FTP priority. What projects does FTP support. Open tender under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

FTSPIR is the Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014-2020". The main goal of the FTSIR is to form a competitive and efficient research and development sector in the country in the field of applied research.

This program, in contrast to the Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2007 - 2013", does not include funding for experimental design and experimental technological work. The new FCPIR aims to support research and development only at the pre-commercial stage. Accordingly, the program is aimed at researchers and scientific organizations. However, those projects whose results can be launched into commercially successful production are most likely to win.

In general, the FCPIR should lead to the following global results:

  • new priorities for the development of science and technology, on which the main resources of the country are concentrated;
  • new commercially promising technologies demanded by the real economy;
  • modernized material and technical base and research and development infrastructure;
  • new jobs for young scientists;
  • cooperation between domestic and foreign research organizations.


The FTPIR became a continuation of the FTP "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007 - 2013" (hereinafter - FTPIR 07-13).

FTP "Research and Development" for 2007 - 2013

Works within the framework of FTSPIR 07-13 were carried out in the following priority areas of science, technology and engineering Russian Federation:

  • energy and energy saving, including equipment and technology of renewable energy sources, taking into account the requirements for the safety of the environment and consumers;
  • nanotechnologies and new materials;
  • information and communication technologies;
  • living systems;
  • rational environmental management.


Over the 7 years of the program implementation, the volume of production of new and improved high-tech products exceeded expectations by almost 20% and amounted to about 400 types for a total amount of over 180 billion rubles, 17% of which will be exported. About 300 competitive technologies have been developed for commercialization in the real sector of the economy, with more than 50 of them successfully implemented. 50 thousand young researchers and developers took part in the projects, several tens of thousands of jobs for highly qualified specialists were created in the country.


The brightest innovative projects were presented at the exhibition, which was held on September 24 and 25, 2013 as part of the conference on the results of the FCPIR 07-13.

Thus, NUST MISiS (Institute of Steel and Alloys), in cooperation with the Ufa Motor-Building Production Association, the Kermet company, the leading enterprise of the Composite Federal Space Agency and the largest machine-building plant in Elektrostal, have developed new technology production of turbine blades for aircraft engines from titanium gamma aluminide. These blades are two times lighter than the nickel-based counterpart. The transition to the new technology made it possible to improve engine performance, including efficiency and throttle response, reduce specific fuel consumption and emissions into the atmosphere, and reduce noise levels. Aircraft engines with new blades have already been put into production in Ufa.

Large-scale results were also achieved by the participants of another project carried out by the research and production company "Reasonable Solutions". As part of the work under state contract No. 07.524.12.4022, they created a system operational management resources and coordinated management of workshops of enterprises for blanking, tooling, mechanical assembly production, a workshop for testing assembled products and a workshop for repairing products with disassembly and replacement of parts. A complete transition to electronic control technology of the machine assembly shop was made, while the transparency of its work reached 100%, which made it possible to establish control and optimize work. The workshop system was fully integrated into the information space of the enterprise, it supports the full cycle of management: from inputting events to planning and monitoring results through marking the fact of work performance and analyzing plan against fact. All basic routine operations are automated, which reduces the complexity of management. According to the management of the plant and workshop, the main result of the project was the achievement of full transparency in production planning, which makes it possible to see ahead of time “ narrow places» and quickly redistribute resources in real time.

Other unique projects deserve close attention, including:

  • "Development of non-resonant optical nanoantennas to improve the energy efficiency of thin-film solar cells", St. Petersburg National Research University information technologies, mechanics and optics;
  • "Dispersion-strengthened crystalline nanomaterials (FS-bonds) with enhanced mechanical and tribological properties that determine the reliability and durability of the cutting tool, and the technology for their production", National Research Technological University "MISiS";
  • “Development of technologies for creating an implantable blood pump and production of prototypes of a wearable circulatory assist device for the left ventricle of the human heart”, Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University);
  • "Development of hybrid biocompatible nanoscale materials for targeted delivery and impact on biological targets", National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute";
  • "Biomedical technology for the treatment of malignant neoplasms based on the MEPhI reactor", National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI";
  • "Osteoplastic materials of a new generation based on xenogenic bone matrix with the addition of growth and regeneration factors", Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya;
  • “Development of a modular complex system for deep purification and disinfection of natural waters based on a new class of nanostructured membrane filter materials and modified natural sorbents”, A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Energy;
  • "Creation of highly profitable production of semiconductor devices of a new generation based on silicon and silicon carbide and converters electrical energy based on them”, OJSC “Elektrovypryamitel”;
  • "Development of high-speed algorithms for automatic recognition of voice commands with adjustable accuracy and reliability based on the principles of syllabic phonetics of the Russian language and the method of phonetic decoding of words", CJSC "IstraSoft".


