The concept and essence of the image. Types of image, their characteristics. Signs and functions of the image What relates to the target characteristics of the image

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The image (from the English image - image) is usually understood as a formed image of a business person (organization), in which value characteristics and traits that have a certain impact on others are distinguished. The image is formed in the course of personal contacts of a person, based on the opinions expressed about him by others.

All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally positive attitude, and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally negative attitude. Many individuals by nature have an attractive image, endowed with charm. To a large extent, our initial impression of other people is formed by their external data. However, the lack of external attractiveness should not interfere with the creation of a favorable image. Charm is not so much visual attractiveness as full of trust, emotional disposition towards people.

Gaining an attractive image is not an end in itself, but mastering it is a very significant personal and professional description... The desire to cooperate with a specific person or company largely depends on the image. An attractive image is one of the determinants of business success.

The image has the following properties:

An image is a conscious phenomenon, it does not exist only at the level of an individual person, that is, the object must be known to some group of people (partners, consumers, customers, etc.);

A favorable image must have a precise address, arouse interest, and attract certain groups of partners;

The image is active in its essence, it is capable of influencing the consciousness, emotions, activities of both individuals and entire groups;

An image is not something once given, formed; it is dynamic, its attributes are transformed, modified in accordance with changes in itself;

The image should be plastic, change quickly, responding to economic, psychological, social conditions;

The image must be believable (correspond to what it really is or make such an impression), otherwise the image is not believed, and it does not achieve its goal.

Image is a complex education that consists of many components. Good reputation it is difficult to acquire, it takes years, but it can be lost instantly, and often because of a trifle: not answering a phone call or letter in time, not sending a fax, which is expected, showing bad manners in any form. Everything is important for an attractive image - the culture of speech, the manner of dressing, and the interior of the office. Both in the past and in the present, ignorant and rude people did not possess the magic of charm. It is difficult for an individual with a bad taste to expect a favorable impression. Overconfidence and stereotypical behavior negatively affect other people's perception of a person who is interested in recognition and self-acceptance. In all countries, the code of conduct for a well-bred person includes at least four basic rules: politeness, naturalness, dignity, tact. Businessmen around the world are practically unanimous about the three most preferred, positive qualities of a potential business partner - competence, decency and reliability. It is these qualities that ensure the main thing in business relationships - their predictability, the ability to rely on a partner, confidence in his commitment. They are highly regarded all over the world because they are the foundation of an indispensable condition for a successful, fruitful business relationship - mutual trust.

As a rule, people's sympathy is acquired not only due to innate qualities, but also due to the ability to present oneself. A business image is more and more often specially designed in the interests of a person or a company, taking into account the characteristics of the activity, internal merits, qualities and characteristics of the image carrier.

In many cases, the image is the result of a skillful orientation in a particular situation, the correct choice of a model of behavior. A behavior model is an integral complex of signs (speech, non-speech, behavioral) aimed at creating a certain image. The model is perceived as a whole. For example, authoritarian behavior includes categorical judgment, categorical tone, characteristic gestures. Seeing a person behaving in this way, one can foresee some of his reactions and actions. The integrity of the model is violated when its constituent elements contradict each other (for example, sad news is reported with an ironic intonation).

The choice of a model of behavior is the reproduction of such behaviors that, in everyday communication, help a person to become attractive.

The correct choice of behavior model is carried out on the basis of following criteria:

Moral impeccability (with all the propensity for the subjective experience of morality in society, there are generally accepted approaches to explaining concepts such as honesty, justice and conscience);

Taking into account the specific situation in which the person acts or finds himself by coincidence;

The goal that the personality sets for itself;

Self-critical assessment of the significant opportunities for using a particular behavior.

Following the chosen model of behavior does not imply stereotypical actions, lack of temperament, originality of thinking, habits. In everyday life, the behavior patterns of different people are embodied in different ways. But among the many models there are those that become the subject of special study. First of all, these are etiquette models (etiquette).

