Ready business plan for massage. Massage parlor: Staff. Directions for expansion and scaling

In any country, in any city, massage parlors or small rooms are now very popular. In order to open such an office, you need to draw up a business plan for a massage parlor, collect Required documents. This is necessary to determine how quickly the investment will pay off and how quickly a steady income will be received.

A more accurate ready-made business plan for a massage parlor can only be calculated on the spot, at the prices of the region, district, city in which it was decided to open a massage parlor.

Massage Parlor: Marketing

For small towns opening a massage parlor can bring a decent income, which cannot be said about large cities where there are already many such parlors.

Before you open a salon, you need to provide for organizational issues. Of great importance for business is the location in the city, remoteness from the main competitors. It is necessary to decide on the category of clients: either it will be a VIP salon, or it will be an affordable office for people with low incomes who take most of their money to the store without thinking about their health.

However, according to experts, for medical reasons, they visit a massage therapist within 30%, and 70% visit such salons to take care of their body, face and for relaxation, relaxation. Therefore, it is better to open a salon in residential elite areas.

This enterprise must be opened on the ground floor, as well as a store. Ideally, each massage therapist needs a separate room, but not less than 8 sq.m, which can be found in the SES documents. If you provide for a couples massage (friends, husband and wife), then two specialists can receive clients in a room with an area of ​​12 sq.m. For a massage parlor, a room of 70-100 sq.m is enough, based on the number of massage therapists, other specialists, as well as the reception and administration. It is economically feasible to have no more than 5 jobs, it is better to open massage parlors in several places.

Competitive advantages of a massage room:

  • high level of customer service;
  • individual approach to each visitor;
  • stable acceptable prices;
  • pleasant atmosphere;
  • various preferential, bonus programs.

Customer acquisition is possible different ways: "word of mouth", the presence of a good sign on the salon, announcements, leaflets. Expensive advertising is usually ineffective.

How to open a massage parlor, why and what documents are needed?
When organizing this business, the following documents are required:

  • registration of this enterprise with the tax authorities;
  • for certain types massage requires a license.

A license is required in order to open an orthopedic salon. And in such an office it is necessary to purchase special orthopedic equipment that an online store can offer.

Massage business can be carried out in several directions:

  • massage and cosmetology salon (classical therapeutic, acupressure, Thai and other types of massage);
  • SPA-salon, (gel, chocolate, honey, grape wraps; salt, sugar scrubs) relax, soothe the body;
  • thermal and cryo wraps, anti-cellulite massage;
  • salon for relaxation, recreation in the pool, sauna (aroma baths with natural ingredients, extracts and hydromassage).

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The business plan of a massage institution takes into account equipment for offices, materials for repairs. You need to start with the renovation of the premises. Walls, floors of the massage room must be finished with tiles or washable wallpaper, which, according to SES requirements, treated with a special solution once a week. In the massage parlor, it is obligatory to establish a bathroom.

The medical equipment store offers an extensive selection of special equipment for these offices:

  • a massage table;
  • couch (enough 2-3);
  • cosmetics rack.

The massage therapist needs essential oils to work, for a regular massage you can use olive oil. A wholesale store can offer oils cheaper than you can get in retail.

Towels must be laid out for visitors to this establishment, with 15 visitors, 20 towels are needed, which are washed daily.

A specialized store can offer a large selection of necessary furniture. In the reception room of this enterprise, in the utility room, you can put the following furniture:

  • table;
  • sofa, armchairs;
  • closet;
  • washing machine;
  • telephone set;
  • towels.

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Massage staff

The business plan of a massage parlor or salon includes staff costs. The success of the salon depends on the massage specialists, who work either in shifts or under the order. Finding a good massage therapist with regular clients is not very easy, they can run a private practice or work in another salon. How to find good specialists and what they need to offer is a serious question.

The massage therapist must be proficient not only in European, but also in oriental massage, as well as improve his skills, receive the necessary documents confirming his qualifications.

The salary of a massage therapist is usually 30-50% of the cost of the session. On the day the massage therapist, depending on experience, can serve from 4 to 8 people.

The salon, in addition to masseurs, needs 2 administrators, an accountant who can work part-time, as well as a cleaning lady. You can start the work of the office by combining these functions with one employee or the owner himself, the director.