The topics of projects within the framework of the FTSIDR are either determined by directive, at the direction of the authorities state power, or are formed on the basis of initiatives from the business, academic communities and technology platform coordinating organizations (list of technology platforms). Since September 30, 2013, initiative proposals on the formation of topics and amounts of funding have been accepted by the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Programs (hereinafter referred to as the Directorate), which provides full organizational support for the FTSID. The notice of acceptance of proposals can be read on the official website of the program.

Proposals for the FTSPIR are accepted only in electronic form. To do this, you just need to fill out a special form on the website, located at: http://tematika.fcpir.ru. Proposals will be accepted during the entire period of implementation of the FTSID.

The Directorate registers received proposals in the Expertise System. For all initiative proposals, specially created working groups in priority areas for the development of science and technology of the Directorate conduct a preliminary examination. It includes:

  • verification of the compliance of the design of the submitted proposals with the provisions of the FTSID;
  • identification of proposals containing projects on the subject of work, similar or similar to works that were previously funded (including within the framework of the FTPIR 07-13) or are being carried out in currently at the expense of the federal budget.

Then the proposals, together with the results of the preliminary examination, are submitted to the heads of the relevant working groups of the Scientific Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for consideration. As a result, the minutes of the meetings of the working groups are drawn up and submitted to the Scientific and Coordinating Council. It should be noted that the Scientific and Coordinating Council has the right to significantly adjust the conditions for the implementation of projects.

After considering the proposal, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia either announces a competition for the implementation of the corresponding project, or postpones the proposal until better times for another competition, or rejects it altogether. In the latter case, it may be reconsidered at one of the next meetings of the Scientific Coordinating Council.

Currently, the Directorate is accepting proposals on the formation of topics for research and projects within the framework of the following FTSID activities:

  • activity 1.2 "Conducting research in the areas of creating a scientific and technological reserve";
  • activity 1.3 "Conducting applied research aimed at creating a leading scientific and technological reserve for the development of economic sectors";
  • activity 2.1 “Conducting research within the framework of international multilateral and bilateral cooperation”;
  • activity 2.2 “Research support in the framework of cooperation with the Member States of the European Union”;
  • activity 3.3.1 "Development of a system for demonstrating and popularizing the results and achievements of science";
  • activity 3.3.2 "Development of the communication system of the scientific community (including holding conferences, seminars)".

How to get funding

The selection of projects for financing under the FTSID is carried out in two ways:

  • by holding open tenders in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF);
  • with the help of competitive procedures within the framework of the Federal Law "On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” No. 44-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law 44), including 2-stage open tenders.

Financing of projects within the framework of the FTSID is carried out in two ways:

by providing subsidies (activities 1.1 - 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2);

on the basis of state contracts within the limits of budget obligations provided for the purchase of goods, works and services for state needs (measures 2.3, 3.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 5.1).

Open tender under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Chapter 57 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation actually contains the legal framework for holding any competitions in the country, including those regulated by Law 44. The Ministry of Education and Science, as a customer and coordinator of the FTSPIR, has received a wider room for maneuver and can announce competitions for R&D not only within the framework of public procurement, but also without using the contract system of 44 Laws.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an open competition is a type of public competition in which the organizer invites everyone to take part in it and announces this in the media. At the same time, an open competition may be conditioned by the preliminary qualification of its participants, when the organizer conducts a preliminary selection of persons who wish to take part in it.

The announcement of the competition must at least contain conditions that provide for the essence of the task, the criteria and procedure for evaluating the results of the work, the place, term and procedure for their presentation, the amount and form of the award to the winner (in the case of the FTSID, the amount and form of project financing), and as well as the procedure and terms for announcing the results of the competition.

