Franchise breeding. Selling farm franchises. What are the options for business and franchises in agriculture

The section "Agriculture, forestry and fishing" contains step-by-step guides on opening livestock farms, poultry farms, growing vegetables in open and closed ground, organizing fish and hunting farms, logging and much more. As a rule, your business in the agricultural industry requires enormous material, energy and time costs. Nevertheless, this direction is highly profitable, since on the way to its creation, the manufactured product increases in price several times, undergoing processing, packaging and other stages.

Investments from 700,000 rubles.

What do you need today to start a beekeeping business, and what are the ways to sell honey in 2020? In details and figures - about what to pay attention to a novice beekeeper, so as not to burn out.

Investments from 182,000 rubles.

Growing greenery is a business that you can do on your own site by building a greenhouse on it. It does not promise super profits, but it is perfect as a part-time job.

Investments from 800,000 rubles.

Earn from 100,000 rubles. per month clean and save at the same time ~ 150,000 rubles. thanks to the payment terminal Superman, which replaces your administrator!

Investments from 511,000 rubles.

Organization business plan greenhouse farming for growing roses for the sale of cut flowers in the Rostov region. Starting investments - 511,500 rubles. Net profit for the first year of operation - 703,740 rubles...

Investments from 1,600,000 rubles.

Business plan for growing cherry tomatoes indoors in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Starting investments - 1,600,000 rubles. Net profit in the first year of operation - 1,038,892 rubles....

Market growth by 2020, according to experts, may be five times the volume of 2014.

The pea market in Russia is showing growth. Since domestic needs are 99% met, exports are growing at the highest rate (+124.6% compared to 2014).

Investments from 250,000 rubles.

Own a profitable cleaning business under the guidance of experts in the field. Ready technologies and secrets successful work on the market. Support at all stages of business development.

Tomato market in Russia: fees are increasing, imports are declining, so far no one can replace Turkish greenhouse tomatoes.

Russian market corn in last years shows growth in all indicators. In 2016, a record harvest of corn was harvested, exports are breaking records, and domestic consumption is increasing.

Triticale production in Russia from 2009 to 2016 increased by 22.8%. The largest producing region of this crop is the Belgorod region, which has a share of 16.9%.

The Russian egg market can be called self-sufficient. The needs of the population are mainly satisfied through domestic production, the share of imports does not exceed 2.1%.

Investments from 1,000,000 rubles.

Franchise of cutting-edge hairdressing salons "Strizhka-SHOP". Any haircut 250 rubles! Open your own hairdressing salon with a unique concept and income from 150,000 rubles per month!

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in sales of duck meat in Russia, which is associated with the emergence of large-scale industries, the development of forms retail and changing consumer preferences.

Investments from 635,000 rubles.

How much can a small California rabbit farm bring in? Example finished business plan rabbit breeding farm, aimed at selling rabbit meat and rabbit skins.

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Experts suggest that in the next ten years, the consumption of milk and dairy products in the world will grow by 35-40%. The competitiveness of Russian products is at a rather low level...

Investments from 60,000 rubles.

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New types of finishing materials that can be produced even at home. We offer to produce: luminous paving stones, tiles for the house, facade stone.

Despite the decrease in the solvency of the population and the decrease in the consumption of certain types of fish and seafood, Western sanctions led to a significant decrease in imports, which took more than...

Investments from 6,000,000 rubles.

To implement the project, taking into account working capital 6,294,000 rubles will be required. The farm will bring its first income after 12 months from the start of work. The planned capacity will be reached on 3-...

The agricultural industry opens up endless possibilities for organizing your enterprise. And various government support programs, along with tax incentives, allow the development of industry and trade in this area. Therefore, agriculture as a business seems to be a very interesting direction for entrepreneurs who want to.

What is profitable to do in agriculture: choose a niche

promising and profitable business ideas in agriculture quite a lot, but when deciding to do business in this industry, you need to take into account a number of conditions: start-up capital, the climate in the region, the availability of qualified personnel and state support programs.

For entrepreneurs with a limited budget, the issue of initial investment is one of the paramount. It is no secret that some types of agriculture, such as animal husbandry, require several million to open. If financial opportunities are small, it is better to pay attention to.

Therefore, the first thing you should start an agricultural business with is the choice of an industry. The following types of activities are distinguished:

  • animal husbandry;
  • beekeeping;
  • growing mushrooms;
  • growing vegetables and fruits;
  • grain cultivation.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular destinations.

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animal husbandry

Many entrepreneurs, figuring out what is profitable to do in agriculture, opt for breeding animals - large (cows, pigs, horses, sheep) and small ones (rabbits, chinchillas).

Important! Cattle breeding involves high competition, so you need to carefully consider potential markets at the stage of business planning.

Another option for how to make money in agriculture is to breed rabbits. Given the rapidly growing demand for dietary meat of these small individuals, this business with an investment of about 200,000 rubles. will bring about 1,000,000 rubles. revenue per year. You can sell not only meat, but also skins, as well as breed decorative rabbits.

