Car wash business from a to z. Car wash is a lucrative business. How to open your car wash. Premises for a car wash

How much does it cost to open a car wash: the concept of “self-service car wash” + how a self-service car wash works + the location of the car wash + collecting documents + prices for a ready-made car wash complex + marketing strategies + the cost of opening a car wash and payback periods.

There are a lot of people who want to start their own business in the city with a car wash. The business is profitable, and relatively little funds are needed to organize it. Even less savings will be needed to organize a self-service car wash.

At the same time, there is always a demand for car wash services, especially in big cities. The business will have customers even in the periphery, where there are still few car washes.

In this article, we will look at how much it costs to open a self-service car wash, how much it is profitable business and how quickly you will "recoup" the investment.

What is a self-service car wash?

Is a car wash structure that works without the help of workers. Anyone who wants to wash his car pays money in a special terminal, after which he receives a token for the quantity or for the duration of the wash. The car owner does all the work himself.

Naturally, someone should control from the outside how visitors handle the equipment, give them hints, etc. But the number of workers at the self-service car wash still remains minimal, and wage these few employees will have relatively little.

What are the benefits of a self-service car wash for the business owner and visitors?

  1. An aspiring businessman can save on wages employees, himself to lead the whole process.
  2. Clients have the opportunity to save money on car washing, since the price for such a service is, of course, lower than at ordinary car washes where the work is done by personnel.

How does a self-service car wash work?

The client arrives at the self-service car wash, in the terminal chooses the right time and type of service to wash the car.

Once he pays, the equipment will work for a certain amount of time. If during this time the driver did not have time to wash the car, he can pay extra and continue to engage in the car.

Before starting work, the driver puts on a suit that does not get wet, and then proceeds to wash the car.

There is nothing complicated in the process itself:

  • It is enough to point the pistol at the machine. Thanks to the powerful flow of water, to which special chemicals have been added, the dirt will leave the car before our eyes.
  • The second step is to rinse off the detergent and dirt residues.
  • After that, you can proceed to the third stage - the application of wax, which gives the car a shine. In addition, after such a procedure, the dirt does not stick to the car so much, there are no streaks from water.
  • Next, the machine goes through a drying stage. This completes the full washing complex.

Additionally, you can vacuum inside the car, wash tires and rims, etc.

Choosing a place for a self-service car wash

The choice of location depends on how many clients you will serve, what profit they will bring. If you pick the wrong place, that is high risk the fact that the point will close in a couple of months due to zero profit.

Let's make a reservation right away that it will be difficult to conclude such a deal. And even if you succeed, you will most likely have to pay a considerable amount of money for rent.

The second option is to open a car wash near the highway, in a place with a convenient access. Make a huge sign that will tell car owners where to turn to get to the car wash.

If you are lucky and you get permission to place a sign near a traffic light, then the flow of customers is guaranteed to increase. Drivers, while standing at the intersection and waiting for the signal, will have time to consider your proposal in detail and think it over.

You can use the same marketing ploy at pedestrian crossings, near speed bumps, etc.

Another option is to open a car wash at the exit of the business district. Why on the road? On the way to work or rushing to a business meeting, drivers will simply not pay attention to the offer to wash the car. On the way back, when you already have free time, you can go to the car wash and bring beauty to the car.

In general, look for a place for a self-service car wash where there are most of your potential customers and they have the opportunity to see your ad.

How much does it cost to rent a place for a self-service car wash? Much depends on the region, the location of the future sink and many other factors.

Consider buying the land and not overpaying the landlord.
An approximate cost item for renting a place for a sink with an area of ​​120 m2 in a small town is from 30,000 rubles.

A complete sink should have 3 boxes, high pressure water (additionally, you need to install a pump so that there is a strong pressure), a drain with a water purification system, 15 kW electrical wiring. All these indicators are important during work, and they will also be checked by city services (water utility, fire inspection) before allowing you to open a point.

One more important point - the floor at the car wash should be made warm so that in winter the water does not freeze, but has time to drain into the sewer.

Washing operation scheme:

What documents do I need to collect to open a car wash?

If you have not previously been involved in business, visit the Tax Service and apply for the status of an individual entrepreneur.

