Technogenic hazards and risks presentation, report. Technogenic hazards (topic 4) Presentation of technogenic hazards

1. Harmful substances Harmful substances include substances and compounds (hereinafter referred to as substances) that, upon contact with the human body, can cause diseases both during contact and in the long-term life of present and subsequent generations. The hazard of a substance is the potential for adverse health effects in real conditions production or other use of chemical compounds.

Chemical harmful substances: By practical use: industrial poisons used in production (organic solvents (dichloroethane), fuels (propane, butane), dyes (aniline)); pesticides used in agriculture (pesticides); household chemicals used in the form of sanitation, personal hygiene products; biological plant and animal poisons found in plants and fungi, animals and insects (snakes, bees, scorpions); toxic substances (OS) (sarin, mustard gas, phosgene).

Toxicity indicators: 1. average lethal concentration of a substance in the air CL 50 is the concentration of a substance that causes the death of 50% of experimental animals during an hourly inhalation exposure (mg/m3); 2.mean lethal dose when injected into the stomach (mg/kg) - DL 50 3.mean lethal dose when applied to the skin (mg/kg) - DL 50

Subacute is called intoxication, which develops as a result of continuous or intermittent (intermittent) action of a toxicant lasting up to 90 days. Chronic intoxication is called intoxication, which develops as a result of prolonged (sometimes years) action of a toxicant.

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) is the maximum concentration of a harmful substance that, over a certain exposure time, does not affect human health and its offspring, as well as ecosystem components and the natural community as a whole. The threshold of harmful action (single acute Lim ac or chronic Lim ch) is the minimum (threshold) concentration (dose) of a substance, under the action of which changes in biological parameters at the organism level occur in the body, beyond the limits of adaptive reactions, or latent (temporarily compensated) pathology .

Ways of entry of toxic substances into the body: through the respiratory system - the most dangerous, since harmful substances enter through the branched system of the pulmonary alveoli directly into the blood and are carried throughout the body. through the gastrointestinal tract - toxic substances can be absorbed from the oral cavity, entering immediately into the blood. through damaged skin - from a liquid medium in contact with hands; in case of high concentrations of toxic vapors and gases in the air.

Hygienic assessment of the isolated action of a harmful substance on a person: Combined action is the simultaneous or sequential action of several poisons on the body with the same route of entry. Combined action: additive, potentiated, antagonistic action, etc.

Additive action is the total effect of the mixture, equal to the sum of the effects of the active ingredients. where C 1; C 2, ... C p concentration of each substance in the air, mg / m3; Maximum allowable concentrations of these substances, mg/m3. Potentiated action (synergism) - the components of the mixture act in such a way that one substance enhances the action of another. The effect of the combined action with synergism is higher than the additive one.

Antagonistic action is observed when the effect of the combined action of the substance is less than expected. The components of the mixture act in such a way that one substance weakens the action of another, the effect of a less additive one. With potentiated and antagonistic action, the assessment of the total effect is carried out taking into account the coefficient of combined action K KD: Where K KD > 1 during potentiation; To KD 1 during potentiation; K KD

2. Vibrations Vibrations are small mechanical vibrations that occur in elastic bodies. Depending on the method of transmission of vibrations to a person, vibration is divided into: 1. general - transmitted through the supporting surfaces to the body of a seated or standing person (frequency range Hz); 2. local - transmitted through the hands of a person; acting on the legs of a seated person, on the forearms in contact with the vibrating surfaces of the desktops. frequency range Hz

Harmonic law of oscillations: where amplitude and phase of oscillations; circular frequency, rad/s; = 2Пf, f - cyclic frequency, Hz. If the vibration velocity changes according to a harmonic law with amplitude A, then the other two parameters will also obey this law. In this case, the amplitudes of vibration acceleration Aa and vibration displacement Ai are related to the amplitude of vibration velocity Av by the relations:

Logarithmic vibration levels: The logarithmic unit is called the bel (B) and its tenth is the decibel (dB). The logarithmic level of vibration (dB), is determined by: Where - the threshold value of the corresponding parameter At f 0 =1000 Hz, the threshold value of vibration velocity is 5*10-8 m/s, vibration acceleration - 10-6 m/s2

3. Acoustic noise Noise affects the entire human body. Noise with a sound pressure level: up to dB - familiar to a person, does not bother; up to dB - stress on the nervous system, deterioration of well-being, with prolonged action can be the cause of neuroses. more than 75 dB - can lead to hearing loss; occupational hearing loss more than 140 dB - possible rupture of eardrums, contusion more than 160 dB - death.

Relationship of sound intensity I (W/m2) with sound pressure: The sound intensity level (dB) is determined by the formula: where I 0 is the threshold sound intensity corresponding to the hearing threshold at a frequency of 1000 Hz; I 0 \u003d W / m2.

The sound pressure level (dB) is determined by the formula: where p 0 threshold sound pressure; p 0 = Pa at a frequency of 1000 Hz. The threshold values ​​of sound pressure and sound intensity are related by: Where is the air density and the speed of sound under normal atmospheric conditions.

Total noise level, dB, (several sources): where L i are the sound pressure levels or intensity levels generated by each source. If there are n identical noise sources with sound pressure level L p created by each source, then the total noise level, dB:

Noise By the nature of the spectrum: tonal - in the spectrum of which there are audible discrete broadband tones with a continuous spectrum with a width of more than one octave. By temporal characteristics: constant - the sound level of which for an 8-hour working day changes in time by no more than 5 dBA, non-permanent - for which this change is more than 5 dBA: 1. fluctuating in time; 2. intermittent; 3. impulsive.

Impact of a shock wave Safe: at a pressure of 10 kPa and less; Light lesions (ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache): with excessive pressure kPa; Moderately severe injuries (brain contusions, hearing damage, bleeding from the nose and ears): with excessive pressure kPa.

Point Noise Source: The intensity of sound on the surface of this sphere (W/m2) can be determined by the formula: Directional factor (F) - shows the ratio of the sound intensity created by a directional source at a given point I to the intensity Icp that would develop at the same point a source having the same sound power and radiating sound into the sphere in the same way.

Sound power The sound power levels Lp (dB) are set by analogy with the sound intensity level: where P is the sound power, W; P 0 threshold sound power; P 0 = W.

Noise calculation for open space: Noise intensity I at the design point (PT): where S is the surface area passing through the design point, to which the radiated sound energy is distributed; in particular, for a hemisphere this corresponds to the surface area S = 2Пr2 (here r is the distance between the sound source and the observation point); k is a coefficient showing how many times the noise is weakened along the propagation path; in the presence of obstacles and attenuation in the air. 49

Room noise calculation: Sound pressure level at the room design point in logarithmic form: Ratio between the sound pressure levels at the design point for indoor and outdoor space: Where is the addition due to the influence at the design point of the reflected sound (can be up to 15 dB).

4. Infrasound Infrasound is vibrations that do not exceed the lower limit of human auditory perception in frequency of 20 Hz. Conditions of occurrence: natural sources (wind blowing over obstacles, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, storms, etc.) operation of various machines and mechanisms

4. Infrasound Impact zones: 1 zone - lethal effect of infrasound at levels exceeding 185 dB and exposure over 10 minutes. Zone 2 - the action of infrasound with levels from 185 to 145 dB, causes effects dangerous to humans. The effect of infrasound with levels below 120 dB usually does not lead to any significant consequences.


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Electrical safety Educational questions: 1. Basic concepts 2. The effect of electric current on the human body 3. Factors that determine the danger of electric shock 4. Conditions of electric shock 5. The main causes of electric shock Step voltage 6. Technical methods and means of protection 7. Means protection used in electrical installations

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Literature: Bury A.Z. Life safety. Textbook SPb GK, 1997, part I. Rusak O.N. and other Safety of life. Tutorial. Doe. 2000, Section II, §7.4. 3. Belov A.V. and other Safety of life. Textbook for High Schools. High school. 1999, Section 1, §3.2.5, Section 2, §§5.5-5.6 4. Hwang T.A., Hwang P.A. Life safety. Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don. 2000, Topic #1, §1.3.8.

