Federal programs. Federal programs Federal target program 1 minpromtorg

The achievement of strategic goals and the solution of tactical tasks in the Ministry is carried out through the implementation of budget target programs, both federal and departmental, as well as non-program activities.

Detailed information on them with an indication of their status, goals and objectives, as well as the necessary main activities are presented in Appendix 4, below is a short list of budget target programs. At the same time, all indicators for the planning period, planned activities and amounts of funding are based on preliminary estimates and will be updated in the latest version of the Report.

Federal targeted programs

As a state customer-coordinator, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia implements seven federal target programs (FTP) and one presidential program:

1. In "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and beyond ”(the Concept of the Program was approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 in“ - 1647-r);

2. In "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002 - 2010 and for the period up to 2015";

3. In "Development of civil marine technology" for 2009 - 2016;

4. In "Development of electronic component base and radio electronics" for 2008 - 2015;

5. In "National technological base" for 2007-2011;

5a. Subprogram B "Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry" for 2011-2016 ";

5 B. Subprogram B "Creation and organization of production in the Russian Federation in 2011-2015 of new generation diesel engines and their components";

6. In "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2007-2010 and for the period up to 2015";

7. In "Industrial disposal of weapons and military equipment(2005 2010) B ";

8. Presidential Program В “Destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in the Russian Federation В”.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, as a state customer, B takes part in the implementation of the following federal target programs:

1. In the "Global Navigation System";

1a. Subprogram 1 B "Ensuring the functioning and development of the GLONASS system";

1b. Subprogram 2 В "Development and preparation of production of navigation equipment and equipment for civilian consumers";

2. In "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012";

3. In "Development of the infrastructure of the nanoindustry in the Russian Federation for 2008 - 2010";

4. В "Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety for 2008 and for the period up to 2015В";

5. In "National system of chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation (2009-2013) B";

6. In "Social and economic development of the Chechen Republic for 2008-2011";

7. In "Social and economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia for 2010-2016".

8. In "Dwelling" for 2002-2010 ";

9. In the "World Ocean".

Departmental target program

In accordance with the "Regulations on the development, approval and implementation of departmental target programs", approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2005 in No. 239, the Ministry has developed and is implementing the departmental target program "Development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the industries and trade "for the period 2010 - 2012. The program was approved by the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated February 15, 2010 in „–123.

The non-program activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia consist of a whole range of areas:

Providing a number of subsidies to Russian enterprises:

1. Subsidies to Russian organizations - exporters of industrial products.

2. Subsidies aimed at stimulating domestic demand:

B Subsidies to Russian transport companies and shipping companies, organizations of the fishery complex for the purchase of civil vessels manufactured at Russian shipyards for a period of up to 5 years;

В · Subsidies to Russian transport companies and shipping companies to reimburse part of the costs of paying lease payments under lease agreements for the acquisition of civil ships manufactured at Russian shipyards;

В · Subsidies to Russian leasing companies В for the purchase of domestically produced aircraft;

В · Subsidies to Russian leasing companies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans for the purchase of Russian-made vehicles;

В · Subsidies to Russian credit institutions for reimbursement of lost income on loans to individuals for the purchase of cars;

B · Subsidies to Russian trade organizations for disposal.

3. Subsidies for technological re-equipment and support of core activities in certain industries:

В · Subsidies to organizations of folk arts and crafts;

В · Subsidies to organizations of light and textile industry for seasonal purchases of raw materials and materials;

B Subsidies to organizations timber industry to create off-season stocks of timber, raw materials and fuel;

В · Subsidies to organizations of light and textile industries for the implementation of technical re-equipment;

В · Subsidies to Russian manufacturers of aircraft engines for technical re-equipment for a period of up to 5 years, as well as part of the cost of paying lease payments for technological equipment;

В · Subsidies to Russian organizations of agricultural and tractor engineering, timber industry, engineering for the oil and gas complex and machine tool industry for technical re-equipment for a period of up to 5 years;

В · Subsidies to Russian organizations in the automotive and transport engineering industries for technological re-equipment;

В · Subsidies to subsidiaries and dependent joint-stock companies of JSC V "OAKV" for technical re-equipment for a period of up to 5 years, as well as part of the cost of paying lease payments for technological equipment;

В · Subsidies of CJSC В "BiocadV" for the organization of experimental-industrial production of substances and medicines based on monoclonal antibodies necessary for the production of expensive import-substituting drugsВ ".

