Work can be loved. What do people who love their work have in common? You do not complain about your colleagues

We are so used to complaining about our work that it becomes unclear if there are people in the world who like what they do. No, of course there is. It's just that these people, as a rule, do what they love and do not consider it necessary to expand on this matter.

We have said more than once that best job is to do what you like. The work should be such that you do not have time to keep track of the time and enjoy it all the time. Regardless, the job doesn't have to be easy, but difficulties are everywhere and must be overcome.

How do you know if you have found such a job? Everything is not always as obvious as it seems. We've picked eight signs that you are crazy about your job and do what you love.

You don't have much free time and you like it

Constant flow new job does not cause you resentment and anger. On the contrary, you are in a stream, and the work seems to be done by itself. Hemingway often stopped writing even though he still had ideas. This is because he wanted the next day to have something to write about and not have to get words out of himself.

So are you at your job. Always have a list of tasks for the next day. And you like it.

You see the result of your work

The feeling that your work is beneficial is the best reward there can be. Even though work can be tough sometimes, the thought of making the world a little better and making people's lives easier or more comfortable makes you feel better.

You try to get better

If you really enjoy your job, you will constantly find ways to become better at it. Seminars, self-education, advice from reputable people in your profession - you do not regret the time spent on all this. If learning something new in your profession seems like a terrible boredom to you, then, apparently, it's time for you to change something. And that something is your job.

You talk about working in your spare time

You cannot stop and talk about your work, even if it is not easy. But know when to stop. Not all people are as lucky with their jobs as you are, and in their free time, many of them don't want to hear a word about work. Respect the wishes of others and don't be too intrusive.

You feel like the day has just begun, even though it's already lunch time

Of course, this is not entirely relevant if your work day starts at 12 noon. But you get the idea what we are talking about. You have completed a couple of small tasks, answered a few emails and are ready to get down to serious work. But, looking at the clock, you understand that it is already noon.

Where did the whole morning go? If you are familiar with this flow state, then you are in the right place.

You are inspired by the people around you.

You admire the tasks your people perform and are always ready to help them. You love the team you work for and your colleagues inspire you. Usually, when we feel good, we see only good in the people around us. Therefore, if you admire the work of others, perhaps you also love your work.

You love your job and you see nothing wrong with thinking about it in your free time. You solve problems, think about new ideas, and think about work questions. And all this even when you are not sitting in the office. Are you a workaholic? Maybe. But what's wrong with that if you like it?

You are not afraid of Monday

For people who don't like their job, Monday is like judgment day. Everyone is waiting for it with horror and dreaming that it will pass as soon as possible. Leave the scheme "weekdays - weekends - get drunk - lie down - weekdays again" for those who hate their work and are constantly waiting for the weekend.

Look for work that you really want to get up for in the morning and devote time to it. Judge for yourself, what's the point of spending 40 hours a week on something you don't like?

How do you feel about your work? Do you like her?

You know, there are people who are just crazy about their work. They try their best to work harder. And it's not about making money. These are usually fairly average wage-earning professions. And not treedogolism. Such people simply enjoy their work and are mostly careerists, and this is the first time. We are talking about those who just love to work, about those who know their job so much that they can do work with their eyes closed. This ordinary people who have found their vocation in their profession and are trying to constantly improve their skills in it. They may not even have a specialized education, but they are specialists. higher categories, though not officially. It is thanks to these people that our country has houses, production, architecture. And they have something like hobby clubs. Such clubs are called communities or unions.

What is the essence of such unions

There are a lot of such unions, for example, the tilers 'communities in Belarus or the carpenters' union. They are united in certain societies with, as a rule, a certain selection system. You can't get there if you only know about the tile that it is cut with a tile cutter. There are really specialists who have been practicing their skills for more than one year. For example, on the website of the union of carpenters it is written that most of their members are ordinary people who collected their knowledge on crumbs and compared them into a single whole. Despite the fact that it seems like childishness, such unions have a certain weight in society and their crafts.

What useful functions do they perform

The scientific community has a committee called the Commission against Pseudoscience. They act as a filter, that is, they filter out excess debris on the body of scientific progress. Craft unions serve a similar function. To begin with, they discredit various craftsmen who are not capable of even the smallest effort in their work. This is a rather important part of such unions, since such actions negate the attempts of would-be masters. They also exchange experience, which is important in any profession - to improve their skills. As a result of such communities, we have more advanced specialists who are well-versed in business. For which we, ordinary people who use their labor, should be grateful to them, After all, the more experienced craftsmen there are in our country, the easier it will be for us to live.

