Enterprises by form of ownership. Types of enterprises. The standard scheme of the enterprise provides

Mainsigns of classificationenterprises are:

    branch and subject specialization;

    production structure;

    enterprise size.

Industry-specific differences in products are considered to be the main ones.

According to this classificationcompanies are divided into:

industrial, agricultural, transport, communications, construction enterprises.

Industrytraditionally divided into two large industry groups: mining and processing industry.

In turn, the processing industry is divided into branches of light, food, heavy industry, etc.

According to their structure, enterprises are divided into:

    highly specialized;

    multidisciplinary (universal);

    combined (mixed).

Highly specialized enterprises produce a limited range of products for mass or large-scale production.

TOmultidisciplinaryrefer enterprises producing a wide range of products for various purposes (in industry and agriculture).

Combinedenterprises more common in the chemical, textile industry, agriculture. The bottom line is that one type of raw material or finished product at the same enterprise is transformed in parallel or sequentially into another, and then into the next type.

Byenterprise sizeare divided intothree groups:

small (up to 50 employees), medium (from 50 to 500 (rarely up to 300)) and large (over 500 employees).

When assigning an enterprise to one of the groups, the following can be usedindicators: the number of employees, the cost of output, the cost of fixed assets.

By field of activitysubdivided into manufacturing and non-manufacturing enterprises.

By type of ownershipenterprises are divided into state, municipal, private, cooperative, etc.

By scale of businesscompanies can be divided into:

individual enterprises and collective enterprises.

Hours of operation throughout the year subdivided into year-round enterprises, seasonal enterprises.

According to the degree of production automation- automated, partially automated, mechanized, partially mechanized, machine-manual and manual.

By nature of activity enterprises are:

    non-commercial - not related to the sale of products for the sake of enrichment (charitable activities);

    commercial - enterprises that generate income.

4. Types of organizational and legal forms of enterprises.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the following organizational forms of commercial enterprises can be created in Russia: business partnerships and companies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises. Business partnerships and companies:

    general partnership;

    limited partnership (limited partnership);

    Limited Liability Company,

    additional liability company;

    joint-stock company (open and closed).

Full partnership. Its participants, in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, are engaged in entrepreneurial activities and are liable for its obligations with their property, i.e. unlimited liability applies to the participants of a general partnership. A participant in a full partnership that is not its founder is liable on an equal basis with other participants for obligations that arose before he joined the partnership. A participant who has left the partnership shall be liable for the obligations of the partnership that arose before the moment of his withdrawal, on an equal footing with the remaining participants within two years from the date of approval of the report on the activities of the partnership for the year in which he left the partnership. Faith partnership. It is a partnership in which, along with the participants who carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are responsible for the circumstances of the partnership with their property, there are participants-contributors (limited partners) who bear the risk of losses within the limits of their contributions and do not take part in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities by the partnership. activities. Limited Liability Company. This is a company founded by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of the sizes determined by the constituent documents. Members of a limited liability company bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their contributions. Society with additional liability. A feature of such a company is that its participants bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the company in the same multiple for all of the value of their contributions. All other norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on a limited liability company may be applied to an additional liability company. Joint-stock company. It is recognized as a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Members of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares. A joint stock company whose members can freely sell their shares without the consent of other shareholders is recognized as an open joint stock company. Such a company has the right to conduct an open subscription for the shares they issue and their free sale on the terms established by law. A joint stock company whose shares are distributed only among its founders or other predetermined circle of persons is recognized as a closed joint stock company. Such a company is not entitled to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it. production cooperatives. This is a voluntary association of citizens on the basis of membership for joint production or other economic activities based on their personal labor or other participation and the association of its members (participants) of property shares. Members of a production cooperative bear subsidiary liability for its obligations. The profit of the cooperative is distributed among its members in accordance with their labor participation. The property remaining after the liquidation of the cooperative and the satisfaction of the claims of its creditors are distributed in the same manner.

State and municipal unitary enterprises. A unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right of ownership of the property assigned to the owner. The property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible and cannot be distributed by contribution (shares, shares). Including between employees of the enterprise. Only state and municipal enterprises can be created in the form of unitary enterprises. Unitary enterprises are divided into two categories:

    unitary enterprises based on the right of economic management;

    unitary enterprises based on the right of operational management.

