And there are no bonuses at work. How to stimulate staff with a bonus system. Ax Throwing Lessons

Widely or simply, in an office or a cafe, through the efforts of top managers or ordinary colleagues, but this will happen - in each office they will celebrate New Year... We know how to have fun this evening. We have a top list of games for a corporate party. From you - initiative and good company

Another New Year's corporate party is an opportunity to walk a New Year's dress, chat with colleagues in an informal setting, but a Christmas party at work is a holiday in the circle of your colleagues and management. And this celebration has its own rules!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "DO NOT REMOVE!"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: A large box or an opaque bag, where to collect various comical things: children's tights, boxer shorts, a large bra, bonnets, clown noses, etc.

ESSENCE: At the signal of the presenter, the participants pass the box to each other to the music. As soon as the music stops, the one in whose hands the box pulls out one thing and puts it on. The condition is not to shoot it for the next half hour!

CLUE: Don't forget to charge your camera. When else will you see security guard Vasily in a 100 ° F bra!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "LOVE-DOES NOT LOVE"



ESSENCE: The presenter (the most active of the colleagues, you can take on this role) asks everyone at the table to say which part of the body they like and which part of the body is not for the neighbor on the right. For example: "I love his left knee and I don't like his nose." At the end of the revelations, the presenter asks everyone to stroke (kiss) the "successful" places and pinch (bite) the sufferer for the "unsuccessful" ones.

CLUE: It is desirable that colleagues of different genders sit next to them.

TIP 2: After biting the sysadmin on the ass, go back to your work computer and make backup copies of all important documents. Maybe after all, and take revenge ...

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "FLYING HIKE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Bottles (plastic or glass).

ESSENCE: Bottles are placed in a row in front of the volunteer, at the same distance. He is blindfolded and asked to go through the obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim is outraged by the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently walking around the office.

CLUE: Put the dishes away very quietly. She will still be needed.

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "FISH-KIT"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Premises (see Hint).

ESSENCE: All stand in a circle and join hands. The presenter speaks to each of the names of two animals in the ear. Then he loudly lists the animals, the person, having heard "his", must sit down. The task of his neighbors is to prevent this from happening. The game is going at a pretty fast pace. When everyone gets a taste, the presenter will say "Whale" - it is this animal that is thought of to each participant by the second point. The result will amuse everyone!

CLUE: Prudently clear the area within the radius of the fall of colleagues from sharp and breakable objects. Not everyone is happy to land on a hole punch.

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "COMEDY OF POSITIONS"

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Anyone, but only male.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Inflated balloons, scotch tape, matches.

ESSENCE: There are men in the team who are still not averse to getting a million dollars and who are still wondering what it is like to be pregnant? Great, this game is just for them! Balloons are attached to the belly of the participants with duct tape. A box of matches is scattered in front of each "pregnant" woman. The task is to collect the matches as quickly as possible and not let the "belly" burst.

CLUE: Is it worth it to be limited to one balloon? Give Chief Economist Sergei Ivanovich one more try!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "WHAT IS MY NAME?"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper plates with funny, not the most in simple words on them (lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.).

ESSENCE: Everyone gets a new name for the evening - a corresponding plate is attached to the back. The players' task is to find out their nickname from others. Only "yes" and "no" can be answered to questions. The winner is the one who is the first to guess the inscription on his tablet.

CLUE: The Bread Slicer will be offended if you click it like this for the next year.

The game for a corporate party is cool: "WILL BE FULFILLED"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Is that the desire to sing (with skill is more difficult).

ESSENCE: Divide into teams depending on the number of players. Together choose the theme of the competition, for example, love, snow, animals ... Each team must remember a song "on the topic" and perform several lines from it. Those who last the longest win.

CLUE: Be creative and don't be afraid to argue. If you wish, you can prove to anyone that the song "You left me!" dedicated to a real animal!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "BIG RACES"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Cocktail tubes and ping-pong balls (according to the number of participants).

ESSENCE: Prepare the track: place bottles, glasses, glasses (in general, everything that comes to hand) on the table so that paths are formed. The players will chase their balls over them, blowing on them through straws. The winner is the one who arrives at the finish line first.

CLUE: It is good to play in pairs for elimination: a new participant takes the place of the loser. The rest at this time can sing in chorus the song "... pursuit in hot blood."

Corporate contests with colleagues: "TRIAL SHARGE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pencils, paper and erasers.

