The name of the autumn holiday in kindergarten. Scenarios of the fall holiday in kindergarten methodical development (junior, middle, senior group) on the topic. "Extraordinary Adventures of Preschool Children."

The script of the autumn holiday in preparatory group

"Golden autumn"
Target: create a festive mood and emotional uplift in children.

1. Reinforce children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, performances, games.
2. Teach children to expressively perform songs and dances, move and play with the attribute "umbrella", "leaves", "acorns", etc., without harming themselves and others;
1. To develop musical and creative abilities of children.
2. Develop cognitive processes.
1. To cultivate love for the native land, respect for nature;
2. To form the skills of children's behavior at the event.
Preliminary work.
Examination of reproductions with autumn landscapes.
Observing autumn nature.
Reading stories, fairy tales, poems and riddles about autumn.
Conversations with children.
Painting different ways.
Listening to music on a theme autumn.
Materials and equipment: autumn leaves, dummies of vegetables, a bucket of acorns, a basket of vegetables, a basket of apples, a laptop, song recordings, umbrellas,
The course of the holiday.
(Classical music sounds.)
1. Leading.

Hello dear guests!
Today in our hall we, friends, have gathered you,
So that on our autumn holiday children's laughter would ring,
So that the friendship does not end, so that the music sounds,
So that there are enough songs and dances for everyone.
2. Host... Rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the leaves on the birches turned yellow,
And the singing of birds is no longer heard at all,
And quietly, Autumn comes to us ..
(To the music, children enter the hall with a snake and stand in a semicircle in front of the audience.)

Child. We cannot live in the world without miracles,
They meet us everywhere.
Magic, autumn and fairy forest
He invites us to visit him.
The wind will whirl to the song of the rain
He will throw the leaves under our feet.
It's so beautiful it's time:
The Miracle Autumn came to us again.
The song "Autumn is Coming to Visit Us"Words and music:E. Gomonova
(after singing the song, the children sit on the chairs)
1. Host.
Call signs sounded
It's time for us to open the holiday
But someone is missing -
Autumn must be called to us.
(The rustle of leaves sounds.)
2. Host.

Oh guys, quieter, quieter!
I hear something strange:
Someone is in a hurry to visit us,
And it seems to rustle.
Whoever it is, come in
Yes guys have some fun!
(Music sounds, Shurshiks enter)
Autumn sent us to you,
She asked to deliver
Riddles, gifts and soon
She hopes to be here by herself.
1. Leading.
We see a basket with gifts.
And who are you yourself?
Believe me, we will not offend you.
What is your name, dear guest?
Shurshiki(together): We sh-sh-shur-sh-sh-shiki!
On the strongest branch of an oak tree
I sat in a cramped acorn.
The time has come and I'm from there
He flew onto a pile of leaves.
I raced through the autumn foliage,
And every leaf rustled to me
And the old oak laughed to tears
And he called me a rustle.
2. Leading.
Do you know, rustle, what Autumn sent in this basket?
The riddles there are not simple,
There are riddles as if they were alive.
1. I'm the only one in the world
Not just boiled, but in a uniform. (Potatoes)

2.Red Pan,
He fell into the pit. (Beet)

3. Chubby, white-faced,
Loves to drink plenty of water,
She has leaves with a crunch
And her name is .. (cabbage).

4. Fluffy and green tail
Growing proudly in the garden.
Vanya grabbed deftly:
-Crawl out into the light, .. (carrot)

5. They plucked the golden feathers from Yegorushka,
They made Yegorushka cry without a bit. (Onion)

6. Into a golden ball
An oak tree hid. (Acorn)

7. Both on the hill and under the hill,
Under a birch and under a tree
Round dances and in a row
The fellows are in the caps. (Mushrooms)

8. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

Well done, guys, solved the riddles! Now I invite you to play with us.
Autumn has sent you a whole bucket of acorns, and now we will find out which of you is the most agile.
(Rustle distributes acorns. Children stand in a circle. Rustle in the center of the circle.)
Game "Pick an acorn"
Put the acorn on the floor
Show yourself in the dance.
Stop the music playing
You need to take the acorn quickly,
Leading after the game... Thank you, Shurshiki. You have amused us.
2.Leading... Autumn is a glorious time
Loves autumn kids .
Autumn we meet ,
We start the song.
SONG« We are waiting for autumn » , music and lyrics by S. Nasaulenko.
(after the song, the children sit on the chairs)
1.Leading... You sang well, played,
All the riddles have been guessed
But Autumn is not coming -
Apparently, he won't find a way.
--Where Autumn golden ?
Here's a riddle, here's a secret
We sing songs here,
And she's still gone and gone.
Let's call her.
All together let's say the words:
Where are you Autumn? Answer me! Where are you Autumn? Show up!
(Soft music sounds, Autumn and her brothers enter.)
Hello guys!
Everyone calls me - Autumn golden ,
I walked through the fields and through the forests.
I congratulate everyone on the autumn holiday !
How good, how fun we all are.
Do you like that Autumn comes to you
And pleases with her beauty?
Forests and groves yellow outfits
I take care with me.
2. Leading.
Come in, come in Autumn!
Be our guest, we are very glad to see you!
Gave a guest- Autumn
By harvests of fruits,
Drizzling rains
A body of forest mushrooms !
So let's praise Autumn
Song, dance and play!
Meetings will be joyful
Autumn , this is your holiday !
I came to visit not alone, but with my brothers.
And what is the name, you yourself will understand now.
The cobwebs flew
Indian summer has come to know
Tell me guys,
What month has come to you?
Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you in unison:
Open your secret to the children
Who is your second servant?
The rain gives way to snow
The wind blows outside the window
Sadness soars through the air
What is the name of the month?
They say about me: "In September, one berry is a mountain ash, and even that is bitter."
October. They call me a dirty trick. People say about me: "October does not like a wheel or a runner."
November. And they say about me like this: "In November, winter fights autumn",
"November is capricious: it cries, then laughs."
Autumn... I'm always happy for a holiday
Come to your kindergarten.
I like to have fun
Play with the guys.
Game "Autumn"(We listen to poetry and perform various movements.)
Leaves are falling fly.
Real leaf fall! (We wave our hands in front of us and to the sides.)
Leaves are spinning in the wind (spinning in place.)
Leaves fall on the grass. (We squat and get up.)
The wind plays with the leaves -
Raises, lowers. (We raise and lower our hands.)
A cloud arrives
Watering the leaves. (We shake our hands.)
We will not be discouraged
Let's go for a walk anyway!
(We go in place.)
Autumn. Well done.
1. Host. Everyone sees autumn in their own way. Look, Autumn at these pictures. (Slide show)
Which one do you like best?
(Exhibition of children's drawings at autumn theme... Autumn rewards authors of the best works.)
Thanks, Autumn that you are with us now.
Children are very fond of autumn festival and now they will read poetry,

Children read poetry.
Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
I gently passed through the foliage with a brush:
Hazel turned yellow and maples blushed,
In the purple of autumn, only green oak.
Autumn comforts:
- Do not regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

When the branches cry
The clouds are swirling
Gathering in flocks
The road runs in the distance
Wet, empty
And the leaves turn yellow
In a gloomy alley.
The sky is getting darker
And she is lighter.
What are the leaves whispering there?
Let's go and ask.
The leaves respond:
But the time comes
Leaves fall yellow
Paved paths
Precious silk
Clouds are sliding down from the mountains
They hide the birds somewhere
Stronger and stronger branches
Crying ...

Who said, that autumn -
Sad time?
Joyfully through the puddles
The kids are jumping.
Yellow leaves
They circle in the air.
Rain on the glass
Knocking merrily
And sang songs
There are cranes in the sky.
Weals to the south
They stretch.
Who said, that autumn -
Sad time?
How many bright colors
She gives us!
1. Host.
Autumn is harvest time. But before you remove it, you need
work hard.
2. Host: The people put together proverbs and sayings about this.
And now the children will be happy to tell them.
... What goes around comes around.
... Patience and a little effort.
... If you want to eat rolls, do not sit on the stove.
... Business before pleasure.
... Human labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
... The bee is small, but even that one works.
... Not everyone sows bread, but everyone eats it.
... Postpone idleness, but do not postpone business!
... Finished business - walk boldly!
Autumn: Well done, guys, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings about work.
Would you like to work?
The game is being played: "Transport the harvest from the field"
Staging "Vegetable Dispute"

Leading We recently heard a vegetable dispute.
Our harvest is good
Was born thickly:
And carrots and potatoes,
White cabbage.
Blue eggplants,
Red tomato
They start a long argument.
(Children come out playing the role of vegetables.)
1. Leading.

