New sample electrical safety certificate form. Electrical safety certificate: form and validity period. Electrical safety tolerance groups


The specifics of the work of an organization related to electrical equipment presupposes the presence of a responsible specialist, whose duties include monitoring and controlling the equipment of a separate unit or the entire organization.

By virtue of his duties, this official bears material and other responsibility for the safety of equipment and other elements of production facilities.

Moreover, such responsibility is imposed both by the internal documents of the organization itself and by federal legislation.

If the state inspecting bodies find defects or errors in relation to this official, a decision may be made to impose an administrative fine or disciplinary sanction.

The main attribute of a given specialist having the authority to implement security measures is a special certificate of the established form.

This document defines the legal status of a person as being responsible for a certain area of ​​work and certain equipment.

How do you get the crust?

In addition to the responsible specialists at the enterprise who are in charge of the operation of electrical equipment, the electrical safety certificate is received by the electrical personnel when assigned to a certain safety category -.

The certificate allows the regulatory authorities to understand which specialist they are dealing with, to find out his qualifications and level of knowledge, and also to determine the area of ​​responsibility.

This document is issued at the place of the main labor activity.

When moving to another place of work, the certificate loses its legal force, however, on the basis of an invalid document, it is possible to restore the safety category by re-passing the certification activities.

For the initial receipt of a certificate after being assigned to a place of employment, it is necessary to undergo special training in electrical safety.

This is done by specialized training centers or other educational organizations. Each educational program takes into account the specifics of the activities of a particular industry.

The employee, on the other hand, must acquire knowledge about working on electrical installations under the influence of current strength, taking into account the specifics of the work of his organization.

At the end of the training, after all lectures and practical exercises on electrical safety, it is necessary to pass certification to confirm your knowledge.

Upon completion of the certification, the employee is issued a certificate and a certificate, the sample of which is established by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 74 dated 02.19.2016.

By this order, amendments were made to the Labor Protection Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations, as well as new forms of certification were developed.

Also, this type of training activities can be carried out at the place of work if the enterprise has a material and theoretical base and qualified employees who have the right to carry out educational activities and train other employees.

Who issues?

Depending on the conditions of training in electrical safety and the nature of work, the issuance of certificates is engaged in:

  • Heads of labor protection units based on the results of worker certification by the company's team. Such situations may arise on large enterprises, which have a powerful basis for training and can transfer knowledge to an employee, taking into account the specifics of the activities of a particular organization. In this case, the standard form of certification is made by order of the organization and certified by the head of the company's division.
  • In a specialized training center or educational organization... In such institutions, as usual, they take refresher courses and learn the basics of working with electrical engineering. In this case, the worker will also be issued a standard certificate, certified by the signature and seal of the management of the training organization.

In some cases, the document is issued by the head of the enterprise, this happens in the absence of a large staff and when combining specialties.

The form

The electrical safety certificate form is approved by order of the Federal Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and is executed in accordance with the standards and GOST on document flow and the form of certificates.

The document is a rectangular, hardcover, red lettering on the front.

Inside, the necessary data on the passage of the relevant procedures for the entire time of work, as well as the personal data of the officials who issued the document, and the data about the employee themselves are entered.

In addition, the paper of the document is made in a special way in state printing houses, and the certificate itself is subject to verification for authenticity as part of the implementation of various electrical safety checks by the control authorities.

How to fill in when assigning 1, 2, 3, 4 tolerance groups?

Filling out the certificate upon receipt is carried out by authorized specialists - an occupational safety engineer as the time of the event arrives (certification, briefing) or an employee of the personnel department.

Filling out is carried out in accordance with the rules and standards of GOST on document management, as well as the rules of internal records management.

The following parameters must be reflected without fail:

  • personal data of an official with an indication of the position to whom the certificate was issued, with the placement of a photographic image and a stamp of the organization that issued the document;
  • the serial number of the act, as well as the signature indicating the position of the employer;
  • information on the passage of training events - briefings on various grounds (introductory primary, planned, unscheduled). The time, place and basis of training in electrical safety, the result and duration of such training are indicated;
  • information on the completion of training also on various grounds, indicating the results and the assigned safety category. The date, time and place of such activities, the subject matter and grounds for its implementation (verification of knowledge of regulatory documents), as well as the result of the passage are stamped. The next scheduled date of the event may also be indicated;
  • information on the implementation of work requiring special skills and knowledge (for groups 4 and 5 of admission for electrical safety).

