing).
  10. First aid.

On the eve of the Day of the Medical Worker, employees of the Rospotrebnadzor Office spoke about how they started their professional career and shared their views on the purpose of their profession.

Choosing a profession, everyone dreams of becoming useful and needed by society and people. The medical profession has been and remains one of the most attractive. A sanitary doctor in his professional activity is engaged in organizational and educational work, makes decisions on which the health of the population of an entire city or region sometimes depends - this is what interested me in my profession.

Starting to work, I realized that the profession of a hygienist requires special conviction, will and ability to translate theoretical knowledge into reality, that only preventive medicine can have a dramatic effect on the preservation of people's health.

The specificity of the work of a hygienist is that the results of his work, as a rule, are tangible not immediately, but after years. That is why a person who has chosen this profession must be responsible, honest, principled, and persistent. Doctor-hygienist with his constant hard work and hard work, must be able to defend their positions, protecting the health of people in the territory entrusted to him. His work takes place in constant communication with people, so the ability to get along with others is also an important quality.

I always liked at school natural Sciences- chemistry, biology and after graduation, I went to study at the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute. At the exam in chemistry, the teacher said: "Wow, I came from so far away and answers so well." And I came from Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk Territory. It seems to me that it doesn't matter where you live, what school you graduated from, the main thing is to know what you want and achieve this.

About the profession sanitary doctor I knew firsthand - in 1952 my mother graduated from the sanitary and hygienic faculty of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute.

After graduation, I came to Tyumen and have been working in the sanitary service for 37 years. It was an interesting and difficult time. Having received theoretical knowledge, in practice there was still a lot to learn, but I had good colleagues and mentors with extensive experience.

It was interesting to consider projects of canteens and shops, children's dairy kitchens, to take them into operation and control how the whole manufacturing process... At that time, much attention was paid to organizing Catering on industrial enterprises... Catering establishments for 500 seats were built at the worsted-cloth combine, 4 canteens for 250 places at the timber processing plant, 2 children's dairy kitchens with a capacity of 5 thousand portions and a number of other facilities. It was necessary to prove to the administration of enterprises the need for repairs in canteens, replacement of outdated technological equipment, improvement of working conditions of workers.

Much time was devoted to the hygienic training of workers in catering, trade and Food Industry, because the health of the population depended on their knowledge in the field of sanitation and hygiene. It was very important to explain to people so that they would understand why this is exactly how it is spelled out in the sanitary rules and what can happen if they are not followed.

Had to meet with rare and unique cases of food poisoning. In 2000. In the Tyumen region, a case of alimentary-toxic paraxysmal myoglobinuria (Gaffskaya, Yuksovskaya, Sartlanskaya disease), a rare disease that occurs among the population of fishing villages when eating fish, acquiring toxic properties under certain conditions in water bodies, was registered. Since 1924 13 outbreaks of this disease were registered in the world, during this time 2000 people have been ill. In the Tyumen region, 26 cases of diseases were registered.

The investigation into this outbreak is one positive example of interagency collaboration. In addition to specialists from the sanitary service and medical institutions, scientists from Tyumen universities and research institutes, the veterinary service, police officers, the traffic police, and the media took part in the elimination of the outbreak.

The measures taken made it possible to stop the outbreak and prevent fatalities. In the next 5 years, monitoring studies of reservoirs, fish, vegetation continued, the conditions and causes of toxicosis were studied.

Food quality and safety have always been of particular relevance. And it is very important and responsible to feel that you are in the ranks of those people who work to preserve and strengthen the health of the population. In our specialty, the concept of "health" is not only the absence of diseases, but also a benign drinking water and safe food products, safe learning and working conditions, effective preventive and health-improving measures and much more.

Despite the fact that our main task is to oversee the observance of sanitary legislation, including the use of fines and other punishments, our profession remains humane, intellectual and necessary.

She connected her activities with the medical field on the advice of her mother, who graduated from medical school as a paramedic. She advised me to enter the sanitary and hygienic faculty. When accepting documents at the Rostov State Medical Institute, I was asked the question: why did I choose this faculty? She answered briefly: "I want to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases."

I understood the importance of the profession right away, since I started labor activity in the countryside. Countryside It sharply differed from the city in terms of sanitary and technical condition, and especially refrigeration equipment, high infectious morbidity among animals with tuberculosis, brucellosis, low welfare and insufficient literacy of the population.

