How to learn how to successfully sell mattresses. Business idea: to sell Mattresses. The more springs in the block, the higher the orthopedic effect of the mattress

And you still don’t know about the 8 stages of sales techniques, you should be ashamed. It is a shame so much that the study of this article for you should rise to the level of the prayer "Our Father". But you may have a counter question: "Why should I know them, if even without them we have sold and are selling well?" Quite reasonable!

Indeed, why do you need to know them, because you know less - you sleep better. And it will be easier for competitors to sell their products, right?

What should be the stages

Knowledge is power, friends. Strength in understanding what separates first place from second place in competition. Okay stop! I went into philosophy.

Let's get back to the topic “How to sell well and quickly”. To reach a new milestone, you need to use 8 stages of sales. According to the classics, we know of them only five stages (knowing does not mean understanding):

  1. Establishing contact;
  2. Identifying needs and goals;
  3. Presentation;
  4. Work with objections;
  5. Closing the deal.

For many successful deals, these 5 main stages are enough, but we recommend always adding three more with our clients.

And it's not about quantity, but about the quality and efficiency of transactions. By the way, these stages are very simple, most likely you even use them unconsciously in your work:

  1. Upsell;
  2. Taking contacts / recommendations.

All of these eight stages of client management are certainly classics in trading. These are the main stages of the sales process.

It was not my task to surprise you or discover America. With my material, I will put everything on the shelves and present the most important things. But remember, learning to sell from books is the same as soccer - impossible. Any theory should be put into practice within 72 hours.

Sales rules

I remember the slogan of a computer game in 2000: "The main rule is no rules." But this is not our case.

Even if we work with real people and they have seven Fridays a week, all the same, for everything to go smoothly for you, you need to adhere to certain sales rules:

  • Strict consistency. You move from top to bottom in stages and nothing else;
  • Don't skip steps. Each step is a lead to the next, so one does not exist without the other;
  • Customization for the client. Each sale has its own characteristics and must be taken into account;
  • Full execution. You do each step not for show, but for the result.

All these rules are unspoken, but in my opinion they are very important. Now you may not attach any value to them, but all this is due to the lack of a full understanding of each stage.

Sales Technique Stages

We constantly see examples of how the “smartest”, at their discretion, throw blocks out of the sequence and believe that this will be more correct. Naturally, the most uncomfortable or labor-intensive stages are eliminated.

But you and I know that each stage carries an exorbitant value and must be performed correctly. Therefore, we analyze the description of each step separately and never again make such misunderstandings.

Stage 1. Establishing contact

In less advanced third world countries, when you enter a store or call on the phone, without a greeting, they immediately say from the doorway: “What do you need, dear?”

I hope Russia will not slide down to that (although I am sure we have this too). But still, before you start identifying the need, you need to establish contact with the client. Here are your options for duty phrases:

  1. When calling:"Good day. In-scale company. My name is Nikita. Listen to you?"
  2. When meeting in trading floor : "Hello. My name is Nikita. If you have any questions, please contact. "
  3. When meeting with a client:Good morning... My name is Nikita. In-scale company. Since we have met, then, as I understand it, you have a potential interest in our proposal? "

This is a very simple and primitive step. But nevertheless, it is necessary and has its own nuances. For example, when making an outgoing call, it is very important for us to say hello, otherwise the client will simply hang up the phone with the words “Another manager”.

Also, for example, in the case of sales on the trading floor, we need to show with our greeting that we will not "sell" anything now, but simply greet the person.

Of course, the contact does not end there, one might even say it is just beginning, because during the entire sale we must continue to get closer to the client every second. But within the framework of this entire article, I will not be able to reveal all the nuances of each stage, because, depending on the situation, they will be different. Therefore, be sure to read our materials as well.

Stage 2. Identification of needs

“What do you need, dear?” - Let's return to this phrase and adapt it to the realities.

In fact, we want to get the answer to this question in the block of identifying needs, but since clients are not very talkative, or cannot explain what they need without clarifying questions, at this step we ask questions.

Since most craftsmen try to skip this block, I want to repeat MANY, MANY, MANY times that it is the most important. If you identify the need correctly, then you will not have any problems with further steps, everything will go like a knife through butter, like skates on ice, like a marker on a board, like ... I hope you understand me.

We ask questions in order to get plenty of information about the client's “wishes”. We ask not one, not two, not three questions, but four or more.