Free download letterhead and sample word filling

A standard form of a certificate for electrical safety of a new sample -.

Download a sample of filling out the certificate according to the new rules -.


The validity period of the certificate is calculated by the period of labor activity at the enterprise.

However, given the annual attestation in case of unsatisfactory results, such a document may be invalidated.

In this case, after the end of the space for filling, the act is deposited in personnel service, where it is obliged to be stored for 10 years (for organizations carrying out activities with hazardous, harmful or toxic substances, this period has been extended to 75 years).

After that, the specialist needs to obtain a new certificate indicating the past information about the received electrical safety admission group.

After dismissal, the certificate is considered invalid.

It's fast and free!

Description of the identity pages.

On the first page, you must paste a photo of the employee and the name of the training organization.

On the second page, a record of the employee and his admission to the relevant electrical safety group.

On the third is a table about checking the knowledge of regulatory documents.

On the fourth page there is a table with the results of checking knowledge about the device and technical operation.

On the fifth and sixth pages, records are made on the examination of knowledge on labor protection and fire safety,

On the seventh page, data on the verification of knowledge on industrial safety is entered

On the eighth page, entries are made about the certificate for the right to carry out special works.

Crust of Electrical Safety Certificate

Electrical safety certificate, gives the right to work with modern electrical equipment. Depending on the length of service and the position held, each employee belongs to one of 4 categories. The staff is:

  • repair;
  • operational;
  • operational repair;
  • administrative and technical.

Passing the exam and getting the crust

The handling of electrical installations requires knowledge and precautions established by the state, therefore, before starting to perform their duties, each employee undergoes appropriate training, and then passes an exam.

3 options for obtaining a certificate:

  • passing the examination of the commission at the enterprise;
  • contacting an educational institution;
  • contacting an agent.

A commission at an enterprise can be created on demand with minimal costs, but this option makes sense only if the enterprise employs more than 50 people in the field of electrical safety and certification of at least 5 employees is required.

Training and certification in a specialized educational institution is good option for young employees, as it makes it possible to get everything necessary knowledge and skills. Among the disadvantages: more significant financial and time costs, as well as the need to break away from the production process.

When contacting an agent, you can save time - it will take no more than 7 days to get the crusts, but this path should only be followed by workers who are well-grounded in theory and practice.

Tolerance groups

The admission group is established based on the results of the exam. There are 5 groups depending on knowledge and responsibilities:

  • The first is employees who do not have in-depth knowledge of electrical safety. They can only commit simple actions that do not require special training do not receive the right to repair faulty equipment and work with electrical appliances under high voltage.
  • The second - novice electricians who have minimal knowledge of the internal structure and principles of the functioning of electrical equipment and are able to provide first aid in case of electric shock.
  • The third is employees with extensive knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, who have obtained the right to work with high voltages up to 1000 V and are able to work independently on a fixed site.
  • Fourth - specialists who graduated from a secondary educational institution, capable of independently servicing electrical equipment and teaching other employees to work with electrical appliances.
  • The fifth (higher) - highly specialized specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, is assigned to foremen and power engineers responsible for a facility with electrical equipment operating under voltages over 1000 V.

For work with electrical installations at enterprises, line employees and the responsible administrative staff must have a valid electrical safety certificate - a document of the established form, confirming the qualifications of a specialist, knowledge of safety rules and first aid skills.

Why do you need a certificate

The certificate confirms the employee's right to independently perform work, the law obliges you to carry the crusts with you and present them at the request of the inspectors from the supervisory authorities. The document is issued when an employee is hired, it is considered valid after making notes on the assignment of an admission group and the successful completion of the safe work knowledge test.

The new electrical safety certificate was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 74n dated 02.19.2016, which entered into force in October 2016.

The new template for the crust consists of eight insert sheets (instead of two), there is a place for a photograph, and the column "Signature of the chairman of the commission" has been replaced (if the meaning is preserved) with "Signature of the chairman of the commission for the verification of knowledge".

The electrical safety certificate is issued on the basis of accredited educational centers. An employee submits an application and undergoes training for a month, after which it undergoes accreditation, based on the results of which a document is issued with Rostechnadzor marks. A correctly completed electrical safety certificate contains:

Electrical personnel allowed to work with installations with voltages over 1000 volts, divided into qualification groups:

  • ATP - administrative and technical.
  • OP - operational. ORP - operational and repair.
  • RP - repair.
  • EP - electrical.

