Determination of indicators of the assortment of goods. Determination of the assortment structure Characteristics of the main indicators of the assortment

Assortment structure- the composition of product groups and other divisions included in the assortment, as well as the quantitative ratio between them. In other words, the assortment structure is the percentage of certain sets of products to their total number.

It is characterized by the specific share of each type or name of goods in the total set.

The assortment structure can be expressed both in natural and in relative terms.

Completeness of assortment- the ratio of the number of the actual number of varieties of goods (available for sale) to the basic number of goods. From this definition, we can conclude that the completeness of the assortment gives an idea of ​​the "saturation" of the goods available for sale.

Express the completeness of the assortment through the coefficient of completeness Kp assortment, which is determined by the formula:

K p = B f / B n

where In f- the actual number of types of goods at the time of inspection, units; In n- the number of species provided for by the assortment list, supply agreement, standards, etc., units.

Range of assortment- the number of names, product groups, that is, assortment divisions.

The breadth of the assortment is determined by the number of product groups and is estimated by the latitude coefficient:

K w = G f / G n

where G f- the number of product groups at the time of determination, units;

Mr- the total number of product groups, units.

Assortment depth is the amount trade marks goods of the same type, their modifications or trade items.

The depth of the assortment is determined by the number of varieties of goods for each item.

For example, the depth of the commercial assortment of fruit juices is determined by the number of brands (Champion, Ya, Tonus, Dobry, My family, etc.), as well as their modifications (Tonus: apple- orange, peach-orange, etc.) and commodity items that differ in packaging capacity (0.2; 1; 1.5; 2 l).

Depth factor Is the ratio of the actual depth to the base depth.

The assortment depth coefficient is estimated by the formula:

K g = R f / R n

where R f- the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of inspection, units;

NS- the number of varieties provided for by the assortment list, the terms of the contract, price lists, etc., units.

The higher this indicator, the more fully the species assortment of a particular product is presented.

Varieties of assortment depth:

1. Actual depth - it is the number of brands or modifications available.

2. Base depth Is the number of trademarks or modifications offered on the market or potentially possible for release and taken as a basis for comparison.

Assortment stability - it is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the needs of buyers for everyday goods.

Stability (stability) characterizes the constant availability of a product of the corresponding type on sale.

Stability factor Is the ratio of the number of species, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups.

The stability coefficient K y is determined by the formula:

K y = 1 - (P "f1 + P" f2 + ... + P "fn / P n × n)

where P "f1, P" f2, ..., P "fn- the actual number of varieties (types) of goods from those provided for in the assortment list and not available for sale at the time of individual inspections, units;

NS- the number of varieties (types) of goods provided for by the assortment list, units; n is the number of checks.

The assortment stability coefficient, as a rule, is determined for a specific period (month, quarter, year). It was found that the optimal coefficient of assortment stability should be expressed by the following values: for department stores - 0.80; for specialized stores - 0.75.

Manufacturers and sellers most often seek to expand the number of products in stable demand, but it should be borne in mind that tastes and habits change over time, so the stability of the assortment must be rational.

Renewability of the assortment - the ability of the assortment to replace its constituent goods with goods with more improved indicators of consumer properties.

The novelty (renewal) of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy changed needs at the expense of new goods.

Novelty is characterized by actual renewal, i.e. the number of new products in the general list; and the degree of renewal, the ratio of the number of new products to the total number of product names (actual latitude).

Coefficient of novelty (Co): Ko = Ro / Rf

where Ro- the number of new varieties of goods that appeared at the time of inspection, units;

Rf- the average number of varieties, units.

The coefficient of novelty characterizes the degree of renewal of the assortment, the appearance of new products.

It should be noted that constant and increased renewal of the assortment for the manufacturer and the seller is associated with certain costs and the risk that they may not be justified, therefore, updating the assortment should also be rational. For example, new product may not be in demand.

The product range is also characterized by several more indicators.

1... Compatibility- the degree of complementarity and compatibility of various assortment groups.

4. Assortment height- the average price of the assortment group.

5. Assortment mobility- the ability to change in accordance with the needs and demands of consumers.

6. Assortment stability- the ability to maintain an assortment matrix from the most demanded and profitable assortment positions.

7. The relevance of the assortment- this is the constant demand by consumers for the assortment positions presented by the company.