To need a minimum package of documents:

  1. Application form No. Р21001.
  2. Application for the transition to the simplified tax system.
  3. Copy of passport and TIN.
  4. It is required to pay a state fee (800 rubles) and provide a receipt for this.

The package of documents will be ready in 5 days. An individual entrepreneur himself can keep records or order this service from an outsourcing company.

Additionally, you need to prepare documents for other inspection authorities:

  1. An activity permit from the city or district administration.
  2. Lease agreement or the purchase and sale of a plot.
  3. Contract with the city housing office for waste disposal and cleaning of the adjacent area.
  4. Car wash project, which must be approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the architect of the city administration, the fire inspector, the environmental service. How much does it cost to draw up such a project? Considering that the area of ​​the car wash will be 120 m2, the price for the project will vary within 240,000 rubles.
  5. Additionally, you will have to draw up an evacuation plan in case of fire for the Fire Inspectorate, get permission from the SES to use detergents.

How much does it cost to collect all the documents for organizing the work of the car wash? The approximate amount is 250,000 rubles.

To obtain all permits, you need to spend several months, therefore, most often, novice businessmen turn to consulting firms that collect documents and can do everything in as soon as possible for an additional fee.

How much does it cost to open a car wash - choose the equipment

It depends on the quality of the equipment whether you can confidently conquer your niche in this business. You can buy imported equipment or look for specialists in this area among domestic manufacturers.

How much does it cost to open a self-service car wash and purchase all the equipment? Much depends on how many cars you expect to receive at the same time.

As a rule, a car wash is divided into 3-6 boxes. In addition to the design itself, you need to purchase a sufficient amount of detergent, overalls and vacuum cleaners to clean the car inside.

Another important point is the purchase of a terminal in which customers will pay for services. It is best to take money for the time or set a fixed amount for one car (for each type of car wash).

EquipmentQuantityPrice, rub.)
TOTAL: 3,757,500 rubles
1. Complete self-service car wash for 3 posts
1 3 600 000
2. Self-service car wash controller
2 34 000
3. Car shampoo
100 l12 000
4. Car wax
100 l20 000
5. concentrate for cleaning the inside of the machine
50 l8 000
6. Vacuum cleaner
3 66 000
7. Overalls
5 sets7 500
8. Glass cleaner
20 l10 000

As a rule, a ready-made washing complex is equipped with everything necessary equipment... It has pumps, guns for washing, a container for filling liquid, depending on the type of cleaning chosen (washing wheels, glass, body, engine, waxing, etc.)

The water is supplied hot (+40 ºС) and cold. Pressure - no more than 140 bar.

The wash controller must be made of durable steel, have luminous buttons, and be water resistant. A special program is installed in it, which depends on the selected mode of payment for services.

For example, some terminals accept plastic cards sold by car wash operators. Other controllers have a built-in coin acceptor, which, after receiving the money, issues a coupon.

Prepare a room for the staff, where there will be a table, an armchair, a kettle, and, if possible, a TV. Equip workplace for the operator it is possible by bringing unnecessary furniture from home, and the workers, if necessary, will take dishes and food with them.

HR and marketing

As mentioned above, a minimum number of workers is required for a car wash. It is enough to hire two shift operators who will oversee the car wash process and, if something happens, help customers and solve other issues.

The total salary for 1 month of work for two employees is about 30,000 rubles. Operators can clean the premises for a small surcharge. The owner of a self-service car wash can prepare accounting reports.

Advertising and marketing strategy for self-service car wash are very important. The first step is to order signs and signs that can be hung at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings. You also need to develop a large and noticeable sign for the sink itself - deal with this issue before opening the outlet.

Order a batch of business cards or flyers. Distribute them at gas stations, service centers, hand out to people in parking lots. If your budget allows, then order advertising on the radio.

advertising service
Qtytotal amount
TOTAL: 110,000 rubles
1. Pointer
2 42 000
2. Signboard
1 50 000
3. Flyer
2 000 4 000
4. Business cards
1 000 2 000
5. Billboard
1 month lease12 000

Business idea of ​​opening a self-service car wash.

What equipment is needed? Registration of documents.

Details on how much it costs to open a self-service car wash

We have come to the main question: how much does it cost to open a self-service car wash and when will the business pay off?