Which of you, of vegetables,
And tastier and better?
Who are we in case of illness
Will everyone be the most useful?
2. Host.
Popped peas
What a braggart!
Polka dots.
I'm so pretty
Little green boy!
If I just want to
I'll treat everyone to the peas!
1. Host.
Blushing from resentment,
The beets grumbled ...
Beets (important).
Let me say a word
Listen first!
Beets are needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat yourself and treat-
There is no better beet!
Cabbage (interrupting).
You beets, shut up!
Cabbage is used to cook cabbage soup.
And what are delicious
Cabbage pies!
Bunnies are cheats
They love stumps.
I will treat the guys
Sweet stump!
Cucumber (zodorno).
You will be very pleased
eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And already a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it, of course!
2. Leading.
Then the tomato pouted
And he said sternly ..
A tomato.
Don't talk, cucumber, nonsense,
Be quiet a little.
The most delicious and enjoyable
Certainly, tomato juice!
Potato (modestly)
I, potato, are so modest-
I didn't say a word ...
But potatoes are needed
Both big and small!
1. Host.
To be beautiful, strong,
you need to love vegetables
Everyone, without exception,
There is no doubt about that!
There is also a taste in each,
And I don’t presume to decide
Which of you tastes better
Which of you is more needed!
Leading. All vegetables are healthy.
Game "Pick vegetables"
Assignment - blindfolded, sort vegetables (potatoes, apples and tomatoes) and put them in baskets.
The guys dance to fast music. Vegetables (one less than the participants) lie on the floor. When the music stops, everyone picks up one vegetable from the floor. Anyone who is left without a vegetable leaves the game. The game continues until the last participant remains.
Autumn. Well done! Now answer in chorus.
Game "Say a word".
1.Bare branches knock,
Black jackdaws scream
In the clouds there is a rare glint,
Autumn has come).
2. The piece of ice will crunch thinly,
The bird screams loudly,
As if he would ask for something
Autumn has come)
3. Black nests are empty,
The bushes have become smaller.
The wind carries leaves,
Autumn has come).
Song about Autumn.
Leading. Something the guests were sad,
Apparently they wanted to dance.
Don't keep your noses down -
A little surprise for you.
Only the wind blew
I did a lot of things at once:
I scattered the clouds in the sky,
I plucked the leaves from the tree,
Spun them high
Scattered them far away.
We will collect the leaves
Let's go dance with them!
Dance with leaves.

How beautiful autumn is ,
Let's remember her leaf fall.
Autumn bunches of mountain ash
They are burning bright red
Autumn... Leaves fly in the wind
This means - leaf fall,
Fly around, fly away
They don't want to come back!
We will take a leaf,
We will start playing with them
The game“Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves »
Autumn is scattering leaves around the hall, children are gathering a bouquet)
, you are a beautiful time of the year, cheerful, fertile and fruitful.
The guys have prepared a gift for you.
Without a dance of the beautiful
The holiday is not bright
Accept, Autumn,
Our dance as a gift
"Dance with umbrellas"
(All the children are dancing.)
Autumn, we thank you for a rich harvest, for bright colors, for such a wonderful time of the year.
Thank you guys, you made me happy.
You both sang and played
And they read poems to me.
And for this - respect,
Take a treat!
I grew apples in the garden for you, children
I give you these apples and thank you for everything:
(autumn distributes apples)
Well, I say goodbye to you,
In the forest autumn come back!

Leading. Come on, children, let's say autumn - thank you!
Children: Thanks!
Autumn: Goodbye friends! Until next year!
(to the music " Autumn song"NS. I. Tchaikovsky leaves the hall)
The autumn holiday looked into every house ,
Because the autumn walks outside the window .
I looked into the autumn holiday at the kindergarten ,
To please both adults and children!
The holiday is over and it's time to say goodbye
But we do not have to part for long.
We will be glad to see you and meet again at holiday with us.

Autumn fun in junior group e.


Attributes : 2 autumn leaves for each child.

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on high chairs.
Guys, we came with you to the autumn holiday. See how beautiful it is around!
Multicolored paints worked for a long time,
Nature came out beautiful as in a fairy tale,
All multi-colored - that's beauty!
You will admire what colors!
We ask you to guess the riddle:
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn!

In autumn, it is beautiful everywhere - in the forest, in the garden, and in the yard.
Children read poems:

1st child:
Holiday in the autumn in the forest
Both light and fun!
Here are the decorations
Autumn hung here.

2nd child:
Each leaf is golden
Little sun
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom!

3rd child:
I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues.
Long at home with me
The holiday does not end!

Children perform "A dance with leaves."
Well done, guys! And they sang the song loudly, and read the poems about the sorceress-Autumn, but still there is no Autumn. Where can we find Autumn, can we go to the forest for it?
Autumn enters to the music.

Hello, here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
Well, since you came to me in the forest -
I promise to show you a hundred miracles!
Let it be for my guests, so that it was more fun for them
Animals and birds will come - let's have fun together!
You will find out who will come now if you guess the riddle:
He walks, pecks grains,
Ko-ko-ko she sings
And after her, the guys
Yellow chickens.
Who is this?

Children: Hen
Autumn: That's right, and here's the chicken.

A chicken enters the hall to the music.
I am Ryabushka Hen, I came to visit you. Hello guys! Hello my chickens!
Hello Hen! And the guys know the song about you, do you want to listen?
Ko-ko-ko! Of course I want!
Children, standing near the chairs, sing a song

"The chicken went out for a walk."
Ko-ko-ko! What good fellows! And in my yard there are not only chickens, but also goslings and ducklings.
Do you know how they talk?
Children: Yes.
Hen: Our ducks in the morning ...
Children: Quack-quack-quack
Hen: Our geese by the pond ...
Children: Ha-ha-ha
Hen: Our chickens in the window ...
Children: Ko-ko-ko
Hen: And how does Petya-Petushok sing to us early in the morning?
Children: Ku-ka-re-ku
Chicken kids, do you like dancing?
Children: Yes.
Well, then get up, start a friendly dance!

Children stand in a circle. The chicken shows the simplest dance moves, children, Autumn and the presenter are dancing. After the dance, the children sit on the chairs.
Guys, listen to another poem and guess who it is about?
It rises with the sun.
He sings Ku-ka-re-ku.
There are spurs and a scallop
Who is this?
Children: Cockerel

And we know a song about the cockerel.

Children, standing near the chairs, sing the song "Petushok".

Game "Chickens and Cockerel". (Conducted by the host)
Part 1 - chickens (all children) run around the hall.
Part 2 - "pecking the grains" - squatting down, fingers touching the floor.
Part 3 - the rooster (toy) sings: ku-ka-re-ku - all the children run up to him.
The game is played 2-3 times.
We played nicely! But I have to go home already. Goodbye kids!
Goodbye, Hen! Come and visit us again!
The chicken leaves.

Guys, did you like visiting me?
Children: Yes.
Autumn: You guys are great, had fun from the bottom of your heart!
Thank you for everything and give you apples!
Thank you, Autumn!

We danced, had fun

The songs were sung and frolicked.

But it's time, friends, and we

Go home.

Autumn says goodbye to children, leaves. Children return to the group.


Autumn holiday in middle group"Gifts of Autumn".

Children enter the hall to the music together with Autumn.


The brushes of the rowan trees burned brightly,

The dresses of the aspens became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window, the breeze is having fun -

It will jump, and then it will hide.

2nd child

And the leaves are running along the path

Like yellow mice from a cat.

3- child -

It walks everywhere - autumn wanders,

Here are foliage and poplar dropped.

Look - the cheeks of the mountain ash turned red,

Yellow leaves flew onto the path.

4- child -

The leaves are embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

In bright hats, mushrooms, everything to us, Autumn, you give!

5- child -

Autumn along the path

He walks with the rain

Maples and mountain ash

Undresses quietly.

6- child -

Fall us to your ball

Today I invited

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

7-child -

Autumn, Autumn come to us, give us magic.

The song "Autumn is coming to visit us."


I carry the harvest

Sowing the fields again

I send birds to the south,

I undress the trees.

But I don't touch the pines

And a Christmas tree. I am Autumn. Hello my dear children!

