Alexey Kuznetsov. Belykh expels a witness from the courtroom New place of work Aleksey Borisovich Kuznetsov

Private teacher officially registered as individual entrepreneur, has gone from a school teacher of chemistry and biology to a senior teacher at several universities. Now he focused only on private teaching activities. This allows you to better prepare for classes, work out the material methodically. It also takes a lot of time to think about psychological issues with students. Therefore, classes are always, in addition to purely educational tasks, aimed at upbringing, and at development, and at the removal of some complexes, self-doubt, fear of failure and other psychological problems.

The range of subjects and disciplines that I teach is wide, and these are not just words, but the result of many years of work in 3 jobs at once in educational institutions of different levels.
For schoolchildren in chemistry it is offered:

  • inorganic, organic chemistry;
  • separately - the methodology for solving problems;
  • drawing up chemical equations of any complexity.
    For students:
  • general, inorganic, organic, analytical, biological, physical and colloidal chemistry, as well as chemical technology.

In biology for schoolchildren, you can find out almost any information about:

  • viruses, bacteria, plants, fungi, lichens.
    Vast experience in teaching human biology: anatomy, physiology, hygiene, valeology.
    General biology.
    Students can contact if they need help with:
  • botany, zoology of invertebrates and vertebrates, microbiology, virology, normal anatomy, human physiology, zoogeography and geobotany.
    Sections of modern biology - genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry.
    A separate discipline at the junction of natural and technical sciences is biotechnology (cellular, tissue, genetic).

V last years I am actively mastering geography to conduct tutoring in this subject. Now I work as part of the school curriculum from grades 6 to 11, without preparing for exams in the USE format. In the future, this will also happen.

In addition to private students, I am happy to work with home-schooled students or those who receive an external education. In this case, the payment may be less, according to the possibilities of the legal representatives of the child or the student himself.

My main qualities are responsibility, honesty, decency, which I value in the people with whom I have the honor to communicate. The basic rule of my success: we establish psychological contact with the student, and exclusively business relations with the parents.
In addition to the actual classes, I set tasks to develop other children's abilities: logical and abstract thinking, the ability to think and draw conclusions, I bring up attention to people, love and admiration for nature and people. Children enjoy my activities. They are happy and looking forward to new activities. You can be sure that every minute of the lesson and every ruble of payment is worked out 100%. After a course of classes, any child begins to understand much better chemistry, biology, geography, the world around him and grows up in matters of morality and ethics.

Participant of the webinar-marathon of PROFI.RU "Tutor's School".

Leningrad State Regional University named after A.S. Pushkin, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Geography, Service and Tourism, specialty - teacher of chemistry and biology, 2000
An experience:
Tutoring experience - 21 years.
Teaching experience (Alexander Nevsky Gymnasium and St. Petersburg State University of Economics) - 19 years.
Lecturer, private educational institution "Eureka-Lyceum" - 1 year.

An officially registered tutor is an individual entrepreneur.

Alexey B. Kuznetsov(born August 25) - Russian statesman, politician. Vice Governor of the Kirov Region since 2012. And about. Governor of the Kirov region - and. O. the chairman of the government of the Kirov region from June 27 to July 28, 2016.



In 1994-2004. - worked in the Volgo-Vyatka bank of Sberbank of Russia (held the positions of engineer, deputy director of the department of informatics and automation of banking operations).

In 2004-2005. - Head of the Banking Technologies Department of the Volgo-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

In 2005-2008. - Director of the Internal Control Department for the Volgo-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

2008 - 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Volgo-Vyatka Bank - Manager of the Kirov branch No. 8612 of Sberbank of Russia.

