Moscow land is still valuable - online conference. Tetushkin Dmitry Nikolaevich S. Ishkov - "Moscow Truth"

Good afternoon, colleagues. Today, the Information Center of the Government of Moscow is holding a press conference on the topic: “Land use in in electronic format».
The press conference is being held by Dmitry Tetushkin, Deputy Head of the Moscow City Property Department. Taking part in the press conference are Sergei Nikolayevich Kuznetsov, Deputy Head of the Department for the Formation of Land Plots of the Moscow City Property Department and Dmitry Viktorovich Romanov, Deputy Head of the Department for Registration of Property and Land-Legal Relations of the Moscow City Property Department.


How many more public services in the field of land use are planned to be transferred?


Now the Public Services Portal contains all necessary services associated with the Department. Naturally, there are services that have certain limitations associated with the fact that we are forced to accept paper, as, for example, when agreeing on a boundary plan. For this service, we are forced to accept a “sheet” with a boundary plan on paper, put a stamp on it and give it to the applicant. All other services, where there are no such restrictions, are now present on the Portal.

A. LEKSAKOV - MIA "Russia Today"

And the services that you plan to stop accepting in paper form are no longer there either?


There are no such services for land use anymore. Again, the restrictions apply only to legal entities registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. Restrictions do not apply to individuals.


How does Moscow look compared to other subjects of the Russian Federation? Are we going ahead?


We were among the first to transfer services to electronic form, which characterizes us very positively. But the low percentage of requests in electronic form was due not only to the fact that it was unusual or inconvenient, but also to the fact that the contract that the person receives at the exit had to be carried on paper in federal authorities executive branch responsible for registration. And the fact that Rosreestr began to accept documents in electronic form increases the demand for an electronic type of service provision.


Is it possible to refuse if the legal entity applied electronically?


Any request can have both a positive result and a refusal. Reasons for refusals are clearly stated. In this regard, the Department has done a lot of work to reduce the number of unreasonable refusals. If a person who does not have legal grounds for registration of land applies, he is denied in connection with the application of a person who is not named as an applicant. If a request is made for a non-existent object, there will also be a reasonable refusal here. According to the number of appeals against court decisions of the Department, they are within the margin of error. If a person has received a reasoned refusal, then he can correct the application and resubmit it. All services provided by the Department are free of charge.
For example, in one of the services, a decision on the preliminary approval of a land plot, where, when forming the plot, both the right holder for whom it will be formed and the right on which this plot will be granted in the most detailed way are already indicated. Previously, this site was formed, and already the examination and decision-making on who and how to provide it was only at subsequent stages. Our logic of work on building our administrative procedures is proceeding clearly and in accordance with those federal innovations and the logic that is laid down by federal legislation.


What specialists do you prefer when the entire range of services is converted into electronic form? All the same, in connection with such modernization, new people come.


People are our everything. Those people who come to work for us are not taken out of thin air. A prerequisite for electronic interaction is the habit of working electronically both for us and for applicants. In terms of computer skills and information technology, here the main approach is: if you don’t know how, we will teach. In terms of professional qualities and knowledge regulation, here the qualification should be more stringent. Practitioners will better tell their preferences here.


Our team is quite young. There are no problems with the use of computers and information systems. On the contrary, they help the "veterans" who have been working in the Department for a long time to master the technique, and the "veterans" pass on their knowledge of land and legal relations, the ability to use the law. There are no problems with specialists. In the future, electronic interaction between applicants and public authorities, it seems to me, will penetrate deeper into our lives and be fixed at all levels.

S. ISHKOV - "Moskovskaya Pravda"

Are there similar plans for individuals?


The form of interactive interaction with the Department for individuals is open. They can use it as an option. It is not correct to stop receiving in paper form until such time as electronic form will not find a mass consumer and people will realize the benefits that we talked about today.


I thank Dmitry Nikolaevich. Thanks, colleagues. The press conference is over.


