Project geologist profession. Work as a geologist - reviews. My profession is a geologist. Andrey Podlegaev, director of Sibgeoresurs LLC

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Presentation on the topic: Geologist profession

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Introduction. The tremendous importance of minerals in the development of all branches of the national economy is well known. Iron ores and coal form the basis of ferrous metallurgy - the base of the country's industrial development. Copper, lead, zinc, tin, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals are of great importance for motor, machine, ship and aircraft construction, as well as for many other industries. Mineral fuels - coal, oil, gas - the basis of the country's energy. The geological exploration industry is engaged in the creation and development of the mineral resource base, the main task which consists in the discovery and preparation for the exploitation of mineral deposits, as well as in the geological maintenance of the exploited deposits. The study of minerals is closely related to mineralogy, geochemistry, petrography, structural and historical geology, lithology, tectonics, geomorphology, hydrogeology and a number of other geological sciences, as well as crystallography, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and probability theory.

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History of George Agricola (Czechoslovakia) in 1546 in his work "On Metals" he made the first attempt to classify mineral deposits according to the form of their occurrence. In the middle of the 18th century. The Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov was the first to point out in his works that mineral deposits can be formed both in connection with the introduction of molten magmatic masses into the earth's crust, and from surface waters. founded in St. Petersburg Mining School, later Mining Institute. K.I. Bogdanovich published the first Russian textbook on ore deposits, in which he gave a classification of deposits. The first course in exploration was taught in our country in 1924 at the Petrograd Mining Institute by the mining engineer K.P. Markov.

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The profession of geologist The profession of a geologist is one of those professions in which the solution of production problems and the development of theoretical problems, the study of natural objects and patterns and the assessment of the possibilities of their practical use are most closely combined. The ultimate goal of any geological work is the identification and assessment of mineral deposits, which are carried out in the process of surveying, prospecting and exploration. Exploration is the most expensive and most “settled” type of geological work.

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Geological survey is the study of the geological structure of the country, that is, the disclosure of the patterns of distribution of various rocks, the conditions for their formation, the content and sequence of various geological processes. Search is a complex of geological exploration work aimed at identifying industrially valuable accumulations of minerals. Their purpose is to identify the signs of certain minerals and preliminary assess them, which of them deserve a more detailed study, and which do not.

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Exploration of a large deposit takes many years. The task is to decide whether this deposit deserves commercial development, and it takes a lot of time to provide materials for the design of a mining enterprise. A geologist, first of all, must have observation and the ability to concentrate; the ability to separate what you see from what it seems. In addition to the extensive specialized knowledge that technical schools and institutes provide, a young geologist needs knowledge of geography and chemistry. He must master the basics of mining, the technology of processing mineral raw materials (beneficiation, metallurgy), the economics of the mining industry. Without this, the found deposit may be incorrectly estimated.

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Conclusion. Geologists are needed not only by large oil and gas companies, but also by construction firms. The profession of a geologist is difficult but interesting. Requires extensive knowledge in various fields of science (physics, chemistry, geography, etc.). In order to present a 3D model of a plot of land, a geologist needs abstract thinking. modern areas technology in industrial use is involved in an ever wider range of minerals. For this, it is necessary to search for mineral deposits outside the known mining areas, as well as to involve in the exploitation of deep horizons of known deposits, with a more complete extraction useful components from ores. Exploration works are accompanied by detailed geological mapping. And in all this, the geologist is the main actor... There is indeed a lot of romance in the work of a geologist. But it is in the need to solve the mysteries of nature, in the absence of templates, in the constant change of working conditions - from field routes in the mountains, in the taiga, in the steppes to painstaking operations with numbers and facts, in the alternation of rather intense physical work with mental work. that we have coped with this goal and proved that this profession is in demand and necessary at the present time, and without it it is impossible to imagine the development of key sectors of the national economy.

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If you always want to keep abreast of the latest events in the world, then you will especially like this section. Here you can find the most relevant and freshest news of the world and the fatherland. If you do not have time to watch news programs on TV because of work, study or something else, then on our website you can watch them for free, without registration and at a time that is convenient for you.