I also specifically focus on this, because one question cannot reveal everything. Therefore, for lovers ready-made solutions I recommend asking at least 4 questions from a series:

  • For what purposes do you select?
  • And what is the most important thing for you when choosing?
  • Do you have any color / shape / size preferences?
  • Why are you interested in this particular model?

Important. In order for the client to respond compliantly to you, program him with the following phrase: “Joseph Batkovich, in order for me to choose the best conditions / suitable option for you, I will ask a few clarifying questions. Good?"

Depending on the case of sales, your questions may prevail both open and closed.

That's right, it didn't seem to you. According to the majority, one should always ask open questions... But this is not always true. For example, at the beginning of a personal conversation (at a meeting or in the sales area) it is better to start with closed questions (the answer is “Yes” or “No”), since the client is not yet tuned in to an open and full-fledged conversation.

On a note. To make this stage look alive, after some questions, you need to insert your comments about the client's response or make mini-mini presentations about the product.

Stage 3. Presentation

You will be just the perfect manager if you use the knowledge gained from the previous step in this step. You need to show the best solution for the client based on the information received.

Depending on the case, you present either one product or several of the most suitable ones. But there should not be too many of them so that the client does not get confused (see the video below).

To make a truly great presentation, you need to know the product well. If you are an owner, then you will not have any problems with this. In the case of employees, problems can come from all sides, therefore it is recommended to constantly carry out certification for knowledge of the product.

And by the way, where the final action will be a presentation on the Elevator Pitch technology.

It would seem such a simple stage, but it requires extensive preparatory steps. As I said, you need to learn information about your product, you also need to take small courses in acting and public speaking, and all this should be reinforced by studying books on human psychology. To make it easier for you to get started, here are three very important presentation rules:

  1. Speak the customer's language... Use his words, phrases, sentences. This way he will understand you better and perceive you as a “soul mate”;
  2. Name more than properties... But also . People do not always understand what properties mean and what exactly is its benefit;
  3. Use the "you-approach"... That is, you will receive / For you / for you. More mentions of the client rather than yourself (I / We / Us) will give more meaning.

These rules are just three stones in the quarry. But on the other hand, you saw that everything is not so simple.

And yes, any presentation should be closed with a question or a call to prevent the client from retreating or taking over the initiative. Moreover, these actions can be both prompting to close the deal (“Let's go to the cashier”), or simply clarifying (“What do you say?”).

Stage 4. Dealing with objections

Stage 5. Up-sell / Cross-sell

After working out all the objections, we have two options for events: the client, after a series of doubts and choices, agrees (almost agrees) to the purchase or is dear to him. We do not consider the option “Not suitable”, since you must have a lot for this case, otherwise your business is not built correctly from the beginning.

In the case when the client is "Expensive", moreover, this is a fact, and not a hidden objection, we offer him a more profitable option for his budget.

And when the client has made a decision to purchase, we definitely need to offer him to consider a more expensive alternative, thereby the company's profit. Offering a cheaper alternative is not a big deal, and besides, it is easier to sell this way.

But with (transferring to an expensive product), everything is much more complicated. And don't even think of saying that you can offer a more expensive product even at the presentation stage. This is also logical, but not always true.

If the client initially doubts, then we need to first convince him of the purchase, and only then transfer to a more expensive product. Indeed, in some sales, especially in cold ones, it is much more important to warm up the excitement for purchases at the start, to make the client enter this state and decide that he will work with you.

And only then, when the level of trust has grown, the “warm” one can be shown a more beneficial solution for you.

Stage 6. Closing the deal

All the client's doubts are closed, and logically, we only need to say where to carry the money. But in reality we see a different situation: managers are playing for time so as not to get rejected. But in fact, the client is already ready and just waiting for you to finally pull yourself together and tell him what to do next.

This stage - the stage of completing the transaction - is the most imperceptible, since it consists of several words and two variants of events. We either use a closing question or a call to action.

Depending on the context and the level of trust in you as a person and a professional, you will choose which is more suitable in a particular case:

  1. The appeal: "Take it, you will definitely be satisfied."
  2. The appeal: "Give me things, I will help you bring them to the checkout."
  3. Question: "Will you pick up yourself or will we arrange delivery?"
  4. Question: "Do you still have any questions or can I send the contract for approval?"

