The competition that unites these people is a table. Funny birthday contests. Birthday contests are funny and funny. High-speed puzzle solving

Regardless of why a cheerful adult company has gathered at the table - an anniversary or just a birthday, it does not prevent the birthday person from preparing in advance. Of course, a good menu, suitable drinks, appropriate music are an important part of spending time together. But funny contests for adult company at the table or in nature will allow you to achieve a special effect.

The company may include both old friends and unfamiliar people. It is possible that informal communication is organized for people who generally see each other for the first time. These can be people of different ages - men and women, boys and girls. Whatever communication is supposed to be, having at least a conditional plan of action, including contests for young people, quizzes for adults, funny jokes and theatrical performances, means ensuring the success of any event!
So, contests for young people: students, schoolchildren, adults, young at heart!

  • Cheerful competition at the table "Thoughts"

    A musical selection is prepared in advance, where desires or funny statements are expressed in songs. For example, “I am a chocolate bunny, I am an affectionate bastard ...”, “And I am unmarried, someone really needs it ..”, “It's great that we all gathered here today ..”, etc. The presenter simply approaches each guest and puts on his head a magic hat that can read minds.

  • Carbon monoxide competition "Milk a cow"

    On a stick, a chair ... (whichever is more convenient for you), 1 ordinary medical glove is fixed for each participant of the competition, we make tiny holes at the end of each finger and pour water into the glove. The task of the participants is to milk the glove.
    Delight is indescribable for both the participants and the audience. (Especially if no one saw how to milk the cow and the company drank a little). The mood above the roof will be provided !!!

  • Contest "Guess the Animal"

    It is necessary to prepare several photographs of famous stars in advance. Only one person participates in the competition - the presenter. The presenter chooses a player from the hall, the player turns away, the presenter says - I show the hall a photo of the animal, and you ask leading questions, and we will all say yes or no. Everyone except the player sees the photo (for example, Dima Bilan in the photo), everyone starts laughing, and the player thinks that this is a funny animal and starts asking carbon monoxide questions:
    - does he have a lot of fat or not?
    - Does he have horns?

  • Mobile competition for the company

    There are two large, but equal in size teams. Each participant ties an inflated balloon of his team's color to his leg with a string. The thread can be of any length, although the longer the better. The balls must be on the floor. On command, everyone begins to destroy the balls of their opponents, stepping on them, at the same time, preventing them from doing it with their own. The owner of the burst ball moves aside and ends the battle. The winner is the team whose ball remains the last on the battlefield. Funny and not traumatic. Checked. By the way, each team can develop some strategy and tactics of warfare. And the balls may not be the same color in a team, but for a successful battle you need to know your partners well.

  • Competition for the thirsty (can be held outdoors) -)

    You need to take about 10 plastic glasses, fill them in front of the contestants with various drinks (both tasty and deliberately “spoiled” with the addition of pepper salt or something like that, but most importantly compatible with life). Glasses are stacked. Participants take turns throwing a ping pong ball into glasses and in which glass the ball fell, the contents of this glass are drunk.

  • Make a Wish Contest

    Participants collect any one item, which is put into a bag. After that, one of the participants is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out item. Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and hum, and so on.

  • Competition for the anniversary "Fairy tales in a modern way"

    Among the people invited to the birthday, of course, there are representatives different professions... Each of them is a professional in his field, and, of course, has a complete set of terms and specific vocabulary inherent in the people of his profession. Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, the guests would not make each other laugh? This is done simply.
    The participants are given pieces of paper and tasks are given: to present the content of all known fairy tales in a professional language.
    Imagine a fairy tale "Ognivo", written in the style of a police protocol or a psychiatric case history. And what about the "Scarlet Flower" as a description of a tourist route?
    The author of the funniest tale wins.

  • Contest "Guess the Picture"

    The presenter shows the players a picture, which is covered with a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet over the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The winner is the one who guesses faster.

  • Writing competition (fun)

    The player sits in circles and everyone is given blank sheets of paper and pens. The moderator asks the question: “Who?”. Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After that, fold the sheet so that the written is not visible. After that, they pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The host asks: "Where did you go?" Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Host: “Why did he go there?”…. Etc. After that, a fun reading together begins.

  • Incendiary game "Let's dance !?"

    The preparation is simple: a scarf is selected and a presenter is responsible for musical accompaniment... The main task of the presenter is to provide the competition with fast, incendiary melodies that can make the participants want to perform the most incendiary steps and pirouettes.

