A caregiver is required at the FGBI MCC Artek in the village of Yalta, town. gurzuf, "mdc" artek ". Dream job - vacancies in artek! Finisher work in the crimea artek camp

Vacancy No. 653315 on the site "Work in Russia, the CIS, the EAEU countries"

Date of updating the questionnaire of vacancy No. 653315 for the position caregiver on the Internet resource "Works in Russia, the CIS, the EAEU countries": Monday, January 13, 2020

Date of publication of the announcement with vacancy No. 653315 for a vacant position caregiver on the employment portal "Work in Russia, the CIS, the EAEU countries: Tuesday, 7 January 2020 G.

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Vacancy No. 653315 with a job offer for the position caregiver read - 286 times by job seekers;
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Job vacancies:

A teacher is required at the FGBU ICC Artek in the village of Yalta, Urban Settlement. Gurzuf, "ICC "Artek"

Direct employer FSBI IDC Artek looking for an employee for a vacant position caregiver. Related positions: Leader.

Advertising for you:

Mandatory requirement of the employer to the education of the desired employee: Unfinished higher education.

Vacancy No. 653315 refers to the field of activity Work for students, career start, no experience → Education, science.

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Similar vacancies for the position of "Educator" in different cities (regions) of Russia and the CIS, including in the region (city, village, village, settlement) "Yalta, Gurzuf," ICC "Artek" ", on our website about Jobs in Russia and the CIS, not found!

See other similar vacancies for the position of "Educator" in different cities/regions of Russia and the CIS, including in the region (city/village/village/settlement) "Yalta, Gurzuf," ICC "Artek "", on our website about Work in Russia and the CIS for job seekers:

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The head of the international children's camp (ICC) "Artek" Aleksey Kasprzhak, as a result of a simple combination, deprived his employees of entries in the work book, sick leave and vacations. These are the conditions for workers who want to keep the place, put up by the cleaning company, which now serves part of the Artek camps, said Yevgeny Bazhenov, chairman of the Artek trade union committee. The complex of children's camps "Pribrezhny" will be serviced by a cleaning company from Moscow LLC "STK - C" (legal address: 105064, Moscow, Puteysky dead end, 6/4, authorized capital: 10 thousand rubles). First of all, the new management held a meeting of maids, with whom a collective labor agreement was concluded from May to October of this year. They were confronted with a fact: the organization that signed the contract no longer exists (and this despite the fact that the maids signed the contract directly with the Artek ICC). Everyone urgently needs to quit and get a job at STK-C LLC - for a period of about two months. And what is most interesting, everyone will work unofficially: without entries in work books, without vacation and without paid sick leave. Salaries will be paid in cash - 2,000 rubles per shift. The same applies to janitors and park workers. The workers, of course, were not satisfied with such a statement of the question, since they have an official contract, which indicates the term of work until the end of October. They did not receive any written notifications about reduction, liquidation and the like. But the employees did not receive an answer to their question about the existing contracts. After the meeting, the maids who went to work according to the schedule were simply not allowed to return to their previous jobs - with the tacit consent of the Artek administration. “The administration, having hired a commercial company – of course, a Moscow one, simply decided to get rid of the locals, depriving them of permanent work in a state institution, and is trying to make guest workers out of us in search of at least some work! This is wonderful: guest workers do not require attention, the conclusion of a collective agreement with them, a social package, etc. The main goal of the Artek administration is to minimize the number of permanent employees, and, accordingly, permanent jobs, ”says Bazhenov. The team has already written an appeal addressed to the president, the prosecutor general and the labor inspectorate of Crimea. In addition, people turned to the trade union for protection. Bazhenov is the head of the Russian trade union of cultural workers of the ICC Artek. There is also another trade union in Artek - workers of education and science of the ICC "Artek". Kasprzhak ordered its creation in order to gradually "strangle", according to Bazhenov, an independent trade union, which consists mainly of ordinary employees of the IDC. The entire apparatus was transferred to a new trade union, which, contrary to the law, is headed by the head of the children's camp service, in fact, the deputy director of the camp. Bazhenov has already sent a request to the legal service with a request to clarify this incident: can an official be the head of a public organization at the same time. According to Bazhenov, when they began to raise uncomfortable questions, Artek director Kasprzhak replied: “Why do I need such a proletarian trade union committee? I need my own - pocket. “Now we call it “pocket” like that,” Bazhenov said. It should be noted that the Pribrezhny complex is not the first division of the IDC whose employees were transferred to an illegal position. Last year, a conflict arose in canteens outsourced to commercial structures. Workers also wrote complaints and letters to various authorities, and the case ended with an official reduction of 150 rates in canteens. Employees had to be re-registered for positions not in their specialty or quit altogether. Apparently, the practice of tax evasion and official employment in Artek will continue: according to employees, following the Pribrezhny camp complex, STK-C LLC plans to serve all IDC camps next year.

