Entertaining children in d u humorina. Scenario of the holiday "Humorina" for children of the senior and preparatory groups. The song "How Good It Is"

Scenario of the holiday "Humorin"

Carlson: Celebrate the holiday of laughter.

Well fun, so fun!

Like a whole white light

I ate a laugh for lunch.

Grimace is allowed today

Joke, play and somersault.

Holiday - humor in the morning -

Let's shout out together haha!

Carlson:: Today you came to the feast of laughter. I suggest everyone to say hello to a neighbor than I say

Game "Hello"

(everyone walks to the music, at the command of the presenter they greet different parts of the body).

Leading: Want to play again? Do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Carlson :: We'll find out now!

I ask those who like to play and joke to speak loudly - I am!

Who loves games?

Chewing gum?

Eat your shoes?

Ice cream?


Who loves to sunbathe?

Who likes to yell?

Who likes to sing songs?

Cutlets for lunch?

Swim in a muddy puddle

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Sing and dance?

Who loves cartoons?

Leading: Then let's remember their names!

    Bremen ... wolves (musicians)

    Red…. Queen (cap)

    Ivan Tsarevich and the gray ... flower (wolf)

    Princess…. Seven-flower (frog)

    Sister Alyonushka and brother…. Frog (Ivanushka)

    Geese ... - musicians (swans)

    By the pike ... the swan (command)

    Flower ... frog (seven-flower)

    Scarlet…. Kulechik (flower)

    Snowy ... Ryaba (queen)

    Hen ... traveler (Ryaba)

Leading: Can you sing songs?

Song "Motley Cap" (music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovieva)

Carlson :: And now my guys, guess what riddles?

    Crowing sleepily

Dear, kind

Piglet (rooster)

    Who gnaws a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course it is ...

Bear (squirrel)

    Who will take off from the flower just now?


Hippopotamus (butterfly)

    Who hums in the barn in the morning?

I think so that

Whale (cow)

    There's a big fight in the chicken coop!

Who are the instigators? Two

Cancer (rooster).

Leading: Well done, my children - they have guessed all the riddles. I propose to play - show your dexterity!

Game "Bag of things"

1 participant with blindfolds. On command, they take out some thing from the bag and put it on.

Leading: How smart you have become! And to make it even more fun, let's dance.

Dance "Sun Bunnies"

Leading: And what fun it is without balloons.

Game "Pop the ball"

Leading: The holiday has a beginning.

The holiday has an end

Who was having fun today -

Gets a lollipop!


Holiday script for children of senior and preparatory groups, dedicated to the laughter - April 1.

Cheerful music sounds. Children enter the hall.

Leading: Seva, Sasha, Sonya, Nina!

Let's start Yumorina!

Humor means laughter

A good joke for everyone!

Humor is you and me

All funny friends!

1st child.

Congratulations on the holiday,

Happy prankster holiday!

Nobody got bored

April 1st jokes

And rather the opposite -

The people are glad to laugh!

2nd child.

We celebrate the holiday of laughter

Here is fun so fun!

Like a whole white light

I ate a laugh for lunch!

Leading: What a holiday without people?

What a holiday without guests?

Come out any, try

Make your friends laugh!

(The clown Vesnushkin runs into the hall with a suitcase in his hands. He puts the suitcase on the floor.)

Vesnushkin: Hello kids!

Boys and girls!

And my name is Vesnushkin!

Have you seen my girlfriend Button?

(A Button runs into the hall to the music)

Vesnushkin: And here she is! Appeared, not dusty! Button, where have you been?

Button: Hello! And I see, are you, aren't you?

Vesnushkin: What did you pour out? I have not poured anything! It's dry everywhere here.

Button: Yes, he didn’t pour it out! I say, are you, aren't you?

Vesnushkin: Oh, howl! Who? Did they howl? Why did they howl?

Button: No! I'm talking about you: are you - aren't you?

Vesnushkin: No, I didn't howl! Did you guys howl? Button! I'm afraid that you alone understand what you want to say.

Button: No, I'm not alone, but we.

Vesnushkin: Who are we?

Button: You, we, you, me (explains with gestures)

Vesnushkin: Who washed up? (to the children) Are we washed up? Who do you think is unwashed? Who are you talking about? Is it about me?

Button: What have you exchanged?

Vesnushkin: Well, that's enough, so you and I will be completely confused!