From 1984 to 1986, she served as the chief physician of the SES, and then until 2005 worked as the chief physician. She worked closely with executive authorities and other departments. At meetings and commissions, she showed the role and importance of the service, paid great attention to the organization of water supply, food in school and preschool institutions, improvement and sanitary cleaning of the territory of Abat district.

For me, the most valuable thing in my work is people. I always tried to be demanding, but patient and fair, paid great attention to the youth, tried to pass on my experience to them.

I am constantly engaged in career guidance, thanks to which school graduates enter the Tyumen Medical College, the Omsk State Medical Academy. Three specialists, following the results of their training, came to work for us, in the territorial department.

The meaning of the work is very complex and multifaceted. It is important to build work on mutual cooperation with the subjects. And only thanks to the understanding that we are all doing a common cause, the health of the population is preserved and strengthened.

I remember one interesting case from my work. In the village of Abatskoye there was once a dairy plant, which produced a wide range of products: milk, butter, fermented milk products, the quality of which remained much to be desired. Once the head of the food hygiene department put the question in front of me: "Either you are putting things in order there, or we will take tough measures against everyone!"

Arriving in the region, I very carefully prepared for the inspection, went to the dairy, identified many violations and decided to suspend the activities of the enterprise for 14 days. This was before the May holidays. The director of the dairy said that he could not afford to suspend work for such a long period, and that all violations, and there were more than twenty, will be eliminated by May 2. Imagine my surprise: when I arrived at the enterprise on May 2, I found that all violations had been eliminated. At the same time, the plant produced more than 2 tons of products per day, the set of premises was very large: workshops for whole milk powder, fermented milk products, butter workshop, reception department, laboratory, laundry, warehouses, refrigerators. And on May 5, specialists from the Departments of the Agro-Industrial Complex arrived in the region and, having visited the dairy, they were amazed at the cleanliness and order at the enterprise.

He decided to connect with the medical field after leaving school. The decision came spontaneously, without any persuasion from parents or friends. The profession attracted me with its humanism, diversity (there are many doctors' specialties). I was alarmed by the fact that you need to study for at least 6 years. In other universities, study was 5 years. While studying at the institute, I realized that it is simply impossible to grasp everything, but the more you know, the more benefit you will bring to people.

I understood the importance of the profession right after I got down to work. He began his work as the chief state sanitary doctor of the Aromashevsk sanitary and epidemiological station. From the first day of work, it was necessary to immediately resolve the issues of vaccine prevention (the plan for vaccination of the population for many nosological forms was not fulfilled).

In the future, more and more convinced of the importance of the chosen profession. Our profession is very socially significant, because we supervise exactly those factors that a person faces all his life: the sanitary and epidemiological regime in maternity wards, conditions of stay in kindergartens, schools, food for the population, trade, working conditions, consumer protection (and we are all by virtue of life circumstances become consumers), infectious and non-infectious morbidity.

I appreciate that as a result of my work (and my colleagues, respectively, because it is simply impossible to work alone) people's lives are changing for the better, becoming more comfortable, reducing the incidence of diseases, improving working and living conditions.

I dreamed about the profession of a doctor since childhood, just did not think that I would work in preventive medicine.

You understand the importance of the profession when you see the positive results of your work, and I think there are a lot of them - in water supply, training conditions, and the quality of food.

The people you work with are very important: the management and specialists of the Department provide support and assistance in solving any issue. We have a very friendly team, you can rely on each employee.

The point of work is that thanks to our service, the conditions and quality of life become better.

Every day at work can be called interesting and memorable as you meet new people and situations.

Daniil Kaganovich

Afisha's longtime friend and advisor, sanitary doctor Lavkalavka, worked at MosgorSES for 8 years. Passionate about fermenting and making alcoholic beverages, itself produces natto, tempeh, bresaola, beer, sake.

Situation in Russia

Requirements normative documents in Russia is much higher than in Europe, and they practically provide for all possible problems... However, this redundancy leads to some problems, hindering business development. On the other hand, rare enterprises in Russia follow the laws, in most cases a sanitary hell is going on in kitchens. So why not have such strict regulations? True, if the chef does not see the need to follow, in his opinion, stupid requirements, no one can force him to do this.

Most cafe and restaurant workers do not follow primitive hygiene rules. And if they had already listened to a course on this topic somewhere, then they did not pay special attention to it. Because of this, terrible things happen in the kitchens of restaurants.

