What are the professions associated with social studies. What professions require social studies? List of professions where you need to know social science

Where to go with social studies? This question is asked by those who chose this subject for passing the exam, which combines political science, psychology, sociology and many other principles of science.

In order to choose where to go to study, decide on a good institute or university and faculty, graduates who took the Unified State Examination in social studies after grade 11, first need to learn as much as possible about this science and the professions in which it can be applied.

Social science is a necessary science for applicants to universities

At the moment, social science is one of the most popular disciplines that students choose to take the exam.

Many people choose social science because of the wide range of specialties that they can then apply to with this subject. It is also taken into account that this humanitarian discipline is relatively easy to pass.

Social science is a science that studies a person within a constantly developing society, and includes several different social branches: sociology, political science, philosophy, history, economics.

Studying social science, students get acquainted with a person within society, with society itself, with its spiritual life, socio-economic relations, and laws.

In universities, everything that includes social science is divided into many different disciplines and studied separately from others. Therefore, this subject is so important for applicants, it can be useful at any university in any humanitarian specialty.

What colleges do you need social studies to get into?

Who can apply for a graduate with a predisposition to the humanities?

After passing the exam, he can choose a number of the following specialties with specialized social science:

  1. History, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence. These areas are interconnected, therefore, in order to enter them, it is necessary to pass the same subjects: social studies, Russian language, history.
  2. Philology, pedagogical directions (social science, Russian language, literature, English language, history, geography, physics, computer science, mathematics base - depending on the profile).
  3. Biology, psychology (social science, Russian language, biology, chemistry).

If the graduate is more predisposed to the exact sciences, then he will be able to choose faculties with a mathematical bias:

  • economy;
  • service;
  • trading business.

Take into account: to enter these specialties, it is necessary to pass the following exams: mathematics, Russian language, social studies.

So, social science as a profile subject is necessary in:

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  2. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  3. State Academic University for the Humanities.
  4. St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
  5. Ural State Pedagogical University, etc.

The list includes universities in such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tula.

In fact, in many large cities there are universities where they teach specialties that require knowledge in the field of social science.

List of professions where you need to know social science

The relevance of professions related to the study of social science in Russia has greatly increased over the past few years. This is primarily due to the fact that people tend to study the processes taking place in society.

Knowing social science is necessary:

  1. Public relations specialists(a profession in demand at the moment, since almost all large campaigns need such a specialist).
  2. Political scientists(these are specialists who study and analyze the life of society from a political point of view; here we need people who can predict and build hypotheses regarding the relationship between different countries, states, regions, etc.).
  3. Lawyers(specialist competent in solving legal issues and in the knowledge of the essence of the state; it requires experts in current laws, theories and rights).
  4. Sociologists(specialists who analyze the development and functioning of society; these are people who are able to establish contact with society using various questionnaires, surveys, etc.).
  5. Culturologists(these are specialists who solve issues in the field of cultural history; here we need people who are interested in culture, the history of different peoples, their basics of life, architecture, art).
  6. For psychologists(the study of people's behavior from the point of view of psychology; they are engaged in psychodiagnostics, correctional and developmental work).

In what areas can these professions be applied:

  • political scientist: Mass media, government bodies;
  • jurist: public authorities, local governments, prosecutors, courts, law firms;
  • sociologist: personnel management, advertising agencies;
  • culturologist: curator at exhibitions, in museums, lecturer at the university;
  • psychologist: private practice, work at school, at university, in law-enforcement bodies.


Social science plays an important role in the formation of modern society. The student who passed this subject has ideas about the world order, about the moral values ​​of peoples, about laws and much more.

When choosing a profession related to social science, people get unlimited opportunities for continuous improvement and self-development.