Button: But it's true, we came here to dispel boredom, have fun, play.

Vesnushkin: Sing songs with you, for fun, for fun to see.

Button: Vesnushkin, what interesting things did you bring the guys?

(Vesnushkin runs after his suitcase and brings it)

Vesnushkin: Well, here it is, my wonderful suitcase!

Button: And what is wonderful about it? Open up quickly!

(Vesnushkin takes various toys out of the suitcase, shows the children)

Button: Isn't it time for us to play?

Vesnushkin: Of course it's time! Only now I doubt if the guys like games? After all, you can win in them, or you can lose! I ask those who like to play, clap your hands!

Button: And he who loves to dance stomps his feet. I invite all of you to the merry dance "Lavata".

Dance "Lavata"

Button: Now let's tell jokes!

Jokes are babies.

1st child: Why are you scratched?

Denis asked me.

2nd child: And I last night

A cat in a trough of soaps.

1st child: And I'm unscratched,

I washed mine, though.

2nd child: But you didn't twist

And did not dry it.

Mama: Why are you wearing galoshes?

A son: I will go to the street wearing them.

Mama: But, there is no dirt, you know?

A son: Do not be afraid, Mom, I will find.

Staging a poem by D. Harms

Boy(with a drawing in hand): For half a day I drew a handsome horse,

And everyone praised me for the drawing.

First, my mother said a word to me:

Mama(girl): Wonderful, Mishenka, a lamb came out.

Boy: I came to my dad with the same pattern

And daddy told me:

Dad: Great goat.

Boy: Then the little sister praised:

Sister: You made a very beautiful kitten.

Boy: And my elder brother praised me,

Yawned and said:

Brother: Nice crocodile!

Button: I also really like to draw. What about you guys? I offer amusement games.


    "Draw a clown" (two teams of four are involved)

    "Draw a funny face on the ball - who is faster" (one person from the team participates)

    "Merry transformation" Dress up each other as a clown (two people per team)

Vesnushkin: Guys, do you want to play the game: "I believe - I do not believe"? (Children's answer).

Game "I believe - I do not believe"

A bucket goes around the yard
Leading grandfather by the hand!

(Answer: I do not believe it).

Cockerel runs to the pharmacy
With a loud cry: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

The bird got up on skates,
And they are great for her.

The kettle floats on the sea
Thinks the steamer!

The bees flew in the field,
Buzzed, buzzed.

The bed rolls across the field
You can't catch it quickly.

The samovar puffed, puffed,
He flew straight into the sky.

Mugs sat on a stump,
With them - slippers-girlfriends.

The lamp in the dress is dressed up
She started dancing merrily!

Shouldn't we listen to fables in our faces?
Fictions sit in the faces of the women,
Crackling nuts and ridicule.
Want to know which ones? And here they are!

Children tell stories.

Deleted old lady

Saddled a teddy bear

Shoe two dogs,

Harnessed and galloped.

I have seen something else:

The cat gored a cow,

A bear came running with a rifle,

He shot a hare with a carrot.

And chased all day

A deer hunter!

And we, friends, in Ryazan

Mushrooms with eyes have grown.

They fry them, boil them, eat them,

And they look at everyone.

Nonsense, nonsense

It's just bullshit!

The chickens ate the rooster

They said that the dogs!

Button: Attention! Attention! I have an interesting thing! (Takes a button, nails, handkerchief out of his pocket) This is not that, and this is not that, and again it is not that! A lot of things, but I can't find what I need! Hooray! Found it! Here is the box! What do you think is in it? You will never guess! Riddles! Now I’ll guess them for you! (opens the box slightly) Oh, almost all the riddles jumped out! Well, they are nimble! Listen!

They beat him with a hand and a stick,

Nobody feels sorry for him.

And why is everyone beating him?

And for the fact that he is inflated! (ball)

Relay games with a ball.

    Carry the ball between your bellies. (5 pairs of children)

    Bring the ball between your backs.

    Pop the ball with your foot.

Vesnushkin: Well done boys. I'll have to buy you some sweets. Receive a handful of sweets. (takes out one candy) Oh, I have not a handful, but only one candy! Who should I give it to? Perhaps this girl here ... No, it's better for this boy ... But no, otherwise the girls may be offended. Better to do this: this candy will go to the one who honestly wins it. I'll cover the candy with a hat, and you think about how to get it without touching the hat with your hands. (covers, children think, try to get candy)

Button: I want to tell you one secret: there is no candy under the hat for a long time. Don't believe it, see for yourself!