Right of economic management- this is the right of the enterprise to own, use and dispose of the property of the owner within the limits established by law or other legal acts. The right of operational management- this is the right of the enterprise to own, use and dispose of the property of the owner assigned to it within the limits established by law, in accordance with the goals of its activities, the tasks of the owner and the purpose of the property. The right of economic management is wider than the right of operational management, i.e. an enterprise operating on the basis of the right of economic management has greater independence in management. Enterprises can create various associations.

Enterprises can be classified according to many criteria (Table 1.1.).

Table 1.1.

General classification of enterprises

Classification sign

Type of enterprise

By form of ownership

Public, private

According to organizational

new form

Business companies, business partnerships, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises

By industry

Industrial, transport, trade, communication enterprises, agricultural

To size

Large, medium and small

By specialization

Specialized, diversified, combined

According to the destination of the finished product

Enterprises producing means of production, consumer goods

By type of activity

Industrial, trade, financial organizations (banks, insurance tax companies) and consulting and audit companies

A state-owned enterprise is one whose property belongs to the state. It can be created at the expense of budget allocations, contributions from other state enterprises or other sources. Distinguish between state-owned enterprises that are in republican ownership, and public utilities.

The property management of the former is carried out by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. Utilities are the property of administrative-territorial units.

State-owned enterprises have the following advantages over private enterprises: significant financial opportunities for expanding and improving production at the expense of the budget; high credit rating, which facilitates the possibility of obtaining loans; the use of highly qualified specialists in various areas of management, which only a large owner can afford.

The noted advantages of state-owned enterprises allow them to function effectively in countries with developed market economies and successfully compete with private enterprises.

A private enterprise is an enterprise owned by an individual or members of his family, as well as a non-state legal entity. Distinguish between sole and family private enterprises. Unlike sole proprietorships, family businesses are based on the common property of all family members. A non-state private enterprise may also be owned simultaneously by several persons on the basis of shared or collective ownership. Such enterprises include business companies, business partnerships and production cooperatives.

The market economy, based on a variety of forms of ownership, involves the functioning of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.

The organizational and legal form of an enterprise is determined by many features:

a) the procedure for the formation of the statutory fund;

b) the degree of responsibility for the obligations of the enterprise and others.

In accordance with the Civil Code, the following organizational and legal forms of commercial enterprises can be created in the Republic of Belarus: business partnerships and companies, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises.

Business partnerships are a form of entrepreneurial activity in which the property of an enterprise is formed at the expense of contributions from several citizens and (or) legal entities that are united for joint activities on the basis of an agreement between them. A distinctive feature of business partnerships from other forms is that one or more participants bear unlimited joint and several property liability for the obligations of the partnership.

Depending on the degree of responsibility of individual participants, there are general and limited partnerships.

The participants in a full partnership, in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, are engaged in entrepreneurial activities and are liable for its obligations with their property, i.e. unlimited liability applies to the participants of a general partnership.

A participant in a full partnership who is not its founder is liable on an equal basis with other participants for obligations that arose before he joined the partnership.

A participant who has left the partnership shall be liable for the obligations of the partnership that arose before the moment of his withdrawal, on an equal footing with the remaining participants within two years from the date of approval of the report on the activities of the partnership for the year in which he left the partnership.

A partnership is a limited partnership in which, along with the participants who carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their property, there are participants-contributors (limited partners) who bear the risk of losses within the limits of their contributions and do not take part in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities by the partnership. activities.

A business company is a legal entity created by agreement between legal entities and (or) citizens by combining their property for the purpose of carrying out economic activities. A distinctive feature of this organizational and legal form is the limited liability of all its participants (shareholders) for the obligations of the company.

There are the following types of business companies: with limited liability, with additional liability, joint-stock companies. A limited liability company may be founded by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of the sizes determined by the founding documents.

Members of a limited liability company bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their contributions.

A feature of a company with additional liability is that its participants bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of the company in the same multiple for all of the value of their contributions.

A joint stock company is a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Members of the company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares.