1.3 Features of the formation and management of the assortment

The essence of the planning, formation and management of the assortment is that the commodity producer timely offers a certain set of goods that would, in general, correspond to the profile of his production activities, most fully satisfy the requirements of certain categories of buyers.

Assortment management involves coordination interconnected species activities - scientific, technical and design, integrated research market, sales organization, service, advertising, demand stimulation. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the difficulty of combining all these elements to achieve ultimate goal optimization of the assortment, taking into account the set strategic market goals of the enterprise. If this cannot be achieved, then it may turn out that the range will begin to include products designed more for the convenience of the production departments of the enterprise than for the consumer.

When forming an assortment food products in retail outlets, there are some particularities in the demand for food that need to be taken into account. Thus, the demand for food products in comparison with the demand for non-food products has a high degree of stability, and in individual cases- well-known conservatism. The consumer gets used to certain types of products (types of bread, cheese, confectionery, etc.), in this regard, it is important to achieve stability in the formation of the range of such goods, ensuring their uninterrupted sale.

The formation of a product range is a continuous process that continues throughout life cycle product, starting from the moment the idea of ​​its creation was conceived and ending with the withdrawal from the product program.

Assortment planning phases:

1) Determining the potential needs of buyers.

Analyzing the way products are used and the behavior of buyers in the respective markets;

2) Assessment of existing analogues of competitors in the same areas;

3) Critical assessment of products manufactured by the enterprise;

4) Solution of key issues: which products should be included in the range, and which should be excluded; whether it is necessary to diversify products at the expense of other areas of production of the enterprise that go beyond its established profile;

Diversification (novolat diversificatio-diversity) - expanding the range of products and reorienting sales markets, mastering the latest types of production in order to increase the efficiency of any production, obtain economic benefits, and prevent bankruptcy.

Products are included and excluded from the range due to changes in the level of competitiveness of the enterprise

5) Consideration of proposals for the creation of new products and improvement of existing ones;

6) Development of specifications for new or improved products in accordance with the requirements of buyers' requests;

7) Exploring the possibilities of producing new or improved products. Consideration of issues of prices, costs and profitability;

8) Conducting testing of products, taking into account potential needs to find out their acceptability in terms of key indicators;

9) Development of special recommendations for the production units of the enterprise regarding quality, style, price, name, packaging, service, etc. in accordance with the results of tests carried out, confirming the acceptability of the product characteristics or predetermining the need to change them.

Evaluation and revision of the entire assortment of a commercial enterprise, planning and product management are an integral part of marketing.

The assortment can be formed by various methods depending on the scale of sales, the specifics of the products produced, the goals and objectives of the manufacturer.

Property- this is a feature of the assortment, which manifests itself during its formation and implementation.

Index Is a quantitative or qualitative expression of the properties of the assortment.

The following main properties and indicators of the assortment in commodity science are distinguished.

    Assortment width (W) Is the number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

This property is characterized by two absolute indicators - real and basic latitude, as well as a relative indicator - latitude coefficient.

Real latitude (W d ) - the actual number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods available.

Base latitude (W b ) Is the latitude taken as the basis for comparison. As a base latitude, the number of types, varieties and names of goods, regulated by regulatory or technical documents (standards, price lists, catalogs, etc.), or the maximum possible can be taken. The choice of criteria for determining the baseline latitude is determined by the objectives of the trade organization. For example, when analyzing the assortment policy of competing stores, the maximum list of goods available in all surveyed stores can be taken as a baseline.

Latitude factor expressed as the ratio of the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base.

where Ш d - real latitude,

Ш б - base latitude.

There are two known concepts of latitude related to its varieties: general and group.

Overall latitude- the totality of all assortment units, types and varieties of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.

Thus, the total width in Auchan hypermarkets is 45 thousand assortment units at a time, belonging to 40 groups, and within a year - up to 80 thousand assortment units. In supermarkets, the total breadth during the year ranges from 30-50 thousand assortment units.

Assortment unit- it is conventionally taken as a unit name, trade mark or product article and used to measure the indicators of the assortment by counting. A certain type of product may have different names (for example, creamy ice cream, creamy ice cream in a cup with raisins, etc.)

Trademark Is the trade name of one or more goods as defined by the manufacturer or trade organization.

A trademark is part of an assortment or brand name. For example, chocolates Korkunov, beer Ochakovo, Baltika, Three Bears, etc. A trade mark may refer to goods of the same type and have a significant number of modifications. So, Ochakovo beer is produced in the following modifications: light, classic, original, and Baltika beer: No. 1, 2, 3… to No. 9.