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The payback of the massage business

The massage room at the first time of work can count on 5-7 visits of clients, and after two or three months of work, 7-10 clients are possible. Regular massage lasts 20-60 minutes, relaxing - up to 1.5 hours. Break between sessions - 20-30 minutes. Three months later, at full capacity, a salon with five specialists can serve up to 25-30 clients.

Typically, massage services are in demand in spring, in summer there is a decline, in winter and autumn, interest is usually average.

The cost of a massage depends on its type and duration and can range from 600 to 3000 rubles.

Experts evaluate profitability massage business in 20-40%. Payback is possible within a year, or even for a shorter period, for 3-6 months.

Nowadays, massage parlors are visited by people in the majority not on the recommendation of a doctor, but for relaxation from hard everyday life. This business is very profitable and pays off in short time. If you want to open a private massage parlor, you need good business plan. An example of a typical business plan.

Your business plan should include the following sections:

Summary (overview section)

The main goal of the project is the opening of a massage parlor, which will provide classical, cosmetic, medical, massage services for relaxing and resting the body. A license is required only if your salon will use manual therapy.

An analysis of the needs of future clients should be an integral part of the structure of your business plan, this will make it easier for you to choose the range of salon services and choose its location.

For example, if the salon is located inside a residential building, then this contributes to the spread of popularity among clients with a need for relaxing and corrective types of massage.

Description of the salon

For starters, it is best to rent a salon room. For example, rent part of the area in a beauty salon or hairdresser. In the future, when things get better and you have regular customers, you can afford to buy a room or a separate building and expand the range of services provided.

The most suitable work schedule for such a salon is from 10 am to 10 pm.

Range of services

Your massage parlor will provide the following services:

  1. traditional massage;
  2. therapeutic and prophylactic massage;
  3. cosmetic massage;
  4. relaxation massage.

Market analysis

To determine the profitability of future activities, it is necessary to analyze the market for these services. To increase the competitiveness of your salon, there are a number of specific techniques:

  1. attraction of professional specialists;
  2. setting affordable prices;
  3. extended range of services.

Production plan

When choosing a room for a salon, you should remember that according to sanitary standards, at least eight square meters are required per client. It is better if the room with massage tables is fenced off from the rest of the room. According to the same sanitary standards, the floors in the room must be washable, for example, tiles.

Tools and equipment

You will need to buy the following list:

  1. massage table - 2 pcs.;
  2. medical couches - 2 pcs.;
  3. cabinet for cosmetics - 2 pcs.;
  4. essential and massage oils;
  5. towels.


An important part of your massage parlor will be the working staff. Because people, as a rule, go to trusted specialists. For a salon with two massage tables, it is required to hire three specialists so that work can be carried out in two shifts or with an appointment. You will also need an accountant and a cleaner.

Financial part of the plan

To open your own massage parlor, you need a starting capital of three hundred thousand rubles. A detailed list of financial costs (in thousands of rubles):

  • Rent 20
  • Utilities 5
  • Inventory and equipment 70
  • Cosmetic oils and products 30
  • Advertising costs15
  • Staff salary 110
  • Other expenses 50

A good massage parlor can actually return the cost in less than four months. The average income for one month is almost 300 thousand rubles.

More recently, massage was considered exclusively a medical service, the provision of which could be handled by an appropriate institution - a hospital or clinic. Now the price list for the provision of such services can be found in hairdressers, fitness clubs, beauty salons and, of course, massage parlors.

Key business benefits include:

  • a small amount of start-up capital;
  • quick payback;
  • no need to obtain a license to operate in the Ministry of Health (the only exception is manual therapy).

Market and competition analysis

Massage is a very popular therapeutic procedure. A good massage therapist can eliminate the discomfort in the body associated with a sedentary lifestyle in just a few sessions. This entrepreneurial activity is very interesting, as low initial costs are combined with high popularity among the population.

Next important point, which must be paid attention to when drawing up a business plan, is the definition of the target audience. It is directly influenced by the specialization of the employed massage therapists and the chosen type of massage, which can be:

  • medical;
  • children's;
  • sports;
  • relaxing.

If we talk about competition, then it is rather low: the number of people who want to use this traditional service significantly exceeds the number of truly qualified specialists.