ESSENCE: Each player draws a friendly cartoon of someone present. The portraits are passed in a circle, and each one on back side writes who is shown in the picture. When the art has passed the circle and returned to the author, count the number of points (i.e. correct answers). The winner is the author of the most recognizable portrait.

CLUE: So that no one is left unreached, draw lots in advance - who represents whom. And there is no need to draw a mustache for the personnel officer Glafira Pafnutievna, as in Budyonny's - in fact, a bristle above her lip is only beginning to emerge ...

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "WHAT, WHERE, WHEN"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens according to the number of participants.

ESSENCE: Everyone is sitting at the table. The presenter asks a general question, for example, "who?" Then the next question is asked, for example "when?", The procedure is repeated. The game lasts until everyone has completed their sheets. Then, to a friendly laugh, the host reads out the resulting stories. You probably mastered a similar fun at school.

CLUE: The presence of a leader is not essential. Questions can be asked by all in turn. At the same time, you will find out who, when and what is actually doing late at night on the office couch ...

Corporate competition: "FULLY AGREE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens or pencils.

ESSENCE: Split into two teams. Each receives a sheet with categories indicated on it, for example, city, river, country, technology, plant, etc. Select a letter of the alphabet and start the game. For a certain time (a minute or two), the team needs to remember as many suitable words as possible.

CLUE: Categories can be professionally oriented, this will bring the team together. How nice it is for the friendly workers (and female workers) of the car service to come up with the fifteenth name of the engine part with the letter Ш!

Game for a corporate party at the table: "FROM A TO Z"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Knowledge of the alphabet.

ESSENCE: The game is simple: starting with "A" and further alphabetically, everyone comes up with a congratulation for "their" letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

CLUE: Do not skip the letters G, F, Y, b, Y. It will be fun. How is it!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "YES, NEVER!"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Chips for each participant, at least three pieces.

ESSENCE: Fairness game. The first player says, "I have never ..." and names something that he has never done in his life. All who, on the contrary, had the specified experience, give the hero one token. The task of everyone is to come up with something that he did not do, unlike most of those present. The winner is the one who, after a certain number of circles, gains the most chips.

CLUE: As chips, you can use matches, pre-cut pieces of paper, large beans. But it is not worth using the knowledge gained about colleagues for your own selfish purposes. Just think, the secretary Irochka never came to work on time, but she won!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: "FROM A NEW LINE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pens or pencils, print the beginning of a famous poem on sheets of paper.

ESSENCE: Let everyone add their own rhymed ending to the given poem. Believe me, even the popular "Goby is swinging ..." with the light hand of your colleagues will acquire an unpredictable happy ending (or maybe not happy!).

CLUE: Prepare some printouts, the game is addictive. And listen, where this bull will end up ...

What kind funny contests on the corporate do you know?

Irina Pobokina started playing


The rating of American Inc. The top employers of 2018 come across companies with high salaries, good insurance and retirement plans, and often a cool atmosphere. Unusual bonuses and non-standard methods of employee motivation may be responsible for the latter.

Here are 15 of the most extraordinary.

Employees who choose the right company receive airline tickets to anywhere in the world, a free baby night nurse and ax throwing lessons.

Will and disposal of real estate

Employees at McLean, Virginia, a consulting firm, M2 Strategy, have access to wills, legal aid, childcare and a 24-hour gym.

Ax Throwing Lessons

Employees at Podium, a business networking platform in Legia, Utah, have fun with ax-throwing, ski freestyle, bobsledding, and thrilling VR theme parks.

Great views and beer

HireVue's headquarters in South Dakota, Utah overlook the mountain peaks. The interview platform provides staff with pub parties at the office as well as TED Talk-style dinners.

Sports and reality betting

Legacy Marketing employees in Chicago split into teams and place bets on who will leave for a new reality series (such as The Bachelor). Well, they also place bets on the results of sports games.

Hybrid discount

Employees of the consulting company Enterprise Knowledge receive memberships in fitness clubs, corporate mobiles and up to $ 3 thousand when buying hybrid cars.

Slack glory

Charity: Water, a New York-based company, created a High Five channel in the Slack messenger to praise employees who have achieved success. At the end of each quarter, the best person receives a gift.

Beauty and skiing

Retailer (fashion and home decor) has a beauty salon for employees. They also receive tickets to ski resorts, and young parents can take their little ones to work.