A brand that has gained fame and prestige thanks to promotion (branding) technologies is called brand. V modern conditions many manufacturers, especially foreign ones, do not strive to increase the names and number of brands, but to develop a small number of brands. New product development boils down to only creating brand modifications, which makes it easier to market them at the lowest cost.

Quite often, under one trademark are goods belonging to different types, but to the same product group. For example, the Ochakov Dairy Plant produces milk, sour cream, butter, kefir, etc. under the 33 cows trademark. At the same time, goods of different homogeneous groups can be produced under one prestigious brand name. For example, tea and soft drink under the Lipton trademark, vodka and a low-alcohol cocktail Flagman, etc. are sold. In this case, a commodity complex of dissimilar goods united by the trademark appears (for example, Adidas clothing and footwear).

Group latitude- the number of homogeneous groups of goods produced and sold by the organization. Thus, the group width of the Auchan hypermarket is about 40 groups, for the Seventh Continent supermarkets - 25-40 groups. Each group can include from several tens to hundreds of types and varieties of goods and up to several thousand trade marks, names and trade numbers.

With the group breadth of the assortment, a group of homogeneous goods acts as a generalized unit of measurement. A group of homogeneous products is a set of products united by common properties and purpose.

Groups of homogeneous products are established in OKP, as well as SanPin.

The general breadth can serve as an indirect indicator of the saturation of the market with goods: the more it is, the higher the saturation. Latitude indicators change depending on market saturation and the state of demand.

In conditions of scarcity, when demand exceeds supply, it is more profitable for the manufacturer and seller to have a narrow range of goods, since with a large breadth, additional costs are required for the development and production of new goods. In addition, the production of various goods requires more extensive purchases of raw materials, expansion of production areas, new types of packaging, labeling. In trade for a wide range of products, additional trading floor space is required for displaying goods, and in addition, transportation costs increase.

In a saturated marketplace, manufacturers and sellers strive to meet a variety of needs. When supply exceeds demand, a commercial effort is required to create consumer preferences, which is achieved, among other means, by increasing the breadth of the assortment. Latitude serves as one of the criteria for the competitiveness of firms. Thus, for manufacturers and sellers, expanding the assortment is more a necessary measure than a desirable one. What is the consumer's attitude to the breadth of the assortment, on the one hand, the wider the assortment, the more diverse needs can be satisfied. On the other hand, given the ultra-high breadth of the assortment, it is difficult for the consumer to navigate this diversity, which makes it difficult to choose the right product. Therefore, the breadth cannot serve as an indicator of the rationality of the assortment.

    Completeness of assortment (P) this is the ability of the product homogeneous group satisfy the same needs.

Completeness is characterized by the number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group and / or subgroup. Completeness indicators can be valid and baseline.

Actual completeness indicator (P d ) characterized by the actual number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group, and basic (P b ) - the regulated or planned quantity of goods.

Completeness ratio:


where П д - real completeness,

P b - basic completeness.

For example, the assortment of the store includes Swiss, Dutch, Russian, Edemsky, Suluguni, Roquefort cheeses. The first four items belong to the group of hard rennet cheeses. Therefore, the actual completeness indicator for the group of hard rennet cheeses will be 4. Russian standards provide for 20 types of such cheeses, five more items are imported. Consequently, the basic completeness indicator is 25 items, and the completeness coefficient in our example is 16%.

The most important indicators of the completeness of the assortment are in a saturated market. The greater the completeness of the assortment, the higher the likelihood that consumer demand for goods of a certain group will be satisfied.

The increased completeness of the assortment can serve as one of the means of stimulating sales and meeting various needs due to different tastes, habits and other factors.

At the same time, an increase in the completeness of the assortment requires trade workers to know the generality and differences in the consumer properties of goods of different types, varieties and names in order to inform consumers about them. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and / or supplier to communicate such information to the seller.

However, it should be borne in mind that an excessive increase in the completeness of the assortment can complicate the choice of the consumer, so the completeness should be rational.

    Assortment depth (D) Is the amount trade marks goods of the same type, their modifications and / or commodity items.

The unit of measurement of this indicator is the trade mark, and if there are modifications, one of them. For example, the depth of the commercial assortment of fruit juices is determined by the number of brands (Champion, Ya, Tonus, My family, etc.), as well as their modifications (Tonus: apple-orange, peach orange, etc.) and commodity items differing in packaging, its capacity (0.2; 1; 1.5; 2 l).

