Raising the salaries of municipal employees c. In addition to the increase in salaries of civil servants throughout the country, civil servants expect other good news. Seniority pension

Relatively recently, the Russian Ministry of Finance announced another change in the legislation, which deals with increasing the salaries of this category of civil servants. The representatives of the authorities plan to increase the incomes of the people's deputies up to those indicators that were envisaged by Vladimir Putin six years ago. And that is why it is necessary to discuss the question of what the salary increase for municipal employees will be in 2019, because there is actually something to talk about here.

Features of the work of civil servants

The profession of municipal civil servants includes specialists who perform the duties of official employees in public institutions. Accordingly, such employees receive their salaries from the local budget. In general, we can say that the municipal service is a professional activity of citizens, which is carried out on an ongoing basis in positions municipal service(at the same time, employees with such a status must necessarily work under an employment contract).

Separately, it should be said that for a municipal employee, the employer can be a municipality, on behalf of which the employer's powers are exercised by the employer, which is the head of the municipality, the head of the local government or the chairman of the election commission of the municipality. In fact, representatives of this field of activity earn by no means a little (although their duties are extremely important, although at first glance they are invisible), therefore, the rate of a municipal employee for 2019 in the Russian Federation requires a separate discussion today.

What is worth knowing about?

In accordance with modern legal norms, only people with a special education can work as municipal employees, but it is imperative to take into account the presence of a passed aptitude test. Those people who have confirmed their qualifications by this method can be engaged in public affairs without higher education However, it is best to get a special education, because on its basis you can get both a higher position and a salary.

Today, among Russians, there are people who independently learn all the features of conducting state employment in the learning process, can perfectly pass the qualification selection. Moreover, the presence of a diploma of graduation from a university with a special education is not at all necessary for such people in employment. You can take the knowledge and skills testing on a voluntary basis.

True, you will have to pay a little for the passage of this procedure, and both the employee himself and his immediate boss can pay.

Possession of documentary evidence of passing the exam is not so critical. It just gives additional guarantee in the case of hiring in an institution of a state nature, therefore, already on the basis of this information, it can be said that an increase in the salary of a municipal employee in Russia will depend on several factors at once.

Should you count on a rise?

Frankly speaking, the latest news about the salary increase for employees in 2019 in Russia does not provide any specific information, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that today the Russian Federation is in a very unenviable financial situation, although it is too wide this information and is not covered. The regression of the national economy has led to a rapid decrease in the purchasing power of the masses, and even though now the majority of residents of the Russian Federation have some insurance, so they have not yet reached real poverty. However, a significant cut in budget expenditures affects the activities of various areas of domestic production, and that is why information about a possible increase in public sector wages is being discussed so actively.

Recently, experts made a statement that members of the government apparatus were unable to put into practice the presidential decrees of 2012. Their verdict was based on taking into account the current situation in the country. It is worth noting the presence of better stability in 2012, when the relevant regulations were just issued. Now it is no longer possible to double the income of public sector employees (with the exception of some regions in the country), and we can only say with confidence that the only available method of increasing public sector income is the indexation of salaries for municipal employees, which will be carried out in accordance with generally accepted rules That is, the authorities are planning to multiply salaries by the inflation rate - by about 4%, there are no other funds in the treasury to increase the income of state employees.

Is it worth worrying about cuts?

Considering the above topic, it is impossible not to separately discuss the question of whether there will be a reduction in municipal employees in 2019, after all, not so long ago, the introduction of fairly uncompromising measures in relation to state structures was observed. As a result of past reorganizations of various regions of the state, the number of unemployed budget employees was estimated at thousands.

However, 2019, most likely, will no longer bring massive layoffs of workers. After all, an already large number of civil servants lost their employment, because a huge number of positions were simply removed, and the previously executed powers were distributed among the remaining specialists. Today, it is already simply almost a few to be fired, so there is no need to worry about this.

