An underground miner. Etks. underground miner (3rd grade) Underground miner 3 grade theory


Managing Director of the Qualifications Development Department

OOR "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs"

Yu. V. Smirnova


underground miner of the 3rd category

Divisions "Technological technologies"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present job description defines the functional, job duties, rights and responsibilities of an underground miner of the 3rd category of the Technological Technologies subdivision (hereinafter referred to as an underground miner of the 3rd category) of the OOR Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (hereinafter the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following requirements for education and training is appointed to the position of an underground miner of the 3rd category:

  • Vocational Training - Programs vocational training by professions of workers, retraining programs for workers, programs for improving the qualifications of workers;
  • Special conditions for admission to work of an underground miner of the 3rd category:

  • Internship, training and instruction in labor protection, industrial and fire safety; testing knowledge of labor protection, industrial and fire safety requirements;
  • Passing mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation;
  • Persons at least 18 years of age;
  • 1.3. An underground miner of the 3rd category should know:

  • Requirements of the token (electronic) control system for descent - exit and work permits for underground mining in mines and in mines;
  • Rules for installation, dismantling and operation of injection equipment and equipment for hydraulic fracturing in underground mine workings;
  • Rules for collecting used oil and submitting it for regeneration;
  • Basics of plumbing and electrical engineering to the extent necessary for servicing vehicles, technological equipment and mechanisms for underground mining;
  • Purpose, layout, device, principles of operation and specifications serviced machines and equipment, lifting structures, reloading devices, sampling and sample-dividing mechanisms, control and measuring devices and automation equipment used in underground mining;
  • Delivery routes and rules for carrying the used sets of drilling tools;
  • Well condition requirements;
  • Methods for detecting stabs;
  • Control of lifting mechanisms used when moving explosive materials;
  • Movement rules for mine workings;
  • Regulation on the protection of explosives at the place of blasting operations;
  • Rules for the use of personal protective equipment, gas protection equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and emergency tools;
  • Methods for ruffling stitches;
  • Safe ways to clean wells;
  • Requirements of the token (electronic) control system for descent-exit and work-permits for underground mining in mines and in mines;
  • Types of malfunctions in the operation of serviced machines and mechanisms, methods of identifying and eliminating them in accordance with their competence;
  • Purpose and principles of operation of mechanisms, devices and tools used in drilling and blasting operations;
  • Labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements when handling explosives and underground mining;
  • Ventilation scheme and direction of the outgoing jet in underground mine workings;
  • Action plan for the localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents in the mining organization;
  • Rules for the handling and transportation of explosives in mine workings;
  • Installed alarm during blasting operations;
  • First aid rules for the victim;
  • Blasting safety rules;
  • Purpose and location of mine workings for underground mining in mines and in mines;
  • Locksmithing in the amount necessary for the preparation of mine workings for subsequent cleaning works;
  • Features of arrangement and repair of running sections of mine workings;
  • Communication diagrams of pipelines at the site of the underground mine and in the mine;
  • Rules for the execution of work on the backfill of the mined-out space;
  • Applied bonding compounds, their reagents, storage, transportation and safety measures when working with them;
  • Types and sizes of the used support and related materials;
  • Purpose of the applied technological solutions, methods of their preparation and storage rules for underground mining in mines and in mines;
  • Purpose, principles of operation of the mechanisms, devices and tools used;
  • Ventilation scheme and direction of the outgoing jet in the mine workings;
  • General understanding of the physical properties of rocks;
  • Rules for movement in mine workings in case of underground mining in mines (mines);
  • Methods for hitching trolleys and attaching them to a rope, an electric locomotive in underground mining in mines and in mines;
  • Purpose, rules for checking the performance of fences, communication equipment, industrial alarms, collective and personal protective equipment, fire extinguishing and gas protection equipment for underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements for underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Techniques for passing the rock mass along the slopes;
  • First aid rules for the victim;
  • Signs and nature of the manifestation of rock pressure;
  • Types of malfunctions in the operation of serviced machines and mechanisms, methods of identifying and eliminating them in accordance with their competence;
  • Operating rules and procedure for maintaining turnouts in underground mining at mines and in mines;
  • Requirements of the token (electronic) control system for descent-exit and work-permits for underground mining in mines and in mines;
  • Action plan for the localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents in the mining organization;
  • 1.4. An underground miner of the 3rd category should be able to:

