The order of adding OWEDs for SP. How to change okwed codes. Document transfer methods

When filling out an application in the form of P21001 individual entrepreneur must indicate what areas of business he will be engaged in. To do this, in sheet A of the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, the codes of the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur are entered.

Codes are digital designations of activities, they are selected from classifier OKVED... For example, if an individual entrepreneur opens a beauty salon, then his OKVED codes will be:

  • 96.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons;
  • 96.04 Physical culture and recreation activities;
  • 96.09 Provision of others personal services not included in other groupings.

If, in the process of activity, the entrepreneur decided to engage in business areas that were not immediately indicated in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, then it is necessary to add OKVED codes. Suppose that a small shop selling professional cosmetics will be organized in a beauty salon, in this case it is necessary to inform tax office on the addition of OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs.

We have developed for you step by step instructions on how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019. With its help, you can independently add new types of IP activities or exclude those that you no longer plan to do. Let's take a closer look at how an individual entrepreneur can add new OKVED codes in 2019.

Step 1. Choose new OKVED codes

Please note that it is necessary to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 in accordance with the classifier OKVED-2 or OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2). Other editions of OKVED have ceased to operate since January 1, 2017.

On our website you can find the relevant ones.

New OKVED codes must consist of at least 4 characters, and it is not necessary to indicate codes of 5 or 6 characters. For example, you open a clothing store, then you only need to specify the code 47.71. This group will also include codes such as 47.71.1, 47.71.2, 47.71.3, 47.71.4, etc. At the same time, specifying such codes separately will also not be an error.

If you encounter difficulties when selecting new OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs, you can apply for free consultation to professional registrars.

Step 2. Decide which OKVED code will be your main

The main OKVED code is the one by which you receive or plan to receive the maximum income. The tariffs for insurance of employees against occupational diseases and accidents at work depend on which code of OKVED for individual entrepreneurs is the main one. Entrepreneurs-employers, when changing the main OKVED code, must submit to the FSS a certificate confirming the main type of activity. This must be done no later than April 15, based on the results of last year. Individual entrepreneurs without employees do not submit such a certificate, even if their main activity has changed.

If your main activity has not changed, then you only need to enter in the P24001 application additional codes OKVED.

Step 3. Fill out the application on form Р24001

Application Р24001 is intended to change the information contained in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs. A change in the types of activities of an entrepreneur is reflected in the USRIP, therefore, it is necessary to report a change in the OKVED IP codes according to the R24001 form. The application has 9 pages, but not all of them have to be filled in.

On the title page, the usual data of the entrepreneur are indicated: OGRNIP, TIN and full name. To enter new OKVED codes, page 1 of sheet "E" is intended, moreover, you can add both the main code and additional ones. In our example, only the option with the addition of additional OKVED codes is indicated, the main code does not change, therefore clause 1.1 is not completed.

If you are introducing a new main activity, then you must exclude the old main code. For this, in addition to page 1 of sheet "E", it is necessary to fill in page 2 of sheet "E". Additional OKVED codes that you want to exclude from USRIP are also indicated here.

The last page is sheet G, where you must indicate your phone number and email address. There is no need to sign the application in advance! If the entrepreneur himself submits the P24001 form, then he signs the application in the presence of the tax inspector. When notarized (if the application is submitted by mail or by power of attorney), the IP signature is certified by a notary.

Form P24001 can be completed by hand in black ink or on a computer in Courier New, 18 point high, capital letters only. You do not need to staple the application, but you can fasten it with a paper clip.

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Step 4. Submit documents to the registration authority

What documents are needed to add OKVED IP? If an entrepreneur personally informs about changes in registration documents, then you must have a passport and a completed application P24001 with you. A person submitting an application on behalf of an individual entrepreneur must, in addition, have a power of attorney to make changes to the USRIP. The state duty for changing OKVED codes for an individual entrepreneur is not charged, so no payment document is needed in this case.

It is necessary to submit documents to the tax office that registered the individual entrepreneur. In large cities, these may be special registering inspectorates of the Federal Tax Service, such as the 46th Tax Inspectorate in Moscow. You can also contact, which provides services for making changes to the USRIP.

