Entertainment program for graduation 4 x class. Games and contests at the prom. Graduation contests for adults and children

It's funny entertainment which can be held after a ceremonial part or a traditional concert with poems and songs about primary school... If the teacher has leadership skills children's party, such a scenario of the 4th grade graduation will be quite fun.

Short description: fun contests named after famous shows and TV programs. Prepared numbers alternate with improvisation. Parents and teachers are expected to be actively involved. You do not need to use all the ideas, just choose the most suitable one. Can be combined with a banquet (guests and participants can sit at tables with treats). You can involve children in competitions, even if they sometimes replace the presenter.

If you're looking for fluid team contests to craft your own script, check out my collections of ideas:

(I remind you that we work in Moscow and the nearest cities of the Moscow region)

  • We will decorate the room with balls, flowers, paper pom-poms, light garlands, etc.
  • we will order a banner with the name of the school or class, photos of students or good wishes
  • we organize a buffet table for graduates, parents and teachers (if you are at school, we will provide food delivery and furniture rental)
  • show portfolio of photographers and videographers
  • we will provide sound and light equipment
  • we will offer a DJ and an interesting selection of dance music
  • we will help you order a themed cake (even in the form of your favorite school)
  • suggest interesting scenario(we have many themed holidays, there is a choice)
  • we will supplement the program with funny show numbers and special effects

Call us! All this is a constructor. Something is worth spending more, somewhere you can save. I have no doubt we will come to the right solution together!

10 years is a wonderful age, the children have matured a little, but they still want to play. Cooking prom in grade 4, it is necessary to draw up a graduation program so that it contains not only quizzes and intellectual contests that will help children express themselves, show off their knowledge, but also allow them to move.

When preparing graduation for grade 4 students, you should not focus on the table. Here it is enough to put on the tables paths of fruits, sweets, juices. Heavy food is not conducive to play, and the weather in May is not conducive to tea with cakes and pastries. In addition, do not forget that the holiday should not last more than 1.5-2 hours. But it should be memorable for children, original, no less than a New Year's party.

Particular attention must be paid to the decoration of the room where the graduation party will take place, or rather its playing part, and the musical design. It is these two factors that will allow children to quickly tune in to the game. When meeting children, it is better to use instrumental music rather than modern songs.

Club music, hard rock and large forms of classical music should also be avoided.

Musical arrangement will also be required for the contests. Quite interesting are the games for children on the reaction with live music, which can be provided by bayan players, accordionists. In the absence of the possibility of live music, it is necessary to make a selection of works that are most suitable for the nature of the competition in advance. The games that are played to modern arrangements of folk songs and small classical pieces look quite interesting.

Transition to mobile team competitions

Team game Snake If it is necessary to divide the children into 2 teams, you should not do it in one of the ways that physical education teachers use in the lessons or by the method of teachers, dividing the class list in half. Each of these methods will make the holiday formal. One way to make the team building process fun is with a snake game. Such an original version of the division will set the children up for team competitions.

Select 2 heads. The hosts of the holiday can become them. With words

I am a snake, a snake, a snake.

I'm crawling, crawling, crawling.

Do you want to be my tail?

"Heads" move around the hall.

The game continues until all the participants of the holiday are in one or another team. And most importantly, the children themselves, without knowing it, were divided into 2 teams. Now you can hold not only mobile contests, but also quizzes and creative competitions.

Table games

None of the playful moments for children in grade 4 should take more than 15 minutes. After this time, children's attention is lost. They need to be switched to the next game. Most often, after a particularly incendiary mobile competition, children need a little rest. To do this, they can be returned to the festive table. The most suitable table contests are word games. Pen and paper on the table with food are not very appropriate, so you need to conduct those games that do not require notes, but at the same time, the selection should be carried out so that everyone has the opportunity to participate.

An example would be games on the color or name of items related to a particular time of the year. The winner is the one who last named the item. If repetitions begin, it is better to finish the game or come up with a new water one.

A common theme can become a smooth transition from a calm game to a mobile one. The large hall for the event allows you to take a ball or a hoop as a props for competitions. Only prom games should be different from fun starts. It is better to use sports equipment here as an entourage for a creative task.