Actual depth (G d ) - the number of brands and / or modifications, product numbers available.

Base depth (G b ) - the number of trade marks and / or modifications, or product numbers offered on the market or potentially possible for release and taken as a basis for comparison.

Depth factor:


where Г д - real depth,

D b - base depth.

The higher this indicator, the more fully the species assortment of a particular product is presented. In a saturated market, a wide range of goods is provided by increasing the number of goods of certain types, but different brands and their modifications.

    Assortment stability (U) Is the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods.

Stability factor- the ratio of the number of types, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers (Y) to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups (W d)


where Y is the number of goods in steady demand

Identification of goods in constant demand requires marketing research by methods of observation and analysis of documentary data on the receipt and sale of various goods.

Consumers of sustainable goods can be characterized as “conservative in taste and habits”. Having evaluated a certain product name, they do not change their preferences for a long time.

Manufacturers and sellers most often seek to expand the number of goods in stable demand. However, it should be borne in mind that tastes and habits change over time, so the stability of the assortment must be rational.

    The novelty of the assortment- the ability of a set of goods to meet changed needs at the expense of new goods. Novelty is characterized by real renewal - the number of new products in the general list (N) and the degree of renewal K n, which is expressed through the ratio of the number of new products to the total number of product names (or actual latitude).

Novelty factor:


where H is the number of new goods.

Renewal is one of the directions of the assortment policy of the organization, carried out, as a rule, in a saturated market. However, the renewal of the assortment may be the result of a shortage of raw materials and / or production capacities necessary for the production of previously produced goods.

The reasons prompting the manufacturer and the seller to update the assortment are the replacement of goods that are outdated, not in demand; development of new products of improved quality in order to stimulate their purchase by the consumer; design and development of new products that had no analogues before; expanding the range by increasing the completeness and depth to create a competitive advantage for the organization.

The consumers of new products are the so-called innovators and super-innovators, whose needs often change due to the desire for a sensation of novelty. Often, new products satisfy not so much physiological as mental and social needs. Thus, the buyer of a new prestigious car brand, having an old model car that is suitable for use as a vehicle, primarily meets social needs.

However, it should be borne in mind that constant and increased renewal of the assortment for the manufacturer and the seller is associated with certain costs and the risk that they may not be justified, for example, a new product may not be in demand. Therefore, updating the assortment should also be rational.

    Assortment structure (C)- this is the ratio of selected according to a certain criterion of the aggregate of goods in the set.

It is characterized by the specific share of each type and / or name of the product in the total set.

The assortment structure can be expressed both in natural and in relative terms. They are calculated as the ratio of the number of individual products to the total number of all products included in the assortment. The assortment structure, calculated in kind, determines the structure of trade in monetary terms. However, there is no direct relationship between them.

When regulating the structure of the assortment, one should take into account the economic benefits of the enterprise in the case of the prevalence of expensive or cheap goods, the recoupment of the costs of their delivery, storage and sale, as well as the solvency of the consumer segment, which the trade organization focuses on.

Assortment structure indicators are used if you need to determine the need for storage space, as well as the area for displaying goods. When analyzing the profitability of certain types of goods, the structure of turnover in monetary terms is taken into account.

    Assortment minimum (M) Is the minimum permissible number of types of FMCG products that define the profile of a retail trade organization.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.01.1998. the assortment list of goods of the retail trade enterprise is established independently, however, the seller of the enterprise must coordinate it with Rospotrebnadzor.

    Rationality of the assortment (P)- this is the ability of a set of products to most fully satisfy the really substantiated needs of various segments of consumers.

Rationality coefficient- the weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of the indicators of depth, stability and novelty of goods of different groups, multiplied by the corresponding weight coefficients.


where К у - stability coefficient,

K n - coefficient of novelty,

K g - depth coefficient,

Z y, n, r - coefficients of weight or significance.

With a certain degree of reliability, the rationality coefficient may indicate a rational range.

    Harmony of assortment (GR)- This is a property of a set of goods of different groups, characterizing the degree of their proximity to ensure rational movement of goods, sale and / or use.

The most harmonious is enlarged assortment and its varieties, the smallest is mixed. Harmony determines the qualitative characteristics of the assortment, but can be measured quantitatively. Harmony indicator is the harmony coefficient (K gr), which is defined as the ratio of the number of species, names or brands available in a trade organization and corresponding to the established list or sample, to the actual breadth of goods in the same organization.

