Winter fun competition. Photo contest “Winter fun. Stages of the event

Dear participants! With clear frosty days and blizzard evenings, winter reinforces its title of the most fun and exciting time of the year.

Fresh frosty air, fluffy snow, a mirror skating rink and snow slides beckon children to the street. And now you already feel the breath of fresh wind, rapidly descending on skis from a forest hill; you skate, walk through the forest grove, inhaling the aroma of frosty spruce, encourage a friend by throwing a snowball at him. Yes, you never know different fun! Outdoor activities give health to the body and good spirits! Reflect in your work how you have fun in winter.

  • development of creative abilities and increase of creative activity;
  • development of the team spirit of the family while fulfilling the conditions of the competition on the way to victory;

Event dates: from 12/01/2015 to 12/31/2015

Stages of the event:

Acceptance of works of participants: from 01.12.2015 to 21.12.2015

Summing up the results of the event: from 12/22/2015 to 12/26/2015.

Competition nominations:

  1. In nomination art drawings on the theme of the month, made in any technique (drawing, painting, graphics, etc.) can take part.
  2. In nomination arts and crafts can take part in any crafts on the theme of the month, made by participants in any technique from any material.
  3. In nomination literary creativity any works on the theme of the month (author's poems, stories, compositions) can take part.
  4. In nomination photographic art photos taken by participants on the theme of the month can take part. Works are accepted in JPG (photo) formats.
  5. In nomination video creation and multimedia presentations Video films, multimedia presentations made by participants on the theme of the month can take part. Works are accepted in AVI (video), PPT (presentation) formats.
  6. On the nomination research and socially significant work (projects) author's works in WORD format on the topic of the month can be submitted. Additional materials (photos, presentations, graphics, etc.) may be attached to the work.


  1. preschoolers
  2. Students in grades 1-4
  3. Students in grades 5-8
  4. Students in grades 9-11
  5. Family teams

Job requirements:

Only electronic entries are allowed for the competition.

The file size should not exceed 10 MB.

The participant has the right to submit 1 work to the competition in the nomination chosen by him.

The registration fee for participation in a remote event is 30 (thirty) rubles for 1 job.

The site administration reserves the right to check your work for plagiarism. If during the check it turns out that the work is borrowed from another author, then the Site Administration removes this work from participation in the competition.

Criteria for evaluation of works:

  • compliance of the submitted work with the declared nomination and the theme of the competition;
  • compliance of the work with the age of the participant;
  • originality of the work.

Dear friends, clients of Zhiloiy Kvartal Group of Companies!!

Hurry up to take part in the annual competition among the clients of the Zhiloiy Kvartal Group of Companies called "Winter Fun"!

The competition dates are from February 5 to March 8, 2016.

Conditions of the competition:

1. Clients who have purchased a cottage, townhouse or apartment in the Residential Quarter Group of Companies are eligible to participate in the competition

2. From the participants 1 photo (in jpg, png format) is accepted, which depicts the winter entertainment activities of the participant of the competition and his family members living in the house. It can be a variety of activities: making a snowman together, building a slide, skiing around the house, preparing a winter barbecue, setting off fireworks and many others. The photo can be a collage (consist of several combined photos).

3. The photo must be sent to the GC "Residential Quarter", in electronic form in any convenient way:

3.2. submit via the form on the contest page on the website

4. Photo requirements:

4.1. must be visible in the photograph cottage or apartment building built by the Zhiloi Kvartal Group of Companies;

4.2. the photo must be signed: full name of the participant or members of his family, a brief description of the photo; number of the agreement with Zhiloy Kvartal Group of Companies (needed for clarification, this number will not be visible publicly).

6. March 9-10, 2016 (inclusive) it will be possible to vote for the participants on the contest page on our website. The opportunity to vote will be closed at 23:59 on March 10, 2016.

7. According to the results of voting on the site, the winner in the nomination " Popular opinion". The number of "likes" and "reposts" collected by participants under their photos in albums in social networks will be taken into account in additional nominations of the competition

8. In the category " The choice of the company "Residential Quarter» Photos will be evaluated by employees of the Zhiloiy Kvartal Group of Companies (architects and designers).

9. Creativity and creative approach are welcome!

10. Participation in the competition confirms the consent to the use of the photos of the participants by the Zhiloi Kvartal Group of Companies for advertising and other purposes that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Prize fund in the nomination "Choice of the company "Residential Quarter":

  • 1st place - TV
  • 2nd place - multicooker
  • 3rd place - kettle

Prize fund in the nomination "People's opinion":

  • 1st place - a certificate to the Sportmaster store with a face value of 2000 rubles

Announcement and awarding of winners

The Aid to Education Program Center invites kindergartens to take part in VI All-Russian annual competition of children's drawings on the theme "Winter fun".

December 12, 2016 to February 12, 2017 send with drawings of children by e-mail. mail: or at the address: 610000, Kirov region, Kirov, Main Post Office, PO Box 19.