Creative contests

In elementary school, children had to read many books, meet new characters, but still for creative contests it is better to conduct 4th grade pupils based on fairy tales familiar to them from early childhood, in the heroes of which they can easily be reincarnated:

  • Gingerbread man;
  • Poached hen;
  • Golden comb cockerel;
  • Little Red Riding Hood;
  • Gingerbread man.

Preparing envelopes in advance with the task to remake a familiar fairy tale into new way by laying out several objects on the table (which do not coincide with the plots of the fairy tale), but allowing the children to use this props, after 10 minutes of preparing commands from a long-familiar fairy tale, a completely different original story will be obtained. Most likely, it will be not only interesting, but also funny. Children will discuss each other's works long after the end of the holiday.

Hall decoration as props for competitions

Balloon decoration

In decoration for the 4th grade graduation, as well as for other holidays, it is appropriate to use balls. But each element should be used in the game, so it will be easier to clean the room after the holiday and the desire of children to burst the ball will be justified.

In advance, assignments for graduation are printed on a sheet of paper, cut into strips and dipped into balls. The number of balls with assignments must match the number of students in the class. The draw in this competition is a ball that the child himself chooses.

An approximate list of tasks:

  • Sing "two cheerful geese lived with the grandmother", changing all vowels to "I", "U" or another vowel.
  • Say a tongue twister three times in a row.
  • To say without hesitation "jump with re-subversion".
  • Depict your friend's gait so that classmates recognize him.
  • Tell the tale "Turnip" in the first syllables of the words. This fantasies usually cause laughter, especially if the presenter reminds them in time that the story must be told with expression.

At the end of this block, you can hold a general competition "Tell poems with your hands." A convenient rhyme for memorization and illustration, which is first recited by the presenter, and then all the children recite it together:

A balloon flies, flies across the sky,

A ball flies across the sky.

And I know that this ball

Will fly to the sky.

  • First you need to skip the word "ball", replacing it with a movement representing a circle.
  • The second word "Flies" falls out - the flapping of the bird's wings are depicted by the hands.
  • Further "Sky". To replace it, you can simply point your finger up.
  • “I know” - children touch their temples with a finger.
  • "I" - indicate themselves.

At the last reading, the rhyme will sound:

- - on - -

on - - -

and - - that this -

before - before -

All other sounds will be replaced with gestures. Such a test for attentiveness will allow organizing contests for children of grade 4.

Final dance and play block of the holiday

To make a holiday original and unforgettable, you do not need large cash costs and invitations of clowns, which I must say, not all children perceive the same way. The main thing is that the presenters are as direct in the games as the children for whom they are held.

You need to start any game with the fact that the first driver standing in the circle is the host of the holiday.

The first mass dance competition can be held like this:

One person walks out the door. At this time, in the circle of the dancers, a person is selected who shows the dance movements to the others. Everyone dances the same way. The driver who came from behind the door, stands in the center of the circle. His task is to guess who changes the dancers' movements. With the right choice of a person, he goes out the door. If the answer is incorrect, there are two options - either a new driver is appointed from among the dancers, or the one who has not guessed again becomes one. This competition can last more than 15 minutes depending on the mood of the children.

To calm down the children a little without breaking the circle, you can slightly change the task for the driver. In a new game, he needs to carefully examine the person standing inside the circle before going out the door. The presenter of the holiday changes some details in the costume of the chosen person, the driver needs to determine what has changed. If this can be done, then the one in the center of the circle goes out the door.

A worthy conclusion to the holiday will be the "Stream", the round dance "Sakharinka" or "Letka-Enka".

The facilitator's final words should not sound like lecture or admonition. Suffice it to say that in September the school is again awaiting a class with its full complement, and each of the children is just as energetic and cheerful, having gained strength for the whole school year.

Video: Friendly 4th grade. Cheerful dance competition.

For children who graduate from primary school, graduation is just a holiday that will not even be remembered later. But for parents and teachers, this is an event that will be with them all their lives. To make the holiday brighter, we have new fun contests for the graduation in grade 4 elementary school. For children, it is better to hold contests in the classroom, since there is no point in going out. It may rain, and they will be there to indulge. So watch and play contests. And your graduation will be five-plus.

Catch the tail
Two children are involved. A pencil is tied to each participant's belt on a sufficiently long string. This is done so that the pencil is at the back and hangs not below the popliteal caps. This will be the tail. The task of the players is to catch the "tail" of the enemy and not let them catch theirs. All this can be accompanied by cheerful incendiary music.

