Paid extension how to organize a business. Paid extension. Instructions on how to open a private school

In schools, as a rule, there is an after-school group only in elementary school. There are no extended courses for children of older grades. Yet not all schools have such groups. And sometimes they just don't meet the requirements. And such a service as accompanying students to classes and home from school is not provided.

Prolongation in primary school: regulatory framework, program

In large groups, homework is superficial. Each child does not have to expect help from the teacher. Often, noise in the classroom interferes with rest or concentration. If, nevertheless, the decision on the extension is made, it is better for the parents to check their homework at home and help, in which case, the child to deal with incomprehensible questions.

Thus, parents and schools faced serious problems. Most likely, the school will shift the solution of these issues to the shoulders of moms and dads. If the parents can finance the visit to the extended program, then there will be one. Otherwise, moms and dads will have to look for an alternative to after-hours groups.

Extended Day Group - Business Idea

Classes in schools start at approximately 8.30 am. Parents' working day starts at 8 or 9 o'clock. We still have to get to work. Therefore, very often children have to go to school alone. After classes, they also return home alone and are left to their own devices until their parents come home from work. All this causes concern for parents.

An extended day group accompanied by children is very good idea business. By organizing accompanying children, as well as an extended day group (GPA), you can save parents from the need to study lessons with a child in the evenings. Services, of course, will be paid.

How to open an extended day group in Ulan-Ude

- Parents fully trust us in teaching their children and know that the lessons need not be checked - they have already been done in the extended program. Now, three years later, children are brought to us on the recommendations of their parents, whose children have visited our club. Word of mouth worked, - says Galina.

- To obtain the conclusion of SanPiN, all furniture, materials used for the improvement must be certified. Must have a cooler, disposable paper towels, an emergency exit, fire alarm and much more, - lists the director of the club.

Renewal at home - a business from scratch

If the answer to all the questions posed is in the affirmative, then you can calmly tackle organizational issues. So, you need a free space where the kids can do their homework, play with each other and communicate. You should always have it turned on mobile phone so that the parents of the child at any time can find out what their baby is doing. If you have a pedagogical education and work experience, this is certainly good, but if this is not so, then it is enough to remember how you treated your own children and what you did with them.

Are you in trouble and have to stay at home without work? You have a great desire to organize own business, but at the same time you do not know how to do it and where to start? An at-home after-school business idea will help you make money while providing leisure time with reliable supervising school-age children.

Organization of an extended day group in the light of modern requirements

Hello Anna!
If you wrote a statement that you need the GPA before 14.00, then this automatically means that you agreed to the terms of providing the child with a place in this group before the time you specified. In accordance with the applications submitted by the parents, the regime of visiting the group by children is drawn up. The school provides you with this service free of charge. If the service for supervision and care is provided free of charge, then the number of children who visit it before 14.00 is strictly determined in the corresponding order of the director. The actions of the GPA educator are determined by the fact that the parent wrote a statement about the need to look after the child until 14.00.
Respectfully yours, N.R. Safiulina

The Law "On Education in Russian Federation"A new concept of" childcare and supervision "has been introduced, which means a set of measures for organizing meals and household services for children, ensuring their compliance with personal hygiene and daily routine(Clause 34, Article 2 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ RF "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation"). Appendix 6 to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules–10 of December 29, 2010 N 189 (hereinafter SanPiN–10) provides detailed recommendations for the organization and regime of the extended day group.

Extended school: why, how much and how

In the event that the caregiver of the extended day group provides supervision and care, no obligations at all are imposed on him, except for ensuring a safe and comfortable stay of students at school after school hours. That is, parents have no right to require teachers to force children to do their homework, as well as to insist on additional classes within the framework of the GPA. But when it really goes to the "extended" educational process, that's another matter. If such additional classes are included in the school curriculum, they should be free for all students without exception, if not, they are formalized as paid additional educational services and offer at will.

There is no precise definition of the concept of "extended day group" in the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, just as there is no such concept itself. From October 1, 2014, the “extended program” was renamed into the “group of social and pedagogical development”, but the essence remained the same - this is a form of organizing extracurricular time for students of junior and middle grades (from the first to the eighth) educational institutions... There are such groups, by the way, not in all schools, since each of them has the right to independently decide whether to open or not open an extended program, whether parents have such a need or not. The Law on Education in the Russian Federation also states that the format of the extended day group is determined depending on what, in fact, the school suggests to do after school hours: additional education- that is, to carry out the educational process, or by their own affairs - in this case, the institution provides only supervision and care.