4. Subsidies to defense industry enterprises:

В · Subsidies to strategic organizations of the military-industrial complex in order to prevent bankruptcy;

В · Subsidies to defense industry organizations for the implementation of innovative and investment projects for the production of high-tech products;

В · Subsidies to defense industry organizations - the main executors of the state defense order;

В · Subsidies to state-owned enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

Contributions to the authorized capital of open joint stock companies (not within the framework of the FTP):

B Increase authorized capital open joint-stock company B “United Industrial Corporation B“ Oboronprom ”for repayment of debts to creditor banks and payment of interest on loans;

В · Property contribution of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of the open joint-stock company В “Scientific and Production Corporation“ UralvagonzavodV ”named after F.E.DzerzhinskyV”;

В · Increase of the authorized capital of OJSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" by placing additional shares for the subsequent implementation of financial recovery of OJSC В "Amur Shipbuilding Plant";

В · Increase in the authorized capital of the open joint-stock company В “United Aircraft Corporation В”;

В · Acquisition of additional shares issued with an increase in the authorized capital of the open joint stock company В "State joint stock company В" All-Russian exhibition center В ";

В · Property contribution of the Russian Federation to the State Corporation В to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products В to Russian Technologies В to provide financial support to the Open joint stock company At AVTOVAZV by providing an interest-free loan;

В · Increase in the authorized capital of JSC B “Production Association B“ Severnoye Machine-Building Enterprise ”by purchasing additional shares;

В · Increase of the authorized capital of JSC В “United Shipbuilding Corporation В” by placing additional shares to ensure the completion of all work on order No. 518 and state tests;

В · Increase in the authorized capital of JSC V TsS V ZvezdochkaV by placing additional shares.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia finances a number of scientific research and development work outside the federal target program, in particular:

Carrying out research and development work under government contracts (within the framework of the Plan for Applied Research and Development),

Scientific support of innovative projects of national importance (the most important innovative projects).

The most important innovative projects (VIP) - a tool for the implementation of sectoral strategies and action plans for the development of industries, a mechanism of incentives innovation activities and effective interaction between science and industry, presupposes the obligatory implementation of a full innovation cycle from experimental design and technological developments to the setting of the developed products for serial production. Thus, the result of the VIP should be the release competitive products having a high potential for market implementation.

The shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation is the largest branch of the country's economic complex and has a number of features:

  • high-tech and expensive products;
  • long construction cycle;
  • strong interconnection between R&D, manufacturing and consumer sectors;
  • complex financing system.

A little more than 20 years ago, domestic shipbuilding was one of the most powerful in the world - up to 50 units of submarines, warships and support vessels were built by the orders of the Navy alone. In the field of civil shipbuilding, the country was among the ten most developed countries the world and annually produced sea transport vessels with a total deadweight of up to 550 thousand tons, fishing vessels with a total main engine power of about 100 thousand kW.

A significant reduction in orders for the construction of warships and commercial ships led to a difficult economic situation for almost all shipyards, and the prices for the industry's products increased to an unacceptable extent.

Until recently, for nearly twenty years, government policy in the shipbuilding industry was limited to a series of passive measures aimed primarily at supporting the industry's ability to create products for national defense. The structure of the industry's sales was dominated by the state defense order. The previously created domestic scientific, technical and technological potential in the field of both civil shipbuilding and military shipbuilding in the period 1990-1999. stopped in its development. At the same time, the development of shipbuilding abroad progressed at an increasing pace.

In 2006-2008. the situation has changed for the better - the "Strategy for the development of the shipbuilding industry for the period up to 2020 and for the future" was developed and approved. By order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated August 29, 2008 No. 112, the "Comprehensive Action Plan ..." for the implementation of this Strategy was approved. Decisions were made on the technical re-equipment of key industrial facilities, as well as a bench base in research institutes and design bureaus.