In our practice, we found about 15 variants of calls and the same number of closing questions in sales. This is not the limit, but this list is enough in 99% of cases. And for you, this means that too much creativity is not needed here. You just need to collect a list of suitable options for yourself and use as needed.

The only thing I want to emphasize at the end of the sale is to avoid closing questions that make the client think.

Among the most common - "We make out?" and "Will you take?" The problem with such questions is that you only worsen the situation, because the client begins to think whether to take or not take (but sometimes there are exceptions).

Stage 7. Upsell

I believe that every company should have an additional upsell. This will make it rational for employees to sell even more in pieces and names.

Moreover, as you already understood, it is advisable to do this when the client has already fully agreed to purchase the main product and takes it for sure. It is precisely at this moment that he needs to be offered to buy something that will probably come in handy for him.

I have seen how some businesses live only on additional sales. They sell the basic solution to zero, and all the money comes from additional goods and services. In such companies, this stage is mandatory and is punishable by dismissal. But for all its importance, it happens unobtrusively, in one phrase and no more than 3 times per dialogue:

  1. Many of our clients take ____ to ____;
  2. Pay attention also to ____, maybe this will also be relevant for you;
  3. By the way, you might have forgotten ___, I want to remind you of this.

In most cases, sellers do not sell out, because they forget what to sell for (and of course, due to the lack of additional motivation).

Therefore, in this case, we always offer different solutions: from trainings to exams. For example, for one of our clients, we have implemented a whole table of upsells, where you can see what can be sold for each product category.


It seems that everything, you can let go of the client, but our soldier does not give up, he goes alone to the last and takes the client's contacts so that in the future it is possible to contact him and return him to himself for repeated sales.

This is done at the final stage, when everything, everything has already been agreed and even the money has been transferred into the hands. Globally, we recommend taking contacts even from customers who have not bought.

What for? It's simple - if he didn't buy now, it doesn't mean that he won't buy later, when we start working with him via SMS, and a dozen other marketing tools.

And right away for those who believe that he has no repeat sales or the client will not return, I dare to disappoint you. In any business there are repeat purchases, you just haven't realized it yet. And for those who already understand this, I recommend that you study or at least watch the video below to make sure that this is very important.

Well, if you do not like the idea of ​​collecting contacts, then in addition to this, you can ask whom he can recommend, who may still need your services or goods.

Thus, you can collect a potential base 3 times faster, besides, a call on the recommendation of a client is always appreciated more than just like that.

Briefly about the main

Finally, we have reached the final of sales and this article, I don’t know about you, but I’m very tired of writing it. But now I feel such satisfaction, the sales manager should feel exactly the same after going through all 8 stages of the sales technique (+1 - “Farewell”). Since most likely the client, after passing through this one, simply will not be able to say “No” and leave.

Surely you now have a lot of questions in your head like “How not to forget all this?”, “How not to miss any of the stages?”, “How to ask the question correctly?”, “How to sell?”, Or “How to work out objections and not to miss the client? ”.

I will tell you one thing - theory will not help you without practice. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, try and draw your own conclusions. We study in the same way and do not consider ourselves ideal in this matter.

V active sales ah goods and services, the sale itself is conditionally divided into stages of sales and usually there are five classic stages, these are stages of sales starting from establishing contact and ending with the completion of the transaction.

Sales steps guide for b2b managers:

The stages in sales are considered to be five or 7, 10, 12 or even 13, but this is a conditional division into sales stages of a technique for better memorization, because the sale itself is exactly the sales process, that is, the manager makes certain actions.

In addition, some actions, depending on the situation, can be completely skipped and still get the desired result.

In fact, at our trainings, we cut the entire process of active sales into separate frames, we make such a minute-by-minute storyboard of the entire sales process.

Therefore, we have each of these five classic stages of sales divided into several more smaller stages, one or two short, specific phrases that you use in a live dialogue with the client.

We do this in order to make it easier for you to remember the sales technique of the stages from the first contact to the completion of the transaction and to quickly master the sales skills themselves, in fact, this is one of the chips of our sales school.

Let's go back to the classic division into sales stages.

Usually, a manager needs to do all these steps one step at a time, sequentially, this is a classic sales manager's technique, then he can get the result.

The result is to sell, that is, to get money from the client "for that super-duper vacuum cleaner or nano-excavator" that you usually sell to the client.