Free iPhone

Dallas-based financial consulting firm Embank adds 1-year employees to its mobile plan and buys them a new iPhone a year later.

Bonuses for parents

At software company Outreach, employees with young children - mums and dads - can work from home half the time. The company pays for a night nurse for the child on weekdays, and twice a week for lunch delivery.

Full access

Infinte Energy has acquired the rights to the name of the arena, theater and forum in the state of Atlanta, the territory of which it serves, and now employees of the company can attend the concerts of Justin Timberlake, U2 and Carrie Underwood at these venues for free.

Flight courses

Would you like to learn how to fly? San Francisco-based healthcare technology company pMD offers free flight courses to its employees.

Relieve stress

Pro Athlete employees have the opportunity to get rid of the accumulated stress. The employee sporting goods retailer has a spa with massage therapist and sauna, and free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Flight and restaurants, a developer service, celebrates anniversaries with gifts for employees. Stay with the company for a year and get tickets to anywhere in the world. Are you working for the third year? Treat yourself to Michelin-starred food.

Best gift

Buffer, development company software, welcomes new employees with gifts: they get a Kindle and an unlimited number of e-books.

Housing problem

Boll and Branch (the company makes bedding) gives all new employees a set of sheets, and after six months of work - also a bedroom renovation.

Who would refuse to work in a place where they eat delicious meals three times a day, offer long vacations, good insurance and take care of their future retirement? True, in the IT industry, you won't surprise anyone with such privileges, so employers have to rack their brains and come up with something extraordinary.

And they succeed! Check out what some have to offer famous companies- in some places it sounds completely unbelievable, but it's true.

1. The smell of fried bacon

The first place on our list is occupied by Scopely is a Los Angeles-based mobile game development team. Not so long ago, they made a splash with their rookie kit. It included a few packs of dollars tied in strips of bacon, a year's supply of Dos Equis beer, a custom-made tuxedo, and a portrait of the same employee who got the wealth.

2. Walks on the ocean

If you love sailing, you will surely enjoy the company iCracked from San Francisco, because here employees are offered not only free lunches, Mac computers and good insurance, but also trips on a yacht moored right outside the office. And one more plus: since the company specializes in repairing Apple gadgets, you don't have to worry about the fate of your iPhone. If it breaks down, they will fix it at work.

3. Meet the boss in the air

Don't like the ocean? Do you want to fly? In company Dropcam there is a rule: everyone the new employee goes on a flight - on a corporate helicopter in the company of friends and family. The car is driven by the director of the company, Greg Duffy, so you get to know him as soon as you get a job. Don't forget to bring your Dropcam with you - it's useful for streaming and showing off great views.

4. Halloween every day

If you can get a job in a startup Exec, you will not have to think about what to wear on the next Halloween: here every beginner gets a cute sweatshirt in the shape of a dinosaur as a gift. It is assumed that it is in it that he must go to work. In general, the company is engaged in cleaning apartments and generously tidies up the houses of its employees for free. Maybe he washes the sweatshirt at the same time, but we don't know for sure.

5. Breakfasts on the roof for employees and their four-legged friends

And here it is. Perhaps this is biased, but we also have good traditions... For example, we throw great parties and take care of the relatives and four-legged friends of each of our employees. Yes, you read that right: the dog is a full member of the family, so it can come to the office. And she does not sit alone while her owner has breakfast on the roof and admires the view of the Mediterranean Sea. Each floor has entertainment and toys for animals, so our pets are not bored with us.

6. Caring for loved ones

About work in Google there are legends. Probably, this is the only company in the world where you want to work until the very end in the truest sense of the word. True, in this case, the bonuses will go not to you, but to your loved ones. Google went beyond restaurants, insurance, and on-the-job massage and came up with this: When an employee goes to better world, his partner receives half his salary for ten years, and his child receives a thousand dollars every month until he is 19 years old. Or 23 if he is a full-time student.

7. Vacation money

In company Moz understand that people need a good vacation and are offered not just three weeks off, but three thousand dollars in addition - for flights, hotels, restaurants and other expenses. We think that employees are willing to use this opportunity and are happy to travel to different countries.

8. Rest at any time

And the company Ask in general, a very interesting attitude to vacations. In short, it can be formulated as follows: if you want to rest, rest. You don't need to go to the boss and ask for time off. The management fully trusts its employees and does not control them in this matter.