Artek International Children's Center is a Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution (FGBOU), which is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. "Artek" is located in the Crimea, in one of the most beautiful places on the planet - on the Black Sea coast, 12 km from the famous southern coastal resort - the city of Yalta, in the urban-type settlement of Gurzuf. The coastline with children's beaches stretches for 7 km from Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) to the village of Gurzuf. Established in 1925, the small summer tent camp of the Artek International Children's Center has turned into a country of childhood over the past nine decades - a complex of 10 children's camps with a developed infrastructure, its own educational technologies and cultural traditions. Reboot In 2014, the Development Concept of the Artek International Children's Center was developed – Artek 2.0. Reboot”, the goal of which is to turn the children's center into the best international platform for the creation, testing and implementation of innovative forms of general and additional education, as well as the rehabilitation and recreation of children. The concept provides for the almost complete reconstruction of Artek: the restructuring of all buildings, sites, the construction of new facilities. And most importantly - updating the content of pedagogical activity. In March 2015, the Russian government approved the Artek Development Program for 2015-2020. Since the autumn of 2014, Artek began to acquire a new look, and a global reconstruction of the children's center began. For 9 months, work was carried out around the clock to repair and reconstruct facilities. By the beginning of the first summer session of 2015, which started on June 1, six children's camps were reconstructed - "Azure", "Amber", "Crystal", "Sea", "River" and "Lake". Three more children's camps - "Forest", "Field" and "Cypress" - accepted the first children in the summer of 2016. All camps comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the norms and standards of Russian legislation. In 2016, about 30,000 children will have a rest in Artek. In record time by the summer season of 2016, the following were repaired and reconstructed: 35 residential buildings that can simultaneously accommodate about 3,000 children; 6 canteens with a total capacity for 3,700 children; universal sports hall with a total capacity of 1,000 people; a swimming pool with sea water (with a simultaneous visit of 60 people), 9 outdoor sports fields, 3 tennis courts, 5 campfire sites, more than 15 km of roads, sidewalks and footpaths, more than 50 hectares of landscaping. According to Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Artek is once again becoming the flagship among children's camps in Russia. Its educational programs are filled with modern content, a high-quality and comfortable children's environment appears. Since 2015, a ticket to Artek has been a reward for a child. The main condition is the achievement of the child in any area: in studies, sports, creativity. For children, Artek has 16 children's art studios, 3 libraries, children's television and the Artekfilm studio. Upon arrival at Artek, children can enroll in specialized teams of Young Sailors, Young Journalists, Young Animators, a tourist team, and become a member of a children's excursion bureau. In the summer of 2016, a modern climbing wall and a rope park were put into operation. Museum and exhibition complex "Artek" includes 5 studio-museums. Among them is the Cosmos Museum, founded in 1967 by the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin. Here are unique exhibits that have been in space and were presented to Artek residents by cosmonauts from different countries. For those who are friends with sports and prefer active recreation, Artek has 8 equipped sports grounds and courts, 3 outdoor pools with slides, a Sports Palace with an indoor pool, gymnastics, tennis and gyms. The Artek Central Stadium with 7,000 seats meets all international standards. Artek has its own school for 1224 students. Artek pupils of 5-11 grades study there. The school has modern technical means, in accordance with new methods and educational technologies, which allows solving educational problems of any complexity. Currently, teachers are working on the creation of the concept "Artek - a space of interaction." Classes are held not only at the school desk, but also in museums, in parks, on the seashore. The program of the Artek shift includes excursions along the southern coast of Crimea. Since 2015, children have been visiting the hero city of Sevastopol again, getting acquainted with the cultural and historical sites of the Crimea, and setting out on green tourism routes. Artek residents actively relax at tourist bases - Dubrava (1100 m above sea level) and Krinichka (700 m above sea level). Each of them can accept 40 people at the same time. They are located in the mountains of the Crimean nature reserve. The safety of children staying in Artek is ensured by a special police department and the internal security department of the children's center.