Let's start by calculating the cost of opening a car wash:

How much the car wash services will cost depends on their duration and type:

  1. We will count on the fact that every driver will want to use all the services - it will cost about 200 rubles.
  2. The sink works every day for 12 hours and has 3 boxes.
  3. A full range of services takes about 10 minutes.
  4. It is not worth counting on the fact that there will be a line of cars near the car wash. In the best case, about 80 clients will visit you per day.
  5. You will earn 16,000 per day, and about 480,000 rubles per month.
  6. Net profit (from the above sum we have subtracted wages, utilities, rent, expenses on detergents, tax deductions) will be about 300,000 rubles.
  7. With a car wash load of 80 cars daily, the business will pay off in 12-14 months.

We answered the main question of novice businessmen: how much does it cost to open a car wash. Unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee that a business will really pay off in a year of operation. It all depends on a number of factors - population size, location of the car wash, demand for a service, cost. In addition, the business is seasonal - cars are washed less often in winter.

If you have compiled own business a plan in which all the factors were taken into account, and made sure that the business will pay off and become a source of stable income, we can only wish you good luck.

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Every day, with every kilometer, any car becomes more or less polluted. We are all used to seeing car washes for SUVs, minibuses and passenger cars, however, there is a sorely lack of places where you can wash a truck 20 meters long. Not every production, and even more so a grocery warehouse will not allow dirty cars to enter its territory; such requirements for heavy vehicles are more common at warehouse food stores. If for passenger cars a car wash is available in almost every city, then in the case of heavy trucks, the statistics leaves much to be desired.

The main consumers are long-distance truck drivers, bus drivers, and, in the future, vehicle fleets. Since the flight can last 5 days or more (sometimes it takes 2-3 weeks), the drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cockpit must be neat and tidy. But they also do not forget about the outside of the truck, therefore they use the services of car washes.

The essence of the business idea is to satisfy the need of drivers and owners of trucks for washing heavy vehicles, tractors, buses.

Experts say that a car wash as a business is a very profitable business. And in order for it to bring real income, a number of important points should be taken into account.

It is assumed that cash the bank, or investors, will provide, also so that the costs of starting a business are not large, a portal car wash can be leased.

Capital investments- 2740.8 thousand rubles.

Net profit- 409 thousand rubles.

Payback period- 6-7 months

Return on sales - 68,2%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It is planned to start a business with one portal installation worth 2.5 million rubles. After the payback of the first installation, it is planned to install the second gantry car wash.

After the two installations start to generate a stable income, it is planned to install a stationary car wash with the same gantry installation. It will be possible to expand the range of services, for example, to open tire fitting, because you always need to develop.

Also, open a small store of auto parts for consumables, i.e., these are car oils, filters, various liquids such as antifreeze, antifreeze, diesel fuel mixtures, etc. Later, open a car wash for passenger cars.

3. Description of the sales market

This business is just beginning to gain momentum in our country. And it is not developing very quickly at the moment. It is not very developed in our city either.

Washing of trucks as a business is not only a promising, but also highly profitable enterprise. Profits from such activities can significantly exceed the income generated from car washes for passenger cars.

It is enough to compare the cost of the service:

  • For the owner of a car, washing the car costs 250 rubles. (average service price).
  • The minimum cost of washing trucks varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to actively develop this industry, this will bring considerable profit, will enable the owners of trucks to keep their truck clean, and provide people with jobs.

In our city, according to the portal 2gis, there are 9 car washes for trucks. There are more than 45 car washes for passenger cars. These are the main competitors. Most of them are located on the outskirts of the city, i.e., in places where there is a fairly large flow of cars.

Car wash place

A competitive advantage is expected to be achieved through the choice of a place for a car wash and additional services. The place for a car wash is located along the Dachnoye highway.

Because Since this site is located on the outskirts of the city, the flow of both trucks and cars is ensured, especially in spring, summer and autumn.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Organizational structure

First, you need to decide on the form of business organization. Two options are possible here: either registration as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), or "opening" a legal entity, for example an LLC. Each of these forms has its pros and cons, therefore, to make it easier to make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with each of them.