Instructions on how to open a private school

License. To be eligible to maintain educational activities, a private school must have a license that confirms the compliance of the conditions of the educational process with all existing regulatory requirements. Moreover, not only organizations, but also individual entrepreneurs are required to obtain a license. The exceptions are entrepreneurs who conduct educational activities on their own, without the involvement of other teachers - such individual entrepreneurs do not need a license.

You can familiarize yourself with the current list of documents required for obtaining an educational license and the requirements for them on the website of the Moscow Department of Education or in the relevant regional offices. We also note - in the case when a licensed medical organization, the school also needs to obtain a medical license.

Organization of an extended day group in the light of modern requirements

or the founder introduces such a service as a free service for the population and gives an assignment to provide it with funding from a budgetary account. In theory, the right to receive such a service free of charge could be provided for by regulatory legal acts subject of the Russian Federation or municipality(for example, as one of the forms of social support for the population).

How the students' afternoon is organized primary school attending the GPA? Are there additional circles and sections? Do they do their homework with the children? What is the maximum number of children that can attend an after-school group? Should parents be charged for afternoon childcare and childcare?

Aftercare group opening business idea

  • What equipment to choose for organizing extended day groups
  • How much can you earn by organizing after-school groups
  • Step-by-step plan for opening an extended day group
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money is needed to start
  • What OKVED must be indicated when registering an extended day group
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open an extended day group
  • Business technology
  • New to the business of starting an after-school group

Earnings will directly depend on the number of clients. On average, the cost of one day of a child's stay in an extended day group is 100 rubles. For example, there are 10 children in a group. Thus, an amount equal to 1000 rubles will be released in one day. If the group works 20 days a month, then the earnings will be 20,000 rubles.

19 Jul 2018 2348

At the beginning of the autumn 2014 school year, the Russian school Internet was buzzing about the widespread introduction of paid extended school courses in Russian schools. The Ministry of Education gave the go-ahead for the introduction of such a paid service by schools, and the parents were very outraged.

And I remembered how a few years ago schools were allowed to provide commercial services in terms of education - they were allowed to engage in legal tutoring within the walls of the school.

I don’t know about other schools, but in our school this service was not popular. Neither the teachers nor the parents of the children liked this innovation. And it's not just the cost of the service (of which the teacher received only a part, and the parent, in principle, was ready to pay for the services of tutors).

As the English teacher explained: “If I will provide paid services to my students, their parents will then demand a positive assessment from me in the classroom. And I don't want to become dependent on them. "

On the other hand, we, parents, know perfectly well HOW teachers teach children in school. I wouldn't pay most of these teachers for tutoring. There are too many random, illiterate and indifferent people to knowledge at school. Including teachers working on an extended program (in our country, this role is usually played by teachers who were not useful to the school in professionally). And will I also pay such a “teacher”?

Therefore, parents who are outraged by the widespread paid extension can be understood.

But in fact, the paid extended program is needed, as our children need high-quality tutors, nannies, supervisors and animators in the daytime.

Nurses are needed - so that the children are supervised (now is the time that it is dangerous to leave a child unattended until the very end of school). Supervisors are needed for the child to do all the homework until the evening, otherwise they will remain undone. We also need tutors who can explain a difficult topic to a child. And we need teachers-animators who could entertain the child and teach something good that is not included in the school curriculum.

To some extent, we now have nannies, tutors, and hobby groups. But usually all these services are distributed in space. And the child alone during the day has to go from place to place (from school to home, from home to a tutor. From a tutor to an art school or gym).

The more a child moves around the city on his own, the greater the risk of becoming a victim of an accident, crime, deception, bad company, etc. (even in our quiet city, drug addicts, alcoholics and criminals just walk around the city during the day - and anyone can become their victim, not just a child).

Therefore, it will be safer for parents if the child does everything he needs in one place at once, all day (about 4 hours until they return from work).

And it is desirable that such a paid extended program should not take place within the walls of the school - simply because the child needs to take a break from school (I really loved math, but I never stayed at school for a math circle, because after the 6th lesson I was so tired, that I could no longer see this school. I had to first crawl to the house, change clothes, eat, and only then I was again reborn as a normal person and could perceive something adequately).