What is it really like to be a camp counselor?
By all indications - a pure buzz. You hang out at sea, swim, sunbathe, they feed you, and they also pay money. Well, yes, you need to look after the kids, but this is already a matter of what is difficult there.
I tried to figure it out by spending one day with the leaders of one of the detachments in the Artek.
I will say right away that everything is not as party-like as it seems, and being a counselor is still a job. There is a place to rest, but very, very little. But at the same time, the counselors enjoy what they do and miss Artek, leaving it at the end of the contract or returning from practice.
So, it turns out that rest too ...

2. The working day of a counselor in "Artek" begins long before the children get up. It is for them to get up at 7.30, and the counselors get up at 6.00-6.30 to have time to wash, put themselves in order, and then gather at 7.10 for a morning briefing, which is conducted either by the camp director or a senior counselor. The briefing takes place every day and attendance is mandatory. Here all the introductions for the beginning day are reported, activities are discussed, adjustments are made to the program of each detachment or the entire camp as a whole. For example, whether to cancel the beach if the water or air temperature drops. A representative of the medical service must also be present at the briefing.

3. Every morning, the leader must fill out an individual plan, transferring activities for the entrusted squad from the general schedule to it.
For example, here is the plan for September 2 of our 18th detachment of the Lazurny camp.
The day is signed completely and during the whole time the counselors must accompany the children without fail, be near and control them. The only exception is school lessons.
The counselors only accompany the children to them, but are not present at the lessons themselves, arriving by bus by the time the classes end to take the detachment to the camp.

4. After the briefing, we head to the residential building to wake up our 18th detachment and get acquainted with the children.

5. I got a group of 10-12 years old, who had just arrived for a shift.
The children had only a little time to communicate with each other and just got acquainted with the traditions of the camp. Prior to this, none of them had been to Artek before, so everything that happens here is new to them.
Many have already managed to wake up and wash themselves, without waiting for the command of the counselors.
By the way, in each detachment there are three counselors. They alternate so that two are always with the children, and the third has the opportunity to relax, engage in self-education or personal affairs, go to the village or relax after night duty on the residential floor.
Night shifts are not an empty formality. Here, as in the army - the night duty officer does not sleep, being on duty and controlling everything that happens in the residential area.

6. Charging at each camp takes place on its site, where all the teams gather together and the physical education instructor conducts exercises

7. After charging immediately breakfast.
Children do not go to residential buildings to change clothes, but go straight to the dining room in their sports uniform. As well as for exercises, accompanied by a counselor.

8. Do you think that after breakfast everyone goes to wallow in the rooms? No matter how. Half an hour to go to the residential building, take your swimwear and go to the beach...
Each squad bathes in its own sector, separated from the neighboring one by buoys.

9. Lifeguards are always present on the beach; children do not enter the water without the team of the counselor.
The detachment does not bathe all at once, the leaders divide it into groups that bathe in turn.
Children are not allowed to sunbathe in wet swimming trunks; immediately after swimming, they are sent to the locker room to change into dry clothes.
Still, it's already September 2 on the calendar, and even though the water temperature is 22 degrees, it's easy to catch a cold.

