International action "The 5th day of S. Marshak's poetry in children's libraries" Outline of the literary hour "And then we will surely read Marshak .... Photo report “International action“ VI Day of S. Marshak's poetry in children's libraries Action “IV Day of poetry of S.Ya. Marsha

On October 27, Tyagloozero Rural Library took part in the International Action “IV Day of Poetry of S.Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries ”, organized by the Voronezh Regional Children's Library.
On poems by S.Ya. Marshak has raised more than one generation of children. Who does not know the lady with the luggage, scattered from Basseinaya Street, the mustache - striped and many, many others ?! S. Marshak's cheerfulness, his optimism, deep humanity, his humor and gaiety conquer us. This is why he becomes a personal friend of every reader. He is very own for all of us, different, not alike. He brings us all together with his humanity, and from meetings with Marshak there is always a feeling of pleasant warmth enveloping the heart. In order to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak and his work; involving children in reading, in the library a literary - game hour "A good friend of children - Samuil Marshak" took place. Children of primary school age took part in the event. At the beginning of the event, an acquaintance with the biography and work of the writer took place. Then the children took part with great pleasure in the literary and game quiz "Name a fairy tale", "Find a word", "Continue the poem". The competition “Make a proposal from the work, and also guessed the crossword puzzle based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak, was very interesting. The competition turned out to be bright and cheerful. At the end of the event, the children guessed riddles and got acquainted with the books of S. Marshak, which were located at the book exhibition "Rainbow-arc of Samuil Marshak". Many children took the books home.

Within the framework of the action for children, a book field of miracles - "A good friend of children" was held in the Maryevskaya rural library.
The librarians told the children about such a wonderful event. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak did a lot of good for the children. He created theaters, workshops for them, helped orphans. And how many interesting fairy tales and poems Samuil Yakovlevich wrote for children! Not only children, but also grandparents could not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales "Cat's House", "Twelve Months", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse".
The librarians began their meeting with the work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak with a video presentation “The life and work of S.Ya. Marshak ".
The librarians prepared an installation exhibition for the event, which became a book field of miracles. The guys had to guess which work the heroes presented at the exhibition belong to. Lady with luggage, mouse, circus performers and so on. The guys guessed the works and briefly described the plots. Then we watched the video “The best riddles of S.Ya. Marshak ”and guessed riddles.
We watched a very instructive fairy tale "Cat's House", and then had a conversation - discussion.
The action was fun, informative and instructive.

In the Mostovskoy rural library Within the framework of the international action “V Day of Poetry of S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries "a game was prepared for them - a trip" On a visit to Marshak ", an exhibition of the author's works and a presentation. First, the librarian told the biography of the children's writer, then everyone went on a trip along the route sheet. The children chose the direction of the route themselves: “Riddles”, “Where are the objects from”, “Solve the crossword puzzle”, “Tell the words”, “Guess the work”, “Extra animal”, “Correct the mistakes”, “Remember the fairy tale”. In the course of the game, they had to remember and recite more than one poem by S. Ya. Marshak, some were read by the librarian and the teacher. After the intellectual tasks, everyone rested at the Musical Pause bus stop, moved around to a cheerful children's song to the poems of S. Ya. Marshak “We went anywhere”. The travel game was accompanied by a presentation.

And the workers of the Pestravskaya regional children's library went to visit the children of the eldest and middle group kindergarten "Kolosok", where they held an event dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great Soviet poet S.Ya. Marshak. At the beginning, the children got acquainted with a short biography of the poet, learned about his origin, study, about life path, his work, merit and awards for his work. We also learned that the work of S.Ya. Marshak for children is diverse. His work includes folk tales, children's games. He writes about circus performances, zoo dwellers, school joys and sorrows, childhood friendships, seasons and much more. All of Marshak's works are marked with good humor, smile, warm gratitude to people for their work, kindness, love of life. S.Ya. Marshak was a brilliant translator of children's poetry, he translated the works of E. Lehr, R. Kipling, A. Milne, R. Stevenson. The guys, together with the librarian Sakhnova S.A. with great pleasure we read the poem "Where the Sparrow Dined" and through the musical composition they got acquainted with the works of Marshak, after which the children took an active part in the quiz game and with great interest they solved the riddles. Then we watched the cartoons "That's how absent-minded" and "Mustached striped". At the end of the event, all the children took books from the book exhibition and got acquainted with them with great interest.

The action "Day of Poetry of S.Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries" is held annually on the eve of the poet's birthday (November 3).
Organizer of the Action - Voronezh Regional Children's Library
For the first time the Promotion was held in 2012.