Discussing the issue of what will happen to the salaries of municipal employees, it must be said that the following changes are also planned for civil servants:

  • correction of labor legislation, entailing a reduction in the gap between the profits of representatives of different levels in the hierarchy of state structures (from now on, management will not be able to be content with excessive comfort, while employees of the working link will literally live from paycheck to paycheck);
  • an increase in the frequency of payment of the wage rate up to 2 times per month (now employers are subject to penalties for the lack of timely accrual of cash allowances, therefore it must be separately said that a salary increase for municipal employees in Russia can also be accrued with the help of compensations in case of delays in providing them wages).

In conclusion, we can say that Russian citizens do not have to get used to adapting to the changing characteristics of the current economy. And the preservation of personal savings, as well as their optimized use, are the top priority today. However, the Russians simply cannot endlessly survive, and not live, because in the 90s in Russian Federation a similar situation was already observed, but then the population even had small salaries, but they had various side jobs. Today it will no longer be possible to live like this, since the ruling elite control the domestic labor market, and this must be put up with.

Municipal employees - this is the category of civil servants who solve administrative issues at the level of local governments. At the grassroots level of state power, as a rule, little money is circulating. As a result, the wages of municipal workers are extremely meager (at the end of 2017, on average in the regions of Russia, except for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, it did not exceed 20 thousand rubles), which in turn leads to their weak motivation. People do not work, but "serve their number" for the following reasons:

  • Money for interesting, large-scale, innovative projects still has nowhere to come from.
  • At this level of salary, that you do something that you do not do anything at all is yours personally. financial results, most likely, will not change at all, because the level of monetary allowance is at the minimum level.

It goes without saying that such a system of both motivation and remuneration needs to be changed. Fortunately, the moratorium on salary increases for state and municipal employees expires in 2019. More on this.

Salary of municipal employees in 2019

Fortunately, it is not necessary to speak of a fully implemented moratorium on the growth of incomes of municipal employees directly from 2014. Too small amounts of material allowances and the complete absence of any incentives forced the government to raise wages by 5.5% in 2016, slightly compensating for the inflationary drawdown. However, it goes without saying that there has been a change in attitudes towards work in municipal authorities. People were slowly and systematically leaving unpromising jobs, and there was a significant turnover in the states of municipalities with the washing out of the most qualified administrators.

In 2019, it is planned to transfer all municipal civil servants to the system of "effective contracts", which provide for a significant (at least 40%) bonus part. The latter will directly correlate with the counting results of the employee's activities (in case of overfulfillment of planned indicators, of course). This will create a system of incentives, which in turn should lead to:

  • consolidation of existing personnel in their working positions;
  • an increase in the overall level of cash income received by employees;
  • increasing incentives for existing employees to increase the quality of their work and output in terms of quantifiable indicators.

By the way, after the already accomplished quantitative reduction of the staff in this sector, the drafters of the program envisage that the number of employees has reached the optimal value at present. Well, and the plus to the change in the structure of earnings is the fact that the salaries of municipal employees in 2019 should increase (as declared by representatives of the federal government).

Salary increase for municipal employees in 2019

The number of employees of municipalities and budgetary organizations in the Russian Federation at the end of 2018 was at the level of 14 million people. And will the government keep its promises (due to May decrees president or for other reasons), that is, whether they will all raise their salaries and whether there will be enough funds for this is far from an idle question (the treasury continues to have the characteristics of a crisis budget). Moreover, it is proposed to raise the income of this category of civil servants by almost a quarter (!!!) of the level of 2016.

But first, the salary rates of municipal employees are tied to the minimum wage, which has been systematically (and justly) growing all this time. And secondly, he was ultimately tied to the cost of living. So, formally, at least a third of this increase has already taken place, which makes the execution of the program much more realistic. And thirdly, in 2019 the minimum wage will grow again, and for everyone. Therefore, an increase in the income of municipal employees by 25% is a very real measure from the point of view of the possibilities of the state budget.