Currently, within the framework of FTP No. 1, an extensive set of measures is being implemented to re-equip the production and experimental design base of the industry and the main suppliers of component equipment, as well as an R&D plan, including work on critical industrial technologies in the field of shipbuilding. FSUE "Krylov State science Center»Is the leading organization for the support of this FTP in terms of naval forces (industrial critical and basic technologies, measures for the construction, modernization and reconstruction of production facilities).

On February 21, 2008, the RF Government Resolution No. 103 approved the Federal Target Program "Development of Civil Marine Engineering" for 2009-2016. This gave a start to the development of technological potential and the creation of a scientific foundation for the revival of the domestic civil shipbuilding.

Finally, in December 2012, the State Program “Development of shipbuilding for 2013-2030. ", Designed to unite efforts to develop the industry within a single systematic approach.

FSUE "Krylov State Research Center" was the developer of both the above-mentioned Strategy and these programs, and took an active part in their implementation, which is due to the high scientific and technological groundwork created at the enterprise, the high level of personnel qualifications.

State program of the Russian Federation "Development of shipbuilding for 2013-2030. "(Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2012 No. 2514-r).

The state program was developed in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2010 No. 1950-r. The responsible executor of the Program is the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The Program participants are the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation.

In the course of developing the State Program, the positions of Russia in the world market were analyzed, promising technological and market niches were identified. The main principle of forming the program was to ensure the effectiveness of solutions at all stages of the industrial cycle - from the implementation of research and development work to industrial production.

The goal of the program is to fundamentally improve the competitive position of Russian shipbuilding in the world in the long term and to meet the needs of the state and private Russian customers in modern products.

Tasks and subroutines are built in the logic of increasing the efficiency of all stages of creating added value in the industry. From fundamental and applied science (subprograms 1 and 2) to the development of production capacities (subprogram 3) and ensuring the promotion of industry products to the domestic and foreign markets (subprogram 4).

Subroutines of the Program:

1. "Development of shipbuilding science."
2. "Development of civil marine and river technology".
3. "Development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding and the material and technical base of the industry."
4. "State support".
5. "Ensuring the implementation of the state program."

The Federal Target Program "Development of Civil Marine Engineering" for 2009-2016 acts as an independent part of the state program.