Information is entered in legible handwriting, pages 4-8 are completed as required. There are five admission groups, but the law does not oblige employees of the first group to issue an electrical safety certificate. A sample of filling is shown in the photo.

Electrical safety tolerance groups

Admission groups determine the qualifications of a specialist, they are appointed based on the results of passing an inspection in the presence of attestation commission. Regulated by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 328 of July 24, 2013:

The admission group is assigned depending on the candidate's profile education, relevant work experience and his current position. It determines what range of tasks a specialist is allowed to perform and what is his responsibility.

Validity and replacement of the document

The validity period of the electrical safety certificate corresponds to the period of time until the next certification. For employees performing preventive, repair, electrical work, performing commissioning tests, issuing permits and orders, as well as negotiating, a second check is carried out one year after the previous one. Occupational safety and health personnel (if approved for inspection) and administrative and technical specialists should undergo certification every three years.

A new certificate should be obtained to replace an obsolete one in case of its loss, change of place of work, employee training or change of position, when new equipment is put into service, a break in work for more than six months, as well as when the rules on electrical safety change.

In October 2016, new rules on electrical safety come into force, or rather, changes in Order 325n.

No sooner had the new rules on electrical safety come into force (what is 2 years), when others come out that radically change the concept.
I do not know how they will help in the safety of work, but the bureaucratic foundations have shaken.
You can download Order No. 74n dated 02.19.2016 on changes in the new rules on electrical safety 2016.
By and large, in the Order, some designations have been replaced by others (I don’t know how this will affect security), although a very significant change in my opinion is appearance electrical safety certificates have changed radically.

You can download the new rules on electrical safety as amended on 10/19/2016

New type electrical safety certificate

The appearance of the identity card has remained unchanged. Vinyl-coated cardboard backing does not matter the color of the vinyl, but cherry is preferred. The size is also 95X65 mm.
On the front side the word "ID" is embossed in gold or white paint.
But the content has changed significantly.

Below I have given two examples of credentials issued by educational institutions with whom we cooperate. Both have minor differences, however, they fully correspond to the established model (Appendix 2 to Order 74n).

Option I:

1 page contains:

Certificate number (usually this is a serial number in the electrical safety knowledge test log);
Name structural unit(if available as such);
Date of issue of the certificate;
Photo and place of seal of the organization for which electrical safety was drawn up (energy-consuming companies do not need Appendix 2, clause 10)

2 page:
Full name of the owner of the "crust";
Position held;
Assigned personnel (operational, repair, etc.)
Employer (or Responsible Person) Signature
The seal of the organization for which the admission was issued.

3 page contains the results of the knowledge test (assigned group, test date, inspector's signature, etc.)

4, 5 and 6 pages- are necessary only for energy companies (we will not consider it).

7 page- Industrial safety and other standards.

Page 8- Admission to special work.

Option II:

And this is how they are filled in approximately (taken from another site):

Those looking for where you can download the new 2016 electrical safety certificate form can do this (for those who do not want to buy the forms, but want to print and collect themselves).

I will immediately answer two main questions:
1. For energy-consuming companies, it is not necessary to paste photos (Appendix 2, clause 10);
2. To my request to the Supervision Authority "Is it necessary to re-certification with the release of new rules", the employees kindly replied (the request was in June, they answered in October 2 weeks before joining), the screen was posted below:

In my opinion, the answer was strangely veiled, but as far as I understood, the most important thing is that there is no need to urgently run and change the certificate, unless at the request of the head, and then only after October 19.

And here is what the representative of the supervision said on the issue of issuing certificates for electrical safety according to the new rules (3-minute video, quality is not important, the sound is ahead of the video, but the meaning is clear).
It is especially recommended to pay attention to the last 30 sec.

Here is what the supervisors answered to the question "Who needs to urgently pass an extraordinary knowledge test"

(Taken from the Rossnadzor website)

Well, now about the changes themselves (personal opinion of the author).

1. To begin with, paragraph 1.1 has undergone a change
It was:
The rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) apply to employees from among the electrical, electrical and non-electrical technical staff, as well as employers (individuals and legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal forms), employed maintenance electrical installations conducting in them operational switching organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, renovation work, tests and measurements.

The rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish state regulatory requirements for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations.
The requirements of the Rules apply to employers - legal and individuals regardless of their organizational and legal forms and employees from among the electrical, electrical and non-electrical personnel of organizations (hereinafter referred to as employees) engaged in the maintenance of electrical installations, conducting operational switching in them, organizing and performing construction, installation, commissioning, repair work, testing and measurements , as well as those who control the technological modes of operation of electric power facilities and power receiving installations of consumers.
The safety requirements for the operation of specialized electrical installations, including the contact network of electrified railways, urban electric transport, must comply with the Rules, taking into account the peculiarities of operation due to the design of these electrical installations.

I agree, the additions are very important ... let's see how it affects the workflow.

2. A.2.4
It was:
Workers related to electrical personnel, as well as electrotechnical personnel must pass a knowledge test of the Rules and other regulatory and technical documents (rules and instructions for the installation of electrical installations, for the technical operation of electrical installations, as well as the use of protective equipment) within the requirements for the relevant position or profession, and have an appropriate electrical safety group, the requirements for which are provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules.

Employees related to electrical and electrotechnical personnel, as well as government inspectors exercising control and supervision over the observance of safety requirements during the operation of electrical installations, labor protection specialists who control electrical installations must undergo a knowledge test of the requirements of the Rules and other safety requirements for the organization and implementation work in electrical installations within the limits of the requirements for the relevant position or profession, and have an appropriate electrical safety group, the requirements for which are provided for in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules.
The requirements of the Rules established for employees from among the electrical personnel are mandatory for employees from among the electrical personnel.

3. Affected (or supplemented, as anyone) 2 paragraph of clause 2.5:
It was:
An employee who has passed the knowledge test on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations is issued a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor standards and rules for working in electrical installations, the form of which is provided for in Appendices No. 2, 3 to the Rules.

The employees specified in clause 2.4 of the Rules and who have passed the knowledge test of the requirements of the Rules and other safety requirements for the organization and performance of work in electrical installations are issued certificates of verification of knowledge of the rules for working in electrical installations, the forms of which are provided for in Appendices No. 2, 3 to the Rules.

4. In the third paragraph, "climbing work" in clause 2.6 was excluded.

Special jobs include:
work performed at a height of more than 5 m from the surface of the earth, floor or working floor, on which work is carried out directly from structures or equipment during their installation or repair, with the obligatory use of protective equipment against falling from a height.

Interestingly, climbing work does not apply to electrical safety anymore? Or would a height tolerance be enough?

5. . Clause 3.1 should now be read as follows:
It was:
Operational switching should be performed by workers performing operational management and maintenance of electrical installations (inspection, operational switching, preparation of the workplace, admission and supervision of workers, performance of work in the order of current operation) (hereinafter referred to as operational personnel), or workers specially trained and trained for operational maintenance in the approved volume of electrical installations assigned to it (hereinafter - operational - repair personnel), admitted to the work of the organization's ORD or a separate subdivision.

Operative maintenance and inspection of electrical installations must be performed by employees of the electric power industry (consumer electrical energy), authorized by the subject of the electric power industry (consumer of electrical energy) to carry out in established order actions to change the technological mode of operation and the operational state of power transmission lines, equipment and devices with the right to directly influence the control bodies of equipment and relay protection and automation devices in the implementation of operational and technological control, including using remote control equipment, on those belonging to such a subject of the electric power industry (to the consumer of electrical energy) on the basis of ownership or otherwise legal basis electric power facilities (power receiving installations), or in cases established by law - at power generating facilities and power receiving installations owned by third parties, as well as coordination of these actions (hereinafter referred to as operating personnel), or workers from among the repair personnel with the right to directly influence the equipment controls and relay protection and automation devices that carry out the operational maintenance of the electrical installations assigned to them (hereinafter referred to as the operational maintenance personnel).
In the Rules, the operational personnel is understood as the operational and repair personnel, if there are no special requirements for them.