  • Manage hydraulic fracturing units;
  • To identify visually malfunctions of the rope, rollers, track, brake pulley and signaling device of the brake Bremsberg installation during underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Manage injection installations, drainage machines, brake Bremsberg installation when laying, restoring drainage, drainage ditches and wells in underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Eliminate minor malfunctions in the operation of the serviced equipment for underground mining in mines and in mines in accordance with their qualifications, in their area of ​​responsibility;
  • Use special tools and devices when removing plugging of the throat of the suction pump, air plugs;
  • Operate the scraper winch;
  • Use personal protective equipment, gas protection equipment, fire extinguishing equipment during underground mining in mines (mines);
  • Remove foreign large objects manually or using pulp devices;
  • Use special tools and devices for troubleshooting, building up and repairing belt conveyors in underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Determine visually and / or using instruments of deviation of parameters (modes) of equipment used for underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Control the water jet and slurry flow when extinguishing fires in underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Perform control measurements of wells;
  • Find your way in the mining system;
  • Provide first aid to the victim;
  • Understand the signals given at the blasting site;
  • Install fences and warning signs at the blasting area;
  • Use personal protective equipment, gas protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and use an emergency tool in emergency situations;
  • Use drilling tools when drilling boreholes and underbores;
  • Use special equipment, a tool for cleaning wells;
  • Check the places of drilling and blasting operations for compliance with safety requirements;
  • Assess the integrity of fences, the performance of communication equipment, industrial alarms, collective and personal protective equipment, fire extinguishing and gas protection equipment at the working area during underground mining in mines (mines);
  • Use special devices and tools in the manufacture and repair of support elements for covering ventilation shafts of mines, pipes, ladders, hatches, stairs in mine workings;
  • Use personal protective equipment, gas protection equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and use an emergency tool in emergency situations during underground mining in mines (mines);
  • Identify visually contamination of mined ore, coal, shale with visible rock;
  • Visually assess the presence of stable ventilation;
  • Perform fastening and assembly and dismantling works outside the mining face;
  • Control the tightness of injection systems during underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Maintain accounting records;
  • Use perforators and entrenching tools, jackhammers when trimming sides and roofs and carry out minor repairs of the tool;
  • Prepare concrete mix, clay, cement, lime mortars and emulsions for underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Provide first aid to the victim;
  • Build up water and air pipelines for underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Operate pushers, winches for rolling up and rolling back loaded and empty trolleys for underground mining in mines and mines;
  • Regulate and route the filling material through pipelines in underground mining in mines (mines);
  • 1.5. An underground miner of the 3rd category is appointed and dismissed by the order of the Managing Director of the Qualifications Development Department of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. An underground miner of the 3rd category is subordinate to the managing director of the department for the development of qualifications of the Institution and the head of the department "Technological technologies"

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Maintenance of technological equipment and mechanisms in mines (mines).
  • 2.2. Preparatory and auxiliary operations during drilling and blasting operations.
  • 2.3. Execution of auxiliary operations when driving mine workings.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Monitoring the performance of equipment and mechanisms for underground mining in mines (mines) in the area of ​​responsibility.
  • 3.2. Maintenance of a hydraulic elevator, bucket elevator, dredger.
  • 3.3. Maintaining an aggregate journal and accounting documentation.
  • 3.4. Ensuring a uniform flow of pulp into the sump of elevators and dredgers for underground mining.
  • 3.5. Checking the state of the workplace for compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety in underground mining.
  • 3.6. Servicing pumps when pumping water from mines (mines).
  • 3.7. Preparation for operation of equipment and mechanisms for underground mining in the area of ​​responsibility.
  • 3.8. Lubrication and filling with fuels and lubricants of serviced equipment for underground mining in mines and in mines, collection of waste oil and its delivery for regeneration.
  • 3.9. Maintenance and repair of belt and scraper conveyors in underground mining.
  • 3.10. Collection and delivery of faulty drilling tools to the workshop.
  • 3.11. Drilling boreholes and underbores.
  • 3.12. Protection of explosive materials at the site of blasting operations.
  • 3.13. Work on the crank while driving pits.
  • 3.14. Preparation of blasting sites in accordance with the requirements of safety rules.
  • 3.15. Delivery of explosive materials to the places of blasting operations under the guidance of a blaster.
  • 3.16. Delivery of drilling tools to the places of drilling and blasting operations.
  • 3.17. Tying reinforcement for subsequent concreting work.
  • 3.18. Rolling and rolling of loaded and empty trolleys manually and with the help of mechanisms.
  • 3.19. Repair of lining and trimming of sides and roofs, if necessary.
  • 3.20. Installation of a monorail overhead road (without drilling).
  • 3.21. Whitewashing of mine workings during the preparation of mine workings for subsequent cleaning works.
  • 3.22. Installation and cementing of bolts, hooks.
  • 3.23. Receiving (transferring), upon acceptance and delivery of the change, information about the shift production task for the preparation of mine workings for subsequent cleaning works, malfunctions in the operation of the serviced equipment and the measures taken to eliminate them.
  • 3.24. Checking the condition of mine workings, lining, ventilation devices, rail tracks and turnouts in the area of ​​responsibility.
  • 3.25. Maintenance of water barriers in gas and dust hazardous mines.
  • 3.26. Shale formation of coal dust accumulation sites.
  • 3.27. Checking the condition of fences and the serviceability of communication equipment, industrial alarms, collective and individual protective equipment, fire extinguishing and gas protection equipment at the mining site of an underground mine and in the mine.
  • 3.28. Arrangement of running sections of mine workings.
  • 3.37. Cleaning of conveyor staves of scraper and belt conveyors in underground mining in mines.
  • 4. Rights