10. After swimming, we return to the residential building, the children quickly change clothes, and we immediately go to thematic classes.
First to the new rope park...

11. And then to thematic classes in the children's art studio.
For my group, this was an introductory session, where the teachers got to know the children, told them what they would do during the shift, and conducted a small group interaction test.

12. During the test, by the way, it was very interesting to watch the children.
Its essence boiled down to the fact that the detachment was divided into 4 groups of 5 people and each was given 5 sheets of paper. The task was to build the highest tower in 5 minutes.
The task seems to be simple, but at the same time difficult. Each team started to solve it differently. In one, the leader immediately stood out, who began to distribute commands-building options. In the other, everyone vied with each other to offer their own options, in the third, everyone tried to build something himself. Then some guessed to fold the sheets into a parallelepiped and, shifting them with a flat sheet, put the parallelepipeds on top of each other. Others, seeing it, gave up their attempts and began to do the same. Still others, they did not copy, but stubbornly built in their own way

13. Finally, two teams got towers built according to the same principle (see above), which immediately crumbled when the children were given the command to move away from the tables. At the third, the tower was built a little differently, from heavily twisted sheets thrust into each other, but due to its high height and complex center of gravity, it also collapsed almost immediately. As a result, the tower won, which was very low initially, for a team that did not try to copy anyone, but it did not have a clear leader. Everyone in it pulled a blanket over himself, as a result - something awkward from crumpled sheets, but ... the only standing tower.

14. At the end of a half-hour lesson, debriefing. Each child must express his opinion and set goals that he wants to achieve in the lesson on children's creativity by the end of the shift.
Thus, children are taught not to be embarrassed by each other, to be able to formulate and express thoughts, set specific goals and be aware of the goals of others, encouraging them to be no worse.

15. During, between classes and at various extracurricular activities, the counselor must constantly be in contact with his pupils, know their problems, possible difficulties, both in character and physical / health.
In addition, to conduct educational and preventive conversations so that there are no accidents and any problems while the child is in Artek. Children sign for instructions. By the way, almost for the first time in my life, which for many is a whole thing! You should have seen how they neatly display their children's signatures)

16. An hour or two, and after classes, it's time for lunch. Again in the dining room, again in formation and again with the leaders.

17. After dinner, there is finally some free time, when everyone can relax - children and counselors.
If on this day there are no classes at school on the second shift, after lunch there comes the so-called "absolute" - a time of absolute silence, when in the residential building and rooms they do not play, do not run, do not shout, do not laugh. No one forces you to sleep, but it is strictly forbidden to make noise, because. others can rest.
In the residential area during abolute or just an afternoon rest, there is always a counselor on duty. On duty according to the schedule from different units. As a result, each counselor gets on duty approximately every 2 weeks

18. Our detachment had a school that day in the afternoon, so instead of the absolute - a free hour. Someone to lie down in front of the school, someone to collect everything they need, someone to talk and get to know their peers better.
Then loading into the bus and the road to school. The school is located away from residential buildings, so children are brought to it from each camp by bus

19. Here it is, Artek's Hogwarts. About him and teaching methods in this unusual school I will make a separate report a little later.

20. While the children are at school, the counselors finally have free time. We set off to spend it the way most of them spend it - relaxing in their mini-campus.
All counselors live in a large building, which is called "Counselor".

21. From the porch of the building, a simply gorgeous view of the Ayu-Dag opens up. A view that any vacationer in the Crimea can envy.

22. Sports ground of the building "Counsellor". Below you can see the Artek stadium.

23. Residential floor corridor. Everything here is beautiful, neat and very sincere.

24. Counselors live in rooms of 3 or 4 people.
Some for 3 months, some for a year or more.
It all depends on the status of the counselor in "Artek". There is a permanent contingent working under a contract (signed for a period of a year after passing special training courses here), there are shifts - university students undergoing teaching practice.

