What you need to have from the inventory of the organizer of the holidays. How to open a holiday agency? Formation of a list of services and marketing

To start a thriving business, you need to find the area that is most in demand at the moment.

This is exactly what the agency for organizing holidays belongs to. This is original and profitable business, which is actively developing in the modern market. Where to start activities in this area?

Official registration

Perhaps it is difficult to imagine a more interesting activity than organizing holidays. The business plan for such a case begins with the cost of obtaining official documents giving permission to conduct business. First of all, you need to register as a legal entity or an entrepreneur (your choice).

To determine the form of a business entity, consult a qualified lawyer. For example, choosing an LLC, it will be possible to include in the papers the founders-partners who have invested an equal share of the investment. The form of legal entity does not require such founders.

Basic documents for registering an enterprise include a charter, an application to the registering authority; an LLC will additionally need to provide information about the founders and information about their meeting. You also need to pay a state fee. The registration procedure is carried out in the tax service, in the social and compulsory health insurance funds.

Room selection

Before you create an agency for organizing holidays, you need to decide on the location of the office space. It is there that clients will place an order, come to get acquainted with the portfolio and actors, and communicate with the director of the company. As such a territory, you can use both a specially designed apartment and a rented office.

The company can be located anywhere, but it is much more convenient for clients if it is located near the center and directly from the places where the organization of the holidays will take place. The business plan should take into account rental costs, which may be slightly higher than using the premises in a residential area. But in the central part of the city there will be a much denser flow of people, which means that the number of potential customers will be higher, which will justify the costs.

Advertising promotion

When opening an agency for organizing holidays, you need to immediately think about advertising. It is worth developing advertising brochures that can be distributed to mailboxes, left in stores, beauty salons, cafes and restaurants.

In addition, you need to make business cards, post posters around the city and think over a celebration dedicated to the opening, where potential customers can immediately be convinced of the high level of quality of the services provided. Without all of these measures, a business can face a period of downtime in the first weeks of its existence.

Employee recruitment

How to start a holiday business? Another point is the selection of employees. These should be talented artists of different directions, for example, a clown, a singer, a theater actor. In addition, you will need a scriptwriter who will come up with texts for the holidays, taking into account the requests and wishes of customers.

Some of the sample works need to be created in advance so that visitors can familiarize themselves with them and make sure that such a style suits them. You will need a dresser who will take care of the stage outfits, and possibly sew new ones. You will need a make-up artist, a secretary, and a manager. At the initial stage, when the holiday agency is not yet in great demand, one and the same person may be responsible for different areas of activity. For example, a dresser may well be in charge of makeup.

List of services provided

A ready-made business plan for organizing holidays should include a description of the events that the company will hold, as well as their estimated cost. The average agency offers its clients the organization of children's parties, such as matinees, organizes parties for individuals, plans leisure evenings, as well as seminars and conferences.

For each of these proposals, there should be a ready-made turnkey script, by which clients will be able to judge the approximate course of events at the event ordered by them, and a list of actors or animators with their photographs. If possible, the customer should get to know and communicate with them in advance.

What is required for the office?

There may be very little office equipment. To successfully conduct business, it will be enough to have several computers with an Internet connection, as well as a fax and a photocopier. The office can accommodate managers who will deal with the client base.

For organizing parties and events, you will need equipment such as projectors, projection screens, stage assemblies, and a car. In addition, it will be impossible to do without audio and video equipment, for example, microphones, amplifiers, speakers. All this can be rented for the first time or purchased a second-hand product.

Partnership opportunities

To reduce costs in the first few months of operation, as well as to get a free source of advertising, try to find a firm to partner with.

A company that works on decorating rooms and halls for celebrations and themed parties is ideal. Such a partnership will save money with a small start-up capital.

Clients will be able to order a package of services at once, which is convenient for them and for you. And if the partner company has already established itself in the market, this will be an additional incentive for your company to be successful. By posting information about the services of a partner company on business cards, advertising brochures and Internet sites, you can distribute information about your agency to an impressive number of potential customers for free.

Hiring people is not worth trying to save money. A dissatisfied team may well fall apart, since this field of activity is favorable for freelancers, and many actors will find work without any problems. This does not require a holiday agency at all.