DOO-winner will receive a valuable prize - certificate for 5000 rubles for the purchase of software for a kindergarten, a small the author of the drawing is waiting for a surprise gift.

Good luck!

Competitors: preschool organizations (kindergartens). Works are performed by children from 2 to 7 years old.

Competition Description

Every kid has their favorite winter fun. Sledding, skiing or skating, sliding down an ice slide, making a snowman, playing snowballs. Or maybe build ice castles and draw directly on the snow?

Invite your children to draw pictures of their favorite winter activities and make up a short story about their impressions of the bright and fun moments of winter walks. Send all your drawings to us for participation in the VI All-Russian annual competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun"!

Terms of participation in the competition

The participants of the competition are preschool educational institutions. Competitive drawings are made by children aged 2 to 7 years on the theme "Winter fun".

The figure should show: winter entertainment and fun.

The image should be interesting and bright. The drawing can be made in any technique on A4 or A3 paper.

Be sure to give the picture a name and write a mini-story. A mini-story is required and must contain a description of a favorite winter activity, a funny or funny incident, etc. The child must draw and compose the drawing and its description. If he still does not know how to write, an adult can do this, but verbatim from the words of the child. The work must be original and made specifically for this competition.

Send scanned drawings or their photographs to the competition (the number of drawings is not limited). Separate files are required in the letter:

1. Application () - a prerequisite for participation in the competition ;

2. Files with drawings (scan or photograph), each work in a separate graphic file *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png.

Applications and competitive works are accepted by e-mail or at the address: 610000, Kirov, Main Post Office, PO box 19 marked "Children's Drawing Competition" .

You can publish your drawings in the album yourself"Competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun" 2016-2017" on the page of the official group of the Program Center "Assistance to Education" VKontakte at . There you can also vote for your favorite entries.

Important! By submitting their work to the competition, the participants and authors thereby grant the right to the organizers of the competition to use the competition works (posting on the Internet, publication in print media, presentation on exhibition stands with reference to authorship).

Competition Prizes

Winners will be determined in two age categories:

  • 24 years;
  • 5 - 7 years old (preschoolers).

The winners of the competition - kindergartens - will be awarded diplomas with the image of the participants' works and Cash Certificates for the purchase of a computer program of the Program Center "Assistance to Education":

  • 1st place- Certificate for the amount 5000 rub.
  • 2nd place- Certificate for the amount 3000 rub.
  • 3rd place- Certificate for the amount 2000 rub.

Children whose drawings will be recognized as the best will receive surprise gifts.

Participants of the competition - kindergartens - will receive Certificate participant.

The work of the jury and the results of the competition

The jury team evaluates all proposed works according to 4 criteria:

1. correspondence of the drawing to the theme of the Contest;

2. level of performance and artistic expressiveness;

3. completeness and originality of the description;

4. independence.

A small overview of winter training and sports events in Moscow and the region.

Saturday ski runs - relaxation or hard training?
Ski rogaine and orienteering competitions.

Choose your winter adventures - get ready for the summer mountains.

Saturday ski runs - ski touring or strength test?

Of the old, proven winter events, the Saturday runs of the Dmitriev and Safronov groups can be recommended as excellent training for multi-racing and rogaining. Early in the morning, the participants of the run gather on one of the electric trains and pass beautiful and proven routes around the Moscow region. Dmitriev's group is larger, up to 100 people gather for some runs, the distances are somewhat longer and they run faster. Safronov's group is more intimate, the routes are somewhat closer to Moscow, but the paths are also slightly smaller.
On the move, the groups quickly break up into a "head team" that paves the way and a "tail" that moves along the already trodden ski track. Even strong skiers cannot always get into a trailing group, as it, constantly changing its leader, moves very quickly.
If it seems to you that this is a leisurely walk through the snowdrifts, then this is not at all the case. Even a strong skier can load up to the full program to an ache in the back, clogged arms and legs. But even those who move slower can easily maintain their speed and go the same route.
In the middle of the day, the groups camp around the fire and have lunch.
To participate in these races it is very important: to know the route of movement, to have a flashlight in case of falling behind in the evening forest, spare clothes and equipment for a fire and cooking. If something happens, of course, you will not be thrown into the forest, but basically everyone relies on himself.

The program of competitions in rogaining, orienteering and ski events in Moscow and Moscow region:

January 30, 2016 Dmitriev Group
Arsaki (Strunino) - r. Dubna - Buzhaninovo = 65-70, oncoming groups
02/06/16 86km ski run of the Safronov group
February 06, Saturday Pl. Timiryazevskaya, at the box office, until 6-50, train 6-57
1 subgroup - 86km - Nekrasovskaya-Vekshino-Rakovo-Morozki-Beklemishevo-Abramtsevo
2 subgroup - 35km - Morozki-Beklemishevo-Abramtsevo
A halt in front of Beklemishevo. ATTENTION! The 1st subgroup has 61 km to the fire

02/06/2016 VI Zelenograd ski tourist cross-country with elements of orientation 2016
VI Zelenograd ski tourist cross with orientation elements will be held on February 6, 2016 near Zelenograd. Competitions are team, but the team can be from one person, the start is common. Participants are offered two distances - long 25-30 km and short 10 - 15 km.

