Organizational Development Manager job description. A development manager. Specialization in company development

Why write a job description for a development manager?

Upon employment, the employer signs with a new manager labor contract, which displays the key moments of the interaction of the parties. The job description supplements the contract and details a number of issues related to the employee's performance of his job function.

With regard to the position of a development manager, this approach turns out to be especially relevant, since in private companies there is no uniform approach to setting tasks for the employee holding the described position. In some companies, the employee is expected to develop the business as a whole, in others, they are instructed to develop a separate direction. Exactly job description allows you to define the specific responsibilities and rights of the development manager.

There is another important function of the job description - fixing in it the requirements for the qualifications of a candidate for a position. There is no development manager position in qualification handbook posts. This means that there are no recommended qualification requirements, that is, each employer has the right to decide what requirements his employees must meet. In order to avoid further disputes over the validity of the refusal to hire, it makes sense to fix such requirements on paper.

Approximate structure of job description for a development manager

An employee who is tasked with developing a job description for a development manager, when performing this task, can use the generally accepted structure of this kind of documents, which assumes the presence of 4 main sections in them.

  1. General Provisions

    This section serves to provide the following information about the position:

    Don't know your rights?

    • job title (development manager);
    • the chain of command (indicating who is responsible for hiring and firing);
    • qualification requirements (requirements for the level of education, work experience, you can also list the skills and knowledge that the manager would like to see in the candidate for the position);
    • the presence of subordinates;
    • replacement order.
  2. Rights

    In each company, the leader decides for himself what rights to give the development manager. However, in any case, one circumstance must be taken into account: for the effective execution of the tasks assigned to him, a manager must have a certain freedom in making decisions related to his competence. Thus, he can be granted, for example, the following rights:

    • request information and documents necessary for solving the assigned tasks from all divisions of the company;
    • get acquainted with the decisions of the head;
    • send your suggestions to the manager for improving the workflow;
    • require the manager to assist in the implementation job duties;
    • issue orders to their immediate subordinates and monitor the progress of their implementation;
    • participate in negotiations with clients;
    • attract partners to cooperate with the company;
    • sign (endorse) agreements within their competence.
  3. Job responsibilities

    After hiring a development manager, the head of the company expects him to complete specific tasks - and it is in this section of the job description that the duties that the employee must perform are prescribed. For example:

    • develop a general concept for the development of the company;
    • develop a development strategy for the company and, within its framework, create a general development plan;
    • develop programs for the development (restructuring) of the company, monitor their implementation;
    • submit proposals to the management for the development of new directions of the company's activities;
    • look for new sales markets and ways to develop them;
    • organize interaction structural units companies for the implementation of the approved development program;
    • analyze the results of the implementation of the development program;
    • prepare reports on the performance of the approved development program.
  4. A responsibility

    The development manager can be held accountable for both the actions he performed and the consequences of the decisions he made. It can go:

    • about disciplinary liability - if an employee is found to be in default or improper performance their job responsibilities;
    • on administrative or criminal liability - for the employee committing the relevant misconduct;
    • O material responsibility- if the employee causes damage to the property of the company.

Some nuances of drawing up a job description for a development manager

In some companies, the position of development manager has a narrower specialization, which is reflected in its name. For example, positions such as business development manager or territory development manager are not uncommon. At the same time, the job description of an employee holding such a position must certainly reflect the features characteristic of this particular line of activity.

The above exemplary job description structure is most suitable for a business development manager, since it is structured in such a way that the job responsibilities include items related to the development of the company as a whole. If the focus of the manager's activities is limited to the development of the territory, then this section of the instructions should be corrected.

For example, the job responsibilities of an area development manager might include the following:

  • analyze and develop sales channels in the specified territory;
  • develop and implement programs for opening new branches or representative offices;
  • select candidates for leadership positions new divisions.

In any of the above cases, the development manager is tasked with developing and implementing measures aimed at the development of the company. The scope of his powers and the list of basic job responsibilities are thus fixed in the job description. The manager himself decides what responsibilities he assigns to the development manager, what rights he gives him and what qualification requirements he sets for the applicant for this position. The main thing is to remember that in the future it will not be possible to demand more from the employee than is fixed in his job description.

Experienced businessmen know that you should never stop at a place and be content with what you have. Business is a constant race forward, because as soon as you stop, competitors will overtake you. But not every entrepreneur understands how and where to go, what to pay attention to, what prospects the business has, what to invest in free funds. To understand this, you need to conduct a detailed analysis based on the economic situation, purchasing power, market conditions, etc. Such an analysis is usually carried out, who advises management and is responsible for new directions, market capture and other important tasks. Consider what is the responsibility of such a specialist, who can become one and where to look for such employees.