Both for registration as an individual entrepreneur and for opening a legal entity is required state registration, the procedure for which is determined by the Federal Law on the Registration of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs... When contacting the registering authority, it is necessary to draw up an application in the prescribed form, prepare and submit constituent documents, as well as pay the state fee.
The next step will be to obtain permits allowing you to run a car wash business.

In particular, these are:

  • permission from the local authorities, which are in charge of the territory in which it is planned to open a car wash. To obtain it, you must submit a letter of application to the city or district administration for the allocation of a land plot for its construction;
  • car wash project, which is being developed by the design organization. V mandatory this project must comply with the current sanitary and epidemiological, architectural, environmental and fire standards and be coordinated with the authorities responsible for compliance with all these standards;
  • permission of the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, environmental protection department, fire protection and labor protection for the provision of vehicle washing services. In the absence of at least one of the conclusions listed here, the project will not be approved;
  • an act for permanent or temporary land ownership, which is drawn up after the approval of the project. Only after receiving this document, you are allocated land and a warrant for the construction of your facility is issued.

This is a list of basic documents that are required to open a car wash. There are no special requirements for their compilation and form.

6. Financial plan

7. Risk factors

We will assess the potential risks of the project on a 5-point scale.


  • Probable change in legislation. Risk Assessment - 1. This risk can aggravate the environment for business development and reduce the level of profitability. Compensation is carried out at the organizational moment when the form of government, type of ownership and form of taxation are introduced.
  • War, natural disasters, cataclysms, accidents and emergencies. Risk assessment - 1. An event objectively can entail large material losses. The property can be severely damaged or destroyed. However, this risk is regulated by the insurance service.
  • Opening in a city with a population of 410,000, new car washes, price cuts by competitors. Risk score - 3. As we said, demand exceeds supply, but revenues may fall slightly. This is regulated by the creation of a personal customer base, active promotions and developments interesting offers... It is necessary to reward the client for his correct choice.
  • Seasonal decrease in the number of services. Risk assessment - 5. This risk has no clear time limits. It all depends on the weather. This risk is managed by marketing policies, promotions, and employee reductions.

According to the traffic police, today about forty million passenger cars are registered in our country. At the same time, there are only about ten thousand car wash points. It turns out that on average there is only one car wash for every four thousand cars. Such facilities are unevenly distributed across cities, and often in many settlements they are simply not enough. Needless to say about various federal highways, when there is not a single car wash next to a busy road for many kilometers. It is known that any car periodically needs this service, otherwise its severe pollution can lead to serious problems during operation.

Statistics show that most car owners wash their cars about once a week. Consequently, even in a small city with a population of 10 thousand people, you can receive a large amount regular customers.

It should also be borne in mind that cars wash not only physical, but also legal entities... Consequently, here it is possible to conclude contracts for the regular provision of services with various organizations of the city.

Criteria for choosing a place to work

For a business to be successful and profitable, you should be very careful when choosing a suitable place to work. First of all, a wide and convenient access to the car wash is required. The absence of a large congestion of cars will attract a large number of customers and ensure good performance. Many non-professional drivers also strive to get to where they can stop on their car without complicated maneuvers.

It is desirable that there is a busy highway nearby, along which cars are constantly passing - this will allow you to get more visitors. Naturally, in this case, people will also come on the recommendation of friends who will accidentally see the car wash while driving by. If the track connects one locality on the other hand, this will be an even greater plus, since after a long journey, many motorists want to wash their car and at the same time take a little break from the trip.

The room must be connected in advance to all utilities used. It is also recommended to select a room that has an additional area under a canopy - it will allow customers to hide from the rain and sun. The equipment of the adjacent territory with lighting will allow you to work successfully and attract customers even in the dark.

An additional plus here will be the location of nearby car services, parking lots or shops selling auto parts. These companies will attract target audiences and help increase customer flow.

The documents

To organize a business, the following documents should be drawn up:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • approved car wash project;
  • a lease agreement for a land plot and premises for a car wash;
  • contract for connection to the power grid;
  • - contract for the purchase of water or connection to the water supply;
  • a contract for the disposal of used water, various waste and other products from the work of a car wash.

On paperwork and obtaining permits will need to spend 200,000 rubles.