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Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical measures and means to protect people from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

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Organizational activities include: training in safe work methods control of knowledge and compliance with safety regulations when performing work medical control

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protection against accidental contact with current-carrying parts voltage drop on metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical installations in case of its accidental occurrence due to insulation failure or other reasons Technical methods and means of protection used to ensure electrical safety:

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Electric current is the orderly movement of electric charges. The ordered movement of free electric charges occurring in a conductor is called conduction current. Conduction currents are: electric current in metals, created by the ordered movement of free electrons, current in electrolytes, carried out by the ordered movement of ions, current in gases, where ions and electrons move in an orderly manner.

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Current strength - the amount of electricity passing through the cross section of the conductor in an infinitely small period of time, i.e.: I \u003d dq / dt where: I - current strength, A, dq - the amount of electricity passing through the cross section of the conductor, dt - infinitely small time interval. If equal charges pass through the cross section of the conductor for any equal intervals of time, the current is called constant (in magnitude and direction) and is denoted by the letter I. The unit of current in the SI system is the ampere (A). An alternating current is a current whose strength or direction (or both) change with time.

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The current passing through the human body (I h, A) is conditionally determined according to Ohm's law: I h \u003d U pr. / R h., Where: I h - current passing through the human body, U pr - touch voltage, R h is the resistance of the human body. An electric arc is a long-term independent electric discharge in gases, maintained by thermionic emission from a negatively charged electrode - the cathode. The electric shock of the human body is called electrical injury.


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The effect of electric current on the human body The effect of electric current on the human body is diverse. Passing through the human body, the electric current causes: thermal, electrolytic, biological effects. The thermal effect of the current is manifested in burns of individual parts of the body, heating to a high temperature of the organs located on the path of the current, causing significant functional disorders in them.


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The electrolytic effect of the current is manifested in the decomposition of blood and other organic body fluids and causes significant disturbances in their physico-chemical composition. The biological effect of the current is manifested as irritation and excitation of the living tissues of the body, which is accompanied by involuntary convulsive contractions of the muscles, including the lungs and heart. This variety of actions of electric current can lead to two types of damage: electric injuries, electric shocks. .


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Electrical injuries are clearly defined local damage to body tissues caused by exposure to electric current or an electric arc. electrical injury electrical burns electrical signs electrophthalmia skin plating mechanical damage


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Electrical burn is the most common electrical injury. There are two types of burns: current (or contact) and arc. The current burn is caused by the passage of current through the human body as a result of contact with the current-carrying part and is a consequence of the transformation electrical energy into thermal. There are four degrees of burns: I - redness of the skin; II - the formation of bubbles; III - necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin; IY - charring of tissues. The severity of damage to the body is determined not by the degree of burn, but by the area of ​​the burnt surface of the body. Current burns occur at voltages not higher than 1-2 kV and in most cases are burns of I and II degrees; sometimes there are severe burns.


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Arc burn. At higher voltages, an electric arc is formed between the current-carrying part and the human body (the temperature of the arc is above 3500 ◦ C), which causes an arc burn. Arc burns are usually severe - III or IV degree. Electric signs are clearly defined spots of gray or pale yellow color on the surface of a person's skin that has been exposed to current. Signs come in the form of scratches, wounds, cuts or bruises, warts, skin hemorrhages, and calluses. In most cases, electrical signs are painless and their treatment ends safely.


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Metallization of the skin is the penetration into the upper layers of the skin of the smallest particles of metal that has melted under the influence of an electric arc. This can occur during short circuits, disconnection of circuit breakers under load, etc. Metallization is accompanied by a skin burn caused by heated metal. Electrophthalmia is eye damage caused by intense radiation from an electric arc, the spectrum of which contains ultraviolet and infrared rays harmful to the eyes. In addition, splashes of molten metal are possible in the eyes. Protection against electrophthalmia is achieved by wearing glasses that block ultraviolet rays and protect the eyes from splashes of molten metal.


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Electric shock is the excitation of living tissues of the body by an electric current passing through it, accompanied by involuntary muscle contractions. Depending on the outcome of the impact of current on the body, electric shocks are conditionally divided into the following four degrees: I - convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness; II - convulsive muscle contraction, loss of consciousness, preservation of breathing and heart function; III - loss of consciousness and impaired cardiac activity or breathing (or both); IY - clinical death, i.e. lack of respiration and circulation.


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Electric shock is a severe peculiar neuro-reflex reaction of the body to strong irritation with an electric current, accompanied by deep disorders of blood circulation, respiration, metabolism, etc. The state of shock lasts from several tens of minutes to a day. After this, a full recovery may occur as a result of timely medical intervention or the death of the body due to the complete extinction of vital functions.


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Factors that determine the danger of electric shock electrical resistance of the human body environmental conditions and other factors the level of voltage applied to a person the type and frequency of the electric current of the current path through the human body and the duration of exposure to electric current


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Electrical resistance of the human body The human body is a conductor of electric current, non-uniform in electrical resistance. The greatest resistance to electric current is provided by the skin, therefore the resistance of the human body is determined mainly by the resistance of the skin. The stratum corneum in a dry, uncontaminated state can be considered as a dielectric: its volume resistivity reaches 10 5 - 10 6 Ohm m, which is thousands of times higher than the resistance of other skin layers. 20 V) ranges from 3 to 100 kOhm or more, and the resistance of the inner layers of the body is only 300-500 Ohm. As a calculated value for alternating current of industrial frequency, the resistance of the human body is used, equal to 1000 ohms.


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Current strength. The main factor determining the outcome of an electric shock is the strength of the current passing through the human body. Perceptible current is an electric current that causes perceptible irritation when passing through the body: alternating current 0.6-1.5 mA, direct current 5-7 mA. Non-letting current - an electric current that, when passing through a person, causes irresistible convulsive contractions of the muscles of the hand in which the conductor is clamped. Alternating current 10-15 mA, direct current - 50-60 mA. Fibrillation current - an electric current that causes heart fibrillation when passing through the body: alternating current 100 mA, direct current 300 mA lasting 1-2 s. Current loops: arm - arm, arm - legs.


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Duration of exposure to electric current. The danger of electric shock due to cardiac fibrillation depends on which phase of the cardiac cycle coincides with the time of passage of current through the region of the heart. If the duration of current passage is equal to or exceeds the cardiocycle time (0.75-1s), then the current "meets" with all phases of the heart (including the most vulnerable), which is very dangerous for the body. If the current exposure time is less than the duration of the cardiocycle by 0.5 s or more, then the probability of the coincidence of the moment of current passage with the most vulnerable phase of the heart, and, consequently, the risk of damage is sharply reduced. This circumstance is used in high-speed residual current devices, where the response time is less than 0.2 s.


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The path of current through the human body. There are a lot of possible current paths in the human body, which are also called current loops. The most common current loops are: arm-arm, arm-leg, leg-leg. The most dangerous are head-arm and head-leg loops.


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Conditions of the external environment. № p / p Hazard class Environmental conditions 1 Premises without increased danger Characterized by the absence of conditions that create increased or special danger. 2 Premises with increased risk of one of the following conditions: a) dampness (relative humidity exceeds 75% for a long time; b) high temperature (above +35 ○ C); c) conductive floors (metal, earthen, reinforced concrete, brick, etc.); e) the possibility of a person simultaneously touching the metal structures of buildings connected to the ground, technological apparatus, mechanisms, etc., on the one hand, and the metal cases of electrical equipment, on the other.


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3 Especially dangerous premises of one of the following conditions a) extreme dampness (relative air humidity close to 100%: the ceiling, floor and walls, objects in the room are covered with moisture; b) chemically active or organic environment (destroying insulation and current-carrying parts of electrical installations); c) simultaneously two or more conditions of increased danger. Such premises include areas of work on the ground in the open air or under a canopy.


