Warranty, product quality. Guarantees We guarantee you quality

If you find a defect, we will send a quality product!

If for some reason you decide to return the received goods, then within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt and payment for the parcel, you can return the money spent back. To do this, contact our operators, and they will tell you how to do it. We will definitely refund your money. Just do not use the product and keep the packaging.

100% quality assurance

We guarantee the quality of products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the federal law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

Since 20.08.2007, our company has voluntarily assumed the obligation and strictly observes the principles of the unified international Convention on Postal and Distance Trade.

Our products that require certification are certified and have all the necessary documents.

We address buyers of clients and visitors of our site. All interested persons!! The same appliance model may have several design and color options, so the product in stock may differ slightly in appearance from the one shown in the photo.

To deliver the goods to us or return them, use the services of the Russian Post Office. Pack the goods and send it from your post office in a simple parcel or a parcel with a minimum estimated value (for example, 10 rubles). So it will be cheaper for you. Be sure to contact our operators.

The warranty period for the product is:

Courier delivery - from the moment the goods are delivered by the courier. Be sure to keep the 3rd copy of the Invoice (sending) and the cash receipt.

Delivery by cash on delivery - from the moment of receipt and payment of the goods at the post office. Be sure to keep the postal receipt for payment of funds.

The warranty period for the product is indicated in the passport or instructions for use for the product.

Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

Art. 18 The rights of the consumer in case of detection of defects in the goods p.1.

The consumer, in case of detection of defects in the goods, if they were not specified by the seller, at his choice has the right to:

  • demand a replacement for a product of the same brand (the same model and (or) article);
  • demand a replacement for the same product of a different brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
  • demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price; demand immediate gratuitous elimination of product defects or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
  • refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with defects.

In relation to a technically complex product, the consumer, in the event that defects are found in it, has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand a refund of the amount paid for such a product or demand its replacement with a product of the same brand (model, article) or with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. After this period, these requirements are subject to satisfaction in one of the following cases:

  • discovery of a significant defect of the goods;
  • violation of the deadlines established by this Law for the elimination of defects in goods;
  • the inability to use the product during each year of the warranty period in the aggregate more than thirty days due to the repeated elimination of its various shortcomings. The buyer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the goods with defects.

Art. 26.1. Remote method of selling goods p. 4. “... The consumer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days.

Return of goods of proper quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified goods are preserved.

The consumer does not have the right to refuse goods of proper quality, having individually defined properties, if the specified product can be used exclusively by the consumer who purchases it.

If the consumer refuses the goods, the seller must return to him the amount of money paid by the consumer under the contract, with the exception of the seller's expenses for the delivery of the returned goods from the consumer, no later than ten days from the date the consumer presents the relevant demand ... "

Art. 25 The right of the consumer to exchange goods of good quality. item 1. The warranty period does not apply to non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration.

Do you read commercial offers that come to your e-mail? How many of the sentences you started reading seemed interesting to you? Do you think your commercial proposal will not suffer the same fate?

It is rare to find a really good and interesting commercial offer... An offer that is pleasant to read, consider and, of course, agree to cooperate with the company making this offer. For the most part, commercial offers are full of template phrases that are found in every 2-3 options.

Check your offer for template phrases!

Template phrases

  1. Individual approach

    This phrase occurs too often, but no one can say for sure what it means. What is this individual approach? Tell us about it in your commercial offer.

  2. Flexible terms of cooperation

    What are these conditions? Be specific: "Up to 30% discount for regular customers" or "New customers: first delivery as a gift."

  3. Wide range of products (wide range of services)

    Give specific figures: “Our assortment includes up to 3,000 items of goods.”

  4. Turnkey installation

    It would be better if you add a block with a list of services to the offer or tell how you work (the process from order to delivery).

  5. Prices below market (prices will pleasantly surprise you)

    Add price to compare:
    “The average factory price is 6,000. Our price is 5,100!”
    “The average price in the market is 10,000. Our price is 9,200!”

  6. Flexible system of discounts

    Give examples of discounts: "When ordering more than 10,000 rubles, you get a 15% discount."

  7. Guaranteed quality (European quality)

    Tell us about what can confirm the quality of your product: research data, statistics, long-term warranty, etc.

  8. Team of professionals (highly qualified specialists)

    Provide evidence of the qualifications of your employees: “There are no employees in our team with less than 5 years of experience.”

  9. Market leader

    Show your awards, certificates, figures showing your position in the market.

  10. Many years of experience (rich experience)

    And again convincing figures: "For 15 years we have served more than 8,000 customers."

  11. High level of service (service)

    “A personal manager is assigned to each of our clients.”

  12. Reliable company (reliable supplier)

    Show evidence of your company's reliability: famous customer logos, damage return guarantee, money back guarantee, and more.