    An underground miner of the 3rd category has the right to:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of an underground miner of the 3rd category.

    4.2. Improve qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of an underground miner of the 3rd category.

    4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on improving performance in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Apply to the relevant local government bodies or the court to resolve disputes arising from the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the execution of their job responsibilities.

    4.8. Pass certification in accordance with the established procedure.

    5. Responsibility

    An underground miner of the 3rd category is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of their functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the Managing Director of the Qualifications Development Department of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the execution of assigned tasks and orders, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established at the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, an underground miner of the 3rd category can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description is developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) Labor Code Of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (as amended and supplemented), the professional standard "Miner" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2017 No. 52n and other normative legal acts governing labor relations.

    Cleans trolleys, machines, mechanisms, haulage workings and tracks, slabs, platforms, gutters from coal, ore, rock and other foreign objects with loading into wagons. 2.11. Inspects and lubricates trolley bearings. 2.12. Coats lintels, shields, pipes with clay. 2.13. Carries out dusting of places where dust accumulates. 2.14. Prepares clay, cement, lime mortar, emulsion. 2.15. Opens and closes vent doors. 2.16. Wraps hoses. 2.17. Serves filter grids on sump. 2.18. It pumps out water by hand pumps. 2.19. Takes into account and checks the contamination of the extracted mineral by visible rock. 2.20. It takes operational samples of minerals from trolleys and conveyors outside the working and preparation faces using samplers and special devices. 2.21.


    For non-performance or improper performance their job duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Head of the structural unit (initials, surname) (signature) "" 20

    Agreed by: Chief legal department(initials, surname) (signature) "" 20

    403 forbidden

    Job description of a miner at geological works with a shovel fracturing He is with an oriental flavor An underground miner (hydraulic fracturing) is a lower mine specialty, something like a handyman in other industries. It is used for the most stupid and unskilled jobs, does not part with a shovel for years. Representatives of other specialties look down on hydraulic fracturing and call it a "team of underdeveloped" (options: "specially untrained person", "a click smarter than Jacques").


    Seriously speaking, hydraulic fracturing is an initial specialty, which begins the underground experience of every mine specialist: GROZ, drifter, MGVM, MPU, electrical fitter, mining foreman, etc. this profession, and only then, if there is a desire, can he engage in improving his qualifications.

    Job description of an underground miner of the 3rd category

    Unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers (ETKS), 2017 Issue No. 4 ETKS Issue approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 12, 2003 No. 61 Section ETKS "General professions of mining and mining capital works" § 10.

    Miner of the 1st category Description of work. Cleaning of wagons, trolleys, highways and railways in quarries and open-pit mines, haulage workings, drainage ditches from debris, rocks, silt. Checking and accounting of mineral contamination by visible rock.
    Checking the completeness of loading trolleys, wagons and other vehicles. Accounting for the extracted minerals and rocks. Sample collection, delivery and accounting.
    Registration of certificates for rejection and documents for accounting for the extraction of minerals. Translation of arrows.


    Temporary protection of explosive materials at the place of blasting operations, charged blocks, wells, an explosive zone during blasting operations in quarries, as well as other facilities. Installation of fences and warning signs, giving and receiving signals.

    Hose wrapping. Lubrication of trolleys, machines and mechanisms. Collecting used oil and handing it over for regeneration.


    Lifting derailed trolleys and wagons. Participation in the preparation of clay, cement, lime and other solutions. Loading, unloading and transportation of goods by animal-drawn transport, caring for a horse, harness, harness.