Please note: the deadline for submitting documents for changing the OKVED IP codes is only three working days from the moment you started the activity under the new codes. The fine for late filing of an application is 5,000 rubles (Article 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Step 5. Get the USRIP record sheet with new codes

Instead of an extract from the USRIP, since 2014, the tax inspectorate issues a USRIP record sheet with new types of entrepreneur activities. The tax inspector will inform the tax inspector on the date on which you or your authorized person must come to the IFTS; according to the law, five working days are given for registering changes in information about an entrepreneur.

If you have chosen "send by mail" as the method of receiving the document, then add a few more days to these days for the delivery of the letter to your address.

We hope that our instructions on how to add a type of activity for an individual entrepreneur will help you to independently issue a change in OKVED codes. To reduce the risk of denial of registration of changes, we recommend that you prepare a P24001 c.

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In the course of doing business, there is a need to adjust the main type of activity. The legislator allows such changes to be made to the registration data of the individual entrepreneur. At the same time, the businessman undergoes a special procedure regulated by the norms of the current legislation.

Choice of activity

In the process of registering an individual entrepreneur, he chooses the types of his future activities. The legislator does not limit the amount. Experts recommend choosing a maximum of 30 points of OKVED. In this case, one of the types is defined as the leading one. This occupation brings the entrepreneur the most potentially the largest income.

Here are some tips for choosing the type of work area:

  1. Keep in mind that not every type of activity is authorized for an individual entrepreneur;
  2. Some options are capable of being implemented only after obtaining additional permission from the state (licensing, SRO certificate, etc.). If the SP does not really want to work in this area, then it is better not to include the code in the application.

Leading option of IP activity

The choice of the type of activity as the main one is made to achieve two goals:

  1. State statistical bodies on it classify an entrepreneur as a specific sector of the economy and maintain a control and reporting system;
  2. He has influence over the taxation system. So, UTII and PSN may be preferred by those businessmen who have chosen the types of activities approved by the legislator. Taking it into account, the tax will be calculated.

Changing the main activity code

The entrepreneur transforms the main activity at will. He does not need any objective reasons or evidence of the need for this procedure.

To change the prevailing code, you need to do the following:

  1. Obtain an extract from the EGRIP, which contains information about the registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  2. Fill out an application in a strict form;
  3. To certify the application with a notary, providing him with an extract from the USRIP, passport, TIN, registration certificate;
  4. Submit an application to the tax office at the place of registration.

After 5-7 days, the applicant will receive a new extract, which has already been amended.

Registration of the application

The process of converting the main line of business is not difficult. The main thing that a businessman needs to do is fill out the application correctly. Let's consider the order of registration in detail.

An application in the form of R 24001 is filled out when correcting the registration data of the entrepreneur. This can be a surname, place of residence, citizenship, etc. An application for this form is filled out if errors are found in the USRIP. It is also formalized when the main variation of the case is changed.

Form P 24001 includes several sheets. An entrepreneur doesn't need to fill out every one. In a specific case, he chooses only those that are necessary for him. For example, sheet A - information about the individual entrepreneur; sheet B - information on citizenship, sheet C - data on the address of the entrepreneur, etc.

When changing the prevailing option of activity, the businessman fills out the title and page E. The rest are not drawn up.

The title page consists of two sections:

  1. It is filled in taking into account the data contained in the USRIP ( registration number, Full name, TIN)
  2. The figure is indicated in accordance with the note (1 - change in information about the businessman, 2 - correction of a previously made mistake).

Then we proceed to the registration of sheet E "Information about codes according to OKVED". By filling out the section, you can not only change the main variant of the activity, but also add / exclude several auxiliary types. Codes are drawn up in accordance with OKVED. It is permissible to enter only those that include at least three characters.

It is enough to indicate the type of activity according to the OKVED code, which contains three numbers (XX.X subclass), this will mean that the individual entrepreneur can engage in other activities indicated in the group of this subclass (XX.XX group). For example, if an individual entrepreneur indicated OKVED 47.2, then he can freely engage in entrepreneurial activities in the field of other groups of this subclass: 47.21, 47.22, 47.23, etc.

When adjusting the main option of activity, paragraphs 1.1 and 2.1 are subject to filling. Moreover, first of all, a new species is indicated, and secondly, the one that is subject to exclusion. The restriction on specifying a four-digit code applies only to new species, and three-digit numbers are also subject to exclusion. If the entrepreneur wants to leave the previous type of business, but as an additional one, then you need to add it to clause 1.2 of the application.

When specifying the codes, a check is carried out according to Government Decree No. 285, since in this case government agency will send a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the presence or absence of a criminal record of the entrepreneur. A positive answer will become the basis for refusal to carry out the registration procedure.