Composition of measures of the State program
Subroutine 1 Development of shipbuilding science
Main Activity 1.1.1 Formation of an advanced scientific and technical reserve in the main areas of development of naval technology and systems of naval weapons
Main Activity 1.1.2 Formation of an advanced scientific and technical reserve to ensure the development of marine and river technology for civil purposes
Main Activity 1.1.3 Formation and development of a state scientific center for solving a wide range of fundamental problems of the development of domestic shipbuilding and centers of competence on the basis of the main concerns of the industry for solving various scientific and technical problems and developing critical technologies
Main activity 1.2.4 A set of measures for the technical re-equipment of unique research, test complexes and stands in the state scientific center and centers of competence, as well as for the creation, reconstruction and comprehensive development of a landfill base for the shipbuilding industry
Main activity 1.4.5 Organization in the state scientific center and centers of competence of systems of sectoral and interdisciplinary education
Main Activity 1.5.6 A set of measures for the transfer of technologies to related industries and segments of the national economy, as well as to the world market
Subroutine 2 Development of civil marine and river technology
Main activity 2.1.1 Development of new technologies and innovative projects of civil marine equipment, including those with potentially high competitiveness in the world market, conducting systematic studies of the development of marine technologies and markets
Main activity 2.1.2 Creation of pilot experimental (demonstration) samples of high-tech ships intended for mass construction
Main activity 2.1.3 Purchase of advanced foreign technologies and licenses for the construction of facilities and the organization in Russia of the production of modern technological equipment and other products developed by the world's leading companies
Subroutine 3 Development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding and the material and technical base of the industry
Main Activity 3.2.1 Development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia, including support for the implementation of cluster policy in the district
Main Activity 3.2.2 Development and optimization of production capacities of civil shipbuilding in the North-West Federal District of Russia, including support for the implementation of cluster policy in the district
Main Activity 3.2.3 Development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding in the Southern Federal District of Russia (based on support for the formation of a shipbuilding cluster in the district)
Subprogramme 4 Governmental support
Main activity 4.2.1 Stimulating the development of innovative production in the shipbuilding industry
Main activity 4.5.2 Assistance in the development of leasing of ships and offshore structures built in Russia
Main activity 4.5.3 Formation of utilization funds in relation to individual groups vessels (fishing, passenger inland navigation)
Subprogramme 5 Ensuring the implementation of the state program
Main activity 5.5.1 System-analytical and expert support for the management of the implementation of measures of the state program as a whole
Main activity 5.5.2 Coordination and support of the implementation of a complex of research and development work within the framework of the state program, including the implementation of a set of measures for the legal protection and legal protection of the results of scientific and technical activities
Main activity 5.5.3 Coordination and ensuring the interconnection of investment projects for the creation of new and modernization of existing production facilities, the implementation of technical re-equipment of unique research, test complexes and stands of industry concerns in the interests of creating an advanced
scientific and technical groundwork in shipbuilding
Federal Target Program "Development of Civil Marine Engineering" for 2009-2016. (No. 7)
Main Activity 7.1.1 A complex of research and development work in the framework of technological directions 1-7 of the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology" for 2009-2016. on the development of new technologies, conceptual projects of civilian marine technology and systemic studies of the development of marine technologies and markets
Main Activity 7.2.2 Construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of scientific and experimental, bench, design and test facilities
Main Activity 7.2.3 Purchase of advanced foreign technologies and licenses for the construction of facilities and the organization in Russia of the production of modern technological equipment and other products developed by the world's leading companies (within the framework of the "Other expenses" section of the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology" for 2009-2016, an event 4)
Main activity 7.5.4 Implementation of measure 1 of section "Other expenses" of the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology" for 2009-2016. for information, analytical and expert support for the implementation of measures of the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology" for 2009-2016. The work of the scientific and expert council for scientific support
Main Activity 7.5.5 Implementation of measure 2 of section "Other expenses" of the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology" for 2009-2016. on the organization of functioning in the shipbuilding industry of systems for ensuring product quality, certification of production, scientific and design base
Main Activity 7.5.6 Implementation of measure 3 of section "Other expenses" of the federal target program "Development of civilian marine technology" for 2009-2016. on the organization of work to secure the rights to the results of scientific and technical activities. Implementation of a set of measures for the legal protection and legal protection of the results of scientific and technical activities

FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center" was the main developer of the State Program with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, federal authorities executive branch and leading integrated structures of the industry.

The presentation of the State Program "DEVELOPMENT OF SHIPBUILDING FOR 2013-2030" is available.

Federal Target Program "Development of Civil Marine Engineering" for 2009–2016.

The key for the shipbuilding industry is the federal target program "Development of Civil Marine Engineering" for 2009-2016. (FTP RGMT). Within the framework of this FTP, funds are specially allocated (in the direction of "Other expenses") for coordination and scientific and expert support of its implementation.

The state customer is the coordinator of the FTP RGMT: the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Government customer: Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport.

The program consists of three areas:
1. R&D - more than 70% of the total amount of funds allocated for the implementation of the Program.
2. Capital investments- about 20% of the total amount of funds allocated for the implementation of the Program.
3. Other needs - about 5%.

The coordination system within the FTP RGMT assumes a multi-level system for selecting applications, ensuring maximum transparency and objectivity in the decision-making process, as well as a system for recording and monitoring the results obtained.

The collection of applications is carried out in in electronic format in a strictly established form, for their processing is applied electronic system workflow.

After analyzing the applications and their initial processing according to formal criteria, the proposed topic is considered in specialized working groups with the involvement of a wide range of specialists from shipbuilding organizations and related industries (the composition of the working groups is agreed by the Department of the shipbuilding industry and marine technology), where lists of topics, technical requirements and expected results.