Higher education.

– In 2004, he graduated with honors from Volgograd State University with a degree in global economics with a qualification of an economist.

– In 2007, he completed full-time postgraduate studies at Volgograd State University. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Dmitry Tetushkin: "New rules for providing utilities solve a number of problematic issues in the field of housing and communal services "

June 21, 2011 Dmitry Tetushkin, Deputy Head of the Analytical Department of the Moscow OFAS Russia, took part in the V-th All-Russian Forum "Housing Fund Management System in Russia".

In his report at the fourth plenary session, Dmitry Nikolayevich spoke about changes in antimonopoly regulation in the utility markets in connection with the adoption of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

Dmitry Tetushkin in the program "From the First Person" with N. Bekhtina

So much has been said about the problem that we decided to discuss in this program that it is not known what is being discussed more. These are questions of formation of payment for housing and communal services. And our interlocutor will be Dmitry Nikolayevich Tetushkin, Deputy Head of the Analytical Department of the Moscow Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (UFAS) of Russia.

We are meeting with a person who deals with Moscow housing and communal services, but all the difficult points that will be discussed can be extrapolated to any Russian city or village where housing and communal services are generally provided ...
link: html?iid=353225&rid=

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has appointed Dmitry Tetushkin as deputy head of the Moscow Department of Land Resources, a source in the city administration told RIA Novosti on Friday.

Dmitry Tetushkin about problems and prospects for retail markets electrical energy

On September 12, 2011, the Garant news agency hosted an online interview with the Deputy Head - Head of the Analytical Department Dmitry Tetushkin. The topic of the interview was the problems in the retail electricity markets.

During the previous week, the Moscow OFAS Russia received a large number of questions on this topic, most of which Dmitry Tetushkin gave comments and clarifications in an interview.

Dmitry Tetushkin became deputy head of the Department of Land Resources of Moscow

MOSCOW, May 11 - RIA Novosti. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has appointed Dmitry Tetushkin as deputy head of the Moscow Department of Land Resources, a source in the city administration told RIA Novosti on Friday.

"Dmitry Tetushkin was admitted to the state civil service and was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Land Resources in Moscow, ”said the agency’s interlocutor.
link: 397731271.html

Dmitry Tetushkin appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Department of Land Resources

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree appointing Dmitry Tetushkin to the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Land Resources. According to RIA Novosti, he was appointed to the post and accepted into the civil service of Moscow with the conclusion of a service contract for a period of five years. It should be noted that since August 2010, Tetushkin has served as deputy head of the Moscow Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and since 2009 he has been head of the Analytical Department of the OFAS

On Thursday, November 14, from 13:00 to 14:00, an online conference was held with Dmitry TETUSHKIN, Deputy Head of the Moscow City Property Department.

How will the cadastral value of land change next year? Why was there a large increase in prices for land and premises and will it happen again? Who is eligible for the next year's space rental benefits?

User comments

    Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich! The question of property support (preferential rent) for enterprises over 300 sq. m. In September, they applied for accreditation of a social enterprise. There is still no official answer, but in the oral administration and the Prefecture they explain the suspension of accreditation by a letter from the deputy head of the DSU Sysoeva N. M. development of a new regulation and assessment of the social significance of enterprises. It is quite obvious that we will not be able to submit documents to your department until 01.1202013, and to release the Federal Law No. 800-PP through no fault of our own. D.N., do you know about this situation and does the DGI of Moscow plan to extend it for 2014? the previous rental rate, how did you do it for tenants up to 300 sq.m.? Thank you.