The purpose of the Action is to popularize the poetry of S.Ya. Marshak and drawing public attention to the activities of children's libraries.

Libraries of Pskov regularly participate in the action "Day of poetry of S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries".

Promotion in 2019

In the Family Reading Library, pupils of MDOU No. 28 "Iskorka" and students of the 1st "a" grade of the Secondary School No. 3 made a fascinating journey to the amazing country "Poetry", becoming participants in the International action "VI Day of Poetry S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries ”.

From 23 to 26 October, within the framework of the action, the library staff prepared and held a literary hour for the children “Through the Pages of Goodness”.

At the beginning of the event, our young friends collected puzzle pictures depicting characters from Marshak's most famous poems and fairy tales: a ball, a cat, a mouse and a sparrow. Then, together with the librarian, they remembered the works in which these heroes are found.

The cycle of poems “The Colored Book” was chosen for reading. During the loud reading on the screen, the children were presented with multi-colored pages: green, blue, yellow, white, red, and numerous characters "settled" on the colored pages.

At the end of the reading, the young participants of the action took part in the game "Teremok". The librarians chose the name of the game for a reason, because S. Ya. Marshak has the same fairy tale play. Each "inhabitant" of the house had to take his place in the house. The participant who did not have enough space in the house dropped out of the game.

The event ended with watching the cartoon "Where the Sparrow Dined", filmed based on the poem by S. Marshak.

In the leisure hall, the library staff designed a book exhibition "Marshak's Colored Books", composed of the works of the famous children's poet.

Promotion in 2017

On October 26, the staff of the Family Reading Library invited the pupils of the 2nd grade of school No. 3 in Pskov to take part in the literary game “Travel across the country of poems by S.Ya. Marshak ".

The schoolchildren were invited to follow the magical paths of S.Ya. Marshak.
The journey began with a “mysterious” path, where the guys guessed riddles composed by the poet, and also visited the “zoo” based on the work “Children in a Cage”.

The “fairytale” path introduced the children to some of the writer's fairy tales, moving along it the children were asked to assemble a puzzle with the name of Marshak’s fairytale work, thus they got acquainted with the fairy tales “Cat's House”, The Tale of a Stupid Mouse ”,“ Mail ”,“ Baggage ” , "That's how absent-minded", "Mustachioed striped."

In the leisure and reading room was prepared book exhibition, where schoolchildren could get acquainted with collections and individual editions of S.Ya. Marshak.

At the end of the event, the audience was read the wishes of S.Ya. Marshak to young readers:
I wish you to bloom, grow, save, strengthen your health.
It is the most important condition for a long journey.
May every day and every hour bring you something new.
Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart.
I sincerely wish you, friends, all the best!

October 27 Children's library "LiK" together with MDOU №33 took part in the international action "V Day of Poetry S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries ”.

The children were introduced to the life and work of one of the most widely read children's poets, the author of numerous translations from English, Irish, Italian, French, Lithuanian and other languages.
There was a loud reading of the fairy tale "The Tale of the Clever Mouse", the children really liked the hero-mouse, who was able to escape and outwit everyone. Together we read aloud the alphabet in verse “About everything in the world”, and then watched the cartoon “That's how absent-minded”.

At the end of the meeting, the guys took part in a physical training session "About animals".

Marshak- this ... This is our childhood, the first acquaintance with literature. These are our school years and our youth. This is youth with Shakespeare's sonnets, poetry of many foreign authors. This is maturity and surprise from reading familiar lines already with my kids. This is the wisdom of growing up, the joy of meeting, as relatives, the Absent-minded Man, and Jenny, who has lost her shoe, and animals in the zoo, kittens, mice ... All this wonderful world of childhood, which is always with you.

S. Ya. Marshak's birthday was dedicated to VI International Action "Day of Poetry of S. Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries"... On October 26, all lovers of the work of a wonderful children's poet, translator, critic, playwright were invited to take part in the action by our Voronezh colleagues - employees of the Voronezh Regional Children's Library.

Libraries Nevskaya TsBS this is the second time they have taken part in such a large-scale action. Day S. Ya. Marshak is spent in one breath, cheerfully and fervently. This year, librarians organized events of various formats for young and adult readers.

For students of school number 627 employees library number 1 named after N.K. Krupskaya prepared literary journey, to which the guys went together with the Honored Artist of Russia, the actress of the theater. Lensovet Natalia Nikolaevna Nemshilova. Remembering S. Ya. Marshak's poems, the guys met the Poodle and his mistress, at the station they met the Man scattered from Basseinaya Street and a lady with a lot of luggage, got on a magic train and went to fabulous England to little fairies, Robin Bobin Barabek and the English queen.