In our time, it is very important to always be “on the wave”, as everything around is constantly changing. But it turns out that it is not always possible to see the news exactly at the time at which it is shown on TV channels, since the work schedule or simply employment varies almost every day. And often the opportunity to look falls on different time, which is not very convenient if you are trying to keep up with watching television media.

Citizens' interest in politics has grown significantly lately. And among them, not only adults, but also children are actively interested in the political situation in the country and the world. This will have a very positive effect in the future, as a generation of citizens with an active life position is being brought up. They are already much more literate than their fathers at their age in the field of politics.

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Economic news has also attracted a growing audience lately. Economic literacy and enlightenment always play into the hands not only of the average citizen, but also of a person, which stands out for its particular success among the mass of the population. And I am very glad, again, that the younger generation has an interest in this topic, which gives hope. The hope that they will be much more successful than their predecessors, from which the world around them will be more successful.

In the field of scientific discoveries and doctoral research, they perfectly expand the horizons, which, of course, attracts a huge audience. Some discoveries may simply amaze the minds of those who do not collide with science in ordinary life. The rapid development of many areas of science cannot but rejoice, because a huge number of important things for all mankind depend on the activities of scientists.

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We wish you a pleasant viewing!

Adults to children: my profession

Profession - geologist

And the path is both far and long,
And you can't turn back.
Hold on a geologist, hold on a geologist,
You are a brother to the wind and the sun.

I'm granny. I want to tell my grandchildren - Masha and Pavlik - so much! About the World, about the Earth, about the beauty of the World and the beauty of the Earth. Our Earth is so different and so beautiful! I want my grandchildren to love our Earth and know about its various features. So that they travel and see different landscapes, different cities, different people ... But I'm a geologist! Therefore, I especially want my grandchildren to try to learn about the Earth as a living, continuously changing planet. How it is arranged, what it consists of, what processes take place in it, how mountains are formed, what rivers and wind can do ...
My love for geology began with my parents, from my first trips with them on geological expeditions in the beautiful and unique Altai Territory, where, in fact, I myself was born. This love was so strong that I did not dream of any other profession, and after graduating from school, I left for Moscow, entered the Moscow University at the Faculty of Geology. My expeditions continued in the Crimea, where we had training practices. Then there were production practices - in real geological parties. My industrial practice took place in the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains in Tajikistan (after all, we had a huge country - the Soviet Union!). I never once doubted the correctness of my professional choice. On the contrary, more and more I fell in love with geology. Simultaneously with the expansion of the geography of geological travel in different regions of our country, knowledge of the structure and development of the Earth came, and earthly secrets were revealed. And there came a feeling and confidence that a person is subject to master them.
Geology is a very complex and varied science. Geologists study volcanoes and earthquakes, rocks, minerals and crystals, the activity of water and wind, the topography of the land and the bottom of the oceans, the life of ancient plants and animals, and listen to the bowels of the Earth. It is said that, unlike zoology and botany, which study wildlife, geology - science - about "dead nature". But this is not the case. The earth is alive! It is constantly changing. Magma seethes in it, tectonic plates move, crack, collide with each other, and wind, frost, sun, water constantly change the external appearance of the Earth - "wash", "comb", "decorate" it. Geology teaches us to understand how all this happens. Despite the fact that now in our country geology is going through hard times, because many types of geological work are being reduced, in particular, geological surveys that are carried out to compile geological maps and, in my opinion, are the most interesting occupation in geology, I I would very much like my grandchildren to choose the path of a geologist as their path in life.
There is another important reason why I would also very much like Masha and Pavlik to become geologists.
It so happened that I married my classmate, that is, also a geologist. I was from the second generation of geologists - after my parents. But my husband - Milanovsky Vladimir (unfortunately, he is no longer alive) - was from the third generation of the family of famous geologists Milanovsky. Mashin and Pashin's great-grandfather Evgeny Vladimirovich Milanovsky is a professor at the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. He studied the geological structure of Central Russia. Mashin and Pashin's great-grandfather - Evgeny Evgenievich Milanovsky - professor at Moscow University, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, world-renowned geologist, studied volcanoes of the Mediterranean fold belt, rift systems of continents and oceans. Mashin and Pashin's grandfather - Vladimir Evgenievich Milanovsky, having graduated from the geological faculty of Moscow State University, became an oceanologist. He studied the structure of the oceanic crust, participated in many scientific expeditions of the Institute of Oceanology in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
So the Milanovsky family is a family of hereditary geologists.
The prospects for the development of geological science, despite a certain decline in the activity of geological research in Russia, remain, in my opinion, good. Indeed, without geology you will not find minerals, without minerals industry will not develop, without the development of industry, the country may perish. That is, geology is at the heart of everything!
And yet, the most important thing in our geological profession is communication with Nature! Traveling to different regions, studying structures and processes, identifying patterns in the structure and development of geological objects, the entire Earth. For a geologist, the Earth is a huge, beautiful, unique living creature created by Nature!