      Small businesses in respect of premises less than 300 sq. meters for the next year, the privilege is preserved. The minimum rate has also been maintained for any premises for small businesses employing disabled people. For other premises over 300 m rented by small businesses, property support can only be provided to artisans, manufacturers, organizations operating in the areas of consumer services, culture and sports. In addition, accredited social shops and social enterprises nutrition. The decision to grant benefits is made by a specially created Commission, whose one-stop shop is the City Property Department. In the described situation, before 01.12.2013, an application should be submitted to the Department, for example, to the “one stop shop” service at 20 Bakhrushina St., with a set of documents provided for by Moscow Government Decree 424-PP, including copies of pending applications for accreditation. It is not planned to extend the terms of consideration of applications for granting preferences for 2014. The application deadline is November to ensure that all decisions are made before the end of the year.

    Dmitry Nikolaevich! We concluded a lease agreement with DIGM in 2009, through an auction. December 29, 2009, PP No. 1479 was issued - "on additional measures to support organizations renting non-residential facilities near Moscow." According to this document, our rental rate for the period 2010-2012 remains at the end of the auction, but the DGI increased the rent by 10% in June 2011. Since March 2013, we have been trying to find out on what basis the increase was - there is no result. answer in a week, I'm still waiting. There are a lot of auctioneers like me with an illegal increase.

      We will definitely find the appeal and prepare a written response. Regarding auction contracts, I would like to note that the rate and the procedure for changing it should have been determined in the auction documentation and further changes in such conditions should not occur.

    Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich! A question about the “cost calculator” for buyouts and leases for small and medium-sized businesses. How are these values ​​determined? I received from this calculator the buyout parameters for 2 identical basements in identical houses located nearby: st. 14/11 Vishnevaya 169.5 m2 buyout 5478240 rent 667661 and Tushinskaya 11 169 m2 buyout 14350297 rent 1419600 (almost 3 times different). It can be assumed that the rental price in the calculator is the commercial rental rate, taken from the add. agreements to lease agreements, originating from 2000-2002, repeatedly indexed and never used. By 2013, it reached 12,000 rubles/m2. In more recent contracts from 2008, this rate is more realistic and close to the market. The ransom value in the calculator is the annual rent multiplied by 9 or 10 for different streets. However, according to DGI, the cost of rented similar premises at open auctions in 2012-13 fluctuates between 4 and 6 thousand rubles. per m2., and the cost of purchased cellars is from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. per m2. (Example: 23 Svobody St., basement 103 m2, purchased for 6,480,000 rubles with VAT, September 25, 2013) We know you from your work in the OFAS in Moscow as a thoughtful and competent person (you helped get rid of inflated tariffs Management Company PIK Comfort), I ask you to help us figure out the prices of the “calculator” and save DGI and tenants from unnecessary disputes.

      The “Cost Calculator” in terms of the buyout price is only a guideline. The values ​​that are received independent appraiser as a result of a mass assessment of real estate leased by small businesses. For management decisions this guide can be used. In the case of an application for privatization in accordance with Federal Law No. 159-FZ, an individual assessment is made, as a result of which some individual features that significantly affect the price of the premises will be taken into account.

    Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich! Over the past year, a cadastral revaluation of land in the City was carried out, which at times increased the cadastral value of land and in some cases exceeded the market value. Also happened significant changes in the legislation on land use and development (amendments to Law 48, 387-PP and 593-PP). Overall, this led to a significant increase in additional payments by investors to the City for the right to build (reconstruct). At the moment, another revaluation of land in the City is being prepared, which once again may lead to a significant increase in the cost of land and possibly to a deterioration in the investment climate and, ultimately, an increase in housing prices. In connection with the foregoing, are there any legislative restrictions on annual revaluations and regulation of the growth rate of specific indicators? And also what are the legislative and cost plans of the Government in matters of cadastral valuation and land use and development?