9. Skating rink and sociopath's corner

V Group it is customary to take care of the well-being and mood of the team, so there is a fresh bar, a restaurant, a beauty salon, a doctor's office, a fitness center and a large gym, which, if desired, can be easily converted into a skating rink. If you are tired of open space, you can sit quietly in the "sociopath's corner." When it's warm outside, the company gives out bicycles and scooters to everyone, and when it's raining - umbrellas.

It is important and necessary to pay talented employees well, but all researchers vying with each other argue that money motivates specialists only to a certain limit. Therefore, other motivators are needed. Some companies have found that the more unusual and “targeted”, more individual the bonus, the greater the loyalty effect the company will receive from it.

Business Insider found 17 companies that motivate their employees in an unconventional (and very attractive) way.

Epic Systems . This company, among other things, offers employees a great bonus to make them stay longer: for every five years worked in the company, a specialist receives an additional month of paid vacation. In addition, if employees decide to hold it in a country that they have never been to before, the company assumes part of the costs (and not only part of the employee's costs, but also part of the costs of his fellow traveler). Epic Systems' office, by the way, is also not the most ordinary: on a farm near Madison (Wisconsin) there is an Indiana Jones themed tunnel, a conference room in the form of a tree house, a moat with water and vast spaces for various outdoor activities.

Google . For a reason, Fortune magazine has ranked Google # 1 on its Top 100 Employers for three years in a row. Incredible offices around the world offer the most incredible perks, including free food that will satisfy even the most sophisticated foodies. The company headquarters in Mountain View has GYM's, bowling alley, game rooms and basketball courts. Without leaving the office, you can not only have fun, but also solve everyday issues - use the services of a hairdresser, massage parlor and laundry.

Cisco . Cisco LifeConnections Health Center is more than just a fitness center. It provides first aid services to employees, performs physiotherapy procedures, and also offers an unusual option - acupuncture. In the center, there is, among other things, a pharmacy.

S.C. Johnson . S.C. Cleaning products manufacturer Johnson offers concierge services to its employees to ensure everything from books checked in to the library on time to dry cleaners returning on time. "To make the best cleaning products for your family, we need the best people in our corporate family, "the company says. The company also offers childcare services for employees and additional benefits for fathers and mothers.

Southwest Airlines . Southwest Airlines employees fly with "their" airline for free, and can also offer this bonus to family members and even friends. They also have discounts on the services of a number of other airlines, hotels, theme parks and car rental companies. When employees are not traveling, they take part in corporate events like the annual chile festival or Halloween.

General mills . The company strongly believes in the ability to maintain a work-life balance - so every newcomer automatically receives three weeks of paid vacation. General Mills also offers flexible working conditions: both remotely and directly in the office (representatives of a number of divisions are not assigned certain jobs, and they work wherever they want).

Chesapeake energy . Chesapeake Energy, one of the largest natural gas producers in the United States, pays half the cost of scuba diving classes for employees and their families. And once they develop sufficient diving skills, the company helps them organize trips to exotic destinations such as Cozumel, Mexico. Those who are not in the mood for scuba diving use the company's fitness center, which features an Olympic-size swimming pool, sandy volleyball court and a climbing wall.

J.M. Smucker . The company is engaged in the production of food products (fruit jams, ice cream toppings, drinks, peanut butter, etc.). When a new employee joins the team, he is given a real welcome: a gift basket is sent to the employee home, everyone is playing softball or bowling. Employees who have free time are simply obliged to take advantage of the "educational benefit": J.M. Smucker compensates 100% of training costs. If an employee wants to learn new skills in the workplace, then the company creates all the conditions for this training (also absolutely free).

Yahoo . The company's offices have fitness centers with yoga, cardio kickboxing, Pilates and golf. Also, the offices are equipped with special ergonomic chairs that provide back support, there are vending machines with healthy food and drinks on each floor. Outside the office, Yahoo! receive discounts at ski resorts and theme parks California. The company holds an annual party - Octoberfest. In addition, the company throws a baby shower for employees who are preparing to become parents.

Quinn emanuel . Law firm Quinn Emanuel offers an employee a bonus not usually associated with the legal profession. Employees receive $ 2,000 to be able to work for a week from anywhere in the world (provided that they work the agreed amount of time). The company has a specific dress code policy that rewards employee creativity. And the company chooses its summer interns (who, by the way, are very well paid) not in interviews, but at parties on law school campuses.