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Electric shock conditions The voltage between two points in the current circuit that a person touches at the same time is called the touch voltage. Situational analysis of electric shock The most typical are two cases of closing the current circuit through the human body: when a person touches two wires at the same time and when he touches only one wire. With regard to AC networks, the first circuit is usually called two-phase touch, and the second - single-phase.


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Two-phase touch I h \u003d U l / R h \u003d √3 U f / R h, I h. =1.73 220/1000 = 380/1000 = 0.38A (380mA)


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Single-phase touch a) network with isolated neutral I h \u003d U f / (R h + R OS + R about + R of / 3) When substituting numerical values: R h \u003d 1 kOhm, R OS. \u003d 30 kOhm, R about \u003d 20 kOhm and R out \u003d 150 kOhm I h \u003d 220 / (1000 + 30,000 + 20,000 + 150,000 / 3) ≈ 2.2 mA under the conditions: R OS \u003d R about \u003d 0 I h \u003d 220 / (1000 + 150,000 / 3) \u003d 4.4 mA


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Network with grounded neutral I h \u003d U f. / (R h. + R os. + R vol. + R o) R os \u003d 0; R about \u003d 0 I h. = U f. /Rh. \u003d 220/1000 \u003d 0.22 A \u003d 220 mA if R os \u003d 30 kOhm and R about \u003d 20 kOhm, I h \u003d 220/1000 + 30,000 + 20,000 \u003d 4.4 mA


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The main causes of electric shock: accidental contact with live parts under voltage as a result of: erroneous actions during work; malfunctions of protective equipment with which the victim touched current-carrying parts, etc. the appearance of voltage on the metal structural parts of electrical equipment as a result of: damage to the insulation of current-carrying parts; network phase closure to ground; falling wire (under voltage) on the structural parts of electrical equipment, etc. the appearance of voltage on disconnected live parts as a result of: erroneous switching on of a disconnected installation; short circuits between disconnected and energized current-carrying parts: a lightning discharge into an electrical installation, etc., in the occurrence of a step voltage on the ground where a person is located, as a result of a phase-to-ground short circuit; removal of the potential by an extended conductive object (pipeline, railway rails); malfunctions in the protective earthing device, etc.


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The step voltage is the voltage between the points of the earth, due to the spreading of the fault current to the ground while touching them with the feet of a person.


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Technical methods and means of protection To ensure electrical safety, the following technical methods and means of protection are used separately or in combination with one another: inaccessibility of live parts under voltage, electrical separation of the network, low voltages, double insulation, potential equalization, protective grounding, protective neutralization, safety shutdown, etc.


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The inaccessibility of current-carrying parts of electrical installations for accidental contact can be ensured in a number of ways: insulation of live parts, fencing, various interlocks, placement of live parts at an inaccessible distance. Insulation is the main method of electrical safety in networks up to 1000V, since the use of insulated wires provides sufficient protection against voltage when touched. In accordance with the Rules, the insulation resistance of each phase relative to earth and between each pair of phases in each section between two series-installed protection devices (fuses, circuit breakers, etc.) must be at least 0.5 MΩ.


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Enclosures in the form of housings, casings, shells are used in electrical machines, devices, and devices. Solid fences are mandatory for electrical installations located in places where non-electrical personnel stay (cleaners, etc.). Mesh fences with mesh size (25 x 25) mm. are used in installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V. In enclosed spaces, their height should be at least 1.7 m, and in open spaces - at least 2.0 m, in order to exclude or greatly hinder access to electrical installations by accidental or drunk people. Mesh fences have doors that are locked with a lock.


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Mechanical interlocks are used in electrical devices - knife switches, starters, circuit breakers, etc., operating in conditions where increased safety requirements are imposed (ship, underground, and similar electrical installations). Electric interlocks break the circuit with special contacts that are installed on the doors of the fences, covers and doors of the casings. At remote control electrical installation, blocking contacts are included in the control circuit of the starting device, and not in the power circuit of the electrical installation. Radio equipment uses block circuits with plug-in connections that automatically break the circuit.


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The location of current-carrying parts at an inaccessible height or in an inaccessible place allows you to ensure safety without fences. This takes into account the possibility of accidental contact with current-carrying parts by means of long objects that a person can hold in his hands. Therefore, outdoors, uninsulated wires at voltages up to 1000 V must be located at a height of at least 6 m, and indoors - at least 3.5 m. transformers This measure of protection is used in an extensive electrical network, which has a significant capacitance and, accordingly, a small insulation resistance relative to earth.


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Low voltage is a rated voltage not exceeding 42V, used to reduce the risk of electric shock. Double insulation is a reliable means of protecting a person from electric shock. Consists of main and additional. The main (working) electrical insulation of the current-carrying parts of the electrical installation ensures its normal operation and protection against electric shock, and the additional one serves to protect against damage in case of damage to the main one.


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Residual current shutdown is a fast-acting protection that provides automatic shutdown of an electrical installation in the event of a danger of electric shock.


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Means of protection used in electrical installations The main electrical protective equipment is the means of protection, the insulation of which can withstand the operating voltage of electrical installations for a long time and which allow you to touch live parts that are energized. (Insulating rods. Insulating pliers. Electrical metering pliers Voltage gauges Fitting and assembly tools with insulating handles Portable grounding Dielectric gloves). Additional electrical protective equipment is a protective equipment that complements the main equipment, as well as serving to protect against touch voltage and step voltage, which by themselves cannot provide protection against electric shock at a given voltage, but are used in conjunction with the main electrical protective equipment. (Dielectric galoshes or boots. Insulating pads and pads. Dielectric mats.)


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First aid methods. - lay the victim on his back on a hard surface; -Check the presence of the victim's pulse, breathing; - find out the state of the pupil - narrow or dilated; -call a doctor, regardless of the condition of the victim; - start providing appropriate assistance to the victim. The victim is conscious, but before that he was in a state of fainting, or was under current for a long time. It is convenient to lay on a bed, cover with something (clothes) and ensure complete rest until the doctor arrives, continuously monitoring breathing and pulse; Consciousness is absent, but stable pulse and breathing are preserved. It is convenient to lay the victim on a bed, unfasten the belt and clothes, provide fresh air and complete rest, give the victim to sniff ammonia and sprinkle him with water;


Last presentation slide: MAN-MADE HAZARDS

There are no signs of life (breathing, heartbeat, pulse). Immediately start artificial respiration and heart massage. The conclusion about the death of the victim can only be given by a doctor.

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Topic: Sources of chemical hazard of technogenic origin.

Technogenic pollution of the environment

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION The main sources of pollution The main harmful substances Atmosphere Industry Transport Thermal power plants Oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen Organic compounds Industrial dust Hydrosphere Waste water Oil leaks Road transport Heavy metals Oil Oil products Lithosphere Industrial waste and Agriculture Overuse of Fertilizers Plastics Rubber Heavy metals

Emergency chemically hazardous substances (AHOV)

AHOV - emergency chemically hazardous substances or their compounds, which, if released into the environment, can cause an emergency: infect air, water, soil, lead to poisoning and death of people, animals, plants In accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 (99) "Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements”, according to the degree of impact on the human body, AHOV are divided into 4 hazard classes: class 1, extremely dangerous: hydrogen fluoride, phosphorus oxychloride, ethyleneimine, mercury. Class 2, highly hazardous: acrolein, hydrogen arsenic, hydrocyanic acid, dimethylamine, carbon disulfide, fluorine, chlorine, etc. Class 3, moderately hazardous: hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen sulfide, trimethylamine, etc. Class 4, low hazardous: ammonia, methyl acrylate , acetone. Substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 are capable of forming life-threatening concentrations even with minor leaks. The main features of AHOV: - the ability to move in the direction of the wind over long distances, where it can cause damage to people; - the volume of action, that is, the ability of contaminated air to penetrate into unsealed rooms; - a wide variety of hazardous chemicals, which creates difficulties in creating filtering gas masks; - the ability of many AHOVs to have not only a direct effect, but also to infect people through water, products, and surrounding objects.