The interaction of people, including business, in various situations has long been regulated and ordered by the norms and rules of etiquette. Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners and clothing). Etiquette, like communication, can be roughly divided into business and informal. Business etiquette regulates the behavior of people associated with the implementation of official duties... Informal (secular) etiquette regulates communication in the field of leisure and meeting material and spiritual needs (when eating, choosing items of clothing, organizing celebrations, attending theater performances, concerts, sports shows, etc.). Due to the presence in the program of official events of business receptions, performances of artists, it can be difficult to clearly distinguish between business and unofficial etiquette. Diplomatic protocol and etiquette are distinguished by orderliness and severity. Business protocol and etiquette in general, aimed at a wide range of business people, are more flexible and less formalized.

At all times there have been and are people with different attitudes to etiquette. This attitude depended and depends on upbringing (moral socialization), ethical education and the development of the moral needs of the individual, which presuppose the presence of a desire for a moral attitude towards oneself on the part of others and the same desire to treat people morally. Good knowledge and compliance with the rules of etiquette is one of the components of an attractive image.

The attitude to etiquette among the emerging new strata of business people, whose activities are related to private business and entrepreneurship, still leaves much to be desired. Meanwhile, the transition from the initial (often criminal or semi-criminal) forms of market relations to civilized ones will increasingly actualize the meaning and implementation of both business and secular etiquette. This actualization will largely be stimulated by the developing international contacts of domestic entrepreneurs. The psychology of a Western businessman is programmed for a partner who inspires confidence in the way he is dressed, combed, what car he drives, and whether he is punctual. Then other parameters are already assessed - loyalty to their obligations, qualifications, ability to conduct business. Abroad, there is no doubt about the need to create the image of a company or a business person, ignoring the rules of etiquette by business people in a cultural business environment causes a negative attitude. For international contacts to become sustainable ties, business people need to accept and abide by the established "rules of the game" based on business etiquette.


In whatever words they try to define the concept of image-making, although in fact this concept does not need a special explanation - the word "Image" is familiar to everyone, the same applies to the word "make". Creating the necessary image, strategy for developing a reputation - that's what image-making is.

The scope of application of image making in public relations is very wide. It can be PR of a person - promoting his name, creating an image that people will like and which will make them vote for him in elections, for example. Or PR of some product, and not just, but the creation of a certain image. The bottom line is that the attitude towards a product, company, brand, or just a person can be controlled. It can be compared with the night illumination of a building - in fact, it can be unprepossessing, but once you place the light correctly, and here is a fabulous palace in front of you. So each image can be created and implemented artificially - image-making technologies have truly limitless possibilities, the only question is to correctly determine the prioritization.

Characteristics of the image

The concept and essence of the image

Image (from the English image - "image", "image") - an artificial image formed in the public or individual consciousness by various means.

The image is investigated as a phenomenon that has two sides, which has a kind of dual nature. On the one hand, it is a spiritual, and on the other, a spiritual and practical phenomenon. It also touches upon the problems of correlating the categories "image and image", primary and secondary reflection of the characteristics of the object of image activity in the psyche target audiences etc. The author refers to the category of opinion as a key one for understanding the image, noting that as a value judgment, opinion is based on the process of social assessment. Analyzing the essence of the image as an ontological format of opinion, the author touches upon the problem of conjugation of the formed image with the practical activity of the subject, as well as the problem of forms (methods) of existence of the image-opinion. Described is such an important characteristic of the image as its subject-object conditioning. A critical analysis of the use of the "image formation" turnover is offered, the expediency of using the "image dynamics" turnover is proved.

Fundamental development of the problems of strategy and tactics of forming the external image of the state presupposes the correct use of the conceptual apparatus. Among the key research concepts in the considered subject space are actually "image", "reputation", "image policy" and "information policy".

With all the abundance of scientific and practical literature on image management of various social and political subjects, it cannot be said that there is unanimity and methodological certainty in understanding the category of image. The uncertainty of the situation is aggravated by the very etymology of this term. Image - "image" - foreign language borrowing. In this case, the original "image" in English language has a fairly broad semantics. In Russian, this word corresponds to the word "image". But since in the Russian scientific, primarily psychological tradition, the term "image" has its own theoretical biography and already functions as a category of specialized psychological language. This creates additional problems for understanding the key concept of our research. These are the problems of correlating the categories "image and image", the primary and secondary reflection of the characteristics of the object of image activity in the psyche of target audiences, the problem of the correlation of external influences and the audience's own activity, etc. In general, we can talk about the lack of unanimity in relation to the conceptual apparatus of imageology. Image is often understood as something fundamental (irreducible), primary and meaningful, therefore, the image is sometimes introduced into the conceptual apparatus of PR science in a portrait - description.