The business plan can be cut in rental or printing costs, but staff should not suffer in any way, this is the only way you can create a strong and friendly team. Be simpler about some of the work moments, because cooperation with creative people does not imply a strict schedule. Unplanned situations will arise constantly, no organization of holidays can do without it.

The business plan should allow for deviations and innovations, taking into account this particular feature of this business area. Be prepared for the need for constant investments, at the first stage they are simply necessary for the growth of your business. Try to learn to think creatively to cope with seasonal demand. Discover new directions, look for corporate clients.

Just do not grab onto all the cases at once, it is better to ideally work through one scenario after another. Corporate trainings and private events are a separate business idea. Organization of holidays for such clients leads to a world of great profits. It's not enough to get into it, you need to constantly invent and surprise. We can say that this business is very difficult, but also exciting at the same time.

Work with clients

To keep your business afloat, it is not enough to perfectly decorate the holidays. The business plan should include the costs of a website that will be created with the assistance of professionals. This virtual page will be a visual representation of the creative that your agency is capable of, so its importance should not be underestimated.

In addition, for the constant growth of the number of customers, it is necessary to make so-called hot calls: the company's employees must attract people to thematic promotions and exhibitions, distribute business cards, and then call after preliminary acquaintance. For regular customers, you should consider the possibility of discount programs and special parties.

There can be no trifles in this, it is important to have a non-standard approach to communication with all types of customers. Gifts for the holidays, video presentations of scenarios - everything marketing methods will be good for drawing attention specifically to your agency and for making it stand out from all others.

Start-up costs

Not so much money is required to start, the amount of five thousand dollars will be enough. Some of these funds will go to employees' salaries, while others will have to be spent on suits, cosmetics and equipment. The third part will be aimed at renting premises.

If funds allow, it can be purchased, but such expenses are no longer included in the budget start plan. It will not be superfluous to have a laptop on which it will be possible to show customers videos from the events already held by the company.

Having bought all of the above, you can confidently start working in the field of organizing holidays. If you have creativity in you and you were able to find your own creative approach, profits will not slow down, justifying everything that was spent on the agency in the first months of its existence.

Prepare your portfolio. Having concrete examples of your work demonstrates to prospective employers that you can be trusted and maintains the impression that you have the knowledge and experience.

  • Record all the events that you helped organize. Take photos, save sample invitations and client recommendations that testify to your reliability and experience. Place it in a professional-looking binder or folder. If possible, scan all materials so that they can be sent to potential employers by email.
  • Prepare professional resume, in which describe your education and experience. Be sure to list events you have participated in as a volunteer, and also indicate your participation in the professional and student organizations of which you are a member.
  • Write customized resume cover letters for each job. There is no one size fits all cover letter. Customize your cover letter to address the specific needs of the customer and describe how you can meet them.
  • Start spreading information online. Tell everyone you know you are looking for a job and ask them to let you know if something comes up. You never know who someone else might know, or what someone might hear about the work that is drawn.

    • Create a LinkedIn account. This social network allows you to create an account and place a resume in it, which you can send. You can also join groups and networks of other people in your industry.
    • Don't lose touch with fellow students. If any of them got a job, ask how they got it and if there are any other vacancies.
    • Make business cards and carry them with you at all times. Making business cards is relatively inexpensive and a good idea to carry around as you never know where and when life can bring you to someone who can help you find a job.
  • Look for a job over the Internet. There is so much work to be found online now that it is very important to visit popular job sites. Also, certain organizations or specialized sites may advertise vacancies in the area of ​​event management, which allows you to focus your searches.

    • Superjob and HeadHunter are popular job search sites in Russia. Narrow your search to "event planner", "event management", "wedding planner", "event coordinator" or "event management".
    • The Meeting Professionals International website has a Career Center where you can also look for work (careers.mpiweb.org). Also check out specialeventsite.com and careers.nace.net (the National Catering Association's job site in the USA).
  • Walk the streets. Look for event companies near you, stop to leave your resume to them. At times, personal appeal, especially in this communication-oriented field, can be critical.

    • Look your best and be professional when you show up for the company. You need to know the name of the leader in order to ask for a short meeting with him. If the meeting in currently is impossible, politely leave your resume with cover letter with the secretary and plan to make a follow-up phone call in a few days.
    • Carry your portfolio with you in case you are lucky enough to meet someone who will hire you.
  • Consider working as a freelancer or starting your own business. These may be steps you might want to take after a few years in the industry, or you may know right away that you want to work as an individual for yourself.