Political activity

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An excerpt characterizing Kuznetsov, Alexey Borisovich

At the appointed hour of dinner, however, Prince Andrey was already entering Speransky's own small house near the Tauride Garden. In the parquet dining room of a small house, distinguished by its extraordinary cleanliness (reminiscent of monastic cleanliness), Prince Andrey, who was somewhat late, had already found at five o'clock the whole society of this petit comite, Speransky's intimate acquaintances, who had gathered. There was no one for the ladies except Speransky's little daughter (with a long face like her father) and her governess. The guests were Gervais, Magnitsky and Stolypin. Even from the hallway, Prince Andrei heard loud voices and a clear, clear laughter - a laughter similar to the one with which one laughs on stage. Someone, in a voice similar to Speransky's, distinctly beat back: ha ... ha ... ha ... Prince Andrei had never heard Speransky's laughter, and this ringing, subtle laughter of a statesman strangely struck him.
Prince Andrew entered the dining room. The whole company stood between two windows at a small table with a snack. Speransky in a gray tailcoat with a star, apparently in that still white waistcoat and high white tie, which he wore at the famous meeting of the State Council, with a cheerful face stood at the table. The guests surrounded him. Magnitsky, referring to Mikhail Mikhailovich, told an anecdote. Speransky listened, laughing forward at what Magnitsky would say. As Prince Andrey entered the room, Magnitsky's words were again drowned out by laughter. Stolypin pounded loudly, chewing on a piece of bread and cheese; Gervais hissed with a quiet laugh, and Speransky laughed subtly, distinctly.
Speransky, still laughing, gave Prince Andrey his white, gentle hand.
“I’m very glad to see you, prince,” he said. - Wait a minute ... he turned to Magnitsky, interrupting his story. - We have an agreement today: a dinner of pleasure, and not a word about business. - And he again turned to the narrator, and again laughed.
Prince Andrey listened to his laughter with surprise and sadness of disappointment and looked at the laughing Speransky. It was not Speransky, but a different person, it seemed to Prince Andrey. Everything that had previously seemed mysterious and attractive to Prince Andrey in Speranskoye suddenly became clear and unattractive to him.
At the table the conversation did not stop for a moment and seemed to consist of a collection of funny anecdotes. Magnitsky had not yet finished his story when someone else declared his readiness to tell something that was even funnier. For the most part, the jokes concerned, if not the service world itself, then the officials. It seemed that in this society the insignificance of these persons was so finally decided that the only attitude towards them could only be good-naturedly comic. Speransky told how, at this morning's council, when a deaf dignitary was asked about his opinion, this dignitary replied that he was of the same opinion. Gervais told the whole case about the audit, remarkable for the nonsense of all actors... Stolypin stammering intervened in the conversation and eagerly began to talk about abuses old order things, threatening to make the conversation serious. Magnitsky began to mock Stolypin's fervor, Gervais put in a joke and the conversation again took its former, cheerful direction.

On January 10, Presnensky Court continued to interrogate defense witnesses. Vice-President of the Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Andrey Usenko was summoned by the lawyer as director charitable foundation"Vyatka". Why discuss funds? The fact is that the state prosecution is critical of the version of the transfer of money by Yuri Sudgeimer for the needs of Kirov.

Lack of money funds

The Vyatka Foundation was created to implement projects in the field of city improvement and to support social and economic projects in the humanitarian sphere. Money could be deposited only in rubles and only by bank transfer - there was no physical cash register.

The fund was assigned two major projects: the restoration of the facades of buildings in the historical part of the region (the preliminary budget is 23 million rubles, the project for the facades is up to the end of September 2016) and the development and installation of fountains in the summer of 2016. The second, "due to the circumstances," was not implemented. "

According to Andrei Leonidovich, they had previously agreed to install the fountains near the Puppet Theater and in the Novovyatsky District. As of June 21, 2016 (on this day, a meeting was held in the government on this matter) there was a pre-design solution from a Moscow organization - it contained a draft design, technical and budget. The total amount of funding was about 10 or 11 million rubles.

On June 21, it was reported that 20 million rubles were not enough for the facades - only 3 million were collected from the fund, and money was also needed for fountains. According to Mediazona, Grokhotov asked Usenko to describe Belykh's reaction to the fact that there was clearly not enough money by June 21. “Well, according to my feelings, Nikita Yuryevich was surprised, because at that moment a small amount was collected,” he replied. Then the ex-governor told the witness to sign an agreement on the project with the fountains - "the money will go to the account by the end of June." Where exactly, did not specify.