  13. We offer (we are ready to offer...)

    Replace the words “offer”, “ready to offer” with calls “consider”, “order”, “download”, “visit the site”, etc.

  14. From the best Russian manufacturers

    Why not mention the names of these same manufacturers? After all, it sounds much more convincing!

And now for the backfill question!

How many times does the word “we” appear in your sales pitch, and how many times does “you” appear? If “we” is more common, then the proposal does not reveal the benefits that the client receives when working with you, and without this there is no good commercial offer.

Our company pays special attention customer service quality. We will try to tell you in what ways we are trying to achieve this. In the modern world, comfort has long come to the fore in the service sector, combining many factors that we constantly monitor and improve thanks to you.

This includes, first, goods quality and accuracy of their description. Important factors are also: convenient delivery conditions for customers, a high-quality user-friendly website, responsibility and professionalism of employees, and much more.

1. Goods quality assurance.

All products of our online store are absolutely legal and, if necessary, certified. We have multi-stage quality control- the goods are first checked in the warehouse upon receipt by the forwarder, then the goods are re-checked when the order is assembled. And most importantly - upon delivery, the courier helps to inspect the goods so that you are 100% sure that you receive the quality goods that were ordered.

2. Guaranteed conformity of goods.

We pay special attention to the correctness of images and product descriptions on our website - for this, professional editors, content managers and programmers work in our online store. We do our best to provide as much information as possible and accurately you about our products. Also, all our operators undergo mandatory familiarization with the goods in order to provide you with the most accurate information.

3. Guarantees and quality of delivery of orders.

Unlike most online stores, we have our own courier service. Together with a clear organization, maximum automation of processes and an excellent understanding of the needs of our customers, this allows provide you with the following guarantees: promptness of delivery, reliability of delivery, convenience of delivery for buyers, quality of service.

4. We are trusted by Russian and foreign organizations, companies and people!

According to the results of 2012, Dom Podarka was included in the TOP-200 Russian online stores, and in the Gifts and Souvenirs category, we took 1st place! (

We are well aware that the quality of products today ceases to be only an image factor, but unequivocally turns into a matter of survival in the market.

In the development and creation of its products, 7VL adheres to the following principles:

  • Development and production of healthy food products on a scientific basis, within the framework of the application of the basic laws of rational nutrition.
  • The study and use of the vast experience of traditional and traditional medicine in the light of modern scientific knowledge to create dietary supplements.
  • Development and creation of products necessary for the correction of malnutrition typical for citizens of Russia and the CIS countries, based on the analysis of data from statistical studies of the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • Using the latest achievements of science in the field of nutrition.

The impeccable quality of the manufactured products provides the Company "7VL Seven Jewels of Life" with consumer confidence and success in the market. The company keeps pace with modern state requirements: the production has a pharmaceutical license, a license for the production of medicines, the products are certified and manufactured in accordance with the Sanitary and Hygienic Rules and Regulations. In productionquality management systems that meet the most demanding international standards have been implemented and are being confirmed. They guarantee high quality product safety, and also make it possible to correctly set goals, track customer needs and set them as key benchmarks for further work.

ISO 9001

An international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO - International Organization for Standardization) and adopted by more than 90 countries around the world. The purpose of the standard is to bring consistency and help the Company to optimally build a system for managing the process of checking the quality and conformity of products.

ISO 22000

Food Safety Quality Management System. This standard implies: care for consumers, minimizing significant food risks, exceptional transparency, effective management of internal processes and minimizing the risk of failures, increasing staff motivation through an emphasis on quality work.


"Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is an international system of requirements that guarantees 100% product safety. For food industry enterprises, HACCP is a methodology that allows the Company's resources and efforts to be concentrated in critical areas of production. It indicates that the manufacturer provides all the conditions for the stable production of safe products.


The international GMP standard determines the compliance of the production conditions of the enterprise with modern norms and requirements. The GMP standard for dietary supplement manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies defines the parameters of each production stage - from the creation of "especially clean zones" (rooms with a special air filtration regime and entrance locks) to the material from which the floor in the workshops is made, employees' clothing and labeling applied to packaging products.

Paul Ehrlich Medal

The company "Seven Jewels of Life" was awarded by the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover, Germany) Diploma and Medal named after P. Ehrlich (Nobel laureate in medicine), for "For special achievements in preventive and social medicine"

This medal is awarded by the international commission for academic awards based on the results of an independent examination conducted in accredited European clinics. The Paul Ehrlich Medal is the highest international confirmation of the effectiveness and clinical validity of the declared properties of our products.

This award once again proves that our company offers only the most highly effective and high-quality health products!