And just recently I found out that a paid extension was opened in Minsk not on the basis of one school, but on the basis of the NewTon training center (this and the following photos are from the center's page in VKontakte -

In the rooms where adults gather for trainings in the evenings, children are engaged in the afternoon and morning (for the second shift of students).

They not only do their homework under the guidance of experienced teachers and do daily English language... For them there is also creative yoga, dancing, stage speech (in a theater group).

For children with problems - classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist.

In this center there are also classes in the scientific laboratory (for serious-minded children):

There are three paid extension packages - the minimum (which only includes homework and entertainment for the children); temporary stay (where, in addition to doing homework, children study English and additionally with tutors in school subjects, plus creative classes) and a group engaged in a full package of services (more specialized and more complete in all creative activities).

That is, there is a set of services for each wallet and for each set of needs.

You can see the list of paid Minsk prolongation services on the center page -

This, it seems to me, is the option that may be liked by those parents who are willing to pay for an extension, but not to their own school.

Any training or The educational center, whose premises are empty during the day, can implement this service. (Or maybe it will be possible to come to an agreement with them and take their area for sublease?)

But it is possible, I think, to open a similar business from scratch. Schoolchildren are so huge the target audience, they are so tortured by the demands of the school, and parents are so worried about their children - that there will certainly be those who want to go to such an extended program.

Start small - with homework and psychological relaxation (this alone can attract a large number of people), and then you will complicate your activities (yoga, stage skills and university preparation).

The Ministry of Education has already shaken up the parents, many of them are already morally ready to pay for an extension. So no one similar service not shocking. Moreover, a stand-alone service - not within the walls of a native school - can attract clients even more (as it is generally believed in our country, as I personally think, and it seems to be so - any paid tutor is better than a paid native teacher).

Lack of parental attention Children who attend an extended day group are almost one and a half times more likely to complain about a lack of attention from their parents than those children who have the opportunity to stay at home with a nanny or relatives after school. 4. Fatigue from a long stay in a monotonous environment 5. Insufficient quality of food, supervision and leisure How to organize a private extension November 12, 2015, 16:23 Yulia, Moscow Lawyers' answers (1) Yulia, as you can see, does not want to answer Your question. But I decided to discuss your situation. I don't think it's good to leave you in the dark. In fact, there are no educational services, children do homework with the help of a teacher. As a matter of fact, educational services take place because teachers are involved. But not all educational services are subject to licensing in accordance with the Regulation on the licensing of educational activities.

Organization of a paid extended day group as an idea for a private business!

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I want to open something like an extension. I will pick up the children from school and look after them until their parents come.

For parents, of course, it is very important that they do their homework with their children, and I, in turn, want to hire a primary school teacher who will come and help them.
I also plan to hire a teacher who would look after the children, feed them, etc.

These workers have a teacher education, but my services are not covered by the Decree of October 28, 2013.


N 966. How can I avoid a license? I'm not a teacher myself.

I want to open an individual entrepreneur with employees. Can they be formalized as governesses or something else? I'm completely confused.
Thanks. I will be very grateful for the answer.

A package of documents for opening an extended day group and a short business plan?

Oksana, after 3 o'clock not everyone wants to go somewhere else, many just want to take a walk.

Or go to the music. schools, sections. Of course, they can come to our classes.


But after 4 hours we have a "boom" - we have enough of our classes, I don’t know where to put the extended day.


Although I agree that if there is nowhere to put the child, then the parents will agree.

There is also a very important question of price. When we were doing an extension we calculated that the cost of an hour should be small, otherwise it would not make sense for parents to spend so many hours with us. We must, accordingly, take in quantity, otherwise there will be no sense.

Plus, the premises must be recouped, which in the evening is in great demand in other areas.

Do I need a license for renewal

If the GPA will work outside the school premises, then it is possible to inform about the recruitment of children by publishing announcements near educational institutions, in residential buildings, on the Internet.

Competition In the majority of modern general education schools, there are extended-day groups, including paid ones.

This suggests possible competition. However, it should be understood that prolongation is not the same. Not every GPR works successfully. It all depends on the program of events, the location of the premises, the teacher. The more creative the organization of the day is, the more clients are provided to the business. Offer new forms of collaboration to parents and opportunities for their children to grow and develop.