      Cadastral valuation is a kind of market valuation. It is carried out in accordance with the legislation on valuation activities. The mass valuation method used in cadastral valuation is often criticized. This is due to the fact, critics point out, that the amount of information about the object of assessment and the amount of assumptions in such an assessment significantly affect the accuracy of the results obtained. On the other hand, a weighty argument for such a method is that it removes the appraiser's excessive subjectivity as much as possible. In general, the change in the cadastral value of land last year did not go beyond the parameters of inflation for 5 years, namely, such a period has passed since the previous assessment. The increase in value was fully in line with changes in real estate prices over the same period. The cost parameters of the cadastral valuation are set by the market. The plans of the Government of Moscow affect the frequency of such an assessment. It will be updated not once every five years, but annually. This is done in order to avoid further one-time growth, similar to last year, which was an average of 30%. Now on the agenda of the Moscow Government is the approval of the results of the cadastral valuation of land and capital construction projects, which will be introduced from the beginning of next year. As for the investment climate, it should be noted that it is formed not only by the amount of rental payments, but, above all, by transparent, understandable, predictable business conditions, unequivocally established by the “rules of the game”. For example, this year, a change in the calculation of rent for the first year after a change in the purpose of a land grant, if such changes involve construction, allowed investors to predict such rent before contacting the department, as well as reduce the timeframe for providing the relevant public service during the independent assessment . You can calculate the fee using a special calculator posted on our website

    SW. Dmitry Nikolaevich! Moscow's small business is in the grips of a commercial lease for the majority, especially for basement tenants, is tantamount to bankruptcy; obtaining rental benefits for 2014 (more than 300 sq.m) according to the established rules is a big question, because it is impossible to get a new accreditation as a social store (this is our case, not to extend, but to get) - we submitted documents to the prefecture in May , they only submitted to DTU in September, the answer is that new rules for accreditation are being developed. And there are many like us. We considered the buyout, conducted an assessment from an accredited company - 22 million rubles, and the DGI calculator gives out 40 million rubles. The difference is huge. Where is the support for small businesses? We survived the dashing 90s, the difficult zero years, and now there is no way out. What would you advise us to do?

      There was already a similar question. I recommend submitting before 01.12.2013 an application for the provision of property support to the relevant Commission in the "one stop shop" service of the Department with the application of a set of documents provided for by Decree of the Government of Moscow 424-PP.

    How do you feel about the fact that some industrial areas in Moscow are used for other purposes. Some of them now contain various warehouses of household items.

      I have a negative attitude towards violations of the law. Control over the use of land in the territory of the city of Moscow is carried out by the State Inspectorate for Real Estate.

    Dmitry Nikolaevich! Where and how can I find out exactly the amount of rent for my premises after recalculation??

      The amount of the rent is determined by the current regulations and the terms of the contract. At Myasnitsky Proezd, 2/1, there is a specialized “one stop shop” that reconciles payments. In the near future, it is planned to launch the corresponding service for reconciliation of rental payments on the portal public services, similar to the current reconciliation service for rent for land plots.

    Good afternoon! Why was the rent recalculation notice sent so late?

    Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich! IN currently For the purchase of premises, an installment plan of 3 years is provided. However, it seems to us that this period is not sufficient for most small businesses, and banks are reluctant to provide loans for the purchase of premises, which, as a rule, are located in dilapidated housing stock with a high percentage of wear and tear. Do you plan to increase the installment period up to 5 years?

      Not planned

    Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich! This year, rent payments for land plots on which buildings and premises rented from the city are located have significantly increased, which has placed a significant burden on the shoulders of small and medium-sized businesses. Do you plan to increase prices for leased land near the city in 2014?

      The change in the amount of payments will occur from 01/01/2014 due to changes in the cadastral value. The cadastral valuation will be approved and published shortly.

    Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich! How can one explain the huge difference in the assessment of non-residential basement according to your calculator on the site? And will a commission be created for a fair assessment of the basement premises in which the tenants invested huge amounts of money in an integral arrangement, despite the fact that the city has already unilaterally seized these costs and offers only an uncontested sale without taking into account costs, although the city itself has not invested not a penny, explaining to us that no one asked us to invest, but on clay floors, without other conditions, it is impossible to work!!! How can I sign up for a premium on this issue, unless of course you can fairly approach this issue.