Unfortunately, Russian universities do not teach people to do business and develop it. They provide only general data about the economy, while not linking them to reality in any way. As a result, many economists and businessmen build their business by relying on intuition, rather than on professional knowledge and market laws.

Development manager always works in a team

In Russian universities, there is also no specialty of a business development specialist. These people study independently, gaining experience in the process of work, studying foreign literature, attending courses, etc. Such specialists are in great demand in the market and belong to the top-level, since the fate of the entire company depends on their decisions.

Some businessmen believe that DSS is necessary only for large factories, enterprises or mills, but in fact this is not the case. A competent specialist will help both an ordinary entrepreneur who runs a clothing store, and a small-scale production company, and a workshop that manufactures a variety of products. He must have knowledge in many areas, understand economics, marketing, management, management, etc. He must understand how promising a particular direction is, be able to make plans and implement them, be able to increase sales and assign tasks.

Attention:a wide range of requirements and responsibilities for an employee erodes his responsibility and boundaries of authority. We recommend that you carefully consider what exactly the specialist will do in your company, and write out his instructions based on this.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Before consideringLet's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this profession. Let's start with the benefits:

  1. There is an acute shortage of specialists in Russia, so you are guaranteed to be provided with a job in the coming decades.
  2. The salaries of MRBs are higher than those of other managers. It is often equal to the salary of the executive director or department head.
  3. The profession opens up wide opportunities: you acquire new acquaintances, study the markets, understand how this or that business works.

But the profession also has disadvantages. These include a huge level of responsibility (in fact, the fate of the company depends only on you): a mistake made can ruin your reputation. Also, the negative aspects include the irregular operating time and the complexity of the start. To be hired, you need to be truly a good specialist with reviews and reputation.

Attention:the manager performs different functions depending on the requirements and wishes of the client. He can be engaged in increasing sales, building retail network, company development or staff training.

Increase in sales

The main goal of any commercial structure is to make a profit. Typically, this can be achieved by increasing sales. When ordinary salespeople and managers cannot cope with the work, management decides to hire a specialist who will work out a plan and implement a project to increase the number of transactions and products sold. Often top salespeople come to this position, who understand the psychology of people, know how to close deals and sell anything.

The manager is not involved in any projects, he organizes and controls them

The task of a sales manager is not only to increase sales, but also to draw up an accurate forecast of sales so that the company can organize, establish logistics and interact with contractors. A qualified employee will be able to ensure that sales are regular, stable and with positive dynamics. To do this, he will need to analyze in detail current activities, draw up a plan for individual salespeople and the entire department, taking into account their qualifications and personal data. Also, MPP is engaged in training employees, organizing high-quality service for buyers or contractors, negotiating and signing contracts, monitoring logistics and delivery services.

Network development

The second area that a business development manager deals with is the construction of retail chains for companies. He supports and develops the network, appoints managers to outlets, monitors their work, and selects locations for opening new establishments. Accordingly, for this, he conducts market analysis, studies demand and consumer sentiment, launches advertising campaigns, conducts a detailed analysis of competitors' activities, trains personnel retail outlets and also improves their performance.

Essentially, the manager doing this job is the executive director. He can change the location of outlets, conclude lease agreements, appoint and change heads of outlets, increase their salaries and introduce a bonus system, develop documentation, etc. He is responsible not only for the direction of development, but also for each specific point, so he works directly with each of them.

Development of the company

The specialist who is engaged in the development of the company must have a higher education and serious experience in building a business. It is on him that the fate of the entire company depends, its profit, the vector of movement and market coverage. Such an employee deals with everything at once, that is, he is in the position of the general director, although he is not. He looks for new clients and signs papers, he negotiates and organizes the production process, he deals with short and long term planning, sales and team training.

As part of the job description for a business development manager analysis of the market and competitors, preparation of various reports on the activities of the company, creation of presentations for the head of the company, management of departments, etc. This is the position of a TOP manager, respectively, and the responsibility of the employee is extremely high. In fact, he is responsible for everything that happens in the company, from falling sales to conflicts between departments or employees.

A manager must be a good manager

Regional development

A territory development specialist promotes the company in the selected region. He works with various distributors and suppliers to increase sales, business development and market capture. The manager works closely with marketers and salespeople, partly with lawyers and HR managers. His responsibilities include:

  1. Verification of compliance with the standards and quality of work of the company's departments.
  2. Control over the implementation of tasks and goals for the branches.
  3. Study and implementation of the company's development plan and entering new markets.
  4. Increasing sales and working with competitors.
  5. Control over accounts receivable and work with counterparties.
  6. Creation of reports and infographics, control over the indicators of offices and retail outlets.
  7. Conducting activities aimed at training employees of various levels (usually salespeople and marketers).
  8. Building new sales channels.
  9. Negotiating and concluding contracts with contractors.
  10. Analysis and improvement of the number of sales in the region.