    • Explore the competition. See which event management companies already exist in your area, what they specialize in. Being able to be different from them in one way or another can be an advantage for getting you on your feet and getting clients.
    • Talk to other freelancers or entrepreneurs. There is no need to comprehend everything through hardships. Rely on the experience of those who can help you avoid some of the pitfalls that self-employment can pose.
  • Don't stop trying. Finding a job in many fields is difficult. Persistence will pay off, so stay positive and keep looking.

    • Form a support group of friends who are also looking for work. Surrounding yourself with people who are in the same boat with you can smooth out the feelings of alienation and frustration that come with finding a job.
    • Celebrate small victories. Interviews, polls, callbacks are all positive things. Even if they do not lead to getting a job at the moment, they let you know that you are on the right track and there is an interest in you in terms of finding out who you are and what you have to offer.
  • If a person loves the holidays, he should think about how to become a wedding organizer. The profession is quite difficult, but very interesting and profitable. For one event, you can get from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, and sometimes the salary is calculated as a percentage of the total cost of the holiday. As a result, this profession can be considered one of the most profitable and unpretentious. A person does not need to have a diploma of higher education, desire and some personality traits will be enough. In this article, we will look at how to become a wedding organizer, where to start your business and how this profession differs from the rest.

    Before becoming a wedding organizer from scratch in Russia, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the pitfalls of this profession. Such a vacancy is not suitable for everyone, because a specialist must be sociable, courageous, active, understand fashion trends and have organizational talent. If the reader has all of the above qualities, he should consider in more detail the aspects of this work.

    The benefits include the following points:

    1. Constant communication with people, the opportunity to find new influential acquaintances.
    2. Activity is captivating, it allows you to show creativity and creativity.
    3. Excellent wage, which is many times higher than the salary of an employee in standard positions.
    4. Great demand in any region. Regardless of the economic situation in the country, people often get married.
    5. By the nature of his activity, the employee gets acquainted with many national traditions, learns interesting contests and gets fellowship.
    6. He brings people great joy, gives them the best moments of life.

    Among the flaws are noted:

    1. The performer bears a serious responsibility, so he will no longer be able to retire in case of illness or other unforeseen circumstance.
    2. Drunk high-ranking guests often bring serious problems, and the organizer's task is to correctly resolve conflict situations.

      Become a wedding planner

      Due to their professions, these people may carry firearms with them. It is necessary to check the moment in advance and ask all guests to hand over dangerous items to the guards.

    3. You have to work 12 hours a day or more. During the execution of the order, there are practically no days off, any personal holidays and worries have to be postponed.
    4. The activity is associated with constant movement around the city, regardless of weather conditions and the state of health of the performer.
    5. In the cold season, people rarely hold weddings, so a specialist may temporarily be left without orders.
    6. Not all partners and clients are friendly. The employee will need good restraint in order to resolve conflict situations and not enter into confrontation with problematic interlocutors.
    7. High competition requires good self-promotion. At the start, you will need to seriously work on promotion and constantly make sure that customers leave only positive reviews. People pay a lot of money and want the event to be held at the highest level. They will be very upset if difficulties arise during the celebration.

    Knowing all these features, the reader will be able to prepare for a difficult job and decide if it is right for him. The responsibility is very high, so you should not make quick rash decisions. Think about how you had your own wedding and practice organizing the celebration of your relatives and friends. This will bring valuable experience and give a real understanding of the responsibilities of a representative of this profession.

    How to become a wedding planner? What professional qualities do you need to have?

    As mentioned above, special education is not required for this, however, it is highly desirable to have the following abilities:

    • Organizational talent is necessary, because during work you will have to solve a lot of problems, deal with documents, estimates, draw up reports, pay attention to logistics and a huge number of other points. The employee is obliged to take into account all the nuances and collect actors at the right time. It is necessary to constantly coordinate the activities of your assistants and partners, to ensure that guests and newlyweds do not need anything.
    • Providence. It is necessary to anticipate force majeure circumstances and to think over all the options for the development of events in advance: from bad weather to problem guests. Salaried worker must take care of blankets, umbrellas, medicines in advance. If problems arise during the event, they all fall on the shoulders of the manager.
    • Internal discipline and multitasking. It often happens that several wedding projects are being prepared at the same time. In this case, the employee has to switch from one event to another, while thinking about all the little things and difficulties. For clear coordination, you will have to have an inner core and constantly write down your actions.
    • Attention to detail will create the perfect holiday. During the wedding, everything should be top notch. The coordinator will have to take into account every little thing: bridesmaids' outfits, wedding dress and costume, makeup, jewelry, decorations, music, etc. All these elements, if placed correctly, will create an unforgettable atmosphere, but in case of inept use, they will drag the event “to the bottom”.
    • Love for people will help you to endure their shortcomings and get real pleasure from your work. During organizational process the newlyweds repeatedly change their wishes and accuse the employee of unprofessionalism. A person should treat his clients well and understand their nervousness. Otherwise, he will not be able to work with them.
    • Strong nerves have to withstand even the most stressful situations. A very large responsibility falls on the coordinator and in case of failure of one of the employees, he must quickly replace him. Hired entertainers are often late, and the chefs do not always perform their duties professionally. The organizer cannot get lost in a difficult situation, especially when the problem must be solved in a matter of minutes.

    All of the above qualities can be developed, but it is better that the potential employee already possesses at least some of them.

    Now we will tell you directly how to become a wedding organizer. Step-by-step instruction will help you better coordinate your actions and tune in to work. To start a career, you will have to go through several stages. How to become a wedding planner:

    1. Find partners. You should not deal with a complex and multi-stage process on your own. Make an appointment with artists, makeup artists, cooks and other professionals in advance. It is much easier to coordinate the work of familiar people.
    2. Take a couple of free orders. They could be friends or acquaintances who are about to celebrate their marriage. Despite the lack of payment, try to perform your duties as well as possible, because this is a valuable experience and reputation. Ask customers to leave feedback on the event.
    3. Engage in self-promotion. Come up with a catchy name for your company and print business cards. Submit ads to newspapers and wedding magazines, communicate on specialized forums, create a thematic site or group on social networks.
    4. During the holidays, do nice pictures and collect them into an album. The specialist must have his own portfolio for advertising services. Post photos on your web pages.

    What is the profession wedding organizer... How to become one?

    The reader now knows how to become a sole proprietor and coordinate weddings. The manager receives a huge number of benefits, he becomes financially independent and acts on his own. If a person loves to create a holiday and wants to bring joy to people, he should definitely try himself as a wedding manager!

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    Business organizing events, how to open your own event agency?

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    On this page you can download or read a ready-made standard business plan of an agency for organizing holidays and corporate events for free.

    A typical business plan of the company for organizing and conducting holidays

    Overview section

    This business plan provides for the opening of an agency for organizing events for corporate clients, childcare facilities and individuals.
    The organizational and legal form of doing business is a company with limited liability... This option is optimal for a number of reasons. First of all, because the main clients will be legal entities.
    The degree of success of the project is assessed as medium-high and depends, first of all, on the region. In many regions this niche is practically free, but in Moscow and St. Petersburg the level of competition is already quite high.
    Description of the enterprise
    It is planned to open an agency for organizing and holding holidays with the necessary staff and equipment.
    Description of services
    The agency is expected to provide clients with the following services:
    - organization of corporate events
    - organization of children's parties
    - organization of leisure evenings
    - organization of private parties
    - organization of seminars and conferences
    Market analysis
    In this section of the business plan, it is necessary to give a detailed description of the market of agencies for organizing holidays in your region. It is necessary to note the shortcomings in the work of existing companies in order to avoid them later in your business.