A joint stock company whose members can freely sell their shares without the consent of other shareholders is recognized as an open joint stock company. Such a company has the right to conduct an open subscription for the shares they issue and their free sale on the terms established by law.

A joint stock company whose shares are distributed only among its founders or other predetermined circle of persons is recognized as a closed joint stock company. Such a company is not entitled to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it.

Features of the functioning of joint-stock companies is as follows:

they use an effective way to mobilize financial resources; dispersed risk, tk. each shareholder risks losing only the money that he spent on the acquisition of shares; participation of shareholders in the management of the company; the right of shareholders to receive income (dividend); additional incentives for staff.

Production cooperatives are a voluntary association of citizens on the basis of membership for joint production or other economic activities based on their personal labor or other participation and the association of its members (participants) of property shares. Members of a production cooperative bear subsidiary liability for its obligations.

The profit of the cooperative is distributed among its members in accordance with their labor participation. The property remaining after the liquidation of the cooperative and the satisfaction of the claims of its creditors are distributed in the same manner. A distinctive feature of production cooperatives from business partnerships is that legal entities are not allowed to participate in them. Otherwise, the mechanism of functioning of cooperative enterprises is the same as that of economic partnerships.

A unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not endowed with the right of ownership of the property assigned to the enterprise. The property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible and cannot be distributed among contributions (shares, shares), including among employees of the enterprise.

State (republican or communal) or private enterprises may be created in the form of unitary enterprises.

The property of a unitary enterprise is in state or private ownership.

Unitary enterprises are divided into two categories:

unitary enterprises based on the right of economic management; unitary enterprises based on the right of operational management.

The right of economic management is the right of an enterprise to own, use and dispose of the owner's property within the limits established by law or other legal acts. The right of operational management is the right of an enterprise to own, use and dispose of the property of the owner assigned to it within the limits established by law, in accordance with the goals of its activities, the tasks of the owner and the purpose of the property. A unitary enterprise based on the right of operational management is called a state enterprise. Created by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Belarus bears subsidiary liability for the obligations of a state-owned enterprise in case of insufficiency of its property.

The right of economic management is wider than the right of operational management, i.e. an enterprise operating on the basis of the right of economic management has greater independence in management.

Foreign investors have the right to create commercial organizations in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in any organizational and legal forms.

Enterprises in the authorized capital of which foreign investments amount to an equivalent amount of not less than 20,000 US dollars and which pursue profit (income) as the main goal of their activity are called commercial organizations with foreign investments. Such enterprises may be created in the form of economic companies or private foreign unitary enterprises.

All commercial organizations with foreign investments are divided into commercial joint or commercial foreign organizations.

A commercial joint organization is an enterprise whose authorized capital consists of a share of a foreign investor and a share of individuals and (or) legal entities of the Republic of Belarus.

A commercial foreign organization is an enterprise in whose authorized capital foreign investments account for 100%.

The activities of commercial organizations with foreign investments in the territories of the Republic of Belarus are regulated by the Investment Code of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with this code, foreign investors are provided with a number of benefits and guarantees. In particular, benefits on tax and customs payments, guarantees for the transfer of profit due to a foreign investor abroad, a favorable legal regime for investment activities, etc.

The main principles for establishing commercial joint ventures are:

pooling of capital belonging to persons or enterprises of different states; joint management of the enterprise through the division of management functions between partners; risk sharing; sharing in profits.

The property of the enterprise, manufactured products and profits are the common property of the partners and are distributed among them in accordance with their contributions to the authorized capital.

Commercial joint ventures operate both on the principles of cost accounting and take into account in their activities other principles stipulated by joint ventures. These are the principles of mutual benefit and balance of interests, currency self-sufficiency.

The creation of joint ventures on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is aimed at attracting modern technologies and equipment to the national economy, increasing the competitiveness of products and developing the country's export potential.

A commercial organization with foreign investments may be created by establishing it or as a result of the acquisition by a foreign investor of a participation interest (shares) in another enterprise or the acquisition of an enterprise as a property complex as a whole or part thereof.

The procedure for the formation of the statutory fund, declared in the founding documents, depends on the organizational and legal form of a commercial organization with foreign investments. So for LLC, ALC, CJSC or a private foreign unitary enterprise, it must be formed by at least 50 percent during the first year from the date of state registration of this organization due to the contribution of at least 50 percent of its share by each of the founders and in full - before the expiration of two years from the date of registration. For an OJSC, the statutory fund must be formed in full before the state registration of such an organization.