25. In addition to the living room, each residential block has a small kitchen and its own bathroom.

25. On the top floor of the building, the counselors have their own gym, pretty decently equipped


27. Separate room for washing clothes

28. On each floor there are vending machines with snacks and drinks. Prices are reasonable, no extra charges

29. After school, counselors come to school for children, take them to dinner, and then an evening program.
There are entertainment, but often the preparation of various competitions or events in which this or that detachment participates.
On the day when I was on duty as a counselor, our detachment was just preparing a scene for the competition. The task of the counselor is not to tell the children what and how to do, but to give them the opportunity to express their ideas, defend them and jointly decide how and what they will do in the end. It was also interesting to watch children in such a non-standard situation for their age.
But since vouchers to Artek stand out as a reward for achievements in studies, creativity, sports and social activities, they are all right with creative ideas

30. Of course, what kind of "Artek" without a fire and gatherings around it.
Each camp has its own campfire areas, where in the evenings, when the weather is good and the plan for the day is fulfilled, the detachments gather in a circle and discuss the day, impressions and everything that you want to talk about at that moment.

31. Well, then ... then lights out, at 22.30.
Children are taken to their rooms and left under the control of the counselor on duty.
The rest of the counselors leave to fill out a report on the day, and then, before going to bed, they once again gather for the final planning meeting. So the counselor can go to bed only after midnight. In order to get up again in the morning at 6.00-6.30 and go to the morning planning meeting before the children get up ...

What do you say, is being a counselor in Artek a job or is it a rest?

International Children's Center "Artek"

Studio "Media-Artek" https://vk.com/artekmedia


Scaling - development of a network of bureaus in Artek;

Collecting information about upcoming events for a shift, a week, a day and compiling an information note for bureaus;

Conducting planning meetings during the shift and short “fly meetings” every day;

Setting technical tasks for newsrooms;

Implementation control;

Analysis of results;

Monitoring information platforms and compiling reports on coverage of events (groups of links);

Preparation and holding of children's press events;

Organization of master classes for children and employees;

Drafting and control of deadlines, filming and editing schedules.

TEACHER OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION(NOT a counselor! Conducts classes with children and releases film / newspaper / TV formats ...)

Teachers work with specialized teams according to the system: two teachers for two teams. Directions:

- teacher scriptwriter-director
- teacher operator-editor

A television (the task is to create TV formats with the detachment: programs, interviews, special projects)
- teacher writer-journalist
- teacher operator-editor

Design and printing(the task is to create a magazine, art books, series of postcards, comics, notebooks, calendars with the detachment)
- educator designer with layout skills

Animation (the task is to create a short film with a squad for a shift of 21 days from idea to show)


We are constantly expanding, preparing new separate projects in social networks and offline. For example, a travel format with children in the style of "Eagle and Tails", but with educational content. We are looking for guys who are ready to create and develop new good formats.

Advantages :

Possibility of creative realization and work in different genres and formats;

Continuous improvement of professional skills;

Training at regular master classes from leading Russian experts;

Official employment, experience, social package;

Work in the world-famous International Children's Center on the Black Sea coast;

Young creative team of like-minded people;

Organizational work experience


Higher education (not lower than a bachelor's degree) in the field of media (journalist, PR, director, philologist, etc.), technical orientation (designer, operator, sound engineer, engineer), or pedagogical;

Professional competencies and the ability to share them;

Experience working with children is preferred;

- citizenship of the Russian Federation;

- age up to 35 years;

— Teacher of additional education: 72 hours per shift. Salary per month: rate 16350 plus 20-30% stimulus minus taxes
- Director (coordinator) - six days, floating schedule. Salary per month: rate 17500 plus 20-30% incentive minus taxes.

ATTENTION! Artek works year-round, we are looking for employees for permanent work (from six months or more!)

Special abilities: in-service master's programs

Accommodation: on the territory of the camp in a hostel for employees, in a room for 2-3 people.

Meals: there is a canteen on the territory with very affordable prices.

Movement around the camp: on duty transport (free of charge)
Infrastructure: private beach, gym, media library, staff stadium (free of charge)
In walking distance - Gurzuf, Yalta - 30 minutes by bus.