    All those taking part in the entertainment stand in a large circle. The first dancer is selected. This may be the hero of the occasion, if there is none, you can determine by drawing lots or counting. The player stands in an impromptu circle, a scarf is tied to him, the music starts, and everyone dances. Having made several or many movements, the dancer must transfer his attribute to another person standing in the circle. The scarf must be tied around the neck with a knot, and even kiss the "heir". The new dancer takes the place of the previous one and performs his steps. The dance lasts as long as the musical accompaniment lasts. When the presenter turns it off, the dancer who remains in the circle is taken by surprise and forced to shout something like "ku-ka-re-ku". The more unexpectedly the music stops, the more fun it will be for those present.

  • Competition "Dress each other"

    This is a team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
    Each couple chooses a pre-prepared bag, which contains a set of clothes (it is necessary that the number and complexity of the items be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the couple must touch the other with the clothes from the bag he received in one minute. The winner is the couple that "dresses" faster and more correctly than others. It's fun when there are two men in a pair and they get a bag of purely female clothes!

  • Wild boar hunting competition

    To play you will need several teams of "hunters", consisting of 3 people and one "wild boar". "Hunters" are given cartridges (it can be any piece of paper) after which they try to hit the "boar". The target can be a cardboard circle on which the target is drawn. This circle with a target is attached to the "wild boar" on the waist in the lumbar region. The task of the "boar" is to run away and dodge, and the task of the "hunters" is to hit this very target.
    A certain time is recorded during which the game is running. It is advisable to limit the space for the game so that the game does not turn into a real hunt. You need to play the game in a sober state. It is forbidden to hold the "boar" by the teams of the "hunters".

  • Greedy

    There are many balls scattered on the floor.
    Those who wish are called. And on command, to fast music, each of the participants must take and hold as many balls as possible.

  • Contest "Try, guess"

    The participant stuffs a huge piece of bun into his mouth so that it is impossible to speak. After that, he receives the text to be read. The participant tries to read it with expression (preferably, it was an unfamiliar verse). The other participant needs to write down everything that he understood, and then read aloud what happened. As a result, its text is compared with the original. Instead of a bun, you can use another product that is difficult to pronounce words with.

  • Competition "Overcome the Obstacle"

    Two couples are invited to the stage. Chairs are placed, a rope is pulled between them. The task for the guys is to pick up the girl and step over the rope. After the first pair has done this, the second pair does this as well. Next, you need to pick up the rope and repeat the task again. The rope will go up until one of the pairs will cope with the task. As it has already become clear, the pair that fell before the other pair loses.

  • Competition "Potato"

    To participate in the competition, you need 2 players and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the belt to the players, at the end of which a potato is tied. The essence of the competition is to push the empty pack to the finish line faster with this very potato, which dangles at the end of the rope. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins.

  • Clothespins competition

    Come out into the spotlight of the couple. All participants attach 10-15 clothespins to their clothes. Then everyone is blindfolded and played fast music. It is necessary for everyone to remove as many clothespins as possible from their rivals.

  • Competition "Who is Faster?"

    Two teams are recruited, five people each. A pot of water is placed in front of each team, the water in both pots is at the same level. Which team will quickly drink water from the pots with the help of spoons, that team won.

  • Competition "Diver"

    Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to put on fins and look from back side through binoculars, to overcome a given distance.

  • Competition "Associations"

    The participants in the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning and where the end is). The first one utters two completely disconnected 2 words. For example: tree and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two items. For example, "My wife is tired of the fact that her husband is constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled with him in a tree." Then the same player says the following word, for example “Bed”. The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example “Sleeping on a branch has become not so comfortable as on a bed”. And so on until fantasy is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following. The presenter interrupts whoever of the participants and asks to repeat all the spoken words, the one who fails to do so is eliminated from the game.

  • Competition "How to use?"

    The competition requires 5 - 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players. Participants should take turns talking about how the item is used. The use of the item should theoretically be correct. Anyone who could not come up with an application for the subject is eliminated from the game. The one who remains the last in the game is the winner.

    You can complicate contests and make them more creative, creative. Be in joy not only on holidays. Give laughter and smiles to friends, family and friends.

