Will they raise the salary of the police in a year. Office optimization and reductions

Law enforcement agencies have experienced so many reforms over the past few years that you can’t even remember everything - among the reforms and reductions (in 2012 the number of police officers decreased by a fifth), and the reorganization of the police into the police, new standardizations, recertifications, etc. etc. Often, the measures taken by the government as part of these reforms led to a reduction in the number of law enforcement officers, which led to a reallocation of funds and higher wages. Any police officer or member of his family is concerned about two questions - how will the funding of law enforcement agencies change and at what cost? How will the changes affect the staff and what can an ordinary police officer expect? Could it not turn out that instead of an increase, he will fall under a reduction? It is these questions that we will discuss in this article.

Current status and salaries of law enforcement officers

It is widely known that wage policeman is not formed by standard scheme salary + bonus. It consists of several parts:

l Actually, the employee's salary;

l Army rank bonus;

l Regional (or territorial) allowance;

l Bonus for years of service as a police officer;

l an employee of this organization.

Each of these parts requires some explanation. Salary is just that part of the salary that is subject to indexation for compensation purposes. It is she who will be primarily affected by the reform of police funding. With an allowance for an army rank, everything is, in principle, clear - the higher it is, the greater the payment. The regional allowance depends on where the police department where the employee works is located. The most common are the so-called "northern" and "mountain" allowances.

On the currently, according to statistics, an ordinary employee is about 25-27 thousand rubles. This cannot be called a large amount, especially considering the constant rise in prices, inflation and, in particular, the specifics of the work of a law enforcement officer - life-threatening search activities, detentions, as well as the constant "drag out" of the working day until late in the evening. Of course, employees are waiting for a pay rise.

Should we expect a salary increase for police officers in 2017

Measures aimed at optimization public services, in many ways affect law enforcement agencies. In 2016-2017, it is planned to reform police service more than 100,000 employees will be affected. Judge for yourself: at the end of the reform (October 1, 2017), the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not exceed 1,003,172 units. Of these, the state itself police officers will be 835,825 people. More than 1,500 investigators will also be fired. As a result, the number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the end of the reform will be approximately 110 thousand less than the current number - that is, about 10 percent of employees will be laid off.

Naturally, some services will be affected to a greater extent, some - to a lesser extent, some - will not be affected at all. Here is a list of services that need to be reformed the most:

l GUVO (General Directorate of Private Security);

l GUEBiPK (Main Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption);

l GUUR (Main Department of Criminal Investigation).

In addition, the reduction will affect all available vacant positions(currently there are more than 20 thousand of them), the press services of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as cultural services - museums and orchestras.

These changes will not affect all districts - it is already known at the moment that the reform will not affect the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, and the Republic of Crimea.

The current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also noted that the reform will not be carried out evenly in all regions of the country. In regions with a criminogenic situation, not only will there not be a reduction in the police staff - on the contrary, it can be additionally strengthened.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this reform will mainly affect the leadership - ordinary employees should be less afraid. Those personnel who directly maintain order - patrolmen, detectives, "line officers" and district police officers can sleep relatively calmly - among them the reduction is no more than 3%.

Now a little about the numbers. Due to a 10% reduction in the number of employees, it is planned to index earnings (namely, salaries). At the same time, the percentage of indexation is declared at 5.5%. Of course, this is a much smaller amount than employees could expect - but it is worth remembering that the government is trying to cope with. Measures to reduce the number are aimed precisely at subsequently increasing the earnings of the remaining employees on a larger scale.

What the government says about raising police salaries

The crisis in the Russian economy, from which the country has just begun to emerge, is forcing the government to cut spending on civil services, including the police - and this is a necessary measure. At the same time, the government states that it is necessary to implement this optimization in such a way that its implementation does not affect the efficiency of work. For example, the reform of 2010-2011 reduced the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 20% and significantly increased salaries, but this did not have the best effect on the effectiveness of law enforcement work.