How to organize a private extension

Consider questions about the wedding procession, the wedding venue, toastmaster services, overnight accommodation, photo and video filming.

The bride and groom can talk about wedding rings, bouquets, wedding dresses in a private conversation. After discussing important issues about the upcoming wedding, the parents of the young couple exchange phones and invite each other to visit. 5 Extend this festive evening by staying alone. Congratulate your betrothed on your engagement by gently whispering to her touching assurances of eternal love. It will be very nice to present her with a hidden bunch of her favorite cornflowers or a garden lily of the valley.

Surprise her with something pleasant or go to a nightclub with a noisy group of friends.

Send out invitations to your friends in advance so they can congratulate you on your engagement in time.

Tell your intrigued friends your wedding day at the very last moment.

All the best for children, or how to open a children's development center

Save the question in social. networks, so as not to lose, vote 0 0 Bookmarked: 0 I want to open an extended day group for preschool children, we will not do our homework, teach too.

It is planned to open the so-called. extended, for the leisure of children while their parents are at work, but circles will be held - drawing, dancing, modeling ... Tell me, please, where to start, indicate the entire package of documents? Thank you in advance.

Question asked: Alexandra Like this question or answer? Save in social networks, tell your friends - this is the best thanks to us! Rate the question, vote ↓↓↓ - it is anonymous and the author of the question is pleased! (1 votes, rating: 5.00 out of 5) Loading ...

Management educational institution often goes to meet the organizers of the paid extension, as this replenishes the school budget, which is important in the context of insufficient government funding.

What is required to maintain a GPA? After-school work requires professional skills. Namely, the presence of pedagogical education, knowledge of a child psychologist, understanding of the school curriculum.

If these constituent factors are absent, then you can resort to the help of specialists - experienced teachers.

You can also find a teacher for a paid GPA at the school. An important point is the organization of the program and the schedule of the extended day group. It should include a walk in the fresh air, educational games and activities with children, homework, free time, lunch. It is important to understand that an after-school group replaces the after-school activities for children in the absence of their parents.

Prolongation - pros and cons

The positive aspects of the prolongation

1. Supervision by a teacher in an extended day group

2. Meals in the extended day group

3. Organization of leisure time in the extended day group

Communication with peers in an extended day group

5. Help of teachers in the extended day group

Negative sides prolongations

1. Lack of daytime rest

Lack of personal space and time

3. Lack of parental attention

Children who attend an extended day group are almost one and a half times more likely to complain about the lack of attention from their parents than those children who have the opportunity to stay at home after school with a nanny or relatives.

Fatigue from a long stay in a monotonous environment

5. Insufficient quality of food, supervision and leisure

Lawyers Answers (1)

Julia, as you can see, does not want to answer your question. But I decided to discuss your situation.

I don't think it's good to leave you in the dark.

In fact, there are no educational services, children do their homework with the help of a teacher.

As a matter of fact, educational services take place because teachers are involved. But not all educational services are subject to licensing in accordance with the Regulation on the licensing of educational activities.

It is possible to carry out meals in the same room; children do not sleep, tk. are with us no more than 6 hours, i.e.

short stay. Is licensing required in our case? Do we need sanpin norms?

Julia, if you do not carry out activities for the implementation of the educational program preschool education, then a license, in this case, is also not needed.

And one moment. Educational supervisors may consider your educational services (teacher-assisted homework preparation) as rehearsal services.

It is important that you write in contracts with parents.

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Business plans and ideas

Who is this type of business suitable for?

This business is suitable for moms who do not work, grandmothers with children around this age. Scheduling the work of the extended day group.

You need a room in which you can place such a group. Create conditions for doing lessons, for eating, for games and other activities. Think over the time for walks and outdoor games.

Therefore, it will be safer for parents if the child does everything he needs in one place at once, all day (about 4 hours until they return from work).

And just recently I found out that a paid extension was opened in Minsk not on the basis of one school, but on the basis of the NewTon training center (this and subsequent photos are from the center's page in VKontakte -

Day care center

Extended day group as a business Profit calculation The number of training days in a month is approximately 22 days. The number of children in the group is 6. The amount of payment per day is 100 rubles.
  1. KD - the number of children in the group
  2. SD - payment amount per day
  3. UD - study days
  4. Salary - wages
ZP = UD x CD x SD Thus, we get: 22 x 6 x 100 = 13,200 rubles.