Children greet Autumn.

Autumn . How beautiful it is in our hall, as if we were in a fairy tale!
Leaves are hanging everywhere, like lanterns burning ...
(walking, admiring)
Outside the window, the breeze sweeps the paths
And circles, and sweeps the golden foliage.
What happened in nature, guys,
Tell me ... I don't understand!

Children : This Autumn has come, everything around is gilded!

Autumn. We will arrange a holiday today
We will enter the autumn fairy tale
We'll dance here, we'll play
We will sing autumn songs!

Autumn. In the meantime, let's sit down, rest, invite a fairy tale to visit!
Children sit down.)

Oh guys, quieter, quieter!
I hear something strange.
Someone is in a hurry to visit us
And it seems to rustle.

Music sounds and the Scarecrow appears in the hall.

I dress out of fashion
I have been standing for the whole century, as if on a clock,
Whether in a garden, in a field-garden,
I scare the flocks.

That's who it turns out to be guarding our garden all summer.

Scarecrow: Yes, it's me, Scarecrow! Hello guys! Where are my vegetables?

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am green peas.
All dishes are decorated with me
And they respect it for that.
Me fresh and crisp.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden,
I'll become salty in the jar.

A tomato.
I am a very important signor,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.
I treat everyone, guys,
Who drinks my tomato juice,
Doesn't get sick for a whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
I am proud of vitamins.
In stuffed cabbage, borscht, salads
I will certainly come in handy.
And what are delicious
My cabbage soup!

I am an onion from all diseases.
I guys are the most helpful.
Although I am bitter, it doesn’t matter.
You need to eat me always

No lunch without potatoes
No roast, no okroshka.
Everyone respects potatoes
Who among you doesn't know me?

We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us, guys.

Rich in vitamins
And all the guys need us!

Autumn: And now we will perform a round dance about a green onion and about his girlfriend a carrot.

Round dance "Garden-round dance".(Children sit down).

Scarecrow: This is the harvest! Well I did my best. It's time to reap all this harvest. Well, children, will you help us?

Harvest the game(children take turns playing).

The leaves were filled with the sun,
The leaves are soaked in the sun,
Poured, got heavy
And flew in the wind ...
They rustled through the bushes ...
You can see them here and there.
The wind is spinning gold
Rustling like a golden rain!

So here the breeze brought the leaves to us! Oh, how many of them (points to the leaves that adorn the hall), take a look!

Child. Leaves are all in an autumn day
Such beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The song-dance "Leaves" is being performed.

Child: Rain, rain that you pour

Won't you give us a walk?

Rain, rain, mischievous,

I'll put on a raincoat

Boots on your feet

And I will go out on the path.

Child: Rain, rain all day

Drumming into glass.

All earth, all earth

Soaked from the rain.

Scarecrow ... Ay-ay-ay, the rain is falling, it prevents us from walking!
Autumn . Scarecrow, and we are not afraid of the rain, so that the rains are chased away, we will all dance!

Dance "Evil Cloud.

Scarecrow ... Here's an umbrella for you, kids, it's time for all of us to play!

GAME "Walk and Rain"

Children walk to the quiet part of the music, to the “noise of the rain” they run away under an umbrella.
Children play 2 times.

Scarecrow: D children, it's so much fun on your holiday, but I need to protect my garden from uninvited guests, goodbye, until next year! (leaves).

Autumn:( can be given to the child).

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds flew away.
Outside the window in the morning rustling
Yellow blizzards.
The first ice under your feet
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And to sing -

Autumn: And our children sing, try, and finally sing a song

"Autumn" ( in the morning we will go to the yard ...).

Autumn: Autumn follows the summer,

The wind sings yellow songs to her.

Red leaves underfoot,

A white snowflake flies into the blue.

So our holiday is over, today we say goodbye to the golden autumn until next year.

(Children leave the hall to the music.)


For mushrooms.

Autumn holiday in the senior group.

Music sounds. Children enter the hall. Autumn enters to the music, bows to the children.

Autumn. Hello dear guys. How glad I am that you came to visit me!

Let's start our autumn ball!

Children read poetry.

Autumn decorates squares
Colored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water.
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.

The fields are being harvested -
People gather bread.
The mouse drags the grain into the hole,
To have lunch in the winter.

Squirrels dry roots
bees store honey.
Grandma makes jam
He puts apples in the cellar.

The harvest was born -
Collect the gifts of nature!
In the cold, in the cold, in the bad weather
The harvest will come in handy!

Autumn. I am Autumn - golden,

I rule the ball today

Queen of the harvest, anyone would recognize me.

I am generous and beautiful, and I shine with gold,

And today, wonderfully, I will treat the guests!

In my forest pantries, and berries and mushrooms.

There are a lot of clever guys here, who is ready to go into the forest?

(The children answer in unison - "We".)

Autumn. Show your skill, you must find mushrooms,

And your mood will help us along the way.

Children sing the song "Mushroom Harvest" S. Sosnin.

Autumn. Well done, my friends, you did your best not in vain!

Your harvest is very tasty, today it will be a glorious dinner!

Children (one by one, one line at a time).

We are not just mushroom pickers

Mushroom pickers are lucky

Mushroom pickers are excellent students

Mushroom pickers - merry fellows

Dancers and mathematicians!

Dance "Spider".

Autumn. I see that you are friendly guys. Now guess my riddles.

There are many trees growing here, and full of miracles,

Animals in holes and dens, we go with a basket to ... (forest).

What kind of berry is it, poured in blue juice,

What are the bushes? Look - ka, this is sweet ... (blueberries).

What kind of carpet lies in the forest, embroidered with lingonberries?

We will rest, lie down, oh, in the green, soft, warm, (moss).

This house of needles that fell from lush Christmas trees

There are no windows, no crowns, a hundred residents are scurrying about.

It is decorated with a strict spruce forest, a small house ... (anthill).

Autumn. Children, my breeze told me that you know very much about me good song... Let's all listen to her.

The song "Where, are you, sun ?."

Autumn. Today I walked through the forest and saw that wonderful mushrooms have grown in our fabulous forest glade, let's hear what they say?

D The children are playing out the "Mushroom dispute" scene.

Mushrooms (children in mushroom caps) are sitting in a clearing. To light music, Masha runs happily with a basket, she is looking for mushrooms. Stops in front of the first mushroom - White. He slowly rises, grows, and importantly, akimbo, stands in front of Masha.

Masha. Oh what a good fungus

And it looks edible,

In a dark hat, with a white leg,


White mushroom. I am the best, the best mushroom

And I'm also useful.

To everyone's delight on the table -

Take me to your place!

Masha. Oh, what a good fungus,

And it looks edible,

In a dark hat, with a white leg-

Induces appetite.

Brown birch tree. The birch tree is my name

I'm with my brothers,

I grow under birches

I drink cold dew

I'm waiting for you to come for me

And you can take it in the basket.

Masha takes the mushroom. The birch tree takes the White mushroom by the hand, so they follow Masha in a chain. The next one on the way is Boletus.

Masha. Oh, what a good fungus,

And it looks edible,

In a red hat, with a long leg,

Induces appetite.

Boletus ... I am a funny Boletus!

I grow under the aspens

And everyone loves me in salty,

For the taste and this beauty!(pointing to his hat).

Masha invites the boletus to join her company. Everyone goes on and meets the boletus. (2 children nearby.)

Masha. Oh, what a good fungus,

And it looks edible,

There are two of them - how similar,

Induce appetite.

Butterlets. We are perky boletuses

In sticky hats with a leaf,

You did not come to our forest in vain,

We will also go with you!

(Join other mushrooms). They come up to Amanita.

Masha. Oh, what a good fungus,

But is it edible in appearance?

In a red hat, in white crumbs,

Like a lantern in the forest burns!

Mushrooms . (in chorus). Masha, don't take the mushroom, take care of yourself!

Amanita. I am a merciless killer

Flies and other nonsense

My suit is like a ceremonial flag,

You will notice the red color!

I'm a bait for donuts!

And I store poison in reserve!

But the mushroom picker meeting me,

For some reason, I'm not happy!

Mushrooms (in chorus). Masha! Don't take the mushroom

Take care of yourself!

Masha. I need mushrooms without poison,

Only edible I will be glad.

Well, you are an evil Fly agaric,

Masha. Here are good mushrooms, sprouted after the rain. (Shows the collected mushrooms).