Many experts note that due to instability both in the country and in the world as a whole, such decisions require a much deeper analysis. Otherwise, instead of cutting costs and optimizing, we run the risk of increased instability, a worsening criminal situation and an overall increase in costs, which will be aimed at compensating and eliminating the consequences of incorrect decision. When making such radical decisions, it is worth remembering that a decrease in the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may lead to a deterioration in the security of hundreds of thousands of people.

Reform of the internal affairs bodies will take place in several stages, and due to staff reduction () it will be possible to increase salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What did the reform lead to

The reform, as in any change, has two sides of the coin: positive and negative.

Advantages of the reform

From positive sides fashionable to note:

Police salary. Employees will be transferred to the national payment system "MIR"
An increase in the prestige of the service, due to an increase in wages.
Stricter requirements for recruitment.
Increasing qualification requirements.
Fight against corruption.
It's not yet full list positive aspects.

The reverse side of the reform

TO reverse side medals of the reform carried out include:

Experienced personnel who did not pass certification left, there was a shortage of personnel, and there was no less work.
With the tightening of requirements for recruitment, many do not pass the selection, thereby exacerbating the problem of shortages. And the employee, as you know, does not immediately receive experience.
The increase in police salaries did not increase the prestige of the service, as planned.
Salary increase next year

special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Due to the shortage of personnel in the structure of the bodies, President of Russia Vladimir Putin "May" decrees, including on the salary of the police in 2018, made it clear that an increase in the salary of police officers is not far off. Moreover, what an increase: by as much as 150% of salaries in 2012, and all additional payments and benefits will be preserved.

The salary of the National Guard and the salary of the police in 2018-2019.

So, we know two variables: salaries in 2012 and the percentage increase in salary in 2018. We can draw up a table of the planned salary of an internal affairs officer. Take the salaries of a lieutenant and a police captain in 2012, with 6 and 11 years of service, respectively, who serve in a city of over 100,000 people.

The salary table in the police in 2018 will look something like this:

Payment name 2012, rub. Salary of a lieutenant * of the police in 2018, rub. 2012, rub Salary of a police captain** in 2018, rub.
Cash salary
Salary for a special rank 10000 25000 11000 27500
Salary according to position 15000 37500 15500 38750
Additional payments
Percentage premium for years of service


= 3750,00

15% of salary salary


= 9375,00


= 5300,00

20% of salary salary


= 13250,00

Bonus for excellence

15000X0.05= 750,00

5% of the salary according to the position (for a 3rd class specialist)

37500X0.05= 1875,00

15500X0.1= 1550,00

10% of the salary according to the position (for a 2nd class specialist)

38750X0.1= 3875,00

Supplement for special conditions of service***

15000*0,2= 3000,00

Up to 40% of job salary

37500*0,2= 7500,00

Up to 40% of job salary

15500*0,2= 3100,00

Up to 40% of job salary

38750*0,2= 7750,00

Award for conscientious performance of official duties


= 6250,00

25% of monthly salary


= 15625,00

25% of monthly salary


= 6625,00

25% of monthly salary


= 16562,60

Total accrued 38750,00 96875,00 43075,00 107687,60
income tax from individuals 13% 38750X0.13 = 5037,00 96875.00 X0.13 = 12594,00 43075.00 X0.13 = 5600,00 107687.60 X0.13 = 13999,00
For handover
33713 84281 37475 93688,60
Increase in monetary allowance by 2.5 times

The table does not show all additional payments that are calculated from the salary for the position held. Not in the table and material assistance, which is calculated from the salary of the monetary content.

Will the prestige of serving in the police increase?

police girls

With the increase in salaries for police officers in 2018, the predicted 2.5 times will significantly increase the number of people who want to get into such a highly paid job. The salary of ordinary employees of internal affairs bodies will also more than double.

In many countries, people have a special respect for the police. Everyone knows that this work is often associated with great risk. In the event of a difficult situation: a fight, an accident, an accident, a robbery, an attack by hooligans and others, we call the police and hope for their help. Many citizens whose relatives work in the bodies and directly the workers are interested in

Before starting work in the bodies, the police pass special education. They are taught what is useful in the robot and human psychology in order to better understand the motives of people's actions, which is important for young employees. At the academy, they train to detain offenders and individuals who, with their behavior, pose a danger to others.