  • In a circle, the guests name one word each, characterizing the birthday person according to the sequence of letters in his name. For example, Irina. The first guest is and, playful, the second is p, luxurious, the third is and, interesting, the fourth is n, extraordinary, the fifth is a, artistic, and the sixth starts again with the first letter of the name, that is, and, and so on. until the last guest. Whoever stumbles is out of the game. The most resourceful guest gets a prize.

    Who knows the birthday boy best?

    The host asks questions about the birthday man, and the guests answer. The fastest and smartest guest, who gave the most correct answers about the hero of the occasion, deserves a prize. Sample questions: favorite fruit of the birthday boy? birth weight? what position does he hold? which movie does he adore? etc.

    Sushi in Russian

    3-4 people participate. Each participant is given Chinese sticks, with which the rivals must transfer the candies from one bowl to another as quickly as possible. The one who completes the sushi task the fastest will receive a prize, such as a can of soy sauce or a tube of wasabi.

    What does the guest show?

    Each guest in turn takes out a card with a certain emotion, for example, joy, pride, fun, despondency, disappointment, and so on. The guests stand in a row and each show their chosen emotion. The birthday boy guesses what exactly the guests are showing, what emotions are depicted on their faces?

    Congratulation of the nations

    Each of the guests in turn pulls out his fant, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Ukrainian, New Russian, American, German, Armenian, and so on. And then each one in turn gets up and says the words of congratulations in honor of the birthday person in the appropriate role. Whoever shows himself to the fullest will win, and will receive a prize for his artistry.

    Exclusive among guests

    Guests receive leaves and pens. The facilitator takes turns asking the task, for example, write your favorite fruit. The guests write their favorite fruit on the leaves and take turns calling it, whoever has the same fruit written on it gets up, and the guest who named this fruit and the guest who has it repeated leave. Guests who fail to match continue the game. The presenter asks the task: write your favorite soft drink, and the game continues along the same chain. The guests who stay until the end and who do not have a match with anyone are considered the most exclusive and receive prizes.
    Examples of tasks:
    Favorite vegetable; favorite color; favorite direction in music; favorite season; favorite flower; favorite gem and so on.

    Unique greetings

    Each guest in turn gets up and congratulates the birthday man on his birthday, inserting a certain word into his speech, which will be won by fantasy. Words should be interesting and complex, not used in everyday life, for example, transformer, collider, and so on. And if the company allows, then instead of words, you can prepare forfeits not with one word, but with whole sentences, for example, Argentina beckons a Negro, the Boar fell and his paw on its side. It will be very funny and fun to listen to congratulations with a special accent.

    Guess by the smack

    The birthday boy is blindfolded and seated on a chair. Each of the guests in turn comes up to the birthday man and, without uttering a sound, smacks him. By such a smack, the birthday man guesses who kissed him.

    Symbols for the birthday boy

    Guests are divided into several teams. Each team is given a large piece of paper and markers or pens. Everyone is given 5-10 minutes to imagine and complete the task. And the task is this: you need to come up with a flag and rowed for the birthday man, respectively depict them and explain the meaning, and also compose a short hymn in several lines. For the funniest, most interesting option, the team will receive a prize and gratitude from the birthday boy.


    It would seem a simple and unpretentious competition, but it is addictive and can cheer up even the saddest guest at the holiday. Each participant is provided with soap bubbles, which can be bought in any market or children's store... The task of each of the participants is to blow the largest soap bubble. Each participant has 5 attempts. Whoever inflates the most prestigious soap bubble, he will receive a prize, for example, a pack of bubble gum.

    Most often, anniversaries and birthdays are held in pleasant company well-known or close people who are many and happy to congratulate the birthday person or the birthday girl and communicate with each other. And, nevertheless, even the closest friendly feast, and, moreover, large anniversary celebrations, will be decorated with a premeditated host or initiative guests entertainment or even a couple of fun and enjoyable gaming moments.

    We offer a selection the best drinking games and musical congratulations to anniversary of the woman, which will allow you to make an emotional emphasis on the hero of the occasion, bring revitalization and add piquancy and zest to the holiday. All these game moments can be easily arranged impromptu, the main thing is that they suit the tastes of the birthday girl and the gathered company, they can be arranged together or separately - detailed explanations and the necessary background music are attached. Ideas of such entertainments are unique in that they have been tested in practice, but are always relevant, go with a bang in any company, especially if they are presented in a new way and with humor or dedicated to a specific topic (as is done in this collection).