It should be added that if the subject of the competition is the creation of a work of science, then by default the customer acquires the pre-emptive right to conclude an agreement with the author of the work awarded the award on the use of the work with the payment of an appropriate remuneration to him for this. This provision of the law must be kept in mind and carefully studied the tender documentation, first of all, individual entrepreneurs and researchers applying for the execution of certain works within the framework of the FTSPR and any other federal targeted program. The victory in such a competition for a participant may be tantamount to the loss of rights to any results of research on the competitive task.

Competitive procedures under the 44th law

Open competition is announced on the Official Website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for placing information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the public procurement website), located at http://zakupki.gov.ru. The latest announcements of tenders are displayed in the Register of Orders and Purchases on the page http://zakupki.gov.ru/epz/main/public/quicksearch/search.html.

To take part in the competition, you need to draw up and submit an appropriate application strictly in accordance with the rules specified in the competition documentation. The tender documentation is placed by the customer simultaneously with the announcement of the tender on the public procurement website and is available for free review. You can also contact the customer for its printed version, but this service is usually paid.

Despite the fact that the tender documentation is always drawn up taking into account the norms of 44 of the law, when filling out an application for participation in the tender, one should be guided, first of all, by this law, in particular, by art. 51.

All applications are submitted both on paper and on electronic media (CD) to the address indicated in the tender documentation, and often a copy of it is also required along with the original application. Envelopes with applications are opened by the tender commission in the presence of participants, the compliance of the contents of the envelopes with the requirements of the tender documentation is checked, and the entire procedure is recorded on a voice recorder. If there are no complaints about the composition of the application documents, it is accepted for participation in the competition. Otherwise, the application is rejected.

Accepted applications are considered by the tender committee within a maximum of 20 days after opening. In some cases, the customer can extend this period by 10 days, then he notifies all participants of the tender about this and places an appropriate announcement on the public procurement website. Protocols with the results of consideration of applications are published on the public procurement website on the same page where all information on the competition is posted. As a result of consideration, applications may be rejected due to non-compliance with the requirements of the tender documentation and / or 44 of the law.

The winner of the competition is the participant who offered the best conditions for the execution of the state contract, based on the criteria for evaluating applications, their content and significance. Not earlier than 10 and not later than 20 days after the announcement of the winner, the customer concludes a state contract with him on the terms specified in the winning bid. It should be noted that if, according to the terms of the tender, the enforcement of the contract is required, it is concluded only after the bidder with whom the contract is concluded provides an irrevocable bank guarantee issued by a bank or other credit organization, or transfers it to the customer as a pledge cash, including in the form of a contribution (deposit), in the amount of security for the performance of the contract. In this case, the method of ensuring the performance of the contract is determined by the tender participant independently.

It should also be noted that if the bidder with whom the contract is concluded is state-financed organization, the customer is not entitled to demand security for the performance of the contract.

Within 15 days from the date of receipt of the draft contract from the customer, the winner of the tender is obliged to sign the contract and submit it to the customer. It is important to remember that submitting a competitive bid imposes a certain degree of responsibility on the participant. In case of victory, to refuse state funding and, with it, the execution of a state contract means subjecting yourself, the project team or your organization to harsh sanctions. The customer has the right to apply to the court with a claim for compensation for damages caused by evading the conclusion of the contract, minus the security of the application, or to conclude a contract with the tender participant, whose application was assigned the second number, and on the terms of his application. In this case, such a participant has the right to refuse to sign the contract.

It should be noted that if the winner of the tender evades the conclusion of the contract, all funds contributed by him as security for the application remain with the customer. Moreover, for two years it enters the Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers, publicly presented on the website http://rnp.fas.gov.ru.

Any participant has the right to send to the customer in writing or electronic form a request for clarification of the results of the tender, and the customer must respond within two working days.

Two-stage competition - tender, in which information about the purchase is communicated by the customer to an unlimited circle of people on the public procurement website, the procurement participants are presented with uniform requirements or uniform requirements and additional requirements, and the winner is the participant of both stages of such a tender (including the one who passed the pre-qualification selection at the first stage in case additional requirements for the tender participants are established), who offered the best conditions for the execution of the contract based on the results of the second stage. Two-stage tenders are held when the customer wants to clarify the terms of the purchase, for example, the requirements for the results of research, and on the same conditions as regular open tenders, with the exception of a number of features.