Founders (participants) of a commercial organization with foreign investments have the right to make contributions to the authorized capital of this organization in monetary and (or) non-monetary form.

The advantages and disadvantages of various organizational and legal forms of enterprises are presented in table 1.2.

Table 1.2

Comparative characteristics of organizational and legal

Forms of enterprises

Types of organizational

No-legal forms



Business partnerships

High degree of responsibility for obligations. Independence, freedom and operational

Nostnost of actions at decision-making. The possibility of

Lie capital foreign

early investors. Simple structure and control system.

Instability of functioning, due to the fact that when one of the participants leaves, the activities of the company, as a rule, cease. Lack of professional management. Unattractiveness of full property liability

Limited and additional liability companies

Independence, freedom, and operational

decision making

Niy. The possibility of

Lie additional capital of other investors. Low costs for production management


Insufficient stability

Cleanliness and stability. Limited possibility of attracting external sources of financing. Lack of specialized management

Continuation of the table. 1.2

Joint stock companies

Opportunity to attract non-

A limited amount of financial resources for the implementation of any technology

Czech projects comrade. The most stable form

Ma pooling capital. Irrevocability of shares

Contributes to the preservation of

Vein capital, which provides

The viability and dynamism of joint-stock companies is troubling. Limitation of risk for

Conditional cash advance

Noah makes the stock

Nernoe society attracted

A body form of capital investment.

Discrepancy between the interests of the managers of the joint-stock company and the shareholders. The complexity of shareholders' control over the actions of managers due to the splitting of share capital. Double taxation system.

LLC, ALC, JSC, Unitary Enterprise with the participation of foreign capital

Reducing the risk of undertaking

Mother's activity. The pooling of resources that have less value individually than together. Acceleration of penetration into foreign markets. Sharing R&D expenses. Expansion of access to modern equipment and technology. Learning new methods of management. Professional development

Qii staff.

8.Technology diversification

9. Benefits for tax and customs payments.


Decision making. Discrepancy between partners in the development strategy of the joint venture. Double taxation.

It is rare to consider small organizations that have a single simple goal and whose leaders are not interested in anything but their own peace and well-being. The subject of management course is the management of complex organizations. Organizations commonly referred to as complex typically have the following specific characteristics:

Types of organizations

Organizations arose quite a long time ago and, as human development progressed, they steadily grew, became more complex, and gained more and more importance in people's lives. If you try to formulate what is usually understood as an organization, then, first of all, the thought arises: the concept of "organization" is associated with the joint activities of a group of people who strive to achieve some common goals. Therefore, in the simplest formulation organization is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. To successfully achieve these goals, the activities of people in the group must be coordinated. Therefore, an organization can be viewed as a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

There are, however, important fundamental differences that lead to two significant types of organizations (Figure 3.1):

Rice. 3.1. Types of organizations

multinational enterprises- enterprises whose capital belongs to entrepreneurs of several countries are called multinational. Multinational companies are formed by merging the assets of merging firms from different countries and issuing shares in the newly created company. Other forms of formation of companies mixed in terms of capital are: the exchange of shares between firms that retain legal independence; creation of joint companies, the share capital of which belongs to the founders on a parity basis or is distributed in certain ratios established by the legislation of the country of registration; the acquisition by a foreign company of a stake in a national firm that does not give it the right to control.

In modern conditions, the largest industrial firms are focusing on the creation of joint production enterprises, as well as enterprises for the implementation of scientific and technical cooperation, including the joint use of patents and licenses, as well as the implementation of agreements on cooperation and specialization of production. Particularly numerous joint ventures in new and rapidly growing industries requiring huge one-time investments, - in oil refining, petrochemistry, chemical industry, production of plastics, synthetic rubber, aluminum, in nuclear energy. Joint ventures are also created as temporary associations for the implementation of large contracts for the construction of ports, dams, pipelines, irrigation and transport facilities, power plants, railways, etc.