    (Scenario of a woman's anniversary with toasts and eyeliners, which contains all the entertainment from this program to watch)

    1. Musical congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Masks-show"

    Note: Such a congratulation is easy to carry out impromptu and, despite the fact that it is musical, congratulations do not have to sing, but only artistically, as if on behalf of their character, congratulate the birthday girl with a pre-prepared phonogram. The character image is created using special masks or appropriate props.


    Option number 1. Voluntary.

    The organizer's decoy may be like this: “Our program is called“ Everything for you ”for a reason, because today, in fact, all flowers, compliments and congratulations are only for our birthday girl (name). As a child, for his birthday, we waited for a wizard in a blue helicopter, but as we grew up, we realized that often miracles happen where they are made, where they make fun of themselves .. And now I invite everyone who loves our birthday girl and who wants to be involved in the little a miracle - a surprise in her honor, come out to me. There should be exactly seven such participants - the most magical number in the world. (As a rule, close relatives or friends who want to take part in this congratulation are sure to be present at the anniversary)

    Option number 2. Drawing.

    Also, the participants in the congratulation can be determined using the game moment "A bag in a circle". To do this, all the props are folded into an opaque bag or bag and, to the playful music, they start up in a circle (guests pass the bag to their nearest neighbor at a feast), the one who has the bag in his hands during the stop of the music (the DJ makes these stops on purpose) takes it out without looking, the mask and goes to the center of the hall. This happens several times until all the masks are disassembled.

    The host then quickly explains to the participants sufun and solemnly announces the exit of each of them, and the participants, in turn, go out and congratulate the culprit, as brightly and emotionally as possible.

    (Note: if latex masks are to be used, then have the competitor put them on just before going out, because it is uncomfortable to be in them for a long time).

    Leading: Honorable public and respected (Name of the birthday girl) just for you and only now a unique performance called "Masks Show" begins! And to participate in it, stars came from all over the world and even from exotic places, which are not even on the map.

    First to congratulate (name) the famous and beloved English comedian Mr. Bean is in a hurry (comes out in a mask or a funny wig, approaches the hero of the day and pretends to be congratulated)

    Congratulations 1 sounds

    The second is congratulated by a sultry handsome man, a real horseman and a heartthrob, who came down specially from the Caucasian mountains (from the props: mask or hat, mustache, nose, also emotionally congratulates)

    Congratulations 2 sounds ……… ............................................ ......................

    Ready-made musical excerpts for all congratulations are attached, among the congratulatory ones: Mr. Bean, Sultry Caucasian, Pierre Narcissus, Eurovision Star, Shrek, Clown Oleg Popov, Devil - the tempter.

    (If you can't arrange congratulations with masks, you can beat it with the help of some hats, as in the scenario "Rainbow of Life" -)

    2. New table-top role-playing tale - impromptu "Only the best wishes!"

    Note: this is a new author's impromptu sazka, which can be played right at the table, written for a woman's anniversary, but, if desired, can be easily altered for any occasion: a wedding, New Year etc. Such a fairy tale is a win-win entertainment, from the category of those that are very easy to organize and which activate the mood at the table and allow once again to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

    The essence of entertainment: the presenter reads the entire text expressively, deliberately making small pauses so that the "artists" have time to say their remark. The remarks themselves must be printed in large size on cards in advance and distributed to the participants, warning that they should speak their phrase as artistically as possible every time they hear the name of their character in the text.

    Impromptu characters and their lines:

    Baba Nyura- “Fathers are holy!”;

    Market- "All heaps are!";

    Loader- "Where to drink ?!";

    Caucasian- "Go in - you won't regret it!";

    Gypsy- "Gold the handle!";

    Bouquet of flowers- "Only the best wishes!"

    The text of an impromptu fairy tale(PASSAGE FOR ILLUSTRATION)

    Baba Nyura... came to Market.... A tall, broad-shouldered Loader... Exhausted by his care Loader… pushed Babu Nyuru... sideways and didn't even apologize. Buzzed lively Market… Sight Baba Nyura... involuntarily attracted hot Caucasian... .. Noticing interest Baba Nyura,...temperamental Caucasian…... raised his eyebrows and winked at her. A Baba Nyura..., all blushing with embarrassment, I forgot why ... ... ...................................... .................................................. .................................................. .....................

    And finally, Baba Nyura ... came to the holiday and wholeheartedly gives the hero of the occasion (name of the birthday girl) this stunning Bouquet of flowers

    And the guests, seeing this, loudly and joyfully shout: "Happy birthday!"