You can watch an interesting interview with the owner of such a business in the following video:

Production plan

After it has been determined the target audience, you can proceed to the search for a suitable room. Visitors will go to a valuable specialist, whose qualifications they are sure, at least to the other end of the city. But if a visit to the office is aimed only at getting pleasure and positive feelings, then establishments located close to home will be a priority.

Statistics show that 30% of customers come in according to medical indications, and 70% - for the purpose of relaxation and care for one's own body. Therefore, the room must be located in a residential area, and in one where elite new buildings predominate.

The structure of the institution must include at least 3 premises:

  • the office itself at least 8 sq. m., provided that one massage therapist works;
  • reception;
  • admin room.

In accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the salon must be equipped with a bathroom, and the inner surface of the room in which services are provided must be covered with a finishing material that can be washed - tiles or appropriate wallpaper.

After completing the search for a suitable room, you can proceed to the acquisition of the necessary equipment:

  • massage table - 15,000 rubles;
  • couch - 4000 rubles. (you need at least 2 pieces);
  • a sofa and a table in the reception room - about 30,000 rubles;
  • cabinet or rack - 10,000 rubles.

The main accessories necessary for work are range of specialty oils. A standard massage involves the use of an olive variant, and a more complex or specialized procedure involves the use of essential oils. In addition, you need to provide visitors with clean towels, which will require a washing machine to wash.

Financial plan

The main expenses of the first year of business include:

  • rental of premises;
  • carrying out cosmetic repairs;
  • selection and recruitment of the necessary personnel;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • company registration.

total amount capital investments- near 2 million rubles.

Additional annual expenses are:

  • purchase of oils for massage and hygiene products - 70,000 rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary linen - 30,000 rubles.

organizational plan

To start a business, it is suitable to provide massage services of a general tonic nature, which are not medical and do not require a license. For doing business, the status of an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable.

In addition, you need to complete the following documents:

  • the program in accordance with which production control will be carried out;
  • medical books, without which employees cannot work;
  • conclusion signed by the head of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • contracts for disinfestation, disinfection and deratization, as well as for the maintenance of air conditioning systems and the removal of lamps.

The guarantee of successful activity is a good masseur, which is not an easy task to find, because a master of this level usually works for himself. An experienced employee will come to work only if he knows that favorable working conditions have been created for him at the workplace, and also if he is offered a high salary.

The specialist must have a general orientation, be proficient in Eastern and European techniques. The salary of such an employee depends on how much the massage session costs, and is about 50% of this cost.

In addition, the state cannot do without administrator and accountant. Each of them will need to pay approximately 10-15 thousand rubles. monthly.

Marketing plan

The project promotion plan involves the sequential passage of the following stages:

  1. If the location of the institution is a sleeping area, then the main task is to notify the population living nearby about the opening. This can be done with the help of an advertising poster (stretch, citylight, banner).
  2. To consolidate customer loyalty, you need to take care of providing discounts and discount cards.
  3. Advertising on the Internet - placing a banner on a regional site or creating own resource. Implementation this stage guarantees the attraction of customers from other parts of the city. But at the same time, some unique service should be advertised, or it should cost much less than competitors.
  4. Advertising in a local glossy magazine that is popular among the female half of the population.
  5. Colorful booklets with a detailed description of services and their cost.
  6. Students, pensioners and housewives can be attracted by offering discounts on weekdays, for example from 10 am to 12 pm.

Risk Analysis

In order for the organizational plan to be implemented in accordance with the expected scenario, it is necessary to conduct a risk analysis and compare the likelihood of their occurrence with the financial section.

The following risks require attention:

  • Increasing the cost of raw materials. The implementation of activities is impossible without the appropriate material and tools, the implementation of which is carried out by numerous suppliers. You can avoid the risk by changing the supplier or by switching to another brand of cosmetics.
  • Activation and dumping of a direct competitor. If there are existing competitors in the opening area of ​​the institution, then their possible marketing activity should be taken into account, which can reduce and redistribute the client flow. A competent marketing and pricing strategy, unique trading offers, and a loyalty program will help mitigate the risk.
  • Seasonality of sales. A decrease in the average annual profit significantly increases the cost side of the business. It is impossible to equalize seasonal peaks without developing an internal organizational policy and external marketing communications(various types of shares).
  • Change in fashion trend, the emergence of a new cosmetic technique. This risk leads to the obsolescence of the basic technology and the aggravation of the need to purchase new material, tools, as well as to attract a more expensive specialist. To prevent the onset of such a situation allows the constant support of the relevance of services.