But, not everyone is actually loyal to people in uniform. Those who have a guilty conscience try to avoid them. It does not matter that in case of danger they will immediately call the police, but the attitude, as "to service dogs law" remains somewhere in the subconscious. For example, people who are prone to drinking, who are often stopped by the police on the street and make comments, do not like them.

Those who are not familiar with the police, who do not have such relatives serving in the police, might not have heard that the salary of the police is charged, not only as a bare salary. Here, different parameters are taken into account. For example, length of service, basic salary and allowances inherent in this region. The length of service in the police and what rank the employee is important. To a bare salary, each factor gives a good amount, but it should be so. Police officers in all countries high risk receive decently. Relatives hope that there will be an increase in police salaries in Russia latest news?

But the task of the police is not only to deal with the consequences and detain criminals, but also to try to prevent the occurrence of a dangerous situation. That's why they stop those who drink alcohol on the street or are drunk. After all, a drunk can get into a fight, and a barely standing one is often robbed under cover of darkness or early in the morning. They steal mobile phones, money from wallets, with bank cards, etc.

Now the salary of police officers in the regions is about 2 thousand rubles. Taking into account various accruals with allowances. Last year, their salaries were indexed, adhering to a certain scheme. The President issued a decree stating that police officers and other state. services should earn more.

The salary is very small and there are difficulties expressed in bribes, increased corruption and high turnover among staff. These shortcomings are clearly visible to the public and have led to distrust expressed in the police. Therefore, at the state level, it was decided to index their salaries so that employees would not be seduced by bribes and would not cover violators of the law. Thanks to this, ordinary citizens will not perceive the police as extortionists who want to get something from them.

In January 2016, they said that the salary of police officers would definitely increase, but now many have doubts whether salaries will increase significantly in 2017? This is due to the crisis that has affected Russia, as well as countries around the world. It manifested itself and became aggravated due to many internal and external causes. Is an increase in the salary of policemen expected in 2017 in Russia? Most likely the state will resolve this issue positively. Follow the news.

The main reason is that the world condemns our country and we are in some isolation from Europe. The domestic market faced a number of problems in exporting its products abroad; imports of goods imported into our country were limited, etc. These factors and many others in combination led to a drop in the standard of living of ordinary citizens. According to statistics, incomes of the population have fallen by 15% or more. Will there be an increase in police salaries in 2017 in Russia? Many expect this and hope so.

Because of these problems, some enterprises have laid off workers (those who are looking for work) and have largely suspended the production of certain goods that, for example, were previously exported. Now the budget receives money from paying taxes regularly, there are no problems. In the political sphere, as always, there are debates, but also work aimed at stabilizing the country's economy. The Ministry of Finance, in order to cover the costs associated with various social payments, had to print out previously closed gold reserves as currency.

Considering all of the above, it is now clear why during 2016 they plan to suspend the growth of benefits with indexation for police officers. Government workers often speak out and, turning to the people, assure that hard times will soon pass and state salaries. employees and workers in other areas will definitely be raised. What will happen to police salaries? Its growth in 2017 is possible. The government is interested in stability, and therefore in the reliability of the people who provide it.


For the last 2 years, wages have not been indexed for police officers. Because of the difficult economic situation, workers are forced to make concessions to their conscience and take bribes, which they are convicted of. This undermines the people's trust in them. Unfortunately, the responsible authorities continue to fight against corruption.

Do not forget that the dollar and other currencies have risen, while the ruble continues to fall. This is due to geopolitical big problems with a neighboring power. In this regard, there are significant changes in the Russian domestic market. The country is looking for new markets in the East. Strengthening relations with China as a consumer of our products.

Now no one can say for sure whether there will be a new indexation of police salaries and whether the salaries of security officials will be increased in 2017? After all, there is a crisis in the country and no one will give a guarantee that the police or teachers, medical workers will increase their salaries in the current 2017. The state would be happy to, but so far there is no way to find reserves for this.