Mushrooms. White mushroom.We are healthy and tasty

Birch ... Soup and salty.

Boletus. Children, adults need it so much

Everything. We are edible mushrooms!

Mushroom dance.

Then relay races are held with the children.

"Who will name mushrooms more?"

2 teams compete with each other. The winner is the team whose members named the most mushrooms. (For each title, Autumn awards a point- trick.)

"Who will collect the most mushrooms?)"

2 players with baskets, at the command of the leader, begin to collect mushrooms (fake) spread across the hall. The winner is the one who has collected the most mushrooms.

To the cheerful music, Dunno in an apron runs into the hall, holding a saucepan in his hands.

Dunno. Hello everyone, hello everyone!

How in a hurry I was!

Today is a festive dinner,

I boasted to cook!

Let them call you Dunno

I'm not holding a grudge,

I will have time for everything, here and there,

I grab on to business.

Oh, yes, there are a lot of mushrooms here,

The soup will be nice

Although I cooked soup for a long time,

I'm the chef in charge here!

Autumn. Dunno, do not rush, make friends with the guys, and if you have forgotten how and from what to cook soup, the children will tell you whether the mushroom is edible or not!

Dunno. Oh guys, help me,

Oh guys tell me!

How to cook this soup?

What do they put in the pan?

Autumn. Dunno, first pour water into a pan (Dunno performs all the actions), crumble potatoes, onions, carrots, salt the soup. First you need to boil the mushrooms, then add to the soup. You need to take mushrooms clean, edible. Children, name the edible mushrooms!(Children call familiar mushrooms).

Dunno interferes with the soup with a scooper, puts edible mushrooms there.

Dunno ... The soup turned out wonderful.

I, as a cook, distinguished myself.

The soup is rich and fragrant.

Here is a bay leaf floating.

Let the soup cool until it cools.

Well I undertake to check you,

All of you see mushroom pickers,

But where are your songs? I'll listen now!

Song "Harvest" (A. Filippenko, T. Volgina)

Autumn. Well done, children, you have prepared a good song. And let's also sing funny ditties about Autumn for Dunno and all the guests.

Chastushki. Autumn is a delicious time

Autumn - loves children.

Hey guys don't yawn

The harvest is ripening!

In the garden and in the garden,

I will find fruits, berries,

Oh, what is not here.

You can make a vinaigrette.

How beautiful our garden is.

Apples hang everywhere.

Yellow and red

And the taste is wonderful!

Potatoes have grown in the field.

Our harvest is ready!

We planted a little

We dug up seven bags!

A goat climbed into the garden.

I was very surprised!

He found a big head of cabbage!

I almost choked!

Lida went out into the garden.

She pulled her hat on.

The crow scared

The scarecrow was scared!

In the quinoa garden

Stinging nettles!

Or a ridge is hidden,

Or am I lazy!

We have a large turnip,

The whole family was dragged.

We admired for an hour

And then they boiled it!

Who worked wonderfully well,

Who was not lazy all summer

He will be full all winter. Autumn will reward generously!

Dunno ... Our autumn is so rich!

How much I learned here!

Thank you guys

I have become smarter now!

I know how to look for mushrooms,

And that you don't have to take everything!

I'll take edibles

Suitable for food!

Now I'm in a hurry to my friends,

I'll treat them to delicious soup! Goodbye! (Runs away with a pot of soup in hand).

The children rise from their seats to sing the closing song.

Children. Goodbye beloved Autumn,

The mistress of the pores is golden!

We loved you very much

For affection and warm peace!

Thanks for all the treats

For berries, mushrooms harvest!

But soon winter is approaching,

(In chorus) Dear Autumn, goodbye!

Song "Golden Song".

Autumn. Children, and Dunno left here some kind of package, let's see what's in it. (He unfolds, and there are gifts for children.) After all, it was he who brought you the treat, but he forgot to give it back. (Treats the children).

Autumn. Children, thank you for the warm farewell! According to popular acceptance, I'm leaving with frosts. My shift is over, it's time for me to hurry up! Goodbye guys, I'll drop by your place in a year! Now wait for the winter!

(He bows, waves his hand and leaves, children come out of the hall to the music).

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.




Scenario of the holiday in the junior group "Autumn Fairy Tale"

To the music, the children flock into the hall, examine its decoration, go to their chairs and sit down.

Educator : Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall!

Autumn wanders along the forest paths.

It walks majestically near slender pines.

All of us are comforted: "Summer has flown by,

But cheer up, children! It's not scary! "

Walks along the paths Autumn slowly,

Hear how the leaves rustle around us?

Guys, let's take a walk and collect colorful leaves!

Children move to the music with a calm pace around the hall and pick up two leaves from the carpet.

Leading What beautiful leaves you have collected! Let's dance with them. Performed "DANCE WITH AUTUMN LEAVES"


While we were playing with the leaves, clouds ran across the sky and the rain will soon come to us

Gloomy weather and rain outside, It got very cold in (October).

Leading: (listens). Someone is running here to us, Someone is hurrying to us here ... Let's clap, we stomp better, Let him find us soon!Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and a Cloud runs into the hall, holding two sultans in her hands. Cloud. I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue, Let it be small, but very strong! If only I want - I will wet you all with rain!Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "sprinkles" them with a rain-sultan. Leading. Cloud, Cloud, wait, Take your rain away! We know a song about the rain And we will give it to you! Performed song "Who's playing naughty outside the window"lyrics by N. Solovieva, music by M. Partskhaladze.

Cloud. What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys! It really rains very often in autumn!

Cloud : Guys, let's play the game "rain"

The game "Rain" is being held.

Rain, rain more fun! Lei, lei, do not regret!

Drip-drip on flowers, trees and bushes. (they run scattered around the hall with the sultans, lift them up, perform swings)

The rain, the rain stopped, the rain stopped pouring.

The drip-drip rain sleeps, does not knock on the paths. (the sultans hide behind their backs, squat down)

Drip-drop-drop, drop-drop-drop, the rain wakes up Drip-drop-drop, the rain is starting! (rise, perform the swings of the sultans and scatter around the hall)

Cloud: Rain dripped on the grass

Trees and foliage.

I did not catch up with your children,

I got angry…. stopped.

You are wonderful guys, I'll tell you honestly

It was very interesting to have fun with you!

At the end of the dance, the Cloud runs away from the audience.

Educator: For the autumn holiday, the children learned poems:

1 child: Yellow leaf on the palm,

I'll put it to my cheek.

It's a sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

2 child : How quiet the autumn garden,

Leaves are flying from the branches

They whisper quietly, rustle,

They want to lull you to sleep.

3 child: The leaves suddenly turned yellow - this is autumn,

Take a look around - it's autumn

A mushroom has climbed under the Christmas tree - this is autumn,

He calls you and me into the forest - it's autumn!

4 child : Nice in the autumn in the forest,

Leaves are falling.

In a clearing by the river

Mushrooms have grown ...

5 child : The sun is radiant

Laughs affectionately

Fluffy cloud

Smiles from the sky.

Music sounds, Autumn appears


Are you talking about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends.

Well hello! Did you call me?

And I came to you for a holiday,

Although business did not let go,

But I still found the time.

And my animal friends also promised to come to you for a holiday.

Educator: Autumn, the guys and I were really looking forward to you and prepared a song.

Song "Autumn"

A sad hedgehog comes out to the music:

Hello guys! Hello, autumn!

Autumn: Hello hedgehog! Why are you so sad?

Hedgehog: I walked in the forest since the morning,

And I was looking for mushrooms.

Only there are no mushrooms in the forest,

Eh, in winter I will be lost.

Autumn: Do not be upset hedgehog! I know that you love mushrooms more than anything in the world, and I have prepared a gift for you!

Hey mushrooms come out

Yes, dance for us soon!

Mushroom dance (boys put on mushroom caps, perform a dance)

Hedgehog: Oh, how many mushrooms! How can I collect them all!

Presenter: Don't be afraid, hedgehog, the guys will help you!

Game "Gather mushrooms"

Autumn (hands a basket of mushrooms to a hedgehog) Here is a Hedgehog, look how many mushrooms the children have collected for you.

Hedgehog: Many thanks! Now I'm going to hang all the mushrooms in my burrow to dry! Goodbye, guys!

Autumn ... Someone is still in a hurry to us,

Someone is flying here!

And flies to us

Little bird

And her name is (children) titmouse!

Music sounds, a titmouse flies in

Titmouse ... Chiv, chiv, hello guys, hello, Autumn!