Indexation of salaries of municipal employees in 2019

It is difficult to name the estimated increase in pay budget workers indexing. If only simply because the change will exceed the expected annual inflation rate in 2018 by more than 3.5 times.

In addition to the agreed increase, which will presumably be implemented during the first quarter of next year, the indexation of the salaries of municipal employees in 2019 is also planned in November, where the “municipal officials” will make a company to the military and other security officials, whose income will also be “unfrozen” after a long moratorium on their growth. Here, the nominal increase is assumed at the inflation rate, that is, no more than 5%.

The responsibilities of municipal employees include resolving issues of the population in local self-government bodies. In addition, their wages depend solely on the working salary. And he, in turn, depends on the position held, the regional coefficient and the general professional experience.

Such workers, despite the entire scope of their duties, are much lower in rank than all other officials. Accordingly, their wages cannot be high. This year, this category of people should increase their salaries, since the work of a municipal employee is not so easy.

Salary increase program for municipal employees

At the moment, municipal employees do not at all strive for the quality performance of their work. They have no incentive to do so. Their wages at the end of each month will be in their wallet anyway.

In this regard, in order to somehow correct this situation, the authorities transferred all civil servants to “ effective contracts". According to the planned project, each employee will have to strive to do the job efficiently. Only in this case a good supplement will be added to the basic salary.

With the help of this program, the quality of work will be improved, since the majority of citizens strive for higher wages. But there are also some disadvantages of such a program. With the introduction of this program, all informal incomes were taken into account and an additional salary increase is no longer envisaged.

During large-scale optimization of all areas state activities many people have lost their jobs. The purpose of this program is to release budgetary funds allocated to increase wages for employees who have remained in their jobs. In the future, the reduction of workers is not envisaged. Indeed, at the moment, only valuable and qualified workers remained at work.

How has salary changed in recent years?

For the first time in 2012, the President of Russia adopted a series of decrees on increasing the wages of almost all civil servants. Municipal workers did not stand aside either. At that time, their wages were equal to 10-12 thousand rubles.

According to this law, the amount should have increased almost 2 times. Since the presidential decree came into force, the government has gradually increased the salaries of government workers every year. A lot of optimization has been done in different areas of activity. And also a small indexation was carried out, even with inflation.

The changes were made at the time of the onset of the crisis. It directly affected public funds - the increase in wages was frozen for some time. At first, they stopped indexing, but after a while it was resumed.

Some members of the government put forward a proposal to artificially stimulate salary increases in each region. It said about adding unofficial income of citizens to the average salary of a civil servant. This will help to increase the indicator, but in this case, the presidential decree will be spelled out only on paper. The proposal was put forward.

In 2016, indexation was still carried out, but only partial. The increase in wages was carried out by 5.5%, although the inflation rate was much higher. Since the crisis in the economy has not yet come to an end, the size of the indexation of salaries for municipal employees is not fully known.

If the indexation is canceled, the state can save 100 billion rubles. In a rather difficult economic situation, this figure is very large.

Real numbers and payroll

The average salary of a municipal employee today ranges from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. A higher income is earned by top-level specialists. Since there is an economic crisis in the country, only one person can survive for a given wage.

To alleviate the situation, it was decided that this year wages should be paid every half month. If this procedure is violated, the employer will bear some responsibility. Payment of wages at this time is carried out in several ways:

Calculation for every half month;

Calculation in the form of an advance.

One or another order is established by voting of the collective or labor contract... At the beginning of the year, began to act new order calculating the average wage. For example, in order to calculate maternity according to the new procedure, it is necessary to take into account the average salary and the days of maternity leave.

There are some days in the year that are not customary to enter in the calendar. We are talking about:

Parental leave;


Exemption from work under the legislation of Russia;

Maternity leave.