    Disinfection of premises, cleaning the contents of toilets. Work on the crank while driving pits. Selection according to the completeness and movement of the drilling tool to the place of work.
    Collection of blunt drilling tools and delivery to the workshop.

    Job description of a miner

    Spreading of roads in quarries with sand in case of icy ice, boiling and water supply, dust removal, chlorination of sewer networks and other similar work that does not require training. Should know: the principle of operation of the mechanisms, devices and tools used, the rules for handling them; delivery route, rules for carrying the used sets of drills, their sizes, head shapes; methods of stowage of goods in stacks; the order of maintenance of turnouts and signals; the name and location of mine workings and the rules for safe movement along them; the external difference between a mineral and a rock; grades and properties of lubricants, methods of their application; the procedure for accounting for the issued mineral resource; rules for setting derailed trolleys; signs of classification of minerals and rocks.
    § 11. Miner of the 2nd category Description of work.

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    Scraper winch control for stowing operations.

    • Formwork and lintels made of wood, metal and other materials.
    • Installation of metal rods for fastening lintels and formwork.
    • Implementation of fastening and assembly de installation works outside the treatment area.
    • Execution of work on a suspended shelf when driving or deepening vertical shafts: passing buckets, materials, equipment through the sockets of the suspended shelf; the passage of pipe staves through the legs of the shelf during the descent and ascent of the shelf or pipe staves.
    • Delivery, installation, dismantling, relocation, preparation for operation of equipment for chemical strengthening of unstable carbonaceous massifs.

    Underground miner Providing assistance to the victim with bone fractures, bruises, sprains, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the damaged part of the body by applying a tight bandage (splint), apply cold.

    Job description of an underground miner

    Underground miner of the 3rd category When working on models of building structures, it is forbidden to walk on fittings, cross struts, and loosen stretch marks. All free foundation glasses must be closed with covers. 3.15. When projecting points from the initial to the mounting horizon, it is prohibited to simultaneously perform work on two levels. A canopy with a special trap for falling objects should be erected above the instruments on the lower horizon. When demonstrating laser and other devices with increased danger, preparation, bringing the device to the working position and turning on the device is carried out by the teacher and laboratory assistant of the department who have completed special training and a course of safety precautions. All teams must be supplied with a complete set of instruments, tools, inventory and equipment, the quality and safety of which must be constantly monitored. 3.18.

    • Themes:
    • Job instructions

    The section "Job descriptions" contains the necessary information on how the job description is drawn up. Here you can find typical job descriptions for different specialties.
    Our bank of job descriptions includes more than 2500 different documents. These job descriptions of 2015 were compiled and edited, which means they are relevant today. In this article, you will learn:

    • what duties, powers and rights are reflected in the job description of an underground miner;
    • what provisions does the typical job description of an underground miner contain;
    • what areas of work under this job description is this specialist responsible in your organization.

    Society with limited liability"Alpha" APPROVED General Director A.V.

    Sampling of minerals from the rock mass, storage, loading into vehicles. Weighing of minerals and delivery to the receiver.

    Unloading trolleys on a tipper. Delivery of explosives under the supervision of a blaster to the places of blasting operations. Preparation and delivery of stemming materials. Maintenance of hydraulic elevators, bucket elevators, earth pumps. Monitoring the uniform flow of pulp into the sump of elevators and dredgers. Eliminate suction blockage or air pockets. Removal of foreign and large objects from the pulp manually or with the help of devices.

    Cleaning of the suction neck, suction hoses, grate screen above the sump. Cleaning and repair of wells. Elimination of minor malfunctions in the operation of the serviced equipment and mechanisms.

    Acceptance, storage and delivery of low-value inventory.

    Duty Surface Miner

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2003 N 61 "On approval of the Unified tariff and qualification reference book of work and professions of workers, issue 4, sections:" General professions of mining and mining capital works "," General professions for enrichment, agglomeration , briquetting "," Extraction and processing of coal and shale, construction of coal and shale mines and open-pit mines "," Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes "," Extraction and processing of ore and placer minerals "," Agglomeration of ores "," Extraction and beneficiation of mining chemical raw materials "," Extraction and beneficiation building materials"," Extraction and processing of peat "," Processing of brown coal and ozokerite ores "and other regulations governing employment relationship.