Faculty of Geology

Why I chose geology

Completed: student of group GLG-2

Kalashnikova Yu.Yu.

Checked by: Pecherkina L.V.


1. The profession of a geologist

1.1 History of the profession of geologist

2.3 Occupational risks



Among tens and hundreds of decisions made by a person, the most important role and influence is played by the choice of life path. Since I became a student at Perm State University, I have to make this difficult choice that will determine my future destiny. I have to decide what specialization I will study next. It is very difficult to make an informed and independent choice, because until now, in most cases, everything was decided for me by my parents, they led me along life path, but now I have to choose for myself what to do and how to act.

Scientists believe that a person lives for self-realization. The occupation fills life with meaning, helps to feel valuable, significant in society.

There are no two exactly alike people in the world, each has its own path of trial and error. This is a person's search for himself, his life values, his landmarks. It is difficult to make an informed and correct choice, there are many factors influencing the choice: low awareness of the profession, prestige and importance of the profession, the opinion of parents, the opinion of friends, affection, interests, needs of society. But, despite all this, I made my choice based on my interests, desires and preferences. I chose the geology profile, and I hope I made the right choice.

1. The profession of a geologist

1.1 History of the profession of geologist

Geology (from Greek geo - earth and logos - doctrine) is a complex of sciences about the composition, structure and history of the development of the earth. Since ancient times, people have used various minerals for their own purposes. Thus, unorganized, non-industrial mining began in ancient times, when miners mined clay and coal, in addition, people had knowledge of rocks, minerals and ores. With the beginning of the era of the great geographical discoveries, the study of the Earth began. People became interested in how deserts, mountains, etc. arise, and tried to scientifically substantiate their guesses. In these times, the first geologists-thinkers appeared who tried to guess where the minerals might be. The term "geology" was introduced by the Norwegian scientist M. Escholt in 1657. A qualitative leap in the history of geology (late XIX - early XX centuries) is associated with the introduction of physicochemical and mathematical methods research. To date, most of the deposits have already been explored. And in order to advance forecasts, it is no longer necessary to travel to the area; in most cases, it is enough to make a photo and film. However, until now, this profession is a symbol of romance and there are many open questions: the theory of continental motion has not been proven, some geomagnetic anomalies remain unexplained. Geologists spend a lot of time on expeditions, where they collect rock samples, search for and map deposits of valuable rocks, precious stones, gold, and oil. They study geological processes: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The profession "Geologist" requires from a specialist mainly intellectual expenditures. Professional activity, first of all, implies the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, the proposal of new solutions, the implementation of specific tasks using special labor skills.

Dominant activities of the profession of geologist:

· organization and implementation of field work to collect factual material about the geology of the study area;

· participation in the development of a geological task;

· calculation of mineral reserves;

· drawing up graphic materials on the geological structure of the studied area of ​​work (diagrams, maps, sections, plans, diagrams);

· compilation of reference collections of samples of rocks and minerals;

· determination of the category of rocks by their technological properties (drillability, strength, looseness);

· determination of the category of complexity of the areas of work;

· predicting surface movement;

· work with specialized equipment and tools;

· industrial development of deposits;

· determination of the locations of mine workings and oil and gas boreholes;

· development of mining and operational exploration plans;

· study of the geological structure of deposits;

· testing of mine workings;

· implementation of geological control over mining and exploration works, the state of oil and gas development;

· control over the completeness and quality of field development, freeing of wells;

· accounting for losses, movement of explored and ready-to-excavate minerals;

· well workover;

· generalization of geological material and the results of field and geophysical research.