But life is such a thing that everything always does not go according to plan and this is absolutely normal.

Therefore, some stages in some sales for one reason or another in real life with a real client are skipped or cut down, or changed places. Some stages can be swapped and skipped, some cannot. More on this below.

These five classic stages of b2b sales are a pattern of the ideal sale, a kind of plan that is better to follow, bearing in mind that in real life everything will definitely not go according to plan.

The basic idea is that when there is a plan, which means you are prepared, so when you are prepared, it is very easy to improvise.

If, for example, you work in a car dealership (MVideo, Leroy Merlin) and sell cars (vacuum cleaners, mowers), and a client stands in front of you with money and begs to sell him a car faster (vacuum cleaner, mower), because football starts at the stadium in an hour. Don't force him to do a test drive.

Take the money, hell with this test drive, let him have time for football.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that if the customer does not like you (sales stage # 1 Establishing contact), then he will not sell, he will buy elsewhere. Why? Because a person usually buys from someone who he likes and does not buy from someone he does not like.

Therefore, before selling, you first need to please the client.

Establishing contact - sales stages # 1.

How to do it? Very simple. In the first 1-5 minutes of the meeting, you can easily solve this problem.

There is a three-plus rule when making contact.

It says: in order to please a stranger, you need to evoke positive emotions in him at least three times. You can easily do this with:

  1. Non-verbal behavior (including smiling)
  2. Make a compliment
  3. Ask a question like "tell me YES!"

Establishing contact is also greatly facilitated by a business suit (it will be much more difficult to sell in fins and a diving mask), polished boots, a confident voice and friendliness to the client.

After you have established a positive contact (this is about five minutes of time), you move on to the second stage of sales, Identifying Needs.

Just make sure you have the boss in front of you. Both the security guard, the driver, and the secretary can be interesting interlocutors, only you will not sell them anything, because they have no money, the boss has all the money. Who is a decision maker and how to correctly ask him the question "hey, are you the boss uncle?" ...

Identifying needs - sales stages for salespeople # 2.

You sell this stage of sales by phone or in person must be before the presentation stage, otherwise the deal is considered a failure.

The main problem of many sellers is that they immediately start presenting their product, telling how super and duper it is.

They usually do this knowing the stages of the sale, but they do it out of fear that they will have nothing to say to the client. If you do not talk about a product or service, then what is there to talk about ?! They are afraid of an awkward pause, silence, so they immediately begin to chatter, quickly give the client a lot of characteristics of their product.

Lazy salespeople love the stage of identifying needs. Lazy in the best sense of the word.

The more the client says, the more chances you have of selling him your super duper [your product name here].

The trick at the stage of identifying needs is to ask certain questions in a certain sequence and to be able to assent to the client (active listening) so that he answers the questions with pleasure.

The recipe in a nutshell is this: about 20 questions, no more, basically these are open questions, a little closed, a little alternative and a pinch of closed.

After you have completed the research phase and figured out for what idea the client will part with his money and buy [your product name here], you move on to the next sales stage, the presentation stage.

Product presentation - sales stages # 3.

Here, too, everything is simple. At the presentation stage, you simply repeat the thought that is valuable to the client and for which he is ready to fork out and conclude a deal with you. He told you about this himself at the research stage.

By the way, a presentation is not a PowerPoint presentation. A presentation is any convenient place where you can "show the product with your face": in a restaurant, on a hunt, in a sauna, finally in an elevator, a car, etc. etc.

The trick is that you express an idea voiced by the client with specially composed phrases, which are called phrases in HPV sales (FAB).

These phrases link the characterization of your product to a specific customer benefit. With the benefit of this particular client of a particular Ivan Ivanovich, and not all clients similar to Ivan Ivanovich who usually buy your ideal and wonderful [here is the name of your product].

There should be no more than 5-7 such phrases in the presentation of your product, the client will no longer be able to perceive.

Be sure to tell the client colorful stories about third parties at the presentation stage. About how cool it was with one of your customers, who bought from you, or how everything was covered with a copper basin from another, because he did not buy on time.

These are selling bikes. All sellers tell them, successful professional sellers have 10-20 prepared selling tales (video).

At our trainings, we teach how to tell selling stories, this is a special technique, it is used in politics, psychiatry and sermons in churches, that is, where the speaker's speech should convince other people of something. Yes, well, we also teach you this at trainings.