    3. Table game for the woman's birthday "For your wonderful eyes ..."

    Note: It happens so, especially in the first two hours of the holiday, that men are more shy, squeezed, than women. It is more difficult to stir them up, to involve them in the action. This option will allow you to highlight the stronger sex in a pleasant way, without diluting it with the weaker one. If there are not so many men, you can line them up and let this male platoon read the cards - confessions

    .Guide to the game

    Leading: They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Our birthday girl has Madonna's eyes, they attract, bewitch, charm. They are like an open book in which you can read sympathy, empathy, childish joy. The poet said about such eyes:

    Your eyes are happy comets

    They are bottomless lakes for the soul.

    They are a dream and a dream for a poet,

    They are beautiful, amazingly good !!!

    Today, the entire strong half of this hall confesses its love to our charming (name), but it will do it in a very non-trivial way. Dear men, do not worry, you do not have to painfully select words for this, you just need to draw out a recognition card and read it expressively, with soul, with great respect and admiration.

    Variants of comic cards - confessions (PASSAGE FOR ILLUSTRATION):

    1. For the sake of your wonderful eyes ... (reads the card)

    Ready for a thousand pranks! .....

    18. For the sake of your wonderful eyes ... ... (reads the card)

    I'm ready to dance to the double bass! ...

    (20 ready-made cards included)

    4. Game for close company "Anniversary Lotto with Kisses"

    This entertainment can be a continuation of the previous one or be arranged in its place, designed for a relaxed company and hero of the occasion

    For the game You will need two sets of lotto kegs, a lottery drum or bag where they will be shuffled, cards with a prize kiss and questions and answers for the quiz.

    An introduction to the game. Dear guests and dear birthday girl, now according to the program we have an anniversary lotto, but not a simple one, but with kisses, and therefore ... only the people closest to the birthday girl can take part in it, the fact of family ties and long-term friendship in itself does not mean, that you are a participant in a prize draw. The main condition: knowledge of the biography, tastes and secret desires of the birthday girl, which means that the chance will fall only to those who will answer the questions of our anniversary quiz faster and better than anyone else.

    (optional, if the husband is not jealous, you can declare an additional condition that only men participate)

    (A quiz is held) ……

    Options for comic cards with kissing lots for illustration:

    1. This lot fell to kiss me in French, with a kiss full of passion and fire!

    2. And with this guest we will have a Russian kiss, three times and three times pleasant ...........................

    11. I ask the guests not to laugh, but with this lucky one we will kiss under the table.

    15. I had kisses today ... I didn't even count how many, but only with you there will be a real love affair, accompanied by shouts: "Bitter!" (this lot can not be played out, but given to the spouse or partner of the hero of the day, as a sign of special attention) ............................... ..............................................

    (15 ready-made options included)

    5. Musical comic forecast "And after 15 glasses ....."

    Note: this is good famous game according to the rules of guessing the secret thoughts of guests with the help of a musical hat or a magic microphone, this version contains cool musical excerpts on a very relevant topic for any feast: "What does each of the guests think and do after they have a good drink !?". (Thanks to the author of the idea)

    The presented selection of song cuts is quite large, you can use all of them or choose from them the most suitable for a specific occasion and company.

    Intro to the game:

    Leading: As far as I know, people who have known each other have gathered here for a long time, but where, no matter how during the holidays, to get to know each other better, see the new talents of a friend or find out his secrets and dreams. I propose, for example, to find out who and how behaves at the holiday, when he takes a glass from the tenth to the twentieth.

    (Bypasses the guests and plays with the musical forecast, the DJ, accordingly, includes excerpts from the songs: female or male).

    Examples of musical excerpts to illustrate the answer to the question "How will you behave and what to think about after 15 glasses? - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

    P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this script.

    (download by clicking on the document)


    N.G. Khudyashova, E.V. Tselousova, 2015

    Bonus discount for a fairy tale:

    Such an entertaining and congratulatory program can be supplemented, which is also dedicated to the theme of the women's holiday, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario - a bonus discount of 150 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have in their arsenal both a fairy tale and this collection of games can send 500 rubles to the fund of the site, without a fairy tale, respectively, 350 rubles will be enough.

    Throughout the year we have many different holidays. Often we celebrate them according to the same scenario, take these cool birthday party contests and cool surroundings around you will be remembered for a whole year.