Today, the Information Center of the Government of Moscow is holding a press conference on the topic: “Results of the six months in the provision of public services in the field of land and property relations.”
The press conference is being held by Tetushkin Dmitry Nikolaevich, Deputy Head of the Moscow City Property Department.
Esipov Dmitry Konstantinovich, Deputy Head of the Address Register Service of the State budget institution(GBU) MosgorBTI.


Good afternoon, colleagues. State services in the field of land and property relations were provided by the Department for quite a long time. Back in 2012, most of them were transferred to electronic form. All changes relating to the procedure for the provision of these services are associated solely with their transfer to electronic form, a change in the Federal Law related to the Land Code. And so, the order is the same: a minimum set of documents, the shortest possible time and a minimum of communication with the applicant.
This year's changes are 3 services introduced by the Land Code, which began to be provided electronically from January 1, and from March 1 we introduced restrictions on them for receiving requests from Russian legal entities. We made this reception for this category of applicants only in electronic form.
Compared to the number of services last year, they do not decrease at all, there is even an increase of 3% over the same period last year. At the same time, for services where applications for Russian legal entities are mandatory through the public services portal, the share of requests submitted electronically exceeds 75%. In general, for land services it is 73%. Those. applicants actively use the portal. Since the beginning of the year, almost 10,000 requests to the Department have been received through this portal, and they are being successfully processed.
The most demanded services are still the provision of a land plot for rent to the right holders of real estate objects located on them - about 3,300 contracts on this topic have been concluded. Further, services related to the change in the lease agreement, the coordination of the boundary plan of the boundaries of the land plot and the preliminary approval for the provision of the land plot, i.e. a service within which the boundaries of the site are determined.
Since March 1, 2016, an exclusively electronic form for filing applications for Russian legal entities has been introduced for such services as preliminary approval of a land plot, issuance of an agreement for the placement of an improvement object, redistribution of land, land plots located in the state and municipal property. Since the beginning of the year, more than 2,000 requests have been received for these three services, of which 1,200 are in electronic form.
The most important thing is the first results of the provision of services for addressing objects. This is a completely new power for the Department. On February 25, 2016, a procedure was adopted that consolidates the authority for the city of Moscow, with the exception of Shcherbinka and Troitsk, to address objects in the city. In addition to the transfer of powers from the prefectures, there has also been a change in the order of addressing in terms of expanding the object of addressing, changing the principles of addressing and changing the principles by which the provision of services is evaluated. Reduced service delivery times. Previously, the period was 45 working days, but now it is 17. The federal procedure, under which we have begun to change the order of addressing in Moscow, provides for deadline in 18 business days. Another point is that now this service has become free, and earlier the applicant paid an average of 15,000 rubles for this service. In addition, the Department does not require any documents from the applicant, which may be requested from other authorities.
The order of addressing, which was in Moscow before the introduction of the new order, was not bad. In terms of its content, it focused on the creation of a unique address register for the city of Moscow, which contained geo-referenced information about all real estate objects located in the city. Information about addressing objects was not only in the part of the main address, but also contained all the information that was accumulated during the life of the object. The name of the street has changed, and the main address of the objects on the street changes, but the history of the objects continues to be stored. The presence of an address outline in the address register is a unique distinctive feature that has developed historically. Historically, this was carried out by Moscow City BTI. In the new order, taking into account its introduction, reduction of terms and administrative procedures, we were faced with the task of not only introducing positive sides, which I mentioned, but also to preserve the developments and technology that was used by Moscow City BTI when maintaining the address register. We have kept this technology. The address register of the BTI has not only become the basis for the authorities when registering objects, but even now the Department acts as a “one-stop shop” for entering information about addressing objects, about assigned addresses into the Federal Information Address System. The address register of the Federal Information Address System is open and published in open data and created according to uniform formats throughout the country. In this regard, this register becomes mandatory for use and uniform application not only for city organizations and Moscow authorities, but also the federal authorities also use a single source for addressing objects, and its publicity allows it to be used by any commercial structures and other interested parties.
With the introduction of the new addressing order, the principle of address assignment has changed. Previously, the address was assigned from the moment of commissioning and it was provided that the land plot on which the property is located, its address was brought into line with the address of the already built object. Now everything is built life cycle: The address is assigned initially to the land. In the new addressing order, the land plot also became the object of addressing. Then, the address of the property is assigned at the stage of issuing a building permit. This is a very significant reduction in administrative barriers in the implementation construction activities. Another point is that now the object of addressing is also the premises in buildings. It is possible to estimate the amount of information about current addresses by the number of objects on the cadastral register. In Moscow, we have about 300,000 land plots and about 5.5 million buildings and premises in them. Now all these objects will have to have a unique address, which is entered in the address register of the BTI, which must be contained in the Federal Information Address System.
The introduction of this new service and the preservation of addressing traditions determines the preservation of applications for addressing previously filed by citizens. MosgorBTI accepts requests for the provision of this public service. In our nearest plans to transfer this service to an electronic form. Addressing from the moment of introduction following the results of the 1st half of the year turned out to be the leader in terms of demand. More than 2000 objects have already been addressed. The Department received about 3,500 requests for this service.
As before, the Department is trying to build its mechanism for providing services so that it is as transparent, convenient as possible, with minimal loss of time and exceptionally positive emotions. Thanks.