All salaries are taxed. The main ones are:

Paid contribution to off-budget funds, personal income tax;

Payment of contributions for injuries. At last count, for individuals the amount of tax payment ranges from 13 to 30%.

As for contributions, pension contributions account for 22%, medical insurance - 5.1%, social insurance - 2.9%, injuries - up to 8.5%. Most employers pay based on this data. If an employee carries out his activities in hazardous and harmful work then always consider other rates.

What to expect for municipal employees in 2018?

Today on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 14 million people working in budgetary organizations. Of these, only a fifth of them are recognized as fit for work.

Among this number of people there are municipal workers and those who work under the municipality, but problems and information are of equal interest to everyone. Absolutely everyone is concerned about the only issue related to the increase in wages in 2018. The wages of municipalities are minimal.

But the population for some reason believes that they receive cash undeservedly for their work. In 2018, the first promotion for this category of employees is envisaged. But this will happen only if inflation does not exceed the permissible threshold. Due to the fact that the size of the minimum wage will be increased, the calculation of wages will positively change for civil servants.

The work of employees of municipal authorities is payable according to the rules and regulations of the current legislation. Let us consider in more detail all the questions that arise in this regard.

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What does the law say?

The main document regulating the work of municipal employees is 25-FZ. Article 22 contains all the necessary requirements.

In addition, according to Article 3 of this Federal Law, salaries are regulated:

  • The Constitution;
  • The laws of the Russian Federation;
  • regulatory documents of a particular region;
  • Charters of municipalities;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

General principles:

  • Clause 1 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 25 describes the salary structure of employees in the municipal sector.
  • Clause 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 25 establishes the amount and conditions of cash payments to employees of the municipality.

Is it obligatory to be fixed in the Regulations on remuneration?

According to paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 25, municipalities independently establish the amount of wages and working conditions in municipal acts.

The regulation on remuneration is a local act that operates within one structure.

Thus, the consolidation of the basic principles and nuances precisely in the Regulation on the remuneration of municipal employees is not excluded.

An example of such a document:

Features of remuneration of municipal employees in 2019

Let's consider what the salary of employees of the municipality consists of, how it is calculated and calculated.

What does it consist of and how is it formed?

Salary structure:

  • salary according to the position;
  • salary for the assigned rank;
  • payments made monthly and additionally.

Additional payments:

  • additional payment made every month for length of service;
  • surcharge for special conditions labor activity;
  • monthly allowance paid for the implementation of labor activities with data that constitute a state secret;
  • bonus payments for the execution of important orders;
  • monthly financial incentives;
  • lump-sum cash payment for.

What is the wage fund composed of?

The fund is formed:

  • from salaries for replaced positions;
  • from the size of salaries for ranks;
  • from the additional payment made every month for the length of service;
  • from the allowance for special conditions;
  • from additional encouragement for working with information containing state secrets;
  • from bonus funds for completing important tasks;
  • from the amount of monthly financial incentives.

What determines the size of salaries?

Here is a table for clarity of information.

Name of cash payment Size depends on
Official salary
Salary for cool rank From municipal acts for a specific region
Seniority supplement 10% - with work experience from 12 to 60 months; 15% - from 60 to 120 months; 20% - from 120 to 180 months; 30% - with experience of more than 180 months
Additional payment for special conditions 200% of the salary by position
Additional encouragement for working with information containing state secrets The size is set based on the current regulations of the Russian Federation
Bonuses for completing important tasks The size is set by the representative of the employer in order to implement current tasks
Financial incentive paid every month The size is set based on the current local acts in the region

The procedure for accrual and payment

Payment for labor in rural settlements is made in accordance with the requirements established in the local acts of the municipality.

If an employee of the municipality:

  • passes professional retraining or retraining;
  • is on a business trip;
  • removed from office for a period of conflict of interest;
  • works during the period of the service check;

then he receives wages as for the hours actually worked (that is, according to the time-based wage system).