The striving for harmony in the formation of the assortment is expressed in the specialization of the store or its individual sections. The advantages of the harmony of the assortment include the lowest costs of the manufacturer and the seller for the delivery, storage, sale of goods, and for the consumer - for the search and purchase of goods that are close in value or complement each other. For example, the assortment of chain and branded stores is highly harmonious.

Items in the form of articles produced by industrial enterprises constitute an industrial (production) assortment. The assortment of goods arriving at wholesale and retail trade enterprises (in the sphere of goods circulation) is called trade.

The industrial and commercial assortment of goods is interconnected. The industrial assortment of goods is determined by the needs of the population, consumer demand and trade orders, as well as raw materials and production capabilities, and the products of industrial enterprises enter the trade.

In trade, they operate with such concepts as product and group assortment, assortment of a commercial enterprise, a wide, narrow, simple, complex assortment.

Assortment of goods, trade enterprises is determined by their type. A wide range of goods is presented in supermarkets and wholesalers; a narrower assortment - at specialized trade enterprises.

Simple assortment - a merchant's products include a small number of product types. A complex assortment unites a large number of types and varieties of goods that differ in source materials, design and other characteristics,

In order to improve service individual groups consumers, the assortment of a number of goods in trade enterprises is grouped into complexes (goods for newlyweds, tourists, holiday-makers, etc.). The totality of goods in them is united by a specific group of needs. For the same purpose, they attach to the main group of goods related products, for example, in the shoe department they sell shoe creams and insoles.

In the practice of trade, commodity science, and in trade and economic sciences, the concept of “structure of the trade assortment of goods” is widely used.

The structure of the assortment of goods is called the composition of product groups and other divisions included in the assortment, and the quantitative ratio between them, expressed as a percentage, shares of the entire assortment. Usually, the shares of each group (or other division) are calculated based on the value of goods (according to turnover). Although it is not The best way calculation, since the cost of different goods is different, nevertheless, it is very useful and allows you to analyze the correspondence of the structure of the trade assortment to the needs of the population.

The formation of the structure of the assortment of goods means the replenishment and renewal of the assortment in accordance with the needs of the population.

The assortment structure is considered rational if it most closely matches consumer demand.

The indicators of the rationality of the assortment structure are the breadth, completeness, degree of renewal and the economy of the assortment of goods.

The concept " latitude" assortment of goods refers to both industrial and commercial assortment, characterized by the number of names (types and varieties) of goods produced by industry and on sale. Naturally, numerous goods of the same type, which differ little from each other in composition, design and functions performed, do not correspond to the needs of the population, are not in demand and “settle” in trade. Thus, the concept of “breadth of assortment of goods” is closely related to its optimality and rationality, with the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the population. The industry recommends typed products that differ in purpose and functions.

Completeness assortment of goods is understood as the ratio of the number of varieties of goods on sale to the number of goods provided for in price lists and contractual obligations.

Updating assortment is called the replacement of commercially available goods with products with higher consumer properties, which contribute to a more complete satisfaction of the needs of the population. The renewal rate is characterized by the percentage (percentage) of new products in the total output.

When assessing the rationality of the assortment of goods, the assessment profitability manufactured products in production and operation, since the integral quality of goods depends both on their total usefulness and on the costs of their production and operation.

In accordance with the demand of consumers, a certain minimum set of goods is established for trade enterprises, which must be in stock. Such a mandatory list of goods is often called the assortment minimum.

The main principle of the formation of industrial and commercial assortment of consumer goods is the fullest satisfaction of the needs of the population on the basis of the development of productive forces, growth industrial production accelerating scientific and technological progress. The widespread use of new, in particular, synthetic substances and materials, as well as technological processes and more advanced technology leads to the creation of new products that, together with traditionally produced ones, increasingly satisfy the needs of people.

Over time, the existing structure of the assortment of goods can no longer meet the growing needs of the population. Therefore, it is imperative to systematically study the demand of the population in order to develop (taking into account the forecast of demand) a preferred (rational) structure of the assortment. Taking into account all factors affecting demand, systematic replenishment and renewal of the assortment of goods should increasingly contribute to its optimization, which is of major socio-economic importance.

