When will the salaries of educators in Bashkiria be raised? How much junior educator earns - Jobs and salaries. Video - how much does a kindergarten teacher earn

Workers budgetary sphere look forward to the time when the government implements the "May" presidential decrees and brings their salaries to 150% of the national average. So far, he is not able to pull such amounts, and it remains to be glad that they have equaled the cost of living, and salaries have been indexed by 4%. Workers in the industry are in a particularly unenviable position preschool education... If in commercial structures salaries are kept at a more or less decent level, then in state kindergartens one cannot count on a solid salary.

Of course, the sphere of upbringing of preschoolers has never been competitive in terms of wages. However, do not forget that it is these people who replace mothers and fathers for babies, take on the responsibilities of the primary formation of small personalities, teach them the basics of hygiene, reading and writing, develop creative skills ... At the same time, the work of a teacher cannot be called easy - try to cope with a group , which is attended by 25-30 kids, not all of whom behave obediently and independently!

Find out if caregivers can expect a decent salary in 2019!

Moreover, educators, unlike doctors and teachers, have practically no opportunities for part-time work. They cannot work a half-time job or take on class leadership to bring an extra penny into the family. All this makes the issue of raising the salaries of educators especially topical. Let's take a closer look at the current situation and find out what prospects can be expected in 2019.

Caregiver salary in 2018

Not so long ago, the president promised to increase the prestige of the work of those who work in preschool institutions. Russian Federation... Lately, queues for kindergartens have reached unprecedented proportions, and the number of skilled workers is steadily decreasing, since not everyone is ready to carry the burden of responsibility for such a small remuneration. As a result, the head of state set a number of tasks for the members of the government, which they will have to accomplish already in 2018. These tasks include:

  • annual indexation of salaries accrued to educators;
  • implementation of measures to reduce queues to kindergartens and nursery preschool institutions.

However, the publication of the order in this case is clearly not enough to carry it out. The indexation of public sector salaries alone will require the allocation of several trillion rubles from the treasury, so that the amount of the increase in 2018 on average across the regions is only 200-500 rubles. Separately, we note the fact that the salaries of educators working in the capital and workers in provincial kindergartens in rural areas differ almost twice!

For example, if Moscow educators are charged 23-28 thousand rubles, then provincial workers preschool institutions- 12-14 thousand rubles. The situation is even worse with the salary due to assistants of educators - Moscow kindergartens charge no more than 17-19 thousand for this work, and in rural areas they pay 6-10 thousand rubles a month for such work. It is quite clear that the 4% indexation carried out in 2018 will not do the trick.

The size of salaries directly depends on the region in which the educator works

However, if you turn to Rosstat for data, the situation looks more than optimistic. The department calculated the average salaries of educators in the Russian Federation in 2018, and issued rather high figures for most regions. Here are some examples:

  • in Adygea, the average salary of a teacher is 20082 rubles;
  • in Kalmykia, preschool workers are paid 20367 rubles;
  • in Crimea, the work of a teacher is estimated at 24,364 rubles per month;
  • kindergartens of the Krasnodar Territory, on average, charge their employees 26,821 rubles;
  • v Astrakhan region educators receive 23,081 rubles;
  • in Volgograd - 25119 in the national currency;
  • in Rostov - 22669 rubles;
  • in Dagestan, the level of remuneration for a teacher is one of the lowest in the Federation - 17644 rubles;
  • labor in Ingushetia preschool teacher estimated at 20,730 rubles;
  • in Karachay-Cherkessia - 19483 rubles;
  • in Kabardino-Balkaria - 19,664 rubles;
  • Ossetian educators are entitled to an average of 20,439 rubles per month;
  • in Chechnya - 19,557 rubles;
  • preschool teachers of the Stavropol Territory receive 22261 rubles;
  • in Bashkortostan - 25,223 rubles;
  • in the Republic of Mari El - 20109 national units;
  • in Mordovia - 20688 in the national currency;
  • educators of Tatarstan are monthly charged 26,913 rubles;
  • in Udmurtia, the average salary is 25,238 rubles;
  • in Chuvashia - 22,106 rubles;
  • in the Perm Territory - 28,250 rubles;
  • in the Kirov region - 20,573 rubles;
  • educators in the Nizhny Novgorod region are paid 27,524 rubles a month;
  • in the Orenburg region - 22,949 rubles;
  • in the Penza region - 25,247 rubles;
  • educators of the Samara region are charged 27,561 rubles;
  • in kindergartens in the Saratov region, the average salary reaches 20,823 rubles;
  • the salary of educators in institutions of the Sverdlovsk region looks decent - 30,219 rubles;
  • The Tyumen region is characterized by very good wages. Here, as in other regions with a northern coefficient, kindergarten teachers are charged a considerable amount of money - 53,638 rubles;
  • in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomy - 54,492 rubles;
  • educators of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug are paid 71,516 rubles;
  • in the Tyumen region - 38676 in the national currency;
  • in Altai - 22776 rubles;
  • in kindergartens in Buryatia - 28998 in national currency units;
  • in Khakassia - 25,549 rubles;
  • in Transbaikalia - 26704 rubles;
  • in kindergartens of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, an average of 32,593 rubles are accrued;
  • in the Irkutsk region - 30,773 rubles;
  • v Novosibirsk region- 27887 rubles;
  • in Kamchatka - 60,151 rubles;
  • in the Khabarovsk Territory - 36,015 rubles;
  • in Chukotka - 75425 rubles.