After approval by the Department of Shipbuilding Industry and Marine Engineering of the lists of topics and the level of their prices, the declared topic is submitted for consideration by the Scientific Coordination Expert Council (NKEC) (the composition of the NKEC is approved by order of the minister).

The Department of Shipbuilding Industry and Marine Engineering forms the corresponding order of the Minister and tender documentation for holding R&D tenders from the topics approved at the NKES.

All information about the timing and results of the selection of applications, the protocols of the Working Groups and Scientific Coordination Expert Councils is displayed on the website of the FTP RGMT (http://www.rgmt.spb.ru). The site is regularly updated and updated. Regular visitors to the resource: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport, Federal Research Centers, Design institutes, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering enterprises and other interested parties.

The organization of the work of Scientific Coordination Expert Councils and general support for the implementation of the FTP is entrusted to the FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center" (Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2008 No. 433 "On the procedure for organizing work in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia to implement the federal target program" Development of civil marine technology "for 2009-2016).

The implementation of measures for the coordination and scientific and expert support of the implementation of the FTP RGMT has demonstrated its high efficiency and allowed the FTP RGMT to become one of the most effective FTPs according to the estimates of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The presentation of the Federal Target Program "DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL MARINE EQUIPMENT" FOR 2009-2016 can be obtained.

Previously, the FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center" participated in the implementation of the FTP "World Ocean" (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 10, 1998 No. 919) and in the FTP "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007- 2013 "(The state customer is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

Today FSUE "Krylov State Research Center" takes part in the FTP "Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 and for the Period until 2015" and in the subprograms of the FTP "National Technological Base" for 2007-2011.

FTP "Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety for 2008 and for the period up to 2015"

FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center", in particular, the Department of Ship and Ship Power Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation Safety and the Industry Situational Crisis and Scientific Methodological Center for NRS, is a participant in the Program. The following works are planned:

  • continuation of the study of the state of nuclear facilities at the enterprises of the shipbuilding industry and the development of recommendations on measures for their further use;
  • ensuring the functioning of the situational crisis center of the shipbuilding industry;
  • creation of non-contact automated system preparation and testing of knowledge on the safety of nuclear shipbuilding enterprises

FTP "National Technological Base" for 2007-2011.

The time limit for the program was 2011, however, there are subprograms within the framework of which the work and their financing are continued: the subprogram “Creation and organization of production in the Russian Federation in 2011-2015. new generation diesel engines and their components ”; subprogram "Development of domestic machine tool and tool industry" for 2011-2016. FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center" (Department of Ship and Ship Power Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation Safety) intends to take part in the first one.

The most ambitious work at present and in the foreseeable future will be work carried out within the framework of the State Program “Development of shipbuilding for 2013-2030. ".

Form No. 1

Analytical reference

1. Federal target program "Development of civil aviation equipment in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period up to 2015".

2. State customer - Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia)

3. Key events in 2010 year:
State capital investments:

Production capacities at 7 facilities of aviation industry enterprises, including:

1. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.Ye. Zhukovsky ", Zhukovsky, Moscow region for objects:

- "Technical re-equipment, reconstruction and modernization of wind tunnels, test stands, compressor systems and power supply systems" - 2 systems;

- "Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the scientific-testing, experimental and production base for aerodynamics and strength, 1st stage" - 1 section.

2. FSUE “Flight Research Institute named after MM Gromov ", Zhukovsky, Moscow region on the object" Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the experimental airfield base "- 1 base.

3. FSUE “Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov ", Moscow on the object" Technical re-equipment of the experimental research complex (Moscow) and technical re-equipment of the complex of test stands (Lytkarino, Moscow region), 1st stage "- 1 system.

4. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials”, Moscow for the object “Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of complexes for research, development and testing of aviation materials, coatings and technologies, stage 1” - 1 system.

5. FSUE "State Research Institute aviation systems", Moscow for the object" Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of complexes and stands for the development of onboard radio-electronic equipment, stage 1 "- 1 system.