Who can become a development manager

Above, we have briefly described the main tasks that development specialists are engaged in. In fact, this is only a fraction, since there are other directions that they govern. Let's look at who can become a development manager and what qualities he should have. First, a person must have a higher education, preferably in the economic sphere. Secondly, he must have real knowledge of how the business works, how the processes are built and how they are carried out. Thirdly, he must have the following data:

  1. Resistance to stress and the ability to work in conflict situations.
  2. Leadership qualities, the ability to lead staff.
  3. Ability to motivate employees and the ability to punish them.
  4. Ability to convey your point of view to management and subordinates.
  5. Oratorical skills, the ability to convince and sign the necessary agreements.
  6. Understanding of the basics of workflow and office work.
  7. Knowledge foreign languages to work with foreign partners.
  8. Ability to work with a computer and the Internet, an understanding of office programs and the ability to write reports.

The manager always has the opportunity career growth

Separately, you should consider the item on education. In Russia, as we wrote above, they do not train development specialists, therefore they study for this position on their own. It often happens that former private entrepreneurs come to the profession, who decided to go forward, but themselves could not find the resources for development. Often, CEOs of companies, top salespeople, executive directors and other senior employees come into the profession. It is not necessary for a person to have a higher education in economics, but it is highly desirable. In fact, marketers, psychologists and even people with a technical education often come to the position, since for work you need to analyze various indicators and be able to work with information.

How to become a manager

In order to become a qualified and competent development manager, you need to study a lot and be well versed in the work of your company. Usually, employees with work experience of at least 3-5 years are hired for this job. During this time, you should study the principles of the company, highlight its weak and strengths, get to know the market, understand the logic of competitors' work, etc. After that, you will need to write a short plan to remedy the situation and provide a schedule for increasing sales. If the management likes your ideas, then you can apply for this position.

What is the salary level for such employees? Everything here is purely individual. Much depends on the region of operation, much depends on the level and size of the company. On average, they receive about 50 thousand rubles when working with small and medium-sized businesses. V big business salaries reach 200-250 thousand, but the responsibility on the specialists is considerable. At the same time, managers are often recruited at a rate + bonuses or interest. If he manages to successfully raise the company and increase sales, then he receives bonuses, which often amount to 50-100% of salary.

Are there any prospects for this profession? Experts believe that the demand for it will grow in the next 10-15 years. The fact is that today Russia is under sanctions, which makes it difficult to do business both within the country and with foreign partners. The population's solvency is falling, sales are decreasing, the level of competition in the market is growing. In this situation, the survivor is the one who will work as efficiently as possible, reducing costs, making unconventional decisions, building networks and raising the level of qualifications of employees. There are very few such specialists and the demand for them is very high. Basically, they move to large metropolitan areas, but the companies operate throughout the country, so they are critically lacking in the regions.

In contact with

The profession of a manager covers all aspects of an organization or a company. Is this a manager? and therefore his responsibilities include more than control over production process, but also all the functions of organizing the work of the company and personnel in particular. Such versatility obliges one to possess many skills and qualities. There are several areas of the manager's work. One of them has a development manager. Let's take a closer look at the responsibilities of such an employee.

First of all, a development manager is a person who plans the options for the company's development, studies the market and the prospects for its development, and also develops new plans for expanding activities. We can say that the work is very voluminous and responsible.

Business Development Manager solves a number of production problems. Firstly, it is building up the base of potential clients. To increase profits and further increase production or the number of services provided, you need to attract customers. At the same time, it obliges to properly plan the company's activities and competently manage departments and personnel.

The development manager must oversee the implementation of projects at all levels. In addition, control over finances and their correct distribution is also the responsibility of the person who occupies the company.

For the fruitful development of the business, it is necessary to improve the material and technical base, for which the development manager is responsible. Control over the process of equipping production and planning to supply the company with all the necessary machinery and equipment is the responsibility of the person who holds this position.

Among other things, a manager of this level is responsible for conducting negotiations at all stages of the project, recruiting specialists for organizing work and other activities related to the development project.

We can say that a development manager is irreplaceable in any area. This applies to both production and service delivery.

If we specify the responsibilities that a development manager must perform, then this is the development of business development plans and their further implementation and promotion.

This position does not exclude and In the future, you can apply for the vacancy of the head of the development department. But for this you need to responsibly fulfill your duties and show good results of work.

For any manager, it is necessary to have a sense of purpose, striving for excellence, sociability, the ability to get out of the current situation and make decisions quickly. In addition, you need to be a sociable person in order to find compromises in dialogue with staff and customers.