Complex organizations, as a rule, have not one goal, but a set of interrelated goals, the implementation of which is ensured as a result of the interaction of various parts of the organization.

The key goal inherent in any really operating organization is its own. If the organization's goal of self-reproduction is lost or consciously suppressed, then it can cease to exist. An organization that does not have an internal orientation to survival can only survive under the influence of sufficiently powerful external forces. But in this case, reproduction will require much more effort.

Organization resources

The goals of most organizations involve the transformation of some resources to achieve results. The resources an organization uses can be classified in different ways. For example, as part of the resources used by organizations, one can single out: people (human resources), capital, material resources, technologies, information. Below we will separately consider the role of various resources in the activities of the organization.

Dependence on the external environment

Complex organizations tend to be closely linked to the environment. Organizations depend on the world around them because they receive resources from it, because that is where the consumers of their products or services are located, because they are connected with this world through thousands of formal and informal connections and relationships.

Under the external environment of organizations, it is customary to understand that part of the surrounding world with which the organization actively interacts. As part of the external environment, it is customary to single out different-quality components: economic conditions, consumers, trade unions, government acts, legislation, competing organizations, the system of values ​​in society, public opinion, equipment and technology, and other components. All of these factors are constantly changing.

It is of great importance that, although the organization is very dependent on, this environment, as a rule, is outside the direct influence of managers. Every year, the management of modern organizations has to take into account an increasing number of environmental factors.

Horizontal division and cooperation of labor

If at least two people work together towards a common goal, they are more likely to share the work among themselves and coordinate their activities. The division of the whole work into parts is usually called horizontal division of labor. Dividing a large amount of labor into numerous small specialized tasks and combining the efforts of many workers allows an organization to produce much more output than if each person worked autonomously.

In complex organizations, the horizontal division and cooperation of labor are manifested in the form of the formation of units that perform specific functions and achieve specific specific goals. In order for the organization to ensure the achievement of common goals and the creation of a holistic, usable result under the conditions of the division of labor, the division of labor must always be accompanied by its cooperation, that is, it is necessary to ensure the coordination of individual works and interaction between workers.

The classical approach to the horizontal division of labor in a manufacturing company involves the allocation of units that carry out production, marketing and financial activities. They represent the main activities that must be successfully performed in order for the company to achieve its goals.

Subdivisions, as well as the organization itself, of which they are a part, are groups of people whose activities are consciously directed and coordinated by the organization to achieve the general goals of the latter. Thus, large complex organizations are made up of several, purpose-built, interconnected organizations, and numerous informal groups that spring up spontaneously. All units and informal organizations that exist within a complex organization form and pursue their own goals, which may, to a greater or lesser extent, contradict the overall goals of a complex organization. This is one of the most important reasons for the complexity and ambiguity of the management process in organizations.

The need to manage the organization

Horizontal division of labor

The horizontal division of labor leads to the fact that each worker turns into a partial worker. In other words, he does not produce a finished product, but only performs some of the operations necessary to obtain a finished product. In order for the finished product to be ultimately obtained, the actions of all partial workers must, as noted above, be coordinated, that is, management is necessary.

Where there is no division and cooperation, there is no need for governance. The larger and more complex the organization, the more important the role and the more complex the management process. Therefore, if in small organizations the performance of managerial functions can be combined with other activities, then in large organizations management is a separate type of activity.

Vertical division of labor

Since work in an organization is divided into its component parts, is carried out through the joint efforts of many people, and needs to be managed, someone must manage it. If the organization includes a sufficient number of people and groups whose activities should be coordinated, then there will be many coordinators. And this means that among the coordinators, a division of labor also arises and that their activities will also have to be coordinated. Thus, people appear in the organization whose task is to coordinate numerous coordinators-managers. It is clear that the work that managers will perform, coordinating directly the performers, will differ markedly from the work of their superiors.

In this way, there are two internal divisions of labor in an organization. The first is the division of labor into components that make up parts of the overall activity, i.e., the horizontal division of labor. The second, called the vertical division of labor, separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves and highlights the levels of such coordination.