    Production plan

    The focal point for organizing a holiday agency should be the agency's office. When choosing an office, consider the convenience of its location for potential clients, because it is in the office that negotiations will take place. The office should consist of two rooms - a workspace for managers and a meeting room. The total office size will be approximately 40 square meters.
    If there is no corresponding repair in the office, it must be done in order to create the appropriate mood and surroundings for the customers.
    The next step is to buy office equipment. Typically, you will need the following list of equipment:
    - computers with Internet access by the number of managers
    - copy machine
    - Fax
    Once the office is ready to go, you need to hire a staff. Typically, employees for a holiday agency are divided into two categories - permanent employees and incoming employees.
    Regular employees are customer search and customer relations managers.
    The incoming workers are actors, clowns, dancers, presenters, etc., that is, all those who do not need to be constantly on the staff.
    Note that it is advisable to recruit experienced managers with solid experience in attracting clients. This will quickly recoup the start-up costs.
    After the staff is recruited, you can move on to a wide advertising campaign. You can advertise a holiday agency in the following ways:
    - creating your own website
    - telephone marketing
    - direct marketing
    - work in the field - departure of managers for negotiations at enterprises
    - word of mouth - after the successful organization of the holidays, your agency will be recommended
    The first months of the agency's work will not be very many orders, and then the number of orders will constantly increase.
    A few words about what equipment may be required when organizing holidays:
    - projection screens
    - projectors
    - musical equipment
    - cars
    - constructions for stage mounting
    All this can be rented at first, and then, as incomes grow, bought into property.
    Note that it would be nice to have an agreement with any cafe or restaurant in order to provide the participants with food when organizing events. This will attract additional customers. The convenience of this approach is undoubtedly - the customer receives the full range of services "from" and "to".

    Financial plan

    Next, we will take a closer look at the financial component of this business project.
    - office rent - 300,000 rubles per year
    - repairs - 50,000 rubles
    - equipment - 100,000 rubles
    - salary of 4 managers - 400,000 rubles per year
    Total: 850,000 rubles needed to start
    - organization of holidays - from 50,000 rubles of net profit from each event.
    As practice shows, successful agencies earn 10-20 million rubles a year in 2-3 years after starting work.
    Thus, payback of the agency for organizing holidays is about 1-1.5 years.

    You can download a ready-made business plan for organizing holidays here

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    Organization of children's parties - where to start a personal business?

    Profitable business can be built on the creative branch. One of its varieties is the organization of children's parties. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are interested in where to start a business and how not to lose their invested capital?

    Agency registration process

    When the question arises of where to start organizing a children's agency, you need to find out whether the entrepreneur has the necessary amount. If you have start-up capital, it is advisable to create a client base for the business, and then register your business. Portfolio design and client search can take a long time, and business taxes will have to be paid. Therefore, first, clients are acquired, after which the business is officially registered from scratch.

    The optimal form of the base is IP ( individual entrepreneur). At the same time, OKVED 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups" are selected. By choosing this profile, the entrepreneur will maximize the capabilities of the company. You need to register your business in tax office... Better to switch to the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). There are two tax regimes:

    • Six percent of all income.
    • Fifteen percent of income including expenses.

    The advantage of the simplified tax system is the submission of a report only once a year.

    You do not need a license to set up a children's holiday agency.

    Plan for the organization of the necessary premises and equipment

    An entrepreneur who opens a children's holiday agency from scratch must have:

    • A car or any mobile transport, preferably a minibus. Since you have to travel a lot and carry various auxiliary materials;
    • A room for the holidays, which needs to be decorated in an original and bright way to attract customers. You can decorate the hall with flowers, garlands, figures of fairy animals, cartoon characters and balloons. When creating themed evenings, an entrepreneur will need appropriate decorations.

    Initially, you can do without an office. But later it will be needed, as it will testify to the solidity of the company. The area of ​​the premises is up to fifty square meters. It is desirable to have a parking area near the rented office. The room must be divided into three zones:

    1. Meeting room.
    2. Warehouse.
    3. Managers work room.

    For a successful business project, it is advisable to organize your own creative website. It will take 12 thousand rubles or more to create a portal. For monthly promotion, you need to spend about 3 thousand rubles more.

    Staff recruitment for the company

    When the question arises of how to open an agency for organizing holidays, then initially you should take care of the selection of qualified workers.

    It is impossible to work without the help of the staff. Starting your business from scratch does not require hiring a lot of employees all at once. It will be enough to invite several competent specialists. Standard set:

    • A manager who must control all business processes and holidays, receive and process calls, communicate with specific customers.
    • A driver who knows the routes well and knows how to entertain guests on the way. He will take over the functions of a logistician.
    • Children's entertainer or toastmaster, creating a festive mood.

    In addition to the above personnel, depending on the job profile, the following professionals may be needed:

    • DJ.
    • Operators.
    • Photographers.
    • Florists.
    • Musicians.
    • Dance groups.
    • Animators, clowns.
    • Pyrotechnics.