To characterize the toxic properties of hazardous chemicals, the following concepts are used: the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of a harmful substance and the toxic dose (toxodose). MPC is a concentration that, when exposed to a person daily for a long time, does not cause pathological changes or diseases detected by modern diagnostic methods. It refers to an 8-hour working day and cannot be used to assess the danger of an emergency due to the fact that in emergency cases, the time of exposure to AHOV is very limited. Toxodose is understood as the amount of a substance that causes a certain toxic effect. Name of indicator Norm for hazard class 1 2 3 4 -10.0 More than 10.0 Mean lethal dose when injected into the stomach, mg/kg Less than 15 15-150 150-5000 More than 50000 Mean lethal dose when applied to the skin, mg/kg Less than 100 100-500 501-2500 More than 2500 Average lethal concentration in air, mg/m3 Less than 500 500-5000 5001-50000 More than 50000 Possibility factor for inhalation poisoning More than 300 300-30 29-3 Less than 3 Acute action zone Less than 6.0 6.0-18 .0 18.1-54.0 More than 54.0 Chronic zone More than 10.0 10.0-5.0 4.9-2.5 Less than 2.5

Chemically hazardous objects and accidents on them

Chemically hazardous objects (CHO) are objects in the event of an accident or destruction of which people, farm animals and plants may be injured, or chemical contamination of the natural environment with hazardous chemicals in concentrations or quantities exceeding the natural level of their content in the environment. The main damaging factor in case of an accident at a CSO is chemical contamination of the surface layer of the atmosphere; at the same time, possible contamination of water sources, soil, and vegetation. These accidents are often accompanied by fires and explosions. The most dangerous accidents are enterprises that produce, use or store toxic substances and explosive materials. These include plants and combines of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries. Of particular danger are accidents on railway transport, accompanied by a spill of transported highly toxic substances (SDN). Potent toxic substances (SDN) are chemical compounds that are highly toxic and capable under certain conditions (mainly during accidents at chemically hazardous facilities) to cause mass poisoning of people and animals, as well as to contaminate the environment. Currently, instead of the term SDYAV, the term Chemically Hazardous Substance (AHOV) is used. Taking into account the rate of release of hazardous chemicals into the environment during accidents and catastrophes, the time factor in the organization and implementation of chemical control is of paramount importance. For this purpose, even during the period of normal operation of the HOO, the following measures are taken: 1) Stationary chemical sensors are installed in workshops on the territory of the facility, in the sanitary protection zone of the facility and in settlements located near the facility. 2) They create an automated system for monitoring chemical contamination and alerting the personnel of the facility and the public in a potential zone of extremely dangerous contamination. 3) Carry out periodic monitoring of the concentration of hazardous chemicals in industrial premises the object and outside them by the forces of the departments of environmental control of the laboratories of the object, stationary and mobile means of the hydrometeorological service and sanitary and epidemiological stations.

In Russia, there are more than three thousand six hundred chemically hazardous facilities, and one hundred and forty-six cities with a population of more than one hundred thousand people are located in areas of increased chemical hazard. Region Used and stored chemically hazardous substances Total amount, thousand tons Povolzhsky Ammonia, chlorine, etc. 146.3 Central Black Earth Chlorine, ammonia, etc. 124.4 Central Ammonia, chlorine, hydrocyanic and hydrochloric acids, chloropicrin, acrylic acid nitrile , carbon disulfide 77.2 West Siberian Ammonia, chlorine, carbon disulfide, hydrogen chloride, sulfurous anhydride, hydrogen fluoride, acetonitrile 50.9 Northwest Ammonia, chlorine, acrylic acid nitrile, hydrogen fluoride, etc. 48.5 Ural ammonia, chlorine , acrylic acid nitrile, hydrogen fluoride, etc. 48.5 Volga-Vyatka Chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, phosgene, etc. 46.2 Northern ammonia, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, etc. 25.2 Regions Russian Federation with a high concentration of chemically hazardous objects Causes of accidents: violations of safety regulations for the transportation and storage of toxic substances; failure of units, pipelines, depressurization of storage tanks; excess of standard stocks; violation of the established norms and rules for the placement of chemically hazardous facilities; reaching full production capacity of chemical industry enterprises, caused by the desire of foreign entrepreneurs to invest in hazardous industries in Russia; an increase in terrorism at chemically hazardous facilities; deterioration of the life support system of the population; placement by foreign firms on the territory of Russia of environmentally hazardous enterprises; import of hazardous waste from abroad and their burial in Russia (sometimes they are even left in railway cars). About 20 chemical accidents are registered every day in the world. One of the biggest disasters of the 20th century was the explosion in 1985 in India, in Bhopal, at the Union-carbide enterprise. As a result, 45 tons of methyl isocyanate got into the environment, 3,000 people died, 300,000 became disabled.

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Contradictions in the interactions of the elements of the system "natural environment - technosphere - society"

The inability of the natural environment to fully meet the growing needs of society; overexploitation natural resources against the background of limited opportunities for their restoration; exacerbation of the dilemma of scientific and technological progress: on the one hand, the high rates of development of the technosphere in the 20th century and outstanding achievements (atomic, space, aviation, energy and chemical technology, electronics, genetic engineering, etc.), and on the other hand, the emergence and the growth of potential and real threats to man, society, and the environment from the objects of the technosphere.

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Oilfield accidents

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    1.Trends in the field of natural and technogenic safety

    contradictions in the interactions of the elements of the system "natural environment - technosphere - society" led to an increase in the number of emergency situations (ES) of natural-technogenic and man-made nature

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    Dynamics of the coefficient of relative growth in the number of emergencies (CR)

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    Feature of Russia

    A feature of Russia was that the increase in the number of emergencies in the last decade was accompanied by a reduction in the pace and volume of production to 40-50% (in capital-forming industries - up to 70-95%).

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    Growth rates of machine-building production

  • Slide 9

    Explosion in a Chinese mine killed 68 people. / 28.11.2005, 9:25 / As a result of an explosion in a mine in the northeastern Chinese province of Heilongjiang, 68 miners were killed. Germany covered with snow - there are casualties. / 28.11.2005, 9:05 / Two thousand accidents, about one and a half hundred injured, one dead and more than six million euros of damage were the result of a snowfall in Germany. More than 100,000 Germans remain without electricity after a snow storm. / 27.11.2005, 14:31 / In the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, it is still not possible to restore power supply, interrupted due to a strong snow storm. About 120 thousand people remain without electricity. Two trains collided in India. / 25.11.2005, 9:48 / In the Indian state of West Bengal, at least two people were injured as a result of a collision between two trains. On Friday, at Panskura station (100 km from Kolkata), an express passenger train crashed into a standing commuter train.

    Slide 10

    Extraordinary accidents and catastrophes of one month

    11/24/2005 // An earthquake measuring 6.8 was recorded in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. 11/24/2005 // A yacht under the Ukrainian flag is in distress off the coast of Greece. 23.11.2005 // The water of the Amur polluted by the accident in China can reach Khabarovsk. 11/23/2005 // In Turkey, an electric train collided with a truck, 9 people were killed. 11/22/2005 // Storm Gamma battered Honduras. 11/18/2005 // 172 people became victims of floods in Colombia. 11/16/2005 // Ecological accident in Kerch - 50 thousand inhabitants were left without water. 11/15/2005 // 10,000 people are evacuated in Colombia from an awakened volcano. 11/14/2005 // A series of explosions at a chemical plant in China: 1 killed, 70 injured. 11/11/2005 // An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 on the Richter scale occurred in Yakutia.

    slide 11

    Oilfield accidents

    near the city of Novy Urengoy, an accident occurred at the Pestsovoye field, owned by OAO Gazprom. The valve in the valve building was depressurized and a gas leak occurred. On Friday night, the valves were closed, the gas was released. Three fire brigades of the district's State Fire Service and employees of Urengoygazprom worked at the scene. During the liquidation of the accident, seven employees of the enterprise were poisoned by natural gas. All the victims received medical assistance. Currently, their condition is assessed as satisfactory. The circumstances of the incident are established. The company launched an investigation into the causes of the accident.

    slide 12

    Transport accidents

  • slide 13

    Accident at a chemical plant in China

  • Slide 14

    Dynamics of changes in the number of victims and deaths from natural and man-made emergencies in 1996-2001

    slide 15

    Dynamics of changes in the number of natural and man-made emergencies in 1996-2001

    slide 16

    Dynamics of the number of emergencies for the period 1997–2004

  • Slide 17

    Dynamics of the number of deaths in emergency situations for the period 1997–2004

    Slide 18

    The structure of quantitative indicators of emergencies by their types

  • Slide 19

    Slide 20

    2. Why is the number of accidents and emergencies of a man-made nature not decreasing?

    It would seem that solid experience has been accumulated in the prevention and liquidation of accidents, the causes and conditions of their occurrence have been analyzed and revealed, and subsequent appropriate safety measures have been taken. However, the growth curves of the number and severity of man-made incidents do not show noticeable trends towards a qualitative decrease.

    slide 21

    Why is the number of accidents and man-made emergencies not decreasing?