Autumn ... It was not in vain that you flew here

She came to me in time,

I've been waiting for you for a long time

And I have a gift ...

Like red peas

Light up outside the window

Not viburnum, not raspberries,

This is a rowan berry!

You mountain ash go out,

And dance for us soon!

Mountain ash dance (performed by girls).

Titmouse. Very tasty, very bright,

Your sweet gifts!

We will not be lost now

And we will live all winter!

Thank you very much, Autumn!

It's a pity, kids,

It's time for me to fly

Have fun, don't be bored

And meet the guests!

Goodbye! (titmouse flies away)

Bear : Hello, guys, I was in a hurry for the holiday.

I have toys for you - These are the rattles.

The bear gives out tools to children.

Playing with rattles

Hare: Now is the time

Dance for us, kids!

We will threaten with a finger

Beat very hard with your foot.

Let's not forget to spin

And, of course, bow!

The dance "Fingers-pens" is performed.


I will tell you from the bottom of my heart -

All the guys are good!

But I'm curious to know

do you like to play?

Then I invite you to play an interesting game!

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held.

Cheerful, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. During the dance, Autumn covers one of the children with a large transparent scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!

Who is hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you've guessed right, the handkerchief is raised (the child who was under the handkerchief jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else claps at him). The game is played several times.

During the game, the teacher imperceptibly covers the basket with apples with a handkerchief. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, hid under the scarf.

Educator: No! All the guys are here! Who, then, hid under the handkerchief?

We raise our handkerchief

What is under it, now we will find out!

What is this? Basket!

(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)

And in the basket ...

Children: Apples!

Autumn : I had a lot of fun!

I fell in love with all the guys.

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

What to do? Waiting for business!


All go off to the music. The teacher invites the children to the group to eat apples.


Scenario of the holiday "How the children were looking for autumn" (middle group)

Children run into the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Vedas: Mom dad attention

We ask you to hold your breath.

We start the presentation

For the kids in surprise.

Have fun with us

Come back to childhood together.

Clap and sing along.

Meet the Autumn Festival.

Comes to music Autumn

I am a golden autumn, it’s been here for a long time.

Magic, golden, always my name.

We have not seen each other for a whole year,

Over the summer, it's my turn again.

I worked so hard, painted,

She decorated everything with bright colors.

My dear friends, tell us about me.

1 child What a beautiful autumn

What a golden carpet.

And visit the guys today,

A holiday has come to us today.

2 children Yellow leaves in the garden

The wind is sweeping.

It's only once a year

It happens in the fall.

Song "Holiday in Autumn"

Autumn : Look how beautiful it is around.

At the edge of the forest is dense

It will open the doors for us.

Here we will meet different trees.

Guys, do you hear, it seems someone is coming to us. Cheerful gnome, little man. Let's play it, hide behind the leaves.(Children pick up leaves from the floor and hide behind them)

(A Dwarf enters, looks out for something)

Dwarf : How much work has become.

How many leaves have fallen.

I hurry to sweep them,

I'm putting things in order.

I'll take a broom

I will collect the leaves in a bunch.

(Sweeps, children run into a small circle and wave their hands, turning to face the audience)

Gnome: That's order.

Autumn : A cheerful breeze,

His path is not close, not far.

Flies around the world

And inflates the leaves.

(Children sit down and again hide behind the leaves)

Dwarf : What, you are the wind, really?

All the leaves scattered.

I'll take a broom

I will collect the leaves again.(Sweeps)

Oh, you leaves are mischievous,

Bright, but painted.

So as not to dare to fly away.

I must catch up with you all.(Children run to places)

Dwarf : And these are not leaves at all, but these are children, girls and boys. They decided to play a trick on the old grandfather. Well, hello, mischievous people. Tell us why they came to the autumn forest?

Ved. Dear, gnome, we came to your wonderful forest to look for mushrooms, berries and of course to admire the wonderful autumn nature.

Dwarf : Welcome.

Autumn : I'll tell you a secret

And I really love poetry.

Guys, tell me poetry.

1 child Leaves fall, fall, fall. And the clouds are floating in the sky

Happy again with bright colors

Long-awaited this time.

2 children Leaves are spinning in a dance

And they will make friends with me.

Dance with leaves

(thunder roars, children get scared)

Ved. What's up, what's up?

Everything around has changed.

An autumn cloud flew to us,

I wanted to spoil the holiday for my friends.

A cloud enters, beats the drum

Cloud: I am an evil, stormy cloud.

I don't like to have fun.

All the guys in the cold rain

I'll pour it now.

(Children are hiding, a cloud waters them (touches them with a blue sultan))

Here's a rain for you.

What, are you playing with Autumn?

If you don't know my rules.

Everyone is bored, afraid of me.

And don't sing or laugh. (Bends fingers)

I take the golden autumn from you,

And I leave the cold rain for you.

Autumn : No, no, we don't need rain or a cloud,

Better, don't torture me. Let me go to the guys

Why do we need rains on the holiday?

Cloud: How is that why?

Autumn : We don't need rain.

Ved. If the sky is gloomy and threatens with rain, who guys will hide us from the rain?

Children: Umbrella.

1 child The pouring rain is not terrible,

After all, you and I have an umbrella.

We will have fun walking.

Slap and jump through the puddles.

2 children If the rain is pouring

I take my umbrella with me.

Very bright and large,

Red, yellow, blue.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's drive the cloud away.

Dance "Cloud"

Ved. Let the guys drive away the evil cloud. Let's say it out loud

Children : Cloud, cloud, run away,

And do not frighten the children.

Ved. Apparently someone was silent.

Let the whole hall help us.

Dads, mothers, help.

Speak with us.

Cloud: Oh, you, so. Then I definitely take Autumn,

And I leave the cold rain for you.

(Thunder roars, the cloud grumbles)Izh, what are there. Ah, have fun. Let's see how it rains. I’ll also let you thunder. Pushing out autumn.

Dwarf : Guys, what should we do now? What is a holiday without golden autumn?

I know what we will do. Together we will go to the autumn forest and of course we will find a beautiful autumn. And a magic pipe will help us in this, a pipe - a whistle. As soon as we play on the pipe, we immediately find ourselves in a forest clearing.

The gnome plays the pipe, wild berries appear.

Berry: We are laughter girls

We are mischievous girlfriends.

We are sitting under a leaf

And we look at the sun.

Dwarf : You, funny sisters,

Give us a quick answer.

Where can we look for our autumn?

Do you know or not?

Berries: No, no, no,

The answer is from the berries.

Dwarf : Play the pipe again

Who will come to us, guess.

Squirrels appear Ved. We meet together our forest guests. Proteins: We are squirrels,

The girls are laughing.

We are not too lazy to work

We ride all day.

Squirrels love russula

They are tearing nuts from the branch with their paws.

All supplies in the pantry

They will be useful to us in winter.

We also have a request.

Very needed for the winter,

We have salted mushrooms.

Dwarf : There are countless mushrooms in my forest,

There are different mushrooms.

And you and the guys play a game,

And pick up the mushrooms.

Squirrel : Guys, let's go for a walk in the forest,

And collect mushrooms.

But remember, he lives in the forest,

Angry and terrible gray wolf.

Ved: Guys, in order for us to collect more mushrooms, we need to sing together a funny song about mushrooms

"Mushroom song"(children collect mushrooms to lose)

Children walked in the woods, And they picked mushrooms. There is a fungus, there is a fungus, Here is a full box.

Ved. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an evil and terrible wolf appeared. Wolf : I am a hungry, angry wolf, All day long teeth snap. I haven't eaten at all for a long time, I will eat you guys.(catches up with children)

Dwarf : What, squirrel, we played a game with you,

And they scored mushrooms for you.

You jumped on the branches, jumped,

Have you seen golden autumn there?

Squirrel : No, no, no, the answer is from the squirrel.

Gnome: It's a pity.

Play my pipe

Guess who will come to us.

Lesovik: (laughs) Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Vedas: Who's laughing so merrily? Do you guys hear?

Dwarf : And this is my friend, old Lesovichok. Oh, and he's funny.

Lesovik. (stretches) Hello, guys! Oh, and he made me laugh!

Gnome: Who?

Lesovik. Yes, old Lesovichok!

Gnome: So it's you!

Lesovik. So I made myself laugh, do you want me to make you laugh too?

Dwarf: Of course we do!