Vesnushkin: Yes there is candy there! Here! (Freckling raises his hat, Button takes candy)

Button: You see, I took out the candy without raising a blooper. So it’s mine, because I won it honestly. What! Not fair? Then let it go to the one who wins the game.

Jump up and get the candy game

(sweets are tied to the hoop on strings, the children walk in a circle, at the signal they should jump up and get the candy)

Vesnushkin: Button, sweets - that was not enough for everyone.

Button: Vesnushkin, did we go with you?

Vesnushkin: Well, let's go!

Button: Did you find the sweets?

Vesnushkin: Found!

Button: And where are they?

Vesnushkin: What?

Button: Candies!

Vesnushkin: Which?

Button: The ones we found.

Vesnushkin: A - a - a! Do not know! Let's look. You go there, and I will go there!

They go in the opposite direction, they meet.

Vesnushkin: Well, what did you find?

Button: No and you?

Vesnushkin: Me neither! Let's go look again. (search and find a box of chocolates).

Button: Here it is - a delicious treat!

Vesnushkin: Children for fun!

(Vesnushkin and Knotochka treat the children, say goodbye and leave)

In the hall on the wall there are posters on which proverbs and sayings and aphorisms are written. Humorous newspapers. The emblem is a smile.
1. Those who amuse people are worth the light.
2. He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.
3. Laughter is a great doctor.
4. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
5. All genres are interesting except boring.
6. Keeping laughing is easier than ending laughing.
7. Tears together, laughter in half.
8. If you want to look smarter, don't have smart ones around.

Fanfare sounds: "Hear everyone!" The presenters take the stage.

We will open the holiday today,
Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,
After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide
Our national day of laughter.
For a holiday, for general fun
We invited Laughter to visit,
Fun, Fun and Amusement,
Joke and Humor for fun!

On the stage run out two funnies in costumes.

1st funny man. Hello!

2nd funny man. Hello!

1st funny man. We congratulate you on the holiday of laughter and jokes!

2nd funny man. Greet us with a round of applause.

The hall welcomes the amusements.

1st funny man. There is simply no life for us without laughter. We need him everywhere and always.

2nd funny man. And to cheer up, we call for help

Together. Comic folklore!

A group of guys comes out. They have "musical instruments": a washboard, spoons, a basin, a bucket, a kettle. The guys are playing the melody "Oh, the box is full, full."

1st presenter. We all know that humor helps to ridicule vices and shortcomings. Unfortunately, people react to humor in different ways. Some healthy humor helps one see and eradicate one's shortcomings. Others do not want to notice their shortcomings. And then they say: "It's not funny!"

2nd leader. People say about such people that they are the wrong kind of berry. But let's not stop and focus on this, let's continue talking about laughter. When people see something funny, they express their feelings with the help of the words: "Hee-hee-hee", "Ha-ha-ha", "Ho-ho-ho", "Hee-hee-hee". Even today, let our laughter “all take off” with a cheerful joke, subtle humor, topical satire. It is really not a sin to laugh at what seems ridiculous!

A group of children enters the stage, they perform a scene. The guys portray children in kindergarten: who plays, who draws, the "teacher" sits here and asks the children questions, they answer.

- Olya, how old are you?
- A little 4 ...
- Why a little?
- I was three years long, long, and four only a little ...

Mitya looks at his watch.
- Today is Friday.
- Why?
- Since the arrow is at five, it means Friday.

- Zhenya, what street do you live on?
- I live at home, but I walk on the street.

1st Ridicule: Well, did you laugh? (The audience responds.)

2nd Ridicule: Well, even if you are not above us, but we are above you, it is still good.

1st Ridicule: Were you laughing at us? (The audience responds.)

2nd Ridicule: Now we'll play.

1st funny man. We will ask questions and you will answer.

Play with the audience.

1st Ridicule: Whose proverb is this?

- Laughter through tears. (Russian.)
- Laughter is the brother of strength. (Moldavian.)
- A joke is a minute, but it charges for an hour. (Russian.)
Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom. (Russian.)

While the 1st funny man plays with the audience, the 2nd marks the correct answers and awards prizes after the game.

- How many years do pigs live?
-Five years.
- Two years.
- Your own version.
Answer: pigs live until they are eaten.

The scene "How Kirill spoke" is being performed.