Stability and noticeable improvements sooner or a little later, but 100% will come. Now the time is such that everyone needs to wait out, do needlework, gardening, etc. - search additional income. Many families of police officers do just that, work in the spring and summer, disappear in the fall in the dachas, harvest, make conservation for the winter.

For many years, no matter how they scolded the police, it is she who keeps order in the country. When situations arise involving crime, residents always call the police. The police employ competent, specially trained people how to act in difficult situations. They risk their lives daily. Turning on the news, we often hear that a policeman died during a shootout, detaining a criminal, etc. These people deserve the state to find reserves in 2017 and increase their salaries.

Will there be a reduction in the police force in 2017? Enough work for the police. Most likely there will be no mass cuts. In the bodies, there is already a high turnover of personnel due to low salaries. Experts say that the indexation of salaries for police officers in 2017 is possible, but even if it happens, one should not expect a significant increase.

The question of wages among state employees is always relevant. And about whether there will be an increase in salaries for employees of the Russian Guard in 2017-2018, I want to know both the servicemen themselves and their families.

In 2016, a new power structure was created in Russia - the National Guard. The task of the new formation is to counter the growing crime: terrorism, separatism, extremism. It should include military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other security services. Accordingly, it is assumed that the remuneration of professionals who choose to work in the National Guard will be higher than in similar departments.

A new professional holiday was also defined in honor of the employees of the new formation. Day of the National Guard of Russia is now celebrated on March 27.

Three stages of the formation of the National Guard

According to the plan, the formation of the National Guard will take place in three stages. The first one ended on December 31, 2016. The first stage included the formation of the central apparatus, the creation of territorial branches and the transfer of personnel. In general terms, the legal and normative base, according to which the new service should function.

The second stage should end on August 31, 2017. During this period, the regulatory framework will be refined, the exact task of the service will be formed, and the personnel of the Russian Guard will be staffed.

The third stage will be the final one. It will end on January 31, 2018. The tasks of the third stage are the final formation of the numerical and operational composition of the guard, the organization of the performance of combat missions in overall structure and the most important! - transfer of OMON and SOBR to a contract basis.

Monetary allowance of employees of the National Guard in 2018

As in every state industry, the issue of wages in the National Guard is one of the most burning issues. Service in the National Guard is quite promising. Today, the average salary of employees is 20-25,000 rubles for enlisted personnel and about 45,000 rubles for officers. The salary depends not only on the qualifications and duration of work in law enforcement agencies, but also on the region - the base salary is formed at the level of the local budget.

What is the salary of the National Guard of?

Like most military personnel, the salary of the National Guard consists of several components:

  • Salary. This amount depends on the rank and position;
  • Prize. In the absence of complaints within a fixed period, the bonus can be up to 25% of the salary;
  • Allowances. A kind of compensation for hard service;
  • Merit payments. In the presence of awards, any specific merits, this part of the salary can reach 40% of the salary.


Why did you start talking about increasing the salaries of employees, after all, the Russian Guard was formed a little over a year ago? It's all about indexing.

As you know, according to the law, all civil servants must index wages, that is, raise salaries in order to level the impact of inflation. The increase coefficient is calculated by government economists using a rather complicated formula, but the meaning is very simple: the higher the annual inflation in the country, the greater the salary increase for the next calendar year.

With the creation of the National Guard, employees of law enforcement agencies were initially transferred to the new unit in the vast majority with old salaries. And these amounts were far from sufficient. After all, the military personnel who made up the “backbone” of the National Guard at the time of its formation have not had wages indexed since 2012. The reason is the moratorium imposed by the government on increasing wages for the military. In 2018, the moratorium expires, which means that indexation will be carried out again. In relation to 2012, wages in 2018 should increase by one and a half times - the total indexation coefficient is 1.5. How likely such an increase is is not yet known.