Lesovichok. Let's play with you"Edible - inedible".

If edible you say: “Yum, yum, yum”, and if inedible: "Fu, fu, fu."

1) Crispy rolls(Yum Yum Yum)

2) Slippers stuck(Fu Fu Fu)

3) Puff pies(Yum Yum Yum)

4) Boiled felt boots(Fu Fu Fu)

5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)

6) Greasy napkins(Fu Fu Fu)

7) Delicious gingerbread(Yum Yum Yum)

8) Crispy apples(Yum Yum Yum)

What are you guys attentive!

Vedas: Thank you Lesovichok, you really amused us with your game. Tell us, have you seen autumn?

Lesovichok: No, no, no, you have an answer from the forester.(Lesovichok leaves)

Dwarf : What guys do we do? Nobody saw autumn, nobody saw it. We'll never find her. We need to come up with something else. Let's sing Tuchka's favorite song. When she hears, she will come to us. And the golden autumn will bring with it.

The song "Autumn Cap Cap Cap"

Cloud Leads Autumn

Cloud: Thank you friends,

I heard my favorite song.

After all, without a cloud and without rain

There is no fall.

Just as there is no autumn without sunny days.

Ved. Kohl you came to the holiday

You must make friends.

Right, guys?

Children: Yes.

Autumn : For the sake of our friendship,

Let's dance.

Dance "Girls and Boys"

Vedas: Well done, guys, we sit down and have a rest.

Autumn : How can I thank you guys?

You walked through the forest with a gnome

And they found a golden autumn.

I will perform a miracle now

And, of course, I will treat you.

1,2,3,4.5, I begin to conjure.

The Dwarf comes out and carries a basket

Autumn : We raise a handkerchief, what is under it, now we will find out. Has prepared gifts

For your beloved kids. ( Treats children)

Autumn : Well, it's time for us to say goodbye, Goodbye, kids!

Dwarf, Cloud and Autumn say goodbye and leave.


Scenario of the autumn holiday "Magic brush of autumn"

Senior group

Children enter to the music

Vedas: How loud the music sounded!

A wonderful holiday awaits us today,

And I learned in secret

That Autumn will come to visit us.

She should have been here for a long time.

Let's go with you, kids. We will glorify autumn with poems. We will ask you to come here as soon as possible.

1. Today I looked into every house for a holiday

Because Autumn wanders outside the window

I looked into the autumn holiday at the kindergarten

To please both adults and children.

2. Oh, you are an artist Autumn. Teach me to draw in this way. Then I will help you in your work.

3. The stupid cloud didn’t know That Autumn had come here Fiery forest outfit extinguished with rain for an hour in a row.

4. Oh, the trees turned yellow In the wind they sway

It's a shame summer days

End so quickly

5. Autumn again! Birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

And again an autumn holiday

Comes to us in kindergarten.

6. There are clear days in autumn:

Leaves flutter like moths

The spider webs on the bushes shine

Yellow leaf fall pours down the path.

SONG "Leaves are Falling"

Vedas: Well, here, inaudibly Autumn has come

And quietly, she stood at the gate:

At the entrance, Autumn is silently waiting,

But no one opens the door for her.

Let's call together together:

Autumn, come in, we are waiting for you!

Children : Autumn, come in, we are waiting!

Autumn enters - ugly, dull, in faded clothes.(Sounds of nature)

Autumn: How beautiful it is in this room!

A world of comfort and warmth.

Did you call me poetry?

Finally I came to you!

Vedas: How, are you Autumn? I don't understand

Why are you like that?

Not bright, dull

And no one is cute.

Where is your gold outfit?

Autumn: This is the whole trouble, but I don’t know what to do.

I have lost my gold brush.

Magic brush that I paint with

All autumn nature, both trees and fields.

Vedas: Is your brush gone gold?

What to do, Autumn dear?

Autumn: Do not be sad, dear ones, I know the answer.

There is a miracle in the world that will give color!

This miracle is called friendship.

Are you guys good friends?(Yes)

Are you kind guys? (Yes)

So there is a brush!

"Dance of Kindness"

Autumn: What are you guys great!

Rain runs in jumps to the music(with rain sultans)


Hello kids: both girls and boys.

I am a rainbow laughter, I am an autumn girlfriend

How wonderful my outfit is, droplets hang everywhere.

Because the rain and I are bosom friends!

Vedas: Well, rain, stay, have fun with us.

The rain is also friendly with us, we all know

Children: (in unison) rain is needed!

Rain: Do you need? Well now we'll see!

Whoever gets into the rain will go home now!

(catches up with everyone "wets" sultan) children scatter on chairs.

(For rain)

Vedas: The rain is dripping on the roof

Here I see the droplets!

But the rain is not scary for us, because we know the song about umbrellas

"Song about umbrellas"

Vedas: You see a little rain, what kind of friendly guys we have, no rain is terrible for us.

Rain: Well, hold on now, if I have come, I will take up my wet business!

Vedas: What are you, what are you, Rain, wait! Autumn has not been golden yet!

Rain: So hello! Where have you been? Know you slept through your time?

Vedas: Rain, listen, wait.

Autumn had a terrible trouble:

The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

How to paint the forest with gold?

How to create miracles without a brush?

Rain: Is the brush missing? Why suffer in vain?

We urgently need to take action.

Okay, I'll help you, so be it!

It is necessary to wash off the green color from the leaves.

I have familiar umbrellas, they will help us call the rain to wash the leaves better.

Dance "5 Umbrellas"

Autumn: No, it was in vain that you washed the trees,

The leaves are green as they were!(shows where the green leaves are)

Vedas: Don't be sad Autumn, we know"A song about rain", can he help us?

"Song of the Sad Rain"

Autumn: Again, nothing happened….

Rain: Okay, okay, Autumn, don't be sad

The rain comforts Autumn and they leave.

Vedas: The rain has passed, and under the stump

The mushrooms have grown quickly!

Mushrooms have grown

In a small forest.

They have big hats

And they themselves are different.

Lead: The mouse ran past

And I saw the mushrooms.

Mouse: Here are beautiful mushrooms

I'll take them to my daughter.

Host: What are you a mouse

What are you a mouse.

You ask the kids

All the guys say.

Children : Mice do not eat mushrooms.

Lead: The little kitty ran past

And I saw the mushrooms.

Kisa: That's how many mushrooms there are

I'll take them to my daughters.

Leading : Oh, you don’t need a little kitty

Don't feed your kittens.

All the guys say.

Children : Kittens don't eat mushrooms.

Lead: Teddy bear passed by

I almost crushed the mushrooms.

Bear : Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here

Eat them let them warm the blood.

Lead: You are funny, lazy bear

You ask the kids.

All the guys say.

Children : Bears do not eat mushrooms.

Lead: A hedgehog with a squirrel ran

And they saw the mushrooms.

We will ask our guys

Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

Lead: Do squirrels eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

Squirrel : I will dry my mushrooms

I'm on a sharp little bitch.

Hedgehog : I'll take my mushrooms

Straight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

Gather mushrooms in baskets(Lemonade Rain)

Hedgehog : I roll my way, looking for yellow leaves.

I want to insulate the mink for the winter with leaves.

Only I do not see them, there are no gold leaves.

Why hasn't autumn come? Forgot your business?

Squirrel: If you are looking for a yellow leaf,

You don't seem to know

Autumn has lost the brush.

She has nothing to paint the leaves!

Hedgehog :

I need to help her soon,

After all, she can't do without leaves.


Hedgehog Hedgehog wait!

You are one, and there are many of us here.

The guys will help us find.

Child: Let's visit the vegetable garden

We will collect the harvest

And I hope Autumn

We'll find a brush there.

Round dance-and-syncing:"Harvest the harvest"

Leading: Guys ... well ... you have not accidentally met the Magic Brush that Autumn has lost.

Child : There is no brush in the garden, but listen to the advice

Hurry along the path, ask the forest dwellers!

Maybe someone saw the brush, maybe he took it for himself?

Children sit on chairs.

Vedas: This is the story, guys,

The brush has really disappeared somewhere.

Autumn is there somewhere sad walks,

The gold brush is nowhere to be found.

Music sounds ... Baba Yaga enters with a gold brush, paints the hut

Vedas: So this is where it is, the magic brush. Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! What got to me is gone.