    Very often, festive events take place according to the usual scheme. Real hospitable hosts try to create an unusual atmosphere during the holiday. They want to take care not only of a chic table with original appetizers, but also of a festive mood.

    Such a feast will remain in the memory of all guests for a long time. Therefore, people are trying to come up with various funny drinking games for adults' birthday, which can not only amuse the guests, but also train their brain.

    Cool competition at the table called "Spy Passions"

    These contests are based on solving mysterious stories with a lack of information.

    All people, despite the number of years, love secrets, especially when the winner at the end of the competition will also receive a gift.

    We define the subject in an interesting competition with forks

    This game is as follows: you need to identify the object without seeing it. The participant is blindfolded. He holds in his hands only two forks, with which he must guess as many objects as possible within two minutes. You can't touch things!

    Things can be very different, for example: a scarf, a banana, a wallet, a comb, an apple, a candy, and so on.

    To facilitate the task for the participant, he can pose leading questions to the leader. Such as: "Is it made of plastic?", "Can it be eaten?" and another set of questions to help define the subject.

    The answer can only be “No” or “Yes”. Whoever guesses the larger number and more correctly becomes the winner. This game will bring a lot of good mood.

    Imagination game "Guess who I am"

    This is a fun adult birthday party game with questions and answers.

    All participants in the competition are glued to their foreheads with paper with an inscription. This can be: an object, an animal, a character from a movie or cartoon, a popular person.

    People taking part in the game see all the inscriptions, except for their own. All players ask questions in turn. For example: "Is this a vegetable?" or "I'm a man." The answers to them will be "Yes" or "No".

    The winner will be the one who names his character first.

    If a person does not guess, then he leaves the game or he is given some kind of punishment. If the game seems too difficult, then you can give extended answers, with a more complete description.

    Magic ball with riddles on sheets

    For this game you need to prepare a small surprise, riddles of varying difficulty and foil. Write the riddles down on paper.

    The surprise is wrapped in the first layer of foil, a leaf with a riddle is glued to it. This manipulation is done about 7 times. Above are easy puzzles, and closer to a surprise, more complex ones. The presenter reads the inscription.

    The one who guessed the riddle removes the foil and reads out the next riddle. This process is repeated until the last layer of foil is removed.

    The winner is the participant who will guess the most difficult riddle and, accordingly, remove the last layer of foil. He also gets a gift.

    What is the prize hiding in the bag

    This competition will be perfect for a birthday. The name of the birthday person is taken as a basis. It will be great if it is long and almost corresponds to the number of guests. For example, the name Michael. It consists of 6 letters.

    We put 6 gifts in a special bag for each letter. For example: M - soap; And - figs; X - halva; A - orange; And - toffee; L - lemon. The players are given small tips. The participant of the game who guessed the object becomes the winner.

    Game without additional props "Guard"

    This is a simple game, no props are needed here, it will deliver a lot of unforgettable emotions in every company.

    • Players are divided into pairs;
    • Each is given a piece of paper and a pencil. A word is written on a leaf, any noun. You can make up to 20 words in total;
    • The leaves are folded into an opaque container or bag. One participant holds the bag and takes out the pieces of paper one by one, explaining the item written on paper to the partner without saying its name aloud. For example, "orange" is "a round edible fruit."
      If the partner guesses the word, then the turn of the next piece of paper comes.

    Each pair of participants has only 20 seconds to solve, then the capacity goes to the next pair of players.

    The task is complicated by the fact that in this short time it is necessary to solve as many words as possible. Players gesticulate, stutter, stutter, and this generates a sea of ​​laughter.

    Amusing contests held on the day of the name day "Awkwardness"

    These fun birthday party contests are based on a random word match that can reveal all the secrets of the players.

    A sudden "truth" can not only amuse everyone, but also reveal the secrets that are deep in the subconscious.

    Asked a question and get an answer on the sheets

    The terms of the game are clear from its name. Questions and answers are written on pieces of paper, and laid out with the text down into two piles. The first participant takes out a piece of paper with a question and assigns another player who takes out a piece of paper with an answer and reads it aloud. Then everything is repeated from the beginning.

    During this contest, you will learn the most unexpected secrets of your friends.

    Making a story with the alphabet

    In front of the participants of this game, cards are laid out on which all the letters of the alphabet are written. The first participant takes out one card with a letter, and the remaining players call this letter by word, but this must be done in such a way that the result is a funny story.