02/06/2016 12:00:00 - 02/28/2016 14:00:00 Moscow Winter 2016
In February 2016 on Saturdays there will be a cycle of 4-5 starts in ski orienteering - "Moscow Winter 2016". The cycle of starts is being prepared by the MEPhI Orienteering Club and Aleksey Ermachenkov. Starts will take place in Zhulebino, on the Great Lawn of Moscow State University, Kuzminki (with warm locker rooms), at the Medica (with warm locker rooms). Competitions will be held on skis. Those who wish to start running will be able to do this after the finish of the skiers!

02/22/2016 Winter racing - Alloy 2016
Winter adventure skiing.

February 22, 2016 (Monday) Dmitriev group 100 km in one day
To participate in this event, it is MANDATORY to participate in previous group outings, get acquainted with the track and pay for participation.
Linear distance, two campfires with hot meals.

02/26/2016 - 02/28/2016 Azimuth 2016
Traditional competitions in tourist ski night orienteering. The sports part of the event is night ski orienteering. The race starts at 19.00 on Friday, February 26, and ends in the afternoon or evening of February 27. There are 4 distance options: short 20 km, standard 30 km, long 40 km and children's 10 km. In fact, the length of the distances (with the exception of the children's) is 1.5 times the nominal length.
lack of specially prepared ski tracks, i.e. quite a lot of kilometers the teams (especially the leaders) have to tread across the virgin lands.
the total number of CPs is more than 100, and the number of CPs for each team is 10-25 pcs. (depending on distance length).
Each team has its own route.
taking the next checkpoint is impossible without taking the previous one.
tasks are diversified by such elements as walking according to the legend (a verbal description of the path), maps of various scales (1:500000 and 1:200000), competitions at a distance.
the need for the presence of at least one woman in each team.

02/28/2016 100 km in one day (2016)
Cross-country skiing on tourist ski tracks near Moscow. 100km.

The race, also known as "Safronovskaya Hundred", will be held for the 40th time (!). The track is "trampled" by feet in advance (i.e. not with a cutter), it is not marked out, it can be rolled up in places by snowmobiles, i.e. This is "tourist class". The start is general, from the train. Six food points on the route, five of them with fires.
Route Nekrasovskaya - Udino - Rakovo-Morozki - Radonezh - Kuzyaevo-Morozki.

01/28/2016 - 01/31/2016 15:12:00 Winter GRAND PRIX in orienteering among veterans 2016
These competitions will take place on January 28-31, 2016 in the Leningrad region (Kirishsky district, Budogoshch village).

02/21/2016 Skiing 2016
Rogaine in the Nizhny Novgorod region, 4 and 2 hours skiing.

03/26/2016 - 04/01/2016 Karelian Ski Week 2016
At the end of March 2016, the seventh 400-kilometer ski run "Karelian Ski Week" will take place in Kalevala.

Anastasia Kosheleva
Regulations on the competition of children's drawings "Winter Fun"

Regulations on the competition of children's drawings

« Winter fun»

1. General provisions

1.1. Drawing competition among children of MDOU« Kindergarten No. 5» « Winter fun» (Further - Contest) is carried out in accordance with the work plan for December 2016 within the framework of the month "Shine with lights, tree!".

1.2. Organizer The competition is MDOU« Kindergarten No. 5» (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).

1.3. The organizing committee determines Competition Regulations, dates, procedure for participation, forms the composition of the Jury for the evaluation of works, awards participants, winners Competition.

2. Goals and objectives Competition

2.1. The goal is to identify talented children in the field of artistic creativity.

2.2. A task competition- give children the opportunity to express their impressions in figure.

3. Participants

3.1. Member Competition any child aged 5-7 years can become without pre-selection.

3.2. Participation in Competition is voluntary. Coercion to participate in any form is unacceptable.

3.3. Minimum number of participants Competition from one group - 1 child - participant. The maximum number is not limited.

4. Organization Competition

4.2. Contest held in one nomination - picture.

4.3. Organization and holding Competition based on MDOU« Kindergarten No. 5» carried out by Gaun Anastasia Viktorovna.

5. Terms and Conditions competition

5.1. Works are carried out on the topic « Winter fun» .

5.2. On the Competition accepted works made on A4 paper (any technique).

5.3. Each work must be signed on the back. (Full name of the author, age, title, group number).

5.4. Application for participation in competition must be submitted to the methodological office by December 09, 2016.

6. Rewarding participants Competition

6.2. The jury evaluates the correspondence of the Work to the theme Competition and the age of the participant. The jury members give preference to participants who have completed the work on their own. Winners Competition those participants who approached the work in the most creative and original way are recognized.

6.3. Winners The participants are considered to be, who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd place separately by age categories.

6.4. Winners Competition are awarded with Diplomas of winners of 1,2 and 3 degrees.

6.5. Members Competition receive certificates.

6.6. An exhibition of the best works is organized.

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