The money was never credited to the account. The project dragged on and was not fully implemented, design work ended only in August, by that time the funds of the Vyatka fund were enough for only four facades.

White and business

Andrei Usenko said in the Presnensky courtroom that he has great respect for both Belykh personally and for the period when he was in charge of the region: in the fact that these changes are occurring and will occur. Moreover, for a large number of people, citizens, residents of the region. I believe that during the period when Nikita Yuryevich was the governor, the region made a serious movement forward in a number of areas - infrastructure, the development of relations between society and the government, what I was specifically doing, in terms of economic indicators. "

At the request of the lawyer, Andrei Leonidovich characterized the attitude of Belykh to the problems of the business community. “I will not say that it was an ideal relationship. It is clear that business has its own interests, the authorities have their own, they do not always coincide, but at least the dialogue, interest in resolving situations, Nikita Yuryevich not only demonstrated, but also practiced, ”explained Usenko.
“You have to understand that the Kirov region is not the most attractive region in terms of investments. We have never had a queue of investors, we have always been in fierce competition with other regions, ”he added, calling the system of interaction with investors“ imperfect ”.

Exhibitions, days of the Kirov region were held in other regions, where the possibilities of the region were presented. “The general opinion of everyone who participated in these events was that it was possible not to bring representatives of enterprises, because Nikita Yuryevich himself led the governor of another region and told everything, he himself knew more about a certain enterprise than the sales manager of this enterprise,” - remembered the witness.

Kuznetsov replied "beautifully"

Belykh was summoned to the government of Alexei Kuznetsov. Prior to that, he headed the Kirov branch of Sberbank and worked with NLK as well. He now works for a subsidiary of Sberbank.

His words contradict Vladimir Sysolyatin's assessment of the state of the enterprise - he argued that the plant, in principle, is bankrupt. At the trial, Aleksey Borisovich pointed out: Sberbank was one of NLK's creditors, and its condition was assessed as satisfactory - if there was a loss, the enterprise could not be credited from them.

The ex-deputy chairman answered smoothly and calmly, but the prosecutor still asked to read out his previous testimony due to significant contradictions. As it turned out, initially Kuznetsov said that he decided that Belykh “was helping Sudgeimer in solving financial problems". The witness confirmed the testimony, explaining that this "can be described as methodological assistance."

We also read the words of the witness that Belykh had given instructions to agree on changes in the investment project. The testimony said that the governor demanded to make them profitable for enterprises and unprofitable for the region. Alexey Borisovich commented as follows: they say, these were value judgments, and now he believes that the operation of enterprises is beneficial to the region.

“You answer beautifully there,” the prosecutor remarked to him. Kuznetsov, writes Mediazona, in response lamented that during interrogation (then he was still acting governor) everything seemed to him differently than now. Now he is confident that the situation with the NLC was not the most serious.

The prosecutor went further and read: Kuznetsov told the investigator that he had informed Nikita Yuryevich about the poor performance of the investment project, and the governor knew about it. The ex-deputy chairman of the court explained: at the time of his testimony, he believed that the governor knew that, according to two of the seven criteria, NLK and MC Leskhoz did not fulfill the required requirements.

He noted that the instructions for changes were given, but it is impossible to change projects instantly. “A year looks like a fairly objective term for me,” he said.
"Can the witness leave the courtroom?" the judge asked at the end. “You can even kick him out,” responded Belykh.

Another level

Meanwhile, Kuznetsov gave the former boss a completely flattering description. According to him, it was not easy to work with Belykh: demanding and tough, "the tasks he set exceeded my wildest expectations."

“Before that, I worked for almost 20 years at Sberbank, this is a different level. The tasks set by Belykh seemed unsolvable. If we intend to teach computer literacy to people of retirement age and discussed 20 thousand people, then Nikita Yuryevich spoke about 100 thousand in three years. We fought, discussed and went to carry out, ”he said. Despite the difficulties, the witness added, Belykh's orders were being carried out. On the whole, Alexey Kuznetsov described the work of Nikita Yuryevich as positive.