    1. General Provisions 1.1.

    Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
    Issue No. 4 ETKS
    The issue was approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 12, 2003 N 61

    Underground miner

    § 21. Underground miner of the 1st category

    Description of works... Execution of work on slabs and arrivals with the release of rock mass at the workplace according to the plan up to 100 tons per shift. Rolling and rolling of loaded and empty trolleys using winches, pushers and manually. Reception and direction of trolleys through ramps and slabs. Coupling and uncoupling of wagons and platforms, transfer of switches. Escort of trains and individual cars. Reception and delivery of audible and visible signals. Accounting for the descent and ascent of workers and cargo. Acceptance and return to the mark of release and exit tokens, indicating the time of descent and exit. Lifting derailed trolleys, wagons. Cleaning of trolleys, machines, mechanisms, haulage workings and tracks, slabs, platforms, gutters from coal, ore, rock and other foreign objects with loading into wagons. Inspection and lubrication of trolley bearings. Coating lintels, shields, pipes with clay. Slate dust accumulation. Whitewashing of mine workings. Preparation of clay, cement, lime mortars. Preparation of the emulsion. Spacing of conveyors. Opening and closing the ventilation lintel doors. Hose wrapping. Maintenance of filter screens on sump. Manual cleaning of lining of underground structures. Pumping water by hand pumps. Accounting and verification of contamination of a mineral by visible rock. Selection of the breed. Checking the completeness of loading trolleys. Accounting for the extracted minerals and rocks. Taking operational samples of minerals from trolleys and conveyors outside the working and preparation faces using samplers and special devices. Sample preparation. Temporary protection of explosive materials at the place of blasting operations, exploded blocks and other objects. Installation of fences and warning signs. Delivery of drilling tools, delivery of materials, boiling and delivery of water, manufacture and delivery of stemming, performance of other auxiliary work that does not require training. Cleaning of underground offices.

    Must know: the principle of operation of loading and unloading devices, winches, pushers, conveyors, used mechanisms, devices, rules for handling them; types of trolleys and couplers, devices for dusting and whitewashing workings; operating rules for ropeway haulage; rules for the transportation of people and goods; techniques for lifting derailed trolleys; rules for setting track signals and switching arrows; regulation on acceptance and rejection of minerals; purpose of inert dust, its consumption rates and storage procedure; purpose and rules for the preparation of clay, cement, lime mortars; the purpose and location of mine workings, the rules of movement along them; grades and properties of lubricants, methods of their application; operating rules and procedure for maintaining turnouts; rules and methods of sampling and cutting of operational samples; requirements for the quality of samples; device of samplers; the procedure for accounting for the extracted mineral; regulations on the protection of explosive materials at the place of blasting operations and other objects; device of filter grids, sump, suction sleeves.

    § 22. Underground miner of the 2nd category

    Description of works... Execution of work on slabs and arrivals with the release of rock mass at the workplace according to the plan over 100 tons per shift. Rolling up and rolling of loaded and empty trolleys outside the face area manually and using mechanisms. Observing the correct landing of people in the cage, trolleys and exiting them. Unloading the rock mass into an ore pass, bunker or conveyor through a tipper. Assisting the stem man in his work to supervise the correct and safe handling of the loading and unloading of the cage. Cleaning of soil, sheets, wooden flooring of slopes, passing a mineral on them. Cleaning up the spilled rock mass. Re-laying and replacement of sheets (pans) and wooden flooring. Sampling of reservoir and production samples in production and preparation faces. Performing auxiliary work during scraping of rock mass, formation and disbandment of trains. Control of the brake Bremsberg installation, monitoring its operation, the condition of the rope, rollers, track, brake pulley and signaling device, lubrication of the brake pulley bearings. Monitoring compliance with the technology of mining. Delivery of explosives under the supervision of a blaster to the places of blasting operations. Checking the serviceability of the cars supplied for filling with the emulsion, turning on and off the pumps when pumping the emulsion through the pipes, closing the holes in the cars with plugs (in their absence, making new ones). A message to the mining dispatcher about the completion of filling and the supply of empty wagons. Management and maintenance of a hydraulic elevator, starting and stopping it, eliminating minor malfunctions in its operation. Monitoring the flow of pulp into the sump of hydraulic elevators and dredgers, removing foreign objects from the pulp. Cleaning the suction neck. Participation in the repair of serviced machines, mechanisms, devices. Treatment of toilets with disinfectant solutions and removal of the contents of the toilets from the mine.