6. FSUE "Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise" Tekhnologiya "" Obninsk, Kaluga Region for the object "Technical re-equipment (reconstruction) of research and production complexes for the development of technologies for the production of products and composite, ceramic, glass-ceramic and organosilicate materials, 1 -stage "- 1 section

R&D and "other expenses":

Obtaining the type certificate for the RRJ aircraft (SSJ-100) and the EASA certificate for the SaM-146 engine;

Modification of prototypes OP1 and OP3 of the Mi-38 helicopter for the installation of the TV7-117V engine and preparation for certification flight tests;

Carrying out work to ensure the construction of prototype flight models of the Ka-62 helicopter, testing systems and assemblies;

Carrying out additional work on completion and certification according to the EASA procedure of the Be-200ChS-E aircraft;

Detailed design of the MC-21 aircraft;

Development of a draft design for a basic engine of a family of engines with thrust from 9-18 tons;

Construction and testing of the Tu-204SM aircraft, certification tests of systems and assemblies and refinement of design documentation;

Formation of scientific and technical groundwork in priority areas of aviation science, including:

Aerodynamics, strength, control system, ecology and resource of the MC-21 aircraft;

Structural and technological solutions for a prototype wing made of polymer composite materials (PCM for promising civil aviation aircraft;

Aerodynamics and strength of aircraft and their power plants;

Formation of scientific and technical solutions aimed at creating a new generation of promising rotary-wing aircraft and modernizing existing helicopters;

Ensuring a high level of flight safety for passenger and transport aircraft by means of control automation and information support for the crew;

Development of structural and functional materials with an increased level of properties, means of protection against corrosion, aging and biodamage, technology for the manufacture of high-performance multilayer honeycomb sound-absorbing structures (ZPK) from polymer materials for aircraft power plants;

Development and mastering of key technologies in the field of aviation gas turbine engine building to ensure the creation of competitive engines of a new generation and modernization of existing GTEs, the development of new design solutions and technologies that ensure the creation of a breakthrough product (6th generation engine);

Onboard equipment and assemblies (promising integrated avionics complexes), as well as new generation complex universal simulators for the main types of aircraft.
4. Adjustment of the Program.

Federal Target Program "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period up to 2015" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) needs to be adjusted.

In order to increase cost efficiency federal budget Within the framework of the Program, it is necessary to make some changes to optimize the financing of program activities in all areas implemented in 2011-2012 and the planned period until 2013, as well as to clarify a number of target indicators of efficiency indicators for the implementation of the Program.

The draft of the adjusted Program was developed and sent by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for consideration to the ministries and departments concerned (out. No. DM-10826/18 dated 01.10.2010).

At present, the volume of consumption of pharmaceuticals produced in the Russian Federation is no more than 20 percent of the market in monetary terms and no more than 65 percent in physical terms. Domestic drug manufacturers are losing in market competition not only to the world's largest pharmaceutical corporations developing the latest innovative drugs, but also to manufacturers of generic drugs and raw materials for their production, mainly from China and India. A similar situation has developed in the market for medical equipment and medical products. Consumption of medical products manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation is less than 25 percent of the market (in monetary terms), and during recent years the share of products of domestic enterprises in the Russian market is decreasing. At the same time, in some, primarily high-tech, segments of medical equipment and medical products, the share of imports is approaching 100 percent.

In recent years, in connection with the growth of the Russian economy and the implementation of the priority national project "Health", there has been a significant increase in the consumption of pharmaceutical products by the population of the Russian Federation, as well as intensive technical re-equipment of healthcare institutions. However, the consumption of finished pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and medical products of domestic production is decreasing by 1 - 2 percent per year. Thus, despite the presence of a positive effect from the implementation of state policy in the field of health care, the products of the domestic pharmaceutical and medical industry are being replaced by imported ones. The increase in the share of imported medical equipment in the structure of equipment of healthcare institutions increases the dependence of the domestic healthcare system on imported Supplies and spare parts and ultimately leads to not always justified increases in government spending. These trends reduce the competitiveness of the domestic pharmaceutical and medical industry and negatively affect the growth rates of the Russian economy as a whole.

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