An unpleasant coincidence

30.01.2012 5089

The whole country recognized the new deputy chairman of the government of the Kirov region and ex-banker Alexei Kuznetsov on his very first working day in his new position. The harsh televised dialogue between Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Deputy Governor over high utility tariffs in Novovyatsk stirred up the whole the Russian public... Moreover, another reason for the pilgrimage of federal journalists to the region for new "fried facts" has appeared. However, Aleksey Borisovich believes that there are no "facts", "conspiracies" and "scandals". And there is just a coincidence, though unpleasant.

Change of positions
Alexey Borisovich, let me congratulate you on your appointment as Deputy Prime Minister. Let's start with your assignment.
- When I first read your interview questions, on the one hand, they made me relatively happy, but on the other hand, I thought you were joking ... Because, it seems to me, it is unlikely that the governor would persuade someone to take such a post ...

Why is that? The regional government today lacks qualified management personnel. And this is not a secret for anyone.
- In fact, it turned out that a lot coincided. With Nikita Yuryevich, we discussed such a potential possibility since September, and as a result, we planned to postpone this issue to a later time, since the timing of the project, which ex-deputy chairman Eduard Noskov planned to transfer to, was not clear. Nobody was in a hurry ... As soon as everything worked out, I immediately received an official offer, so I didn't have to persuade anyone. For me, this appointment is another opportunity to expand my managerial experience, to acquire new competencies from the point of view of public administration. There was no doubt about this decision.

But after all, they must have seriously lost in income, having taken this post.
- This is the only thing that I have lost, I do not hide. I have worked in the bank for almost 20 years, I have gone from an ordinary programmer to a top manager federal level... And for me, interest in life, interest in work has always played a predominant role. The level of income may be of significant importance, but the opportunities for self-development and personal growth, the opportunities that a new position provides, the challenges that have appeared in life, outweighed the importance of income. Those who know me well and understand my philosophy were not at all surprised. The material component is far from the main thing in life.

Do I understand correctly that a "ceiling" has come for you at Sberbank?
- It's hard to say ... No, of course, a career at Sberbank could have been longer, I think there was still a gap for growth. Certain developments and the prevailing outlook began to embarrass me. That is, moving further up the career ladder at Sberbank, I, as a person, would have received little, only one thing would have changed - the level of income. I think you understand what I'm talking about.

To whom was the management of the almost native bank left?
- For the time being, my duties will be fulfilled ... or rather, my former deputy, Anatoly Nikolaevich Merkulov, will be in charge, and the decision on the appointment will be made in Moscow, as is always done, in accordance with the personnel policy of Sberbank. I do not know the last name of this person, and today - believe me, I am not flirting, no one knows.

One of your deputies is the son of another deputy chairman of the government, Alexei Kotlyachkov. Rumor has it that the chair was vacated specifically for him for a specific purpose ...
- True, one of my deputies is, as I call him, Alexei Kotlyachkov Jr. The likelihood of him occupying my chair today is very unlikely. He deals with a very complex block of issues in the bank - problem assets, those loans that are not serviced. In Russian speaking, he is engaged in knocking out debts.

Challenges and scandals
You replaced in this post Eduard Noskov, who was in charge of industry. At the same time, judging by the statements of the governor, he expects from you, first of all, the advancement of such directions as “ e-government"And" information society ". Who is now specifically in charge of the industry?

- Georgy Machekhin was responsible for the industry as well. The blocks that I supervise are "construction" and " electronic Russia". There is still a block economic development, "Innovative and investment priority projects". Projects related to investment policy, banks, interaction with large investors - they are coordinated by me, since this topic is close to economics. But the actual development of industry, as it was in the duties of Georgy Nikolaevich, remained the same.