Pupil Petrov Kirill
I killed everyone today:
Began to imitate animals -
Crow and squeal.
Here the teacher came to the class:
-Who will go to the board now?
And Kirill Petrov:
- Ku-ku! Woof woof! Ku-ka-re-ku

Who shouted there? I don’t understand!
And Kirill to this:
- Moo!
- Is that you, Kirill Petrov?
Are you unwell today?
Maybe you need a doctor?

And Kirill to this:

Give me your diary!
And Kirill:
- Tweet-tweet! Meow meow! Kva-kva-kva!

- Everything! - said the teacher. - Two!
-Oh, for what? - Cyril exclaimed.
He spoke again.

The hosts enter.

1st presenter. A good joke
Start your day, friends!
A wise joke, a sensitive joke,
Without which you can not live!

2nd leader. Laughter is more useful to a person
Than a good drug.
Whoever laughs goes to the pharmacy
He walks less often, they say.

1st presenter. A joke is appreciated for a reason,
And the good one is doubly so.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

Two girls sing ditties.

1st girl. No one is so offended
As an orphan Vanyusha:
Swallowed live fish -
Moves in the stomach.

2nd girl. Vanya walks around the village,
He walks - smiles.
It turned out that he inserted his teeth:
The mouth does not close.

1st girl. Nikita forgets everything
Even wear shoes
Nikita's mouth opens -
Forgets to close.

A funny man invites children to play, another evaluates and awards the winners.

1. Running in bags.
2. Tie scarves to balloons. Who quickly? (The balls are hanging by a thread.)
3. Feed your neighbor! The two participants sit opposite each other on chairs. They are blindfolded, bibs are tied up so as not to get dirty. They put spoons and cups of porridge in their hands, and on command, the participants of the competition begin to feed each other.
4. Jumping artist. Participants must draw a smiling person, but the poster on which they will be drawing is hanging high. You have to jump for every stroke.
5. Who will drink milk from the bottle through the teat faster.

1st presenter. You live in the world without knowing grief,
Let everyone be jealous looking at you.
Be cheerful, be you ... happy!
A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

2nd leader. Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile -
We cannot live without a smile!

Everybody sings V. Shainsky's song "Smile".

Leading: So, dear friends! During our holiday we saw dazzling smiles, laughter was heard: perky, infectious, joyful.

All participants go on stage.

Everything. The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,
They joked, played and kept us warm
Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
Remember this fun April Fool's Day,
And we will not forget about you.

Cheerful music sounds, and the participants descend from the stage to the audience.

Integrated entertainment for children 5-7 years old "Yumorina"

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Work description: I bring to your attention a scenario of a complex integrated entertainment. This development can be used by music directors and preschool educators... The script of the holiday is intended for older preschool children.
Theme: April Fool's Day.
Leading educational areas: physical and artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: education in children of the ability to correctly perceive humor and creation positive attitude
Develop a sense of humor in children.
The development of creative independence and aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image, using means of expression.
Develop quickness, agility, endurance. coordination of movements;
Further development the ability to perform songs expressively, correctly conveying the melody and the skills of choral and solo singing.
Activities: communicative, play, theatrical and musical.
Participants: children of preparatory and senior group, music director, educators, parents
Preliminary work:
- selection of a musical repertoire;
- learning poetry;
- learning songs about spring
Scenery: the hall is festively decorated with balloons
Location: music hall.
Materials and equipment: artificial flowers, balloons, ball, felt-tip pens, drawing paper, children's shoes.

Entertainment progress:

Children comically dressed (clothes inside out, one leg longer than the other, with clown noses, decorated hats, etc.) go to the hall with cheerful music.

1. Welcome to this good hour!
Welcome, come in, everything is ready for fun!
Dance, sing, have fun and let laughter reign everywhere!
2. We will open the holiday today,
Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us.
After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide
Funny, funny April Fool's Day!
3. Congratulations on the holiday,
Happy prankster holiday!
Nobody got bored
April 1st jokes
And rather the opposite -
The people are glad to laugh!
4. And with a playful, ringing song we will open the holiday together!
song "Sunny Bunny"
1.April begins, drops are ringing outside the window,
And the beautiful spring instantly woke up from a dream.
2. You heard the song - a sonorous miracle. I know where she came from,
From distant edges together with the first ray
And it says, I know what.
3.And it says, and it says
That funny birds woke up.
And the wind flew to the top of the pine,
I know this is a gift from spring.
"Spring Song"