    BUT). Scientific and technological progress and the development of the productive forces of society lead to an ever-increasing saturation of the technosphere with man-made (technical) objects, in which artificially created energy reserves are accumulated, which pose a potential danger to humans and their environment. (Any technical object that has or uses an artificial energy reserve is potentially dangerous. In addition, the rate of increase in the number of technical objects in the technosphere is comparable to or greater than the general increase in their reliability (although newly constructed HIFs have higher reliability, however, the reliability of HIFs in operation only decreases from time).

    slide 22

    B). In practice, there is a priority of using methods for eliminating the consequences of an accident over methods for improving safety. Most of the security measures implemented at HIFs are in the nature of “fire brigade methods”. (Alas, these methods have a pronounced populist basis - the larger the accident, the more effective the rescue and the TV picture).

    slide 23

    . The main reasons for the increase in the number of man-made emergencies:

    an unacceptably high level of depreciation of fixed assets and the depletion of the design resources of machinery and equipment (up to 50-80% in the energy sector, petrochemicals, and transport); (decommissioning of potentially hazardous facilities that have exhausted their resource or service life is a complex scientific, technical, economic and social problem)

    slide 24

    low level of investment and, as a result, the impossibility of reconstruction and renewal of fixed assets (less than 1-5% annually); insufficient regulatory and legal framework in the field of natural and technogenic safety at the federal and regional levels.

    Slide 25

    Causes of accidents at industrial facilities

    in the oil and oil refining industry: corrosion of pipe metal and damage to pipelines or tank structures (age composition of field pipelines: up to 15 years - 63%, more than 15 years - 37% with an actual service life of 20 years); unauthorized tie-ins by third parties; violation of safety regulations and fire safety rules by service personnel; design flaws and poor-quality repair of equipment; factory defect of pipes; a marriage made in the course of construction installation work, and violation of their norms by contractors, etc.

    slide 26

    in the gas industry:

    stress corrosion; unauthorized earthworks carried out by various non-departmental organizations in the protected zones of gas pipelines without taking into account the minimum (safe) distances from the axis of the pipeline.

    Slide 27

    in the coal industry:

    accidents in mines (explosions of methane and coal dust, fires and collapse of rocks, insufficiently qualified fastening of various equipment and replacement of lining, as well as difficult working conditions for combines in the faces); fires in mines caused by the ignition of the conveyor belt, electrical equipment, as well as coal explosions; other emergencies, which can lead to very serious consequences (inversion of air into the coal mine, power outages in mines

    Slide 28

    in the power industry:

    increase in the volume of equipment that has exhausted its resource; lack of budget financing for the construction of new power plants; extremely tense situation with the provision of power plants with fuel; location of energy facilities in areas with unfavorable natural conditions (in seismic activity zones, northern regions); concentration of production capacities in a limited area and in close proximity to cities and towns; miscalculations in design, unsatisfactory quality and imperfections in construction and installation work at newly commissioned facilities, etc.

    See the lecture "Classification of hazards and risks"

    slide 32

    Radiation (radiation fields), Mechanical (impact loads, ground vibrations), Ballistic (fragmentation fields), Thermal (heat flow), Electromagnetic (lightning discharges), Excessive concentrations of radioactive substances, carcinogens and toxicants Poisoning by chemically hazardous substances Bacteriological contamination Explosive and impact waves Impulse accelerations Affecting factors arising from hazardous events:

    Slide 33

    object danger

    Its property, consisting in the possibility during operation, under certain circumstances, to cause damage to a person and the OPS

    slide 34

    Potentially dangerous objects

    objects in which significant energy is stored and (or) which use, produce, produce, store or transport radioactive, fire-explosive, hazardous chemical and biological substances

    Slide 35

    3.2 Classification of hazardous production facilities

    According to the accumulated hazard potential - according to the mechanism of damage - according to the type of danger - according to the nature of the emergency