What specific tasks did the governor set for you in the first place?
- There are several of them. First, we need to close the gap in the area of ​​e-government. Until today, there was no detailed enough regulatory framework, there were no opportunities, no specialists, even a specialized department that would deal with this issue, too. All these organizational tasks I am just beginning to solve. To this end, we have already concluded a framework agreement with Rostelecom, the federal operator for the provision of services in in electronic format... Since I am a programmer and have worked at Sberbank for 12 years in this capacity, the above problems are well understood by me. For example, today at three o'clock I will go to Rostelecom myself and will, as they say, “on myself” experience how they work with the population, how a person can get an activation code, an access code to a public services portal, and so on. The other day I specially registered on this portal, without announcing it to them. The next main task is a block of capital and investment-intensive projects being implemented in the region in the near future. They are all voiced and shown to the public. There is also such a global task - it is to increase the efficiency of government bodies and, accordingly, to improve the position in the ratings, which are made by the Ministry of Regional Development.

Alexey Borisovich, once again returning to your appointment. On your very first working day, you became famous throughout the country by participating in a conference call with the prime minister. How unexpected was this turn of the meeting for you?
- He was completely unexpected for me. Before the meeting, a standard questionnaire is issued with several dozen questions that are most relevant at the moment. Accordingly, I was preparing for them. And, of course, when the question about tariffs in Novovyatsk was raised, I was not physically ready for it. In fact, the topic was exhausted, this issue was closed back in December. Accordingly, I, having taken a new position only in January, probably would never have learned about him, if not for this remark by Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Did you know at that time that the topic was closed?
- No, I didn't. Moreover, the specialists and managers who were with me in the studio were not aware of the situation. Of course, someone heard something, but the information that was given to me in the first two minutes did not allow the Prime Minister to answer something in essence. Therefore, I had to move away from the answer.

Wasn't it scary?
- It was stress, of course. But not from communicating with the top officials of the state, but from the fact that I was not ready for the question. During my work, I had a lot of people to communicate with, including with German Gref (he is also a rather tough person, so the dialogue itself was not a problem). By the way, within a week after the conference call, colleagues from all over Russia, whom I know from Sberbank, called me with words of support.

On Twitter, you unsubscribed that your children learned from their classmates that their dad was “scolded by Putin” ...
- Yes, my children told my wife about this story, because, in fact, my wife was at home, and the children, in turn, learned about the situation from SMS messages from schoolmates. My eldest son even tried to write something to me during the selector ... Mom was very worried about me ...

How do you think, how did the prime minister get the information about the inflated tariffs in Novovyatsk, and even a little belatedly?
“I'm not a conspiracy theorist. It is very likely that before the New Year someone was in a hurry to prepare information without rechecking it for "freshness" ... You know, at the meeting very big block issues related to the satisfaction of the population. And I do not exclude that all this could be a banal coincidence: Nikita Belykh is on an agreed vacation, Vladimir Vladimirovich does not know this, and outdated information about inflated tariffs was provided unintentionally. Perhaps this is what caused a certain irritation of the country's leader, which is why such a tough dialogue took place, which journalists subsequently began to work out. If everything was really so, then this is a normal working moment. If this topic is ordered by someone ... then I would prefer not to comment on it. The things that we discussed with the governor after what happened do not allow us to draw a conclusion about the nature of the order.

Don't you think that someone is rocking the chair under the governor? I think you are aware of the federal TV companies that were visiting us the other day ...
- This cannot be ruled out, but it seems to me that for him, as a high-level policy, this is familiar, work situation... Of course, I am aware of the arrival and active work of federal TV channels, but I leave the political background behind brackets. Because, firstly, I am not a politician, but an economist and do not have sufficient competence to assess what happened; secondly, knowing in what haste the New Year's meetings may be prepared, I do not exclude that there could be a simple coincidence. But unpleasant.

From engineer to banker
As far as I know, you are a software engineer by education. How did it happen that the banking sector captivated you more than technology, so much so that you even received additional financial education and eventually took the post of the head of Sberbank?
- Again, by accident. Once, walking along one of the pedestrian streets of Nizhny Novgorod, I met an institute friend (it was 1993 in the yard, the institute was finished about three months ago). He invited me to spend the evening with friends, and we went into a group of young people sitting at their computers (only later did I find out that it was Sberbank ...). And only later these guys offered me a job at Sberbank. So, in the end, I ended up in the largest bank in Russia.