In this case, the following payments are saved:

  • salary according to the position;
  • salary for a rank;
  • additional payments for seniority, special conditions, for working with data containing state secrets;
  • financial incentives paid every month.

If an employee is on paid leave, they are retained in addition to the above list:

  • bonuses for important tasks;
  • financial assistance in the amount of 1/12 of the amount of payments for the 12 months preceding the day of leaving c.

The surcharges are saved in the following cases:

  • while on retraining or retraining;
  • at ;
  • during the period of a valid conflict of interest;
  • during a service check;
  • while on vacation;
  • upon dismissal due to reorganization or liquidation.

Material assistance is charged:

  • on paid vacation;

In all other cases, material assistance is not saved.

Bonuses are awarded to a municipal employee:

  • while on vacation (for the time actually worked earlier);
  • upon dismissal due to reorganization or liquidation;
  • upon termination of a service contract due to violations of the rules for drawing up a service contract.

How is it calculated?

Consider how the salary of municipal employees is calculated.

Calculation examples

Example # 1:

Savelyev M.G. replaces the position of a municipal employee and receives:

  • official salary - 4,352 rubles;
  • salary for a class rank - 1143 rubles.


The monthly salary will be equal to: 4352 + 1143 = 5495 rubles.

Example # 2:

Mukhin E.N. was sent on a business trip from 6 to 8 June 2019 at the initiative of the employer's representative.

  • salary - 5643 rubles;
  • for a class rank - 1359 rubles;
  • for the length of service - 10% (564, 3 rubles);
  • for special conditions - 5643 rubles.


5643 + 1359 + 564.3 + 5643 = 13209.3 rubles - total pay.

By production calendar in June 2019:

  • 21 workers;
  • 9 days off.

Let's make a calculation: 13209.3 / 21 * 3 = 1887 rubles.

Indexation of salaries

A municipal employee is made annually, taking into account the inflation rate in accordance with the laws established in the respective constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The government last year announced an increase in the salaries of municipal officials. This will be done for the first time since 2014. This was discussed back in 2016, even naming specific figures for increasing wages in municipalities. Municipal officials were to receive a 38% salary increase. For a number of reasons, it was decided to postpone the increase in wages to 2019, although, according to official statistics, such a long absence of salary indexation for municipal employees did not affect the income of this group of the population.

In 2019, according to the latest news from the Ministry of Finance, the salaries of municipal officials will be increased. It is difficult to say how much the real increase will take place on average, since various factors affect wages in this area of ​​management.

Introduction of a new principle of accruals

At a press conference, representatives of the Ministry of Finance announced a new reform, which will have to radically change the very principle of calculating the salaries of officials. Instead of a general increase, a motivational component is introduced, which will allow evaluating the effectiveness of each manager separately.

Again, in the latest news of this year, there was talk of a salary increase in 2019 due to the large difference in salaries between the top-level administration and the first category officials, most of whom work in municipalities.

Thus, it is planned not so much to raise the wages of lower-level managers as to compare it with the inflation rate.

Indexing will be carried out in two stages:

  • 4% will be added first in Q1 and Q2;
  • in October, when military wages are raised, municipal employees will receive the remaining 4%.

Indexation of wages

The bulk of the increase in wages will come from incentive payments. Experts are inclined to believe that in 2019 there will be an increase in the size of the salary corresponding to a particular position, and the additional payment for the rank. Additional payments will increase only for those managers who work in particularly difficult conditions or supervise classified organizations. Their increase in length of service can reach 60%.

According to the innovations, only those officials who fully comply with the terms of the contract will receive payments. Thus, the authors of the reform want to stimulate the professional growth of young managers at the municipal level.

This will allow you to get qualified personnel reserve for the feds and will provide more professional execution state responsibilities of local managers, which is especially important during the period of implementation of the tasks of the country's development set by Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin

Realizing that they will receive a lot of money for the development of their competence, young officials from municipalities will more willingly receive a second and third education, and improve their professionalism in general.