    Must know: techniques for passing the rock mass along the slopes; ways of arranging wooden flooring; schemes of haulage and track routes; track profile on the serviced section; rules for regulating the movement of trains, loading, unloading and haulage of trolleys; ventilation scheme and direction of the outgoing jet through the mine; rules for storing, transporting, carrying explosive materials in mine workings; properties of explosive materials; arrangement of fences and rules for placing posts; installed alarms during blasting operations; state standards for sampling and cutting of samples; provision on acceptance and rejection of coal (shale), works; design and principle of operation of sampling and sample-dividing mechanisms, devices, hydraulic elevators, Bremsberg installation and other serviced equipment; slurry pipeline diagram.

    § 23. Underground miner of the 3rd category

    Description of works ... Acceptance of fasteners, explosive, construction, lubricants, spare parts and equipment at the shaft, pit or borehole, loading and unloading them manually or with the help of rigging mechanisms and devices into trolleys, platforms, buckets, cages; delivery through mine workings to the destination, from site to site, to the shaft (pit), delivery from the mine. Carrying out, fastening, restoration and cleaning of drainage, drainage ditches and wells manually from rock and sludge, sludge removal, haulage of loaded trolleys. Maintenance of equipment during the production of drainage works. Inspection of the condition of mine workings, trimming the sides and roof using a perforator, jackhammer or manually, minor repairs of rock drills and jackhammers. Cleaning trolleys from adhered and compressed mass using pneumatic tools. Assistance to the electric locomotive driver in the production of shunting work. Execution of works on underground devices. Tightening the sides and roof of the workings, replacing the puffs, backfilling the voids behind the lining. Soil support and side stripping. Preparation of a cut for lintels. Construction of all types of lintels and their repair. Installation and repair of ventilation doors, windows, metering stations, wooden boards, pipes, barriers, scaffolds. Installation of door frames, door hinge, installation of shelving. Manufacturing, installation, dismantling and repair of ladders, hatches, stairs, shelves, fences, railings, bunkers in mine workings with an angle of inclination up to 45 °. Sheathing of ventilation shafts in mines. Procurement of rods, preparation of concrete mix, delivery to the place of work. Rebar tying, installation and cementing of bolts, hooks. Selection and procurement of support and formwork elements. Delivery of rock by trolleys to the place of dry filling of the worked-out space. Release of rock from ore slopes, rising funnels and passing it through screens into a bunker or ore pass, breaking up oversized items, building up ore passes. Manual drilling of boreholes and underbores. Harvesting and driving plugs into drilled holes. Selection of drills and bits. Participation under the guidance of a blaster in loading boreholes, blast holes, mine chambers with the delivery of explosives to the place of blasting operations. Cleaning of sump, catcher chambers (under the cage, skips), water collectors from silt, spilled rock mass with loading into trolleys and unloading from them. Breakdown of large pieces of rock. Cleaning of conveyor strings of scraper and belt conveyors. Participation in the replacement of pans and chains on conveyors, replacement of drums. Participation in the repair of belt conveyors. Maintenance of water barriers (carrying, delivery, installation of a container, filling with water). Collection, loading and unloading of scrap metal in the mine. Execution of works to prevent and extinguish fires in coal and shale mines: assembly, disassembly, carrying, laying pipe strings; preparation of a cut for lintels, drilling of boreholes, fastening of workings, ditches and wells different kinds lining, coal and rock excavation in the zone of the burning massif. Execution of auxiliary works during excavation and mining excavation of minerals.

    Must know: arrangement of vehicles, devices used when loading heavy parts and equipment; varieties, species and sizes of forest materials; methods and rules for conducting and fixing drainage, drainage ditches and wells in various conditions; methods and rules of rigging; purpose and arrangement of jumpers of various types; methods and techniques for extinguishing burning coal; rules for conducting work when burning coal in mine workings; scheme of local and mine drainage; rules for loading blast holes, boreholes, mine chambers; device and location of water collectors, sump; work schedules of stands and skips; arrangement and purpose of shelves, ladders, ladders, hatches and other arrangements of mine workings, methods of performing carpentry work in a mine; mechanical properties and types of wood of various species; types and types of used support; rules for performing locksmith and installation work in the amount necessary for the work; basic information about the device of gas-cutting equipment.