If you focus on these data, you might think that educators simply do not have the right to complain about the low pay for their work! However, the calculations of Roskomstat include data not only on salaries paid to state employees from the state treasury, but also on salaries in private institutions. The salaries of private traders make it possible to even out the situation in the Rosstat reports and provide citizens with quite optimistic statistics.

Will caregivers' salaries be increased in 2019?

Probably the only thing that educators can count on in 2019 is raising salaries to the minimum wage level (11,163 rubles) and indexing it by about 4%

Not so long ago, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and social protection The Russian Federation was informed that the system of remuneration of workers in the public sector will be subjected to a number of reforms. The department is going to introduce such innovations:

  • to replace the existing wage scale represented by 27 categories of blue-collar occupations. The new wage scale will have only 17 categories, and workers will be redistributed into new professional and qualification groups;
  • the basic salary of the educator will be equal to the level of the living wage fixed in the Federation. Recall that now the minimum wage is a federal concept, and since May 2018 minimum wage labor is expressed in the amount of 11163 rubles;
  • many centrally established additional payments will be canceled, and the right to rate salaries by positions, taking into account their characteristics in a specific industry, will be transferred to the heads of local bodies and departments;
  • in 2018, the average salary of state employees will rise by 80% of the national average, and in 2019 indexation will be carried out (at least by the amount recorded in 2018). Further, the government will take steps to implement the "May" decrees.

Representatives of the legislative sphere argue that the salary of educators in 2019 will definitely rise. It is too early to say how drastic the changes will be. Increase in wages for employees kindergarten promise for many years, and the question is important and open for the society of the Russian Federation.

Due to the unstable economic situation in Russia, there are no 100% guarantees regarding wage increases in other areas of activity. It became known that indexation will return, although it will significantly hit the budget treasury. However, officials are willing to take risks.

According to experts' forecasts, the size of indexation will reach no more than 10-12%. Perhaps this figure will double in case of an increase in wages next year. Unfortunately, there is no official version of the increase in labor rates.

Caregiver expectations

Based on the latest news, the salary of kindergarten teachers will increase significantly, but it should not be expected until October 2019. The fact is that the indexation of the base salary planned by the management will be carried out at the end of the current year, and a clear coefficient will be announced only in a few months.

By the way, what would you understand, indexation is compensation to minimize financial losses incurred by an employee in connection with inflationary processes. Indexed wages represent an immediate increase in an employee's monthly income.

The government plans to introduce a slightly updated method of calculating the average income in each region of the country, but the significantly increased amount is likely to be artificial. Those. the salary will increase, bonuses and allowances will be removed, and as a result, the person will receive the same money that was previously paid by the state. But this is one of the experts' versions.

Points system in Moscow and other cities of Russia

A certain system of points, which was introduced in Russia several years ago, has a significant impact on the size of wages. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher is awarded points for extra labor in hours, for example:

  1. Preparation of various events.
  2. Organization of holidays.
  3. Performance and participation in competitions.
  4. Additional classes, etc.

On the surface, the system looks quite correct and attractive, but there are certain pitfalls here.

The basic pay of the teacher is obscenely low and kindergarten workers have to recruit a huge number of hours beyond their working hours in order to bring the salary closer to a sufficient level, and this significantly affects the quality of their work. Children are given much less time and this is sad.