2. Factors influencing the choice of profession

2.1 Level social significance profession

The level of social significance of the profession of a geologist is determined by the average indicators of its demand in the labor market. At the moment, the main orders come from private organizations, although state institutions nevertheless, they do not remain in the shadow of private entrepreneurs. Currently, the profession of a geologist is quite in demand, since the extraction, exploration and processing of minerals are the main source of income for the country.

Mineral exploration is an integral part of the national economy. The basis for providing production with ore, coal, oil, gas, building materials, water, etc. lies in the search for them on the territory of our country. Modern industry, with its high technology and enormous scale, requires an enormous amount of various mineral raw materials. It is impossible to imagine a single branch of the economy without iron and coal; without oil, all "mobile" equipment would be dead, and modern chemistry would not be able to produce various synthetic materials so widely. Without rare elements, it is impossible to manufacture various sophisticated machines and precision instruments that are used in metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, aviation, and astronautics. The industry cannot do without non-ferrous metals - copper, zinc, tin, lead, aluminum and magnesium. It is impossible to increase soil fertility without the use of so-called agronomic ores - phosphorites, apatite and potassium salts.

Geologists still know very little about the structure of the depths of the earth's crust, since only the uppermost part of it is accessible to direct observation. Exploring the depths of the Earth is very important for many reasons. Scientists recognize the great influence of the deep bowels of the Earth on the formation of mineral deposits. Volcanic phenomena and earthquakes are associated with the depths of the Earth. That's why further development knowledge about the structure and composition of the Earth, as well as the solution of the question of how mineral deposits are formed, is impossible without a direct study of the depths of the earth's crust and its subcrustal part.

The places of employment of specialists are geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and design organizations. The main field of application of their labor is the exploration and development of mineral deposits. They are also required in construction (for example, to identify the characteristics of soils at the site of future structures).

2.2 The massiveness and uniqueness of the profession (

The profession of a geologist is unique in its own way. For her successful practice, firstly, an excellent specialized education, deep knowledge in the field of drawing up and interpreting cartographic drawings, and skillful use of specific measuring and analytical instruments are required. The work is uneven and is characterized by the possibility of frequent long-term business trips and repeated visits to the object under study. The geologist must also have good health, good physical fitness, endurance, observation, the ability to work in a limited team, be patient and purposeful.

Teachers from different universities are of the same opinion: studying to be a geologist is difficult. From general professional disciplines, one will have to master physics, mathematics, computer science, technical and theoretical mechanics, engineering graphics - geologists need engineering thinking. At the same time, you will have to study history, cultural studies, sociology, political science, foreign language- this already presupposes a humanitarian mindset. And finally, special geological and mining-geological disciplines will require their own special abilities. For example, you can't learn paleontology from a book - you have to work with a collection, study in paleontological and mineralogical museums.

The most important task for geologists and practitioners is the development of the foundations of a scientific forecast (prediction) of the occurrence of minerals in certain regions of the Earth. Having established the laws for the location of various deposits, geologists will create forecast maps that will ensure successful searches for the so-called "blind" ore bodies, i.e. deep-seated deposits in the Earth.

Until now, geologists were only interested in land, but now they have begun to study the geology of the ocean floor, which occupies about 71% of the entire earth's surface. Geophysical studies have shown that there are differences in the structure and thickness of the earth's crust under the continents and oceans.

Such research not only enriches science, it brings important practical results.

In the coming decades, it is likely that a geological survey of the continental shelf and, perhaps, even the continental slope will be carried out.

World oil production from the seabed will increase, the development of manganese ores from the ocean floor will begin, and so on.