By the way! Graduation is an event that needs to be filmed. But it's even better to come up with and make a real farewell video. See how others have already done it:

Game "Ten"
This game is modeled after the popular television game "One Hundred to One". Only naturally there are slightly different rules. And most importantly, preparation is needed. First, you need to interview the entire class and write down their responses to the following questions:
1. Favorite school subject
2. Why are you sitting in the first / last school desk
3. Why are you late for class?
4. What are you doing in the lesson?
5. What do you do during recess?
6. Why do parents come to school?
7. You are standing at the blackboard, but you are silent, why?
8. Why don't you have a diary today?
9. What comments does your teacher make to you most often?
Children can be interviewed one at a time so that the answers do not coincide. If you suddenly have difficulties with the answers, you can suggest or add something from yourself.
And then you need to rephrase these questions for the game:
1. What is the girls' favorite subject in school?
a. Everything is simple here: listing items
2. What is the boys' favorite school subject?
3. Why is the student sitting in the first / last class?
a. Answer options: teacher planted; he wanted to; does not want to be seen by the teacher; to hear everything; to sleep while the teacher does not see; to chat while the teacher does not see; because poor eyesight. Etc.
4. What reasons does a child come up with when he is late for class?
5. What are the students doing in the lesson?
a. Answer options: sit; write; listen to the teacher; chatting;
6. What do students do during recess?
7. Why do parents come to school?
a. Answer options: the director called for a conversation; came to the parent meeting; came to any event, holiday; came for the child; came to congratulate the teacher on the holiday; came to help. Etc.
8. The student stands at the blackboard, but is silent. Why?
a. Answer options: listens to the teacher's explanation; noise in the classroom; forgot what to say; because the assignment is written; because the teacher left the class. Etc.
9. How does a child respond when asked why there is no diary?
10. What comments does the teacher make to the students most often?
We have written approximate questions and answers to them, but you can add, and the imagination of children can be much more interesting.

Well, then the game itself begins. Parents are divided into two teams. A question is written on the board and underneath is the number of lines for answers. Further, everything is like a game: the first team members are called and they must give the correct answers to the question posed, whoever guesses the most gets as many points as his guessed answers give in total.
Then the next pair of parents is called. And so on until all questions are answered.
Children must not be prompted!
The team of those parents who scored the most points wins.

The game is he or she.
This is a joke game that is made to just have fun and relieve tension. It is simple to play - the host reads the verse, and the children must complete the lines correctly. That is, to say how it will be right HE or SHE. You will understand everything by reading the verse:

Portfolio competition
To the music in the class, the guys pass the portfolio. When the music stops, the one who has a briefcase in his hands should put his hand into it without looking and guess any object that is inside. If you've guessed right, the item is pulled out, and the game continues. If he guessed wrong, he is eliminated from the game. To complicate the game, you can put several textbooks on subjects that differ from each other in size, a notebook, a diary, a pencil case.

Secret letter game
A certain letter of the alphabet is set, which cannot be named. For example, the letter "H". And then the children take turns being asked questions, the answers to which contain this letter. And the guys have to find the answer without this letter. For example, to the question: "What do you write in a notebook?" there is the letter "H", so you can give the answer: school supplies. And to the question: "What class do you study in?" you can answer, "in the one that comes after the third." Etc. If someone cannot answer the question posed, he is out of the game, and the question is passed on to another. The winner is the one who finds the right answers without the "forbidden" letter.

Games and contests for graduates for the prom

Grand start High school prom includes such traditional moments as instructions, parting words, presentation of certificates of maturity, diplomas, diplomas, and memorable gifts. Graduates who have shown themselves in the social, sports life of the school are celebrated. It is better to continue the official part of the prom with a creative program. We suggest including the following contests and fun activities ...

School Contest

The competition is held in three rounds. All those present in the hall participate in the first round. Questions are asked in turn to each class or microgroup - sector, row, etc. Then all those who have given at least one correct answer are invited to the stage. They are first asked to answer questions in consultation with each other, and then each participant is asked separate questions. The title of expert and a special prize will be awarded to the one who gives the greatest number of correct answers.

Sample questions:

How old is our school?

How many classrooms are there in the school?