The difference between the procedure for individual entrepreneurs and LLC

The procedure for changing the leading variation of the case for an individual entrepreneur does not have any difficulties, unlike the same actions for an LLC. The organization makes additional adjustments to constituent documents... At the same time, the decision of the meeting of founders with the approved changes is attached to the data package transmitted to the tax office.

The second difference is that individual entrepreneurs do not pay the state fee for changing the main code, for the LLC they set a fee for the adjustment. The legislator gives the entrepreneur the right to freely choose the field of work. He can always make adjustments to the business and registration documents. For this, the individual entrepreneur submits a completed application to the state body and waits for 5 days. The result of the procedure is the issuance of an adjusted extract from the USRIP.

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Change of OKVED IP: step-by-step instructions 2017 | Instruction-IP.rf

When you registered as an individual entrepreneur, you indicated the main and additional types of activities and codes in the application. It's time to change them.

Change of OKVED for individual entrepreneurs - step-by-step instructions:

Step 1. Download a new classifier. You know that legislation is regularly changed and updated. All-Russian classifier of species economic activity(OKVED) is no exception. You can look at fresh codes of entrepreneurial activity for individual entrepreneurs here: For tips on choosing a code and your questions, see the comments.

If you have a Garant or Consultant + system installed with regular database updates - open a fresh classifier, enter your type of activity in the search - and get a line with a code.

Tip: don't use Wikipedia! At the time of this writing, the information on this site is hopelessly out of date.

Step 2. If you have several new activities, decide which of them is the main and which are additional. Only 1 activity code can be the main one for an individual entrepreneur. The number of additional ones is not limited.

Step 3. Download the latest R 24001 form from the tax inspection website: (remember that the forms are also regularly updated, so it's better to download from reliable resources).

Step 4. We fill in page 1 of the form: We indicate the full name, ORGNIP and TIN, in paragraph 2 we put the number "1". We skip sheets A, B, C, D, D, E - leave them blank and do not print.

Step 5: Fill in sheet E (page 1) of the form: In clause 2.1, we indicate the new code of the main type of activity. Must be at least 4 digits. More is possible, less is not. In section 2.2 you have a lot of room: you can specify 56 additional codes. We remind you that new activity codes are entered on page 1 of sheet E - those that the tax inspectorate will enter in the register instead of the previous ones.

Step 6. Fill in sheet E (page 2) of the form: by analogy with the previous one in paragraph 2.1, we indicate the old code of the main type of activity. Following the same principle, we fill in point 2.2: we introduce into it the previous additional types of activities.

Step 7. We print the completed sheets and sheet G (blank!) - only 4 pages. Reverse printing is not allowed. At the top in the middle, we number each sheet as follows: 001, 002, 003, 004.

Step 8. We go to the tax office and, in the presence of the inspector, fill out sheet G. Do not forget your passport.

Step 9. After 5 working days, we take an extract from the USRIP, and a certificate of changes. There is no state duty for changing the OKVED code for individual entrepreneurs.

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Change in the types of activity of an individual entrepreneur: procedure, documents and duty

Hello! In this article, we will tell you how to change the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur to legal grounds while not making mistakes.

Today you will learn:

Why choose the type of activity

Any entrepreneur, before starting his own business, must understand what he wants to do, or rather, choose the type of activity from the OKVED. Having chosen the direction of activity, it is worth deciding on a couple of additional ones and indicating them when registering an individual entrepreneur. All reporting documents will reflect only the type of activity that is the main one.

Main activity: what is it

This is the main activity for individual entrepreneurs. It is on its basis that an individual entrepreneur is referred to a specific industry.

Activities available and inaccessible to individual entrepreneurs

Today in the Russian Federation, all activities of individual entrepreneurs are divided into permitted and prohibited. We will bring brief description each group.

What the SP cannot do:

  • Sell ​​and develop military products;
  • Selling and manufacturing poisonous substances;
  • Sell ​​and manufacture drugs with a narcotic component;
  • Employment of citizens of the Russian Federation in other countries;
  • Selling and manufacturing explosive mixtures;
  • Deal with the supply of electricity;
  • Make and sell alcoholic beverages;
  • Engage in space development.

It should be noted that this list is being revised and supplemented. Now there are 43 positions in it.

What is allowed:

  • Creation;
  • Transport rental services;
  • Tutor services;
  • Private detective services;
  • Rail transportation.