In general, the profession of a geologist has no obvious disadvantages. The standard load is usually planned before the expedition group leaves for the site, however, if necessary, an irregular working day can negatively affect the working capacity of the team. Career possible with excellent knowledge, a diploma of higher education and a non-standard or innovative approach to solving the assigned tasks.

geology specialist profession labor


The structure of the world and all natural phenomena have always attracted me. As a child, I was interested in how nature works, why different natural phenomena arise. For the last five years of my studies at school, I already knew in which direction I would study, but I did not know on which profile, specialty.

I chose the profile of geology because, firstly, I was drawn to the romance of this profession, secondly, the desire to learn the structure of the Earth, the processes and causes of natural geological phenomena, and thirdly, the opportunity to travel around the whole country and see all its diversity largely determined the choice profession.

Parents also had a particular influence on the choice of profession.


1.Kravtsov A.I., Bakaldina A.P. Geology. - M: Publishing house of Nedra, 1979 342 p.

2.N.V. Koronovsky General geology. - M: Publishing house of KDU, 2006.

.N.V. Koronovskiy, N.A. Yasamanov Geology. 5th edition. - M: Publishing house "Academy". 2008 448 pp.




Description of the profession and activity

Geologists presentation

Summary of the walk "We are geologists".


Description of the profession

The word geology came to us from the Greek language and literally translated as "the word about the earth." Today, this term refers to the science of the composition, structure, history of the development of the earth's crust and the minerals located in it. Geology consists of many sections that study in depth each component of science. Therefore, the range of work of a geologist is quite wide. It is not for nothing that they are called subsoil researchers. Who, if not a geologist, will be able to conduct a study of rocks in any weather conditions, while not being afraid to climb high in the mountains or descend to the very bottom of the reservoir. The most courageous professionals are awarded the title “Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation, and on April 5, all subsoil researchers celebrate the professional day of a geologist.

Description of activities

To become a good geologist, you cannot do without higher education in a geological specialty, since he is engaged in soil science - i.e. studying the composition, structure and types of soils, it is necessary to master a whole complex of both engineering and humanities... These are physics and mathematics, computer science and mechanics, history and cultural studies, foreign language and political science.

The activity of a geologist is not only constant expeditions and business trips, but also work in the laboratory and drawing up maps, deposits of valuable minerals, but also in the development of new territories for the construction of buildings, bridges, subway lines, etc. A geologist can go into science and work in research institutions and industrial scientific institutes, or become a good specialist in construction companies and private oil companies and concerns.


  • taking a variety of soil samples;
  • laboratory tests;
  • study of the origin of soils, determination of the presence of certain substances;
  • passing a verdict on the expediency of construction of mines, wells, construction of certain architectural or communication facilities;
  • reporting on the work done

Professional skills

  • knowledge of the characteristics of soil types in different areas;
  • the ability to determine the composition of soils and, accordingly, their physical characteristics;
  • the ability to work with equipment for performing field research, laboratory instruments;
  • possession of such scientific disciplines as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology;
  • the ability to draw up special plans, drawings and diagrams;
  • knowledge of professional safety technology.

Employee characteristics

This is a job for physically hardy, strong and unpretentious people. A geologist should not only love nature and extreme sports, but also be a good analyst, observant and resourceful person. Geologists always work in a team, so a specialist will need the ability to get along with people, be sociable and responsive. It will be easier to overcome obstacles and difficulties in a friendly and disciplined team.

Places of work:

  • sectoral research institutes;
  • construction firms;
  • oil concerns;
  • oil and gas companies

First Sunday in April

Geologist's Day
Geologist! Our earthly wanderer,
Scout of the bowels of the earth, dear!
You hurry forward, and on your holiday -
The backpack is heavy behind the back.

But a reward is also valuable for labor.
Suddenly discover the shine of a diamond
Or copper, tin and gold,
But more often - the place of oil, gas.

You marked the points on the map -
And again on the road - again at the forefront!
And then in the rock he opened steep,
A stream of glittering ore veins!

Poems about a geologist

When we were young

Then the whole power proceeded,

Looking for deposits.