Thus, first of all, it is necessary to determine the conceptual apparatus and choose working definition image for future use. This is a rather difficult task, since in the scientific and practical literature there are many conflicting approaches to understanding this category.

It should be noted that many theorists and practitioners of PR, marketing and advertising offer their own definitions of image.

Domestic theorist in the field of sociology of management and imageology V.M. Shepel gives the following definition: “Image is an individual appearance or a halo created by means of mass media, social group or by the individual's own efforts in order to attract attention. " The famous American marketing theorist F. Kotler defines the image as "the perception of a company or its products by society." Management specialist O.S. Vikhansky gives general definition image: "The image of a phenomenon is a stable idea of ​​the features, specific qualities and traits characteristic of a given phenomenon."

Thus, at present there are several, including polarly different definitions of the term "image", some of which complement each other. In a number of definitions, different authors use the categories of “image”, “opinion”, “unity of typical features”, “representation”, etc. as a basic concept.

In Russian imageology, theory and psychology of PR, the point of view is quite widespread that there is a clear distinction between the “image” and “image” of some object, event, phenomenon or personality. At the same time, the image is assumed to be an idea of ​​an object artificially formed as a result of the purposeful activity of certain external forces, while the image is assigned the status of the result of the psyche's own activity of members of target audiences.

From our point of view, the latter approach, like most of the definitions cited above, has significant weaknesses that do not allow using them as a basis for studying the image of the state. This is due, first of all, to the weak psychological study of the category in question.

Russian scientific literature presents two polar points of view on the relationship between the concepts of "image" and "image". According to one of them, already mentioned, these are two different categories, irreducible to each other. The image here is a product of the subject's own mental activity, associated with the assimilation of information about the object. And the image is a product of the external image activity of other subjects, imposed on this subject. The second point of view is based on the identification of the image and the image allows a direct translation of the word "image" - "image". From our point of view, both positions are vulnerable and cannot be used as the basis for a strict interpretation of the phenomenon under study. Rather, the truth lies in the middle. The image is really a certain image of the object, the result of the activity of the subject's psyche, connected with the object. But at the same time, not any image of an object can with good reason be interpreted as its image.

As you know, in psychology, the image is understood as a reflection in the psyche of the subject of various (both explicit and implicit) characteristics of a phenomenon. Psychologically, such a reflection is a kind of integrative process in which the subject's own psyche activity, based on individual experience, is intertwined. Cognitive baggage, archetypes of the collective unconscious, etc., and the reactivity of the psyche associated with the response to targeted external influences. And the result of this reflection - an image that functions as some kind of individual / social assessment, is also an integral phenomenon. It is impossible to build partitions in it between the products of activity and reactivity. Accordingly, it makes no sense to oppose the image and the image as autonomous constructs in the psyche of the subject, which perceives and reflects the characteristics of the imaging object.

First of all, as a psychological phenomenon, image is an evaluative reaction of the psyche of a social subject - individual, group or mass - to some phenomenon of the external world that is significant for this subject. Thus, the image is generated only by such phenomena that are significant for the subject. Significance will be understood in a socio-psychological way as interaction with the needs, interests and / or values ​​of the subject, which generates an evaluative reaction of the latter. If the phenomenon external to the subject of the world is not perceived by him as significant, the image of this phenomenon for this subject cannot arise. As a result, any process of image formation, regardless of whether it is purposeful or spontaneous, is an interaction at the level of needs, interests and / or values ​​between an object and a subject. This characteristic allows us to understand the fundamental difference between the image of an object and its image. If the image, as already mentioned, is a reflection in the psyche of the subject of the external and internal parameters of the object, then the image is already the result of the work of the psyche with the image. This is the work of forming an individual or, in the case of a collective subject, social assessment image. The psychological mechanism of image formation is a comparison or social comparison of the characteristics of an object, contained in its image, and its own goals, values ​​of the subject's interests. As a result, the image in the ontological dimension functions as an opinion about the image, its assessment.