For the full operation of the car wash, it is recommended to rent a room with an area of ​​about 100 square meters. If the approximate rental rate is 500 rubles. for 1 sq. m., then, therefore, the rental costs per month will be 50,000 rubles.

If the premises and the surrounding area are not prepared for the work of a car wash, then the following costs will be required:

  1. Finishing - 240,000 rubles.
  2. Water supply and drainage - 300,000 rubles.
  3. Installation of equipment for work - 50,000 rubles.
  4. Landscaping - 100,000 rubles.

Total: 690,000 rubles.


The equipment used must be professional and reliable - this will allow you to protect yourself from its breakdowns and related costs. It is recommended to choose trusted manufacturers who provide long-term warranties for their products. To open a car wash, be sure to purchase the following equipment:

  1. Apparatus high pressure(AED) without heating (2 pcs.) - 180,000 rubles.
  2. Fine water filters (2 pcs.) - 24,000 rubles.
  3. Foam nozzle (2 pcs.) - 10,000 rubles.
  4. Installation kit (2 pcs.) - 24,000 rubles.
  5. Manual switch "clean - reverse" (2 pcs.) - 24,000 rubles.
  6. Water vacuum cleaner (1 pc.) - 45,000 rubles.
  7. Membrane filter (1 pc.) - 3.000 rubles.
  8. Auto nozzle (1 pc.) - 2.000 rubles.
  9. Water purification system (1 pc.) - 300,000 rubles.
  10. Pressure boosting module (1 pc.) - 50,000 rubles.

Total: 662,000 rubles.

Car wash staff

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel - for this you can post messages in social networks and on free message boards. The enterprise requires four people who will work in shifts. One cashier accountant is also required. Monthly payroll costs are broken down as follows:

  1. Car washers (4 people) - 96,000 rubles.
  2. Accountant-cashier (1 person) - 30,000 rubles.

Total: 126,000 rubles.

Financial plan

When opening a car wash, one-time costs will be:

  1. Registration permits- 200,000 rubles.
  2. Preparation of premises and territory for work - 690,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment - 662,000 rubles.

Total: 1.552.000 rubles.

Monthly expenses are divided into the following items:

  1. The salary of employees is 126,000 rubles.
  2. Premises rental - 50,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of auto chemicals and consumables - 30,000 rubles.
  4. Electricity and water - 30,000 rubles.
  5. Unforeseen costs (dismissal of employees, equipment breakdown, etc.) - 30,000 rubles.

Total: 266,000 rubles.

Thus, the size of the initial investment will be 1,818,000 rubles.

Calculation of profitability

The car wash will be open daily from 08.00 to 23.00.

The average load of one post per day will be 22 cars. Consequently, on average 44 cars will fall on two posts daily. It turns out that within a month the car wash will be able to service 1320 cars.

The average check at a car wash will be 300 rubles.

As a result, the total profit for the month will be 396,000 rubles. Net profit after all taxes and monthly expenses will be approximately 120,000 rubles.

Estimated return on investment: 16 months.

Risk analysis

Naturally, there will be certain risks during the operation of a car wash, and if possible, they should be minimized.

1. Unsuccessful location of the car wash.

The problem can be avoided by conducting a detailed analysis of the terrain in advance. It is also necessary to study traffic flows and the presence of competitors that may be nearby.

2. Problems with regulatory authorities.

To minimize such problems, all permits with the help of a proven legal company. In case of any misunderstanding in this regard, you should immediately contact and solve the problem together with professional lawyers.

3. Equipment breakdown.

All equipment will have a guaranteed service life. In addition, it is recommended that you periodically check it. In the event of a breakdown, the equipment should be repaired at the appropriate technical centers.

4. Lack of experienced workers.

Decent salaries will be offered to attract reliable employees. Car washers without relevant experience will receive on-the-job training.


As practice shows, most Russian car washes have been successfully operating for decades. This, of course, speaks of very positive indicators in this area. Business is quite profitable, since these services are always in demand. If desired and possible, it will be possible to increase the number of boxes for cars, expand the staff and make the operating mode around the clock. Also, next to the car wash, it is possible to open a store selling auto parts, consumables and accessories.