Lead: But Autumn has lost this brush. She knows what beauty she will bring! Trees will give golden outfits, cover the earth with a golden carpet.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you cunning ones! Themselves will bring beauty, but what would you order me to live out my century in such a shabby hut? No, now I’ll bring beauty to my place, but I’ll live happily ever after. And I won't let anyone in to see me!

Veda: ( appeals to children)What to do? How can we lure out the magic brush from Baba Yaga? I came up with it!

Baba Yaga, you must be bored of living alone.

Baba Yaga: Is this boring for me? Yes, I'll arrange such fun, I want to sing, I want to dance!

(Baba Yaga starts dancing,(Baba Yaga dance) while Baba Yaga dances, Squirrel changes the brush to a broom).

Baba Yaga: Oh, what am I doing, dancing? I have no time! The hut over there is not worth it.(Takes a broom, starts painting).

Baba Yaga:

What is it, I don’t understand? Why doesn't the brush paint?

Lead: Don't you get it yet? It's your broom!

Baba Yaga. How's the broom? Where is the brush?

Leading. Look, do not be lazy (B. Ya. Walks around the hall,"Looking for a brush")

Baba Yaga: Apparently I can't find a brush, I'll have to paint the hut with my own broom!

Vedas: And you play with our guys, and they will help you paint the hut.

GAME "Vorotiki"

During the game, the presenter turns over the hut (with a beautiful side to the audience)

Vedas: Baba Yaga, look how beautiful your hut has become!

Baba Yaga: Wow, what a beauty! I'll go and heat the stove, and warm my bones!(Baba Yaga goes to the hut).

Beautiful music sounds and Autumn enters in autumn dress

(2 Fall Out)

Vedas: And here is the Golden Autumn!

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you.

I will perform so many miracles!

I'm going to gild the whole forest

Autumn, accompanied by music, touches each leaf with its magic brush, the leaves turn into autumn leaves.

(Autumn repaints the leaves)

1. Autumn, how glad you are!

A motley leaf fall is spinning.

Leaves near trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

2. It's autumn like a queen

He comes to us slowly.

And the leaves are flying, circling,

Quiet rustling song.


Autumn: For this bright, bright holiday, accept gifts from me.

Here are my autumn gifts for the children(shows the children a basket of apples).

1. Thank you Autumn

Thank you very much!

For generous gifts -

For a patterned sheet, bright,

2 .For a forest treat -

For nuts and roots

For lingonberries, for viburnum

And for a ripe mountain ash

All children: (in chorus) We say thank you, Autumn we thank!

We will ask you to come here as soon as possible.


So autumn is knocking on our windows

Gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And it won't come back

Summer with a warm sunbeam.

The wind will whirl to the song of the rain, Leaves will be thrown at our feet. Our city is beautiful, golden grass: A miracle has come to us again - autumn!

Presenter: Guys, let's sing about our autumn city! I think autumn will definitely hear us and come to visit.

Song "Autumn City"

Autumn enters the music

Storyteller - Autumn:

Hello dear guys!

I am golden autumn, Today I rule the ball. Queen of the harvest, Anyone would recognize me! I am generous and beautiful, And I shine with gold. And now all wonderfully, I will treat the guests!

Children : A hot summer ran away in the distance, Warm days dissolve somewhere. Somewhere golden rays remained, Warm sea waves remained!

We cannot live in the world without miracles, They meet us everywhere. Magician, autumn and fairy forest, He invites us to visit him.

Trees get wet and cars get wet, houses and shops get wet! Autumn sings its song in the rain, We will sing it quietly for you! Song: "Autumn, honey, rustling!"


Autumn is a glorious time

Loves autumn kids. Plums, pears, grapes - Everything is ripe for the guys.

There is a harvest in the garden, collect whatever you want! Cucumbers and tomatoes, There are carrots and lettuce, Onions in the garden, sweet peppers And a whole series of cabbage.

Storyteller-Autumn- So in my garden and vegetable garden, various vegetables and fruits have ripened: strawberries ripened, apples turned brown, pears poured with honey, watermelon was sugared and carrots ripened, radishes were ripe. The good-natured zucchini warmed their barrels, the tomatoes turned red, and even the mischievous cucumbers were already ripe in the sunny garden.

Girl: If you water in the summer

The garden is right,

These are the goodies

Will grow as a reward.

"Dance of vegetables and fruits"

The cucumbers remain in the background of the stage (the rest of the vegetables scatter onto the chairs). Mum-cucumber walks from behind, stroking their heads.

Mom - Cucumber: In the beds, like on chairs,My Cucumbers are sitting.My boys are growingGreen pants.Cucumbers: We are mothers' sons -Funny brothers.(together)

Summer in the gardenWe are fresh, green.

And in the winter in a barrel - Strong, salty.

We have young barrels, We are mischievous brothers.

We fields with water, Let the family grow!

"Song of the Cucumbers"

Storyteller - Autumn:

And there was one very naughty prankster in the cucumber family. He could not sit in the garden bed, he was spinning, jumping and wanting to run away all the time, and his mother had to calm him down.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:But one day Cucumber did not obey, looked out from under the leaf, turned on the barrel and rolled off the garden bed. And then suddenly a strong Wind swooped down.


I break everything, I rip everything, I overshadow the white light. No one is spared!

Storyteller - Autumn:And everything spun, spun, away we go ...Leading:The Gherkin Wind has carried it far away. The kid began to look for his home, his garden.

the cucumber "rolls" to the music

Storyteller-Autumn -And I met an important Tomato Cucumber.


In the spray of the sun it ripens soon And it is called a tomato. Fat, important, red-faced, And he is not afraid of the heat!

A tomato:(Important)-drum dance

I grow up in the garden, And when I ripen, They cook a tomato out of me, They put it in the cabbage soup and eat it like that.

Storyteller - Autumn:And the Cucumber Tomato teaches.

"Lullaby to Gherkin"

Storyteller-Autumn- The cucumber with the tomato said goodbye and ran on. He met a beautiful radish on the path.


I am a ruddy radish

I'll bow low, low

Why praise yourself?

I am already known to everyone.

(dance of radishes and cucumbers)

Storyteller Autumn:

And she began to teach the Cucumber Radish.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:Gherkin listened to Radish, but did not obey and ran further to look for his mother. Suddenly a cheerful Carrot runs out to meet him.

Carrot:Carrots, except for braids,There is also a long nose.I hide it in the garden!And I'll play hide and seek with you.

Dance of carrots and cucumbers "Polka"

"Lullaby to Gherkin"

Storyteller - Autumn:But he did not obey Carrot Gherkin, ran on and met someone very big.

Watermelon:I'm as big as a soccer ball!When ripe, everyone is happyI taste so good.Who am I? What is my name?

All vegetables and fruits: Watermelon!

"Hopak Watermelon!"

Watermelon:Now listen to me carefully!

"Lullaby to Gherkin!"

Storyteller - Autumn:

Didn't listen to the watermelon cucumber and ran on ... suddenly got into the garden, where he saw the Apple fall from the branch.

Apple: I am a ruddy apple, poured with juice. Look at me, what a delicious.

Storyteller - Autumn:And then Pear came up to Apple.


I am a ripe Pear,Apple's girlfriend.Three of us akimboAnd let's go to a merry dance.

"Dance of the Apple, Pear and Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:And the apple and pear began to teach the cucumber ..

"Cucumber Lullaby"

Storyteller - Autumn:Cucumber did not obey either the Apple or the pear and ran on to look for his garden. He met lazy zucchini on the path.

Girl:Zucchini lie in the sun

Good people love to warm up

They are ripe in the summer

And you like the color.

(Zucchini dance)

Storyteller - Autumn:And the zucchini began to teach Gherkin.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Autumn -The cucumber said goodbye to the vegetable marrow and ran on. Small strawberries met him on the path.

(Strawberry dance)

Look, look:

We are strawberry beauties!

Children of our arrival

Oh, how they are waiting.

We fall asleep together with the sun

There will be a golden ray of us

Scarlet cheeks glow

We wash ourselves with dew

Bells fondant

Our best friends

Can't find girls sweeter

Than a strawberry family.

Storyteller - Autumn:And the strawberries began to teach Gherkin.

"Lullaby for a cucumber"

Storyteller-Autumn -Gherkin looked at the beauties of strawberries and did not even notice how he wandered onto that terrible path, to that end of the garden where Gray Mouse lived.

The mouse catches up with the Pickle.

Storyteller - Autumn:

This is how it works in nature -

The mouse lived in the garden.

I didn't like candy canes -

I loved cucumbers!