The salary of a teacher in Russia yesterday and today

The average salary of workers in the education system in Russia is 25,797 rubles per month (2018), but you can find out how the growth of the teacher's income in previous periods looks like from the table below:

Unfortunately, small towns and villages are much less fortunate, where the basic salary of a teacher is considered one of the lowest in the country, according to research by statistical agencies.

Working with young children is laborious and requires patience, creativity, and psychological skills. We hope that in the future the state will evaluate the work of educators more prudently, otherwise, where then can these people find strength, interest and inspiration in their work?


The salary of state employees is traditionally one of the reasons for discussion among the population. Although people who never get involved with work in the municipal sphere confuse the incomes of people who receive salaries from the budget. The salary of educators in 2019 will be very different from the income of police officers or employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, although they are all state employees. At the same time, it was previously promised that the minimum wage for educators, teachers and even school watchmen would be increased. It remains only to understand when this will happen and how much higher the salary will be.

Confusion in the data on the average salary of caregivers

Lovers of statistics are often interested in the average income of people working in any profession. Rosstat has prepared very “nice” data even for educators. Statistics show some obscenely high incomes - in many teachers receive more than 25 and even 30 thousand rubles, and in the northern regions, for example, in Chukotka, the salary is over 79 thousand rubles.

According to the documents, the salary is quite usual in Russia, and in some regions it even seems good. Some simple educator from a regional village or small town will be very surprised only at such numbers. Even in many settlements Moscow region salary of 25 thousand when working in preschool municipal institution is considered good, in the regions incomes are often at the level of 13-14 tons. There are even those who receive an almost bare salary, not even up to 13 thousand.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Rosstat provides false information. The data simply includes both senior caregivers and employees of commercial kindergartens. These groups of workers have higher incomes, especially among "private traders". Their salary can really be 30-40 thousand and more, depending on the region. In the aggregate, according to the documents, all educators receive a good salary, although in fact this is not the case. For this reason, many people forget that the contribution of educators to the personality of people is very high.

Incommensurability of high importance of labor and low pay

Persons who are at least indirectly associated with preschool institutions know that the work of an educator is filled with the highest tension and deep meaning. A high level of responsibility is mixed with the need for vigilant control, which inevitably leads to increased mental reactions. The educator conditionally replaces the parents, teaching each specific child the norms of behavior, instilling in him life priorities, forming some character traits.

Educators have more than 20 such “objects” of influence in groups, or even 25. In this case, each child must be given at least a few minutes of attention, explaining or showing something. The rest of the children at this moment must not be overlooked - they need every minute supervision.

Important! Do not forget about children who do not know how to behave in society at all. If at home a mother can punish a prankster by putting him in a corner or doing it in some other way, then it is more difficult for educators to influence naughty children. In addition, parents often allow themselves to indicate what and how to do with their child, requiring a special approach based on their personal convictions, and not a forced necessity.

At the same time, educators are criminally responsible for children, although if parents allow a child to do dangerous things, looking at him alone, then he may well repeat the same thing in kindergarten. The teacher is physically unable to simultaneously catch three children if they simultaneously climb the fence and fall off. It is surprising that there are still people willing to work for obscenely low salaries, waiting for their increase. Although it will not be as weighty as this important and intense work requires.

Expectation and reality in the issue of wage increases

Even if the increase takes place within the promised time frame, then you should not flatter yourself, expecting substantial amounts. Yes, it is worth waiting for a small increase, but it is still far from the amount of 150% of the average income in Russia. The protracted situation with an unstable economy has made its own adjustments to the plans of the authorities, so the promises of large incomes for educators have not yet been fulfilled.

In fact, the increase will be the equalization of wages to the minimum wage, but this will affect only those who previously received below the subsistence level. For the rest, a slight indexing is provided. However, indexation at the end of 2019 awaits all educators, which can also be considered another increase.

Worth knowing! In addition to indexing, do not forget about the annual increase in the minimum wage. It will also affect the total amount of income due to the new accrual system.

The introduction of a new tariffication for public sector employees will allow to partially change the size of the calculation of salaries. This will especially affect those who have made efforts before, received a pedagogical education, and so on. In any case, the salary will be calculated in the minimum wage, but otherwise the bonuses will begin to be charged differently.