After you have made a presentation, in the classic division of sales stages, there is a stage of overcoming objections.

Overcoming objections - stages of selling goods and services №4.

In fact, working with objections is needed at any stage of the sale of goods or services that you are selling. The task of the seller is to anticipate customer disagreements by reducing their total number at all stages of interaction with the customer. Well, for those "no" that still remained, it is competent to cope with them.

The client will certainly argue and resist, the sale is made only after five or six "no" of the client is an established medical fact.

The main chip that helps to successfully overcome these obstacles on your way at the stage of selling goods or services # 4 is “agreement” with the client.

It doesn't matter what the client says, we "agree" with him.

We need his money, not a medal with the inscription "I [your name is here] is right!" we don't need such a medal, do we?

Here important point, please note - we are not agreeing with what the client says. Not with his words, but with the fact that "yes, my friend, you have the right to think so."

We show the client that we respect his opinion, whatever it may be. The client has the right to his personal opinion, we recognize this right, and then we apply a special algorithm to overcome his "no".

How to agree with a client who says "... your plastic windows are of poor quality"?

Very simple.

"Petr Ivanovich, I agree with you that the issue of quality when choosing a plastic window is very important ...." and then you go on, putting forward an argument FOR.

That is, when answering the objection, not boxing "The fool himself", but aikido.

In every industry, clients disagree on my experiences as a salesperson and sales coach in different ways. Well, simply because they sell windows, another customer sells steel pipes, the third one sells yellow bulldozers.

Well, see for yourself:

Why do you have such expensive windows?

Why do you have such expensive steel pipes?

Why do you have such expensive yellow bulldozers?

See, they cast a little.

But regardless of the industry, there are about 20 - 30 of the most common "no", no more. That is, every time the same "no", everything is very simple, whether it is sales of cars, trucks or power equipment, sales of houses from a bar, sales shop equipment or sales of services.

Once you've done it and overcome the client no, you move on to closing the deal.

Completion of the transaction - sales stages # 5.

At the stage of completion of the transaction, you simply gently nudge the client towards what it is time to buy.

Of course, there are small nuances of how to do this, but the general meaning is this: stop presenting when it's time to finish. Easily go to the completion of the transaction, invite the customer to make a purchase.

There are several simple techniques for doing this, for example such as a sample:

After you've done your presentation, you make a short summary of what was said:

“So we looked at this and that, Petr Ivanovich, tell me, which of this did you like the most? (PAUSE, waiting for the client's response).

Usually the client liked at least something, otherwise he would have kicked you out the door long ago. Here the client, seeing that you have stopped and expecting some kind of answer from him, understands that he must give birth to something in response, he says something like: "Well, you have that shiny crap on your tractor / mower / intergalactic the vacuum cleaner [here in general, the name of your product] seems to be nothing. " Then you ask the following question

How do you like it in general? (PAUSE, waiting for the client's response)

Once the client liked at least something, then in general it will be easier for him to convince himself that he likes your whole whole [here is the name of your product], so the client usually answers this question also positively or hums approvingly or nods in agreement head. Next, you ask the following question

Peter Ivanovich, Do you want to clarify something? (PAUSE, waiting for the client's response)

If yes, please clarify, if not, then ...

"Pyotr Ivanovich, I am very glad that you liked everything, and then the only question left for us to discuss ..." further some particulars (for example, self-pickup or our delivery?)

PS So that the topic of 5 stages of sales is better deposited in my head, here is a video not about sales, about positive ☺

test a friend for a positive attitude towards life, send a link on the video to a work colleague ☺

Sales stages - Executive Summary, i.e. PPPS, or more simply - ZYYY.

The Sales Stages will help you remember the sequence of what needs to be done in order to sell and effectively apply these stages of the sales technique in real work with your customers.

When selling, remember that your bonuses are not only in this first sale, but also in many repeated ones. Therefore, do not promise too much, meet the expectations of customers and you will be happy.

In sales trainings, we memorize with visual images (imagine now a polar bear wearing a yellow soccer jersey with "Just Do It." Written on the chest).

The images are generally something like this, sometimes a little less decent, help to quickly remember the necessary information for many (but not for everyone - if a bear in a T-shirt is OK, it will help you, if not OK, then it's okay too - it's just not your method), we have others ...

Without a needs identification step, your presentation is not worth a dime. Find out what the client is ready to buy for and sell him his idea.