Tell me, please, do you have any statistics on the districts of Moscow?


We keep statistics on the city, and it is in the context of districts. From the point of view of the provision of services, it does not matter for the Department where the facility is located. Therefore, we did not take this detailed statistics. From the point of view of addressing to the specified service, everyday territories are the leader in terms of the number of requests.


Do you have statistics for the Southwestern District?


As for Old Moscow, in Moscow the city addressing program began a long time ago - in 1998. All objects erected during this time received addresses. Something within the framework of the state program, when there was a mass addressing, something at the request of investors, owners, etc. In Old Moscow, at the moment, the percentage of applications for addressing is quite small, for the reason that addresses are assigned to objects, they were assigned based on the developed rules, etc. The main applications go to the annexed territory, because. there were no uniform rules and methods of addressing. Situations are very common when objects have not an address, but an address landmark. Therefore, in Old Moscow, almost all objects erected, either at the stage of development of project documentation or at the stage of commissioning, they receive addresses.


Historically, the owners of objects in the annexed territory have addresses containing the Moscow region. Naturally, when reissuing addresses, people have a desire that the documents contain the correct address. Therefore, they apply for addressing. But the current procedure differs from the previous one also in that, in addition to assigning addresses within the framework of public services and according to the applications of applicants, the Department has the right to address by own initiative. And these ugly addresses can be given within general work or consideration of requests for other public services. As before, the Department practices, this is enshrined in administrative regulations, providing complex service- in the case of an applicant applying for a service for registration of legal relations, land, or in relation to real estate, the Department immediately assigns and notifies the applicant about this, the addresses that are correct for the structure that are provided for by the current procedure and that reflect the current administrative-territorial affiliation of the addressing object.

E. KARTSEVA - IA "Moscow"

Dmitry Nikolayevich, do not explain again - you said that your plans include transferring the addressing service to electronic form. Is it possible to do this electronically at the moment?


The service is new for us, we just introduced it. From the point of view of the business process, all documents from the applicant that are received, they go through the scanning procedure. The preparation of the document within the Department is carried out exclusively in electronic form. To ensure the acceptance of documents in electronic form, we need to slightly modify. We are technologically ready for this and in the near future, most likely before the end of the year, applicants will have an additional opportunity to apply to us electronically without a visit. Taking into account the fact that addressing acts do not carry particularly classified information, they are published on the official website of the Department now, and many of the information from these acts is entered into the Federal Information Address System within 5 days.