Spring comes out:

So spring has come to you, and brought warmth to everyone.
I know, they are waiting for me everywhere, I bring joy to people.
Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming.
"Dance with flowers"
Spring: We celebrate the day of laughter, together we will play together.
Game "Be nimble"

Spring: From across the sea, the birds came back to us in a line.
Birds of migratory round dance nests hastily weaves.
1. A starling across the sea lived in winter,
Now he has returned home.
And early in the morning in silence
I sang about the sun and spring.
2. A tall maple is waiting for guests -
The house is fortified on a branch.
The roof is painted
There is a porch for singers ...
In the blue sky, chirping is heard
A family of starlings is flying to us.
The birds began to approach
Flew to the yard
We could not resist
They shouted in unison: - Hurray!
Amazing business: The whole family flew away!
3. The birds are very happy about this,
Hide, winter, your outfits!
Even a small stream
Glad to welcome the rooks.
4. In the sky as clear as a page,
Birds fly by smoothly.
Over the vast fields
Wedge of handsome cranes.
Spring: Birds, don't fly away, you better play with us.
Game "Whose circle will get together faster"

- Hello, hello guys! Guess who I am!
- That's right, I'm a clown. And my name is Bantik! Remember? Come on, repeat everything in chorus.
- Well done! What's your name? ( Children answer all together in chorus)
- Oh, someone forgot their name. Let's all together once more - three or four ... Now that's another matter! So we met.
- Do you know why I came to you?
- Do you guys like laughter, fun, jokes? Do you like to play? We'll find out now!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - Me!
- Who loves games?
- Who loves cartoons?
- Chewing gum?
- Erasers?
- And the baskets?
- Who loves cake?
- And what about ice cream?
- And the chocolate?
- And the marmalade?
- Who loves treasure?
- And the cuffs?
- Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
- Swimming in a muddy puddle?
- Who doesn't wash their ears?
- Who likes to sing and dance?
- And play?
Well, then let's play kids.

The game "Engine".
Children get into the "little train", it moves around the room, "knocks", "puffs", "hums". At the signal "Crash!" children fall to the floor.
The game "Engine" (with balloons).

Inflatable balloons - between children, the train is moving, the balloons should not fall.
"Ball game".

Children move freely with funny music. The driver throws the ball and shouts: "Tanya!" A girl named Tanya quickly runs up and grabs the ball. Calls a new name. Those who gape are eliminated from the game. (Do not name the same children.)
Clown: Have fun, laughed
And everyone was a little tired.
Let's sit and rest
We will find out who are attentive.
You should answer my questions with the phrase "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"
Trap game

Which of the little guys
Loves kindergarten very much?
Who "protects" clothes,
Put it under the bed?
Who knows that the red light
Means: no move?
Who goes to bed early
With dirty shoes on the bed?
Who among you does not walk gloomy,
Do you like sports and physical education?
Which of you, kids,
Goes dirty from ear to ear?
Clown: We will continue the holiday, we will play again!
AND gry: "Sweep with a balloon"
"Find and put on mixed shoes"

Clown: I congratulate you on the holiday, and present you with gifts!
All live amicably - no need to quarrel!
Leading: And now we will all together draw what you liked the most at the holiday.
Children draw to cheerful music.

Holiday for children 5-7 years old

Felix I
Professor Wu clowns, adults
Horse I two adults in horse costume
At the entrance to the hall, the children are met by the clown Felix, shaking their hands. Children go to the hall.
They are dressed in "funny" costumes, some of the boys in dresses.
Felix. "* Oh! You are gorgeous! Glad, very glad! (Suitable for a boy in a girl's dress
thie.) Madame, whole hand, fascinated by your beauty! Greetings to you all, health
go ahead!
Children. Hello.
Felix. No, today we will not greet like this, but like this:
Ole, ole, ole, ole,
Hello Felix Champnon!
Felix is ​​me, by the way. Well, all together!
Children repeat the greeting.
Felix. Now, to make me feel like a real champion, take your pipes, ratchets,
be a support group.
Children make a "noisy" greeting.
Felix. Okay, I'm happy. Now, my dear Pokemon, I'll sing you a calf: boo-boo-boom,
p-p-pim, zhu-zhu-zhum. So did you recognize this song?
The song "Burchalochka", lyrics and music by I. Osokina are played.
Singing to the music
Looking for something
Felix. Hello Professor!
Professor. Where is she?
Felix. Who?
Professor. She.
Felix. Who is she?
Professor. Yes, my animal.
Felix. A dog, or what?
Professor. No.
Felix. Who?
Professor. Yes, a horse.
Felix. We have only Pokemon here.
Professor. Where?
Felix. Yes, here they are.
Professor. Meth, ego is not a horse.
Felix. Where did it go with you, Professor?
Professor. I ran away.
Felix. When?
Professor. Yesterday. Here's how it was.
He talks with the children.