Image is an important component of a person's life. A lot sometimes depends on the ability to present oneself from the advantageous side. Often a person does not even think about it, but all people strive to make a favorable impression on others. All people play certain social roles and strive to interact with each other most effectively. The image helps in this, it is a reflection of our aspirations and desires for ourselves, other people and the world in general.

Image: concept and types

Today there are many definitions of the image. If we summarize different points of view, then we can characterize the image as a specially created image of an object used for specific purposes. Depending on the object, the image is subdivided by type.

Types of image:

  • image of a person;
  • the image of the organization;
  • image of the territory;
  • image of the subject.

In fact, an external image can be created for any object, you just need to understand for what purpose this is done. At its core, an image represents a short amount of well-chosen, most beneficial information that needs to be conveyed to a person.

The need to create an image

The types of image and the functions that it carries out should help a person interact with the world around him most effectively. The functions of the image include:

When creating an image, it is important to use reliable information about a person and his real qualities, because the deception will quickly be revealed, and the person will ruin his reputation. An image that is far from real is very difficult to maintain and broadcast to others.

Each person has an individuality inherent only to him. It consists of a set of certain qualities, temperament and character of a person, his worldview and moral and ethical attitudes. Types of human image:

  • Personal.
  • Business.

Using various individual qualities of a person, different kinds personal image. For example, in order to fit into a new team, a person creates a reputation for himself as a "simple guy" or "soul of the company", etc., depending on the qualities that he possesses. A personal image is made up of certain characteristics, according to which the desired image of a person is built. They take into account the various channels of information perception that a person uses.

Characteristics of a personal image:

Features of the image

When creating a personal image, you need to take into account some more features of a person. In addition to personal qualities and abilities, there is also important factors influencing the success of the reputation: age, gender, ethnic, social, regional.

It is necessary to understand that the image of a man and a woman will differ according to gender. A businessman and a businesswoman have the same tasks, but their image will be different. Age characteristics, ethnicity, region of residence - all this will affect the image of a person. Especially need to highlight social factor- This is belonging to different social strata of the population. This is also an important factor that is taken into account when creating an image.

Business person's image: appearance, behavior

The business image has its own characteristics, as it is associated exclusively with the business activities of a person. So appearance and human behavior will be aimed at achieving success in professional activities. The business image will be created in order to show business skills and personality traits, their competence and prospects.

There are several types of business image:

In the business sphere, a person is given the opportunity to show all his capabilities and talents. However, this is an area of ​​competitive struggle, therefore, a person striving to achieve success must constantly develop and improve his abilities. A business image does not tolerate falsehood and ignorance, it requires knowledge and adherence to business etiquette, business ethics.


One of the components of a successful image is self-presentation. This is the ability to show your abilities, present yourself, attract attention and interest people. Not everyone has these qualities, but they can be developed in oneself. Of course, not all areas human activity require self-presentation, but it will successfully fit into various types of image. Basically, people need it creative professions, especially in show business, as well as in politics.

Corporate image

Any corporation needs a successful image. Its popularity and demand in the market will depend on it. The corporate image reflects the perception of the organization by various social groups. They purposefully form a holistic image of the corporation based on information about its activities.

Various images, well-chosen, are able to ensure that organizations are successful in the business sphere, in demand with customers, fame and influence among other companies, as well as competitiveness.

The corporate image includes:

Image of the organization

Different types of the organization's image are united by a set of internal, external and business qualities companies. They consist of eight components:

Image formation

The demand and popularity of the image led to the emergence of a scientific discipline - imageology. She studies the image as a developing information product that has a set of unique characteristics and is created in the minds of people. Image-making specialists are engaged in the formation and creation of the image. Using various types of image and current consumer needs, they are able to create a demanded and working image for a person or organization.