    slide 36

    3.3 Safety declaration requirements for certain types of production facilities

    3.4 Man-made risk analysis

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    Slides captions:
    • The feeling of fear and the feeling of danger are different
    • spheres. The first to the sphere of instincts. The second is to the realm of reason.
    • The first must be suppressed, the second must be developed.
    • /I Shevelev /
    • Modular block of questions of discipline
    • "Life Safety"
    • Novosibirsk 2013
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • 1.1 Natural and man-made emergencies, their possible consequences
    • 1.2 natural and man-made nature
    • 1.3 Military emergencies
    • 1.4 Measures to prevent the occurrence and development of emergency situations
    • EMERGENCY SITUATION (ES) is a situation in a certain territory or water area that has developed as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material loss and disruption of people's living conditions.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • On the surface of the Earth and in the layers of the atmosphere adjacent to it, many complex physical, physicochemical, biochemical, geodynamic, heliophysical, hydrodynamic and other processes occur, accompanied by the exchange and mutual transformation of various types of energy. These processes underlie the evolution of the Earth, being the source of constant transformations in the appearance of our planet.
    • A person is not able to stop or change the course of these processes, he can only predict their development and in some cases influence their dynamics.
    • RUSSIA, which has an extremely wide variety of geological, climatic and landscape conditions, is exposed to more than 30 types of natural hazards.
    • The most destructive of them are floods, waterlogging, erosion, earthquakes, landslides, mudflows, karsts, suffusions, rock bursts, snow avalanches, hurricanes, storm winds, tornadoes, severe frosts, various frozen phenomena.
    • Earthquakes are the most dangerous.
    • Other hazards of geological origin include landslides, landslides, mudflows, abrasion, processing of reservoir banks, and permafrost processes.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Relatively less dangerous due to the lower volumes and speeds of the simultaneous movement of masses of rocks and water are the processes of planar and ravine erosion, processing of the banks of reservoirs and seas, and soil swelling.
    • Of the atmospheric processes, the most devastating and dangerous are squalls, hurricanes, typhoons, hail, tornadoes, heavy downpours, thunderstorms, snowstorms and snowfalls.
    • Of all natural processes and phenomena, floods, tropical storms, droughts and earthquakes cause the greatest economic damage, they are also the most dangerous for human life and health.
    • ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL HAZARDS allows us to conclude that, despite scientific and technological progress, the protection of people and the material sphere from formidable phenomena and processes of nature does not increase.
    • The annual increase in the number of deaths from natural disasters in the world is 4.3%, affected - 8.6%, and the amount of material damage - 10.4%.
    • World Health Organization (WHO) data from 2012
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Technogenic dangers and threats humanity felt and realized a little later than natural ones.
    • Only with the achievement of a certain stage in the development of the technosphere, man-made disasters invaded human life, the sources of which are accidents and man-made disasters.
    • The danger of the technosphere for the population and the environment is due to the presence in industry, energy and public utilities of a large number of radiation, chemical, biological, fire and explosive technologies and industries.
    • There are about 50 thousand such industries in Russia alone.
    • The possibility of accidents at them is currently exacerbated by the high degree of wear and tear of the main production assets, failure to carry out the necessary repair and maintenance work, the fall in production and technological discipline.
    • Radiation hazardous objects
    • Chemically hazardous objects
    • Technogenic hazards and threats
    • Gas and oil pipelines
    • Transport
    • Hydraulic structures
    • Explosive objects
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Radiation hazardous objects
    • Chemical hazardous objects
    • in Russia there are 10 nuclear power plants(NPP), 113 research nuclear installations, 12 industrial enterprises fuel cycle, 8 research organizations working with nuclear materials, 9 nuclear ships with their support facilities, as well as about 13 thousand other enterprises and organizations operating with the use of radioactive substances and products based on them. Almost all nuclear power plants are located in the densely populated European part of the country. More than 4 million people live in their 30-kilometer zones. In addition, the system of disposal of nuclear waste produced at these facilities poses a great danger to the population.
    • There are more than 3.3 thousand economic facilities in Russia that have significant amounts of hazardous chemical substances (AHOV), mainly enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries. More than 50% of them use ammonia, about 35% - chlorine, 5% - hydrochloric acid. The total stock of AHOV stored at the enterprises of the country reaches 700 thousand tons.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Fire and explosive objects
    • In our country, there are over 8 thousand fire and explosion hazardous facilities. Most often, explosions and fires occur at the enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries. They lead, as a rule, to the destruction of industrial and residential buildings, production staff and the population, significant material damage
    • Gas and oil pipelines
    • More than 200 thousand km of main oil pipelines and about 350 thousand km of field pipelines, more than 800 compressor and oil pumping stations are operated at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry and in geological exploration organizations of Russia, most of which were put into operation in the 60-70s gg. last century. This implies the conclusion that practically the entire existing network of oil pipelines has largely exhausted its resource and requires serious reconstruction, representing a significant source of danger.
    • The main causes of pipeline accidents are underground corrosion of metal (21%), defective construction and installation works (21), defects in pipes and equipment (14), mechanical damage (19%).
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Transport
    • Every year, more than 3.5 billion tons of cargo is transported in Russia by various modes of transport, including up to 50% by rail, 39% by road, 8% by inland waterways, and 3% by sea.
    • Daily transportation of people exceeds 100 million people: according to railway- 47%, motor transport - 37, aviation - 15, river and sea vessels - 1%.
    • Most dangerous automobile transport, during the operation of which an average of 33,415 people die. per 1 billion passenger kilometers. For comparison, in aviation this figure is 1,065 people. In railway accidents, human losses are much lower.
    • It should also be noted that transport is a serious source of danger not only for passengers, but also for the population living in the areas of transport highways, since they transport a large amount of flammable, chemical, radioactive, explosive and other substances that pose a threat to life and health in an accident. of people.
    • Such substances make up about 12% of the total volume of cargo transportation.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Hydraulic structures
    • On the territory of Russia there are more than 30 thousand reservoirs, including 60 large ones with a capacity of more than 1 billion m3, located, as a rule, within or upstream of large settlements, as well as more than 800 reservoirs created for the accumulation of industrial effluents and waste .
    • More than 300 hydraulic structures that hold water reserves in reservoirs and contain polluted water and waste in reservoirs have been operated without reconstruction for more than 50 years and are in an emergency condition, which can create many problems and are objects of increased risk. Their destruction can lead to catastrophic flooding or pollution of vast territories, many cities, villages and other economic facilities, to a long-term cessation of navigation, agricultural and fishing industries.
    • In the housing and communal services of our country, there are about 2370 water supply and 1050 sewerage pumping stations, approximately 138 thousand transformer substations, over 51 thousand boiler houses. The length of water supply networks is approximately 185 thousand km, heat (in two-pipe terms) - 101 thousand km and sewerage - about 105 thousand km.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • About 220 major accidents occur annually at public utilities facilities, the material damage from which amounts to tens of billions of rubles.
    • IN last years every second accident occurred at networks and heat supply facilities, and every fifth - in water supply and sewerage systems.
    • The main causes of man-made accidents and disasters are as follows:
    • 1) the complexity of production is increasing, often this is due to the use of new technologies that require high concentrations of energy, substances dangerous to human life and have a strong impact on the components of the environment;
    • 2) reliability decreases production equipment and vehicles due to the high degree of wear;
    • 3) violation of technological and labor discipline, low level of training of workers in the field of safety.
    • In addition, sometimes the causes of a number of accidents and man-made disasters are various dangerous natural processes and phenomena.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • For the purpose of a unified approach to the assessment of emergency situations and the choice of a form of response to them, these situations are classified according to types, types, extent of distribution, severity of consequences, and some other features. In practice, a general classification of emergencies, as a rule, is made on the basis of their causes, sources and the most important indicators of their manifestation.
    • Meteorological and agrometeorological
    • (storm, hurricane, tornado, drought, frost)
    • Marine hydrological (typhoon, tsunami)
    • Geophysical (earthquake, volcanic eruption)
    • Geological (landslides, landslides, mudflows, avalanches)
    • Infectious diseases of farm animals
    • Hydrological (flood, congestion, blizzard)
    • natural fires
    • (forest, steppe, peat)
    • Damage to agricultural plants by diseases and pests
    • Infectious diseases in humans
    • Natural emergencies
    • Hydrogeological
    • (low and high water table)
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • MAN-MADE
    • Man-made emergencies
    • Transport accidents and disasters
    • Fires, explosions and bomb threats
    • emergency chemically hazardous substances (AHOV)
    • Accidents in blowout (threat of blowout)
    • radioactive substances
    • Accidents in blowout (threat of blowout)
    • Biohazardous Substances
    • Accidents on electric power systems
    • Accidents on communal life support systems
    • Accidents at wastewater treatment plants
    • Hydrodynamic accidents
    • Sudden collapse of buildings and structures
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • In addition, it is important to classify emergencies, reflecting their scale and severity of consequences. This classification takes into account such indicators as the number of injured people, the number of people who found themselves in violation of living conditions, the amount of material damage, the boundaries of the zones of action of damaging factors.
    • In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies"
    • Regulations on the classification of natural and man-made emergencies,
    • according to which, according to the scale of distribution and severity of consequences, emergencies are divided into local, local, territorial, regional, federal and transboundary.
    • local emergency
    • local emergency
    • Territorial emergency
    • Regional emergency
    • federal emergency
    • Cross-border emergency
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • LOCAL EMERGENCY - a situation in which no more than 10 people were injured, or the living conditions of no more than 100 people were violated, or material damage amounted to no more than 1 thousand minimum wages on the day of its occurrence, and its zone does not go beyond limits of the territory of an industrial or social facility.