How many steps are there between the 2nd and 3rd floors?

How many windows are there in the corridor on the 2nd floor?

Do you open the door of the director's office from yourself or towards yourself?

What color are the curtains in the dining room?

How many hours are there in the hallways of the school?

Where do these paintings hang? (the presenter shows the participants exactly the same reproductions that hang in the school library, teachers' room, hall on the 2nd floor, etc.).

What is the size of the school desk? boards? window?

How much does a whole piece of chalk weigh?

What color is the math teacher's eyes (full name)?

Concert on request

The concert program is made up of well-known and beloved by everyone numbers amateur performances... Students, teachers and parents perform the numbers. The names of the numbers can be written on the back of the petals of a large chamomile, cut out of paper and colorfully decorated, or rolled into tubes and lowered into a colorful drum box. The presenters, breaking off the petals or pulling out paper tubes, determine the order of the numbers. They also announce on whose request the numbers will be executed. The concert, upon request, can take place in several stages (in the intervals between dance fragments).

TV program "Tonight"

This role-play is organized by a creative association of parents together with teachers and alumni. Necessary game attributes: a table on which a frame that imitates a TV screen is reinforced; microphones; splash plates with names of programs; musical emblems - phonograms recorded from television broadcasts or specially invented. A TV program may include:

"Vremya" - an informational program about the latest events in the country, city, school, the weather yesterday (comic information about the climatic conditions in the areas of school offices, where the graduates' exams took place, etc.).

"Kinopanorama" presenting slides and fragments of amateur video filming from different years. A special commentary will introduce those present to the "authors" of the scripts, "cameramen", "performers" of the main and secondary roles. The presenters will interview "actors", "directors", present advertisements for future films, highlight the events that gave rise to their creation.

Club “What? Where? When?" will invite teams of experts of different classes. They will be offered comic questions and tasks. Interesting prizes can be presented from the management, parents, employees of the canteen, health center, etc.

Sample questions:

Without what not to bake bread? (No crust.)

What's in the middle of the earth? (The letter "m".)

What is not found in cabbage, beets, or turnips, but in tomatoes and cucumbers? (The letter "o".)

How can water be carried in the sieve? (Frozen.)

Why does the rooster close its eyes when it sings? (He wants to show that he sings from memory.)

How does day and night end? (With a soft sign.)

"Song-201 ..." will introduce you to the "novelties" of the school's musical life. This can be a musical dialogue between the class teacher and parents and students; oratorio "Stages", presenting the stages of the school path passed by the graduates; lyric song "Remembrance"; comic rock opera "Ah", etc.

Dancing for everyone

During the dance program, the following may be announced:

Dance of peers (those born in the same month are united in a circle or in pairs);

Dance of teachers and students (each class dances with its own class teacher);

Dance of parents and graduates;

Dance of parents and teachers;

Dance of classmates (in each pair there should be representatives of different classes, for example, "A" and "B", "A" and "C", "B" and "C" ...).

Surprise autograph

Several young men are tasked with collecting autographs of girls and teachers within a certain time frame. Whoever collects more is the winner. While giving the name of the winner, the host suddenly announces that the autograph received is tantamount to the promise of a dance. This should be said tactfully and carefully so that not a single girl or teacher who gave the autograph would feel embarrassed.

Lucky number

To play the game, you need 10-15 balloons and the same amount of paper, about 13x18 cm in size. On each sheet, write one of the numbers from 1 to 9. Repeat three of them twice, for example, on two sheets of paper, write the numbers 3, 5, 7 - these will be the lucky numbers. The numbered sheets are nested inside the balls. During the next dance, balls are distributed to dancing couples (the most artistic, fun, etc.). Those who received the balls keep them until the end of the dance. At the end of the dance, couples with balls remain in the center of the hall. The presenter invites them to arrange a salute in honor of the prom (to burst the balloons), and then take turns to loudly name and show everyone the numbers that have dropped out. The numbers that have been repeated are happy. Their owners receive souvenirs.

Musical trickle

To play this game, you need to choose a melody, which will be a signal to split into pairs and form a "trickle". Everyone remembers the game "Stream" since childhood: you need to hold hands and lift them up. One participant, passing through the "trickle", chooses a pair for himself and stands at the end of the column, etc., there is a change of pairs. Then the music of the "stream" is replaced by any dance melody, and the guys dance with the one with whom they were paired. The familiar "stream" melody sounds again - the game is repeated again. This is done several times.