At the first stage of such a tender, participants submit so-called initial bids containing only proposals on the object of procurement (on the quality of work) without specifying the price of the contract. It is not required to secure the application at the first stage.

The Competition Commission conducts discussions with the participants of the proposals contained in their applications, providing everyone with equal opportunities for discussions. At the same time, the period of the first stage cannot exceed 20 days from the date of opening the envelopes with the initial bids. The results of the discussion held are recorded by the tender commission in the minutes and posted on the public procurement website on the page of the corresponding tender. Based on the results of the first stage, the customer has the right to clarify the terms of the purchase.

At the second stage, the tender committee invites all participants who took part in the first stage to submit final bids already indicating the contract price and securing the bid, taking into account the new procurement conditions. The changed conditions may not suit everyone, so it is important to remember that the participant of the first stage has the right to refuse to participate in the second.

All details about participation in the FTP IR can be found on the website http://xpir.fcntp.ru/ in the Theory and Practice section. You can also ask questions about the program there.

Innovation Potential Development Program

The program for the development of innovative potentials of scientific and technical projects carried out within the framework of the FTP IR 2014-2020 is aimed at the successful transformation of research results into practical results - real use on the basis of large industrial customers, the creation of small innovative enterprises, attraction of investments, etc.


Our editor-in-chief Nina Shatalova asked Lyudmila Mikhailovna about the work of flagship universities, strategic plans that they intend to implement in the interests of their regions and the problems that may arise along the way.


About negotiations with investors

The beginning of negotiations with an investor is a stage at which a startup is waiting for many opportunities and many dangers. In order to protect their interests and to discuss in advance the conditions on which negotiations will be conducted, start-up entrepreneurs draw up a term sheet - an agreement on the basic conditions of work.

What is a term sheet
This is the project development roadmap that you will follow with the investor. The document contains only the most important conditions:
- terms of the transaction;
- order of the transaction;
- stages of the transaction.

Why you need a term sheet
This document is an agreement on how you will behave, negotiate, bargain, on the basis of which the price will be determined. It is not mandatory, but it will help you define the rules of the game "on the shore":
-to avoid disputes at subsequent stages;
- to agree in advance on the terms and conditions of the transaction;
-to make decisions on the most significant issues of the transaction;
- to draw up a "road map" for lawyers.

How to issue a term sheet
The term sheet is the tip of the iceberg, most of which is underwater. In our case, option contracts, an investment agreement, a corporate agreement are “under water”. It is very important not to forget to sign the final version of the term sheet so that this document can be considered by the court.

Learn more about how to draw up an agreement with an investor: https://xpir.ru/guidealias/term-sheet

Lighter, cleaner, hotter: new materials for aircraft turbines

Andrey Kartavykh, participant of the first Development Program, talks about his project "Development of approaches and methods for creating materials based on doped titanium gamma aluminides with an ordered nanostructure for use in heat-resistant components of gas turbine engines" 😊

How to make an airplane lighter and more environmentally friendly with new materials? About the FTP project "Development of approaches and methods for creating materials based on alloyed...

Colleagues, sent you an important letter. The bottom line is that almost all partners wanted to get acquainted with your terms of reference for R&D and OTR.

Let us know, please, if your agreement with the FTP IR contains the task of compiling technical specifications for R&D or OTR by the end of the project? If so, what is the current status of this task?

As part of the seminar, Dmitry Fadin, a member of the strategy committee of the independent laboratory "Invitro", will talk about the company's current practice regarding innovative developments in the field of medicine, including current opportunities for FTP R&D projects

Expert meeting with MORTON Group of Companies: innovative developments and relevant opportunities for projects...

On March 24, the second expert meeting with the partners of the Development Program of the FTP IR projects will take place. This time the participants will talk with Yuri Vasiliev, Director of Innovation at Morton Group. Yury will talk about the company's current practice in relation to innovative developments, including current opportunities for FTP R&D projects.

“We consider the innovation project acceleration model to be one of the most effective tools for early familiarization with promising technologies. We are ready to take part in the selection and examination of projects, their support at the acceleration stage, as well as invest in promising innovative developments and jointly enter international markets" - Yury Vasiliev, Innovation Director, Morton Group, Executive Director of the Russian Technical Society.