In fact, on the part of Rospotrebnadzor, there are no mechanisms for prompt intervention, and we, as business representatives, do not have the opportunity to undergo an audit. That is, if we want to make sure that we comply with sanitary rules, then we must either hire a sanitary doctor, as was done in Lavkalavka, or do nothing, because no one knows anything. I have not heard that there were courses anywhere where restaurateurs would be taught this. But you can just type in Google and study the documents.

And there is one more problem: Rospotrebnadzor, like any state structure, is rather inflexible. People of a specific kind work there, and they are not very mobile. The controller’s consciousness is such that it’s easier for him to say that “it’s impossible”. Only if you start to rock him and ask: "And if so, and if in a different way," - then he will say that "this is possible."

Existing standards

Some restaurateurs deliberately work in bad faith, but most simply do not understand why there are different rules and logic for production and home cooking. What is normal at home is absolutely unacceptable in a restaurant, because in it you are responsible not only for yourself. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that at home some product can stand in the refrigerator for several days, although this is unacceptable. In a restaurant, the flow of guests can reach 1000 people a day, and therefore, the likelihood of someone getting poisoned is much higher. For this, strict standards are needed, which help protect the kitchen from fools.

Yes, they are very outdated, however, to recycle them, you need to spend a lot of time and resources. It is necessary to involve people working in the industry and regulatory authorities in the dialogue. And many restaurant workers do not know or understand the requirements.

Sewerage and kitchen

There is, for example, a seemingly strange decree prohibiting the passage of sewer pipes under the ceiling industrial premises... Everyone usually forgets about him. However, in my practice there was a case: in one of the premises of the restaurant there was a sewer pipe. A fire broke out in the kitchen, and firefighters accidentally hit it with a crowbar during extinguishing. As a result, the entire room was flooded with feces. And it's good that the restaurateurs were responsible and wrote it all off. But many, after this, could simply wash the products and sell them so as not to lose money.

Windows are required

Or is there a standard - the kitchen must have windows, because any permanent workplace must have natural light. Light, of course, is important for a person, but formalism spoils everything. There are no standards for offices, but there are standards for computer classes. That is, a room with at least one computer must have windows. If they are not there, then a very sensitive fine is issued. Only in Moscow in winter daylight hours lasts 4 hours, and in Murmansk there is none at all. And why do we need windows?

Unloading products

According to the law, the unloading of food for restaurants and shops located in residential buildings must take place only from the end of the building, that is, where there are no windows. In many buildings, there are simply no such ends, while in others they are in no way adapted to unloading products. On the other hand, there is also logic in this standard, because I can easily imagine a restaurateur who will unload at 7 in the morning, waking up all the tenants.

Egg beater

Here is an even more well-known rule concerning workshops: a restaurant must have a hot, cold, confectionery and root workshop (a room where they work with vegetables). If a public catering enterprise produces more than 300 kilograms of confectionery products per day, then it must be equipped with an egg beater from three rooms: for storing, disinfecting eggs and preparing egg mass. The demand seems quite wild, but I know one sanitary doctor who, even at home, will not touch an egg without washing his hands after that, because there is always a threat of salmonellosis. A real life example: in a well-known regional restaurant, a chef came to work with clinical salmonellosis, prepared mayonnaise and left a container with it. Nobody removed it, it stood overnight, and the next day mayonnaise was served to the guests. The result is an outbreak of the disease. The restaurant was closed.

Major violations

Unfortunately, the main problem with catering establishments is that they simply do not comply with primitive hygiene standards. Even the same "Revizorro", despite the fact that it is a show, the plots of which are made in such a way that it would be interesting to watch them for a mass audience, shows a picture close to reality. Albeit one-sided enough. Indeed, restaurants have a lot of expired products, staff without medical records, or they are often fake. This is something that any person who works in the field of hygiene and sanitation control is faced with. I will tell you about the main violations of basic hygiene rules.

Sanitary clothing

The owners of the restaurant, less often the chefs, enter the kitchen without sanitary clothes. At the same point, you can mention trimmed hair, earrings, and other jewelry. The logic is not explained in the law, just a prohibition. Although here, of course, it is obvious why and why. From jewelry, stones can slide off and get into food, for example. At the same time, we see that these rules are often neglected.


It is often talked about the questionable necessity of using gloves in the kitchen. Example: in restaurant A, the responsible managerial staff and the leader strictly monitor hygiene; in restaurant B, chefs may go to work with diarrhea and purulent diseases in their arms. How to choose here? I am ready to vouch for the cooks of Lavkalavka: you can take a sample of the flora from them, and everything will be fine. But, on the other hand, there are many cooks who simply don’t wash their hands even after using the toilet. And how can you not oblige people to use gloves? Gloves belong to sanitary clothes, they do not have a separate clause in the law.