    For example, on the letter "K": "Kuzma was steeply rolling towards the cat when someone threw a ladle." The more cool and resourceful the players are, the funnier the game will be.

    Find the missing words in the guest story

    The host of the competition writes a story in advance, in which all the heroes are guests of the holiday. However, in this story some words are missing, their participants must come up with them themselves.

    Each player in turn says the word that is not in the text. It can be: a verb, a noun, or an adjective.

    The most unusual combinations and turnovers. The main thing is to be funny! When the words are all inserted, the general work is read aloud.

    Noun and adjective in the game

    In this game, the principle is the same as in the previous one. The last participant in the row names the word, saying what kind it is (feminine or masculine). For example, "Sideboard". Then all the players, in turn, say adjectives-epithets. The last player calls the hidden word.

    The result is: "A beautiful, charming, nasty, cute, extravagant sideboard." The competition runs pretty quickly. All participants change places.

    "Now in my pants ..."

    The idea of ​​the game is not revealed to the last. All players sit in a circle. Each participant tells the person on the left the name of any TV show, movie or cartoon. The participant remembers, but gives the next player a different name, and so on.

    Then the host of the competition tells each player to say "In my pants ..." and name the film, the title of which he heard from a neighbor.

    Imagine how much laughter the guests will have when they hear that "Leopold the Cat" or "Friends" is hiding in the indicated place.

    Creative contests for friends "Reveal your talents"

    The games presented below will help to reveal the talent, artistic and creative abilities of its participants.

    As a result, they can be identified as the funniest and most talented.

    Dance while sitting and have fun

    Participants in this competition sit on chairs in the center of the room. The groovy music kicks in and they start dancing while sitting. The presenter names those parts of the body that should be dancing at the moment.

    For example, “Now we dance with our eyes, lips, then with eyebrows, then with our feet,” and so on. The audience determines who dances better on the chair.

    Try to make laugh princesses

    Some time is given for this competition. If all the princesses-non-laughing managed to laugh, then their rivals win, and if not, then the winners become not laughing.

    Become a real sculptor and create a masterpiece

    You will need plasticine for this competition. One player names any letter of the alphabet, and the other players must mold an object from plasticine to a given letter.

    Funny game "Mouth full of candy"

    This game is quite popular. She needs small candies. Players put candy in their mouths and say, "Happy birthday!"

    Then the turn of the next candy comes and the same congratulation is repeated. The winner is the participant who, with a large amount of sweets, pronounces this phrase most clearly and legibly.

    Observe Coordination in the Tower Spotting Game

    This game is not for the faint of heart. The most favorable moment to start it is when the guests drank a little, but they can still maintain coordination.

    A "tower" is made from domino plates. They must be put with the letter "P". Then the second, third floor is erected, and so on. All participants put on one disc.

    The player who accidentally smashed the "tower" is poured an additional portion of alcohol.

    Who will collect the puzzles faster

    For this competition, you will need 54-piece puzzles, you can choose a larger version. Players are divided into two teams and collect a picture based on speed. Collecting puzzles for a long time can tire players. So the main thing here is not to overdo it.

    The most popular game for adults "Pantomime"

    This game is very common, everyone knows and loves it since childhood. It is suitable for different age groups. Its other names are "Cow", "Crocodile". You can play as a team or alone.

    The facilitator chooses one person from each group and gives him a word. Initially, these are simple names for objects or animals.

    Then the tasks get harder. The words are more difficult to guess. Such as: "deposit"; "reality"; "hatred"; "London"; "Africa". Each player must show their friends what it is without making a sound. For the guessed word, the team is awarded a point.

    Whose Toast Is Better At The Celebration

    Not a single celebration, especially a birthday, is complete without toasts. However, not everyone is able and willing to speak them. Greetings usually boil down to banal wishes of "health, happiness and love." In order for the wishes to become original, it is necessary to say toasts on the following conditions:

    • Say birthday wishes in a thematic style. It all depends on the contingent of the assembled company. There may be congratulations in the style of "Alice in Wonderland", "lads" with thieves' vocabulary or using the works of Tolkien;
    • Congratulations that say about food: “Let everything be in chocolate”;
    • Composing poetic congratulations;
    • Congratulations related to the animal world "Fast as a doe!";
    • Make a toast in a foreign language;
    • Congratulate the birthday boy using various words taken from the ceiling. For example, the moon, book, shoes, director, airplane, etc .;

    Assignments are written on paper and distributed to everyone present. The list can be long.