This is how I will now grab this stupid Cucumber by the barrel! He's probably so tasty, so crispy - delicious!

Storyteller - Autumn:

The Gray Mouse wanted to eat a cucumber, but out of nowhere a ginger cat appeared.


Oh, you gray mouse! Go away, pick me up - I'll hello to your hole! Otherwise I will grab you and trample you.


Oh, oh, oh, don't trample me, the red cat, I will not eat your cucumbers anymore, I will eat candies.

Storyteller - Autumn:

And then Ogurchik's mother came running, was glad that she had found her son.

Mom - Cucumber:

Finally, my son,

You naughty friend!

How I was looking for you,

I suffered all night.

She said:"Do not go!",

She said:"Sit down!"

From now on you will not be like this

Naughty, mischievous.

Storyteller - Autumn:

It ended well. The cucumber found his home, his mother. The gray mouse did not eat it. To celebrate, the cucumbers called their friends withvegetable gardenand from the orchard to visit and everyone began to dance.

"Dance of Friendship"


A fairy tale is fiction, a hint!

A great lesson for all children:

Fruits, children, eat,

Always listen to Mom.

Storyteller -Autumnbrings out a tray of fruit and treats the children.

"Autumn Ball"

Characters: presenter, Autumn, Auntie Slush.

The hall is festively decorated in autumn style. Children run in to the music, stand up in a semicircle.

1 .Autumn us to his ball

Today I invited

So that no one is late

Autumn asked

2 ... Funny painter at random

Sprayed wonderful colors

And the forests are autumn outfit

We are beckoned like a good fairy tale.

3 .So let's praise autumn

With a song, dance and play

Meetings will be joyful

Autumn is your holiday.

Children sing a song to the tune "Cool you got on TV".

Verse 1:

We gathered in this room.

To sing and dance.

We called our friends

So that we don't get bored.

With this song we open

Our autumn, bright ball.

And let's say everything to begin with

"You got very cool!"


Cool you got to our ball!

Come in!

And bring your friends!

Cool you got to our ball,

This is class!

Let's start the holiday now!

Verse 2:

Autumn wanders along the paths

And he goes to the children in the garden.

Immediately the leaves turned yellow

And they fly, fly, fly ...

Starts, starts

Autumn your farewell ball

We just fell into a fairy tale -

You hit, and I hit!


Cool you got to our ball!

Come in!

And bring your friends!

Cool you got to our ball,

This is class!

Let's start the holiday now!

4. The ball is in full swing! Songs, laughter!

Music calls us all

Have fun, dance!

Everyone is forbidden to be bored!

5. The hand was boldly given to a friend.

We stood in pairs in a circle.

We dance very dexterously

Our favorite dance is the polka

"Polka dance"

Leading: And where is Autumn, we don't understand

Why isn't she included in us?

Probably with the rain together

Does everything bring beauty?

Let's call Autumn

Autumn we are waiting for you

Come on, amicably:

Autumn we are waiting for you!

Autumn: How glorious you are

Hello, friends

On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

I'm glad to see you

I am autumn golden

Bow to you my friends

I dreamed for a long time

About meeting you I

Leading: In a golden dress

Autumn came to us in the hall

Like a beautiful queen

Opening the ball.

The song "Autumn knocked on us"

Outside the door, you can hear someone sneezing. To the music "Autumn Mood" (lyrics and music by T. Bokova; cassette "Autumn") aunt Slush enters and sprinkles the children with water.

Auntie Slush:I was in a hurry for the holiday

So nicely dressed up.

I can cheer you up

Very generous to give.

Autumn: Dear guest, very strange

You behave at a holiday with us.

I feel that something is wrong here -

Stop splashing water on the guys.

Auntie Slush:Oh oh oh! Please tell me

Well, a little dampness spread.

And why are you, autumn, surprised,

You probably didn't wait for the rain?

Has it become important? Are you getting squeamish?

You’ll laugh soon enough.

(To the side)

Autumn needs to be taught

To take them to the forest rather.

She takes autumn by the hand and angrily leads her away.

Leading: Sweet autumn, we will save you

And again we will invite to the holiday.

Auntie Slush:Trying in vain. You will not find golden autumn,

do not try, I wet it with rain,

twirled with leaf fall.

Leading (addressing children):

What to do, how to be?

We need to teach a lesson to Slush.

You guys help out,

Blast the Evil Slush!

Auntie Slush:Nothing could be easier, guess, now I will quickly solve them.

Children make riddles. The slush cannot guess them.


1. The clouds are catching up,

Howls, blows out.

Prowls around the world,

Sings and whistles. (Wind)

2. He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We are in a hurry to hide in the house,

Will knock on our window

And thump and thump on the roof!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend! (rain)

3. The cold scares them so much

They fly away to warm countries

I can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks? ... (birds)

4. Fluffy cotton wool

Floats somewhere.

Than cotton wool is lower

The closer the rain. (clouds)

5. Yellow leaves are flying

Falling, spinning

And under your feet just like that

How does the carpet fall! (leaf fall)

6. I am in the kingdom of puddles, in the land of fires and waters.

I am in the principality of the winged people,

Wonderful apples, aromatic pears.

Tell me what time of year is it? (Autumn)

Auntie Slush:I lost your battle,

I didn’t guess a single riddle.

I must keep the agreement

We'll have to give you Autumn.

Autumn (out):

Thank you, my dear friends,

So happy and grateful I am.


Autumn, honey, sit down!

Sing and have fun with us.

Children will sing a song

They will read poems about you.


1. Autumn is the yellow word of the yellow picture

Because the leaves on the aspen have turned yellow!

Autumn is an affectionate word, warm days,

Because the sun is friends with a light breeze!

Autumn is a delicious word, jam is being cooked,

Because there is a lot of fruit, a lot of treats!

2. Leaf fall, leaf fall,

The yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

A yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

Yellow courtyard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

Yellowness, yellowness,

This means that autumn is not spring.

3. Spun over me

The rain from the leaves is mischievous.

How good he is!

Where else can you find -

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends -

Leaves and me.

4. Autumn is walking

In our park,

Autumn gives

Gifts for everyone:

Red beads -


Umbrella yellow -


Autumn fruits

Gives us.

5. The birdhouse is empty -

The birds flew away

Leaves on trees

Also does not sit.

All day today

Everything is flying, flying ...

Apparently, also to Africa

They want to fly away.

Autumn: Will your children dance at my ball?

People are waiting for him, waiting

And when he comes take cover

Cap - like ding - dong everybody dancing in the rain.

Rain dance with ribbons


Guys, how many delicious vegetables and fruits are ripe

For pickles and compotes

I have a whole basket

Oh what have i done

Confused everything

Help guys decompose my crop

Vegetables in one basket, fruits in another basket

Game: "Lay out vegetables and fruits"


Guys, thank you for helping me arrange fruits and vegetables, and guests have come to visit us. Who is this?

A suite of vegetables comes out

Vegetable ditties

A tomato

I am a ruddy tomato

I am very important senor

If the tomato does not grow

You won't get a salad.


You will be very satisfied

Having eaten a lightly salted cucumber

Crunches on teeth, crunches

I can treat you


I'm white and juicy

I am healthy and tasty

I stand on a thick leg

Hold my clothes together


Look very important

All striped zucchini

Either right t, or left

Warms the tank with the sun


I am strong and round

Dark red sides

Beetroot young

So sweet.


Had a lot of fun guys

What will grow in the forest after the rain? (mushrooms)

And today gentlemen mushrooms

Guests at our ball

Please introduce yourself

1. In a red hat on one side

We are not too lazy to show off

Younger brother

But still a kid

2. Amanita

Amanita in a red hat

Crawled right out onto the hillock

I have a smart look

It is a pity that it is very poisonous

Song - staged: "Fly agaric boys"

Game "Poisonous and Edible Mushrooms"


Thank you dear guests

For coming to my ball

The guys in the garden still have a lot to do

It is not for nothing that the people say

Autumn - reserve

Winter is a trick.


Thank you autumn

For your beauty

For the brightness of colors

For the ball that you arranged for us today

And at parting, we invite you to a round dance.

Round dance harvest

Autumn: I want to thank you with gifts

And wish you to be healthy, strong and cheerful.

Autumn gives gifts and leaves


Everything in nature has its own turn

Winter will come after autumn

Though it's a pity to part

But it's time to say goodbye to autumn

Children leave the hall to the music