    You will need a children's party organizer. His responsibilities include:

    • Creation children's script and agreeing it with the parents.
    • Clear layout of all details.
    • Search and supply of members children's activities costumes.
    • Decorating the hall for children, drawing up the menu for the festive table.
    • Cleaning of the premises after the children's event.

    It is advisable to agree in advance with the chefs on the preparation of high-quality and tasty food. You should also pay attention to freelancers. If something happens, they will help the entrepreneur with children's slogans and a script.

    Organization of financial investments in activities

    The main expenses when starting a business:

    • Rent of premises (about 300 thousand rubles).
    • Necessary inventory (musical equipment will be expensive: microphone, subwoofers, mixing console). A lot of costumes are needed to hold children's parties, trampolines - 200,000 rubles.
    • Employee salaries (from 500 thousand rubles).
    • Fare.

    The opening of a children's holiday agency is not just a team of talented animators. Here it is necessary to think over certain concepts of the case. The amount of initial capital can range from $ 10,000 to $ 100,000 - it all depends on the capabilities and imagination of a businessman. But you can always start a business with a minimum start-up capital. Help from friends and relatives in organizing children's parties will help build a client base.

    How to open a holiday agency

    The agency earns 10-15% commission from small orders and 3-5% from orders of large companies. If a company receives several orders for 40 thousand rubles a month, and subsequently from 6 orders for 70 thousand rubles, then in a year the business can fully pay off and bring a good profit. However, this is a seasonal affair. Summer is a rather unprofitable time of the year. Since most of the children are sent to health institutions or taken to rest.

    Useful information on the case

    You should start looking for clients for business development in your area. It is enough to send colorful postcards to all homes. Later, you can take a more serious approach. There are several types of advertising:

    • Distribution in children's educational and entertainment institutions. Here you need to coordinate your actions with the owner or director of the institution.
    • Through your own portal.
    • Marketing by phone.
    • Direct marketing or direct marketing ( direct communication client and contractor).
    • Departure of managers to enterprises for negotiations.

    Do not forget about regular customers agencies, arranging holiday parties and distributing discount or promotional coupons. You can come up with a special reward system for each client. You must always think one step ahead of your competitors. This business is creative and therefore unpredictable. You need to focus on large companies by implementing corporate events for the children of employees. Recently, the organization of science parties for children has become popular. At these parties, children are taught about science and shown various experiences in an entertaining way.

    Your agency for organizing children's parties needs to be nurtured gradually. If the businessman stands still, the clients will get bored and they will find a more creative entrepreneur. Having thought about how to open a holiday agency, an entrepreneur must answer the following questions:

    • What I want.
    • What is needed for this.
    • What do I have.
    • What's missing.
    • Where to get it.

    The name of the event agencies also plays an important role.

    First of all, the customer pays attention to the name of the company.

    An original and funny name will be remembered faster than a banal one. A profitable business based on organizing children's parties is easy to start with enough activity and desire.

    roll up

    A profitable business can be built on the creative side. One of its varieties is the organization of children's parties. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are interested in where to start a business and how not to lose their invested capital?

    Agency registration process

    When the question arises of where to start organizing a children's agency, you need to find out whether the entrepreneur has the necessary amount. If you have start-up capital, it is advisable to create a client base for the business, and then register your business. Portfolio design and client search can take a long time, and business taxes will have to be paid. Therefore, first, clients are acquired, after which the business is officially registered from scratch.

    The optimal form of foundation is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). At the same time, OKVED 92.3 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities" and 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups" are selected. By choosing this profile, the entrepreneur will maximize the capabilities of the company. You need to register your business with the tax office. Better to switch to the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). There are two tax regimes:

    • Six percent of all income.
    • Fifteen percent of income including expenses.

    The advantage of the simplified tax system is the submission of a report only once a year.

    You do not need a license to set up a children's holiday agency.

    Plan for the organization of the necessary premises and equipment

    An entrepreneur who opens a children's holiday agency from scratch must have:

    • A car or any mobile transport, preferably a minibus. Since you have to travel a lot and carry various auxiliary materials;
    • A room for the holidays, which needs to be decorated in an original and bright way to attract customers. You can decorate the hall with flowers, garlands, figures of fairy animals, cartoon characters and balloons. When creating themed evenings, an entrepreneur will need appropriate decorations.