6. Clause 3.4 is now stated as follows
It was:
Individual inspection of the electrical installation, electrical part technological equipment has the right to be performed by an employee, from among the operational personnel, having a group of at least III, servicing this electrical installation in work time or on duty, or an employee from among the administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists who are entrusted with the responsibilities of organizing technical and operational maintenance, carrying out repair, installation and adjustment works in electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as administrative and technical personnel), having a group V - for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and an employee having group IV - for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

An individual inspection of an electrical installation, electrical part of technological equipment has the right to be performed by an employee from among the operating personnel who has a group of at least III, operating this electrical installation, who is on duty, or an employee from among the administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists), who is entrusted with the duties on the organization of technical and operational maintenance, repair, installation and commissioning work in electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as the administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists)), having:
group V - when operating an electrical installation with a voltage higher than 1000 V;
group IV - when operating an electrical installation with a voltage of up to 1000 V. The right of individual inspection is granted on the basis of the operating document of the organization (separate subdivision).
Inspection of overhead power lines (devices for transmitting electricity through wires located in the open air, attached with insulators and fittings to supports or brackets and racks on engineering structures (bridges, overpasses) (hereinafter - VL) should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 7.15 , 38.73, 38.74, 38.75 of the Rules. The beginning and end of the overhead line are linear portals or linear inputs of an electrical installation serving for receiving and distributing electricity and containing switching devices, busbars and connecting buses, auxiliary devices (compressor, battery), as well as protection devices, automation and measuring devices (hereinafter - switchgear, RU), and for branches - a branch support and a linear portal or linear input of a switchgear.
RU are:
open switchgear (hereinafter - switchgear), the main equipment of which is located in the open air;
closed switchgear (hereinafter - closed switchgear), the equipment of which is located in the building.

7. Clauses 3.13, 5.7, 8.1, 14.3, 21.8, 46.6 were also affected by the change, but already in the case of the administrative staff.
It was:
"administrative and technical personnel"

administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists) "in the appropriate cases. (you see an electrician was born, who was assigned administrative personnel). Although sometimes such an explanation is not superfluous.

8. Clause 4.4 is now stated as follows
It was:
Overhaul of electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, work on live parts without removing voltage in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, as well as repair of overhead lines, regardless of voltage, must be carried out according to technological maps or a work production project (hereinafter - PPR) approved by the head of the organization.
Work on lines under induced voltage (disconnected overhead lines, overhead communication lines (hereinafter referred to as overhead lines), on lines for the transmission of electricity, consisting of sections in air and cable design, interconnected (hereinafter referred to as KVL), which run along the entire length of the line or in some areas near overhead lines with a voltage of 6 kV and above or near an electrified contact network railroad alternating current under operating voltage, on the wires (cables) of which, with various schemes of their grounding (as well as in the absence of grounding) at the highest operating current of influencing overhead lines, a voltage of more than 25 V is induced, as well as all overhead lines built on double-circuit (multi-circuit) supports when at least one circuit with a voltage of 6 kV and above is turned on (hereinafter referred to as an overhead line under induced voltage), they are performed according to the PPR for the work being performed according to a permit.

Overhaul of electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, work on live parts without removing voltage in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, as well as overhaul of overhead lines, regardless of voltage, must be carried out according to flow charts or a work production project (hereinafter - PPR) approved by the head of the organization (separate divisions).
Work on lines under induced voltage (VL, KBL, VLC, air sections of KBL, which run along the entire length or in separate sections near the existing VL or the contact network of an alternating current electrified railway, on disconnected wires (cables) of which, when the line is grounded at the ends (in RU), in some of its sections, a voltage of more than 25 V remains at the highest operating current of influencing VLs (when recalculated for the highest operating current of influencing VLs), they are performed according to flow charts or PPR approved by the head of the organization (separate subdivision).

9. There was p 4.17 with the following content:
4.17. On VL and VLC, before connecting or breaking electrically connected sections (wires, cables), it is necessary to equalize the potentials of these sections. Equipotential bonding of VL, VLC sections is carried out by connecting these sections with a conductor or by installing grounding on both sides of the gap (assumed gap) with connection to one ground electrode (grounding device).
In my opinion, this is a really important point.

10. In clause 5.1, paragraphs 2 and 3 have undergone changes:
It was:
registration of an order, order or list of works performed in the order of current operation;
issuance of a permit for preparation of a workplace and for admission to work in the cases specified in clause 5.14 of the Rules;

registration of work by order, order or list of work performed in the order of current operation;
issuance of a permit for preparation of a workplace and for admission to work, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 5.14 of the Rules.

11. Has undergone changes and paragraph 5.2, 3 paragraph:
It was:
The workers responsible for the safe conduct of work in electrical installations are:

work manager;
members of the brigade.

The workers responsible for the safe conduct of work in electrical installations are:
issuing an order, giving orders, approving a list of works performed in the order of current operation;
"issuing permission for the preparation of the workplace and for admission, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 5.14 of the Rules;".
responsible work manager;
work manager;
members of the brigade.