They don't dance in a hat

To carry out the game "They don't dance in a hat" you need 4 hats, preferably smart and beautiful: 2 - for boys, 2 - for girls. Hats should be comfortable, that is, those that will not ruin the hairstyle.

Music is playing. The guys dance in pairs. Two boys and two girls are wearing hats. They have the right to approach any couple and, having given the partner (or partner) a hat, continue the dance instead of him (her). There is no need to rush to take off the hat until a new partner is selected. The game continues until the end of the music.

Graduate Lottery

Graduates take lottery tickets at random or by lot. Several lottery rounds are held during the evening between dances.

First tour: Series Lottery. In the course of preparation, certain series are planned ("University", "Sports", "Health", "Remember me"), prizes are selected: (advertising posters educational institutions, candy "Sport", hematogen, 3-4 cards).

In the tickets, in addition to the serial number, the series must be indicated.

Second round: Lucky List. Only the name "Lucky List" is written on the tickets of the participants of this lottery round. For the drawing, a list of prizes is colorfully drawn up on a sheet of paper. The list is compiled in such a way that the recipient by name would not guess about the content of the prizes, for example:

Dream Prize. (All-Russian lottery tickets.)

Cheerfulness Prize. (A pack of tea of ​​the same name.)

Prize "Neither Fish nor Meat". (Nuts.)

A universal stain remover. (Soap.)

All year round prize. (Calendar.)

Each participant himself can choose one prize from the list.

Third round:"Delicious lottery". Participants in this round of the lottery have tickets with the name "Delicious Lottery" and serial numbers. Each participant can receive prizes of a delicious lottery from hawkers at special "prize tables". Here they can be offered different options for purchasing prizes, for example:

Purchase Prize: from 1 to 7 - cake; from 8 to 15 - ice cream; from 16 to 21 - sweets, etc.

A prize table can also be organized for participants in all games, competitions, quizzes.

Surprise prize: the participant takes a prize wrapped in a package, and the size of the package may not correspond to the size of the prize (in this case, the ticket number is not important).

Choice prize: There are as many prizes on the table as there are lottery tickets. The owner of ticket with number 1 gets the right to be the first to choose any prize, after him the prize (from the rest) is chosen by the one with ticket with number 2, etc.

Video film "Have we met somewhere?"

Video and photographic materials are taken as a basis on which graduates in different years my school life. Sound technicians select background music, announcers read a specially written interesting text (it can be humorous).

Sound writing

The letter is compiled by graduates at the graduation party from memories of the most memorable school days, wishes to teachers, "instructions" to future first graders, their children, etc.

Exam for teachers

The exam for teachers is prepared by graduates. They make up comic tickets for teachers, the questions and tasks of which must be answered in 30 seconds.

Sample questions and tasks:

What is the difference between students in grades 1 and 10?

Make a festive address to graduates, to one student (s), to parents, to colleagues (optional).

Insert the missing names: "Sports pride of the school ..."; "... the best student (s) in my subject." Give reasons for your answer.

List prominent people in high school graduation classes. How does the 201 ... issue differ from the previous years?

Make and justify the classification of schoolchildren late for lessons.

What literary characters can be used to express the joy of the students who passed the final exam?

The practical task is to expressively read poetry (they are handed out by the presenters).

Big choir

At the end of the official part of the prom, a joint large choir of students and parents can perform a new text of a song dedicated to the school and teachers to a familiar melody. It is better if the texts are printed out and distributed to everyone present in the hall, it is also great to prepare a small group of singers and conductor.

Work of holiday institutions

The photo studio "For memory", the recording hall "Goodbye", the radio center "At your request" will work throughout the evening. Here you can take a picture with friends, teachers (a special inscription will record a memorable day), make an application for the performance of any song or for a dedication number to someone, leave your wishes on audio and video tape, etc.

Competitions for the prom at school.

1 chupa chups

For this fun competition you need to prepare in advance lollipops or other caramel candies on a stick according to the number of participants. Call volunteers to participate in the competition (it is better if they are boys) and give them chupa-chups. The task of the participants is to say the phrase "I am a graduate" with a lollipop in their mouths. Those who have coped with this task are given a second chupa-chups, and now they need to say the phrase "I am a graduate of a secondary educational institution."