The seminar will take place on Thursday, March 24, at 10:00 am at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow, Klimentovsky per., 1, building 1, room 206).

To participate in the seminar, you must register at the link: https://programma-razvitiya.timepad.ru/event/308331/

We invite you to an expert meeting with Yuri Vasiliev, Innovation Director of Morton Group of Companies. Yury will talk about the company's current practice in relation to innovative developments, including current opportunities for FTP R&D projects.


Friends, the discussion "Problems of technology transfer in the context of import substitution" is open at Expir

To join the discussion, click the "Participate" button. If you are not registered on the site, go through a simple registration procedure here: https://xpir.ru/quickregistration (you can register via FB or VK)


Colleagues, have you encountered difficulties in formulating social significance project when applying for funding under FTP? Is there such an item?

Friends, I need an expert opinion. We have a discussion and I want to hear competent people. The task of the discussion is to develop such a formulation of the "social significance" of scientific projects that will not slow them down and will be counted adequately for the specifics of the project. The main theses of the participants:
1. "Proper docents in greenhouse conditions have degraded so much that they are not able to produce valuable results, and the needs are only growing. Then the official, as a consumer, came up with a way out:" Show the result "!"
2. "Officers should not burden scientists with social issues in the form of "do my job for me", this is already very similar to a form of bribery."
3. "It's up to the scientists themselves to look for contacts with the authorities. Stop asking your dad for permission. It's you who live in the region, it's up to you to come up with drivers, and then come to the administration and hand them a carrot."

Join us, we want to find out what anyone thinks and how the requirement of "social significance" really stands. Does it really slow down and ruin worthwhile projects? Or is this requirement not an obstacle for real projects that have the potential to grow into a real business?


Star Wars: The Force Awakens premieres tonight (December 17). The lucky ones who managed to buy a ticket will plunge into the Star Wars universe 30 years after the death of Darth Vader, in which public education New order follows in the footsteps of the Empire, trying to seize all power. Han Solo, Chewbacca and Queen Leia will delight you from the old lineup of the war with the Empire, and, of course, only the Jedi, who is the only one left in the universe, can stop the main villain.

In general, the lucky ones going to the premiere - congratulations, enjoy watching. Share your experience with others! :-)

Program for Development of FTP IR Projects Brings Together Science-Intensive Projects and Investors | expir

On December 4, at the Vuzpromexpo-2015 site, participants in the Project Development Program of the Federal Target Program "Research and Development" presented their projects at a closed presentation day of ORSC, Rosnano, UEC, Rostelecom, FSUE "Space Communications", Bosch, NPO "Saturn", RTI, Skoltech , a number of venture funds and business angels.

On December 4, at the Vuzpromexpo-2015 site, participants in the Project Development Program of the Federal Target Program "Research and Development" presented their projects at a closed presentation day to potential investors: the Skolkovo Foundation, Rosnano, Bosch, technology brokers and private investors.

FTP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN PRIORITY AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL COMPLEX OF RUSSIA FOR 2014-2020 announced a competition "Conducting research in selected priority areas with the participation of research organizations and universities in India"

It would seem that we should rejoice. However, the study of the Competitive Documentation causes a depressing impression. As if there had not been a dozen years of discussions, public demands for debureaucratization, explanations about the inadmissibility of accepting the price criterion as the main one in scientific competitions etc. Even the Federal Target Program "Kadry" that died in Bose was more modern and flexible, not to mention the competitions of the Russian Science Foundation!

Program- the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014 - 2020", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2013 No. 426.

Program event- a structural element of the Program that combines work to solve one of its main tasks, within the framework of which the financing of works and projects is carried out.

Subsidy- funds provided to the recipient from the budget of the Russian Federation to finance costs as part of the implementation of the Program activities.

At this point, I remembered the Strugatskys: Who is the king? Bright majesty. Who are the ministers? Faithful, knowing no doubt. Etc.

I will not deprive readers of the pleasure of further study of this important document and move on to the next one.


Here - continuous definitions, and for things about which I used to think that I knew everything or almost everything. But no! Judge for yourself. Do you know what publication is? Reading.