The ambiguity with the exact amount of wages is introduced by the new staffing- for the Russian Guard, their own regulations. The base salary will depend on the region where the employee is serving. The new director of the National Guard promises that in the end, ordinary employees will receive from 100,000 rubles; the salary of officers will be at least 150,000 rubles.

Privilege of the National Guard: providing housing

Another additional plus, which may turn out to be a determining factor for many entering the Russian Guard, is that the formation’s employees can count on public housing. Corresponding amendments to the legislation have already been made.

The situation is as follows: the National Guard includes not only the military, who are entitled to housing by law, but also employees of other law enforcement agencies - private security, OMON, SOBR. And police officers, as you know, cannot apply for an apartment from the state. Now, with the transfer of these units to the National Guard, all employees will be given the opportunity to take advantage of those privileges that were previously available only to the military. These are NIS - the savings mortgage system - and housing subsidies. Thus, the state expects to provide all employees with personal housing.

The fact that the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 should be increased was said at the beginning of 2016. However, there is still no exact information about the increase in payments. It is only known that over the past year the situation in the Russian economy has changed significantly. Now a serious crisis is gaining momentum in the country, due to many factors, so law enforcement officials themselves do not expect significant changes in paying for their work. Most likely, budget shortfalls will not prevent the government from continuing to index, according to the 2012 scheme. But an increase in the level of wages of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 5.5% will minimally affect financial position law enforcement officers, and hardly in a positive way.

Will the salary increase in the police (MVD) in 2017

From the latest rumors that gave rise to the statement of Deputy Finance Minister Nesterenko at the end of July, it follows that there is a scenario according to which the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017, which is above the subsistence level, will not be increased at all. However, a feature of salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a large share of allowances and additional payments.

Cash allowances, for example, for higher education, the presence of an officer rank or dangerous conditions, accrued according to an individual scheme, significantly increase the level of payment. Based on this, it is possible that individual payments will make up a significant part of the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017, and even exceed the standard rate.

Police salary in 2017

A significant impact on the increase in the salary of the police in 2017 will have special bonuses, which are awarded to employees for special merits, honorary titles and the performance of specific operational actions. The premium for improved quality of work is 10-40% of the salary. The regional coefficient is 20% or more. For work with a risk to health and life - up to 100% of the salary. For special working conditions, for example, snipers - up to 50%. Encryption work is also paid separately - up to 30% of the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For conscientious service, the bonus is usually 50% of the salary, and in rare cases 100%. A separate allowance is charged for the rank, not only the police, but also the military. It should also be noted the allowance for the length of service - from 10% to 40%.

After 2 years of conscientious service, the salary increases by 10%, after 5 by 15%, after 10 by 20%, after 20 by 30%. Police officers and other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have served for more than 25 years are charged a surcharge of 40%. Thus, the salary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 will mainly depend on the personal qualities of the employee.

Indexation of salaries in the police 2017

According to experts, the increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 should partially cover the level of inflation. This was stated by Maxim Topilin, Acting Minister social protection and labor of the Russian Federation. The size of the indexation is also known - it will be 6%, which is only slightly lower than the real inflation rate expected in 2017.

The government takes 2015 as a model, and plans to carry out the next increase according to the same principles. Staff optimization, which worries employees, will not affect investigators, operatives and patrol services in 2017.

It can already be said that the indexation envisaged has been canceled and will not be curtailed. At the same time, the expected official inflation rate will be 5.5%, so a slight increase in salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 by 0.5% will still occur.

Although the crisis in the country is growing, the government plans to increase budget revenues by increasing taxes, so economic instruments to increase wages for employees public sector, despite the alarming forecasts of experts, still remained.

Police salary increase in 2017

According to the latest, officially presented, statistics, the salary of police officers in 2017 in the ordinary rank will remain at the level of 25 thousand rubles. The specified amount is announced without taking into account bonuses and additional payments, so the actual salary is often higher.

The greater concern of employees in 2017 will not be caused by the financial side of the work, but by the possibility of being laid off due to a new wave of structure optimization. In addition, the conditions for obtaining an officer rank have become more complicated, which now requires a university diploma in the specialty.

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