    Section 24. Underground miner of the 4th category

    Description of works... Management of injection installations, drainage machines during the implementation, restoration of drainage, drainage ditches and wells, installations for hydraulic fracturing. Maintenance of drainage machines in the production of drainage works. Arrangement and repair of crossings, ladders, loading hatches, ladders, shelves, railings, railings, fences, bunkers in mine workings with an angle of inclination of more than 45 °. Cleaning the shaft of mines from ice. Wall cladding and repair of the cladding of the bucket and staircase sections of the shaft, uprising workings. Providing assistance in the management of self-propelled equipment, loading machines, loading and haul-off and other machines and installations in the extraction of minerals and sinking of mine workings. Backfilling of the goaf with hardening backfill. Regulation and direction of filling material through pipelines. Observation of the readings of measuring instruments. Extension and shortening of pipelines. Bringing the workplace into a safe state before starting work and during the shift. Accounting for the number of accepted bookmarks. Scraper winch control for stowing operations. Formwork and lintels made of wood, metal and other materials. Installation of metal rods for fastening lintels and formwork. Fastening and assembly and disassembly works outside the treatment area. Execution of work on a suspended shelf when driving or deepening vertical shafts: passing buckets, materials, equipment through the sockets of the suspended shelf; the passage of pipe staves through the legs of the shelf during the descent and ascent of the shelf or pipe staves. Delivery, installation, dismantling, relocation, preparation for operation of equipment for chemical strengthening of unstable carbonaceous massifs. Laying of injection and emulsion hoses, their suspension to the support elements. Planning and clearing the site for the installation of equipment. Packing and delivery of chemicals to the work site. Sealing of borehole and wellheads. Preparation of bonding solutions. Injection of chemicals into the array in accordance with the passport, adjustment of parameters. Monitoring the tightness of injection systems. Hydraulic fracturing.

    Must know: device, technical characteristics of the machines and equipment used; rules for installation, dismantling and operation of injection equipment and equipment for hydraulic fracturing from underground mine workings, their technical characteristics; used bonding compounds, their reagents, storage, transportation and safety measures when working with them; parameters of works on chemical strengthening of rocks; modes and volumes of injection of bonding compounds; reasons for poor quality rock strengthening and measures to prevent it; procedure for hydraulic fracturing of formations and drainage ditches by machines; types of supports; the procedure for performing work on the erection and repair of lining, backfilling of the worked-out space; characteristics of mine workings of various types; features of the device and repair of the arrangement of the running rooms of mine workings with an inclination angle of more than 45 °; physical properties of rocks; communication schemes of pipelines; schedules for organizing work on barrel reinforcement; dimensions of buckets, sockets, pipes passing through the shelves; fundamentals of electrical engineering and plumbing; rules for the safe conduct of work on chemical strengthening of unstable carbon masses, hydraulic fracturing and work in underground conditions.

    I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve the job description] [date, month, year] M. P. Job description of a mining foreman [name of organization, enterprise, etc.] This job description developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the List of industries, works, professions, positions, work in which gives the right to additional leave for underground, harmful and difficult working conditions at enterprises, in associations, organizations of the coal and shale industries and in mine construction, approved. By the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of July 2, 1990 No.

    Job description of an underground miner of the 3rd category

    Job responsibilities of the employee The following job responsibilities are assigned to the miner: 2.1. Cleaning of wagons, trolleys, highways and railways in quarries and open-pit mines, haulage workings, drainage ditches from debris, rocks, silt. 2.2. Checking and accounting of mineral contamination by visible rock.


    Checking the completeness of loading trolleys, wagons and other vehicles. 2.4. Accounting for the extracted minerals and rocks. 2.5. Sample collection, delivery and accounting. 2.6. Registration of certificates for rejection and documents for accounting for the extraction of minerals.

    2.7. Translation of arrows. 2.8. Temporary protection of explosive materials at the place of blasting operations, charged blocks, wells, an explosive zone during blasting operations in quarries, as well as other facilities. 2.9. Installation of fences and warning signs, giving and receiving signals. 2.10.

    Job description of a mining foreman

    Participation in the development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of mining operations and labor productivity, the introduction of advanced technology and technology for driving mine workings, the protection of subsoil and the environment, including land reclamation during mining, improving the organization and working conditions, reducing the accident rate of work and injury. Monitoring the health of equipment, fences, fastening of mining exploration workings, safety and protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, vehicles, sanitary installations, as well as over the qualitative composition of the atmosphere in mine workings. Ensuring and monitoring the correctness and timeliness of production and reporting documentation in mining crews.
    Keeping records of hours worked by members of mining brigades.

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    Hydraulic fracturing with a shovel He is with an oriental flavor. An underground miner (hydraulic fracturing) is a lower mine specialty, something like a handyman in other industries. It is used for the most stupid and unskilled work, for years it does not part with a shovel. Representatives of other specialties look down on hydraulic fracturing and call it “a team of underdeveloped people” (variants: “specially untrained person”, “a click smarter than a Jacques”).