There are almost 50 positions in this list. It will also gradually expand.

Activity for which a license is required

Yes, yes, do not be surprised, for some types of IP activities, obtaining a license is a mandatory procedure. And if there is no license, then permission from the regulatory authorities.

A short list of such activities looks like this:

  • Medical services;
  • Security services;
  • Transportation of people;
  • Waste handling: disposal and transportation.

If you carry out the listed activities without a license, this will entail administrative and criminal liability.

Changes to activities

If you have thoughts that it would not hurt to do something new, then you need to find a classification code that is suitable for this. He is selected from OKVED. You may ask: what is this set of letters? And it stands for this: All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

If an entrepreneur has registered an individual entrepreneur in the current year, he must use the new edition of OKVED.

As soon as you decide on the codes, you need to notify the tax service. Only then are changes made to the documents of title. This is not very difficult. The entrepreneur fills out an application in the prescribed form and in it fixes the code of the old business and the new one.

Changing the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur: step-by-step instructions

All points of this instruction are quite simple, it is enough to carefully consider each of them.

  1. On the official website of the Federal Tax Service, select the "Registration of Individual Entrepreneurs" section;
  2. Downloading the P24001 form;
  3. If we doubt that we have filled in everything correctly, you can familiarize yourself with the sample in order to avoid mistakes;
  4. Having printed out the form, we fill it in by hand or in print;
  5. We collect the necessary documentation package;
  6. We go to the department of the Federal Tax Service, in which they are registered as individual entrepreneurs.

How to fill out an application for a change of activity

We will also take a step-by-step look at how to do it correctly:

Step 1. Filling out the first page.

On the first page we indicate the name, initials and number of the TIN certificate of the entrepreneur.

Step 2. Filling out the following pages.

On the E1 page, information is indicated on the changed type of IP activity, which will be recorded in the USRIP. This is the OKVED code, consisting of 4 digits. On the same page, we indicate the change in the main type of activity of the individual entrepreneur. Let's make a reservation right away: he is always alone.

The page labeled E2 contains codes for those activities that need to be excluded. If the main type does not change, only the codes of new types of activities are entered. There can be as many of them as you want, but it is better not to exceed the limit of 50.

Step 3. Printout.

All pages containing codes are printed. You do not need to print blank pages.

Step 4. Filling in the sheets marked "Zh".

We carry out printing and filling only with black paste.

Step 5. The final stage.

We send the finished documents to the Federal Tax Service.

List of required documentation

To submit information about a change in the type of activity, it is enough to provide documentation:

  • Entrepreneur's passport;
  • TIN certificate;
  • Statement.

If a representative goes to the FTS, and not an entrepreneur personally, you must provide a power of attorney certified by a notary and the representative's passport.

How to submit documents

Data can be transferred in several ways. Each entrepreneur chooses the one that seems most convenient to him.

We collect all the documents, we arrive at the tax office. We hand them over to the inspector personally, he, in turn, gives a receipt that he has received the papers. From this moment on, the process of changing the main type of activity of the IP has been launched. In total, it will take 5 business days.

By mail.

We collect all documents in a set, purchase an envelope and put paper there with an inventory of all the contents. We draw up the letter as a registered letter and do not forget about the return receipt.

V in electronic format.

A way by which you can significantly save time, which is always in short supply. We fill out the documents online and submit. But you definitely need to be the owner of an electronic digital signature. It must be valid on the date the data was sent.

After the procedure is completed, you will be given a document that indicates either the reason for the refusal, or confirmation of the change in the type of activity for the individual entrepreneur.

What is the deadline for submitting documents

In order to make changes, a certain period is valid. You should not violate these terms, as this can entail serious penalties.

For example, there is a three-day deadline for providing information on the choice of a new field of activity. Moreover, he begins to act from the time when the activity began to be carried out. If you violate the deadlines, you will have to pay a fine of 5-10 thousand rubles.

Payment of duty

When you change the type of activity, you do not need to pay for it. Change it at least 100 times, most importantly, do not forget to report it to the tax office.


You can change the type of activity at any time. The procedure is not very difficult if everything is done correctly. The main thing is to correctly draw up all the documentation and not violate the deadlines for informing the Federal Tax Service. Look for yourself as much as you like, especially since the law does not prohibit this.