The presence of management as an integral element of the activities of a complex organization does not depend on the nature of the organization. The general structure and nature of the management process will be the same for a charitable society and for the criminal police, for the church and for the army, for a state socialist enterprise and a private company. However, in the center of our consideration will be primarily organizations of a special type -. By a firm, we mean any organizational and economic unit that operates in a market environment and sets itself commercial goals, that is, goals related to obtaining. Although this set of features does not reflect the full range of characteristics of the firm as a special case of the organization, for our purposes it will be enough.

Organization as a spatio-temporal structure of production factors allows you to get the maximum qualitative and quantitative results in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.

For various organizations, different types of governance structures.

See further: organizational structure of management

Organization as a socio-economic system

Organizations are open socio-economic systems.

Features of socio-economic systems:
  • variability (nonstationarity) of individual parameters of the system and stochasticity of its behavior;
  • the uniqueness and unpredictability of the system's behavior under specific conditions and, at the same time, its limiting capabilities, determined by the available resources;
  • the ability to resist system-destroying trends;
  • ability to adapt to changing conditions;
  • the ability to change its structure and form behavior options;
  • the ability and desire for goal setting, i.e., the formation of goals within the system.

The concept of "system" is displayed in fig. 3.5.

In an organization as a system, the following elements are distinguished:
  • functional areas of the organization;
  • elements of the production process;
  • controls.

Rice. 3.5. The concept of a system

Functional areas act as objects of management in organizations and determine their management structure (Fig. 3.6).

Rice. 3.6. Functional areas

Typical functional areas are sales (marketing), production, finance, personnel, R&D (innovation) (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 Examples of the main goals of the functional areas of the organization

Functional area

specific purpose

Reach the first place in the sale of products (of a certain type) in the market

Achieve the highest labor productivity in the production of all (or certain) types of products

Maintain competitiveness and innovation (continuous renewal) of manufactured products

Preserve and maintain at the required level all types of financial resources


Provide the conditions necessary for the development of the creative potential of employees and increase the level of satisfaction and interest in work

Restrictions and conditions for the functioning of organizations

Restrictions - the external environment of organizations (environment of direct impact, environment of indirect impact).

Conditions - the internal environment (internal variables) of the organization (Fig. 3.7).

Rice. 3.7. Organization as a system

General characteristics of the external environment:

  • interconnectedness of environmental factors;
  • the complexity of the external environment;
  • mobility (variability) of the external environment;
  • uncertainty of the external environment.

Internal variables- these are situational factors within the organization, which are mainly controlled and regulated. There are various options for determining the composition of the main internal variables of the organization.

For the practice of managing in market conditions, qualified management of enterprises, their clear and complete classification is extremely important.

The variety of enterprises can be qualified according to the following features (Fig. 1.3.).

1. Commercial enterprises carry out their activities with the aim of making a profit and develop at its expense.

Non-profit enterprises- at the expense of budgetary funds. These include charitable, educational, medical, scientific and other enterprises in the non-productive sphere of national consumption.

2. Private are enterprises based on the ownership of the property of individual citizens with the right to hire labor. This category also includes individual and family businesses. They are based on the ownership of the property of one person or members of one family, exclusively on their personal labor.

Collective- these are enterprises that are based on the property of its labor collective, as well as a cooperative, other statutory society, organization.

State enterprises in Ukraine, there are actually state-owned and state-municipal enterprises. Their property is considered to be the property of national or administrative-territorial units, respectively.

Mixed enterprises- these are enterprises founded by combining the property of different owners (legal entities and citizens).

3. National enterprises- the capital belongs to the entrepreneurs of their state.

Foreign enterprises- capital is the property of foreign entrepreneurs wholly or in large part, which provides them with the necessary control.

Joint ventures- the capital belongs to entrepreneurs of two or more states, their registration is carried out in the country of one of the founders of such an enterprise, which determines the location of its headquarters.

4.sole proprietorship is the property of one person or family, it is liable for its obligations with all its property. Such an enterprise may be registered as an independent enterprise or as a branch of another enterprise.

The advantages of such enterprises:

Simplicity and speed of creation;

Full control;

Ease of accounting;

Ease of termination.


Unlimited Liability;

commitment to the cause;

Difficulty with capital.

Business companies are business associations. Business companies are divided into

1. Partnerships (partnerships)

2. Joint stock companies.

Partnerships can take the form of:

- complete society- a company, all participants of which are engaged in joint entrepreneurial activities and are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the enterprise with all their property.