    Seriously speaking, hydraulic fracturing is an initial specialty, which begins the underground experience of every mine specialist: GROZ, drifter, MGVM, MPU, electrical fitter, mining foreman, etc. this profession, and only then, if there is a desire, can he engage in improving his qualifications.

    Official duties, rights and responsibilities of a mining foreman of a mining site

    To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise, which relate to its activities. 3.10. Receive from specialists and structural units documentation and information that are necessary for the performance of his job duties. 3.11. Require the management of the enterprise to help in the performance of their duties and the exercise of rights.

    3.12. Improve your professional qualifications. 3.13. To involve specialists of the structural divisions of the enterprise in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then only with the permission of the head of the enterprise). 3.14. Other rights that are provided for by labor legislation. 4. Responsibility The mining foreman is responsible: 4.1.

    Underground miner


    To pay for additional costs for medical, social and vocational rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an industrial accident and an occupational disease. 3.7. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities. 3.8. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.

    3.9. Within the limits of their competence, inform the immediate supervisor about all deficiencies identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination. 3.10. Receive from structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties. 3.11.


    A miner of the 1st category is accepted and dismissed from work by order. (position of the head of the organization) 1.4. A miner of the 1st category must know: - the principle of operation of the mechanisms, devices and tools used, the rules for handling them; - delivery route, rules for carrying the used sets of drills, their sizes, head shapes; - methods of stowage of goods in stacks; - the order of maintenance of turnouts and signals; - the name and location of mine workings and the rules for safe movement along them; - the external difference between a mineral and a rock; - grades and properties of lubricants, methods of their application; - the procedure for accounting for the issued mineral resource; - rules for setting derailed trolleys; - signs of the classification of minerals and rocks. 1.5. Professionally important qualities: physical and psychological health.

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    General Provisions. The mining foreman belongs to the category of managers. The mining foreman is appointed, moved and dismissed from his position in accordance with the personnel nomenclature approved at the industrial complex. The mining foreman of a mining site reports directly to the head of the mining site and his deputy.

    Appointed to the position of a mining foreman of a mining site from among persons who have a higher mining and technical education in the specialty of the relevant production profile without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary special education in the specialty of the corresponding production profile and at least 1 year of experience in production.

    Job instructions

    Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of a mining foreman. 4. RESPONSIBILITY The mining foreman is responsible for: 4.1. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties.
    4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the work. 4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the Head of the Organization. 4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.
    4.5. Failure to enforce labor discipline... 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The mining foreman's work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization. 5.2.
    Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2003 N 61 "On approval of the Unified tariff and qualification reference book of work and professions of workers, issue 4, sections:" General professions of mining and mining capital works "," General professions for enrichment, agglomeration , briquetting "," Extraction and processing of coal and shale, construction of coal and shale mines and open-pit mines "," Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes "," Extraction and processing of ore and alluvial minerals "," Agglomeration of ores "," Extraction and beneficiation of mining and chemical raw materials ”,“ Extraction and beneficiation of construction materials ”,“ Extraction and processing of peat ”,“ Processing of brown coal and ozokerite ores ”and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. 1. General Provisions 1.1.
    Sampling of minerals from the rock mass, storage, loading into vehicles. Weighing of minerals and delivery to the receiver. Unloading trolleys on a tipper. Delivery of explosives under the supervision of a blaster to the places of blasting operations.


    Preparation and delivery of stemming materials. Maintenance of hydraulic elevators, bucket elevators, earth pumps. Monitoring the uniform flow of pulp into the sump of elevators and dredgers. Eliminate suction blockage or air pockets. Removal of foreign and large objects from the pulp manually or with the help of devices.

    Cleaning of the suction neck, suction hoses, grate screen above the sump. Cleaning and repair of wells. Elimination of minor malfunctions in the operation of the serviced equipment and mechanisms. Acceptance, storage and delivery of low-value inventory.

    Performs work at the entrusted site in compliance with all labor protection and safety requirements. Monitors compliance with the rules of industrial sanitation and fire protection. In carrying out its activities, it complies with all the requirements of company standards, ST RK ISO 9001: 2001 and the quality management system.

    Rights. The mining foreman of the mining section of the mine has the following rights. To be directly involved in the selection of workers for the site and the staffing of production teams. Require the management of the site to provide the change with the necessary materials, working and technical documentation. To rearrange workers in accordance with the technological process, their qualifications and specialty, makes proposals for the transfer of surplus workers to other production areas.