Wholesale and retailers and the organizations have services that study the conjuncture and demand for goods. The functioning services not only identify demand, but also form orders of a commercial enterprise to meet the actual needs of the population. Marketing services coordinate their own activities, taking into account the existing trading network specific region. The coordination of marketing services activities is linked with the segmentation of needs and consumption, with the financial support of consumer demand.

Consumer demand factors also determine the formation of the assortment of goods in trade enterprises. These factors include climatic conditions, season (season), social composition of the population, fashion, tastes and income level of the population, etc. With the growth of the income level of the population, the demand for new goods and goods of improved quality is increasing.

The criteria for the novelty of products include, first of all, their new functional properties, improved ergonomic and aesthetic performance, increased economic efficiency use. A special place is given to household machines and devices with low consumption of electricity, water, fuel consumed while ensuring high environmental and biological safety.

Assortment property - a feature of the assortment, which manifests itself during its formation.

Assortment metrics are a qualitative expression of the properties of an assortment.

The assortment is quantitatively characterized by the following main indicators:

  • 1. The completeness of the assortment is the number of types, varieties and names of goods in a group of similar products. The completeness indicator can be valid and basic. Completeness ratio (Kp) - the ratio of the actual indicator to the base one. The higher the completeness of the assortment, the better the customer's needs are satisfied;
  • 2. The breadth of the assortment - the number of types, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Real latitude (Shd) - the actual number of groups, types, varieties and names of goods available. Base latitude (Shb) - latitude taken as the basis for comparison. As a base latitude, the number of types, varieties and names of goods, regulated by regulatory or technical documents, can be taken. General breadth - the totality of all assortment units, types and varieties of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Group latitude is the number of homogeneous groups of goods produced and sold by an organization. The latitude coefficient (Ksh) is expressed by the ratio of the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the basic one;
  • 3. Depth - the number of brands of goods of the same type, or their modifications or product articles. Actual Depth (Gld) - the number of brands or modifications or SKUs available. Base depth (Gb) - the number of brands or modifications or product numbers offered on the market or potentially possible for release and taken as a basis for comparison. Depth factor (Kgl) - the ratio of the actual depth to the base. The higher this indicator, the more fully the species assortment of a particular product is presented;
  • 4. Assortment stability - the ability of a list of goods to meet the demand for the same goods. The stability coefficient (Ku) is the ratio of the number of species, varieties, names of goods in steady demand to the total number of goods of the same homogeneous groups;
  • 5. The novelty (renewal) of the assortment - the ability of a set of goods to meet the changed needs at the expense of new goods. The novelty coefficient is the ratio of the number of new products in the general list to the total number of product names. Renewal is one of the directions of the assortment policy of the organization, carried out, as a rule, in a saturated market;
  • 6. Assortment list of goods the minimum permissible number of types of consumer goods that determine the profile of a retail trade organization. The assortment list for trade enterprises is approved by local authorities and non-observance is considered a violation of trade rules;
  • 7. The structure of the assortment of goods - the ratio of the aggregates of goods in the set selected according to a certain criterion (GOST R51303-99, p. 80). Assortment structure indicators are used if you need to determine the need for storage space, as well as the area for displaying goods;
  • 8. Rationality of the assortment - the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the really substantiated needs of different segments of consumers. Rationality coefficient (Кр) - the weighted average value of the rationality indicator, taking into account the real values ​​of the indicators of depth, stability and novelty of goods of different groups, multiplied by the corresponding weight coefficients;
  • 9. Harmony of assortment - a property of a set of goods of different groups, which characterizes the degree of their proximity to ensure rational movement of goods, sale or use.

Coefficient of harmony (Kgar) - is defined as the ratio of the number of species, names or brands available in a trade organization and corresponding to the established list or sample, to the actual breadth of goods in the same organization.

Table - Nomenclature of properties and indicators of the assortment:

Legend for the table:

t is the number of homogeneous groups of goods;

d - the number of types, varieties or names of goods available;

b - the basic number of types, varieties and names of goods, taken as a basis for comparison;

n - the number of goods of different names or brands or their modifications of a certain type;

gar - the number of goods of different names or trade marks, the same with the approved list and taken as a sample;

A, S - the amount of an individual product in physical terms;

n - the number of new types and names of goods;

The total amount of all goods available in kind;

m is the minimum allowable number of goods that determine trade profile organizations;

y - the number of types and names of goods in steady demand;

vg, vu, vn - the coefficients of the weighting of the indicators of depth, stability and novelty.

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