Hand washing

The third is just my favorite toilet: people don't wash their hands after using the toilet. Often it comes to the point of absurdity, they say that they wash. And after the question "Where are the towels and soap?" begin to laugh it off, say, they say, you see everything. In one of the restaurants where I was invited for the audit, I specifically stood at the door and listened to if there was a sound of water from the tap. Some did not, resulting in scandal and dismissal. The same is with the use of telephones, after all, he is the toilet book of our time. I saw the chef making a gingerbread, then they called him, he talked on the phone and put it on this gingerbread. The product is contaminated and must not be served.

Lack of markings on inventory

Here you have to make compromises. The fact is that, according to the law, it is not enough just to paint "Meat", "Vegetables" and so on with paint. It is necessary to cut or engrave this so that the lettering cannot be washed off. This, of course, is an outdated norm, because now you can buy knives with multi-colored handles and boards. Even employees of Rospotrebnadzor understand the redundancy of this measure and usually do not pay attention to it. However, it is precisely the inscriptions that should be, since there are many reasons for this, one of the main ones being food allergies.

A restaurant guest may have a strong allergy, for example, to fish: the cook cut fish and salad with one knife, and the guest may develop Quincke's edema. This is absolutely real story... At home, you always know about such things and you can make sure that there are no fish near the food. But in a restaurant it is impossible to do this, therefore it is necessary to separate the flows. It's the same with other inventory. If you wash both kitchens and toilets with the same mop, E. coli will spread throughout the kitchen.

No labeling on products

It often happens that products are not labeled at all; for me, in this case, they are a priori overdue. Or put only the production date, but do not put the expiration date of the product. In addition, there are problems with the commodity neighborhood: meat should be stored with meat, fish with fish, and eggs generally separately. This norm is generally implemented in few places: there are not enough premises. Owners solve problems in different ways, most often they simply divide the refrigerator into sectors.

Also, there should be no products in production without names on the label, because there are people who, for example, do not eat pork. Suppose the chef can distinguish it from beef or lamb by its appearance, but other kitchen workers might be wrong. In addition, now there are a lot of semi-finished products and products that cannot be identified at all by sight, so a situation may arise in which the guest will be given something that he cannot eat at all.

Use of expired products

Often, the use of expired products is not associated with a desire to save money. It's just that many do not know the real expiration dates or ignore them on purpose: "The milk sour, so I'll make pancakes or cottage cheese on it." There is also such a concept - the extension of the shelf life. It is not allowed. A cook cannot buy sausage on the market, bring it to the kitchen, cut it in half, put a part in a vacuum bag and say that now this sausage lives not for a week, but for a month: this is a violation of sanitary rules. And people simply do not know this.

Restaurateurs and chefs do not want to poison people, but they do not understand that they are not alone in the kitchen and that they exist. human factor... Someone rearranged something - and now the expired product hit the guest's plate, although the chef did not count on it. A typical scary example happened a couple of years ago in the hospital: someone brought silicate glue and put it on the table, a nurse poured it into a more convenient glass vial, another nurse thought it was eye drops and put it in the refrigerator. As a result, the doctor took a bottle and put glue into the patient's eyes - the child went blind.

In general, when there is no independent oversight by a health doctor, quality suffers. However, few businesses employ sanitary doctors who can say unpleasant things. The profit of the company is not important to me, but what mood will the boss and owner have after my arrival? My only desire is to make sure that the products comply with sanitary standards, or at least be safe. When I come, I say that the kitchen is badly arranged and what fines there might be. And then the owner decides for himself whether he is ready to pay for it or is it better to do everything according to his mind. He can think that everything is clean, the workers have medical books and they don’t need to wear gloves. This is his own business, and let him decide what to pay the fine for.

Who checks and how

The checking sanitary doctor is not some official who drowns for United Russia and wants to get hold of it. Often these are ordinary young people who will not find fault with the little things if the basic things are in order. If you can see that the restaurateur is trying to make the production safe, then most often a compromise can be found. You have to understand that any official is a person who has a lot of limiting factors and very harsh bosses. If, for example, the prosecutor's office has agreed on a complaint, then they cannot fail to work it out, because otherwise questions about the corruption component will arise.