With a relatively negative development of events, an attempt to implement the planned increase cannot be ignored. In practice, it was not possible to fully increase the welfare of workers in preschool institutions, although the authorities honestly tried to keep their promise. On the other hand, there was no decrease in income either, which in modern realities can already be considered a good event. A full-fledged indexation at least allows you to keep the standard of living the same without cutting costs.

Nuances of payroll and actual income growth

The majority of citizens hardly seriously believed that the salary of educators in 2019 will really become worthy for a fulfilling life. The authorities tried to do something, but in the conditions of the protracted crisis, it is not easy to continue what they started. The course for wage growth is outlined, but even the president himself will not be able to say when incomes will really grow. On the other hand, the fact that there are no redundancies in this area is already known with almost the maximum degree of probability.

Traditionally, there are not enough educators for many years in a row. There is no such thing as educators who are busy filling out the papers, those who in fact do not work with children or are a "spare" employee. For this reason, they will not remove unnecessary educators from the preschool sphere - there is a shortage of personnel, and not an excess. This will continue in the near future, but if state employees really start receiving decent salaries, then potentially competition among educators will increase. Then it will be possible to talk about cuts, but this conversation is unlikely to take place in the next few years.

Now, along with the percentage increases, the salaries of educators in 2019 are being “pulled” to the subsistence level. For some, this fact will not play a role, but for rural employees it may become a promotion. For now, the rest should count on a small increase in income without the hope of a quick repetition. The increase before 2019 will not be as significant, but further, only indexation is planned so far. When the wages will be raised again, it will be known later, since this is influenced not only by the will of the president, but also by the economic situation in the country.

Video - how much does a kindergarten teacher earn

Regardless of which stratum of society the family belongs to, parents are especially careful about choosing a person to whom they will trust the most precious thing they have - a child. For the majority of ordinary Russian families, such an important and valuable person, on whose shoulders education of kids in preschool age, is a kindergarten teacher. But, despite the importance of this profession and the high requirements for candidates from the leadership of state preschool institutions, the income of educators today remains very low (on average 19,842 rubles, which is 25% lower than the teacher's salary).

A difficult situation threatening the outflow of specialists from this area has arisen due to the fact that last years the rate norms for employees of preschool educational institutions have not been revised or indexed. It seems that the question of whether the salary of educators will be raised in 2019 is hanging in the air, but preschool education workers continue to hope, rereading the latest news, because the country's leadership has repeatedly emphasized that education is one of the highest priorities.

Educator is a vocation

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine that a person today would strive to get a pedagogical education with a single goal - to achieve high incomes. Teaching and raising children is a vocation!

The teacher bears full responsibility for the life and health of each pupil. He teaches kids not only the alphabet and numeracy, but also the basic skills of social life, communication with peers and adults. Each parent understands that it is from this first life experience that a child receives in kindergarten that his success in the future largely depends (and not only in terms of education).

So why have people, on whom so much depends, been forgotten for so long?

Educator salary in 2018

According to Rosstat, the average earnings of educators in the regions is approximately the following:

Krasnoyarsk region

Sverdlovsk region.



Volgograd region

Astrakhan region

Rostov region





  1. Chukotka - 75,425 rubles;
  2. Yamalo-Nenets District - 71,516 rubles;
  3. Kamchatka - 60,151 rubles;

Of course, the average wage in the industry differs significantly from the figures that ordinary caregivers and nannies will name. This picture is for two reasons:

  • the calculation takes into account the salaries of all employees, including bosses;
  • statistics counts not only the salaries of state employees, but also the salaries of teachers in private kindergartens, which are much higher.

Are changes for the better possible? What can the Government offer to the staff of kindergartens and nurseries in order to preserve the existing staff of experienced and skilled educators and attract them to preschool schools young staff?

Coming reform

Already next year, state employees will be able to count on a salary increase. The latest news says that the salaries of educators should increase significantly in 2019 thanks to the planned reform. Already in 2018, Vladimir Putin set the following priority tasks for the government:

  • reduction of queues to preschool educational institutions;
  • indexation of wages for educators and caregivers' assistants.

Of course, indexation will not be able to radically solve the problem, because it will raise the salary of an individual teacher by only 4% (about 200-500 rubles). But, this will be only the beginning of the changes announced by representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

In the coming year, they plan:

  • Replace the outdated 27-bit rate scale with an optimized 17-bit rate scale. For this, a new principle of division into professional qualification groups will be implemented.
  • Tie the teacher's base salary to the subsistence level.
  • To increase the salaries of employees of budgetary organizations by 80%.
  • Transfer the right to rate salaries to local authorities and departments.