I went for a walk yesterday,
He took the ldshad with him.
Let's go together, me and the horse.
The weather was terrible. The wind was blowing.
The trees swayed and creaked.
The birds hid their heads under the wing.
Suddenly a wolf comes out from behind a tree,
Big and scary.
The horse was frightened and trembled.
Then I began to defend her.
The wolf howled and ran away.
We went further.
I began to scold my horse for
La la la
Tsoka / S t
La-la-la, clatter
Flap their wings.
arms crossed street: oh!
Chest forward, hands in front of you: I won't!
La-la-la, clatter
That she's such a coward.
A horse to me: I am not a coward.
I told her: bs-bs-bs!
Well she took offense
And she ran away.
I went to look for her.
Looked everywhere.
He began to call her: horse!
And in response - silence.
I see there is a policeman.
Noticed me.
I say: don’t shoot, I’m walking.
And he: what horse?
And I'm with mu. L ^
And he told me: there are no wolves here.
And I went home.
Felix. So you never saw her again?
Professor. No. My poor one! And where do you go? Are you looking for me somewhere?
To the music (Zemfira. "I was looking for you") Horse comes in.
Professor. Finally! My dear, how good it is that you were found! And what a fashionable one!
Felix. Horse on the platform. Guys, let's sing a song about her.
They sing the song "Fashionista", lyrics by V. Stepanov, music by L. Abelian.
Felix. O! You, professor, have a magnificent horse.
Professor. I know I like her myself.
Felix. Madam, let me invite you to dance!
The horse nods its head.
Professor. And what about me?
The horse turns to Felix.
They dance tango.
Professor. Honey, forgive me, I will never scold you again! Are you forgiving?
The horse shrugs.
Professor. Tell me what you want? I will fulfill your every wish.
The horse whispers in his ear.
Professor. It's easy. Guys, she wants to dance with you.
Children and the Horse are dancing Letka-Enka.
During the dance, the Horse runs away.
Professor. She ran away again! Well what are you going to do! Horse!
Felix. Horse!
Professor. Who did you leave me for ?!
An excerpt from the song "You threw" is performed by the group "Zhuki".
Felix. Professor, don't cry, let me give you a handkerchief.
Professor. Thank you, I have mine.
He takes out a huge handkerchief, wipes his forehead and nose.
Felix. Yes, now your shawl needs a big wash, and, perhaps, one cannot do it here.
curl. Shall we help the professor, do we have more laundry?
The dance "Ptsachka" is being performed.
Felix. Professor, can you do this? (Stands on one leg.)
Professor (tries). No.
Felix. Is that so? (Stands on the other leg.)
Professor (tries). No.
Felix. It doesn't matter, we'll teach you now.
A pause dance is performed (any dance chosen by the music director).
Professor. Felix, how do you feel about practicing writing poetry?
Felix. With pleasure. What topic are we going to write about?
Professor. I can do anything, and not just poetry, but a whole song.
Felix. Is it really a song?
Professor. Guys, want to teach you too? Do you know the song "Let They Run Awkwardly"? So, take-
meme ordinary laugh. For example: ha, now we substitute it in our song and it's done!
The song is performed using syllables: ha, ho, hee, he, etc.
Felix. Professor, tell me, who are you doing your haircut?
Professor. What are you, Felix, I always do my hair myself. And last year they gave me
diploma for the most original hairstyle. Then hairdressers from different countries came to see me.
places to learn the skill.
Felix. Truth? Could you show us your haircut?
The professor takes off his beret and shows his bald head.
Felix. Yes, very original! You know, just today we have gathered the best
hairdressers and they are ready to compete with you.
Competition between children for the funniest hairstyle.
The winners will be awarded with prizes.
At the end of the holiday, the song-game "Five Monkeys" is performed,
music by I. Osokina.