Many more problems are caused to restaurants by journalists and public organizations that come to restaurants under the guise of regulatory authorities. These citizens came to us five times: they behave in a boorish manner, but if they see legally savvy employees, they quickly leave under any pretext. Basically, they pursue selfish goals. In Moscow, almost no one is already engaged in direct extortion, they use other schemes: if they find violations, they offer to use the services of their lawyer, which cost, say, 30,000 rubles. In case of refusal, they threaten to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

The illegality of "Revizorro"

I have a twofold attitude towards Revizorro, Elena is such a Robin Hood who does a good deed, but by illegal methods. I looked at "Dozhda" material related to "Odessa-Mom", in which the film crew was shown as fighters against everything bad. Unfortunately, no one wants to figure out how things really were.

In fact, the journalists of the program violate the law, because, according to the law on the media, they have the right to be unhindered only in public premises, and the kitchen is not. It is also not reliably known how things are with their medical books... True, I think that everything is in order there, otherwise it would be too absurd. However, a restaurant that allows itself to feed its guests with expired products is itself a very serious violation. And I believe that law enforcement agencies should deal with him.

I tell my employees that if you do not want to pass this "test", be law-abiding citizens. You don’t have to grab anyone’s hands and lock them in the refrigerator, we don’t limit anyone’s freedom. We simply stop our activities and write a lawsuit against the TV channel: about lost profits, about insulting our honor and good name. We begin to fight them in completely legal ways, and we absolutely do not care what "Revizorro" finds or does not find.

Air with the co-owner of the Odessa-Mama restaurant Tatyana Melnikova on the Dozhd TV channel about the most discussed issue of the Revizorro program last week

A few more questions to "Revizorro"

Second controversial point- instrumental research methods: nitrate tester, fat analyzer and luminoscope - we do not know whether they are accredited or not.

My favorite example is the use of a household nitrate tester, which she sticks into everything she can. Firstly, this device has a very high error - 30%. Secondly, it does not measure the content of nitrates, but the electrical conductivity, and it may depend on other salts as well. Thirdly, not all products have statutory norms, for grapes there are none, for example. Interesting story with tomatoes: if they are grown in soil, they can contain up to 150 mg / kg, and if in a greenhouse - 300. The difference is almost two times - simply due to different technologies cultivation.

At Lavkalavka, Elena Volatile checked the meat, the tester showed normal values, however, if it showed excess, we would go to court, as we are confident in the quality of our products. In the summer, during the watermelon season, we constantly receive complaints that the permissible values ​​of nitrates are exceeded in them. Somehow I decided to check this and handed over the watermelon to a licensed laboratory, where the tester costs not 6,000 rubles, but 30,000 euros. He measures not only the resistance, but makes a real molecular analysis, including the mass of the watermelon. As a result, it turned out that the household appliance showed a dosage several hundred times higher.

If we talk about the positive aspects, then this program, I think, stimulates restaurateurs and chefs, and also transfers information to regulatory authorities. It should be noted that Elena Flying never goes into those things that do not concern her. And on the one hand, she, of course, is not right, but on the other, I cannot say whether this phenomenon is good or bad. Because I know for sure that a huge number of restaurants violate the law, and Rospotrebnadzor simply does not have the legal ability to control them: checks do not go if there is no complaint.

Sanitary doctor

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what a "Sanitary Doctor" is in other dictionaries:

    SANITARY DOCTOR- SANITARY DOCTOR, a practical doctor who specialized in the field of a dignity. affairs and usually no longer working in a wedge, fields of medicine. With the gradual development of preventive health care methods among honey. individual doctors began to stand out ... ...

    A doctor with his own main task disease prevention. His duty is to oversee the improvement of dwellings, the freshness of the supplies sold, the cleanliness of streets, rivers, etc. Dictionary of foreign words that have become part of the Russian language. Pavlenkov ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    sanitary doctor- - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN health officer ... Technical translator's guide

    An official who ensures the implementation of state sanitary supervision on the territory of the USSR (union or autonomous republic, territory, region, city, district, as well as the basin, port and linear section on water transport) for ... ... Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

    An official who heads the departmental sanitary and epidemiological service in the system of the Ministry of Railways or carries out sanitary and epidemiological supervision at the facilities of the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry ... Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

    DOCTOR- DOCTOR, a term that in its modern use denotes a person who has received a completed higher medical education. History. The name V. is found in the most ancient Russian documents. So, for example, in the charter of Prince Vladimir, dating back to 996 ... Great medical encyclopedia