-limited liability company is considered to be such that has a statutory fund divided into parts, the amount of which is determined by the constituent documents, the participants in this company are liable within the limits of their contributions.

- command society- a company in which, along with members with full responsibility, members are included, whose liability is limited to a personal contribution to the property of the enterprise.

- additional liability companies- these are companies, the statutory fund of which is divided among the participants and whose liability to the company increases fivefold to the contribution to the statutory fund.

- cooperative enterprises- voluntary associations of citizens for the purpose of jointly conducting economic or other activities. Their distinctive feature is the personal participation of everyone in the activities, the use of their own or rented property. There are two types of cooperatives in Ukraine - production and consumer.

- rental companies. Lease means the temporary possession and use of property, based on a contract, which is necessary for the tenant to carry out business activities. The objects of lease may be integral property complexes of state enterprises or their structural divisions, as well as individual units of property.

Joint-stock company- this is the most developed form of economic societies. The main attribute of such companies is a share - a security without a fixed turnover period, which indicates a share participation in the authorized capital of the company, confirms membership and the right to participate in the management of the enterprise, gives the participant the right to receive part of the profit in the form of dividends and participate in the division of property when its elimination.

Joint stock companies are of two types:

open type whose shares are distributed by open subscription and sale and purchase on stock exchanges;

closed type, whose shares can only be distributed between its founders.

The joint-stock form of management has significant advantages:

    financial - creates a mechanism for the rapid mobilization of large investments and regular income in the form of dividends;

    economic - equity capital contributes to the establishment of a flexible system of economic relations mediated by cross or full ownership of shares;

    social - corporatization is an important form of denationalization of the property of an enterprise of any size.

5. The classification of enterprises according to the functional-industry basis is generally clear in the very name of their types. Only a few require explanations.

Leasing companies- international rental companies-producers that rent consumer goods, computers, various technological equipment, vehicles, etc. for an appropriate fee.

Factoring companies carry out the issue for a certain fee of payment documents of buyers before the due date of payment or after its delay.

6.parent companies have technological and territorial integrity. Their distinctive feature is that they control other enterprises, which can be divided into:

Subsidiaries- legally independent entities that carry out commercial operations and draw up a balance sheet. The parent company usually owns a controlling stake and tightly controls the subsidiary.

Associated enterprise (association) is independent, it is not under the direct control of the enterprise that owns its shares.

Branch does not enjoy legal and economic independence, does not have its own charter and balance sheet, acts on behalf of and on behalf of the parent company.

7. Small businesses- these are economic entities with the number of employees:

in industry and construction - up to 200 people;

in other branches of the production sphere - up to 50 people;

in science and scientific branches - up to 100 people;

in non-manufacturing sectors - up to 25 cases;

in retail - up to 15 people.

Enterprises have the right on a voluntary basis to unite their activities in general or in separate areas, if this does not contradict the antimonopoly legislation. World practice gives a wide variety of associations of enterprises.

Association- a simple form of contractual association of enterprises in order to coordinate economic activities. The Association has no right to interfere in the activities of its members.

Corporation- contractual association of enterprises based on the integration of their scientific, technical and commercial interests, with the delegation of individual powers of centralized regulation of the activities of each participant.

Consortium- temporary statutory associations of industrial and banking capital to achieve a common goal. The composition may include both public and private enterprises, and the goals may be public. (space)

Concerns- the form of statutory associations of enterprises, which are characterized by the unity of ownership and control. The merger is carried out according to the principle of diversification, when the concern unites enterprises from different sectors of the economy. after the creation of the concern, economic entities lose their independence and are usually subordinate to financial structures.

cartels- contractual association of enterprises of the same industry for the implementation of joint commercial activities.

Syndicates- the organizational form of the existence of a cartel agreement, which provides for the sale of participants' products through the established joint marketing body.

This form is typical for industries with mass production of homogeneous products.

Trusts- monopolistic associations of enterprises that previously belonged to different entrepreneurs into a single economic complex. At the same time, enterprises completely lose their legal and economic independence, since all areas of activity are integrated.

holdings- a specific organizational form of capital pooling. One firm, usually financial, owns controlling stakes in other firms that are members of other associations. Thanks to this, the holding center company controls the activities of other enterprises that retain legal and economic independence.