Before talking about changing activities, it should be noted that before starting the very entrepreneurial activity, you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. If we mention individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to remember the legal term itself. An individual entrepreneur is a person who can carry out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

Change of the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur.

Naturally, anything is possible in life. So a situation may arise in which it is necessary to change the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur to another or add another one to the main type of activity. The legislation allows individual entrepreneurs to have several types of activities. However, one kind must necessarily prevail. The procedure itself for changing the type of activity does not present any particular difficulty or red tape. It is necessary to submit to the registering authority an application drawn up in the form of P24001. However, when filling out, you should be extremely careful. In order to exclude several types of activities or add others, filling in different sheets is provided. You can get confused and waste a lot of time. It is impossible to take into account all the nuances, so the best option would be to contact a qualified specialist who is a real professional in such matters. It is important to remember that the signature on such documents must be certified by a notary body. Before a notary certifies the signature, he needs to see an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a Certificate and state registration as an individual entrepreneur. He will need it for familiarization.

Procedure for changing the type of activity

If the documents for changing the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur are submitted by the entrepreneur himself, then it will be possible to receive ready-made documents after five working days, and by power of attorney. If it was the authorized person who submitted the documents for the change of activity, then an individual entrepreneur can receive a ready-made package of documents directly by mail to his home address.

What is included in this package of documents?

The result is the issuance of:

  • Change certificates,
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, in which the type of activity will be updated.

An important and not entirely pleasant moment may be a refusal if an inaccuracy or mistake was made when filling out the application. In addition, the organization should not forget that for the procedure for changing activities, it is necessary to comply with all the norms of existing legislation. However, there is a way out to prevent such misunderstandings. It is necessary to contact specialists who will do everything without any errors, then the procedure for changing the type of activity or making changes will not become burdensome.

The simplified registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs involves the submission of a minimum package of documents, but does not relieve the entrepreneur of the obligation to responsibly approach the entry of information into state registers. Therefore, before adding OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs, you should carefully read the current regulatory requirements of the Federal Tax Service.

Adding codes

If it turned out that the list of codes of types of business for an entrepreneur available in the USRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurship) is irrelevant, then you need to add new OKVED for individual entrepreneurs through the registration services of the Federal Tax Service.

This simple procedure, taking into account the preparation, may take a week, no more. But on condition that all documents are drawn up correctly and submitted by an authorized person. Only in this case, the businessman will not have to submit an application several times, and all the additions will be made the first time.

  1. First you need to study your registration documents and check on them what data on the types of activities of the individual entrepreneur are entered in the register.
  2. If these data are completely outdated, you need to prepare to supplement the list with new species, while removing the old ones.
  3. The current OKVED reference books give an exhaustive description of those types of business that an individual entrepreneur has the right to do with a specific code. For example, the type of activity “Retail trade in non-specialized stores” excludes the specialized trade in alcohol. Therefore, an individual entrepreneur needs to study the entire section of the reference book corresponding to his direction of management, so as not to make a mistake with the code.
  4. After preparatory work, you must fill out a special form (R 24001). This form can either be printed from the official website of the Federal Tax Service in the section "Amendments to the information about the individual entrepreneur" of the official website of the Federal Tax Service, or you can make a copy at the registration authority directly when submitting an application in person.
  5. An application for adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs can be filled out online - the site has an auxiliary service for this. But the entrepreneur can enter the necessary information with his own hand.
  6. When adding OKVED, SP fills in the first page of the application, in which he indicates his identification data. Next, the first and second sheets are filled in. The first sheet contains all those codes that must be registered in the USRIP, taking into account additional ones, the second sheet indicates the codes that should be excluded from the register.
  7. If there is a situation in which you only need to add the code, without removing anything, then the second page is not filled.
  8. The application must be signed in the presence of the registrar.

Registration documents

Before adding OKVED, an individual entrepreneur must prepare certain documents:

  • EGRIP record sheet;
  • completed, but not signed application in the form of R 24001;
  • personal civil passport.

On the FTS website, in the section for making changes to information about the individual entrepreneur, there is a requirement to provide documents that would confirm the introduction of these changes.

No supporting documents are required to add OKVED.

Confirmation requires information about the change of surname, address, passport data.

Also, before adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs, you do not need to make any payments to the state treasury. The registrar makes changes free of charge.

This minimum package of documents is required for those individual entrepreneurs who intend to personally visit the offices of the Federal Tax Service to submit documents. Those businessmen who plan to submit documents through a proxy must prepare a power of attorney for him. Notarization of the power of attorney is required.