Matinee for preschool children "Poet of the Country of Childhood" in library to them. N. Rubtsova not without gifts. Children presented the library with baby books made with their parents, prepared a theatrical miniature for all participants. And, of course, there was a lot of fun: the bibliohistory about the poet's childhood and his creative path was accompanied by a poetic quiz "Rhyming", video riddles "Portrait of a Hero", riddles of Marshak himself "What is in front of us?" - the guys coped with all the tasks with pleasure!

V Fishing Library number 6 During the literary meeting “Riding on a Rainbow”, the St. Petersburg poet Laert Olympovich Dobrovolsky not only read poetry, but also in a playful way talked with the children about the heroes of his works: a zebra, an elephant, a tiger scattered from Basseinaya Street.

With enthusiasm, preschoolers from kindergarten no. 125 joined puppet show"Cat house". The kids played a small excerpt from a fairy tale, sang the well-known song "Aunt, Aunt Cat, look out the window." On this day, the children also read Marshak's poems, demonstrating their first reading skills, and L.O.Dobrovolsky recited his own works for the young audience.

A cheerful exam in Marshakology took place in library number 7 for preschoolers senior group kindergarten № 1. The kids visited the library for the first time, so it was extremely interesting for them to remember funny poems, fairy tales and songs of the classics of Russian children's literature, to guess riddles, to participate in a quiz about Marshak's heroes. Together with adults, by common efforts, we sorted out the "Confusion", which turned into several poems.

On October 26, first-graders set off on an impromptu journey in children's library number 8... At each stop they met literary heroes: the lady from the poem "Baggage", whom the guys helped to find a little dog, the postman from the work "Mail" and the scattered one from the poem "That's how absent-minded". First-graders in unison read the poem "Where did the sparrow dine?" From the pictures. The porcelain sparrow in the hands of the children "flew" from one animal shown in the picture to another. Literary assignments alternated with mobile five-minute games with a ball.

More than 20 people took part in the creation of the video during the poetic marathon "Read S. Ya. Marshak with the whole family" children's library № 10 named. N. Nosova... Readers from 3 to 60 years old turned to the rich literary heritage of the poet. Funny, instructive children's poems were sung by children and parents. The sonnets were chosen by teenagers and people of elegant age! Mothers remembered with pleasure, and, changing their voices, read the roles of "Cat's House". The poem "Where did the sparrow dine" really liked the preschoolers. Among the hits among the readers were "Mustache-striped", and "Where the sparrow dined", and other works.

Preschoolers were invited to the interactive literary hour "About everything in the world" preparatory groups NS children's library number 11... Children guessed riddles, played the role of heroes of the poet's works: someone repeated the feat of the Unknown Hero, carefully stepping on a thin rope replacing the cornice, clutching the rescued girl to the chest. Someone, like a clever mouse, teased the cat and played Cats and Mice with it. Some guys first tried to juggle balls, throwing them into a hat, as in the poem "Circus". Those who are not afraid of the dark recognized by touch “What is Petya afraid of”.

In the nursery library number 12 young readers in chorus read a poem in verse "That's how absent-minded", and also solved a crossword puzzle consisting of Marshak's author's riddles. At the end of the event, the schoolchildren watched a cartoon based on the fairy tale "Stupid Mouse".

October 26 at library number 13 a media trip took place for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten №133. At three stations, the kids learned Interesting Facts biographies of S. Ya. Marshak, watched fragments from cartoons based on his works. At the Teatralnaya station, the children perfectly read poems: "Baggage", "Poodle", "Nail and Horseshoe", "Where the Sparrow Dined", made an amusing staging of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox". But the highlight of the program, of course, was the poem "The House That Jack Built", which was illustrated by the young guests of the library.

V CRH them. L. Soboleva Together with children from 334 schools, during a literary journey, they got acquainted with the childhood of S. Ya. Marshak, who began to compose poetry at the age of 4, and by the age of 11 he had already written several poems and even translated an ancient Roman ode. The guys read S.Ya.'s poems with pleasure. Marshak from the series "Children in a Cage", played with a ball to the poem "The Ball", laughed at the adventures of Petya and Seryozha from the poem "Where is Petya, where is Seryozha?", Worried about the Scattered man from Basseinaya Street.

V Central Children's Library during literary lesson“To Marshak's Birthday” poems were read by everyone: librarians, pupils from school 689, teachers, parents. Joyful, fun, informative, unusual - this is how you can describe the event. Pupils of the second grade emotionally recited selected poems by heart, solved puzzles based on the cycle "Children in a Cage". The participants of the meeting reacted very reverently to the poem of the modern Voronezh schoolboy Timofei Garmonov, fellow countryman Marshak:

“Probably, I didn’t know how to walk yet.
And just got out of the habit of a dummy,
But in the line of all sorts of important things
I have already listened to your kind books.
Mom read to me about mice,
About how the cat's house burned down,
And it was already clear that Marshak -
Love from cover to cover ”.