So the number of chupa-chups is gradually increasing, and the phrase is lengthening (you can add the school number, class, year of graduation, etc. to it). The winner is the one who holds out to the end and retains the clearest diction. Instead of chupa-chups, you can use caramels like "Barberry" or "Duchess" - this will simplify the task for the participants.


Draw a heart on a large Whatman paper. Sign "Graduate Heart". Use a razor blade to make 2 centimeters longitudinal incisions inside the heart. It is better to place the cuts not in straight lines, but randomly. Cut out small multi-colored hearts from cardboard (the number of cuts and hearts should be equal or slightly higher than the number of graduates).

Attach the poster securely to the wall. Place a table with hearts and handles next to it.

An explanation can be made on the poster: On the heart, each graduate will write the name of his favorite teacher and insert a heart into one common “Graduate Heart”.

By the end of the evening, the heart will look very beautiful (voluminous), and then teachers will be able to pick up the hearts that are addressed to them.


Graduates can be entertained with comic fortune telling. To do this, you will need a large hat and traditionally rolled fortune-telling leaves.

If there are not very many graduates, you can invite them to read the received prediction aloud, into a microphone. If there are a lot of graduates, it is better not to do this, as the competition will drag on and can become tiresome.

Examples of predictions:

You will see that physics can also be useful in everyday life!

You will prove from your own experience that money is not everything, but almost everything.

Real happiness awaits you.

Your entrepreneurial talent will deliver impressive results (even if you are not aware of it yet).

You will get the MOST higher education.

You will become the headmaster of the school you graduate from today.

You will greatly surprise those who are standing here next to you today.

At the Oscars, you'll be wearing pink ...

Taking part in a space flight as a tourist is not that expensive.

Pleasant surprises await you in all the capitals of the countries of the world.

Who you will be is unknown, but fans will flood you with flowers and letters.

Your dizzying career will begin with a photo on the cover of a magazine.

In your memoirs, you will write that sheer luck began with reading this prediction!

You will be shown on TV more often than the president.

You will have the rarest profession.

We'll see your face on the cover of Forbes.

You will become the owner of the world's largest private library.

Your knowledge will help save the lives of many people.

You will give the world a new kind of art.

You will make sensational discoveries in the field of child and adolescent psychology.

You will make our physical education teacher proud that he opened you up to big sport!

You will understand true human values ​​earlier than others.

Your children will come to study at this school.

  • You don't need predictions, you already know everything.

4. Playing with adjectives

The text of the congratulation is being prepared in advance. Where adjectives should be, there is an empty space. The presenter asks the audience to come up with adjectives that she writes in empty spaces of the text. Then he reads the resulting text.

____ (1) ______ our teachers!


1. Musical numbers.

Everyone is dancing, I say a number, the music stops, everyone has to stand in groups, according to the number of people that corresponds to the number. The excess is eliminated.

2. Locomotives. 3 locomotives (the tallest and strongest guys). Girls and boys are attached to them, holding on to the belt. They dance to music without breaking up.

3. Object in a circle. The object is passed, the melody stops, for whom the object is removed from the game.

4. "Superfluous" ... During the fast composition, the players walk in a dance circle. As soon as there is a pause in the music, the players must grab one of the candies lying on the floor (there are one fewer of them than the players). The player who did not get the candy is eliminated from the game. (He or Carlson is given one candy.)

5. "Callsign" ... Each team comes up with a funny call sign: "Uh-huh", "Ha-ha-ha" or "Be-be-be". One of the players is blindfolded, and then during the composition, the players will loudly shout their callsign, dancing in a common circle. And the team captains must gather their team members in one place.

6 stream

Prom games and contests don't have to be super original. Sometimes old proven games are the most fun. For example, "Stream". Everyone knows this game and everyone will be happy to play it - both children and adults. Just in case, we will remind you of the rules of the game.

Players are divided into pairs (preferably a boy-girl, but not necessary). Couples stand one after another in a column, hold hands and raise them above their heads - it turns out a kind of corridor. The player left without a pair goes to the beginning of the "stream", walks along the corridor and looks for a pair. Having stopped his choice on someone, he takes him by the hands and leads him to the end of the "stream". The player who was taken away from the pair goes to the "source of the stream", and everything repeats. It is best to play this game at a fast pace and with music.