So why are you, Russia,

Resource losing strength

And still a beggar?

But I believe that the time will come

Geologists young tribe

It will make a powerful statement about itself.

And the homeland will be rich,

And then we will shout, guys,

For an eternal path in your destiny.

To the unyielding wanderers(A. Zilling)

He came to the tent tired,

I took off my rifle and dropped my backpack

Campfire light yellowish scarlet

He dispersed the darkness in the clearing.

The shadows hesitated, danced

Quietly the kettle sang on the coals.

Bowler hat on your knees

He set it down and ate in silence.

Burning, pulled hot,

Aromatic and tart tea.

This, brothers, is the wandering one,

A well-known paradise.

Tramps gathered around the fire,

This listened, the other dozed-

Small fontanelle in the cleft

Melodiously murmured in the darkness-

At times nocturnal birds

In the distance they raised a cry - Tomorrow the road awaits us again,

And he told tales Again, clouds of horseflies, midges,

For rowan trees, the age-old cedar. Outcrops on a distant spur

And backpacks weighing in poods-

Let the rocks rise to the sky

Let the taiga meet severely

Let the landslides rumble in the mountains,

Let the blizzard laugh in the face.

In trials, the will grows.

Faith in yourself and in friends is growing.

For us, geologists, our share

Everyone else in the world is more mile.

New March of Geologists Vladimir Morov November 2002
Dedicated to friends-geologists
Who said - the Geologist has sunk into oblivion,
Did you replace romance with comfort?
Without a doubt, this is all libel,
Envy and idle chatter!
Liparite non-cabinet sciences
We are not gnawing at the table:
On route long kilometers
The standard of the kilogram is false.

We are all devoted to the field immeasurably
And stratified life
Only on the walls of adits and quarries
We practice malicious careerism.
I'll give you a flood of denials
On the one who did not grasp the essence:
Here you see such exposures,
Where there was no striptease!
The world is full of secrets and mysteries,
The area opens up again
Into these overturned folds
I fell in love immediately and forever.
I have an abyss of knowledge,
There is a dark forest everywhere for a trainee.
With her we are under the erosional cut
Studied the thrusting process.
Again on the unconformable bed -
A burst of adrenaline into the bloodstream ...
And crushes another shard of knowledge
A hammer that has grown to death in the hand.
Since there is no other way... Anatoly Tsepin

We are the first to lay them.

We run away every summer.

We graze in the wild by the blue water

We walk the taiga far away,

We are not looking for rewards for our labors,

And you can't lure us to Antalya.
For us the stove and fireplace replaces the fire,
And a bed of pine needles - feather beds,
But the heart is a piece of living, not a motor,
Sometimes longs for no reason
Through the noisy, tired big cities,

On the faces of loved ones and at home,

And we retreat in our footsteps

Because it is impossible otherwise.
You won't find footprints on our roads -
We are the first to lay them.
From noisy, tired, big cities
We run away every summer.

I will be a geologist

Become geologist want -

I teach different stones.

Here is the ore, there are metals in it.

Here are the various crystals.

The stone here is sea coral

Nearby pearls sparkled.

The strongest, know the diamond,

I will find him more than once.


There is a lot of iron in the geologist's find,

And for those people it is, of course, useful.

Among the fossils always valuable

It was considered to have been mined in the mine…. (Ore)

His path is hard and long,
Looking for deposits ... (Geologist)

Summary of the walk "We are geologists".

Tasks... Expand knowledge of the profession of a geologist. To form an idea of ​​stones as a part of inanimate nature. Continue to develop the ability to explore inanimate nature, to draw elementary conclusions. Replenish the vocabulary with words denoting objects, actions, signs. To develop the basic types of movements, physical qualities of agility, endurance, endurance, to develop correct breathing. To cultivate love for nature and what surrounds us.

Equipment... Stones are different in size, shape, color; bucket; a magnifying glass, a coin for each child; small ball basket.

On the eve, children look at encyclopedic literature on the topic: "Rocks" Rocks and fossils. And what's inside the earth? Volcanoes and earthquakes. The mountains. Soil formation. Examination of the collection "Rocks".