E. KARTSEVA - IA "Moscow"

And you spoke for reporting period The Department received about 3,500 thousand requests for addressing. What period is this for?


From the start of the service. The application received today will be processed for a certain period. There is always more than what is worked out. Otherwise, we wouldn't have anything to work with. These requests are specifically for assigning an address to addressing objects. About 2/3 of the questions relate to capital construction projects and about 1/3 of requests for the assignment of addresses to land plots.

E. KARTSEVA - IA "Moscow"

With regard to the service in electronic form, will it also be possible to assign an address, change or cancel here?


All actions are possible electronically. Cancellation of the address, based on the grounds provided for by the current regulations, will be carried out mainly at the initiative of the Department upon receipt of cadastral passports of these objects from the Cadastral Chamber, which will reflect the status of removing such objects from the cadastral register.
Changing the address is always 2 procedures - assigning a new one and canceling the old one.


You mentioned 3 services that will be transferred exclusively to electronic form from March 1, but only for legal entities.


Yes, in our country the entire transfer of public services has been carried out and is being carried out for all categories of applicants. For applicants who do not belong to the category of Russian legal entities. For this category, applying through the public services portal is optional. They can apply both on paper and through the public services portal. For them, for 13 public services, it is envisaged to receive applications exclusively through the portal of public services. We do not accept requests from them for the provision of services on paper.

E. SEMENOVA - "Arguments and facts"

Please tell me, with regards to New Moscow, the new addresses that certain buildings receive there, they are quite cumbersome. Will it stay like that? This long address, it is impossible even to drive it somewhere if you need to get some kind of document - there are not so many lines in the computer.


The order of addressing and the procedure for assigning addresses in the current edition is strictly regulated by federal regulations that determine the set of address-forming documents. The first such element is the country, then comes the subject of the Russian Federation, then municipality etc. to unique numbers of real estate objects. In this regard, the use of all these address-forming elements in the address looks very cumbersome. We are used to short addresses. The address register contains both short, easy-to-read addresses and the entire set of elements of the address system, which is provided for by federal law. For the needs of using the address register, it is necessary to count the number of objects in a particular administrative-territorial unit. Availability in information system completed these elements reasonably and correctly. There are specialists in the districts who are interested specifically in the district, and not in general, the picture of the city. From the point of view of the beauty of the address and this abbreviated part, it is contained in our orders and fully preserves the addressing traditions laid down in Moscow by previous regulations.


I would like to add that the territory of New Moscow is quite large, and it included a large number settlements. There are situations when in different settlements that entered the territory of Moscow, there is the same name of the villages. Also, street names are duplicated. We only have about 10 Forest Streets. To reduce the addresses located on the territory of New Moscow to the editorial office that is in Old Moscow is a rather laborious process that requires a huge amount of time. At the same time, new streets that are formed on the territory of New Moscow, as well as houses and plots located on them, are already assigned addresses there in the same way as in Old Moscow. It is technically impossible to bring everything to the same denominator at once.


The reduction of addressing elements should not entail the impossibility of clearly geographically identifying where the addressing object is located. The federal information address system is still a semantic resource, where address information is contained in the form of filled address-forming elements, which determine where the object is located. But within modern approach For addressing, various information resources, federal and city, receive a relationship when they are entered into the Federal Information Address System, including, if the object is on the cadastral register, information about the cadastral number of this object is entered. On the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, you can see the location of this object along the contour. Naturally, the address register of Moscow is also published as a geoinformation resource on "".

I would like to clarify that you said that new order allows you to assign addresses not only to buildings, but also to premises. Is this at the request of the owner? Can an owner cut down an office center by assigning a separate address to each office?