12. Clauses 5.3 - 5.6 should now be stated as follows:
It was:
5.3. The employee issuing the order, issuing the order, determines the need and possibility of safe work. He is responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of a team consisting of two or more workers, including the work manager, and the appointment of those responsible for the safety of work, for the compliance of the work performed by the groups of workers listed in the order as well as holding targeted briefing the responsible work supervisor (the supervisor of the work).
5.4. The right to issue orders and orders is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.
In the absence of workers who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by workers from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders and orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization.
5.5. An employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission to work in electrical installations is responsible:
for giving commands for disconnecting and grounding equipment and receiving confirmation of their implementation, as well as independent actions for disconnecting and grounding equipment in accordance with the measures for preparing the workplace, determined by the order (order), taking into account the actual scheme of electrical installations and the electrical network;
for the ability to safely disconnect, turn on and ground the equipment under its control;
for the coordination of the time and place of the teams admitted to work in electrical installations, including accounting for the brigades, obtaining information from all teams admitted to work in electrical installations (admitting) about the complete completion of work and the possibility of switching the electrical installation into operation;
for the correctness of these commands, independent actions to turn on the switching devices in terms of excluding the supply of voltage to the workplaces of the admitted teams.
5.6. The right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and admission to work at power grid facilities is granted to operational personnel with group IV-V in accordance with job descriptions and the distribution of equipment according to the methods of operational control.
The right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and permission to work at power grid facilities is allowed to be granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel authorized to do so by a written instruction of the head (executive officer) of the operating organization (separate subdivision) during the operation of electrical installations that are in the operational management of others. subjects of the electric power industry.


5.3. The employee issuing the order, giving the order, determines the need and possibility of safe work. He is responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the security measures specified in the order (order); for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team and the appointment of those responsible for the safe performance of work; for the compliance of the electrical safety groups of workers specified in the order, the work performed; for conducting targeted briefing to the responsible work supervisor (work manufacturer, supervising).
5.4. The right to issue orders and orders is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists) who have group V (when operating electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V), group IV (when operating electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V).
In the absence of workers who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by workers from among the operating personnel who have group IV, who are located directly on the territory of the electric power facility or power receiving installation of the electricity consumer. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders and orders should be formalized by the ORD of an organization or a separate subdivision.
5.5. An employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission is responsible:
for issuing commands for disconnecting and grounding power lines and equipment under its technological control and receiving confirmation of their implementation, as well as for independent actions to disconnect and grounding power lines and equipment under its technological control;
for the compliance and sufficiency of the measures provided for by the order (order) for disconnecting and grounding the equipment, taking into account the actual scheme of electrical installations;
for the coordination of the time and place of work of the admitted teams, including for the accounting of the teams, as well as for obtaining information from all teams admitted to work in the electrical installation (admitting) about the complete completion of the work and the possibility of switching the electrical installation into operation.
In the case when the employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission is not a person in whose technological management the power transmission line and equipment are located, the specified employee is responsible for obtaining confirmation of the performed technical measures for disconnecting and grounding the power transmission line and equipment from the dispatching personnel (employee of the subject operational dispatch control in the electric power industry (dispatcher), authorized in the implementation of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry, on behalf of the subject of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry, to issue mandatory dispatch commands and permits or to change the technological mode of operation and the operational state of dispatch facilities, directly influencing on them with the use of remote control means, when controlling the electric power mode of the power system) or operating personnel, in whose dispatching or technol Power transmission lines and equipment are located in the local area.
5.6. The right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and for admission is granted to operating personnel with a group of at least IV, in accordance with job descriptions.
It is allowed to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and grant admission to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel (managers and specialists) who have a group of at least IV, authorized to do so by the OSD of an organization or a separate subdivision. "

A little significant changes but it is not for us to judge ...

13. The abbreviation SDTU in clause 5.7 was deciphered for those who do not understand.
Something like this: on the equipment and installations of communication facilities, "means of dispatch and technological control (hereinafter - SDTU)" ... ..

14. P. 5.14 will now sound like this:
It was:
The issuance of a permit for the preparation of a workplace and admission is carried out when it is necessary to make disconnections and grounding of electrical installations related to the objects of the electric grid economy, which are in operation by the subjects of the electric power industry or other owners, in respect of which operational management is carried out in the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy to consumers.