    A fairy tale about a birthday boy

    Participants are divided into two teams of the same composition. Everyone writes words on paper. The latter should be devoted to some topic.

    So, one group writes down the words associated with "Birthday". Another team describes the character of the hero of the occasion, the events of his life, comes up with associations associated with him.

    Guests can be divided into women's and men's teams. Then women describe men (courage, courage, gentleman). And men are their companions (grace, beauty, femininity).

    Then the players change records. The sheets are turned with the clean side up. In turn, the players take out the leaves and come up with a sentence with the given word. The team should have a coherent story. Then it is the turn of the other team.

    Guess what's on the plate

    This competition is held with meals. The presenter speaks the letter of the alphabet, and each participant must quickly name the product that is on his plate.

    In this game, you cannot name the letters: "i", "e", "b", "b", "s". The player who guesses first becomes the leader.

    If no one calls a word by this letter, then he will receive a gift. To hold a festive event, you need to prepare for a long time in advance. It is necessary to purchase a lot of products, from which to prepare a lot of different food.

    Guests can be asked to help prepare competition program... They can bring props or crafts with them. But just don’t let them know what you have planned.

    Let it be a surprise for them. Any celebration will become original and memorable if you approach its preparation with all your heart.

    Birthday party contests will give the guests of the holiday an opportunity to get to know each other better and learn more about the birthday person. Entertaining quizzes and humorous auctions will amuse everyone present. Fun games at the table will help guests of the celebration to have a good time and relax.

      Game "Guess who I am"

      All guests of the holiday participate in the game. The facilitator gives each player a piece of paper and a pen. Participants must write on them their own distinctive feature, which is not striking: a dominant character trait, the presence of an unusual mole or any other sign by which a guest can be identified. After that, they fold all the leaves, and the presenter collects them in a box. Then he goes with her to the birthday boy. The hero of the occasion pulls out the notes one by one from the box and tries to guess the person by the description. Guests should not give themselves away until the birthday person guesses himself. Guessed people can help the hero of the occasion in identification.

      All guests of the holiday participate in the competition. The host divides them equally into 2 teams and places them on opposite sides of the table. To one group of players, he gives four queens from the deck of cards, to the other - four kings.

      The first participant in the chain puts one card to his lips and, drawing in air, holds it. Then he turns to the next player, who must take the card in the same way. You cannot help with your hands. The second participant passes the card to the third, and so on, until the end of the chain. If the card falls during the transfer, it is returned to the previous player, and he again passes it.

      When the first card reaches the last participant in the chain, the first player begins to pass the second card, and so on, until all four cards are in the hands of the last participant.

      The team that passes all the cards faster wins.

      Anyone can participate in the competition. Each participant is given an album sheet and a pencil and their hands are tied behind. After that, they begin to draw an object that they would like to present to the hero of the occasion. The difficulty of the task is that you need to draw not with your hands, but with your teeth. After the participants' works are ready, the birthday person tries to guess what is drawn in the picture. In the end, he chooses the most talented artist. He becomes the winner.

      The purpose of the competition is to draw and cut a lid to the container (can, bottle, box) presented at a certain distance on sheets of paper (cardboard) as accurately as possible. The winner is the one whose lid most closely matches the container.

      The competition can be held in different variations. One person draws and cuts a lid for only one container or for all of them at once, and then the results of the participating players are compared for a more accurate coincidence of the lids.

      A great addition to the competition is to come up with special names for the caps based on their purpose.

      Another option is to use only one container, and hold a competition for speed and accuracy at the same time.

      Small souvenirs can be put in bottle jars in advance. Then the competition will become much more interesting and exciting, because this prize will go to the winning player.

      Before starting the game, you need to prepare the props:

      • various containers (glass, plastic);
      • sheets of paper (cardboard) - by the number of containers;
      • pens, pencils, markers;
      • scissors (for cutting out the drawn cover).
    • Anyone can participate in the competition. The presenter names three words that are not related in meaning. The task of the participants is to compose a meaningful sentence using the proposed words (words are allowed to be inflected).

      For example, the presenter names a set of words such as "Birthday", "bear", "lipstick". Players can make such sentences: "The bear celebrated its birthday, and found lipstick in the forest on the way home", "For the birthday, the guests presented a piece of bear skin and red lipstick."