Boeing . New hires won't feel lonely because the company brings them together through a program called REACH. Under this program, beginners take part in various social projects... For Boeing employees, 12 paid holidays a year, as well as holidays between Christmas and New Years.

Mattel . A large toy manufacturer makes sure that the children of its employees are happy. First, the company covers all costs if the employee decides to adopt a child. Secondly, employees are provided with 16 paid hours (so that they have the opportunity to leave, for example, to a parent meeting). Of course, employees have a special discount on Mattel products. Mattel also has its own charitable foundation where specialists can work as volunteers.

Microsoft . The company provides paid leave for newly minted fathers and mothers. Microsoft has mentoring programs and employees receive health insurance that includes physician services for autism. Microsoft is the first major company to offer this benefit.

World Wildlife Fund . WWF has the so-called Panda Fridays: during the week, employees work a little more, but they are entitled to a day off every second Friday. The specialists get a short vacation, and the company saves energy and reduces carbon emissions (although the layout of the company's offices is carefully thought out in order to save resources, and the offices themselves are built from environmentally friendly materials).

Oshkosh Corporation . Military manufacturer Vehicle wins the loyalty of employees, providing them with training and development opportunities: trainings with an instructor, online training, compensation for additional academic degree... Oshkosh Corporation has rotational programs for internal candidates - by participating in it, engineers have the opportunity to work in different departments and acquire different skills.

3M . Known worldwide for its scotch tape and postcards, 3M also has a reputation as an employer with an extensive bonus program. Employees receive insurance that provides payments above standard, dentist and ophthalmologist services. This can be done not only by heterosexual couples, but also by same-sex couples. The family-centered company offers counseling services related to child and elderly care, smoking cessation and weight loss programs, and stress management training.

TIAA-CREF . TIAA-CREF management wants to ensure that its employees are cared for in different areas of life. Professionals can get medical assistance right at the workplace, send the child to one of the Bright Horizons children's centers for a full day, as well as take part in the pension co-financing program. TIAA-CREF has communication skills and sports programs (including six sports).

When talking with employees or candidates for vacancies they talk about a dream job, then almost everyone says that they would dream of working in the offices of Yandex, Vkontakte, Google and other modern technology companies? They are so desirable not because of high salaries, but because of the motivational bonuses that are given to employees: delicious food, lounge areas, opportunities for development and other nice features. Smaller companies are also starting to pull themselves up: here and there you will see guys who dissect around the office on a scooter, or occupied capsule chairs in which you can take a nap for an hour. Table football or tennis has become commonplace in general.

2014 has shown that motivational bonuses for employees have become a tradition. Among them there are already some kind of "leaders" who are periodically talked about in the news and written in the press. Forbes magazine has collected interesting ways to win not only wallets, but also the hearts of employees. I supplemented them with interesting examples that I met.

Game rooms

What can attract the best programmers and tech minds of today? Games only. Any company needs a smart programmer, sysadmin, engineer, or other techie (even if it's a private library). Therefore, game rooms with tennis, darts, PS or X-box are now ubiquitous. They quickly become the brain center of the company, in which I constantly come up with something on the go.

Some companies have already outgrown rooms: for example, has a climbing wall, and Google, which has been one of the world's top 5 employers for six years, offers employees a bowling alley and a bocce lawn. And that's just the top of the list.

Good food

It doesn't have to be full meals: someone gives a discount at a nearby cafe, someone organizes a cafe right in the office. Some provide workers with cookies, and others with donuts on Thursdays.

This kind of vacation can be much healthier for the brain than going to the beach with your wife and children.


Freebies can range from coupons and discounts to free food, educational courses, and more. Food Corporation J.M. Smucker, for example, pays 100% for the second higher education for their employees.

Here are some of the funnest ways to make your employees happy with something free:

  • Subscription to magazines.
  • Babysitter for children.
  • Tickets to the movies or somewhere else.
  • Spa services.
  • Massage.
  • Maintenance of equipment.

Free surprises don't have to be everyday. They can be a great gift for a birthday or any other occasion. Freebies can be themed: for example, free laptop repairs and other gadgets for programmers, or paying for a fitness center for a chef.

Finally, here are the words of Larry Page (CEO of Google), who can safely be considered the trendsetter in motivational bonuses: “When you take care of people, you increase productivity. Instead of counting working hours, count the result. We must always think about what else can be done for our employees. If our team becomes happier and more productive, we will become happier too. "

These are some interesting examples. Choose those that seem effective to you and apply.