It is also possible to submit documents by mail and through the website:

  • For submission by mail, the signature of the applicant on the R 24001 form must be certified by a notary or the body that performs the functions of a notary. This precaution was taken in order to protect entrepreneurs from unauthorized attempts to change their economic status by third parties.
  • To submit via the Internet, an individual entrepreneur must issue an electronic digital signature and follow the instructions for filling out the necessary forms on the website.

Documents accepted by the registrar are processed within five working days, after which information about the changed data is transmitted to the applicant. You can receive up-to-date documents in person, by mail or electronically.

How to choose the right OKVED: Video

If you have changed your surname, registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (change of the IP passport), then you do not need to report this to the tax office. Federal migration service will pass the changes to tax authority, which will enter the necessary data into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which contains information about you as an individual entrepreneur (Federal Law N 129-FZ, Chapter II, Article 5, item 4, fifth paragraph). If it is necessary to change other data in the register, for example, you have ceased to be engaged in one type of economic activity and started to engage in another, then this must be reported to the tax office. Specifically, we will consider this example of making changes to the registration data of an individual entrepreneur on our own without the services of a lawyer and a notary in this article.

To amend the registration data of an individual entrepreneur, we need to submit the following documents to the tax authority:

1. An application for amending the information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in the form P24001.

Change of types of activity of SP 2019 step-by-step instructions:

1. We download the current application form for making changes to the information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs - download the P24001 form in Excel format and start filling in P24001. This will help you to fill out a sample form P24001 with explanations. To view the sample, you will need a free program for PDF reading files, latest version which can be downloaded from the official Adobe Reader website.

The presented sample examines the P24001 2019 form by the example of making changes to the information about the codes according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. Sheet E, page 1 of the statement - the types of activities to be entered into the USRIP, Sheet E, page 2 of the statement - the types of activities to be excluded from the USRIP.

- In the case of filling out the application form manually - filling is carried out with a pen with black ink in capital block letters. Filling using software should be in capital letters, in Courier New font, 18 points high.
- On Sheet G of the statement of the field full name. and the applicant's signature is filled out only by hand with a black ink pen and only in the presence of a tax inspector when applying for state registration.

If you need to add additional activities:
1. We select the necessary activities according to OKVED (at least 4 digital characters);
2. We enter them in "Sheet E page 1" of the application P24001 in the "Codes of additional activities" in accordance with the sample presented above.

If you need to exclude additional activities:
1. Select the types of activities to be excluded (the types of activities of the individual entrepreneur can be viewed in the extract from the USRIP, you can order an up-to-date electronic extract from the USRIP);
2. We enter them in "Sheet E page 2" of the application P24001 in the "Codes of additional activities" in accordance with the sample presented above.

If you need to change your main activity:
1. We enter the new code in "Sheet E page 1" of the application P24001 in the "Code of the main activity";
2. We enter the old code in "Sheet E page 2" of the application P24001 in the "Code of the main activity";
3. If it is necessary to leave the old code of the main activity, we enter it as an additional one in "Sheet E page 1" of the application P24001 in the "Codes of additional activities" in accordance with the template presented above.

- There can be only one main activity code.
- Codes for additional activities are filled in line by line from left to right.
- When adding additional activities, you do not need to add existing ones.
- If necessary, fill in several sheets E of the application.
- There is no need to number and print blank sheets of the application, i.e. if you are just adding activities, you do not need to print out a blank "Sheet E page 2" statement.
- Double-sided printing of documents submitted to the registration authority is prohibited.
- If an individual entrepreneur submits an application for state registration in person, while presenting a passport, then the application does not need to be notarized (Federal Law No. 129-FZ, Chapter III, article 9, item 1.2, second paragraph).
- For the state registration of changes to the individual entrepreneur, the state duty is not charged.

2. We fasten the sheets of the completed application with a simple paper clip or stapler. At the moment, it is not necessary to flash the application (Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated September 25, 2013 N CA-3-14 / [email protected]).

3. We go to the tax office, taking our passport with us, and submit our application P24001 to the inspector in the registration window. On Sheet G of the application, we fill in the full name field by hand with a black ink pen. and put the signature of the applicant in the presence of the tax inspector. We receive a receipt with the mark of the inspector in receipt of the documents submitted by the applicant to the registering authority.

You can track the state of readiness of documents using the service "Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in respect of which documents are submitted for state registration."