Car wash is a profitable and high-margin business. Let's analyze the main points of drawing up a car wash business plan. How to organize the work? How much money, time and effort will it take? How quickly will such a business pay off and start making real profits? How to avoid common mistakes? In this article, we will consider how to open a car wash from scratch and how to draw up a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Opening a Car Wash

The popularity of car washes is due to their extreme practicality all year round. Autumn and spring bring slush and dirt with them, so during this period, visiting a car wash is included in the weekly schedule of almost every driver, just like in summer, car owners try to maintain their transport. However, car washes do not stand idle in winter - then reagents, salt and sand are washed off from them.

Let's start with the advantages and disadvantages this business... The main the target audience car washes are middle and high income people who want to save their time and keep their car clean.

We open a car wash from scratch: business registration

For registration in a tax car wash, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below summarizes and analyzes the main benefits as well as required list documents for each form of business. When registering according to OKVED, choose the main activity: 50.20.3 “Provision of other types of services for maintenance vehicles ”, this group includes washing, polishing, applying protective and decorative coatings on the body, cleaning the interior, towing and other similar types. Additionally, you can register OKVED 52.1 " Retail in non-specialized stores ”.

Business organization form Benefits of using Registration documents
SP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a car wash with up to 50 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement by a notary in the form No. Р21001;
  • application for the transition to UTII or STS (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) It is used for opening a network of car washes, attracting additional financing, scaling, capital construction.
  • application form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol in the presence of several founders (partners);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or STS.

According to law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

Business profitability

A car wash is considered a very profitable business that can generate a lot of income. Experts estimate its profitability of about 40-100%, in fact, this means a full payback within one year and a quarter (12-16 months), or, in the case of more expensive options, one or two years.

Our questions about opening a car wash are answered (Nikolay Yarkeev)

The video provides detailed answers to typical questions about opening a car wash.

How to open a car wash: a business plan

A business plan is one of the most important stages in planning a business start-up. Very often, further success depends on a well-thought-out business plan. We offer a universal version of such a strategy that will help answer the question "how to open a car wash?" from the financial and material part.

Key points:

  • business;
  • business strategy;
  • car wash market;
  • features of marketing.

Real financial costs depend on many factors, including:

  • preparation of documentation;
  • land plot costs;
  • location of the land plot;
  • directly building;
  • costs of materials, equipment;
  • the cost of repairing the car wash and equipment operation.


This point should be taken very seriously so as not to run into problems at the very beginning of the journey.

You can familiarize yourself with the list of documents required to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in paragraph No. 19 of the order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 776 dated November 21, 2005.

You will also need the following documents:

  • land lease agreement (obtain from the Moscow land office);
  • conclusions from such city services as the Fire Service, State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, MP "Mosvodostok", Moskompriroda;
  • permission from the district council where it is planned to build a car wash;
  • the construction plan agreed with the Moskomarkhitektura.

In addition, during inspections, you may be required to:

  • land lease agreement;
  • an agreement on waste disposal and site cleaning;
  • registration documentation for cash register equipment;
  • situational plan with marked boundaries of the site.

In addition, before starting work, you should notify the Communications and Transport Department of the Moscow Government about your plans.

Place for car wash

In addition to the question "how to open a car wash?" no less important is the question “where to open a car wash?”. The most advantageous location of a car wash will be its proximity to gas stations, car parks, technical stations, thus allowing the driver to comprehensively solve all issues related to his transport.

Also, such enterprises are advised to be placed at suburban entrances and exits, on busy highways, however, an excessively large flow of cars can have a very negative effect.

Note: it will not be superfluous to personally visit from three to five car washes and evaluate the following parameters: the number of customers per day, where the car wash is located, what is the throughput of the nearest road to it.

How to evaluate competitors' customer traffic?

Here's one easy way to measure customer traffic that will allow you to calculate your potential revenue based on your choice of location. In the car wash business, the key to success is location, and by location, the main parameter is throughput, how many cars pass by the car wash.

To assess customer traffic (traffic) at competitive car washes, you should spend 1 day. Take three measurements: morning, afternoon and evening. For example, a car wash works from 9-00 to 21-00 (12 hours). Take two measurements in the morning, afternoon and evening (i.e. 6 in total). The first measurement is how many cars pass within 15 minutes from 9-00 to 9-15, from 13-00 to 13-15, 18-00 to 18-15, as well as how many cars enter the car wash. Then we multiply by 4 and divide by 3, so we get the average amount of traffic on the road and the average number of customers in the car wash per hour. You can calculate the average percentage of cars that drive in (for example, you get 2%, which means that 2 cars out of 100 drive in to wash).