Financial groups- associations of legally and economically independent enterprises of various branches of the national economy. Unlike a concern, financial groups are headed by one or more banks that manage the capital of enterprises and coordinate all areas of their activities.

Enterprises of various industries have their own specific features arising from the nature of production, the equipment and technology used, and the qualifications of personnel. At the same time, they all have a number of common features that allow them to be classified in a number of areas: forms of ownership, industry affiliation, level of concentration of production, degree of specialization, type of production, level of mechanization and automation.

Enterprises can be classified according to various criteria:

According to the purpose of the products or works, services;

according to the features of the technological process,

By organizational types of building a management structure;

By the nature of the raw materials consumed and the methods of its processing;

By level of specialization;

By form of ownership;

According to the method of distribution of profits and losses;

According to the sources of formation of property;

By size, etc.

By activity goals allocate commercial and non-commercial. Commercial enterprises (organizations ) focused on making a profit and its distribution, including among the participants in the creation or operation of the enterprise. Commercial organizations may act in the form of state and municipal unitary enterprises, private unitary enterprises, business partnerships, business companies, production cooperatives.

By forms of ownership enterprises are either public or private.

The purpose for the implementation of which an enterprise (organization) is created largely affects the choice of its organizational and legal form. The organizational and legal forms that are chosen for the functioning of the enterprise are determined by its features and current legislation

By forms of management allocate business partnerships and companies, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises. The variety of organizational and legal forms allows you to choose the most appropriate for the goals and conditions of the enterprise.

By sizes enterprises are grouped into large, medium and small. Signs of attributing enterprises to one of these subgroups are indicated in legislative or regulatory acts.

In the Republic of Belarus, small enterprises include enterprises with an average headcount:

In industry and transport - up to 100 people;

In agriculture and scientific and technical sphere - up to 50 people;

In construction and wholesale trade - up to 50 people;

In retail trade and consumer services - up to 30 people;

In other sectors of the non-productive sphere - up to 50 people.

Small businesses with small numbers of employees, profits or sales tend to have advantages over large ones in the form of tax incentives or other motivational mechanisms that contribute to the development and strengthening of small businesses.

By participation of foreign capital enterprises are divided into joint, foreign and foreign.

Industry affiliation It is determined by a number of features: the nature of the impact on the object of labor, the economic purpose of the product, the nature of the technological process, and the time of work during the year. By industry feature enterprises belong to the sphere of material (industry, construction, agriculture, communications, transport) and non-material production (health, education, trade, science, culture, etc.).

In turn, each industry is divided into sub-sectors. For example, in industry, according to the nature of the raw material or the purpose of the finished product, the coal industry, energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, the chemical, light and food industries, and the production of building materials are distinguished. In mechanical engineering, machine tool building, automotive industry, tractor building, instrument making, etc. are distinguished. Industry classification can be enlarged and detailed. It is used to statistically characterize the structure of enterprises and their performance indicators.

By subordination subsidiaries, branches and other structures with a current account and a separate balance sheet (or without), with the right (or without) a legal entity are allocated.

By the nature of the impact on the object of labor they are divided into mining and manufacturing enterprises.

According to the economic purpose of products, that is, according to its role in the production of the total product, all enterprises are divided into producing means of production and producing consumer goods.

By the nature of technological and production processes enterprises are divided into two groups: with discontinuous and continuous production.

By working time during the year, year-round and seasonal enterprises are distinguished.

By the level of concentration of production enterprises can be large, medium and small. It depends on the size of output, the number of workers, the cost of fixed assets and the power-to-weight ratio of labor.

By degree of specialization enterprises are divided into specialized (producing homogeneous products with a limited range), universal (producing a wide range of products or performing many different types of work - tool, repair plants) and mixed.

By type of production There are enterprises with mass, serial and single production.

According to the degree of mechanization and automation allocate enterprises with automated, complex-mechanized and partially mechanized production.

To create effective forms of organization of production, enterprises on a contractual basis can create consortiums, concerns, intersectoral state associations, associations and other large organizational structures.