    A; m. A specialist with a higher medical education, engaged in therapeutic and prophylactic activities. Children's v. Precinct in. Radiologist. Sanitary c. (carrying out sanitary supervision). Chief V. hospitals. ◁ Doctor, and; f. Spread. * * ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    SANITARY, sanitary, sanitary. 1.add., By value associated with the use of sanitation, with measures for sanitation. Sanitary doctor. Hospital train. Sanitary part. Sanitary engineering. Sanitary labor protection (from the point of view of interests ... ... Explanatory dictionary Ushakova

    DOCTOR, specialist with higher medical education (therapist, surgeon, neuropathologist, sanitary doctor, etc.) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A specialist with a higher medical education (therapist, surgeon, neuropathologist, sanitary doctor, etc.) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    doctor- a/; m. see also. physician Specialist with higher medical education, engaged in therapeutic and prophylactic activities. Children's doctor. District doctor. Radiologist. Sanitary doctor. (carrying out sanitary supervision) Chapter ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • , Ts. A. Belilovsky. Compiled by the city doctor Ts. A. Belilovsky. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1887 edition (publishing house `Tomsk. Printing house` Siberian newspaper``). ...
  • Medical-statistical and sanitary sketch of the city of Petropavlovsk, Akmola region. annual report for 1886, Ts. A. Belilovsky. Compiled by the city doctor Ts. A. Belilovsky. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1887 edition (publishing house "Tomsk. Printing House" of the Siberian ...

general description

What is a sanitary doctor?

A specialist who has received a higher medical education in a sanitary and hygienic profile and has the main task of preventing diseases. His responsibility is to oversee the improvement of dwellings, the freshness of the supplies sold, the cleanliness of streets, rivers, etc.

Initially, this activity was predominantly of an administrative-prohibitive nature and was carried out within the narrow framework of the simplest sanitary supervision. For quite a long time it was considered possible in this case to combine sanitary and healing functions in one person. With the gradual development of preventive health care methods from medical doctors began to stand out separate groups, on whose duties this or that collective or the state as a whole entrusted the functions of monitoring the environment in order to prevent diseases and carry out appropriate preventive measures. Sanitary doctors usually no longer work in the clinical fields of medicine.

What activities are within the competence of a sanitary doctor?

At present, the amount of knowledge that a sanitary doctor should possess is very large. First, the list of objects subject to sanitary supervision is quite wide: the external environment, socio-economic and living conditions, professional groups. Secondly, the methods and techniques of work used in the sanitary business are diverse: sanitary-statistical studies, sanitary-topographic examinations and descriptions, anthropometric studies, bacteriological and hygienic laboratory methods, the ability to understand plans and drawings, etc. In accordance with the tasks to be solved, sanitary doctors are divided into groups according to specialties: general sanitary doctors, doctors for housing and communal supervision, for food supervision, for industrial supervision, for epidemiology (doctors-epidemiologists). Within these specialties, more detailed groups are distinguished: doctors for public catering, doctors for water sanitation, for planning settlements, for disinfection, etc. The following functions are assigned to sanitary doctors:

Planning, development and implementation of a program of measures for environmental protection;

Organization and implementation of an environmental education program for schools and other population groups;

Establishment of standards of sanitation and hygiene and implementation of relevant regulations in areas such as the production and sale of food through catering establishments, collection and disposal of solid waste, wastewater treatment and disposal, sanitary-technical work, infection control, organization of recreation areas , hospitals and other medical institutions, control of noise levels, ventilation, air pollution, radiation, etc.;

Negotiating with the government, public and industrial organizations, enterprises civil defense and private organizations to formulate and implement environmental protection programs;

Collaboration with other health personnel on epidemiological research and control;

Providing advice to civilians and other officials in the development of laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection.

What research does the sanitary doctor conduct and prescribe?

General sanitary doctors carry out analyzes for the sanitary and bacteriological examination of the external environment;

Sanitary doctors for housing and communal supervision carry out sanitary analyzes for hygienic and bacteriological examination of the external environment (air, soil, water, housing, etc.);

Sanitary doctors for food supervision carry out laboratory and food analyzes (sanitary and bacteriological studies) of food products - animal and vegetable raw materials, semi-finished products and food supplies, ready meals); give appropriate conclusions and expertise;

Sanitary doctors for industrial supervision carry out laboratory studies of the industrial environment (measurement of indicators of meteorological factors, radiant energy, dustiness, lighting, gas pollution);

Sanitary doctors for epidemiology (epidemiologists) perform laboratory bacteriological analyzes of the external environment.