To organize a business, you need to buy 2-3 cages, for example, Mikhailov's mini-farm, the cost of which is 19,000 rubles, 50-60 rabbits for 300 rubles. per individual, as well as animal feed.

Learn more about how to open . Consider a rough plan for implementing this business idea.

It can also bring high income, even if you organize a business at home.

Business ideas for agriculture: growing poultry

Experienced businessmen note that poultry farming is an extremely profitable area, allowing to achieve 80-100% profitability of sales. Russian farmers most often breed chickens, turkeys, ducks, quails, but birds such as pheasants and ostriches are now gaining popularity.

Growing turkeys is one of the most promising business options. Most often they acquire wide-breasted white turkeys, which are distinguished by good meat characteristics, fast growth and excellent egg production.

The first thing to start this business in agriculture is the construction of bird pens and their insulation, since individuals should be protected from frost, drafts and damp rooms. On average, it will cost 50,000 - 70,000 rubles. Next, you need to purchase the turkeys themselves - 30,000 - 40,000 rubles. In general, the cost of opening this case will be about 150,000 rubles. provided that 30 - 35 individuals are purchased. This will allow in a year of operation of the enterprise to receive about 200,000 rubles. net profit.

Consider an example. Learn about the features of breeding this bird on a domestic and industrial scale.

Be sure to read what profit pheasants will bring.

It is interesting that it does not create any particular difficulties, since these birds are generally resistant to disease and unpretentious, and goose meat and down are in good demand.

mushroom cultivation

Mushrooms, especially champignons and oyster mushrooms, are a product of constant demand among the population, characterized by unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and fast germination. Therefore, the cultivation of these crops is one of the topical business ideas for agriculture.

The production process in this case is 2-3 months and includes the following steps: the purchase of seeds, the preparation of the substrate, the cultivation of mushrooms and the marketing of products. To organize a business, you will need an area, the size of which is 60-70 square meters. m to equip the incubator and the germination chamber. The purchase of equipment will require about 250,000 rubles. These costs will pay off in less than a year and can bring up to 100,000 rubles. profits from the production of 10-12 tons of mushrooms.

vegetable growing

How to start an agricultural business from scratch and without large investments? You can choose such an activity as growing various plants. To start work, it is not necessary to purchase a land plot - it can be rented, and the use of greenhouses allows you to produce vegetables and herbs all year round.

Growing greens is a profitable direction, which is quite simple to deal with, since plants such as lettuce, onions, dill, cilantro, parsley are unpretentious in care, especially if they grow in greenhouse conditions. The main thing is to decide on the soil and equip greenhouses. The most suitable types of soil for these plants are:

  • land;
  • gravel;
  • hydroponics;
  • sawdust;
  • expanded clay.

The equipment will require heaters, lighting fixtures, racks, an irrigation system and various pallets, boxes and other containers. For a large-scale enterprise, you will need to organize a hydroponics system - this will help to avoid rotting greens.

Among the vegetables most often cultivated are tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and potatoes. These products provide high profitability, but, if we talk about potatoes, the costs will also be very significant, since when processing a large area, it will be necessary to organize the work of specialized equipment.

Important! When working with plant crops, it must be taken into account that they are highly dependent on climatic conditions - sudden frosts and heavy hail can lead to large losses.

Franchising in the field of agriculture is currently in great demand among start-up entrepreneurs in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities Russian Federation. Today, more and more people want to buy an agricultural complex on a franchise. For them, we offer a wide range of farming franchises.

Many people in Russia prefer to farm on their own. own farm. This interest is explained, first of all, by the increased demand for agricultural products.

This type of franchising involves the purchase by buyers of a ready-made business, as well as the sale of agricultural products that have an increased demand in the market. Basically, Moscow agro-complexes offer to buy a farm under a franchise.

Benefits of an agricultural franchise

Surely, many residents of our country still remember the households that were actively organized in villages and villages in the 90s of the last century. They were then called agricultural cooperatives and carried out the production, as well as the sale of agricultural products. Now this way of managing is gradually beginning to lose its relevance, giving way to a franchise. This is explained by the fact that franchisees receive support from franchisor organizations that are already experienced entrepreneurs. As a result, the problem of employment in the countryside is solved, and the population gets access to fresh food grown on the farm. Growing flowers and mushrooms, breeding chickens, piglets, cows, ducks, and pigs is especially profitable at the present time.

Catalog of agricultural franchises

The Farm Franchise Directory has a large selection of farm franchise offerings. The most common farm franchise offers from those presented in the catalog are the following:

  • Chudo-Teplits plant;
  • growing "exotic" vegetables on the farm;
  • hives for automatic honey collection;
  • agro-complex for breeding sheep;
  • Aarocomplex for growing roses in a greenhouse.

If you are interested in the offer of a specific agricultural organization from those presented in the catalog, then you can go directly from the catalog to its website for detailed information regarding the terms of cooperation, the amount of initial investment, requirements for franchisees, the size of the piano, and also the payback period.