Requirements for the appointment of a person responsible for issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission, and for the issuance of such a permit, do not apply to the performance of work in electrical installations of electrical energy consumers, except for work on overhead lines, cable lines, KBLs requiring coordination from the personnel of another organization when changes in their operational state.

A very "significant" change.

15. The second and third paragraphs of clause 6.1 shall be amended as follows:
In paragraph 6.1, the second and third paragraphs will now sound like this
It was:
In cases where the work manager is appointed simultaneously admitting, the outfit, regardless of the method of its transfer, is filled in in two copies, one of which remains with the issuing outfit.
Depending on local conditions (the location of the dispatcher's office), one copy of the order remains with the employee who issues permission for the preparation of the workplace and admission (dispatcher).

In cases where the work manager is appointed simultaneously admitting, the outfit, regardless of the method of its transfer, is filled in in two copies, one of which remains with the issuing outfit.
Depending on local conditions, one copy of the order can be transferred to an employee from among the operational personnel who issues a permit for preparation of the workplace and for admission.

From changing the places of the terms ...

16. And in clause 6.17, on the contrary, "the means of dispatch and technological control (hereinafter - SDTU)" were encrypted in "SDTU".

17. We state clause 7.7 as follows:
It was:
When carrying out work, a work manufacturer (supervising) from among the operational personnel who performs work or supervises those working in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - group III. Team members working in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V must have group III.
The admission to work in electrical installations must be carried out after the implementation of technical measures for the preparation of the workplace, determined by the employee issuing the order.

When carrying out urgent work, a work manufacturer (supervising) from among the operational personnel performing work or supervising those working in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - group III. Team members working in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V must have group III.
The admission to work in electrical installations must be carried out after the implementation of technical measures for the preparation of the workplace, determined by the employee issuing the order.

It is not clear what has changed, well, the bosses know better ...

18. In paragraph 7.15, the first paragraph will now sound like this:
It was:
One employee with group II is allowed to perform the following work by order:

One employee with group II is allowed to perform the following work on the VL by order:

Complemented the Air Lines ...

19.In the 2nd paragraph of clause 17.2 the following changes
It was:
In the absence of a visible gap, in factory-made complete switchgears with withdrawable elements, as well as in complete gas-insulated switchgears (hereinafter - GIS) with a voltage of 35 kV and above, it is allowed to check the disconnected position of the switching device by checking the mechanical indicator of the guaranteed position of the contacts.

In the absence of a visible gap in factory-made complete switchgears with withdrawable elements, as well as in complete switchgears with gas-insulated insulation (hereinafter - GIS) with a voltage of 6 kV and above, it is allowed to check the disconnected position of the switching device by checking the mechanical indicator of the guaranteed position of the contacts.

20. In clause 18.2
It was:
On the drives of the switching devices, which are turned off for work with overhead lines or cable lines, regardless of the number of working teams, one poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line" is posted. At remote control switching devices with AWP sign of the prohibiting poster “Do not turn on! Work on the line! " is displayed on the diagram next to the symbol of the switching device, which supplies voltage to the overhead line or cable line. This poster is displayed and removed at the direction of the operational personnel keeping records of the number of brigades working on the line.

On the drives of disconnectors, which are disconnected to perform work on overhead lines, on-line or on-line, one poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line" is posted, regardless of the number of working teams. When remote control of switching devices with AWP, the sign of the prohibiting poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line!" should be shown on the diagram next to the symbol of the disconnector that supplies voltage to the power line. In the absence of disconnectors on power lines with voltages up to 1000 V, it is allowed to hang out a poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line!" on drives or control keys of a switching device, depending on its design.
The poster is displayed and removed at the command of the dispatcher or operational personnel, in whose dispatch or technological control, respectively, the VL, KVL or KL is located. Before giving the command to remove the poster "Do not turn on! Work on the line!" dispatching or operational personnel, in whose dispatch or technological control there is a VL, KVL or KL, must receive from an employee from among the operational personnel issuing a permit for preparation of the workplace and for admission, confirmation of the completion of work and the removal of all teams from the workplace.