Activity as a component of the image

The image of a type of activity includes the analysis of a specific type of activity in order to create the most effective image. Such components as the orientation of the activity, the knowledge and skills necessary for its implementation, the perceptions and requirements of society for a specific type of occupation are taken into account. By the type of activity, the following types of image can be distinguished:

  • the image of the organization (PR technologies, reputation);
  • personal image (divided into the image of specialists, politicians and show business);
  • territorial image (housing, recreation areas, zones economic activity);
  • social image (promotion of various ideas, ideologies).

The image also exists in various territories, it includes a combination of rational reflections and emotional impressions that arise on the basis of knowledge, rumors and experience regarding all the characteristic features of any territory that are available for perception and evaluation.

Types of territory image:

  • formal (consists of an assessment of natural and produced resources, the size of GNP per inhabitant and the amount of human resources inherent in the territory);
  • household (formed by local leaders, rumors and the media, therefore it is considered unreliable and haphazard).

In today's fast-paced world, information is of paramount importance. Anyone who knows how to use information technology to their advantage will always be successful and in demand in society. Image is directly related to information technology, therefore, it is in great demand, especially in business and politics.

Consider the classification of the personality image from the point of view of one's "I" and from the side of others, as well as the classification of the personality image from the point of view of the factors that determine the components of the personality image. To characterize the environmental image, the materialized image, the habitual image, the verbal image, the kinetic image

The most powerful image - the image of the individual - always starts to build from within. This image is based on how we imagine our appearance and how highly we value ourselves.

Our self-image is called self-image. The confidence with which subordinates are managed, the enthusiasm for the job and how much people like the person and how willingly they work with it depend on it.

The most important thing in a person's image is self-confidence. Therefore, the basis for the formation of an individual's image is the ability to change the idea of ​​oneself. If this perception is negative, it is necessary to identify the roots of personal failure by remembering what caused the negative self-image to develop, and then try to change what can be changed.

The English researcher Elery Sampson speaks of personal image as a combination of a number of external and internal factors that determine self-image, which stems from past experiences and reflects the current state of self-esteem; perceived image- this is how others see us; and required image - this, for example, when a number of professions require certain image characteristics. Sampson identifies five components that form a person's professional image: competence, confidence, trust, consistency, control. At each of the professional levels, these parameters receive their specific content.

In this regard, the image of a person is made up of two factors: how we perceive ourselves and from the perception of ourselves from others.

It is necessary to take into account, speaking about the image of a person, that she is formed long before the image maker touches her. If, for example, a manner or temperament can be modified or hidden by image makers, then the personality is accepted as it is.

Environmental image assumes the characterization of a person by the artificial environment of his habitat - by his office, home, car, etc. To form a positive environmental image, it is necessary to be slightly above average: your car should be slightly better than that of most people of the same circle; your office should be slightly better than most of your colleagues, just like your apartment or country house. Hence the main principle of the formation of this image: a little better than everyone else. This means that it should be better than others' so that a prying eye will notice it, but not so much that the question is formed in the minds of people: where is it from?

Dimensional image- this is a characteristic of a person in his own appearance - in costume, makeup, hairstyle, etc.

Reified image- is formed according to the objects that a person uses or creates.

Kinetic image- this is posture, movement, gestures, facial expressions. Man cannot change him. A quality image uses the natural traits of a person. From the point of view of Marianna, of the politicians, the most high-quality image of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov: “He has a great team of stylists. They took the most striking features of his personality and amplified them. That's why he looks so natural. "

The kinetic image includes a national aspect. If you work for a Swedish company, you will have to subdue your gestures. And if you behave with restraint with Italians, they will perceive you as a person on their mind.

Verbal image- this is your voice, intonation, diction, literate speech. If in doubt if you are speaking correctly, open the dictionary and check. Get rid of "junk" words. Do not speak too softly so that the other person does not have to get too close. Do not strain, do not speak in a choked voice, or your interlocutor will decide that you are suppressing your emotions and are ready to shift the responsibility onto him at any time. It is unethical to speak too quickly. And fuzzy diction speaks of low self-esteem. You need to speak so that the interlocutor understands you.