"You should like the job"

“Find a job that you will love and you will not work a day”

There are a great many of these and similar phrases, but many people still do not fully understand why this is necessary. Otherwise, why do so many people continue to work in jobs they do not like and do things that do not bring them pleasure?

The fact is that many people live in a dichotomous perception of reality: "either - or". Most often this “or” is perceived as either a favorite thing or good money. And this good money is different for everyone.

But at the same time, it often turns out that the work is not pleasant and the pay is low. It also happens that when choosing money, after a while the money no longer pleases, and career growth stalls, and professional burnout interferes with working further. Either illness or failure - as a result, the well-known "swamp".

The problem with a favorite job is not at all that a person consciously chooses to work in a job he does not like, but rather that he unconsciously chooses an unloved one.

And this is due to the fact that the majority simply do not understand what benefits, except for their own favorite work, they will receive.

And so, what do we get if we work at our favorite job or do something that we really like?

  1. Doing what you love is less stressful at work.

And stress, if someone does not know, leads to a decrease in performance; efficiency in solving intellectual problems; promotes the development of diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes.

  1. Efficiency increases, efficiency increases, creative thinking develops.

In turn, these qualities are often the reasons for career advancement.

  1. It is interesting to develop in what you love.

Therefore, when a person does what he really likes, he is constantly developing in this business, and this is not a duty imposed from outside.

And development leads to the acquisition of competencies, which also lead to an increase in the level of pay.

  1. Development and growth in what you love is easy - you achieve more results in less time.

You can succeed in a job that you do not like, but it takes time and effort many times more than achieving the same results in a field that you like.

  1. In the long term, you will make more money.

Have you heard about genius musicians, talented entrepreneurs, very capable managers of our time? They all earn well above average. But, in order to come to this financial results it takes a lot of time and effort. And this is definitely not work time from 9 to 18.

There is research conducted by psychologist Anders Erikson at the Academy of Music in Berlin. As a result of these studies, scientists have concluded that it takes at least 10,000 hours of practice to develop their abilities to the level of a world-class expert in any field. Do you think you can effectively and persistently do 10,000 hours of your disliked work? And will it be an overwhelming task if you already love the business you are doing?

So why love your job?

  1. You will have more energy and less fatigue.
  2. You will have less stress.
  3. You will be interested in your work.
  4. You will be more successful in the work you love.
  5. You can make more money from your favorite job.

Do you love your job?

It's true - most horrible jobs do have a lot to do with dire bosses, boring, tedious chores and difficult tasks. But many people have found a way to enjoy what they do, despite some obvious negative circumstances. A recent study found that 49.6% of people love their job.
Although statistics suggest that almost half of all employees love their job, if you are among the remaining 50.4% of people who do not share a love of work, then you will most likely feel that people from the first group are akin to wizards. These are the people who got access to best vacancies v the best companies, for which the cards themselves lay down as they should. Lucky ones.
But in fact, in most cases, people who love their work simply do not approach their work quite like everyone else - and it is far from a fact who they got the most agreeable managers, and their calendar of affairs is always full of exciting events. ... So this is what sets them apart:

1. They don't strive for excellence.

This may shock you - especially if you regularly see on the news in in social networks how people brag about their dream job - but satisfaction often depends on self-attitude. Nobody has a "perfect" job. If you had a chance to look behind the scenes of the working day of a person who is passionate about his work, you would see that he, like all of us, has to face inevitable difficulties (for example, experience setbacks or interact with an arrogant colleague), and that not all days he has such successful ones.
However, instead of lamenting every defeat (or lamenting a moody boss), they focus on the positive. They know hard work and office intrigue are part of the job, and they rejoice at challenges and opportunities to apply their talents. Giving up the illusory opportunity to achieve perfection ultimately makes them feel happier.

2. They set career goals for themselves.

As an HR professional and career coach, I have to interact with people on a daily basis who have different attitudes towards their work. And I noticed that if you ask people from among those who are dissatisfied with their work about what professional goals they set for themselves for the next three, six or twelve months, then most of them will answer that they do not know for sure. And even if they do have some goals, they, as a rule, are not specific and do not cover the essence of what would help them appreciate their work more.
Setting career goals makes you feel like you're going in the right direction, gives you motivation and a sense of responsibility. People who love their work understand this and always strive for something. Whether it's getting a promotion, changing a job, or gaining more independence - they always go towards some goal. And since at the same time they find other goals for themselves (to get a new skill, find a new mentor, become a mentor themselves), there is no stagnation in their work.