    • LOCAL EMERGENCY - a situation in which from 10 to 50 people were injured, or more than 100, but not more than 300 people were violated, or material damage amounted to more than 1 thousand, but not more than 5 thousand minimum sizes wages on the day of its occurrence, and its zone does not go beyond the boundaries of the settlement (city, district).
    • TERRITORIAL EMERGENCY - a situation in which from 50 to 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 300, but not more than 500 people, were violated, or material damage amounted to more than 5 thousand, but not more than 500 thousand minimum wages on the day of its occurrence, and its zone does not go beyond the boundaries of the subject of the Russian Federation.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • REGIONAL EMERGENCY - a situation in which from 50 to 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 500, but not more than 1000 people, were violated, or material damage amounted to more than 0.5 million, but not more than 5 million minimum wages on the day of occurrence, and its zone covers the territory of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    • FEDERAL EMERGENCY - a situation in which more than 500 people were injured, or the living conditions of more than 1,000 people were violated, or material damage amounted to more than 5 million minimum wages on the day of its occurrence, and its zone extends beyond more than two subjects Russian Federation.
    • TRANSBORDER EMERGENCY - a situation, the damaging factors of which go beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, or a situation that occurred abroad and affects the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • OUTPUT -
    • The classification of emergency situations adopted in Russia makes it possible in practice to assess their causes and extent, to determine the forces and means, financial, temporary and other resources necessary for their elimination.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • In recent years, the world has experienced significant changes in the military-political and socio-economic fields.
    • Experts believe that in the course of war and military conflicts, not only military facilities and troops, but also economic facilities and the civilian population will be under attack, and when large-scale wars are deployed, the sources of emergency situations of a military nature will be the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions.
    • It is customary to distinguish three classes (classifications) of these types of hazard, including:
    • 1. Dangers arising from the direct impact of means of destruction - are the defeat of conventional means of armed struggle, as well as radioactive, chemical and bacteriological weapons and the defeat of non-lethal weapons (psychotropic, high-frequency and laser).
    • 2. Hazards arising from the indirect impact of means of destruction (secondary damage factors) - representing damage in the form of destruction of buildings, the appearance of radiation, chemically and hydrodynamically dangerous objects, the occurrence of fires and foci of bacteriological contamination.
    • 3. Hazards associated with a change in the environment of people that can lead to their death or cause serious harm to health - are injuries that have led to the loss of dwellings, disruptions in water supply systems, food, the impossibility of providing medical care population.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Wartime dangers have characteristic, unique features, including:
    • firstly, they are planned, prepared and carried out by people, therefore they are more complex than natural and man-made ones;
    • secondly, the means of destruction are also used by people, therefore, in the realization of these dangers, there is less spontaneous and accidental, weapons are used, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment for the victim of aggression and in the most vulnerable place for her;
    • thirdly, the development of means of attack always outstrips the development of adequate means of protection against their impact, therefore, for some period of time they have superiority;
    • fourthly, the most recent scientific achievements, are involved the best specialists and the most advanced research and production base; this leads to the fact that it is virtually impossible to defend against some means of destruction (nuclear missile weapons);
    • Fifth, an analysis of the trends in the evolution of military dangers indicates that future wars will increasingly acquire a terrorist, inhuman character, and the civilian population of the warring countries will serve as an object of armed influence in order to undermine the will and ability of the enemy to resist.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Dangers of a military nature will arise from the use of nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons.
    • Nuclear weapons are by far the most powerful means of mass destruction. The damaging factors of this weapon are a shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination and an electromagnetic pulse. In terms of the scale and nature of their action, nuclear weapons differ significantly from other means of armed struggle. The almost simultaneous impact of its damaging factors determines the combined nature of the effect on people, equipment and structures.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Chemical weapons are also one of the types of weapons of mass destruction. Its damaging effect is based on the use of toxic chemical warfare agents (BTCS). Combat toxic chemicals include poisonous substances (OS) and toxins that have a damaging effect on the human body and animals, as well as phytotoxicants that can be used to damage various types of vegetation.
    • A variation of chemical weapons are binary chemical munitions.
    • These munitions are based on the principle of refusing to use a ready-made toxic product and transferring the final stage of the technological process for obtaining OM into the munition itself.
    • This stage is carried out in a short period of time after the projectile is fired (missile launch, bomb drop).
    • During this time, the ammunition destroys devices that isolate the separately safe components of the OM and intensive mixing of the components, which contributes to the rapid reaction of the formation of a poisonous substance.
    • The use of chemical weapons can result in severe environmental and genetic consequences, the elimination of which will require a long time and great efforts.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Bacteriological weapons are biological agents (bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi and toxic products of their vital activity) distributed with the help of live infected disease carriers (rodents, insects) or in the form of powders and suspensions in order to cause mass diseases of people, farm animals and plants. .
    • As bacterial agents, pathogens of various especially dangerous infectious diseases can be used: plague, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tularemia, cholera, yellow and other types of fever, spring-summer encephalitis, typhus and typhoid fever, influenza, malaria, dysentery, natural smallpox.
    • Bacteriological weapons have some features that distinguish them from other means of destruction.
    • These should include:
    • 1) the ability to cause mass diseases of people and animals;
    • 2) a long duration of action (for example, spore forms of anthrax bacteria retain their damaging properties for several years);
    • 3) the difficulty of detecting microorganisms and their toxins in the external environment;
    • 4) the ability of pathogens and their toxins, together with air, to penetrate into unsealed shelters and premises, infecting people and animals in them.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • TO CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS include fire and percussion means using artillery, anti-aircraft, aviation, small arms and engineering ammunition filled with conventional explosives, high-precision weapons, volumetric explosion ammunition, incendiary mixtures and substances, as well as some of the latest types of weapons (infrasonic, radiological, laser).
    • Cruise missiles occupy a special place among high-precision weapons.
    • These missiles are equipped with a complex combined control system that directs them to targets according to pre-compiled flight maps, including at low altitudes, which makes it difficult to detect them and greatly increases the probability of hitting the target. Guided aerial bombs, reconnaissance-strike, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems are also high-precision weapons.
    • Recently, volumetric explosion ammunition has become widespread. The principle of operation of such ammunition (vacuum bombs) is based on the principle of undermining the fuel-air mixture. Their main damaging factor is a shock wave, the power of which is several times higher than the energy of an explosion of a conventional explosive. In addition, during the explosion, the temperature reaches 2500–3000 °C. As a result, a lifeless space about the size of a football field is formed at the site of the explosion.
    • The damaging effect of incendiary weapons is based on the direct impact on a person of high temperatures created during the combustion of incendiary substances and mixtures. Incendiary weapons are divided into incendiary mixtures (napalm), metallized incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products (pyrogel), thermite and thermite compositions, white phosphorus.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • A significant threat to the world community, including Russia, is posed by international and domestic terrorism.
    • In world legal practice, this type of threat to life safety is considered as the most dangerous crime.
    • Types of terrorism
    • Political terrorism
    • Nationalist terrorism
    • Religious terrorism
    • Self-serving terrorism
    • Unaddressed (psychological) terrorism
    • Individual terrorism
    • Group terrorism
    • State terrorism
    • International terrorism
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Political terrorism aims to gain political power in the country. There are two types of such terrorism. Left-wing terrorism arising as a result of social conflict, when the economic situation of the state and the population deteriorates sharply. Right-wing terrorism expresses the desire of some part of society to establish a reactionary totalitarian regime. As a rule, it is imbued with the spirit of chauvinism, racism, Nazism and anti-communism. Class terrorism is a kind of political. However, its object is not politicians or public figures, but representatives of a certain class (social group).
    • Nationalist terrorism is organized and carried out by ethnic groups that seek to achieve independence from the state, or to ensure the superiority of their nation over others. The purpose of such terrorism may also be the protection of territorial integrity or the preservation of one's ethnic group.
    • Religious terrorism is usually carried out in order to establish one's religion as the main one. In this case, the object of terror can be not only religious figures, but also people professing another religion.
    • Self-serving terrorism aims at illegally obtaining financial resources by taking hostages. Sometimes terrorists put forward political demands along with financial ones.
    • Unaddressed (psychological) terrorism is usually not motivated. At the same time, mental aggression is practically the only reason for committing a terrorist act and is demonstrative.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Individual terrorism is violence carried out by one person in relation to others.
    • It can also be described as a personal rebellion against society.
    • Group terrorism is organized and carried out by a group of people who pursue certain goals and have an organizational structure.
    • This type of terrorism is the most widespread and massive.
    • State terrorism is expressed in the policies pursued by politicians and parties in power in the country.
    • As examples of the conduct of state terror, one can cite the activities of the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy, the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.
    • International terrorism, as a rule, is carried out on the territory of several countries. It can be carried out not only against citizens and various organizations, but also against states in general.