By stage 2, we give two question methods for identifying needs and a couple of useful tips for them, and by stage 3, one technique "we speak the language of benefits and benefits."

This is very brief about stages of sales, the most important thing for a sales manager to remember is that the sweetest customers are regular customers.

Why regular customers the sweetest

Because they do not need to be looked for as new ones (you already have all their phones, passwords and accounts), and they do not need to be strongly persuaded, they come and buy again and again, and again and again you get your bonuses for them.

In order for the client to make a second purchase, remember that your task is not to correct * your product to him, but to sell something that will solve the client's problem. Then he will be satisfied and will come to you again, buy again and thus bring you your bonuses again.

* To steam it means to promise, muddle, confuse, lie three boxes. Say, for example, that with the help of this new nano-application on the iPhone, you can now seduce any girl. Who would refuse such an application? No one. Everyone will buy. And what's next? They will stuff the face and the second time they will not buy the software from you, you will need to look for new l ... v.

Shhhhh !, this is the secret of the profession of sales managers

Salespeople who take life too seriously and try to do everything right usually earn less than those who are a bully in life (Shhhh !, this is the secret of the sales profession, no one will tell you about it).

It is good business to meet the needs of the people. This is understandable without further ado. If a person has a need and you can fill it, then such a business will live. Today I want to talk to you about how to sell orthopedic mattresses. This business idea came to me 5-6 years ago, when I first bought a cool mattress. It turned out that sleeping on a good mattress is much more pleasant. A person spends a third of his life in a dream. Have you thought about this? A third of your life. How much it? If a person is destined to live 85 years, then he will spend more than 28 years in a dream. Yes, I agree that many of them still have incorrect life priorities and many do not pay any attention to the time of sleep. Later, when prosperity comes, people begin to think about personal comfort. But while questions of survival, the dream remains a little behind. What to do? Shouldn't you be in this business? You know, I've learned to inspire people to buy good beds, mattresses, bed linens and duvets and down pillows. How did this happen? First, I started using it myself. Secondly, I began to ask many of my acquaintances what they sleep on. When I found out the quite expected answer, I asked them the question: "Do you know that you spend 28 years of your life in a dream?" A few minutes later, my friends asked what I was sleeping on and where I bought it. By the way, I am not in this business. I just sleep in a good bed. I have orthopedic mattresses and good pillows in my house. I am sure that the seller who sold me a good bed is very pleased, as now many friends buy from him. But given that I am doing business on the Internet, and I am writing this article for my site "Business Ideas", I suggest looking at the idea of ​​creating a store selling mattresses over the Internet.

Business idea - sale of mattresses

You will need your site. It is very easy to create a website. This does not require money or any complex programming knowledge. I talk about creating sites for free on my site You will need a supplier of good orthopedic mattresses. There are also many solutions to this issue. One option is Sleep Time, which sells consul mattresses. They work not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of Russia. Contact them, sign a contract and start looking for clients. If you don't want to work with them, just go to the Google search engine and ask around. In the first positions will be the site "Sleep Time", and below other competitors. Search, as they say, and you will find. Delivery and warranty will be carried out by the supplier company, and your task is to promote your website and search for customers. How much money do you need for this idea? As with many internet-related business ideas, almost no money is needed. At least 50 dollars, at most 5 thousand. All investments will be used to promote the website. Site author,

Doing a business selling bedding products is a rational decision. Products of this class belong to the category of highly demanded. Even in a crisis, people think about where to buy a mattress and bedding. Moreover, the mattress can be safely attributed to the category of premium goods. Branded models made with orthopedic inlays are expensive and attract the consumer's attention.

What do you need to start a mattress business?

The main task of an entrepreneur is to choose a trading platform. This can be a stationary market or an online store. Working in virtual space is practical. This is a promising investment that pays off quickly and involves a minimum of risks. Minimum money is required to organize an online salon. In case of failure and loss will be minimal.

It is not necessary to focus on foreign products. Branded mattresses are expensive, and the fastidious buyer is unlikely to be ready to entrust their money to an unknown store. The products of Russian and Ukrainian companies are cheaper, and the quality of domestic brands is no worse. In addition, most "local" manufacturers are willing to contact dealers.

Benefits of orthopedic models

Orthopedic mattresses are sold at a predictable premium. This product is special and also useful. Back problems are familiar to every second inhabitant of the planet. An orthopedic bed becomes an optimal and versatile solution.