Since May 2018, the minimum wage is 11,163 rubles, but if it is higher in the region, then the regional minimum wage will be used as the minimum threshold. Thus, the minimum wage of a teacher in most regions will be set at 11,163 rubles, and even higher for 10 regions:

RegionThe minimum rate in rubles.
Magadan region19 500
Moscow18 742
Saha Republic17 388
Saint Petersburg17 000
Kamchatka Krai16 910
Yamal-Nenets autonomy16 299
Sakhalin Region15 150
Nenets Autonomous Okrug14 260
Moscow region13 750
Tula region13 000

Should we be afraid of cuts?

Management promises often come with many pitfalls. So, many today are worried about the question of whether an increase in salaries for employees of preschool educational institutions (including teachers' assistants) will entail another wave of layoffs in 2019.

Experts promise that this will not happen, citing facts such as:

  • lack of qualified personnel in this area;
  • optimization of the personnel structure already carried out earlier;
  • active implementation of a project to reduce queues, within the framework of which new kindergartens are being opened in many regions.

Time will tell how much the salaries of educators will actually increase as a result of the promised reform of 2019 and whether this will help increase the prestige of the profession. But the very fact that they paid attention to the problem gives rise to hope that every child in kindergarten will be greeted by an experienced qualified educator who loves his job and values ​​his workplace.

Kindergarten teachers in Russia are people whose work is clearly underestimated and whose work is rather ungrateful. The situation with preschool education in the country, in principle, it is difficult to call normal - queues in which you need to get up almost before the birth of a child, staff turnover in the teaching staff due to low salaries ... The state seems to think about the social importance of kindergartens as the last thing if it does basically. The salary of kindergarten teachers in 2018: what indexation is planned, whether the life of teachers will be better.

Raising the salary of preschool workers in 2018

The latest news regarding the indexation of wages of kindergarten teachers came along with the submission to the State Duma. For a very wide list of categories of state employees, including preschool workers, the budget plans to index at a rate of 4% from January 1, 2018.

This percentage of the increase is the planned inflation in 2017.

In fact, the indexation is intended only to slightly adjust the salaries of educators so that their real size does not decrease. The increase compensates medium height prices for goods and services in the country in recent months.

Strictly speaking, the indexation percentage will be slightly higher than the 2017 official inflation. Judging by the government's reports, inflation by the end of this year will be about 3 percent. But it is clear that, firstly, the official figures are a crafty thing, and it would be good to take into account the percentage of growth in food prices and public Utilities... Secondly, even if the really real salaries of educators grow by as much as one percent, these pennies can hardly be felt somehow. Moreover, with almost beggarly salaries of educators.

How much do kindergarten teachers get in Russia

According to statistics from the Internet portal trud.com, in 2017, the average salary of a teacher did not rise above 15 thousand rubles, dropping in some months to 12-13 thousand.

The distribution of the average earnings of educators by region shows that in the Moscow Region the average earnings of educators are almost twice as high as the national ones and are approaching 30 thousand rubles. This is followed by the Leningrad region and the northern regions.

Educator assistants earn an average of 10 thousand rubles a month, in the Moscow region - 25 thousand.

Educators in private kindergartens, according to portal statistics, get more than their colleagues in government institutions(which is understandable) - their average salary in the country is 23,375 rubles. Educational assistants in such institutions earn an average of 18 thousand.

Who else will receive salary increases in 2018

Indexation of wages by 4% from January 1, 2018 is also provided for the following categories of state employees:

  • personnel officers, lawyers and accountants of budgetary institutions,
  • engineering and technical and auxiliary workers of such institutions,
  • social work specialists, social psychologists,
  • rescuers and firefighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
  • hydrobiologists, meteorologists, oceanologists,
  • foresters and other forestry workers,
  • veterinary workers, etc.

A similar increase in monetary allowances by four percent also for the country's military and security forces.

In fact, a four percent increase in wages is expected for all state employees of the country, except for those mentioned in the "May decrees" of 2012 (teachers and doctors).

In relation to them, indexation will be more serious, since 2018 is the final point of the program to bring their incomes to double the level of average salaries in a particular region. " May decrees”Were one of the most notable pre-election measures in the previous presidential elections, it is important to report on their formal implementation on the eve of a new plebiscite.