The course of the lesson.

The teacher tells the children about who geologists are.

Children, do you know who geologists are? (Listens to children's answers.) Geologists are people who travel to different places and study the bowels of the earth. Deep underground they search for coal, oil, gold, diamonds, iron and copper ore, building stone, salt and water. Geologists have a difficult job. They have to live in tents and cook over a fire. Now geologists, of course, are assisted by scientific instruments and various machines. But all the same, they have to walk hundreds of kilometers, climb mountain slopes with heavy backpacks on their backs. There are special hammers in backpacks to beat off pieces of hard rock. Sometimes earthly treasures are hidden in deep caves. And geologists go down there too! The geologist must be strong and courageous, be able to find his way on the map and compass. And also the geologist should be true friend... This is such a job!

Guys, let's pretend we are geologists. And now we are going on an expedition (children dress up for a walk independently and quickly). Our task is to get to a certain place (part of the group), to find stones, "gems". The path will be difficult, please do not lag behind.

Children are built in one column and move forward one after another performing various exercises

  • Walking on toes, squatting, half-squatting, side steps, backwards;
  • Running with a snake, on toes, with a wide step, at a gallop;
  • Overcoming obstacles: climbing a hill, descending from it, stepping over the arc, crawling under the arc straight and sideways, without touching the ground with your hands, jump over the groove;
  • Walking, breathing exercise. (The teacher reminds you how to breathe correctly, breathe in the air with your nose, exhale with your mouth.)

Game "Find the stones -" gems "(Preparing for the game, the teacher hides pebbles in advance on the site. Previously, he himself "finds" such a stone). Educator: Guys, look at what beautiful stone I found. It means that we have come here for a reason. Let's go all over the site and look for stones. Whoever finds the stone will come to me. (Children disperse throughout the site, looking for stones.) Guys, to what nature do we refer the stones? (Answers of children.)

Research activities. Educator. Guys, let's take a close look at the stones (children examine each other's stones with a magnifying glass). Are all pebbles the same? How do they differ from each other? Try to find exactly the same stones. What do they have the same? Are they any different? Can we say that they are the same?

Output: stones are different in size, shape; there are the same color, pattern, quality.

Can a stone be broken? How can I do that? Try it. Can a stone be scratched? How? Can it be scratched with a fingernail? Let's check if we have guessed correctly. Try to break a stone. Was it easy to do? Let's try to scratch the stone with a coin. Is there a trace of the coin? Try scratching the stone with your fingernail. Is there a trace left?

Output: the stones are durable, they cannot be scratched with a fingernail.

D / exercise. "Pick up signs, actions for the subject." Educator. Guys, what can we say about the stone. What stone? (children's answers) What does the stone do? (children's answers).

Game "Benefit - Harm"... Children, let's think together with you what benefits stones bring to a person (build roads, buildings, bridges, etc.) What harm can stones bring (harm a person, injure him, block the roadway, etc.)

life safety fundamentals ... You cannot throw stones where children play, because you can harm the health of other people without wanting to. Remember this rule.

Educator... We continue our expedition. Form a column one by one! Pay for the first, second! (Children are divided into two teams.)


1. "Hit the target." (From each team, children take turns throwing the ball trying to hit the wheel, the wheels are on the ground).

2. "Who is faster?" (the first child runs, takes a stone lying on the sand, puts it in a bucket, runs, passes the bucket to the next child, stands behind himself).

3. "Whose team will quickly and correctly lay out the letter" (one team lays out the letter A from the stones, the other Y).

The teacher gives an assessment to each team. Well done, guys, you are all strong, brave, hardy young geologists. See how many stones there are and they are all different. Let's put them together in a bucket.

Work. Children collect pebbles on the site for teamwork.

Construction of houses from different natural materials (sand, branches, straw, stones), bring children to the fact that the most durable house is made of stone.

Educator. Children, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Follow-up work:

To arrange the exhibition "Our Finds" in the group.

Drawing on the theme "Stones are different."

Carrying out a story game "Geologists".