Indeed, the assignment of addressing provides that the premises must have their own address. But the normative and legislative addressing procedure is structured in such a way that the object of addressing in terms of the premises is understood as an object that is planned to be put on cadastral registration or will be put on cadastral registration. If the owner of the whole object wants to carry out an event for its division on the cadastral register, but these two new objects will be assigned addresses in the configuration as he plans to divide them. If he does not plan, then they will not be divided. When applying for the addressing of such an object, the address will be assigned and entered into the address system. But, if, based on the results of the cadastral work, the Cadastral Chamber refuses to register these two addressing objects, then the addresses assigned to these objects will be canceled from the information system.

A. MASTRENKOV - Internet portal of the Stroykompleks

How long has this order been in effect?


In Moscow, Government Decree was adopted on February 25, 2016 No. 58. We can say that, despite the fact that we started using it in February, this is the first time we are announcing it so openly.

A. MASTRENKOV - Internet portal of the Stroykompleks

Are there not many requests for assignment of premises?


Any appeal to the authority is determined by practical need and usefulness. Currently, there are not many needs for the conversion of objects.


In a fairly short period of time, the Department has done a great job and the population began to receive public services in electronic form. It's high quality and efficient. How many services do you think need to be provided in electronic form, so that you can say that you have transferred the maximum possible number of services to electronic form?


As a lazy person, I, as a consumer of services, of course, prefer to receive everything in electronic form. The fact that we began to transfer services to electronic form quite a long time ago, with the adoption of our administrative regulations on land services, there was a fairly large distrust of this topic and rejection. It was difficult for people to readjust, both for the applicants, but also for those who perform the procedure. An important aspect that greatly influenced the demand for our services in electronic form is that if I applied somewhere for a service in electronic form, then it will also be in demand in electronic form and can be used in electronic form. In this regard, land and property services for registration of legal relations in relation to land plots, real estate objects, their demand in electronic form began to grow strongly not only from the moment administrative restrictions were introduced for Russian legal entities, but also from the moment when our counterparties began their procedures and also convert their services into electronic form. In this regard, Rosreestr, by launching a portal, within which you can submit a request for registration of legal relations in electronic form, registration of contracts with counterparties, it increases the demand for services. I don’t even need to go to the Department, I received a file signed with an electronic digital signature from the Department and then applied with it to Rosreestr so that it registered our legal relations in the established manner. I don’t have to adjust to the schedule of institutions, or take time off from work, or take vacations. I have the opportunity to do everything in my free time.
The share of services in electronic form should strive for 100%. Many authorities and organizations are now increasingly beginning to offer their electronic services.
Now our consumers are more prepared and are becoming more demanding. The current approach to the provision of public services is also characterized by the fact that each authority does not create platforms where users need to understand how to work with them, and all public services are centrally provided through a single regional portal "", where, in addition to the services of the Department, many more authorities provide services and the rules of interaction with other authorities are similar to each other.

M. MEBIUS - "Evening Moscow"

The Moscow authorities recently acquired several premises in Moscow City. Do you already know which Departments will move there and when?


The question is completely off-topic, so I'm omitting this question. Solve all this in working order with the Department through the press service. Thanks.

E. KARTSEVA - IA "Moscow"

You said that almost 10,000 applications have been received through the portal since the beginning of the year. The press release says that more than 21,000 public services have been provided. Those. 10,000 have been received since the beginning of the year, but does the figure of 21,000 include applications received back in 2015?


No. These are the applications received by the Department, there are about 21,000 of them, for services in the land and property sector. This figure also includes addressing - 3,500, which we currently do not accept in electronic form - and a number of other services for which there is no obligation to contact us in electronic form.

E. KARTSEVA - IA "Moscow"

They said that compared to the first half of 2015, there is an increase in the number of services by 3%. Are these new services?


This is an increase in requests for services. The services are the same, but they increase by 3%. These services are both electronic and non-electronic.
Naturally, we do not take into account our new services, but only those that are comparable to the same period last year. Those. conclusion of a lease agreement, amendment of the agreement - the indicator is 53% of the annual indicator of the last year.


I thank Dmitry Nikolaevich for an interesting story. Thanks.