A publication is understood as a written work that is available for mass acquaintance, has undergone editorial and publishing processing and has output data. A publication may be submitted within the framework of the Program only once and only for one event of the Program. Supporting documents must include:

− a copy of the publication;

− copies of sheets of publications containing output information about the publication;

- a screenshot of a web page confirming the indexing of the publication in the Scopus or WEB of Science bibliographic databases.

Monographs must be published in scientific publishing houses that have the ISBN code and the subscription index of Rospechat OJSC and / or the United Catalog Russian press"Post office". The publication must contain the results of the work obtained during the implementation of the project.

An application for legal protection of RIA or a document of protection for RIA can be submitted within the Program only once and only for one event of the Program.

Apparently, this is about the fact that you cannot sell the same chair twice. I imagine what kind of scientists are working with the officials of this FTP. By the way, who are scientists? We read further:

A scientist is a person who degree Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science awarded as a result of a public defense.

- specialist (or engineering and technical worker) - a person with a secondary professional or higher professional education and contributing to obtaining scientific and (or) scientific and technical result or its implementation.

Finally, everything or almost everything about scientists and specialists became clear. In particular, a messenger carrying an article to the post office for sending to a journal is, of course, a specialist, since he contributes to the realization of a scientific result.

Finally, the most important thing to know about researchers:

One researcher can be counted within one project only once.

Of course, you cannot sell the same researcher twice. I just couldn't read further...

I appeal to those who work on this FTP. How are you still holding on there? Hold on! And share your experience, is it possible for the recipient of her subsidies to survive?

On December 8, the Digital October Center hosted an Interregional Conference on the activation of the role of young scientists participating in the implementation of the target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020", in strengthening the function of public-private partnership" ( Conference of the FTP IR). The conference brought together representatives of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, monitoring organizations, FTP participants, industrial partners, business representatives, leading Russian universities, young research scientists, graduate students and teachers.

The plenary session of the conference was started by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Povalko. He spoke about the federal targeted program and the tools used by the ministry to attract young and talented students and graduates to research teams. This is an important task of the ministry - reducing the average age of research teams and involving young people in project management.

The meeting was continued by the rector of the Moscow State University of Transport and Technology Valery Belgorodsky. He very succinctly summed up the speech of the Deputy Minister, noting the effectiveness of the tools used and fully supporting the speech of Alexander Borisovich.

The plenary session continued with interesting presentations by representatives of the Russian Quantum Center, Acronis, clusters of energy efficient technologies and nuclear technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation.

MAI acted as a partner of the conference and round table "Energy, Energy Efficient Technologies and Transport". Round table moderated Technical Director of TBN Energoservice, Professor of the Department of Energy Service and Energy Saving Management, IMEST MAI Mikhail Burdunin. Not surprisingly, Mayovites dominated among the speakers. Specialists of department 310 "Control systems, computer science and electric power industry" acted as a single block, presenting three reports on power plants based on high-temperature superconductivity for various types transport. Professor of the Research Institute of PME MAI Sergey Khartov, professor of the Department of Energy Service and Energy Saving Management of IMEST MAI Alexander Golubev and a young scientist of the Faculty of Aircraft Engines Konstantin Pushkin also presented their reports.

The head of department 310 "Control systems, informatics and electric power industry" Konstantin Kovalev assessed the round table as quite useful in terms of establishing new connections and popularizing MAI developments.

The reports caused an active discussion and even a heated argument about the commercialization of developments being carried out in the interests of the state. Mikhail Burdunin summed up the summary of the round table: “The section discussed various topics related to energy efficiency. All messages were somehow related to the topics of creating various energy installations and devices in order to reduce the consumption of energy resources, as well as the creation of objects that allow generating various types of energy resources at minimal cost. Energy saving is one of the key points that allows you to implement various kinds of projects with a reduction in costs. energy resources and thereby reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

In general, the conference was a logical continuation of the scientific and practical conference of the FTP IR, which was held as part of the Vuzpromexpo forum-exhibition. Closing session dedicated to procedural issues of bidding, co-financing and strategic discussion of federal targeted programs and grants, completed the work of the conference. We hope that this event will contribute to even more active participation of young scientists and specialists in the Federal Target Program "Research and Development".