Ideas for starting your own business

Own agency Announcements Top themes

private extended group
  • The desire of parents to give as much as possible to their growing children and at the same time there are practically no such institutions at the state level, and if there is, then their level is quite low.
  • There are about 200 children's development centers in the city of Saratov. All of them work quite successfully and offer a wide variety of services:
  • Classes in subjects - mathematics, reading, logic, drawing, and others;
  • Classes on various systems allowing to reveal the potential of the child;
  • Classes with psychologists and speech therapists.

According to the conducted marketing research of prices in the city, an approximate table of average prices for services of development centers was compiled depending on their level (private lessons, inexpensive development centers, medium and expensive).

Organization of a paid extended day group as an idea for a private business!

The results are shown in the table below: Indicator / change -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% Prices -756 123 894 1724 2438 Costs 1782 1348 894 429 19 Wage 1407 1156 894 675 497 As can be seen from the table, the price change has the greatest impact on the project. So, when the cost of services decreases by 20%, the project becomes unprofitable and it makes no sense to implement it. All other indicators do not change so dramatically Risk analysis The main risks that can dramatically affect the income of the center can be divided into 4 parts: Various authorities are closely watching.

An example of a business plan for a children's development center

Payback indicators of the project According to the plan of income and expenses, a planned model for the development of the center was formed, which showed the following indicators of business efficiency:

  • The term for building a model is 10 years;
  • Simple payback period - 3.4 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 5.7 years;
  • NPV - 1 231 thousand rubles.
  • IRR - 47%.

Equipment suppliers and repair organizations To carry out the repair of the premises, it is planned to use the services of a regular repair team, which will make cosmetic repairs in a children's style and install children's plumbing. Furniture and training materials are planned to be purchased from local vendors who specialize in this.

Business plan for a children's development club

Investment costs To open a children's development center, you will need small investment in the amount of 300 thousand rubles, which will be spent on renovating the premises, purchasing children's furniture and teaching materials. It is not planned to buy the premises, it will be rented. The division of investments by areas is presented below:

  • Repair of the premises - 200 thous.
  • Purchase of children's furniture - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of training materials - 30 thousand rubles.

Project financing To open the center, it is planned to obtain a loan for up to 5 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The mortgage on the loan will be the apartment owned by the entrepreneur. Financing from own funds will not be implemented.

Prolongation at home. home business from scratch


The premise has good accessibility, it is located near a large stop complex, where many buses and trolleybuses from different parts of the city are suitable, and there is also a good parking area nearby, which is almost always free during the day. The garden has a fenced guarded territory with a playground, as well as an intercom for entering the entrance. Separate empty premises have been allocated for the children's development center.

With the help of renovations, they will be made into separate rooms for conducting classes with small groups. Also, the room will have a bathroom separately for adults and separately for children and a dining room.

Aftercare group opening business idea


Business Ideas Forum: Business Idea: Prolongation for Children

Schoolchildren do not have to go home from school on their own, to circles, do their homework. Most parents agree to incur additional costs for the safety of their children and their own peace of mind. Finding the child under the supervision of professionals and peers guarantees additional mental development for students. Advertising and looking for clients for paid prolongation You should not worry about who will go to the extended day class. Potential clients will quickly find your organization. If the business proves itself from the best side, then there will be no end of paid prolongation visitors. The primary advertisement can be a word of mouth in elementary school. To do this, it is enough to agree with the administration of the educational institution and attend parent meetings in grades 1-4.

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How to implement an extended day business group? To implement the business idea of ​​a paid extension for schoolchildren, you need cash to pay rent for premises, buy furniture, pay taxes, register an organization, conduct advertising campaign... Ideally, rent a room for an extended day group within the walls of an educational institution. It is very convenient for children, teachers and parents. There is no need to worry about who will bring your child from school to an extended day.

Immediately after the end of the class, the GPA teacher will gather all his children and take them to the class. Renting premises inside an educational institution eliminates the need to purchase furniture and other household items. Also, there are a number of all kinds of circles that children of the extended day group can attend under the supervision of a teacher.