21 In clause 19.3, the first and second paragraphs are stated as follows:
It was:
It is allowed to check the absence of voltage by verifying the circuit in nature:
in outdoor switchgear, switchgear and at a complete transformer substation (hereinafter - KTP) of outdoor installation, as well as at overhead lines in fog, rain, snow in the absence of special voltage indicators;

It is allowed to check the absence of voltage by verifying the circuit in nature:
in outdoor switchgear and at a complete transformer substation (hereinafter - KTP) outdoor installation, as well as on overhead lines in fog, rain, snow in the absence of special voltage indicators;

22. In clauses 38.6, 38.88, 41.40, the word "steeplejack work" is replaced by "work performed at a height of more than 5 m from the surface of the ground, floor or working floor, on which work is performed directly from structures or equipment during their installation or repair from mandatory use of protective equipment against falling from a height "in the appropriate case.

23. Changed from 38.43 to 38.48

The Scientific Center PromProfAlliance conducts electrical safety training according to the new requirements of Rostechnadzor 2019, based on order 74n. The training is carried out according to programs developed by the Department of State Energy Supervision of Rostechnadzor.

The norms of knowledge of the rules of electrical safety, admission and the corresponding certificate of electrical safety in 2016 in October were changed. The new rules were approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and acquired the status of law (order 74n). They related to labor protection when working with electrical installations of various types and have not changed since then.

This year, all workers associated with electrical equipment must pass certification and receive a new type of electrical safety certificate. It is issued after an examination (certification). A number of questions and tests include checking the knowledge of the norms of the PUE, PTEEP, the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, which were mainly affected by the revision of 2016.

In the absence of a new electrical safety certificate, the admission to the operation of electrical installations is terminated. The responsibility for the recertification of employees is borne by the manager or the one who is appointed responsible. Violating enterprises face a fine of 500,000 rubles, production interruption and even closure.

What is the new electrical safety certification

In Order 74n, a new type of admission “crusts” was regulated. The document must contain:

  • Full Name;
  • employee position;
  • Name of the organization;
  • personnel category;
  • test mark;
  • date of recertification.

Admission to work with electrical equipment is confirmed by an electrical safety certificate and a knowledge test log. These documents are submitted to any regulatory authority.

How to get a certificate of electrical safety of groups 2, 3, 4, 5

Enterprises can independently train their employees in groups 2 and 3 by creating a commission of 5 specialists from groups 4 and 5 on electrical safety. To do this, they need to draw up curricula, test questions, get permission for this from the regulatory authorities, order crusts. The certification commission should also include representatives of Rostekhnadzor. All of this is quite costly and is not always implemented in practice.

It is much easier to contact a specialized training center, where employees who need recertification can easily pass the required program, pass the exam and receive a new type of certificate in 3-7 days.

Electrical safety certification is accepted by the Rostekhnadzor Commission (Order No. 343)

In accordance with the Order of Rostekhnadzor, commissions have been created for taking the exam at the state institution. Approvals from other organizations are not valid. ...

Electrical safety training in 3-5 days

Our training center offers various programs for mastering the regulatory knowledge for each admission group. To make it easier to complete training, we offer several forms of it: full-time, part-time and distance learning. Distance education in electrical safety is very popular today, since there is no need to break away from duties, interrupt work, or go to Moscow to study.

Thanks to the online mode, students master the material remotely. A course of lectures, educational material, seminars, personal communication with the teacher in the form of a question-answer is offered. This makes it possible to master the requirements and rules of work as deeply and quickly as possible, to the extent required for each group.

You can get a ready-made certificate by mail, through a courier service or with a courier from our center.

Electrical safety training programs, prices and timing

Courses are taught by professional teachers the highest category... We invite legal entities and individuals to cooperate with a one-time application and on an ongoing basis.

To sign up for electrical safety training and get a new certificate, you need to use the order button. Still have questions? Contact our managers in the chat or call the contact numbers.

To obtain a certificate for electrical safety of groups 2, 3, 4, 5, you need:

For registration you will need the following documents:

  • application for training (Attention! When filling out the application, indicate the details of the organization, signatures of employees, certify the application with the seal of the organization MANDATORY!)
  • organization details
  • electrical safety journal (if available)

The form of payment is cash and non-cash (we work both on the simplified tax system and on common system taxation with VAT) check with the manager.

Issued documents:

For organizations - consumers of electricity:

Certificate of the established form for a period of 1 year signed by a representative of Rostekhnadzor

A logbook for recording and checking knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations with the signatures of the members of the commission

For energy organizations:

Certificate of the established form for a period of 1 year with the signatures of the members of the Rostekhnadzor commission

A logbook for recording and checking knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations with the signatures of members of the Rostekhnadzor commission

Protocol for checking knowledge of the rules of work in electrical installations with the signatures of members of the Rostekhnadzor commission