In 2015, the Company received a Halal quality certificate, confirming the compliance of products with the norms of Islam. Halal is a concept from the traditions of Islam, which has become in the modern world the standard of high quality and purity of products. Halal certification is the production of products that do not contain questionable or forbidden components, products that are safe, without harmful additives. Not every enterprise in Russia can pass the certification procedure, since the requirements for the right to wear this sign are very high. Therefore, Halal certification has become not only a pass for products to the countries of the Muslim world, but also an indisputable proof of naturalness and the highest quality.

Vladimir Kuznetsov told how to choose the right country house

The crisis is over, the market for dacha housing construction has revived. In all directions from Moscow, all and sundry offer to build country houses and even entire wooden palaces for a penny. Many people think that building a house is a trifling matter. Where is the truth, and where is the lie, and how to choose a country house that will become dear to your grandchildren, said Vladimir Kuznetsov, general director of the Zodchiy company.

“We see demand for quality”

— Vladimir Nikolayevich, during the crisis, many players in the suburban housing market began to save on the quality of materials and technologies. Why didn't the "Architect" do this?

“Because we live not only for today, but we also think about the future. Houses stand for more than one year and even more than one decade. And we want our houses to be the standard of quality. Although you are right: since 2009, prices for country houses have “frozen” and even fallen. It's no secret that most construction companies save costs by reducing the quality of materials. Some even decided to make design changes to projects that lead to a decrease in the reliability of the house. These are temporary workers. For many small firms and individual entrepreneurs, momentary profit turned out to be more important than quality and a good name. Our reputation is important to us. Therefore, we chose a different path - to keep prices by increasing turnover. We are a large company: of course, a large turnover helped us. We took a risk and turned out to be right that we did not turn off the chosen path. Today we are seeing a great demand for quality, and it will grow. It's great that the "Architect" survived the crisis without losing quality and image.

— What does the company offer customers today?

- Now in our product line there are about 80 basic models of houses. But our designers, at the request of the customer, can supplement the projects with new options or even develop an individual house.

— What projects are the most popular?

- Among cottages, frame houses and houses made of glued beams with a total area of ​​​​100-130 square meters are leading by a margin. m. With delivery, turnkey installation, it costs a little more than 1.5 million rubles. Among country houses, most often they buy a 6x6 m house made of glued laminated timber costing from 380 to 600 thousand rubles. depending on the configuration.

- What's new prepared for the starting summer season?

- 5 years ago we abandoned panel housing construction, the cheapest type of construction on the suburban market. But this year, at the urgent request of customers, we returned to the production of budget and high-quality panel houses. To do this, our designers have developed a whole line of one- and two-story houses of the Summer Resident series. It is represented by three options for houses of various configurations from 15.89 sq. m to 30, 86 sq. m. Prices - from 110 to 200 thousand rubles. In addition, we are expanding the range of cottages. At our exhibition sites, you can already see and buy two new houses - "Lyubava" and "Svarog".

- How are they different from the rest?

“Probably architecture. The technology used is the same - frame. You know, it may seem strange, but we are even grateful to the crisis: it mobilized us and pushed us to reorganize. This year, we have launched several new production lines, installed additional modern drying complexes, and switched to the processing of structural components in the factory.

“The durability of the house depends on the drying of the tree”

- And how is the whole process structured for you?

— The “Architect” has everything of his own! And this is our strength and glory. We are a full cycle company. We have our own forest, a powerful production base, our own designers, technologists, craftsmen, builders, sellers. We guarantee quality because we do everything ourselves. All products go through four stages of control. For finishing materials and insulation, we work with world-class companies. We fundamentally do not work with those partners who offer cheap low-quality products.

What kind of wood do you use?

— We use coniferous forests (spruce and pine) from the Kostroma, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, which are harvested exclusively in winter for the entire construction season. Not everyone can afford it.

— Why is the forest of winter felling so valued?

- In winter, sap flow stops in a tree, and by definition it is already drier and more durable. Previously, our ancestors harvested all trees for log cabins only in winter. The logs could then rest for two or three years, dry. In the summer, it never occurred to anyone to cut down the forest. Today, if there is not enough material, they cut it in the summer. After all, it is easy to deceive the buyer. We respect our clients. The quality of materials that we strive for is extremely rare on the market at this price. Further, lumber and blanks are delivered to a house-building plant in the Moscow region.

- What does the Moscow Region enterprise produce?

- There are lines for the production of houses (from small change houses, garden houses to large two-story cottages), a shop for the production of profiled timber, a roofing shop, a carpentry shop (a wide variety of doors, stairs, fences, windows from simple to premium wooden double-glazed windows). Let me add that modern German drying complexes have been installed at our factories, which allow drying lumber to 8-12% moisture content. This is a very important point. After all, the durability of the house depends on the quality drying of the tree. The second important factor is that during drying, all wood defects (mold and fungi) are destroyed. We are one of the few Russian companies that produces high-quality dry material, in particular glued laminated timber.