    • A striking example of such terrorism is the destruction of the buildings of the World shopping center in the USA (2001), an explosion in the subway in Moscow (2004), explosions in Spain (2004).
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • Measures to prevent the occurrence and development of emergency situations
    • The main directions of emergency warnings
    • 1) monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations
    • 2) rational distribution of productive forces and settlements on the territory of the country, taking into account natural and technogenic safety
    • 3) systematic reduction of the accumulating destructive potential of adverse and dangerous natural phenomena
    • 4) prevention of accidents and man-made disasters by improving technological safety production processes and operational reliability of equipment
    • 5) development and implementation of engineering and technical measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of sources of emergency situations
    • 7) training of production personnel and improvement of technological and labor discipline
    • 6) preparation of objects of the economy and life support systems of the population for work in emergency situations
    • 8) declaration of industrial safety
    • 9) licensing of activities of hazardous production facilities
    • 10) conducting state expertise in the field of emergency prevention
    • 11) state supervision and control on issues of natural and technogenic safety
    • 12) liability insurance for causing harm during the operation of a hazardous production facility
    • 13) informing the population about potential natural and man-made threats in the territory of residence
    • 14) training of the population in the field of protection against emergency situations of peacetime and wartime
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • MONITORING is understood as a system of constant monitoring of phenomena and processes occurring in nature and the technosphere in order to anticipate growing threats to humans and their environment. The main goal of monitoring is to provide data for an accurate and reliable forecast of emergency situations based on the combination of intellectual, informational and technological capabilities of various departments and organizations involved in monitoring certain types dangers. Monitoring information serves as the basis for forecasting, as a result of which hypothetical data are obtained about the future state of an object, phenomenon, or process.
    • Forecasting an emergency is a forward guess about the likelihood of occurrence and development of an emergency based on an analysis of the causes of its occurrence and its source in the past and present.
    • The main thing in this process is information about the object of forecasting, which reveals its behavior in the past and present, as well as the patterns of this behavior.
    • At the heart of all methods, methods and techniques of forecasting are heuristic and mathematical approaches.
    • The essence of the heuristic approach is to study and use the opinions of specialist experts.
    • The mathematical approach consists in using data on some characteristics of the predicted object after their processing mathematical methods to obtain a dependency that links these characteristics with time, and to calculate using the found dependency of the characteristics of an object at a given point in time.
    • Forecasting in most cases is the basis for the prevention of natural and man-made emergencies. In the mode of daily activities, the possibility of such situations is predicted: their place, time and intensity, possible scale and other characteristics. In the event of an emergency situation, the possible development of the situation, the effectiveness of certain measures to eliminate the situation, the necessary composition of forces and means are predicted.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • It is almost impossible to prevent most natural disasters. However, there are a number of dangerous natural phenomena and processes, the negative development of which can be prevented.
    • This can be done by taking measures to prevent hail, early release of avalanches and dumping of mudflow lakes formed as a result of blockages in mountain rivers.
    • Measures to prevent such situations may also include localization or suppression of natural foci of infections, vaccination of the population and farm animals.
    • In the technogenic sphere, work to prevent accidents is carried out in accordance with their types at specific facilities.
    • As measures that reduce the risk of possible emergencies, the most effective include:
    • 1) improvement of technological processes;
    • 2) quality improvement technological equipment and its operational reliability; timely renewal of fixed assets;
    • 3) use of technically competent design and technological documentation, high-quality raw materials, materials and components;
    • 4) the availability of qualified personnel, the creation and application of advanced systems of technological control and technical diagnostics, trouble-free shutdown of production, localization and suppression of emergency situations, and much more.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • One of the ways to effectively reduce the scale of emergency situations is the construction and use of protective structures for various purposes.
    • These include hydraulic protective structures that protect watercourses and reservoirs from the spread of radioactive contamination, as well as structures that protect the land and hydrosphere from some other surface contamination.
    • Dams, sluices, embankments, dikes and bank protection are used to protect against floods. An important role in reducing environmental damage is assigned to municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
    • To reduce the negative impact of landslides, mudflows, landslides, screes and avalanches in mountainous areas, protective engineering structures are used on communications and in settlements.
    • Protective forest plantations are used to mitigate erosive processes.
    • Civil defense structures are used to protect the personnel of economic facilities and the population from wartime dangers, as well as from natural and man-made emergencies.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • One of the ways to reduce the scale of emergency situations is to take measures to increase the physical stability of objects during natural disasters, accidents, natural and man-made disasters. These measures, first of all, include seismic-resistant construction in seismically hazardous areas and seismic strengthening in these territories of buildings and structures previously built without seismicity, as well as increasing the physical stability of critical facilities, protecting unique equipment, cultural, historical, state values, reserves the most important resources.
    • Efficiently contributes to the reduction of the scale of emergency situations (especially in terms of losses) the creation and use of warning systems for the population, personnel and government bodies, primarily centralized warning systems at the federal, regional, territorial, local and facility levels. Thanks to this system, it is possible to as soon as possible notify the majority of the population of the country or certain territories about the danger.
    • Timely notification allows you to take measures to protect the population and thereby reduce losses. Local warning systems operate at potentially hazardous facilities, managed by the facility's on-duty personnel or specialists from the city's centralized warning system. The task of the local warning system is to timely alert people living near a potentially dangerous object about the danger. In case the staff on duty cannot activate the warning system in a timely manner, local or joint automated systems detection of hazardous natural and man-made factors and notification of them. Such automated systems for monitoring the radiation situation are already being used at some domestic nuclear power plants.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • One of the most important measures to prevent the occurrence and development of emergencies, primarily of a man-made nature, is the training of production personnel and the improvement of technological and labor discipline.
    • The situation that has developed in recent years in the field of operation industrial productions, especially potentially dangerous, is characterized by a high level of accidents and injuries.
    • Fires, explosions, releases of toxic products and other industrial emergencies often cause emergencies.
    • Despite significant efforts in the development of technical safety and protection systems, accident rates in our country have increased significantly in recent years.
    • In most cases, this is due to low staff training and non-compliance with technological and labor discipline.
    • Because of " human factor» more than half of all man-made accidents and disasters occur at the facilities of the economy, industrial and agricultural production, land, air and water transport.
    • Russian legislation provides for the adoption of appropriate measures, for example, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" in without fail all categories of employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations should be trained in the rules of conduct, methods of protection and actions in emergency situations.
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • For managers of all levels, in addition, mandatory advanced training in the field of civil defense and protection against emergency situations is provided upon appointment, and subsequently at least once every five years.
    • Measures that reduce the scale of emergencies should also include maintaining readiness of shelters and shelters, sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary-anti-epizootic measures, evacuation of the population from unfavorable or potentially dangerous zones, training the population, maintaining the readiness of governments and forces, and much more, as well as declaring the industrial safety of the facility.
    • The declaration of industrial safety is developed at each industrial facility, the activity of which is associated with increased danger. It provides control over compliance with security measures and allows assessing the sufficiency and effectiveness of measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations.
    • To implement measures to ensure the natural and technogenic safety of objects for various purposes, even at the stage of their design, state expertise is carried out in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations.
    • A huge potential in reducing the risks of emergencies lies in the use of an integrated system of federal, regional and local information centers connected to various end devices for displaying information for prompt information and warning of the population. Installed, for example, in places of mass stay of people, external and internal electronic scoreboards with video cameras (to provide feedback and preventive surveillance).
    • NSU. Faculty of Law. Discipline "life safety"
    • In order to ensure the safety of the population in the context of the ongoing fight against terrorism, a set of special measures is being developed and implemented:
    • 1) clarification of the list of objects most likely to carry out terrorist acts; 2) development of measures to prevent unauthorized entry by unauthorized persons and forecasting possible emergencies, incl. terrorist acts; 3) introduction of a liability insurance system for causing harm to citizens, including from accidents as a result of terrorist acts; 4) implementation of licensing activities of hazardous industries, declaring safety and increasing readiness for localization and liquidation of accidents; 5) training of special reconnaissance teams to detect and identify dangerous substances, as a rule, used to commit terrorist acts; 6) determination of the list and development of special measures to detect and neutralize the means of committing technological terrorist acts.
    • As preventive measures at facilities, it is advisable to use the following: 1) strengthening of the access control regime at the entrance and entrance to the territory of objects; 2) installation of alarm systems, audio and video recording; 3) careful selection and verification of personnel; 4) use of special means and devices for detecting explosives; 5) organizing and conducting, together with law enforcement officers, briefings and practical exercises with working personnel; 6) regular anti-terrorist and anti-vandal inspection of territories and premises.
    • 7) installation of means of remote video monitoring and video surveillance of controlled territories.