The listed responsibilities include the general job description of a development manager. But within each individual organization there may be different requirements for this position.

For successful career in this area, three rules must be followed.

First, it is the correct planning of the working day. In order to keep up with everything and not miss the most important thing, you need to correctly distribute your work time... This allows you not to forget about an important meeting or some business.

Secondly, it is the correct organization of work, which eliminates a large amount of paperwork. For this, there are many technical means that simplify the management process.

Thirdly, it is the ability to find the right approach to each client. Regardless of the area in which a development manager works, customer friendliness is imperative. They need to know that the company values ​​them.

Perhaps, after reading this article, some will want to master this profession, which is also in demand in the labor market. But to become a professional in this business, you need to have a lot of experience and have the necessary human qualities.

The position of a development manager is quite versatile, but there are many requirements for the work of this specialist. The duties of such an employee are close to those of a director, and his tasks include participation in advertising campaigns, and work to reduce costs, and the introduction of a new product of the company to the market. Any organization needs such an employee, regardless of its size, field of activity and organizational and legal form.

A development manager must also have a university degree, know the basics computer programs and have at least one year of experience in this field. He can deal with the development of the entire company, production, personnel or sales department.

What does a specialist do?

A development manager solves the main strategic tasks companies. To do this, he is promoting promotions, market research, seeks to increase the profitability of the activities carried out by the firm. A qualified manager who does a good job at work can further achieve a promotion, grow to a commercial and even general director.

The duties of this specialist may include both the management of the production process and the organizational functions of the work of the company or personnel. Manager examines possible options development of the organization, especially the market niche that can be mastered.
He must also monitor the timely execution of all existing development projects, negotiations being held at the same time.

Sales development

Often under this position the sales manager is meant. This employee interacts with the sales force and others working for the company. The main goal is to increase the level of sales and generate more profit, provided that all customer needs are met.

The job description of a sales development manager includes the need to plan for the results to be achieved, as well as the measures that must be taken to achieve this. Plans can be drawn up for individual departments, employees, or the entire company as a whole.

Also, the sales manager is preparing sales representatives... Under his influence, these workers develop knowledge of the main provisions related to work.

Other tasks of the manager are the execution of customer orders, documents for their shipment, notifying customers about changes made to the assortment, agreeing on the terms of purchase, sending applications to the logistics department, developing projects, implementing them and maintaining documentation. The employee has the right to offer management conditions that improve working conditions.

He can request documents necessary for the conduct of the activity. The manager is responsible for deviations from his job duties and material damage caused by him to the company.

Retail network development

The job description of a retail chain development manager contains responsibilities for maintaining a chain of stores from the moment they open, choosing a manager for each retail outlet, and discussing lease terms. The employee is engaged in organizing and conducting advertising campaigns, marketing, studying competitors, working with staff, resolving conflict situations, considering offers from sellers.

Also, the manager does work to optimize the activities of retail outlets to increase profits, proposes the introduction of a certain system of remuneration for employees.

This specialist has the right to ask for an increase in wages for himself and his subordinates, make any proposals for consideration by the head, demand the provision of the necessary documentation.

The manager is responsible for untimely or poorly performed work, various violations committed by him and his subordinates, violation of the law and damage to the organization.

Company development

Such a specialist must have a higher education, have knowledge of marketing and psychology. He must be able to plan, conduct market analysis, manage business projects of any complexity, find new customers and partners, predict the level of sales and prepare contracts. Also, a specialist should know the basics of legislation and economics, competently negotiate and draw up documentation.

The job description of a company development manager also suggests ability to conduct educational trainings for employees companies. The manager should draw up reports on the work done and send them to management for review. Another responsibility is to maintain a base of employees, consider their career opportunities.

He has the right to receive information, access to the necessary documentation. Within the framework of his authority, the specialist signs and endorses various documents. He can also get acquainted with the instructions, which outline his duties and rights. The manager is responsible for violations that occur during the performance of his duties, material damage caused to the organization.

Personnel development

This employee is responsible for planning and coordinating training activities for employees. To do this, he develops new programs or improves existing ones, participates in meetings and discusses the need for training. The manager participates in the process of testing and assessing the knowledge of employees, guides the trainers and defines their tasks.

The specialist evaluates the effectiveness of the trainings, makes a conclusion about the level vocational training employees. He introduces the schedule of training sessions, creates audio and video materials necessary for training. HR manager has the right to study draft guidelines, related to him. He can demand documentation and information for his work, make his proposals to improve working conditions.

Development manager is a profession that covers many areas of the enterprise. He must have leadership skills, be able to manage personnel. Availability is required higher education... This specialist will also need knowledge of psychology. The manager is engaged in planning the activities of the company, resolves issues with suppliers, studies the market.