I think you, dear readers, will agree that Marshak is inexhaustible. This is an old friend, in whose books you can always find lines about yourself. He forever remained in his soul a four-year-old mischievous child, retained a child's perception of the world. Therefore, I hope that you will agree that Marshak is the whole Universe!

Ya.G. Nazarovskaya, curator of the Reading Center

Olga Zhiteneva

October 31, 2018, within International action"VI Poetry Day C... I AM. Marshak in children's libraries", v children's city library named after... Yu. F. Tretyakov, Borisoglebsk, the game-journey took place "The solar poet childhood» ... At a meeting with the heroes of the works of S. Marshak the pupils of the MBDOU BGO Center for Child Development came - kindergarten number 11... The event began with watching a cartoon based on the poet's poem "Ice cream" voiced by the author's voice. Then the presenter, the manager library H... A. Manannikova, spoke about the life and work of the outstanding children's poet, translator, native of the Voronezh region S. Ya. Marshak loved by many generations of readers different countries... After that, the young guests libraries went on a journey through the pages of works Marshak... The guys made stops at the stations "Riddles", "Musical",where they performed various tasks: to correct mistakes in the titles of works by S. Ya. Marshak, guess works by excerpts. Preschoolers remembered "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" finding the missing pictures according to the video plot of the fairy tale, "Said the words" the whole audience in poems "Mail", "Fire", "Mustachioed - Striped"... The questions of the game-travel revealed the multifaceted talent of the writer, who wrote poems and plays, composed riddles, was a good translator with of English language... The children learned that a monument to S. Ya. Was unveiled in Voronezh on October 28, 2015. Marshak... Students of the Borisoglebsk branch of Voronezh State University - participants in the puppet theater "B-b-bo" under the guidance of the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of primary and secondary vocational education V.N. Pugach showed young spectators a performance based on the work Marshak"Cat house". Librarian L... I. Berezovskaya introduced children to the exhibition of books "Such a beloved Marshak» , with which 5 editions were issued. In conclusion, the participants of the game received flags with the logo as a gift stock.

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The regional action "Amazing Marshak" started on April 2 at 12 noon. In all children's libraries, libraries serving children, it was festive, poetry and music sounded.

Colorful book-illustrative exhibitions told about the creative path of the hero of the day “ Good books- good journey "(Central Children's Library of Revda)," Solar poet of childhood "(Murmashi)," Children in a cage "," Poet, playwright, translator "," Unknown Marshak "(Kovdor)," Amazing Marshak "(Afrikanda), interactive exhibition "We Know, We Love Marshak" (MODYUB).

Readers took part in the events:
- a literary holiday "Our Marshak" (GDYUB Apatity), a poetry holiday, a book trip "Wonderful Marshak" (CDB Kovdor).
- literary games and contests: decipher the telegram, a rhythmic game based on poetry (Revda); The absent-minded person played the game "Tell me a word" (Murmashi), "Zoo. " (Polar dawns),
- The Amazing Marshak meeting of the Firefly family club at the Polyarnye Zori Central Children's Hospital is a journey through the author's works, contests and games, a physical education session on the magic book “Poodle”. Parents also did not stand aside, took part in the staging of the poem "The Wolf and the Fox".
- watching the cartoon "Cat's House", then building a new house for the cat and reciting by heart in the GDYuB in Apatity. We were worried, sometimes they forgot the lines of the poem, and then both children and adults came to the rescue. The daddy-football player's game of ball with the reading of the poem of the same name "The Ball", the mini-performance of the puppet theater "Bibliosha" was remembered by all children. And for each performance Kiska rewarded the kids with sweet caramel!
- the hour of poetry "The House That Marshak Built" was theatrical for some small residents of Kirov. Together with the dolls Masha and Misha made a literary and poetic journey. Another group of residents of Kirov participated with pleasure in moving rhythmic games based on the poems "The Old Woman and the Poodle", "The Ball", answered the questions of the quiz "Zoological Garden". The competition of translators was fascinating.

"Spring Poetic Banquet" - a place in the central children's library, where smart first-graders from Olenegorsk School No. together with their parents conducted a bright costumed poetry reading, unanimously guessed quiz questions, and played.
Pupils gathered in GDYuB Kandalaksha CLS Sunday school, read poems, fairy tales and riddles created by a wonderful children's poet. Children in a cage aroused particular interest in children; they guessed the animals unmistakably according to the author's poetic description.