Russia is a very diverse country. Megacities with a developed and extensive infrastructure coexist with small villages. Traditionally, villages are considered sites for the development of agriculture, but in the village you can develop successful business! The main difference is that the competition is much lower than the city.

To decide what kind of business to do in the village, you can analyze the franchise market. A franchise business involves the use of the franchisor's brand and best practices, as well as the use of well-established business processes and ongoing support at all stages.

In this article, I will talk about what kind of franchise business you can do in the village, what is needed for this, what difficulties you may encounter and give interesting offers market with quantitative indicators.

Features of the village business

To understand what kind of business can be opened in the village, you need to understand all the features and nuances. This issue needs to be studied in as much detail as possible in order to be prepared for any course of circumstances.

When choosing a business area, you need to pay attention to the needs of customers. After all, the success of your business directly depends on whether your business will be popular or not.

After analyzing the underdeveloped infrastructure in the village, we can conclude that the service sector will be a fairly profitable area. It also helps to verify the correctness of this statement by the fact that even with high competition in urban conditions, establishments such as hairdressers, cafes and restaurants, pharmacies or entertainment centers pay off and increase profits.

Own production in the countryside is also much easier to organize than in the city. Staff salaries are lower, free space for production is also easier to find, rent is lower.

All of the above features will give you competitive advantage at the start. And in the case of a franchise business, you will provide yourself with the easiest entry into the world of business, because in fact the franchisor will cooperate with you hand in hand.

Chio Chio is a unique barbershop. For all services in these salons, a fixed cost: 150 rubles. (with a city/village population of up to 150,000 people) This condition attracts a large flow of customers. Any haircut will cost visitors this amount, which is affordable even for people with incomes below average.

All people want to take care of themselves and the villagers are no exception. Both young people and older people visit hairdressers, so there will definitely be a demand for such a business.

I hope my article will help those who want to open a business in the village decide which option they should choose.

Business in agriculture is again becoming in demand. This is due to the trend of the current time for a healthy diet "from the garden." Along with the development of the agricultural business, the agricultural franchise is also gaining popularity, or, as it is also called, agro-franchises.

Crop and animal husbandry, pet supplies franchises are becoming popular. In fact, an agricultural franchise is the acquisition of a ready-made business plan for the production and sale of a specific product that is in demand on the agricultural market. Most often, such a franchise is offered by the administrations of the region.

Why Franchise?

Many people remember the economic systems organized in the villages, which were engaged in the production and marketing of agricultural products. They are also called agricultural cooperatives. However, this way of managing fades into the background, yielding to the franchise in many respects. Franchising in agriculture- a kind of replacement of the existing system of cooperatives.

With quality support from local entrepreneurs local authorities in the conduct of an agro-franchise business, the problems of employment in the countryside are solved, and the access of the population to fresh village food is also provided.

Agricultural Franchise Options

Among the options for doing business in agriculture are the following:

  • growing seedlings of flowers;
  • growing vegetables;
  • breeding rabbits;
  • breeding of cattle;
  • raising and breeding other animals;
  • raising chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, etc.;
  • growing oyster mushrooms;
  • organization of egg production, etc.

Interestingly, in the Perm Territory, the local administration actively supports agricultural franchises. Every year, new options for doing business on a franchise in agriculture are introduced there. At the same time, the administration takes on part of the costs of the franchisee as subsidies to the individual entrepreneur.

A franchise for agriculture in the Perm Territory, for example, will cost from 70 to 500 thousand rubles.


The production sector in agriculture is more popular than all the others, it can be both crop production and animal husbandry.

In our country, the volume of production in animal husbandry is not so great today. Therefore, the demand from large stores amazes even experienced entrepreneurs. To take advantage of the terms of the franchise means to quickly acquire livestock and obtain permits.

Crop production is becoming obsolete, since no one wants to work in the endless fields, which means that it becomes more difficult to make a profit from it. However, small "fazendas" that fit even in city apartments are beginning to enjoy popularity. People actively grow mushrooms, seedlings, flowers, and more to earn money. True, it is always more useful to take the advice of experienced farmers who will help you gain a stable income from fields and orchards. Franchising in agriculture thrives thanks to farmers.

In fact, you can always choose the best type for starting your own business, including in the agricultural business. Moreover, more and more attention is gradually drawn to agriculture.

Interestingly, the demand is growing for cattle services, and not for pets.

Agricultural income

However, there is still a wary attitude towards farming: it is believed that this is not a profitable enough option. Not many people know that such an unconventional type of activity can generate sufficient profit for the development of the enterprise. In order not to "burn out" in such a business, there are franchises in agriculture.

A stable income in agriculture directly depends on numerous reasons. Franchisers are ready to inform their franchisees after signing a franchise agreement, so they manage to fully return the money spent in just one season. cash. So the payback period is minimal, which is rare even in the traditional field of business.

Thus, having risen to a new stage of business - ready business franchise - agriculture in our country is beginning to revive. However, state support continues to play an important role here.