7. Dancing with balls

To conduct this competition, you will need balloons - one for each pair of participants, and of course music.
Couples are formed from the number of participants, moreover, not necessarily heterosexual - there will still be no close contact between the dancers.
Each pair is given a balloon that is placed between the players. As soon as the music starts, the couples begin to dance, holding the ball with their bellies. Those who could not hold the ball are eliminated from the competition. Also, those who held the ball too tightly and it burst are eliminated. A couple who touch the ball with their hands will also be disqualified.
The last couple wins.

8. "Coordination"

The presenter invites the players to "salute" with their right hand, while simultaneously extending their left hand forward with a protruding thumb, while loudly saying "Wo!" Then clap your hands once and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

Awkward situations will cause a storm of laughter.

9. “Werewolves ”(Eg: Black Jungle Month - White Desert Sun)

Fairy tales.

A) black sock - Little Red Riding Hood.

B) square - Kolobok.

C) skyscraper - Teremok.

D) one bee - Three bears.

D) radish - Turnip.

E) mouse without slippers - Puss in boots.

G) humpless camel - the Little Humpbacked Horse.

H) Edik in an ordinary village - Alice in Wonderland.

10. Game "Guess the melody".

First team.

1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis. ("Somewhere in this world")

2. A song about a city as quiet as a dream. ("City of Childhood")

3. A song about a great desire to eat potatoes and a reluctance to work. ("Antoshka")

4. A song about a harmless pet that the whole house hated. ("Black cat")

Second team.

1. A song about using a smile as electricity. ("From a smile")

2. A song about a country where you can meet a firebird and a golden horse. ("Little country ")

3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers. ("We're going, we're going, we're going ...")

4. A song about a strange eared creature that every mongrel knows. ("Cheburashka")

Theater impromptu at the prom.

"About the graduate"

Once you were very little, and we told you fairy tales. Do not think that this time has passed, now you will have such an opportunity - to tell a fairy tale.

Everything characters, when mentioning their character, they say the phrases:

Graduate - "What am I? I am nothing ...",
Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",
Head teacher - "What's going on here?"
Classroom teacher - "They are good for me!"
Mamanya - "Where is the school looking ?!"
Daddy - "He will receive a belt!"
classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Graduate ... So he would have lived quietly for himself, but overwhelmed the Graduate ... Laziness-mother ... The first to worry was the Director of the School ... And the Graduate to him ... All because she whispered in his ear Lazy mother ... .. The director of the school ... called the Class teacher ... The class teacher ... .. went to the Graduate ... .. But only that mother Laziness is still whispering ... Then the Headmaster ...... called Mommy ...... Let's go Mommy…. and the Headmaster ... ... to the Headmaster ... ..And the Headmaster said ...... And the Headmaster replied ...... And Mamania said ..... To which the Graduate replied .... Because she was whispering in his ear Laziness -mother ..... Mamania went ... ..for Daddy ...... Daddy came ... .., Mamania ... .., the class teacher ...... and the Director ...... to the Graduate ... ... And the Graduate to them ..... And Laziness-mother to him ..... And Daddy jerked .. .... for Odnoklassniki ......, because any business in a team can be solved better. Classmates came running ... .. And I would like to tell them Laziness-mother ... .., but only at first the Director said ... ... then he added the Class Teacher ... .. Mamania spoke ... Daddy shouted loudly ... ..After that Odnoklassniki entered the dispute ... ..To which the Graduate replied ... ...

Graduate - "What am I? I am nothing ...",

Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",

Headmaster - "What's going on here?"

Class teacher - "They are good for me!"

Mamania - "Where does the school only look ?!"

Daddy - "He'll get a belt!"

Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Farewell autograph of 4th graders,

____ (1) ______ our teachers!
On this _____ (2) _____ day of farewell to school, I want to say the most ___ (3) __ words.
For 10 years ______ (4) __ school life there were a lot of ___ (5) ___ minutes.
We will never forget you, our ___ (6) ___ teachers!
We, your _____ (7) __ students, wish you today ___ (8) __ health, more __ (9) __ minutes in your life,
__ (10) ____ students, and let ____ (11) ____ smile always shine on your faces.
With love and respect, your ___ (12) ____ children