Murmashinskaya Children's Library invited its readers to the holiday of reading pleasure "Amazing Marshak". The most active readers were awarded on this day. At the end of the event, an encore was a puppet show "Teremok" performed by librarians.

Children's libraries of the Severomorsk Central Library System for the second graders conducted a literary "Journey across the country of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak", the children took an active part in the quiz "Our Marshak".

Literary holiday “In the land of magic poetry S.Ya. Marshak ”, was held in the Central Children's Library (Polyarny). At the same time, in the “Family” department, other young Polar residents took part in the kaleidoscope of stories “The House That Marshak Built”. The guys guessed the works from the excerpts, made sketches of the heroes, and found out their owners using the objects from the magic chest.

Snezhnogorsk librarians held a larger action and visited Kindergarten No. 8 "Yakorek". Three groups - more than 60 kids - listened with great interest about the wonderful writer, whose poems are known to almost every child, solved riddles, got acquainted with the alphabet in verses and pictures "About everything in the world." At the end of the event, educators were presented with booklets about the writer and methodological material specially released for the action by the Murmansk Regional Children's and Youth Library, which will help in conducting classes on the works of a children's writer.

In the City Children's Library of the city of Gadzhievo, a poetry session "My Favorite Children's Poem" was held. Famous poems of the writer were printed on paper and attached with clothespins to a rope. Children took off sheets, read poetry or performed special tasks, for example, they guessed the name of the work from the lines. Remembering the rhyme "Where did you dine, sparrow?", We played the game "Rhyme". We were happy to solve a crossword puzzle consisting of riddles invented by the writer himself.

Municipal rural libraries took an active part. Fun literary journey "What is this stop?" based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak ”took place in the White Sea Rural Library. The Niva Library joined the action by holding a literary meeting "Visiting Marshak" for preschoolers. A literary lesson for preschoolers and an hour of poetry "The Good Wizard Marshak" for schoolchildren were held in the Tulom Model Rural Library. The literary hour "Poet of the Country of Childhood" was held in the children's library No. 3 of the city of Kandalaksha for children of the railway microdistrict.

In the rural library of n. Afrikand passed loud readings, 11 pupils of the 2nd grade of secondary school №1 took part in them.

The cartoon marathon "Marshak the Storyteller" became a gift for all the participants. (Polar dawns). Watching cartoons "Grishkin's books" (Revda), Baggage (Nivskaya rural), "That's how scattered" (Kandalaksha), "Mustache - striped" (Polar), "Where the sparrow dined" (Kirovsk).

The regional children's and youth library held several events on its territory at once: the family literary and game festival “The Wizard of the Poetic Country”, the literary quest “The Lady Checked in”, a cartoon festival based on S. Marshak's fairy tales.

The volunteers of the central children's library of Olenegorsk have a difficult idea: to go out into the streets of the city and hold a chance-quiz "Get to know me, please, find out!" The guys armed themselves with portraits of writers: the classics of children's literature - Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen and their compatriot Alexander Sergeevich Ryzhov, poet, writer, author of fascinating fantasy novels. On the streets of the city, volunteers interviewed 66 people, 15 children and 51 adult residents of Olenegorsk answered the questions.

Among the children, the most recognizable in the portraits was S. Ya. Marshak - 5 people (33%), then K.I. Chukovsky - 4 people (26%), G. H. Andersen identified - 3 people (20%). Unfortunately, the children did not recognize AS Ryzhov. But they promised to look into the library for his book "Three in the Dungeon".

Among adults, S.Ya. Marshak - 19 people (37%), the name of G.Kh. Andersen was named by 17 people (33%), K.I. Chukovsky was recognized - 10 people (19%), A.S. Ryzhov - seen by 11 people (21%). Unfortunately, 15 people (23%) of the respondents could not recognize a single writer! Sad!

The year of Marshak has started! Let's read his amazing poems and fairy tales! We present to all book lovers-scribes the amazing conviction of readers from Olenegorsk “Adults and children know: Marshak is the best poet in the world !!! For 12 MONTHS we read his fairy tales, exclaim in amazement HERE IS SCATTERED, we hand over to the LUGGAGE a wonderful MUSTACHED STRIPED CHILD, CHILDREN IN A CAGE joyfully greet us in all zoos, and JUNKEY-DUMP amuses us with boring evenings.

1,721 people took part in the action.

We invite creative readers of the Arctic Circle to take part in the Competition of Young Poets "A Letter in Verse" dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak. Regulations on the competition on the website of the Russian State Children's Library by the link