European manufacturers use advanced technologies in the preparation of products. We are talking about electric massagers, eco-friendly fabrics, a large number of auxiliary options and settings. You can make big money on these mattresses. However, we must not forget about advertising. Promoting a rare commodity during the global crisis is not an easy task.

Inflatable products have definitely become popular due to their compactness. The demand for such furniture is growing exponentially. It is not surprising, because when folded, such products take up minimal space. Their …

After a busy day, you always want to relax in comfort, wake up in the morning with good mood and full of strength... The key to this is mattresses, on which a person spends almost half of his life. The value of springless structures ...

A pillow is one of the most useful and essential textiles, which greatly affects the quality of sleep. Your well-being, mood and physical condition depend on good and proper sleep. What is filled with ...

The first thing that will not be here and that is extremely necessary is a description of the mattresses themselves. Without a description of the product, its characteristics, properties, it is impossible to effectively sell a comparison between specific samples.

But the characteristics of specific models are too individual. But sales techniques are universal.

Feature of the price of mattresses

A characteristic feature of this product is the need to purchase it approximately once every 8-10 years. This means that the buyer, with a high degree of probability, can count on the value that was 8-10 years ago. That is, if the client has not studied the market, we may face price objections.

Also, the high cost of production may seem more expensive than what is in his head (too expensive).

A token can be used to justify a high price. For example:

Cost - 30 thousand rubles

Approximate service life - 10 years

That is, the cost of one sleep is 8.21 rubles! (30,000 / 10/365 = 8.21)

The cost of a loaf of bread is ~ 20 rubles, a pack of chips is ~ 70 rubles. And a good sleep, mood, health is priceless (or it costs several times more).

Deal structure

  • Identifying needs and motives
  • Suggest options (usually two options)
  • Offer to try (lie down)
  • Help in choosing
  • Complex sale, additional offer
  • Completion of the transaction

Identifying needs and motives

The tool to help us is questions.

For example, it is important to know what kind of weight load on the mattress you are talking about. That is, how much the client weighs (it's like with doctors - it's not about tact). Do not exceed the maximum load calculated for your particular model.

You also need to understand what kind of bed the buyer has. If the bed has a slatted base, consisting of slats (slats in the form of strips), then you need to know the approximate distance between the slats. And if this distance is more than 6 cm, then the maximum permissible load should be 25% more.

Otherwise, the springs will fall into the clearances and the service life will be significantly reduced. By the way - good information to demonstrate expertise.

We ask questions according to the following scheme:

Situational - problematic

First, we get general information, then we clarify, with a focus on identifying the problem. If there is a problem, the solution is also interesting.


  • For whom are they watching? What size do you need? What is the weight of the future owner? What are they sleeping on now? What kind of bed?
  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • How many hours do you sleep?


  • Why change? What's important?
  • If they do not sleep well, what is the reason?
  • If they sleep a lot, how often do they wake up? For what reason (hot, uncomfortable)?
  • If not enough, then why?

What motives our buyers might have:

  • Novelty
  • Prestige
  • Comfort
  • Health
  • Security
  • Saving

This is beyond the needs. That is, this is how a specific need should be closed.

Motives are consistent with theory.

Additional sale

Suggest a pillow

Already at the presentation stage, you can start preparing for the additional sale. For example, pillows. It's easy to do - we make a presentation in a package. We offer the client to lie down on a mattress, put a pillow under his head.

Very subtle, delicate. We do not push like “buy this too”. We show how all this coolly complements each other.

Suggest a cover

Benefits to talk about:

  • As a rule, the cleanliness of the mattress is a prerequisite for maintaining the warranty. That is, the cover is not just an addition, but a necessity.
  • Thanks to the cover, the sheets do not roll. And this is comfort
  • The cover will help to double the service life
  • Provides protection against contamination
  • May Help Protect Against Allergies

And further

In general, the technique is not much different. This is the same sale of an expensive product. But we considered some of the nuances.

You need to be prepared that the client will not be ready to buy right away. If possible, we will finalize the deal on the spot. But direct pressure can do the opposite.

The cost of production is rather big, it may take time to think it over. And if it was not possible to dispel doubts, then we supply the visitor visual material or a directory. It would be a good idea to prepare video material, for example, for a YouTube channel.