To find the daily traffic, we multiply the average value per hour by 12 (12 hours of operation). In this simple way, you can calculate the traffic from your competitors. This value can then be used to calculate the daily income of the car wash. To do this, you need to multiply the number of customers per day by the average check of the institution.

For example, we have 200 cars every day. The average washing bill is 500 rubles. This means that the cafe's gross income per day will be 100,000 rubles.

Required premises

The room should be quite spacious, but plan the space so that it is enough for all clients, but at the same time there are no unnecessary jobs for which there would not be enough clients. Ideally, you can rent such a room at the ATP, which has a number of advantages. So, you will have fewer problems with documentation (you will not have to obtain a significant part of permits and other things), and also this option will automatically link to your company some of the customers who have previously used the services of this ATU. Do not forget to set aside part of the premises for a warehouse.

Car wash water purification system (important point)

At first glance, it may seem that this is one of the most unnecessary points that must be observed to open a successful car wash, and that information about it can generally be scrolled through. But this is not the case. Modern environmental standards require impeccable compliance with them.

Special filters for water purification are designed to purify water used in work, from chemicals, fats, oil products and other unwanted substances from wastewater. Such systems are placed in heated rooms where the temperature constantly exceeds +5 degrees.

The figure below shows the layout of the equipment at the car wash. As can be seen from the technological process, after washing the machine, sand, dirt and sludge enter the drain. Oil products remain in the chambers and do not go further into the purification system. As a result, purified water is supplied to the washing pump from the pumping station.

How to open a car wash: frames

It is important to pay as much attention to the issue of hiring workers as to matters of a material nature or documentation. Each employer is guided by his own idea of ​​a good employee, however, we advise you to first pay attention to the following two key characteristics:

  • high professional level, availability of applied knowledge and skills;
  • friendliness, ability to have to yourself, responsibility (will allow you to attract customers and make them permanent).

The optimal operating mode is round the clock. The number of employees is 5 washers and 1 foreman.

It is better to look for executive and experienced workers in a car wash for the position of a foreman; low-skilled personnel can be selected for the position of washers.

The cost of starting a business

The funds spent on opening a car wash can be divided into two categories: space rental costs + equipment costs... The equipment includes:

  • high-pressure apparatus with heated water ($ 1800-3000);
  • a high-pressure apparatus that supplies water to 1 post ($ 500-1300);
  • treatment systems ($ 4800-6600);
  • compressor ($ 200-250);
  • washing vacuum cleaner ($ 400-550).

The most popular types of washing equipment are devices from the German company Karcher. Equipping one place with an automatic portal car wash Karcher will cost 100 thousand dollars.

In addition to German companies, Italian and Danish companies remain popular in the market.

Also, you will need expendable materials(like shampoo, polish, certain chemicals). When servicing 30-40 cars daily, consumables cost about $ 300 per month.

How much can you earn?

Your profit depends on many factors, however, in order not to get confused in abstract phrases, we will give you approximate figures that you can focus on. Calculations were made on the basis of a free-standing car wash for 4 non-garage type places.

When servicing (on average) about 200 cars per day, the cost of servicing each order is within 500 rubles. In this situation, the total monthly gross profit reaches 3 million rubles.

The main items of expenditure are taxes and salaries. In general, for this item, you will have to pay 2.2-2.5 million rubles monthly in total. Net income will be about 500,000 rubles (conventional figures). Business payback period is 1-2 years.

We repeat that these are only approximate figures, which in fact may depend on many factors and will change both in the direction of increasing income and in the opposite direction.

Assessment of business attractiveness by website magazine

Business profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Payback of the project

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of business creation

(3.5 out of 5)
Car wash is a highly profitable and quick payback project. There are more cars in Russia every year, and the need to save time for washing a car is only growing. The payback period for initial costs is ~ 1.5-2 years. The business has a seasonality of sales and possible downturns in the summer, which will require additional staff and financial safety margin. The key factors for business success are: location close to vehicle traffic.