Having your own massage parlor is one of the most profitable types of business that allows you to minimum investment earn good money. To open it, it is enough to have a small specially equipped room, a couch and a specialist with a diploma of completion of the course of masseurs. In addition, the provision of cosmetic and restorative massage services absolutely does not require permission from the Ministry of Health.

Salon registration

An important step in starting a business is the registration of an enterprise. At the same time, it is important to determine the direction of services, since the type of entrepreneurial activity and whether you need a medical degree.

If you are going to provide exclusively cosmetic or hygienic, restorative massage services, then you do not need a medical education. In this case, you will need:

  1. Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Conclude agreements with special waste disposal services.
  3. Conclude agreements with services that carry out disinfection and disinfestation.
  4. Obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  5. Obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Pass a fire department check.

The situation is somewhat more complicated when you are going to provide manual therapy and medical massage services. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a license to provide services from the Ministry of Health . It can be obtained by a person with a medical education. Therefore, if you do not have a medical diploma, as well as a certificate of completion of masseur courses, you must register an enterprise as an LLC and invite a person with a higher medical education to be the director. At the same time, he will officially provide services, and not you.

Requirements for the premises

Serious requirements are put forward to the choice of premises for the provision of services. It must comply with the following standards:

  • The room must not be in basement.
  • There must be at least 8 sq.m. per massage therapist.
  • If two specialists providing couples massage services work in one office, the room should have an area of ​​​​12 sq. m.
  • The room must have tiles or washable wallpaper.
  • The room must be equipped with a bathroom.
  • Availability of working ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Availability of showers with hot and cold water for employees.

Also, for the convenience of visitors, it is desirable that the office is located on the first or second floor.

A big plus would be the presence of a bath for relaxation.

It is desirable that there is a separate room for each massage therapist and 1-2 rooms are equipped for couples massage.

In addition to the massage room, there should be an administrator's office combined with a waiting room. There is also a rest room for employees. In general, 70-80 square meters are enough to open a salon.

As practice shows, there should be up to 5 jobs in the salon. If there are more of them, the right decision would be to open another salon in another area of ​​the city.

As for the geographical location, it is desirable that there are no competing salons next to the new salon. A very good option is to place the salon in the building of a fitness center or not far from it. By the way, you can also open a fitness club on your own,.

Sanitary requirements

As in any establishment providing cosmetic or medical services, sanitary requirements are put forward for the massage parlor. The main one is weekly disinfection.

It is important to record the date of cleaning, the means used during it. Once a month, a general cleaning of the offices is required.

Water must be connected to the massage therapist's workplace. Hand sanitizers should also be available.

One of the best methods for relaxation is massage, which is why it is popular in many countries at all times. Spectacular Thai massage, calm Indian and many others - all of them have firmly entered our lives and are offered on professional level in leading massage parlors. There are people who love getting massage treatments, but there are also those who love doing it. If you are one of the latter, then there is nothing better than opening a massage parlor from scratch without a license. How to do it? Consider in the article.

How to start a massage business

Many enterprising men and women, having some kind of talent or art, do not have business experience, so in the process of starting a business they are faced with questions: where to start, do I need a business plan, how much money will be needed, and so on. In fact, everything is quite simple, if you sort out a huge pile of tasks “on the shelves”.


If you specialize in providing amateur massage for general body therapy and disease prevention, you can avoid the need for a license.
You should find out about licensing this type of activity at your place of residence, since requirements may vary in different regions.


The main thing that you will definitely need to provide services is a room. According to the norms of the law and based on the personal convenience of the massage therapist, it will be necessary to allocate an area of ​​at least 20 m2 for one massage table, or 50-60 m2 for two or three. In addition, you will need to rent a room of 20-30 square meters. m. under the waiting room. The cost of renting such a room depends on several factors:

  • city ​​or region;
  • population density of the location;
  • current condition and need for repair;
  • footage.

On average, in terms of distance from the center of a large city, the price of such a room will be from 200,000 rubles per month. There are no special requirements for the premises - the main thing is the availability of access to communications - water, electricity, sewerage, as well as a neat repair.

Another option is to purchase a room for a massage parlor in your own possession. It is relevant for those entrepreneurs who have good start-up capital, and also have sufficient experience in doing business.