4. A week later (5 working days) we go with a passport and a receipt to the tax office and get a sheet of record of a single state register individual entrepreneurs (EGRIP record sheet), indicating changes to the information about an individual entrepreneur.

Do you want to prepare documents for changing the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur, but there is no desire to understand the intricacies of filling out the P24001 form and are afraid of being rejected? Then the new online service for the preparation of documents from our partner will help you prepare to prepare everything Required documents to change the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur without errors for only 950 rubles! The price includes verification of documents by a lawyer. You will be sure that all documents are prepared correctly, the lawyer will send you the results of the check, recommendations and comments. All this within one working day.

The requirements for making changes to the registration data of the individual entrepreneur can also be found on the official website.

You may also be interested in the following articles: Advantageous offers Closing an individual entrepreneur Patent individual entrepreneur Extract from EGRIP Print individual individual entrepreneur Account of individual entrepreneur

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When registering as an individual entrepreneur, individual fills out the P21001 form, where he indicates the code of the type of activity that he plans to engage in. In the future, the list of OKVED can be expanded. In the article, we will tell you how to do this and offer step-by-step instructions for adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2019.

The article presents a form and a sample application for adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2019, which you can download for free on your computer.

How to open a new (additional) type of activity for individual entrepreneurs

To open a new (additional) type of activity for an individual entrepreneur, apply to the IFTS at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur or at the place of opening a new type of activity.

In our article, we will explain in detail how to do this.

Application form for opening a new type of IP activity

The opening of a new type of activity for an individual entrepreneur must be done with the help of an application. In order to add the OKVED code, the entrepreneur fills out an application in the form P24001 (approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of 01/25/2012).

Step-by-step instructions for adding OKVED: how to add a new OKVED to the list

Step 1 - Define a new activity code

Remember that the new classifier is being applied.

An individual entrepreneur cannot add and conduct activities related to:

production of pyrotechnics
the spread of class 4 and 5 pyrotechnics
production and distribution of alcohol

Also prohibited are activities related to:

selling electrical energy citizens
weapons, military and aviation equipment, ammunition and weapons, explosive materials, as well as chemical weapons
space activities
the securities market
investment funds
employment of Russian citizens abroad
non-state pension provision and pension insurance
impact on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes / phenomena
industrial safety expertise
manufacture of medicines
drugs and other drugs restricted in circulation according to the legislation

An individual entrepreneur can not only make changes to additional activity codes, but also change the main one.

We remind you that the main OKVED code is the type of activity for which the entrepreneur receives the maximum income in comparison with the rest (i.e. additional activities).

If the main activity remains the same, enter only additional codes in the application.

Step 2 - Complete the Business Change Application Form P24001

Title page:

section 1 - enter your data according to the information of the IP register
section 2 - put number 1
section 1.1 - if you change the main type of activity
section 1.2 - if you make changes to the list of additional codes
section 2.1 - if the individual entrepreneur excludes the main activity
section 2.2 - if the individual entrepreneur excludes an additional type of activity
section 1 - must be completed, but not signed (since this must be done in the presence of official tax office)
section 2 - leave blank (the section is intended to be filled in by an employee of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation)
section 3 - filled in by a notary if the entrepreneur is unable to personally submit an application to the tax office

Step 3 - the individual entrepreneur submits an application to the tax office

There are 4 options for how an individual entrepreneur can submit an application to the Federal Tax Service:

hand over Form P24001 in person
through a representative
send by mail
electronically (through your personal account)

Let's consider each of these methods.

The first option is convenient because the entrepreneur does not need to contact a notary for certification of his signature. It is enough to take a passport, an application and visit the tax office.

The second option imposes on the entrepreneur the obligation to certify the signature on the application by the notary and the power of attorney for the right of the representative to submit P24001 to the Federal Tax Service.

The third option also forces the individual entrepreneur to certify the signature on the application form.

The fourth option is, perhaps, the simplest, since the entrepreneur is not even required to go to the tax office.

An example of filling out an application for amending information about an individual entrepreneur. Adding a new activity

When to inform the tax office about the change in OKVED

In order to avoid being held liable under Art. 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur must notify the tax office of the addition of OKVED

no later than three working days from the date of the new activity.

It is also worth noting that the absence of P24001 in the event of a change in activities may lead to disputes with tax inspectors regarding the application of a special tax regime to the income received from new activities.