3. They bet on their strengths.

Although we have all been taught (and it would seem, it should be obvious) that we need to focus on the development of our weaknesses- people who love their work mostly do what they are good at.
Continuing to improve on what you are already good at (such as helping your team solve difficult problems or sharing your ideas with a large audience) is much easier than trying to develop areas that are difficult for you (or have always been). In addition, the pleasure that you will experience from the fact that you did a good job at your job will have a big impact on your overall inner state. Focusing on your strengths You will feel more confident and thus more likely to do your job at the highest level, which is a prerequisite for enjoying what you do.

4. They have friends at work.

People who love their work, in most cases, also love their colleagues. If you feel comfortable with the people you work with every day, it will be easier for you to be yourself, which means that you will have more possibilities Unleash your creativity and let off more steam (because we all have to do this sometimes). It also means that you can share your goals with your colleagues (no matter how ambitious or lofty they may be), as well as openly express your opinion (even if it differs from that of your other colleagues).
Of course, you do not need to force yourself to make close friendships with every employee in the office, but you need to try to build sincere relationships with your colleagues, because, as practice shows, this leads to more involvement in the work and getting more pleasure from it.

If you have come to terms with the fact that you will feel unhappy at work, then ask yourself if you have done everything in order to change the situation for the better. Have you tried to accept that you cannot influence some things (for example, office layout or unstable Internet)? Are you willing to take on a job that will give you the opportunity to stand out from other employees? Do you praise yourself every time you complete another project, and do you listen to praise from other colleagues? Do you start each new day with at least a neutral attitude, expecting something good to happen today, instead of waiting for troubles to come?

Of course, there are certain situations where one positive attitude you can't do it. But let's leave the extreme scenarios, and who knows, maybe, following my advice, and you will join the number of “lucky ones”.

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Studies conducted in the United States have shown that approximately 81 percent of the country's population is satisfied with their jobs. However, being satisfied is one thing, and loving what you are doing is another. Satisfaction only says that you are not bad at your workplace - but at the same time, you cannot say that you are good there. Love is more than that, and in this article, you will recognize the signs that you truly love your job.

Are you waiting for Monday morning

Most people lose their spirits when the weekend approaches - they are reluctant to look ahead and see the next work week. However, loving your job means looking forward to Monday with joy and not being afraid of the start of a new work week.

You are not late

Almost every employee is late for work at least occasionally. And for sure, almost no one comes to workplace too early. Only not those people for whom work is something more important in their life. They always arrive on time or even a little earlier. And why should they be late? How often are you late for events you are looking forward to?

You don't complain about your job.

You focus on winning

People who are simply happy with their work are distinguished by their attitude. They come to the workplace to complete their duty, fulfill their daily quota and leave as soon as possible to do important matters... However, those who really love their work strive to do more, better, original. Their goal is not just to complete another working day, but to achieve something during that day.

You don't keep track of time

The average employee can be distinguished by his standard habit - every five minutes he checks how much time has passed, or rather, how much time is left until the end of the working day. Like most, he wants to get out of work as soon as possible, because he will have much more interesting activities. But for you, work is the most interesting activity, so you do not keep track of the time - more often than not, you simply lose track of it, and therefore you can unconsciously stay at work if you are carried away by the next project.

You are asking for more responsibility

People who truly value and love their work will never complain about being overloaded. Most likely, they are more likely to ask to be given more responsibility, to set them more serious tasks, since what they do is really important and interesting for them. Well, the standard employee, as always, during the break will sigh to tell a colleague or friend that he has been charged with even more work, although he does not know what to do with the previous one.

You don't complain about your colleagues

More often than not, the atmosphere in the workplace is far from being the most friendly. And even if no one expresses their dislike to anyone in person, behind your back you can hear the comments and ridicule with confidence. Naturally, in such conditions it is impossible to love your job, but you need to start with yourself - after all, it is you who create the atmosphere in the workplace. And if you communicate with your colleagues, laugh at jokes and enjoy the progress, then the atmosphere in the office will be great. And all employees can safely say that they really love their job.

You are proud of your success

Too many employees focus on highlighting the setbacks that plague them in the workplace. Naturally, if you focus your attention on negative sides, you are unlikely to ever begin to love and enjoy your work. After all, a truly happy person is proud of what he has achieved in the workplace, and does not complain about what he failed to do.

You help people around you.

More often than not, employees come to the workplace to shut themselves out and focus on work. Therefore, they try to avoid any contact and do not like very much when they are asked for help. However, a person who loves his job will be only happy to help his colleague, and this help can be very different - from clarifying the concepts related to work to buying something pleasant for a colleague who has something unpleasant.

You do not escape the conflict, but you solve it.

A person who loves his job will not run away from conflict if it is ripe. But he will not be the main instigator - rather, he will act as the one who will resolve this conflict.

You don't get bored at work

If you love your job, you will never get bored in your workplace - you will always be able to find something new and interesting.