Nikita Yuryevich especially noted your communicative qualities, namely, the ability to negotiate with all interested parties. Can you take credit for anything else during your work at Sberbank?
- Do you know what I'm proud of? You can, of course, talk for a long time about the economy of the Kirov branch, which has changed a lot, about ratings or positions in the market. The fact that for a number of products we have virtually no competitors left. By the way, I now designate this to the governor as a threat, and he laughs and says: but you with my own hands did it. But, believe me, this is not the merit. The other day I had a business lunch with the managers of Sberbank branches in the Kirov region, whom I had not seen for 1.5 months. The warm words they said to me, the sincere human feelings that their teams convey, are dear to me. This is the merit - we managed to create a workable, effective team that has achieved high results. Therefore, I always say that it is important for a manager to be not so much a professional as a person who understands how to unite people and achieve results. In addition, I was the only manager at Sberbank who did not have an economic education. But this is not merit, this is such a "trick".

By the way, some entrepreneurs consider today's interest rates on loans for legal entities simply unaffordable, which not only do not stimulate business development, but, on the contrary, stifle it.
- I have never agreed with this opinion, because Sberbank has many clients, I personally have many acquaintances of entrepreneurs, and we constantly discuss this topic at work meetings. You know, the problems are not connected with the availability of banking resources, not with interest rates, but with the fact that banks in today's conditions cannot afford to work with an opaque business. If an entrepreneur in fact "optimizes" his taxation, hides the actual number of employees in order not to pay personal income tax or something else, does not switch to legal transparent calculations, then for him the interest rates in any bank will be incredibly high. Because the bank cannot afford the risk of working with an opaque client. Banks that give "expensive" money simply compensate for their risks.
My wife often reproaches me for being "missionary" when she hears conversations at meetings with my friends. “You have already tortured everyone to teach how to live correctly, they will never become like that, a different mentality,” she says. Nevertheless, I believe that any entrepreneur needs to grow, and this growth should be reflected not in the size of his car, but in an increase in the transparency and legalization of the business.

I cannot but ask you, as a specialist in the financial sphere, the economic forecast for the coming year. Will the second wave of the crisis cover it or not?
- I am now very closely following what is happening in Davos. Of course, we still need to wait for a high-quality translation in order to give some estimates and forecasts, but the comments already indicate that there is a crisis and a rather serious one. Given the fact that all crises in Russia are experienced differently than in Europe or the United States, I would say that it will be necessary to closely monitor the economic reactions that appear in the next presidential term. And it is still very difficult to make a forecast. I think more or less everything will be cleared up by the summer. I have a saying for this case (although I was accused of plagiarism for it, but I really came up with it myself): "The economic crisis of 2008 showed that astrology is a much more exact science than economics." None of the luminaries of economics could predict the situation with relative accuracy, except, perhaps, one ... and even that they did not listen.

Svetlana Muravyova
[email protected]

Alexey Kuznetsov
Date and place of birth: August 25, 1971, Gorky
Education: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (specialty - software engineer)
Graduate School of Management under the MBA program ("Organization Management")
Business Development Institute ("stock market basic course")
Has a qualification certificate federal service on financial markets.
1994-2004 - Volgo-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of Russia (from engineer to Deputy Director of the Department of Informatics and Automation of Banking Operations).
2004-2005 - Head of the Banking Technologies Department of the Volgo-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of Russia.
2005-2008 - Director of the Internal Control Department for the Volgo-Vyatka Bank of Sberbank of Russia.
2008 - 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Volgo-Vyatka Bank - Manager of the Kirov branch No. 8612 of Sberbank of Russia.
From January 1, 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kirov Region
Marital status: married, two children
Hobbies: spoil your children and drive a car.
Favorite literature: Murakami, "Illusions" by Richard Bach
Favorite music: Rammstein, Apex Twin, BG and Butusov
Favorite food: mother's “herring under a fur coat”
Motto: "What was conceived must come true"