What is social science? This is a science that studies the development of human society and the place of man in it. It includes other branches of science, such as economics, sociology, philosophy, psychology, political science, history and others. Professions related to social science are becoming more and more popular in our country. Thanks to a wide range of sciences, which include social science, you can choose the most preferred profession for yourself. Diplomat This profession has always been rather mysterious, dark for ordinary people and prestigious. A diplomat works hard and constantly improves his skills, he must have an excellent memory and extensive knowledge. A diplomat must possess such qualities as tact, composure, the ability to restrain emotions in order not to allow himself to burst into tears or laughter during a business meeting. The main task of this profession is conflict resolution, foreign policy. Lawyer This is a specialist in jurisprudence. It can be a teacher, prosecutor, lawyer, judge, investigator and many others. The profession of a lawyer is distinguished by its versatility and choice of activities: from the branch of law to the position. Social educator This profession is closely related to social science, since a teacher must be able to communicate correctly with students and present material, know the processes of human development and the basics of psychology. The social educator serves as an assistant in solving internal problems, various conflicts. Culturologist Specialty with broad knowledge in the field of culture. Culturologists work in museums, galleries, write articles on art, biographies of figures, compile dictionaries and reference books, teaching activities developing educational programs. Psychotherapist It is impossible to become a psychotherapist without knowing the basics of sociology and the sciences included in social science. A psychotherapist is a specialist who identifies and treats mental disorders without medication. Psychotherapy can be medical, which is handled by a psychotherapist, and non-medical, which is handled by a psychotherapist. The profession of the latter is more like the work of a psychologist. Financier The financier conducts financial transactions. He can work in financial companies and investment funds, economic and financial services, banks and stock exchanges, government bodies federal, regional and municipal levels. As in the legal profession, the financier has a wide choice of areas of his activity. For instance, economic activity or insurance.


When it comes time to choose a profession, many questions arise related to the choice of the required university and, accordingly, preparation for the exams. To answer the question of where you can do with social science, let's figure out what kind of science it is and how it can be applied in a particular profession.

Definition of the science of social science

Social science is a science that studies both the development of human society and what place a person occupies in it. This science consists of knowledge of various social branches. That is why the study of natural science implies knowledge of such sciences as sociology, philosophy, political science, history, ethics, and economics. Therefore, social science is simply necessary for those entering universities. Studying social science, you can get acquainted with such sections as man and society, spiritual life and knowledge, social and economic relations, political science, jurisprudence.

Where to go with social studies

If you successfully pass the exam in social studies in conjunction with other major subjects, you can enter the following faculties:

For details about universities, exams, see. Social science should be studied by people of the following professions: a political scientist, a cultural scientist, a psychologist, a teacher, a sociologist, a lawyer, an economist, a lawyer, a manager (by industry), etc. All these professions are directly related to various industries. public life, the laws of which are studied in social science.

Choosing a specialty when passing the exam in social science

Here is a list, but it is far from complete. If you have chosen a pedagogical direction, you can consider options for the following profiles:

  • preschool education;
  • primary education;
  • adult education;
  • additional education;
  • life safety;
  • management of library and information activities.

If you choose to tie your future profession with management, we can advise the following profiles:

  • crisis management;
  • marketing;
  • logistics and supply chain management;
  • human resource management;
  • production management.

When choosing business informatics, there are such options:

  • Electronic business;
  • Project management;
  • IT business and innovation;
  • Business Informatics;
  • Enterprise Architecture;
  • Small business management.

If you have chosen the specialty Service, you can try your hand at the state and municipal government in profiles such as:

  • management of state and municipal property;
  • municipal government;
  • regional management.

In the specialty "Sociology" there are such profiles suitable for you as:

  • social anthropology;
  • sociology of organizations and management.

Now you know what to do with social studies. The choice of specialty is yours!

Social professions have many advantages. Specialties of this kind, as a rule, allow you to engage in interesting and varied activities, provide personal self-realization and constant expansion of horizons.

Unfortunately, not all of them offer a decent level of salary and a convenient work schedule.

Linking fate with the humanities or economic sciences, consider as many options as possible, sensibly assess the real pros and cons of each. This article will help you with this.

Social and humanitarian professions

Here list of examples:

  • social teacher;
  • Social worker;
  • sociologist;
  • psychologist, psychoanalyst;
  • coach (coach);
  • media employee (proofreader, TV journalist, newspaper correspondent, editor, press attache, etc.);
  • copywriter, rewriter;
  • blogger;
  • archaeologist;
  • ethnographer;
  • head hunter, recruiter;
  • (subject teacher, teacher primary school, teacher of a university or technical school);
  • educator;
  • speechwriter;
  • political scientist;
  • translator, literary translator;
  • law faculty;
  • PR specialist, political strategist;
  • illustrator, graphic designer;
  • guide;
  • librarian;
  • museum worker;
  • culturologist;
  • speech therapist.

Humanitarians who are employed in the near-political sphere (for example, PR people, press attachés and speech writers) earn the best money. However, such work is far from always safe and stable, but it is most certainly associated with stress.

teachers, psychologists, social educators and speech therapists can only claim a solid salary if they are hired big company- let's say, in some large center of early development. In preschool educational institutions and in schools they get little.

Professions related to writing texts bring good income to workaholics - payment in most cases is directly proportional to the amount of material submitted; salary is not always assigned. Often such work involves heavy workload and irregular hours.

Ethnographers, archaeologists and other heroes of science often work for mere pennies, in the name of their favorite cause. Social work- also the lot of people capable of daily self-sacrifice for the sake of a lofty goal.

Socio-economic and legal specialties

Graduates economic departments universities receive positions:

  • economist;
  • manager (sales, personnel, purchasing, public relations);
  • marketer;
  • accountant.

There are many in the legal field. Graduate law school can be:

  • a notary;
  • civil servants;
  • a diplomat;
  • a lawyer;
  • prosecutor;
  • investigator;
  • dispute resolution specialist certain type(for example, a car lawyer or a family lawyer), etc.

The listed professions are quite attractive in terms of average earnings, but the demand for them is currently low. Acceptable vacancies in this area, it is usually not young people who get it, but specialists with solid experience and seniority.

When it comes to choosing a profession, this issue needs serious consideration, because such a choice is made once in a lifetime. With the right choice, a person will have a feeling of satisfaction, and with the wrong one, it will be a real tragedy. There are many different specialties, and if we consider the range of possible main areas, we can distinguish separate group- these are professions associated with social science, with the study of society, the principles of development of society.

This direction is based on the knowledge of philosophy, political science, sociology, and other sciences. It is worth noting that the professions associated with social science are an omniscient political scientist, a sociologist who helps everyone, an original culturologist, a jurist, an economist, a lawyer, a psychologist and a teacher. Social science consists of such sections as "Society", "Man", "Knowledge", "Economics", "Social Relations", "Politics" and "Law". Modern society understands that social science is of great importance in shaping people's holistic view of society.

When such an idea is formed, this science creates new knowledge and thinking, as well as an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world order. Therefore, professions related to social science help to form information data for further development humanity, and also develop the consciousness of society. Any changes in worldview carry out new functions for the formation of personality and morally stable priorities. This is unequivocally led by the study of such a direction as spiritual

It should be noted that professions related to social science are unlimited opportunities for self-development, first of all, constant self-improvement. This subject is necessary for admission to the universities of the country, for example, for such specialties as "Hospitality", "Management", where a specialist must be able to communicate correctly with people, know their psychology. You can list for a long time the specialties where knowledge in the field of social science is required, and all of them require the ability to work with people and knowledge of social relations.

In general, professions related to this science are very common. Sociable people who love every person and are ready to help everyone who asks for it, of course, for money, go to work in this area, because this is their job. Professions where social science is needed can be listed for a very long time. The choice of a specialty always depends on personal preferences and inclinations, and before you go to study at a particular university, you must first of all listen to yourself.

If in childhood you had to separate fighters who could not share the gingerbread, but at the same time you got half, then you can go to study as a lawyer or a judge. If you want to eradicate laziness and drunkenness in society, then you need to become a sociologist. Good luck with your choice!